THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. 1908. . + PAGE SEVEN. { Monday, F gp ; and Wednesday, and | . - THE PORT RENEW "5 HE STAY DEBE] THE STANDARD BANK day, and al end the season & Br 4 | d------ Louis with contests Sunda ay, s nd Tuesday. Before the 5 Youd ol > lveinnd St. Louis will mary ov: blcy ENGLISHMAN TR TRICKS SOME Synopsis of Canadian ati Monday end Tues "Wl SAXON SOLDIERS. | gad ion OF CANADA 51 be New York, and after Friday's and i to i _-- 3s ay's games at Detroi ill re- Northwest. / iy ¥ Seri ot ii Saturday's games at De RY xe Pretends He is Their Colonel and Senior Team Practices in turn home for the finals with Cleve. | . " asa rd behind it i : i Armouries Wednesday Evening |land. ' ! Marches inem Into Town--| is a Rank of age sad Strength hana spor ke strong Homestead Regulations. | a a pu |" A Clever Scheme. . of 35 years of sound and success , A NY even-numbered section of Domin ! Be H ie Hoe on Taunuey General Notes On Sport. London, Sept. 29.~The trick of the in resources and banking experience. pla ds _in 5, 'Cucepting $ Cand' 3 tod ; i : A squabble between Gifford, captain | (0100 captain of Koepenick, who, in We invite you to join the large number of pru on Personae dma he re Th Eingstn Fesht Seb football of fhe Ne nes wy a a second-hand uniform took command successful people who have found banking relations wit . I i team ad. a ine practice a Green, a ancouve! ayer in he G x ismen and | rl Years of age, n ent cricket field at six o'clock this morn-| Westminster match Saturday, devel.|°l ® squad of German guard a it both agreeable and profitable. quarter section, of 160 acres, or les | used them to arrest a mayor and] , rs for homestead er must - be | ing. Enough men were out to have oped into a free-for-all fight, thirty | rob a municipal treasury, was a tame | \ If-you have not yet begun to save your spare dolla on by the applic ant at a min. | . ian hour's good stif work. The play- players and officials mixing up, in al aflair compared to an incident des- make a start to-day by depositing One Dollar or more in ers are showing up well and after a general riot at Vancouver. George cribed in the Times by H Cham- : 7 . : ' gene . y Heaory am Savings Department, conditions by the father, mother, few more work-outs will be in good Paris, the colored trainer of the berlain, a retired naval lieutenant. our 1g oer or. no shape. Some of the Limestones will Vancouver team, was struck by rotten | "Co walking tour in Gérmany he KINGSTON BRANCH mesteader, j likely be out, but most of them willleggs and drew a revolver. He was body of S di 1 : 83, came upon a y ol daxon solcCiers S. Turner, Madager application for cancellation mt ei naturally be with the senior team, seized, disarmed and arrested. Rev. taking their ease in a wood, and : J. S.. : 4 D sTS nade in person he applicant must be yy : a . av. iuhi > ada i , : * AND BAGOT eligible for homestead entry, hi picid os they cannot all play junior after J. S. Henderson, president of the though his German, vocabulary con- WOR. PRINCESS DUTIES. --(1) At lest six months ; rs 5; t being in the senior series, without a |New Westminster club, succeeded in {sisted of only about forty words sat dence upon and cultivation of the land in permit. As near as can be now learn- restoring order. Gifford and Green, down and conversed with them. He each ycar during the term of three- years, . b ed the first game will be played on Sa- bleedi fusel } k I i A y 4 § 0 x gr play & hy. ng proiusely, shoo hands. t » (2) A homesteader may, if he so desires, 3 A | g Fk » Nas WeaHing au an old Foy suit, 8, Je h hat and flannel shir and carrie rel . N { 1 a a y perform the required residence duties by g Bf SE i turday, October 10th, with | either the end of the second quarter the roi on farming land owned solely by Jism, ; 4 } Gana ie or Bros kville. Both these ¢ game was J onped, Westminster lead- |, umbrella. Quite casually he: men- 3 not leks than eighty (80) acres in extent, in | ; towns will enter the junior series, just ing by eight goals. | tioned that he waz a naval officer, : the vicinity of his homestead. Joint owner 4 iE a ' . J ha | a . ship in land will not meet this requirement. ' jto be with the Kingston team, . as! fe old Northern baseball league, | "At the mention of the word offi- : Bu TE ther St cpner, Vf She Lather . | they have | always been indy Hype which came, Le an untimely sad this | gor the men sat up, buttoned their 2 I omesteader had permane Ls Tho > 8) ep I erated) hl omeseader fd Po by | The K.Y team should win oafithis| season, is likely ito- be succeede Y [tunics and buckled on their swords, him, not less than eighty (80) acres in ex- 4 ur Money section, an all-Canadian combination, which | oF bayonets] forget which tent, in the vicinity of the homestead, or upon ! Are you . : shall include Winnipeg, Edmonton, 'going to Niederbronn ¥ wa mr: ron This trademark makes a homestead entered for by him in the vicinity, 2 Senior Rugby Practice. Calgary, Moose Jaw, Regina and ie Bd 'Yes,' they Mid 'We are h homesteader may perform his own resi- ' = . ' 4 N re . » vy. y F T -e a red Te go living with the father (or Refunded 4 I'he senior rughy team will have Brandon. Port Arthur and Fort Wil going to walk to Niederbronn and i - man ES | se of fine hand-tailo (4) The term "vicinity" in the two pre ¥ its first practice in the armories on |liam may also be asked to come there take the train to Bitsch.' What ¢ evil genius prompted me to make the REFORM garments. ceding paragraphs is defined as meaning not Wedne sday evening. All the old lin. 0 les in a direct line. | A 5 more than.nine mi or 3 3 A next remark I cannot tell, but, though | person the sole head n ANADIAN NORTH-WEST players and as many new recruits as| President Roosevelt it in lavor of SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NO 'WE want to get out are requested to do [Sunday baseball for soldiers € 80 yttered in joke, its consequence were . MINING REGULATIONS, Pen- 0 ha If they are going into the senior expresses himself in dealing with the | perfectly astounding. 'I, too, am When he finds the Fit-Reform COAL#~Coal mining rights may be leased s series they will have to settle down petition of the Woman's Christian | yoing to Niederbronn. You are my f d Jor Ar Styne Sum at 3a Snow aa = G 4a w | before long and get to work, and not) Temperance union Hist he orohibit regiment. I am your colonel.' Wreath, he has oun everything . aai20 3.000 | x {jot 1s : y sy di 3 baseball at Fort Banks i j hey Oo heir feet, fell can be leased to one applicant. Royalty, five FE geskeds) let things go the way they did last Sunday ba 3 | "Up they sprang to their feet, fe cents per ton. Si) year. The British rugbyists who are now in two deep, and kept quite silent, that constitutes the best i in tailoring. Qu ARTZ. --A person eighteen years of age h 23 : playing in the Antipodes defeated the |as if on parade. "Right turn "--and « ad1sCor T ma ocate yg 3 F ps a 3 ; a, 20 Feci BF 1500 feet" Feo $5.00 ih at: 2 AES A Game Of Rugby. New South Wales fifteen in the first!off we marched; 1 A Cloth, kmanshi le, fit and At least $100,00 must be expended on the 3 A very interesting game of rughy |mateh played in Australia by z Soke) brella as if it were kA sword. Breast. Ol trimming, wor nsnhip, sty e, ht claim "each year, or paid to the mining Re y : ol } k Jd, 8 of five points to none.' The British ing a grassy slope we marched up to corder. When $500.00 has been expended [ took place on the cricket fie atur- M ne ll ded 1 th al t h or paid and other requirements complied with " 3 | day afternoon, between two teams )€rs will play five or six matches in i the top at a swinging pace, still ob- wear--a are inclu in c gu rantee t at goes the claim may be purchased at $1.00 an acre. | § . | from the locomotive works, viz., those | Australia. {serving perfect silence, and in step. PLACER MINING ( 30.00 S generally, 100 Defective. . jof the machine shop and moulding | With a strong string of pitchers, all | "A short distance off was a solitary with this trademark. feet squar Entry fe ' : < I ) (r go s DREDG 1 wo five miles shop. I'he. moulding shop men have Washing at on jth om, hiengo | soldier 1 of ae ey Sea iment, i m cach of a river may be issued to one appli p J 5 ® | been practising for some time past SORE is goocs flaonal, wil: fat fo ength on a bench near the en- I hi I k f d oh sant for a term of 20 years. Rental, $10.00 Est JN Bl } Reelin Or or ta bib of [Pittsburg to beat. trance 10 a wood--tunic unbuttoned. t is a good t ing to look for and a mig ty a mile per annum oyalty, 214 per cent » | ng W r x : a aa 4) . after 4 eutput exceeds $10,000. the works, as a gh gue is about to be |, There will be no changes in the sword unbuckled, ete. On eatchin W. W. CORY Sr Safely y i {formed he, usa the teams from the dif- United States rugby rules this sea- sight of the approaching squad up he good thing to find--and you will always find it in . W. , <M ; 5 son. At a meeting » chief a S / vy of the Minister of the Interior. Verent shops, and one or two games €, the chief point jumped, buttoned his tunic. buckled 08 | onder discussion ors the ar; PO be (3 Danie the genuine Fit-Reform Suits and Opvercoats, made }.--Unauthorized publication of this ad ) | will be played every Saturday. The ne th i rward They ye r Dp fon weapon, h 00( hae M to Me b h { de C d f h i ertisement will not be paid for, 4 ult on. Saturda vas 6 tc i g e lo S eer . ntion, and when e regiment' | oo d-t ed vert t not be paid f 1 I iturday was 6 to 0, in | TURE had been heard from a num. cams by ? i: yt € rounaers in anada of hana-tailor: garments, m---- il -- favor of the machinists. The. star tailed on,' as if it was the Suits and Overcoats, $15 to $35. arose, | » and I, having re i Thar: ber of prominent coachers on the sub- | most natural thing in the world to ARG Pendigle players ware Dickson, O'Brien, Doher ject it was decided that the rule | Underwear, ; Rl ne Pion) 8. Moonsy need 5s served in its integrity, the tendency | 'What will happen if we ehance across 50 dor pp TUNDHLLS, endorsed wings Bs as the garrison town has no sort of [with one accord, taking time by the , ' 1 fi v ) : toria. In the juniors one division |as rapidly as possible. On peeping Sole Agents for Kingéton. ! pecifications and forms of vd _ EORETRY oo, bird, ran, scrimmage: Clarke, Fitz has four 4 2. No. 2 diviel 3 -- 3 a A Pi n J. Mor J t is still on paper. with the regularity of clock work." : ( manager TO APPEAR IN LONDON. Canals, on and alter Monday the | : as [do l ¢ | itv and Hughes. For the moulders . ; + I 2 | Nexe to frequent- changing of the rules be- {a Gehan oflicer--and how, in my | . | : & ; p rele i an Cm] 1 re Pt TH pe av = ing*® unanimously condemned. {broken German, can 1 ever hope to | ii ; | Saturday ih inne s ¥ ip a) Hamilton Herald : The O.R.F.U {explain this extraordinary assumption 0 . 1 epartment of Railways | Pa | "Ha shop : 2 Foy 8. Ye full bad gathered its scattered members to | of command of the forces of the kais Aching top tlanagan, Iu-back; | other last night and drew up sche-|er ?' so, without : } f Tl 2 3 So 3 « |B SS 0 I |¢ vithout a moment's fin ther and Canals. I Cups 1€ MeMahon, Dickson, A u Brien, halve '|dules. There are two senior teams. {delay 1 said to the men, 'J must go | & LACHINE CANAL. i wrk fnarter; { thes, , |T.A.A.C. and Kingston. In the caselto my hotel, which is over there, -- | ! tS 1 | ol a Roveoy | { Cutchieon, serimmuge; Paynter, Wood: (of (he Totter it lookssas If the R. fand bade them good-bye. : NOTICE TO DEALERS IN CEM] IA row, Doherty, LeLonde, Bastridge, | was reckoning without its host "These i i H | ; : | undersigned, until 16 o'clock Mouldi hop--Nicholson, full-back; a team yet. There are two teams in | leading file, saluted ply of 20,000 barrels of Portland Cer » h ' ) v, quarter; Elshover, P. ; paltry clubs, 2 division [round the corner of a house there be procured at the oflice o 16 Supe gi ah £3 ora M wr, Corcoran, Attwood, and at the office of the NCH Dh tin 3 en a --e "Third base may be the hardest to \ meeting of a committee of the |of the Detroit baseball team, 'but ol September, interpre xd last pe y | ee p, ¢ { Clark, Bird and Derry played a good |1hterpretec year would be pre-| A disconcerting thought 1 : docile and amiable Axons SEALED TENDERS, endorsed "I : NecCabe, : me by CRA W FORD & WALSH day, the lst October, 1908, for the su amiltor McParland, J O'Brien, | the intermediate series--T. A. A.C., Vic-| turned their salute, got out of sight | the use on the Quebec has two, No. 3 and 5 three, and No was my late 'regiment,' still marching tending Engineer of ¢ Que wings os of the Department of Railway ' 5 4 ) A Curling Bonspiel. play," said Hugh Jennings, | An accepted cheque for (82.500) T+ wston Curling Club was held, last J the job at short is really the mot | Musical Prodigies Charm the Thousand Five Hundred dollars, payable . to consider the question of (important. The position is what i to ihe order of the shinister of Rail st, Regis Lumbago Cure' hoki a big bonspiel here on Janu- J you make it. Really, the star short- Berl; Sent Raises, ie tou Nays aud tats, shall accompany each Bedford, Ont., Aug. 26th, 1908 | ary 19th next. Arrangements are very stop of to-day has more to do than that Fn ie eal i it Fite Dapdttmont "does 'not "bind itselt Hype Ww. A Sonics c2V8 { tory te be made f6r such an affair. any other man on the diamond, if aged respectively, nine, five and mn = to accept the lowest or any tender think it my duty il you of the | I'he visiting curlers will include clubs the goes into the play for all there 8 ! oA 1e, ive and tour, i i) By order, 8 i» a . are musical prodigies. The general in A J. W. PUGSLEY, ul the way from Pembroke to Foron- |is in it. He must back up third and tendant of the royal theatres having ! ™ One Wish that means Actg. Secretary to. The bonspiel would probably last | second. He should be over backing heard of them ihduced the kaiser to | : Department of Railways and Canal | x . su na ui v a | up the first bhasemar free uently, y eard € ue the kaise 0 i. -- Ottawa, 19th ptember, 190K | Scare ) Shadr. 1.4 four daw I oO 1 freq and send for them Baby Clarence, a horn . Two ls 8 y s-- Newspapers inger this. advertise ty Mediting od we i : t -hsw@hbBP hse atcher. He must play short democrat, gravely saluted the emper ment. without authority from the De- [11 medicine . : left and short centre. In fact ther or with "Good. ds torr bp or n partment will not be paid for it et v > u fit to work Remaining Ball Games. {18 no part of the diamond he should 1 | the tay, 2 a li ro er - Effi Zs "wy v., | EEE In the National league eight games {not be watching for a play at cor re iy L L emperor rephed with A ¥ Line: ouve won! ih ix davs is. what the Nev Yorks | tain times." earty laugh, x ees os . 3 i hve before: them this week--all of i -------------------- He was so impressed with their re kh W hats your wish! {them with Philadelphia, and evenly | markable performances on *piane, "vio ¢ yi wd not en hi E bh ¢ a . ; = 1 ¢ . a fs al) - go : We Ldivided between the two cities. They | It Stops Pain. fin and "cello, that he commanded | LA . Margaret: "For a Jeweler in ling it : fio a vilF start to-morrow with a: dochlcs] You can ab olutely depend upon | them to appear before him for a / x qf 'Pandora' Range--no fuss- 8 ] : Kava : . header at New York, and Thursday, | Smith's White Liniment to do every second recital, "and afterwards pre y / . . yg is recommends 1 voteial oy Friday and Saturday will visit Phil {thing that an external application | sented the mother with 1,500 marks, | : --r ing mn the kitchen, no eh It hi * After thi cries the New |¢8n do. Its action is prompt, certain | and offered to her, free of cost, the { ey i \ orks have but, three games, and all (20d thorough. It stops pain, heals | Royal Opera House for their first | tedious ' baking hours, no Repairing 3 ro 1 f thi ™ be played on the Polo | Mieries, and curbs inflammatioifé =" of public "concert, which is to 'take Place . burned wn | i | lS fe asts {Grounds with Boston every kind. Tt should be in vour home | next session. In addition to this | : p try und roasts, I'he Chicagos will have two ds ready for emergencies now. 25¢ at | gave them free admission to the no big coal bills." Wade's drug st®re. Royal High School of Music, where . st ceordin 0 he ched le Ch - 1 ¢ + {4 . 1 - w k iality i ! rer - x li : I a8 u ( hi = a they will receive further musical in- Effie: "Oh, if I had won e make a speciality in re- | a 8: oad ™ 4 : ' ; : struction ; : . ? ; cinnati Wedne ursday and Sa Stratford a chols, ] : rs / 71S pairing all classes of Jewel- | | u and the | ecason of lL nd Ar sly bi Fini st en an on Ihe Berlinos live in humble circum | I was gong to w ish for a ery, Silver and Silver-Plate, i 'i # ; > I'he happy home, but, your wish hampions will end Sunday at home |was instantly killed in the 1 Jt" | stances includes that." ---- an hour, The eldest lad, David. is | }eames heduled with Philadelphia of this place . oP : mo > 5 ; birth, In she arried e a game with Pittsburg shop He was struck hy a trave Hing ) i he married an American, only nine years old, but he plays most | . » | : and lived in New York until her hus ence we can accomplish the . 2 ginming Monday the Pittsburg crane and his neck broken. band's death. Now she is back in Ber ; . 3 8 LONDON, VANCOUVER, EE ---- . brilliantly some of the most difficult | . z RJ 3 " nore eouls rames \ ' ase of ne snesg, sleep most difficult work tour mor reguls ram at Fo 1 ¢ of nervousn : I . Louis, with off days on Wednes- | lessness, we stomach, i stion, f C ' TORONT ST. YHN, N.B. works of Chopin and Beethoven. The | TOR NTO, 51 JC H y NI baby plays the piano and violin in an | : MONTREAL, HAMILTON, If you have any article of | ' lay and Thursday dyspepsia, Carter's Little Nerve peratic singer, but ill-health } con v : § ; operatic singe oF 8 CO Jewelery in need of repairs, In: the American league Detroit will Pills telief I'he only \ i re 3 us A astonishing manner, | 1 WINNIPEG, CALGARY. 27 Mme. Berlino wishes to come to Lon , RT nerve pelled her to remain at home. She don this winter. Her children will un! , y doubtedly take the town by storm. | FOR SALE BY LEM MON & SONS. Although the kindness of the kaiser has brought her children into public notice, ai is very modest about the | . SESCEEEEEESRePRe eed whole ~aflair, and "does not wish to | g-= |Oh, How Handy! This is the expression heard so often from our customeryg when ordering CHARCOAL IN PAPER SACKS ' een -- --,... Stanfield's : L FIFTEEN MILE HANDICAP | ami apy a little waste paper, a match, and your fire is Notice to Our Customer: | J <3 =H BICYCLE ROAD RACE || . Our store will close at © ! Underwear ho 3) Se] The bicycla road svent.of the Price 15c. a Sack. ! | season. Run with the sanction o'clock sharp every night i is absolatel Rrinkeb] . e fi =m fT as Ss Tae pllider the aus. i As you grocer for it or if he does not yet handle it, "phone 1s absolutely unshrinkable. b 4 ! I us direct. except Saturday. Sa . / . \ bh 4 b Rubber Goods Company. { 3 weights--all sizes 4 7 ~4 LH Toronto, Satur Oct. 3rd || ---- : : A. GLOVER. | At your dealers'. 148 Ly © | | B (} Rn Tot | McKelvey & Birch mother is of German | and with our long experi- sical education. She was formerly an just give us a try f lay Washington and St ms re- medicine for the price in market 3 herself is a brillie ayer, an $ pectively, Friday and Sa lay, at| Forest fires completely destroyed the ; 1s a brilliant player, an ha | Detroit 1 will n 1 f Homestead, Micl nial taught her children all they a n | etroit, an vil ' { ag village of omestead, ich., contain 5 limnble roo " Ia Kingear d'Esterre : for the end of its schedule day, ling the charcoal kilns and the lumber Bh hun oe : H a he Hur Jd fi h | } Hy \ | Tue ; ws gave i orter a recital for hali | ondav and selay welan was yards of Alexander Immerman & Co. » | lin for the sake of her children's mu | | | Watchmakers and Jewellers, 100 Princess St. . JBTE -- JV Unshrinkable COAL! {| mee posiic varia uch underwear can be g < NATIT] The kind you _are looking for is rade unchrind 1 hile te the kind we seil. made unshrimkable 1s to takeefthe "shrink" out or SCRANTON the wool, before garments arc wou dC = Coal 1s good coal and we guar- Ea i : n ~ * antes prompt delivery. i I'his 1s the w ay Stanfield's 133. Underwear is made. ; " | ] mad Booth & Co., That is whe FOOT WEST STREET. { hat is Way AAPA AAA AAI a sn ¥ 3 oy TE out T0 CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS | Ll \ JA w= « N from, A SHE mi bo a 69 and 71 Brock Street. The Perfect Brxk & Tile Cuv., Wash p Fan {i AN { tries allowed. Ent blanks wo v burn, Ont. EK and full Ticrmation = be ra i SOIREE DO00O00000000000CIOO00000C0000000000ODOLK: | tained from R. Reith, 13 Tem- PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessscs, ht periice sirost, Toronto A d. « 0 mime avers He SS ste) 800 GOPSE nn gars tion at reasonable rates. at of "Yor w,"" said the lan 1 i "hE 2 > ' f hi : S O IL. D | = R ! ). , 60,000 daily. ! ou san 1e landiord, as they took a rear-:view go 18 new, Plant, 0,000 ai ly. sind Macs ert lady corset fitters have flats, "we give our tenants plenty of light and air. In the two side and rear s Have you tried our strictly § and 3 bar Solder, also our Star The T.och Finla a hi Om y exp 3 y a are twice as many windows as t here are in front, and the front has . 5 : : Extra Wiping. The quality is guaranteed and the price is right. Port Pirie; South tral r I | expressed their appreciation of the | twice as many windows as the Newest designs in English and Foreign there t other side. tral i Roy 81 WILLIAM ST. lao, Peru, was wrecked off the north | ' : alis: Fhen how many windows are there in the whole buildin g ?" queried the . onst const of Tasmania. and twente | style, fit and lasting qualities of the prospective tenant) there by propounding a pretty prob em, which we pass El I 1I0TT & SON LIMITED ana e os ey TORONTO, ON of her crow of twenty-four drowned | Grand Duchess Corset. on to 'our puzzlists fof $0 . \ ' i d f 3 lution, Answer Thursday. ition ns we urscay Importers. 79 King Street W, Toronto,