PAGE EIGHT, ~ ' THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1908. "yr Wes) THESPLEDITIONAMNERSHR! EVENTS oon THE DAYS (PSIIES By special Fodues to-morrow after- LN D N PITH OF THE NEWS. = Inoon only- the Quebec ter-centenary A \HZLD IN PRINCESS STREET noon only, th swopuy LOCAL NOTESAN THINGS | The Very Latest Culled from All METHODIST CHURCH. {jou in addition to regular programme. ENERAL 7 . : ! Over The World. y = | St. Hyacinthe, Que., liberals nomin- | Addresfes By Rev. W. H. Spat | ta Have Zetarptd Home: 4 Qctujeises am The Suy and ne Be ? @ con- | : : Mrs. irkpatrick an ic: --Q Brief Item nied A. M. Beauparlant for the con- pg, T. F. Harrison, and" Rev. |daughter, Miss Louise, arrie street, A Faai Read a Ws, | Argentina will make an attempt to} Mr. Nelles--A Fine Programme who have been enjoying a continental mbered 2 | of Music Was Given. |tour since May last, returned to the ne rec. i | HONOROMH Or If you are thinking about A Fur Coat for next winter, now is the time to write for my Catalogue of Advance Styles for me 1908-1909 We make up your Coat to special measure and put it away in our safety vault un- til you want it. WRITE TO-DAY. obtain admission for her cattle into 3 : : . the British market. Despite the storm last evening the fcity this afternoon. Dyeing and cleaning. My Valet. > | The western crop is worth 8135. |Prihcess street Methodist Sunday ! Laurier and Harty are Kingston's 000 000 is the estimate made by the lschool snniversary was a decided suc- | A Bad Runaway. choice. ; C.P.R. traffic manager. 'cess. Those who braved the elements! A serious runaway occurred on Capt. Batten left, to-day, on a trip The department of education hasiand attended this popular function | Stuart street, on Monday evening, to Boston. awarded the contract for\ new copy [were amply repaid. The supper was during the storm, when a doctor's Capt. Winthrop returned home, to- books to a Toronto firm. fall that could be desired by the most {horse took fright and ran away from day, from.Calgary. | William Ross, Toronto, who has al-|confirmed epicure and the intellectual the hospital. A lady occupant of the Mrs. Bawden and Miss Lucy Bawden {ready served a.term for arson, 'admit- [feast was equally good. TT. F. Har- rig succeedéd in getting out before | 1eft for Calgary to-day. |, K | ted causing two recent fires. {rison filled the 'chair in his usual she was injured. The rig was badly Red gum throat lozenges are sold at S/S. Ionian and S.S.-Ontarian pass- {happy manner, and after a vocal oc- broken before the animal was finally Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ed Crane Island, inward; the Hes- tette, composed of Princess street {quieted down. This is Michaelmas day--festival perian and S.8. Tunisian are at Mont- [and Bethel male quartettes, he gave Fae of St. Michael and All Angels. real. {a short address, filled with advice to Death Of Mrs. Samuel Kelly. |. Hon. R. L. Borden will ikely speak The annual meeting of the Knox Sunday school workers after an ex-| Mary McCormick, wife of Samuel m Kingston about October 15th. 5 College Alumni Association opened | perience of thirty-five years in this | Kelly, 32 Ellerbeck street, died, on William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders this morning at Knox College, Toron- jwork. : | Tuesday, after a short lines Ste is received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. ; g to, with a large attendance. Rev. Mr. Sparling followed with a [survived by her husband and = two Capt. Withrow returned, yesterday, ; To secure a realiy stylish and Daniel Poucher one of the best {practical and eloquent address, in { daughters, Mrs. M. J. Mercer, Stuart tow a trip to Calgary and Nanton, : ' known residents of East Hastings, [which he admonished the parents re- | street, i : arsenal: , . NN was married to Mrs. George Thrasher, | garding their duty to Sunday Oo pl Bthel, Ha Bath powders." Buy them at Gib- up-to-date I'hrasher's Corners, on Monday. work. Miss Gertrude Laidley sang a member of St. John's church, Ports- Mrs. W. H. Clarke, Belleville on [solo jn her usual charming manner T! : . . . s He » ', | 8 , mouth. The funeral will be held on rom is Saturday evening herself caught in the {and irs. Sproule followed with one of | Thursday, at 2.30 bn Ie Dew _ Dr. W. Tennant, who has been visit- . 8 bay and landed a Jeskinonge weigh- joe popular recitations which elicited | ih - ri in the city, returned to Plevna, . ing twenty-five and one-half pounds. la hearty encore to which she respond- T : to-day. : 4 k f sat r 3 ) s . o Replace The Crossings. Stuc ing inte : At Vancouver, -B.C., Dr. Garesche 'ed later in the progr > he re- Students are pouring intd the city ' > PSC 1 gramme, at the re Pha S ded I £ mn hr ty was struck from the list of practising [quest of the chairman. A fine duet The foatd o Yorke has décided to {for the opening of Queen's University / dentists for unprofessional conduct in |was given by Messrs. Mack and Arm. [RO il to rol Ee Yo inortow, 3 1 th fl t 1K t connection with a recent case in Vie- |gtrons and a mixed quartette by | QP le citizens petitioned the bin : he Wak Cade Lrasett, Whe. played toria. | Misses Laidley, Sherbino, and Messrs, | nn A Tr in Saturdays goll match. 18 name 0 8 60 ors 0 ngs on Rev. Dr. Ross, St. Andrew's church, {Mack and Timmerman. Rev." Mr. et to replace the ergssings. Tie wo was omitted. AT MODERATE COST. London, headed with a donation ef |Nclles was then called upon and, de- Beer As ie: hoard of works lor H. Cunningham, piano tuner from and Portsmouth. $10 a fund to assist the defence of | spite the lateness of the hour, held instructions, and that body told him Chickering's. Leave orders at Mec- to go ear Pte. Moir, the murderer of Calor- [the audience's closest attention by his |. and replace the cross= Auley's Book Store. [ings, because the roads would be very | Archbishop Gauthier and . Father Sergt. Lloyd. {mi 'e umor and pathos. : ; . miviure of lao gin lmuddy in wet autumn and spring O'Reilly left, on the noon C.P.R. ENTLEMEN : Thousands have been drowned, towns | The closing number was a voeal | . 3 . t ad iy GENT destroyed and an aera, many miles in 'march by the octette which could weather particularly, | train, for Winnipeg. Havin y received and ac- | extent, has been turned into sea by a Igearcely be excelled. Two numbers, | . EE uae John Rooney, Quebec, arrived in the e ew 0a 5 ] 2 . . ' : . flood that is ravaging the Decan re- [hy the Bethel male quartette were | Princess Theatre Changes Hands city this morning and will continue ceptec , the nomination of sion in India. 'alto much enjoyed 'during the evening. Fhe Allen Amusement Co., of Brant- [his studies at Queen's. | | x + | ford, which established and conducted | Quite a number left the city, to-| the Libe al Party, I again At Erie, Pa., the buildings of sev- "This delightful entertainment was then | oy . : J i * . ask ; PE . . eral wholesale and retail firms were {brought to a close by the sudience the Princess theatre, has disposed of |day, on the homescekers' excursion to We are showing are meeting with great ask for your votes and in-| tale Auclrove Carex han 5 hE oF WE {the property to Robert Li of ry Wes i » C.P.R = 5 completely destroyed by fire, on Mon- | joining in the national anthem. e proper Robert Lipman, of [the west, via the C.P.R. favor and the large number sold fluence to elect me as your day night, entailing a loss of up- | -- His site, Ne. Yipman has wanageft ¥- To Folger, of fhe Canintian « « ' g u 3 wards of $350,000. | WEDDING 'AT WINNIPEG. similar theatres at Gananoque and | Northern railway, ! orth Battleford, 1 x ies Houge With an attendance of about twb | A: eran} Falls, and has, therefore, con- |is visiting at his home here. : 0 ommons o Janada, and | hundred, the annual meeting of the illi a dent siderable experience. He will con-| M 5. John Crerar and S. Ireland, : I r ledge myself for the future Ari Rota] Aecnrioh. Wis [Wien A We re Bes PIAA duct a first-class moving picture and fof Stratford, have arrived in the city \ Pp : g > | opened at the King Edward hotel, To 8 K I - vaudeville house. George Hammond | to resume their studies at. Queen's, as in the past, todevote mY |ronto, this morning. lw a Dretty wadding Ninnieg, Im and Miss Wenlock will continue to "Zymole Trokeys" for husky throat, } ioQ \ . : 3 : 0 was warne 0 estminster RUT : Es 2 8 i (ings Gibson's Rec i 1 , Pini energics to the promotion | Seving that ho was warmed of death CUS Tuc, Sept 2, : porrmager. ge sold sn Kingeton ot Ehininls fod They are Right in Style, Cloth, Finish. of the prosperity and best | i vMoneraville, Ala., apparently npn ines, desghter of Mes. Lc Which League Gets It ? The Queen's students, in the mining interests of this 00d old | good health, died the next day after ;° dats Ne r ob " Frank Strachan, secretary of the K. class, who have been spending a few quite reac 3 g | married to William A. Wood, of Y° Y.(. football team reecived a letter, | weeks at Godfrey, returned "home to- If not 1uite roa ly to buy just making the statement. City of Kingston : 3 y : ._ {denham Ont. Rev. Clarence - : Ey , ? : Hon. George P. Graham is advertis- ' this morning, fr the Brockville |day. . on x raham is adverti th pormin rom the Brockville [da yet, it makes absolutely no dif- ; : 3 i erformed the ceremony. « : ass i ed for meetings as follows: Egan. | Kinnon p mn : team, asking them to enter the Inter- Queen's is coming to her own. One . | bride s give y by . 5 : WM. HARTY. ville. Oct. Bth: Brockville, Oct. 7th; (bride, who was given away hy <b provincial League, with Brockville and [of her graduates, Rev. A. Gandier, Guelph, Oct. Sth: Barrie, Oct. Mth; Frases, of Galt, Ont. wore 2 lovely | Gananoque. Brockville is anxious to |has been offered the principalship of | ference. Come and see the new HQ redding gown of ivory duchess sa- | : : + Ee : 4 . the. "Soo," Oct. 15th. {wedding gown : 8 Sloat in the series with Kingston and [Knox College, Toronto. gs " tin, with pearl and applique trim- |g yi : - It is understood that Charles H. | ." A nih arn Gananoque, and does not seem to The farmers on the market this oki - , '| Mitchell, C.E., has been agreed upon |™18 Her veil was fastened is I mind whether it is O.R.F.U. or LR.U. | morning stated that the rainfall in Coats, and should you find one by the Toronto board of control as HKONONOK N OHONHONO! dohn McKay Fur Houss, Dept. A., Brock street. - Kingston, Ontario. , g! son's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone HOOK OKOKOR ONO BONO KOKO KOKOMOKO KOK ORC @ rice lone. and ie, ofthe 22, 3 OAL, or LRP SL cr eae, am tht : oya assistant to City Engineer Rust at a | a of bri ial 'roses and Lilies of the yacht club will be held to-night, when | much good would result. ' just to your choice have it plac- » | calary of $4,000 per annym. |quet o da} roses y pies the matter will be decided, and it will Linseed licorice and chlorodyne y The six-year-old son of James Gil- be definitely known which league the cough tablets are sold in Kingston at ed aside until required. rr nN lick, tailor, Belleville, was cutting iring and earrings to match, the gift |, = onto its lost with. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. tring with a jacknife, when the knife lof the groom, One of the (Dbrides- The De Woli Hopper company weént 8 * knife. whe y » : ~ A s De arc . ! - Be hd 2 imaids, Mrs. A. Treeloar, sister of the 3 ' s » > y 3 right eye s | . : ' » ph 8 4 Xi pr . iis lipped, cutting his right eye so that Iuride, wore a lovely. gown. of pale Death Of Charles O'Toole. from Kingston to London, a rather Bl We show exclusive' decora- the boy will probably lose the sight. {pf Be 0" an "Ch large white pic BM tions in this beautiful China. I'he Architectural Institute of Can- I ie EB ae yi BR, on 4 a RS nN 2 ada has adopted a stringent code of a oie Tdi P Mise Apacs troal street. Deceased was born in| ton. Fruit Sets Sthies for, pe profession. The head. | Miller wore a pretty gown of pale Dublin, Ireland, fifty-eight years ago, wile, (x) Nichol and Mas. C. w. ! a ta ae ip [ pink silk, with pink hat and plumes. and came to Kingston with his pa- right left yesterday, on the steamer Comports susiness office in whatever place the [Gy 5 oda White carnations. The [Tents when four years old. For years Aletha, for Amherst Island, where secretary resides. . | pretty little flower girl, Miss Reita he was am employee of the Stevenson they will act as judges for the ladies Plates . . Justice Latchiord has issued the {ho mbridge, wore. a frock of white | piano works, and of late years was work at the fair. ; formal order for the winding-up of the | pointe d' esprit, with white hat and employed in the locomotive works. He A $2 students' fountain pen for Very appropriate for wed- collapsed Ontario bank. The Royal lcarrjed a basket of sweet peas. The is survived by his wife, three daughters | 81.50. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phone 230. Op- ding gifts. Trust company. of Montreal, has been |groom's gift to the bridesmaids were | and one son. Two daughters, Edith ] ry 4 mentioned as the concern most likely | So 5 0 Coonts he flower girl wold |and May, and his son, Frederick, live |posite Whig office. . I | pear] crescents, to the flower gir gold Ma) : \ 4 . ; to carry out the work. Jocket and chain initialed. to the]Dee: and one daughter, is a nurse in| On Monday afternoon, while playing 5 football, Birkett, son of J. Mrs. Harry Seybert, a |seventeen- |p man I, BE. Wood, of Sydenham, the Riverside hospital, New York. In Leonard year-old bride of six weeks, at Kala-| 14 cuff links, tothe ushers, Messrs Politics, Mr. O'Toole was a staunch |H. Birkett, Bagot street, had - his ; gu . £ s, Messrs, 4 a , . rok | mazoo, Mich., drove her husband from { v,y Kemond Dunlop, Warnick and iberal, and in religion a Roman Ca collar bone broken. | the house, and then administered a |i tie pins, and to the organist tholic, a member of St. Mary's ca- I'he senior year science students re- | ee FOR JEWELLER severe beating because he found fault | 51g peauty pins. After the service |thedral congregation. turned, to-day, «irom their camp at] : Bedford. The boys were roughing it] f ») ening . | S and with her hous keeping. he Aji a reception was held at the residence nesses | k I'hed rl v an I'he genera synod of the Anglican | 4 the bride's mother, 277 Spence DEATH OF J. MACKIE. jor =. weal anc' nad 8 fine time. ' church occupied its . morning session | treet | The rain called off the attendance at | . i "w with a distussion on Sunday school | "Are and Mrs. 'Wood {eft on a west-| He Was For Years in Grand the great demonstration fixed for to-| lessons. A resolution was carried 10 'hound train for a short honeymoon Trunk Service gay, i a Lal opening Ji P the . * Joughboro sake ridge, on erin | : the effect that the church get out =a | trip, the bride.travelling in a suit of| Op ¢T'uesday morning James Mackie . . Issucr of Marriage good Sunday school paper. navy blue lady's cloth over a prety |p hf ucsiny mOEHug Janes Wackie road... "su . coh Laat We have just closed a deal that gives A on. Adam Beck, has acceptec ind- | Jae se wi a a Sse ¢ 8 y res e "For grippe and colds, axative | . . : Licenses. sors invdation and. will go tothat Jace Tn hat rimmed o is on nda; KX, M. Douglas, 13 | Bromo-Quinine. Sold ih Kingston at | us a special bargain. The goods will be 1 . BM R = Nelron-- street.» The decease ad been | Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. . "oy pe : Tas Tor abot & Fears and was con | Th Lena ha a or on Monday here to-day and ready fer Thursday's city in November to address a pub- Jor of the bride wore a handsome lic meeting to consider the advisabi g § aol i} : The " 3 € . ty of falling in with the overreiv, Br, hi * 0 while ry fined to his rom for. the past .. lew Levening at seven o'slock to King amd sellin * Y scheme for Niagara power. I Tn SS P ume J er months, but his death was quite un- [Gore streets where a defective chimney | N g- Next Time ou Go In the Belleville police court, three |R K ZuoSis wit a> % - lexpected. The late Mr. Mackie was |was causing trouble. No damage was | m a ¢ I , Janbridge, of Griswold, Man., and ie Randle . alt cros BPE . : > ao They are seaconable and brothers, John, William and Joseph [ Miss Gallagher 1 i in {born in Scotland, seventy-five years | done by the flames. oF iss Gallagher and other friends from | 450, coming' to this country when a| The Laurier government is a gov- . Ducas, were fined $10 and costs each [Toro i Firma ' 0 P n Ry . a | nto, and a host of Winnipeg | ar The "tt le ) 1 g for assaulting Police Officer Harman {fie Peg | lad, w ith his parents. They settled at | ernment that has done things. It 1 ; I'k Mm {friends. Danville, Que., and Mr. Mackie lived |} ; ; h | | i st ri and wisting arrest. The officer was The bride soot g 3 : dhe was given meat for a policy: the con- | e string around your finger. | A1C resi we bride received many handsome apa . Rp ar > . ap : Tie a g y g John X any handsome | there until his twenty-first year, when |garyative Jpposition has given the | ° : 3 : ¢ | badly used up Ricketts, a by- ie will remind you to buy a tin of ; y : ¥ and valuable gifts, 've a a a he Cra ] It 1 y y stander, for refusing assistance, was A mahogany parlor set, consi tine 1h entered the service of the Grand bones of a scandal policy. | { r . , g| Trunk railway. He rose rapidly in Mrs. Reginald W. Brock, spending | fined 5 {of two chairs and a settee, also so- - Lorne Campbell, commonly called [id A re ai y their employment, and was agent at |p. summer in Prince Edward | land, | Ee Teor raiaht Td | he oak Ng chair, was presented to | Somerset, Danville and Point Levis, is going to Toronto to visit Her / : [the groom by his room mates. Quebec, and for fourteen years was id : Ii Sg * father, Justice Britton, before return-| " | | valley. She also wore a diamond The death occurred on Monday after long jump for a company. Wednesday a long illness of Charles O'Toole, Mon- night the company plays at Hamil ler, thirty-five vears old, was found | 2 . dead in his room at the Whitbe house, | J agent at Kingston Junction. He re- ing to her home in Ottawa. Registered + _ Whitby, Ont., early Tuesday A doc- | tired from the service about ten years Mrs. J. A. Arundell and little son, » gave as the cause of deatl | " . ago Kenneth. have returned to Buffalo af- WEARS LIKEIRON" tor gav as ) Cause it death an | What the Vaccination : wm ; 2 . : enneth, have returned LO ufialo a over-loaded stomach. Campbell was | Resolution The deceased wag a member of the lio. a six weeks' visit with her pa- Means. Masons and of the Sons of Scotland. | (4c Mr. and Mrs. B. J Moran Mr. Mrs. A ) . . avf ia intoxicated when he came to his hotel. w : : , . ' The wonderful finish for metal a------------ | The meaning of the vaccination re- | He leaves three daughters, Miss El | «Eimw Farm." Pittsburg and wood things around the | sotuts i Mackic. Banv "Mice Kato Jlmwood Farm, ittsburg. house HAS TAKEN ACTION solution passed bv the city council, Co . ac Re by Jen vers ol. . dee A This morning, workmen covered the J nel ut : Mackie, lontreal, and Mrs. R. WM. temporary roof in the city dome ruins i" last night, is this: The law provides ut up in 20c., 30c. and 50ec. . 143 hae vom : Airs lis ative i . 1 i in F ' To Set Aside Agreement Made Hus Whe vao ination je sxedient, Dougie 7 wy and ohe br Oth yp, Jgha with tar paper to keep out the fall : ised ie council may provide for the poor |F. Mackie, Chicago. Two sisters, Ars. | i,q hick id d reat d - i i 1188 n. Si " . . . ains, which would do great damage win Sold in Kingston only by . With Com 13510 | , (of the city by engaging doctors to do Samson and Mrs. McDonald, reside in to the buildings. The work of re- 2 - ' Foronto, Sept. 29 W alter Death, of {the work at the city's expense. Many Quebec, The deceased was a member of building the dome will be begun this WwW. A. it e 1 S, the township of Toronto, in he foun [poor families, in which a number are Chalmers church. and: a liberal in Loni ty of Peel, has issued a writ against {t, he vaccinated, cannot well : litics ' ' : 3 ton od, 11 afford |pohics. Deputy Warden O'Leary, who is rinces 3 St. HARDWARE. . ar aloctrie -C : >} ; ; put} cary, $ £5. P the Hydro-c le bk 5 ommission. He [to pay. So the council engages a |: ---------------- slowly recovering from his very, severe seeks a perpetual Injunction setung |, umber of doetors to whom the poor After Jack The Hugger. illness, is in Ottawa recruiting with OUR ROOSIER. BRAND OF | aside an agreement made between the people may go and be vaccinated free | Canadian Freeman. hig relatives and will not return home commission and himself for the usd of {of charge. The doctors send in their I'he Portsmouth philosopher, Coun- for a couple of weeks. His numerous part of his farm for the srostion, of bills to the council for payment. The cillor, Kennedy, is hot foot after alg a. in Ottawa and Kingston hope poles Jor their transmission lines. The | resolution does not mean that the [newcomer that has appeared around 4, (on see him able to resume his 000000000 hoint®hs to whether, under the act, { council has vet--made--vaccination com- [the precincts of the village It is said | 3oiies at the penitentiary. S88600999y the commission can be sued without |pulsory. That phase of the question that a new "Jack the Hugger was . - a the permission of the attorney-general [has vet to be considered. discovered retreating across Aberdeen + WOMAN WAS SHOT. comes into question by Death's ac- | -- ian Park, on Tuesday night, after hug- QUESTIONS DECIDED tion. | 1 ging two young ladies who were com- : : | mportant Arrests. bE ' Br : : n, t Ho i Are N Looking For H --- G------------ | inhi pet d ing down the penitentiary hill, one of | At a Meeting of he spital Police Are Now Looking o er | Winnipeg, Sept. 29.--A despatch Pe Auxiliar: Uncle THERE WILL BE WAR. irom Gresell, Sask., says : Constable [hom was so badly frightened that! yo ; N York, Sept 29 As sk 1 es "__|Brown, of 'th y Royal N oth West she is still suffering from the shock. There was a large meeting of the W > t 8 she # pn « : ) e ) 2 rth-West | pe : . ' " . ak ei li Jo PE It 8 eh, wit} | : in Turkey = Will: Net Stand ADY | Mounted Police last eve wing, nd The scoundrel, if caught, will not have | women composing the auxiliary of the sleeping in he ed, th he vo | A ~ A B e, 1a Ad ' ae SCOT : oy ish- | gener: i ; Sa. at her side, Mrs. Helen Roacl Temporizing. two arrests 'which. it' is believed. will |'° be escorted far to undergo puni ge tera) hospital bons, on Monday, . de, Mrs. Hel ach, : . . . s hi . a Th or he land many important questions were twenty-five years old, was fatally shot Constantinople, Sept. 20.--An ulti- |turn out to be of importance in 'cou- Tr he | decided. : First the rire passed = early, to-day, in the apartment house |'mate declaration of war by Turkey {nection with the murder of Michael | shboring _ institati for a number motion to put a new roof ' on the at 101 West Fifty-Third street. The against Bulgaria, was clearly indicat- | Sager, at Elkhorn, Man. The men ar- nejghboring. anstttalien lo 2" I main building, a root house will also police' ae searching for Robert | ed, to-day, by the sultan s refusal to {rested cannot give a satisfactory aec- ol years. | be built with a small summer house Woods, fifty years old, an uncle of the | accept the resignation of the grand count of themselves and-the story Vel > 7 labove it ; » YY "ha ww tenders is vesig- | . =" mT ee vet collars on O'coats. My Valet. Ve Be es. woman, who lived in her apartments, | vizier The latter tendered his resig- | they tell seems improbable. They give | "Tag day" will be on Saturday and Woods disappeared after the shooting. | nation because the sultan was tem- their names as Henry Hubble and ls he Bap M0 turday ang Woods and the woman had quarrelled | porizing 1n the dispute with Bul- | James Campbell. | thusiasm. 3 several days ago. garia over ihe seizure of the Turkish- | Ee Get acquainted with | Dr. Duff, chairman of the board of Oriental railway. governors, and James Minnes, atiend- A Dredge Burned ---------- Fraser Will Retire. 1 the meeti d aft hanki h Abies ~ - | Ottaws Se fos 7. Pp y |ed the eting and after thanking the 'Amherstburg, Ont., Sept. 20.--The Baseball On Monday. Ke he liberal Sh) gia Black Watch {ladies very cordially for their assist- dredge Gladiator, one of the largest National Leagne--New York, 7: Phil tawn. will retire from the contest. It 'ance gave the meeting a detailed dredges working on the river here, | adelphia, 6. Boston, 3; Brooklyn, 2 is probable that L. B. McGiverin will the big black plug | statement of the financial condition of . : ' rag destrove rie sague--Detroit, 4: Wash- a : | the hospital at present owned by M. Sullivan, wa destroyed | American League I s : lh s Conve : . * I present. by fire about midnight last night. | ington, 1. Chicago, Boston, 2. St. ory th CONS nUOR. which will be 8 tobacco. A ¢ She sank in about fifteen feet of | Louis, 12-2; New York, 1-3. 3 y The.Gladiator was working on New Yorktand Detroit again top Smoking and chewing, at forty-five cents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why pay exhty-five cents. Andrew Maclean, Ontario street. esesvVe 20000000000 APOONENIIGE Regal Shoes One of the many nobby styles for men. We have Regals to suit and fit the elderly men as well as the young. And they all give the same satisfaction, PRICE $5.00. ment for his treacherous crime, certainly 'will be dumped into Bottling wax in 10c. tins, at Gib- tremendous favorite json's Red Cross Drug Store. "Phone their respective leagues. "The Toronto. World," everywhere, because of jn. Secretary Nelles, of the YM.CL.A,, the Livingston Channel, near Bois " { Former patrons of @he World can : : . for eighty "The students' fountain pen," regu- [have their paper delivered at the rate its richness and pleasing will assist at a campaign in Pembroke water. the American government contract on C0000 OGCOTIOONA000000000000000000 0000 Blane, She was insured : c , vent. of hor value. The night [lar 82 pen for 31.50, at Gibson's Red [of 50¢. per month by applying to! 1 vor on Sunday and Monday next. . pW were working, but reached shore Cross Drug Store, opposite Whig of- | Thomas Nash, British-American Hotel The fireman is sure of a warm re-| . $ 3 8 B ~ safely, fice, . News Stand. "Phone 134, oN P_lception when he goes to work, PRG POI00000000000000PL0R0CRIOOOOPOIPEROO