The Bail YEAR 76--NO. 231. KINGSTON, ON TARIO, HAS MILLIONS Barred Out United States. WIVES WHITH HIM" m---- A LANDED PROPRIETOR CHINA. Bosman a Wealthy Resident China, Held Up By ' the Francisco Immigration cials. San Francisco, Oct. -- Although is worth 33,000,000 and is the lar landed proprietor in Hong Kong bert H. Bosman, who arrived steamer Korea, is detained on the vessel and denied permit to because he has five wives Two of his wives are three more are awaiting the Orient, Bosman made no attempt to conc the facts and freely admitted immigration inspectors that he polygamist. subject of consideration by a specia hoard of inquiry. Bosman was born in China, ther being a British subject, mother is a Chinese. He years old. married a half caste woman. No dren resulted from the union and lowing the Chinese custom took another wife. By this wife had children, three of accompanied him on the present When an immigration ed Bosman who the accompanied him he said : "They my wives," and added, "I have more in Hong Kong." The inspector then told him that the law strict against the admission of polyy amists and that he must remain on the steamer pending action by government, Bosman says hé a Taft and entertained Kong. He is also a close Ting Fang. He says he will bring pow erful pressure to bear on the ment to get a permit to land, bali a scope @ of » servants. POLYGAMY Nor on land his return ix to 18 his he seven trip inspector ask women were who | ar is very of Mr. Hong friend him in is govern has "DEAD. Anti-Church "Party in Charges the Mormons. Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct. 1.-The American. party, nti-church or- garfzation, last nominated a state ticket which declares that polygamy is still actively practised in Utah by promin might ent Mormon church officers and others | without pretence to conformity with President Wodbdruff's manifesto 1893, and that there is of discontinuing the practice. Another plank charges that the church orifics monopolize many lines of bus within the state demand the complete separation h state, I'he state ticket A. Street, of Salt Lake ernor, in noe intention auth and of chur by John for headed City, 18 TWINS CAME FAR APART » Baby Four Months First. Oct the Second 1 birth Mrs wa Within of a Bert horn, Kalamazoo, four months after daughter to Mr. and pell another baby to the formed of months Satur | baby 1s per couple 1 in ever living day, he fectly assurance was four is exceptionally and t e way I'he fir baby old ane rht brig DAILY MEMORANDA, r 1.O.F anny Of Tears m Saturday Hospit Remember is General Rallies « wrkers of Liberal i Victo Ward W Meet in of A., to guested. Lacr 8 pn In Canadian History. Bank of Montreal iss Oct. 1st, 1817--The notes 1847-Right R Roman Catholic died 1878--C wide fame, 1890--Mgr ate to Canada, 1901--Duke and wall and York visited Columbia 1903--The sity of Trinity ment for confederation sity of Toronto 1904--Hon. Donald A appointed Lieutenant-Goyernor Fdward Island wed th a billard Montreal Diomede Falconio, arrived at Quebec Duchess of Cor Victoria, yrille Dion, player died in Papa the Uni the agree Unive Corporation of @ College ratified with the McK inn m ee ---------------- ALL SIZES IN STOCK AT ROBERTSON BROS. From IN| onstitute San | he gest Ro- the board' with him and the a His case will be made the fa- | while his is "forty-four | Twenty-seven years ago he chil- | fol- | Josman has whom three the friend of Wu | Utah and adopted a platform | ! After little Chap- gives | 1) British | was of Prince HIDE DRINKS IN BREAD. Thirsty Ones Have Will and Find * the Way. Jirmingham, Ala., Oct. 1.1 sale and distribution the whis hey sand | wich is the latest method of evading | {the liquor laws in the state of Ala- bama. Loaves of bread, cut and ar- ranged like oyster sandwiches, are sold over the counters in lunchrooms presumably operated for that very | purpose, a bottle of whiskey being cleverly arranged between the layers of the 'bread. is said that questionable lunch- sms have sprung up all over the |eet # in which these contraband goods practically the total bill of of lare, The discovery of the whiskey sand- wich was made by the warden at the of | I Birmingham jail, who took it into his {head to examine an apparently inno- cent sandwich which was brought { Upon opening the loaf a bot- whiskey was discovered. A rigid investigation was then put on foot, which resulted in the discovery that the whiskey sandwich is already an important article of commerce in Alabama. |relative. Itle of COST OF ATLANTIC: TRADE. | led | Proposition By Which It Could | Be Greatly Reduced. | Berlin, Oct. --The lishes interview * With director of the | Steamship company, i states that two months mitted to the North German ithe Hamburg-American, the Cunard, | the White Star and American lines proposal that théy &range a common shipbuilding programme, which waild | lenable the companies to layup or | {break up a number of old ships in the | Atlantic with to econ omy. Ihe costlin {of the Atlantic by common ag QUO O00) | ; mig 4 be Tageblatt pub- | Herr Ballin, Hamburg-American | in which he} ago he an sub- Lloyds, ay { Orvice a view present extreme ess trade could be reduced reement than $12, annually greement | made by one of the largest and most steamships | ald sail daily and west ward if they could agree upon terms. | Herr Ballin does not say what became of the proposal. HOLE CUT IN CHEEK. more An which modern a | castward | | Little Girl of Watertown Painfully Injured. Watertown, N.Y Oct. 1 hole cut through her k {fall upon a large' hook Ielen |can, a five-year-old girl who | with Me. and Mrs. David ( 'at No. 720 Franklin steeet, vietim of a painful aceid-at day. Dr. Monroe Smith was to dress the child's injuries, finding | the wound a bad one, which may disfigure her for life. The sir} ior bere sufferings has been unable to tell Low {the accident occurred. Mr. Haskin bad but {barn from a drive when the ch greet him. Whether om the hook, used iu be ascertained. Mr her his from and was as possible With trom a Pun resides Ha<kin, was 1 ch | Voste cn Hed h 1 reach they $ nl ot out to 1 Has the { upor ¢ on | cannot carried and Wbharn, kin in arms | barn summoned 3 quickly HUNTING FATALITY. Youth Picking Gum Accidentally | | Shot Dead, | Woodstock, N.B., al | Oct | iting accident o« | shoe irred N 1 John York sister, drid vesterday Sie ed I'urner, W @ of | seventeen Campbel oF ag vears son of Settlement } had I been visiting Clarke, and, Harold McCarthy, nting. Young Mel to pick and below gun county Mrs, Stephen with m he went Tart resting comj ny ar arthy left was | Went {up r gum Lhe some manne lischhrge vr, shp-} of the entered Turner at u summoned v o, ho the and, in the charg ped oli ausing I'he e 3 weapon stoma came out his was { der after w acel m CUT TO NEARLY HALF. 100,000 From U. Oct. 1 Canada 117,53 Reduction--Influx S. Unchanged I'he total immigra from January to a red wat Almost taw tion nto Augu 216 a decrease mi st was } comp the vear Im SHY same period last forty-six an ports 175.516 decrea of 247 months. From United gration 10.964, $0 956 same an increase eicht April of until immigrants were refused Canada at ocean ports and were refused admission from States for the same period. for of 4 at per + - 1 showing ration was Oct with a a0 as compared f¢ r elg imm with ar, rom 342 States was as compa the of year for period last persons August, admission this United Triumph Of Cheap Postage. Oct. 1.--An unprecedented flood of letters addressed to points in the United States poured into the post offices throughout Britain a Ireland, to-day, resul the mmauguration tween King Edward's the land 'of Uncle Sam. Post office Ticials London declare that never they been called upon to American mail, and it seems that every Englishman or Irishman who has relatives <eas has taken advantage of the first day of cheap postage to post one or letters. A banquet will be held, to-night, at which offic als of the Brit- post office department and other prominent men, including distinguis Americans, will celebrate the first great toward the realization ' of Rowland Hill's dream of penny post- the whole wide world London, Great the poste t as ol penny domi ron an of mn have much before handle so more sh ed step age for Boys "And Girls " Tag Day, your penmmes will fleet will arrive at afternoon Atlantic on Friday The Manilla to} Off- | the jail for one of the prisoners by a | | the | meeting * ealled !pointed a revolver at R. | fuses for {to specially tot 1,266 © { LATEST NEW | | { ! f Dispatches From Near And Distant Places GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody | --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read] and Remembered. P. J. Rasberry, boro farmer, for watering milk. The Dominion Park, Montreal, declared a dividend of per {on the common 'stock. M. Hioki, former counsellor to embassy at Berlin, ms been appoint- Japanese minister to Chili. A milk famine is threatened in ronto, owing to difficulties Producers' and Retailers' Fast Flam- #10 and costs an was fined five cent. To- tion. I'he mother of Father Montreal, editor of the | the Saered Heart, died in | the age of seventy-one. Wilfrid Laur addressed a large at Cornwall on Wednesday. Mr. Fielding spoke at Galt, i Borden at St. Mary's. At Haliburton, Ont. Miss Bain, forty years, left her home on evening and Thursday found in river Dr. A Taylor, Gaston church, Philade stphia, to the pas Presbyterian chureh, A J. Devine, Messenger of Ottawa at Sir aged Tuesday on her body the was lev morial has been rate of CUooke Toronto. steamship, Wednesday, ran {down and, sank a ferry boat at the i mouth of Smyrna harbor. One hun- dred and forty were drowned. A company has been formed to build a canal aeross the state of Michigan, from Grand Haven, Michigan, to Saginaw Bay, Huron. 1 By the Irish Universities act, which came into operation to-day, two uni- versities under national control 'are | to established, at Dublin one Belfast. At Norwood, on persons on be at one Man., J. Forester Be amis say- ing, "Your money or your life." The revolver went offi and a bullet pierced Beamis' chest. He will die. Rev. Father Cronan, Connecticut, who died recently, has surprised Ot- tawa University by a benefactian = of $1,000, He said he was an ola stu 'dent, but no one remembers him. A despatch from Vienna the Austrian government repeated warni against gration its subjects to States, particularly vania Sheriff Lane to deliver federal even should with that | is issuing the the to says xs emi of and White over N.Y h. Pitts send the Pittsburg Plains Harry authorities at they for of I'he to prise order federal judge. Mrs. was Pe : murdered Frank Ro found her h the above vears, named Stratford. Her ro 1rnmot at Nieless bods in iar wit negro dozing on the just A it on foot in Toronto mark the retirement Mortimer Clark from the lieuten ant-governorship of Ontario &v pre him and L Clark with testimonial De "Beers start operations {October, working tead of five, the demand liamonds bo United States and Eugland The Ottawa liberals will hold vention to-night and harmony weted in adopting Sir Wilfrid and H. B. McGive as cand the place of Messrs voir, chosen at the | Pr. Koch still | tuber ulosis { human beings. there movement 1s of Sir senting wuld a fitting The 1 diamond mine ain on the days a to the revival ag SiX owing week, th for « Laurier in i Fraser last co declares tl not transmissible Up to the time no authentic case bovine tuberculosis in man taking form of pulmonary tuberculosis Mrs Cook and Miss | Floyd, were burned de the home Martinsvi George, . that women had was known until evidence was found the ruins. The origin of the fire not be determined. Er, George . Jordan, aged ight years, wife of a farmer Kay' s Corners, Ont., died sult 'of burns received in {when a lamp exploded, on Wedne {She was neatly roasted alive, almost all of her clothes being burned from her body. Her husband and one child survive, The czarina's breakdown, arising her husband and been improved by cruise along the Her physicians ing' the winter in the refuses, unless the czar dren accompany her. is sent 18 George sisters, former's Main » fact He en burned in mn St the not m can twenty Me re- Lome aay. near the her wl nervy Xiety over has not long vachting of Finland upon her pass south, but sh and her chil prolongs ous from an children her voa insist st across the | Cigarette Shut Out. Wash., Oct. 1. the supreme court. of the Washington have decided that cigarette must go, having agreed that the anti-cigarette law, enacted by the legislature of 1907, constitutional. This reverses a ruling by E. H Sullivan, of the Spokane county perior court, who declared it uncon- stitutional, from the fact that the ti tle of the law is in conflict with provisions. The decision by the upper court facture, sell or give away the rolls or "the makings" in any part of the comnionwealth, Spokane, --Judges state, < 18 Judge THE WORLD'S TIDINGS: | the between | Associa- | and R. L. | Me- | on Lake | 5 Lake | and United | Pennsyl- | of the su its means it is unlawful to manu- paper other 1 i MONTE CARLO Can't Be Broken. London, Oct. 1.--The unique gamb- |ling contest between Sir Hiro Ma- xim and Lord Rossin came {end yesterday and | the system advanced by the latter. i Lord Rosslyn claimed' that by. his system of play it was possible to win at Loulette 2 Sir 1 ram said, this was im- | | ) | | | | Joank controversy the two men began (ing roulette in a Picanditly a days ago. Sir Hiram eon: ducted the dass in the Sane it 'is played 'at Monte Carlo. Lodd Rosslyn start- with $50,000 in dummy money and the bank had an equal { amount. Lord Rosslyn's system has bee proved to be utterly fallacious. G one period of the contest he was about $16,000 to the good, but for |the past three days fhe bank has been a steady winner and his lord- {ship's capital in "ddmoy" monty beeame exhausted, 4 ee ---- i {ed to play has | VON" SCRARTZEN- STEIN has been sent owt {rom Berlin » way of finding owt if Baron Munn Schartzenstein wo be acceptable Roosevelt as the new Ger- man ambassador te Washington, sue- late Baron.Bpeck Von Stern- y died a shorg: while after a to ¢ iermany {BARON | MUNN A feeler Von to President acracy in mt of an old Teutonic baronial and #8 of. as noble descent as yal family in Furope. Personally th fom Seal out and is ans { i splendidly educated ami door sports and © ered a "good fellow™ of the expression. THE WHITE {JUSTICE BREWER ON PO: LICE POWERS AND LABOR. | Ravages? of Consumption--Prof. Fisher Makes a Startling De- | claration--Infection, Predis- position and Heredity. i i Washington, Oet. 1.--One {features of the tuberculosis was an address by Justice Brewer, of the supreme court of the United States, "The legitimate exercise olice power for the. protec health." He said in part: police pow cares for the for the | for the safety, good morals of the commun- In each of these cases it is the individual directly benefitted, ind is indirectly that the state ganized entity, is benefitted having good, healthy moral citizens, and of the congress wn who only & it as an or by citiz good, staying the Continui facing nt character series of cases in which shorter hours of labor are demanded in behalf of the employee. Now whenever the em ployment ; one which attended special the state may and say to the employer : *You ly let the men we rk about a reg length of time." But if the occupation is not freighted with | danger it is something behind the | power of the leg islature to disturb li a man thinks working twelve hours better for him and will inure to his happiness to a greater - extent than the avocation he pursuing, and is attended with then he has the right to pursue and the employer has right to make a contract with for that length of time. That five mjllion people now living in the United States are doomed to fill consumptives' graves unless some- thing is done to prevent it' was startling declaration of Professor Ir-| ving, of Yale universitv. in an #¢ dress on "The Cost of Tuberculosi Professor Fisher's ' address, was the feature of the day, sensation among the hundreds listened to his statements Fisher further declared that the 00 persons who die annually the country cash one billion dollars "Elopes With Chauffeur. Atlanta, Sept. 30.--The greatest sensation in Atlanta society for many | years came to-day, ment of the marriage of Silver Speer, oranddaughter and best kn dead, to feur of hey family. procured, by the | bridegroom and the marriage formed by the Rev. Henry ens, progress of disease."' he said: fo-day we conditions of a shghtly I'here are ng, rare differe a 1s 18 with risks, come all or onable 18 is no risks, the him avocation created a who Prof. 138 .- in hard a year. in gOS over n men Russell in Thomas, Atkinson. worth anywhere in ber oll. She £600,000 to $1,000,000 right," "the fortune fo when she twenty-one. couple the way ton. are on to sides. Sir Hiram Maxim's Claim That It shows defeat * for ainst the Monte Carlo and in order to settle Lhe that | of consumption in the announce a hard worker. Mrs. Thomas is just seventeen years cast a gl from munity. own | The undertakers stated that if the! come to her blow in the head had not killed The young unfortunate Washing- | The bride's family is furious, and 'death. lawyers have been employed on both BLEW OFF THE TOP OF HIS HEAD. His Brother Allred Was Terribly Wounded, and Loses An Arm a Boulder--A Neighbor Made the Awful Discovery. the premature explosion of oi dynamite Thomas Smith, who lived near Collins Bay, met instant death on Wednesda ternoon. All that was mor him lay in a mangled heap huge boulder on his farm. other side of the boulder Tay This brother, Alired PF. Smith, terribly wounded. The terrible accident occurred in a field just back of the residence of the man who lost his life, one mile this side of Collins Bay. The two broth- bre left sho after dinner to a pasture field and blast ott a granite boulder, which was 'in the centre of the field. They weat im- mediately to work, drilling a hole in the centre of the rock in which to place the dynamite. Just how the accident occurred cannot vet be as certained, but it is thought that in putting in the charge it must: have wen jarred against the rock, causing it to explode. One can imagine the two. brothers leaning over the boulder putting in the dynamite, when, without warn- ing. the powerful explosive went, off, rending the rock in half, and casting fragments for many feet around. The elder brother - was hit above the eyes of rock and the by ah piece whole on of of his head was carried off. He fell to the never wha [other man had his left hand smashed to a his face badly burned and [other : nti on different parts of "his Ed Arnold was walking from the house te the field when he heard the explosion but did not think ang- thing ' was wrong until he did wot see the two men in Saxting back for the rock. RH hurried the iim 'the. hi an Tae " right hand up to his face as if trying to take something from his eyes. | Alfred was conscious when Arnold arrived and in reply to a question said : "Yes, 1 am badly hurt, and { Henry is killed." The wounded man | succeeded in walking to the house," a distance of about three hundred yards but when he arrived the pain became too great and he lost jconsciousness. George Smith, a neighbor, drove him at once to the Kingston general hos- pital, where he was treated. Another rig was secured and men started back to the field to remove the | home men remains of Henry Smith to his iT was § very sad sight as the ireached = the house and carried [mangled body in among those that {the dead man loved most on earth, land laid it carefully down. went back to the field and succeeded |in securing his brains and picces this skull, which were scattered {the field for a distance of a hundred | foot or more. These pieces of i hody were gathered together in that and laid beside his remains [await the coming of the coroner. Dr. Ross summoned and took the | evidence man, Edward Arnold {Tt was a clear case of acadgnt inquest necessary. the coroner concluded his work Reid & Co's. ambulance to take the remains. Alired Smith I'dition when {hospital and found forearm. operation. was badly was of i one no [after i James rived | was was in a serious con- | upon examination it twas {left the | face thoug were {that i Hing Dr. Mylks performed The wounded man's injured and it was] rht for some time that his eyes affected but later it was found | they were all right. In the even- | the man was in a very weak con- dition but hopes were held out for his recovery. Deep sympathy is felt for the sor-| rowing relatives, who have been through great trouble in the past six | months. Only about the men's mother was laid at rest, and about two weeks ago Henry | Smith's wife took seriously ill and| the | was removed to the Kingston general | real, {hospital where she underwent an |operation, and was only taken away {from the institution three days .ago. | which | She was not. well enough to be taken and was staying with friends in| home the city. On Wednesday evening she did not know of the terrible ac- cident that had leit her a widow. The late Henry Smith was born {Collins Bay about thirty-five ago: -and all his life had known no {other home. He married Miss Geor- igie Quintell, who survives him. He was a well-known and well-esteemed {man; a man of kindly disposition apd He was a Forester land a Methodist in religion. Besides j in of one of the wealthi- his brother and his wile one sister,i i ll the windows in Aflanta, the is left The license | Smith resides in Cleveland, Ohio, and. father of the with his wife was here on a visit to } oumber as the side and rear shown in was per- | his old Daniel MacDonald, Collins Bay, ! to mourn his Alfred Mrs. loss. home. He is twenty-eight' {years old., The terrible accident has oom over the entire com- the man he received internal! injuries that would have caused His right hand was mangled, his arms and side badly crushed. --The Brothers Were Blasting| af: = Ward... tario Ward... «. ... Bd, ro > x ar Shan bs Rideau Ward... ... Victoria Ward ... Cataraqui an Frontenac Ward Ridsau Ward... ... Ye Moria Ward ... ... & S {EL 1 40. 1.8 05, Syden Ward. «ow Ontario Ward... 3 Lawrence Ward. Catarnqui Ward... ... . Frontenae Ward. Rideau Ward... Victoria Ward Sydenham Wr di. .. Ontario Ward .. St. Lawrence Weird Cataraqui Ward. Frontenac Ward... Rideau Ward Victoria Ward... .. « Sydenham Ward... Ward... Cataraqui Ward Frontenad Ward... ones WA as rein @ Sydenham Ontario... St. Lawrence ., Cataraqui ... Frontenac... Rideau Victoria... There are 635 male rh between 91 and 60 years; 715 dogs and - 111 sl he | Seven Wessels Were at the The men | of | over | his | al to | and | Shortly | ar- | he arrived at the general | necessary to amputate his | six weeks ago | years | his, bitches. SCHOONERS RS TIED UP. Point To-Day. Marine men had trouble enough while the fog and smoke was on, and now the rough. weather is setting them back. There are at present out at the point six schooners and a steam- er, and some of them have been there for a week, and their provisions are running very low. The storm is hav- ling very liftle effect on the big ves: but the schooners have been hav- ing more than their share. The vessels out at the point this morning, were the schooners Marshall, Horace Taber, (lara, Jamieson, Trade Wind, Ford River, and steamer Kenirving. The ! vessels are all lving close to each oth er, and present a very pretty sight. Swift's: Steamer Toronto, down to-day, on her last trip of the steamer Rideau King, for Ot to-day; steamer Aletha, from steamer City of Ottawa, west, to-day; schooner Cornelia, clear- led for Oswego, to load coal. The steamer Wanderer was placed on { the Cape Vincent route to-day, Capt. |W. C. Hudson, in command. | The sloop Laura D., arrived from | Simcoe Island, with a cargo of oats, | for Richardson's elevator. | The schooner Bertha Kalkins arriv- tod" from Oswego, with coal for the electric light plant. {| M. T. company : The tug Mary | rived from Montreal, with two harges; the tug Bartlett arrived from Mont- with four barges; the tug Mary Hall, will clear for Montreal, with a | coupie of barges. sels, | | and up, season; tawa, bay points; } Answer To McNally"s Flats Puzzle. There must have been twenty-four iwindows in front, and twelve on . the other side of ally's Flats. The solution may be reasoned out as. fol lows : ; The front, it was stated, had one- haif as many windows as.the two 'sides and rear combined. Therefore, the front had one third of all the win- dows in the building. The "other side," it was stated, had one-half as 'many windows as the front, there fore, the "other side' had one-sixth the building. One-third and one-sixth equal one-half, so it is clear that the front and "other side" together have the same ithe picture. The whole building econ- tained seventy-two windows. a quarrel over money matters aged cighiy thre a wealthy resident Pa., was knocked off the front by his son. His head In Samuel Pehepahelt, iyears, v nlley, "perch ribs broken and one|a stone and he died in twenty min- People from miles 'utes. Son arrested. It's of «side WB trached' a E derpriced t lot. os ojo) tation ¥ in every..way Yeliable garments such as Wes offer you TODAY. For want of spare we draw 3 your attention to le suit omly, Collar and buttons, 11 pore Hare skirt deep fold and hitttons, 820 at $15 special There Are Others Just as good for the prices ask- ed, at $20, $25, $30 to $35. trimmed value FAIL TO SEE OUR AS- SORTMENT. DON'T AAAAARAACK HINO BORN. Kingston and Mrs UDSON .--~In 1908, to daughter. Ref Mr H. MARRIED. RRY--FERRIS.--At Queen dist Chuskth, on 1908, by the Hey Alina eldest datghter Mrs. J.P. 'H.. Ferris, Farle Curry, only son of Frederick Curry, of Windsc DIED. WHATTAM.--In South Muryshurg, on Sept. 26th, Amnetia Jane Whattagm, eldest daughter of Mr. and wy Charles VW. Whattam, aged fiffgén years. SMITH.--At Collin's 30th, 1908, Henry thirty-six years. Funeral from his late residence, morning, at 10 o'clock, to Catara- qui Cemetery. Friends 'and acquaint- ances respectiully invited to attend, ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. New Hone St. Metho- A Hursday- 3 Oey Ist, ariing and Henry and of Mr to Mr Bay on Sept, T. Smith, aged Friday id il In Comb and rar Jas Redden & Co., - IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES, EVERYBODY COME. = And pick out your Stoves foe inter. RETOY a0 0 Jang, but EOO0\ ones, at Nifty Telescope Hats, The best stock at Camphell Brow', next There iT anim. of the poli