PAGE FOUR. The Best Might Light in the. Market. . Cost for 18 Hours ¥1Yc. Cost of Lamp, 35c Corbett's. THE DOCTOR SAID ~~ "I GANT HELP YOU" Suffered 10 Months with Kidney Complaint. Gin Pills Cured. Dunvegan, Inverness Co. I am perfectly cured of Kidney com- plaint after using Gin Pills. Six hours after taking the first Pill I obtained re- lief, and now after three months I feel s well as ever, I suffered ten months and the Physi- cian attending me advised me to go to the Vietoria Hospital at Halifax, as he eould do nothing more for me. I may add that I used a great deal of me- dicie, and strictly followed my physi- cian's directions regarding diet, ete., but without avail, until providentially I learned of your most excellent remedy. i am recommending Gin Pills. (Sgd.) LEWIS MACPHERSON. ld by druggists and dealers every- 50c a box--6 for $2.50, or direct, Write for sample, free if you mention this paper. Dept. B., National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited, Toronto, 120 Portland Cement Better have that con- crete work done before winter sets in. Send us your "order for Portland Cement. Highest grade, guar- anteed quality. Our booklets tell you how to use it. ANGLIN'S LUMBER YARD Cor. Bay & Wellington Sts. Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend, Sold in three degrees of strength--No. 1, $1; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger, $3; No for special cases, per Sold by all druggists, or sent repaid on Feceips of price. eo pamphlet. Address: THE Cook Menioing 00., TORONTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor) Cook's IF YOU WANT TO BUY, RENT OR SELL REAL ESTATE I make a specialty of same. Drop a card or call on me. No trouble to show property. Insur- ance at lowest rates. Money to loan. GEO. CLIFF, Real Estate valuatior, 95 Clarence street. ete., at COPY Ar 6 wT FRESHLY MINED Coal. is far more desirable than that Hug out of the earth a year ago. It's cleaner--hasn't stored up twelve months' dirt and dust ; it's dryer and in many ways a greater heat producer. Here it is at your service on quick order-- bright, well screened coal fin all the standard sizes at standard prices for better even than stand- and quality: 1 R. CRAWFORD Phone, 9, Foot Queen St. A I RR, THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 806-810 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 per year; kditions at 2.80 and 4 o'clock p.m. WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Monday and Thurs- day morning at $1 a year. To United States, charge for postage has to be added, making price of Daily $3 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. . Attached is one of the best Job Print- ing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd, EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- bers, 32 Church St., Toronto, H. Smallpeice, Representative. Daily Wibig. CONSPIRACY AND PROPHECY. Sir Mackenzie Bowell presided at the Picton conservative meeting. Who can forget the pitiful tale of treachery he told in the senate March Ist, 1905 ? Then he recalled what had been told him in 1896 by Hon. John had been approached chamber in Costigan, who by Hon. Mr. Foster and invited to de- sert his leader. He had gone on New Year's day to call on the members of his government, and was entertained by the ladies in Mr. Foster's parlor, conspiracy went on against Sir Charles Typ- while a him in the library. per appeared upon the scene later and was offered and accepted the premier- whole so im- the first. opportunity * they (the conspira- ship. The thing had pressed the electorate that ! on tors) were relegated to "There, the opposi- added the venerable will tion. * senator, "they remain, if I can interpret public opinion, so long as they are important factors in the con- How this sound or read in the light of passing servative party." does events ? AN OPEN CONFESSION. the of the there is duly credited to of the i been delivered at Picton, this solemn daily the opposition, as having news columns In press leader declaration : "I admit that there are camp fol- lowers who, if the conservative party came into power to-morrow, would be trying to dip their arms into the pub- lic treasury up to the elbows. The merit of any government ought to he that it should be able to resist men in its own ranks who are there simply for what they can make off any + A party that happens to be in power. It sounds like a wail of distress, the cry of a troubled man, who cannot who are bar- Mr. when his party was in power, realized shake or beat off those ring the way to success. Ames, how corrupt it was, how dead to the responsibilities of office, how sunken Still to the old crew back into in iniquity. he is willing help some of He chance to do wrong since their record not been power, would give them another shows that they have re- formed. Mr. Borden' must hope and pray that the Montreal Star is right in assuming that the people in their righteous indignation will do what he to off and the party have not been able What Kill the camp followers who are ready to accomplish is that? plunder the public treasury for their own benefit. MISTAKE OF THE HOUR. Roblin made. the mistake of the the policy Mr. campaign in alleging that of the Globe had been affected by a Crow's Nest To credit be it said that the liberal par- Pass deal. his dis- free of all blame or censure in the British Col- that originally 100,000 acres "ty is this respect. It was umbia government gave or disposed of of coal lands to a syndicate of conser- vatives. They held their precious pos- session for seven years, 150,000 acres of the land went 250,000 I'hen to the C. P. R. company, and acres to a coal company in which Mr Cox and Mr. to buy stock, to the extent of one-fourth : Of the 250,000 acres held local 50,000 acres passed to the which holds it Jafiray were induced of the whole. by the company, Laurier govern ment, as a trust and protection against coal monopoly. "Grant the very worst that has heen the the enormous said about bargain," says Globe, crown wealth, who made the bargain? Who got the A conservative government in British Columbia gave "which alienated lands ? the lands to a syndicate of conserva- tives, who subsequently, under finan- to sell buy. By cial stress, were compelled stock to bringing in such planding his false charges Mr. Borden who ever would a man and by ap- becomes a party to the campaign ol slander. EDITORIAL NOTES. The campaign of slander has already failed. ple. They have revolted from it. It has not impréssed the peo- Mr. Borden is afraid of some of his hopes for a de- He- will proba- camp followers and liverance from them. bly get it. North Waterloo world a les- The candidates in are setting the political They are dining and supping to- gether, and having a real social time. son. Now that the parties have been duly represented by candidates, let us have a friendly and agreeable campaign. It is not necessary to call any one bad names, i | The conservative papers who made of Mr. Roblin's talk have that "it not The slanderer is off to Mani- much discovered truth." 20 is "gospel THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1908. . toba, and it will take the next month to apologize apd atone for his mis chief. ! election comes too soon after the local election for the local conservative party, which a little bird estimates to have spent $20,000, and so emptied the treasury. The dominion The Toronto News is horrified be- cause Mr, Marcil has busied himself in getting public works for Bonaven- ture, which it needed. "Bless yer," as Sairey Gamp would say, "that's wot him to parlerment the people sent for." Now it is Bowser, of British Colum- bia, who is being run down for slan- dering the marine department. What is to be gained by persistent fabrica- tion ? Surely Mr. Borden does not expect to succeed to office by a cam- paign of lies? SPIRIT OF THE PRE Better Be Careful. Toronto Star. If Sir Wilfrid doesn't stop holding triumphant meetings in Ontario, Que- bec will be getting jealous. : Know The Men. Lindsay Post. against Hon. W. J. Hanna with remark that, "The people know Mr. Hanna." © They do, indeed, and they are learning more every day. the Thankful For Something. Ottawa Journal, Thanksgiving day on Monday, No- vember Yth, should suit everybody. It's the king's birthday too, and most of us will be as thankful as we can be because the birthday honors always pass us by. Wouldn't It Though ? Montreal Herald. It seems Sir James Whitney is going to invade Quebec when he gets home. Wouldn't it be awful if he and Sir Lomer Gouin should first flesh their knightly swords upon each other ? Sir James runs a great risk of it. --- Age-Limit For Kissing. Montreal Herald. Sir Wilfrid informed an anxious public at Tilbury that in the matter of kissing girls who present him with bouquets he draws the line at four teen, but he admitted 'that he finds it difficult in these prosperous, well-fed times, to distinguish between icurtcen and seventeen. Have the girls been trying to raise the limit on him, or what ? HE WILL MOVE AWAY. Blind Mun Who is Tormented By Rowdies. Although Patrick Lennon was accus- ed in the police court this morning, of using abusive language, the fact could not be denied that he is tor- mented a great deal by a crowd of rowdies. Lennon, who is blind, ad- mitted using some strong language, but stated that the boys had been teasing him so much, that he almost went out of his mind. He said that, on Saturday afternoon last, some of the boys took his cap, and, after dip- ping it in water, slapped him jn the face with it. This was enough 'to make nearly any person angry, and Patrick made the air blue with his remarks. street, said that he would move away from that neighborhood, and on this condition, the case was dismissed. The magistrate remarked that it was a most confemptible trick for the boys to Lennon, and told the latter to give the police the names of the guilty parties, and they would be summoned before the court. Lennon is now in possession of the names of some of his tormentors and another police court case will likely follow. Lennon told the magistrate that he was continually troubled by the boys. They would throw stones at him while he was walking down the street, and had also thrown stones at his home. tease Will Come Some Day. Montreal Star. There will, however, grow up an is- in Canada of these days which will overwhelm all others; and this will a demand upon clean leaders to ally themselves only with clean associates if they wish to command the confidence of the try. After all, parliamentary govern- ment not entirely a of leaders. The most powerful premier or leader of the opposition bound down, more or by the sort of men who sit about him. He is seldom strong enough to be wholly indepen- dent of his following. The result is that when we elect a leader with noble principles and lofty ideals, and then imprison him in a parliamentary party of "'grafters," patronage-hun- ters and corporation "touts," we get just about as much good government out of him as we get flight out of a kite with an impossible tail. sue one issue be coun- is business 18 less, Harry Hosmer, aged thirty-one, of Fine, St. Lawrence county, N.Y., was shot and instantly killed, on Sunday night in the woods near that village. Leslie Combes *agéd eighteen, is the alleged slayer, and is arrested. The controller of an almshouse at Reading, Pa., drew the line in expen- ditures at paying $2 for the repair of a pauper's false teeth. The steamer Monarch, wrecked off Isle Royale in the fall of 1906, has been dismantled of material valued at $30,000. . I'he Toronto News meets the charges | Lennon, who lives on Upper William | GEORGIAN BAY CAMA HALF A MILLION DOLLARS SPENT IN THE SURVEY. A Scheme Very Much in the Hearts of the People--Discus- sion of Routes--Must Meet Demands of Transportation. Laurier at North Bay. { "We have spent half a million of ,dollars and a little more in order to (have surveys made in connection with {the Georgian Bay canal. Who finds fault with that? Certainly not Mr. Foster. What shall 1 say on this canal? You will expect some word from me about it. I received to-day PAGES FROM HIS RECORD. Foster's Efforts to Recover Him-] seli--Not in Demand. Lindsay Post. a Wil the people of Canada think what it means to pl in power over them a man of Foster's stripe--a graf- ter over his own signature--an appli- cant for a free timber limit--a man described by the head of his party as traitor--a man whose native province refused to elect him--a discarded and rejected political candidate--a pan whom business associates discharge from their employ--a political purist who was unsea for corruption--a man with a general all round unsav- ory reputation. What does Canada want with a man of this kind in high official position ? The fact that this man js making four addresses, thred at the station-- one from the mayor and"the city | | council, another from the board of | | rade, another from my fellow-compa- | | triots of French origin--and now one {from the liberals of North Bay and Nipissing, and in every one of these addresses reference is made to one subject--the Georgian Bay canal. The | Georgian Bay canal, 1 judge, is very {much in your hearts. Let me tell {you this, that if you have the Geor- {gian Bay canal before your hearts |and thoughts, and if it be a scheme in your hearts, it is just as much a scheme in my own heart. (Cheers. ) The Georgian Bay canal is not a nionopdly of the people of North | Bay, or the people of North Ontario, it interests the people of the Mat. tawa river, the Ottawa river, Lake Nipissing and French river. The Geor- gian Bay canal interests the city of ! Montreal, and all the habitants the St. Lawrence river. Nay, the! Georgian Bay canal interests much not only the people who are here, but it is of interest almost as much as to ourselves to the men who to- day till the soil and raise wheat in the prairie provinces. There no | necessity for me to advocate a Geor- gian Bay canal. Why, sir, we have only to look at history. The route of the Georgian Bay canal has been the route of trade from the earliest days of the colonists. "If, instead of in the year 1908 we | had stood on the banks of Lake Ni- | pissing in the year 1808, you would | have found a flotilla of birch canoes coming from the great prairies, which | were then ruled by the bison and | other wild animals with fur; for | | | the fur trade the early French voyag- on | 18 eurs followed that route by the Ot- tawa, Mattawa, Nipissing and French rivers, and the chain of lakes, to carry the produce of the day to dis- tant parts. That trade has passed away, but we have now another trade, the wheat trade, which is | now being developed by the great numbers of men whom we have brought in the last few years into | the west. They must have the | shortest and best and cheapest route | to the market, and it goes without saying that the shortest and cheapest | route would be over the Georgian Bay | canal. I was the other day in the town of Niagara, and I was asked | what about the Welland canal. I had no hesitation in saying that the Wel- land canal, which is now fourteen feet | feet at least but. if there are people on the St. Lawrence who would look askance on the Georgian Bay canal or if there are people on Lake Nipis- sing who would look askance at the! deepening of the canals of the St. | Lawrence, I would say to them, 'Oh ve of little faith, you do not know the possibilities of your country.' "We must have the Grand Trunk Pacific, the Georgian Bay canal, the Welland canal deepened to twenty feet, and more railways, and shall have hardly means enough {transportation for the immense deve opment I foresee in the west. This {is the policy, but when shall it be ? I must speak with perfect frankness. | I cannot say whether we will be [ready to commence building the | {Georgian Bay canal, to-day, or to- | morrow, because we have a falling revenue and a heavy expenditure on | { works. But if Providence spares me, | {and the Canadian people leave me {and my friends at the head of affairs, {it will be our duty to take up the {Georgian Bay canal as soon as the {resources of the country permit us. These things, however, cannot come all at once. Canada was not built in a day; we must keep this goal before our eyes for ourselves and for our descendants, and I hope for our- selves to take it up at no distant date." (Cheers). we | of i I- | Down On Race Cries. Victoria Colonist. The cheap policy, the poor apprecia- tion of public duty, which lead an English-Canadian newspaper to to gain strength for its party by re presenting that there is a rafal issue in Canada are hurtful to the state {We earnestly hope that the example iset by the newspapers referred to will not be followed. It is worth remem- bering that we all will have to live in Canada after the election, and, there fore, ought not to raise difficulties which may prove obstacles to that harmony upon which so much of the progress of the dominion depends. seek Not A Good Campaign. London Advertiser. There was something pathetic about Mr. Borden's meeting. He had a big crowd, and the conservatives in the audience were ready to ignite if he would kindle the spark; but they waited in vain. It was not Mr. Bor den's fault, but his misfortune. He simply has not the temperament of a public speaker, and it can't be acquir- ed. His hearers were almost tempted to believe that if a man who pre- sumes to be a public leader can't put fire into his speech, he ought to put his speech into the fire. Students. If you inspect our new $2 and $2.50 derbies you'll see hats that are not surpassed for style, quality or value in Canada. Campbell Bros'., fashion's acknowledged headquarters for hats and furs. Nearly half a million dollars have been paid into the Ontario treasury by the estate of the late Timothy ton. Backache is almost immediately re: lieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters, Try ope and be free from pain. Price 25c. | member | cians that, when they put dp a taint- deep, ought to be deepened to twenty | Odessa {Lawrence waterway, 'stand to its credit. every effort. to gain political office should be a warning to the people to use every effort to make him under stand once and for all that Canadian public men must be without reproach, of clean lives, public and private, and against whom no official record exists which stamps them as undesirable fac- tors in public affairs. If you measure Foster by the stand- ard with which he measures others, he would not measire an inch. The man is offensive to his party, as freely stated by the party organs, and his record is a stench in the nostrils of the public. Since George 'BE. Foster was found guilty of gambling with the trust funds of the widows and or phans of the Foresters, which funds he placed in peril by illegal dealings, he has become an impossibility as a min- ister of the crown, and undesirable in any public position of trust. Search For Pure Men. Montreal Star. The people, however, have a remedy in their own hands, if they will only apply it. They can poll against men whose influences within their respec- tive parties is of a sinister character. They can go far toward giving us two clean parties in the next parliament. Men under suspicion can be left at home until they have cleared the sus- picion away. It is not unfair to ask a representative man to keep his name clean or to make wap~for one of the many amongst his fellow-citizens whose reputations are untarnished. A of parliament should be the best man in his constituency for the position. It should never be a case of putting up with a "fair to middling" specimen: but of searching the district over and getting the very best repre- sentative public man we can find. We have the whoié dominion out of which to select some two hundred odd mem- bers. That we should permit one to join the two hundred, about whom we are even suspicious, is surely a humili- ating comment on our common sense. The people should teach the politi- ed candidate, they lose the seat. AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. ates of Some of These For Bancroft Bobcaygeon Colborne Delta ... Maberl .1 and 2. 29 and 30. «..0Oct. 5 and 6 ept. 29 and 3. Roblin Spencerv Fwead Virtues Of Laurierism. Toronto News. . 'No sarfe person preténds that no- thing of national value has been ac- complished by the Laurier administra- tion. "Only a mad partizanship would deny the advantages of certain of its achievements. "The British preference, the railway commission, the Lemicux act, the ex- tension of the Intercolonial railway to Montreal, the improvement of the St. the activities of the department of immigration, all "The department of agriculture has been well administered. Good work has been done by the labor: depart- ment. There have been good results from the heavy expenditures on 'the militia." A Place Of Peace. Collier's Weekly The island (Prince Edward), will get its tunnel in due time, but not, one supposes, from Mr. Foster. Me@awhile there are peopic in that little earthly paradise who don't care whether they have a tunnel or not. If the tunnel comes along, all right. i § doesn't, all right too--for solitude bPféeds great thoughts. ITCHY SKIN. ANY PART OF BODY CURED Dr. Hamilton's Ointment the most curative ointment known. It cleanses away sick skin. It renders the skin smooth, soft and pliable. It removes redness, dryness and cracks. Itchiness is just an effort of sick skin to get rid of dead . cuticle. Dr. Hamilton's Ointment both food and cure--it removes the cause--it cures the result. is Large -boxes at druggists 5c. or post-paid from Polson & Co., Kingston. BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER rr E.W.GILLETT Samm OUR NEW OVERCOATS ARE READY Never in our business experience have we been able to offer our trade such superior Overcoats as we are now showing. » We spared no effort to secure the BEST COATS that experience, skill, and money could make--and we now offer them for your choosing. The Top Coat, the Medium Length Coat or Chesterfield, $8.00, 10, 12.50, 15.00. The Uollege Coat, $10, 12.50, 15, 18. The Westminster, £15, 18 and 20. The Grosvenor, $12.50, 15, 18. HE H. D. BIBBY GO. THE MEN'S OVERCOAT STORE. III IRIN D> D > > > "COAL OIL." We carry in stock three grades of Ameri- can Oil, the best of their respective kinds manufactured. "Brilliant Safety," "'Pratt's Astral" and - "Family - Favorite." Try our "Brilliant Safety and yon will use no other. tam Delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 35. 77 PRINCESS ST. ELLIOTT BROS. V0 00000 EE ------ AICI I AIK COWAN'S CHOCOLATES AND MAPLE BUDS 50c. PER. LB. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. : | HHA HAASE C > HEHSIAK HEH 3 SHAAN HH HASHAS HH *¥ FAASEE * # * MADE IN KINGSTON, CANADA. «nx, Imperial Grown Brand Underwear Unless we knew ths Superiority of Imperial Crown Brand Underwear. It would not pay us to advertise. We rely on re- taining your trade. Insist on having Imperial Crown Brand. Ask your dealer for it. a ---- Advise the purchase immediately of thezfo'. lowing Cobalt Silver Stocks : Bova Scotia, Trethewey , and Chambers-Ferland. Buying or selling orders may be wired at my expense. All marketable securities handled. Corres- pondence invited. J. O. HUTTON, 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. A HINT TO SHAVERS FOR 25 CENTS. Got one and ty ta or THE FRONTENAC Repairing of all kinds. My Vadet.