YAGE TWO. Parlor Furnishing Is not an every day affair, you don't ex pect. to do it very often, and you want to do it right. We can belp you to do it easily and inex- pensively. Our choice covers over JU styles of Suites, from $17 up to $200. Our assortment of ODD IDEAS in Chairs, Settees, Divans Centre Pieces, etc, | is unique and large We make 1 Upholstering and cover your choice in any cover you may choose. PARLOR CABINETS--A" full stock, handsome designs, also combination Music end Parlor Cabinets. PARLOR TABLES--AIl shapes sizes, in Oak and ' Mahogany. cheap designs, at $2, $2.75 and others 'smaller, at $1, $1.50 up. our own Work, $4, Wiltons, Brussels, Balmorals, from the manufacturers AN sizes, 86.50, $8, $11 'AINS--~Lace Hrussels 25¢. to ar. epair and Upholstg done Phone 90. complete, is --- up. Nett, ete., 8 Yours, T. F. Harrison Co. and Some Axminis- ring Work prompt- IS A FINE DISTRICT PROF. M. B. BAKER SPEAKS OF LAKE ABITIBL. Spent Four Months There Mak-! ing Geological Survey For Bureau of Mines--Indians Are Dying at An Alarming Rate. Prof. M. B. Baker, of Queen's Uni- versity, who has returned from a trip to Rake Abitibi district, where he spent four months, making a geo- logical survey for the Bureau of Mines, has a glowing account to give of that district, from an agricultural stand- point. This part of the country is covered with evergreen bush, but is faicly level, and when cleared, the professor believes, will be just tip- {top for agriculture. The country has no heavy hills, cpn be very easily drained, and is well watered. : Abitibi Lake is seventy-three miles long, from two to twenty miles wide, and rather irregular in outline. There lare 700 islands in the lake, and the {scenery is something wonderful. The lake always presents a very muddy color, and on this account it was given its Indian name, which means "white 'water."' Prof. Baker says that the engineers on the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, which is being built, have been mak- ing clearings, and have had some most successful results in the growing of vegetables. Even lettuce, celery, beans, carrots, beels, onions and to- matoes have turned out remarkably well. There is no doubt but that, when the country is cleared wp, it will Ibe a great agricultural centre. It is [370 miles directly north of Toronto, {and the Grand Trunk are engaged in {building a transcontinental road to {touch the lake. Cochrane will be the | junction point of the T. N. 0. R. and | the G. T. P. Prof. Baker secured s | ples of barley and oa Inorth BPEEEEEREEE Genuine Persian S. We offer for sale 2 Genuine Persian Rugs, imported from Kurdistan. one size 10ft. 3in. bv 11ft. 10in. Regular price $75, for $45.00 Cash. One size 10it. lin. by 12ft. Tin. Regular $80, for $50.00 Cash. - RS ---- (®) R. McFAIL, Carpet Warehouse. The Old Stand and The Old Num- | Phone 490 OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended to night or day. seweem | e) the second week in August, anc has left these with the minister of agriculture. The fhet that this will turn out to be a gael spot for agriculture comes as a great surprise, as from the vari- ous reports received from time 'to time, one would be led to believe that there would be nothing doing in this line. Such an idea of this kind is far away from the -true state of affairs Bridges are now being constructed over the Abitibi and Frederickhouse Rivers, | and by the first week in December the T, 0. R. will reach Cochrane. ) The land ' has upon it 'a great amount of timber, poplar, balsam and spruce, the fact that the railway will close at hand, will assure {speedy transportation. Pas 4 just eight years since Prof. {Baker visited this country, and he reports a wonderful change. At that {time part of the trip had to be made in a canoe, which required a full week. The ground is now very cold, the timber has not vet been re- but when the bush has been and be 1s as moved, n- ts grown on Ny shore of Lake Abitibi, cut dur {2 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1908. | TO DISCUSS SCHOOL BOARD REDUCTION. Another Special Meeting to Be mela This Evening--Matter Must Be Considered Before the Day is Out. / A special meeting of the city council | was called for yesterday afternoon, to consider the petition of 400 ratepayers to reduce the number of school tras- tees from twenty-ong 18 ten. A quorum of members failed to attend at the hour at which the meeting was called, and nothing could be done. A number of Board of Education mem- bers were present to hear the discus- sion, . The meeting was 'called for. 4.30: o'clock. When the city clerk called the | roll at 4.45, the following answered to their names : Alds. Carson, Craig, Free, Graham, Hoag 'and Nickle. Mayor Ross was out of the city and could not attend. Alds. Angrove, Chown, Givens, Hanley and Kent had waited till ten minutes after the hour of meeting and then left. At ten min- utes of five, Ald. Rigney appeared, and there would then have been a quorum had the others stayed, but they had waited a reasonable time. Ald. Nickle said he did not like to see the petition shelved in such a way, particularly when it must be consid- ered by the' council on or before Oc- tober Ist. Only one day remained for the council to act on the petition, and he "suggested that anothers special meeting be called for Wednesday even- ing. Ald. Craig spoke along the same lines. The petition was from over 400 ratepayers and deserved consideration. If October 1st was allowed to pass, the petition would have to stand over till next vear. Ald. Rigney also fav- #red calling another meeting. | Jt has been arranged that the coun- {eil meet this eveming, at 7.30 o'clock, the matter. MAY INVITE LORD City Council : i | to consider MILNER { To Visit Queen's University and Give An Address. | cleared, 'the elimate will be first-class. | Towards the end of August there was | a frost, the first of the season; and about the middle of September there was more frost, but as the barley and oats had been cut, no damage result ed, A most remarkable discovery was made by Prof. Baker, in that the In- dians in that district are dying at an alarming rate. On the occasion oi his first visit there, in 1900, there were 900- Indians, working for the Hudson Bay trading post, and on his last visit there were only 450. The Indians are dying from consumption, as many as sixty-seven passing away in one summer. The only reason that can be given for this state of affairs is the fact that the Indians refuse to keep themselves clean. They do not like the water, and will not even learn to swim, like a white man. They ap pear to hate the water very much, and it'is often the case that ii, while out in a canoe, they meet with a mis- hap, and are dumped out, they go to a watery grave, unless help is close at hand. The death rate is most alurm- ling: the Indians go about with a imost dreadful cough, which, in the --WRITE -FOR Parquet --DESIGNS Flooring rics ELLIOTT & SON, LTD. Manufacturers, 79 King St. W. Toronto LO oe eo : BEFORE BUYING A HOME Stop and consider. Have you perfect confidence in your ability to judge for yourself as to location, values, etc. ? TE Ts Ht (ON [Toe [ot x If not, or even though you have, it will 'pay you to consult this agency. For many years we have made a careful study of Xingston real estate. Our time, our facilities and our counsel are at your ser- vice for the asking and you will find them of much value to you. When you make a deal through us. we attend to all | those "little" things that are so likely to be overlooked by inexperienced buyers. McCANN'S, B1 Brock street. AIRE] EF EED il | end proves fatal. Surely this is a Imost deplorable state of affairs, and could there not be some remedy ? | Although there is an abundance of fine fish { says Prof. Baker, water being off all thus preventing any trolling dians catch their fish in nets Prof. Baker reports rich find rold in this distriet, there large quantity of it has fine samples which he there. is spoiled hy color The a but He secured | no ie a some Fall Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received all fall importations for order work { in his tailoring department. His rea- dy-made clothing and gents' furnish- ing departments were never better as- sorted. Made Good His Escape. Several clues given the police con- the whereabouts of the man who is alleged to have attempted an assault upon a little girl, were fol lowed up by the police, but he could not be located cerning Backache is almost immediately re- lieved by wearing one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Plasters. Try one and be free from pain. Price 25e. It really does not help matters to think that the money paid for the suit case on the eve of vacation would have bought two tons of coal. "For lame back." Belladonna' Plas- | ters make weak backs strong. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store Yesterday was the festival day of St. Jerome, to-day that of St. Remi | gius, | Repairing of all kinds. My Vafet. | Say Ir If your doctor says this i is all right, then say it over and over again. Headaches. Headaches. Biliousness. Biliousness. Constipation. Constipation. Ayers Pills. Ayer's Pills. Headaches. Biliousness. ! Constipation. Ayer's Pills. The other fellow may secare job while you are deliberating. Some men who never make money to make money oo. are anxious the | Sugar-coated. Sugar-coated. | | Easy to take. Easy to take. | Don't forget. Don't forget. Sugar-coated. § | Easy to take. J.C. Ayer Co Lowell. Mass. in Lake Abitibi, the ishing, | the | the time, | Tn-! of | . puiways I LORD MILNER. The convocation at Queen's set {Oct. 16th may be withdrawn. {purpose of making the October | vocation® a big affair to big men here to speak and let the university elasses in full swing, instead of bringing them here | when it was abgut to put up its shut- iters, and when two-thirds of the students had gone to their homes and their summer work. It is proposed |to postpone the convocation of the {16th till a later date, and try to se- leure Lord Milner, the distinguished lhigh chief commissioner of South Africa during the Boer war Lord Milner is now on a tour of Canada, and may be induced to pay Queen's a | visit. | Principal Gordon will be home to- morrow from Caledonia Springs, where he has been for some time for {the benefit of his health. He is much improved, and hopes to be able to {enter upon his university duties with (bis usual vigor. ---- OVERCOAT WAS STOLEN. | | | for The con- bring them was | see | Taken From Waiting Room at K. & P. Railway Station. | It does notpay to risk leaving your jovercoat 1n a station waiting jand away for a while. F | way, superintendent of the K land Pembroke railway, left his over- coat beside his grip, for a few min- {utes, this morning, and when he came back to get it, the coat had disap- |peared. It is a fine black coat, with {silk lining. Mr. Conway left, at 9.30 o'clock, for Renfrew, the special car Saskatchewan, with party of officials of thé road, and was forced {to go minus his coat. ? A young man, who was seen loiter- ing around the station during the morning, is suspected of the theft. A {good description of him was secured by the police, and they are now hunt- him A young lady and a |gentleman, who were: in the station, {saw the young fellow pick up the {overcoat and walk out, but they did {not think anything about it, as they {were of - the opinion that it was his | property The voung man loitered taround the station for some time. He {was found by one of ghe employees, | wandering around the engineer's offi- ices, and had to be ordered away. He then went to the general waiting: { room, and again had to be ordered out, for smoking. Tt was after this | that he got away with the coat. The {theft is the first of the kind ever re {ported from this station. On market lays, the slab in the waiting-room is crowded with parcels, and most remarkable is the fact that these have hever been disturbed, a fact which has often been commented on. It is too near winter now, to leave an overcoat around. Later--Constable oom Con- go ston on a ling for jing for je Craig later found Mr. Conway's coat in an hotel on King street, where he had evidently left it, and also found a couple of let- ters belonging to Mr. Conway, in his { possession. These he evidently picked | up while he was wandering through the offices. He had opened one of the letters. He also had several plugs of tobacco in his possession. He will be Arraigned in the police court to-mor- row. |an good projebts, | Da NO QUORUM PRESENT WHAT 15 TAG DAY? TAGS WILL BE OFFERED THE CITIZENS pi Se On Behalf of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Kingsten General Hos- pital--The Noble Work of the Women. : Kingston, Oct. 1.--(To the Editor): What is Tag Day? No doubt citizens generally "have wondered what the eaning of this is, after seeing notice of same in the press. This is 'what Tag Day means : In other cities, lad- jes interested in hospitals and other good works have er many thou- sand dollars by this scheme. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Kingston General 'Hospital, ever prominent in are adopting the same SC e to assist the hospital in its splendid work. They have settled on Saturday, October 3rd, as Tag Ladies will be stationed at the corners of our streets on that day with "tags," which will be offered 20 ail citizens. There will be no set price for these tags, but each and every- one of Kingston's good people may contribute whatever they feel disposed for a tag. No sum, however small, will be refused, and any sum, no mat- ter how large, will be gratefully ac- cepted. Each person receiving a "tag" may wear same, so that he may not be "tagged" again. Every person wearing such a tag will not again be requested to buy another tay. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the King: ston General Hospital have done mag- nificent work towards the maintenance and proper equipment of the institu- tion. Durmg last few months, from the proceeds of the Made-in-Can- ada exhibition, they have paid off the deficit of last year of some $3,200, have equipped the laundry, placed fire escapes on the buildings, rebuilt the ice house, are at the present time put- ting new roof on the main building and erecting a rot house, all of which have been essentidlly necessary require- iments. Funds are urgently needed again this year as the hospital, not being endowed in any way, has to de- pend to a great extent on public bene- ficence. It, therefore, behooves our |good citizens to be "tagged" on Sa- {turday, Oetober 3rd, and by loyal contributions once more assist a worthy institution, a worthy cause, the treatment of our sick and saffer- ing. Be sure and get your tag on Sa- turday, wear it prominently, and let your light so shine.--J. A. MINNES, Vice-Chairman. y. pn -- B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W. World, R. P. Barrington, J. McCase, Toronto; Judge Madden, Napanee; N. R. Turner, Prescott; T. Thomas, G. C. Brown, Bath; R. Stoddard, Vancouver, B.C; L. M. Moffatt, Charles Hubbard, Hamilton; H. B. Barker, L. A. Tupper, Detroit; Charles D. Jost and wife, Wm. Greig, A. C. Wilson, P. Panneton, Rufus Fil- er, F. G. Diver, Algut I; Edwin Gra- New: Yor! 0! ham, H. B. . Stubbs, R. ork Thomas W Lans- 1. Burrows, ! Stuart vil, Kenora; ehester, downe; GG. George, E. B. Kins and wife, Eganville; A 8 Tupper, Povo Hency ditdhenry, Dithwa;. CF. Low- dis Ir G. Heviderson, Lon- don; W.oR Land. Sintaluta, Sask.; Jomes Gillick, "Miss EB. Burk, Belle- ville; W, M. Campbell, Eganville; R. C. Gilfillan, Bufialo; Arthur Belfert, Gananoque; L. McEwin, Maxville. G. Par Sco- Re-opening Service. Paul's churéh will be reopened on Sunday, and harvest thanksgiving services held. Holy communion, 3 a.m.; morning prayer, 11, preacher, Dean Farthing; evening prayer, 7 o'clock, preacher, Rev. W. F. Fitzgyr- ald, vicar ' St. Procure A Tag. On Tag Day every dollar thus spent is given for the best of charities. Get new Get flour Memoranda for to-morrow : grate for kitchen range. sifter. Order buckwheat maple syrup. ash and The Penalty Of Fast Living. Is paid for by an irritable condition of body and mind, by exhausted and broken sleep. If you must \and will live a killing pace, better keep in mind the sustaining powers of Ferrozone, a wonderful tonic '@&nd reconstructor Ferrozone is a blood maker, a nerve strengthener, a heart and brain invig- orator. It creates appetite, insures perfect digestion and undisturbed sleep, the vitality and strength lost by excessive living, very restores mable good, try it. Price 50c. per box or six boxes for $2.50 at druggists or Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. £1 quickly. Ferrozone will do you inesti- | We have Removed to Our New Store, next door-.to Redden's Grocery. % AT THE GRAND. 'The Tyranny of Tears.'" Robert Ganthony, the celebrated English actor, with his English com- pany, will present "The Tyranny Of Tears" at the Grand to-night. Mr. | Ganthony played with Sir Henry Ir- ving and Miss Ellen Terry in their famous production of the "Merchant Of Venice," has shared the hondrs with Sir John Hare, and Forbes Rob- ertson and other acknowledged leaders in dramatic art. To-Night «A Pair Of Country Kids." "A-Pair Of Copntry Kids," a rural comedy drama, is the play announced at the Grand for Saturday, October 3rd, matinee and night, and from all reports that = have reached the man agement the country kids are a lively pair and seem to be making a large number' of friends everywhere. Ihe play is highly spoken ' of as a clean, up-to-date rural comedy drama, true to nature and with all those lovable folks "'down on the farm." "The Gay Musician." With a remarkable record of succes- os to its credit, Julian Edwards' new "rhe Gay Musician," 1 company that play- at Wal to Sth. comic opera, with the origina ed for 100 nights this summer lack's theatre, New York, comes the Grand on Thursday, October KICKED BY A HORSE. 0 cms Randall Victim of Unfor- tunate Accident. Mrs. Randall, wife of Capt. John Randall, of "the steambarge John Randall, was kicked in the face hy a horse at her home at Seeley's Bay, on Wednesday, and received serious in- juries Her jaw bones were broken, and she also suffered from fright. The nimal was in 'a field, and when Mrs. Randall went to the gate to let ¢ rig come in the animal galioped past and kicked her. The animal was al ways regarded as a very- quiet one. Day Labor Or Contract ? A meeting of the city property committee is to be held on Friday to deal with the city buildings dome question, which the council has left entirely in the hands of that com- mittee. No tenders have yet been accepted. The committee has to de- cide whether it will have the bulk of the work done by day labor or not. It is thought a thousand dollars at least could be saved thercby. To first call for new tenders would probably be the best move Likely To Be Arranged. Constantinople, Oct ].--Notwith- standing the decision of the Bulgar jan ministry to retain possession of {the Rumelian section of .the Oriental {railway, a peaceful arrangement ol the | question seems likely. 'The despatch lof M. Malinofi, the Bulgarian prime minister to the grand vizier, here, re Mrs. most moderate language and express es a wish to discuss the incident. lt is thought the disquietude will vanish in a few days. Wonderfully Grown. Rev. W. A. Mcllroy, Stewarton Pres- byvterian church, Ottawa, has, with his flock, just celebrated his fourth anni- versary The cause has wonderfully progressed. The congregation has 400 |families, Sunday :school, 550 pupils. {Church revenue is $12,000 per year. There are thirteen societies at work. The pastor's salary is $2,000. Mr. Me- llroy is an highly esteemed Kingston- ian. Kingston's Famous Fur Store. Furs For Fall ! We have a very extensive variety of small Neck Pieces made up quite suitable for Fall and Winter wear. Our range includes Mink, Persian Lamb, Alaska Sable, Grey Squirrel, Sable Squitrel, Pony, Chinchilla and many other popular furs, at very moderate prices. Makers of Fine Furs. Princess St. Hair Cure Pays. It pays to keep the hair thrifty and glossy. To neglect this leads to | baldness. If your hair is thin or if {scalp humors are destroying its vital- lity, the one certain remedy if Pr Dawson's Hair Restorer. In bottles, 50c., at Wade's drug store. eb -------- Secured A Good Bandsman. The band of the R.C.H.A. has cured a new clarinet player in person of J. J. Marriott. He also a fine pianist. The new quisition performed with credit Cobalt. 1,000 Islands-Rochester. Steamer North King leaves Sunday at 10.15 a.m. for 1,000 island ports, land at 5 p.m. for Rochester, via Bay of Quinte. The Wonder Of Wonders. Is Campbell Bros' new $2 derbies. There is nothing to equal them at the {price. ' "Hot water bottl that depend on It pays to buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Pure gum rubber ones are sold there. Phone you can No. 12 division, Frontenac ward liberals. will not meet to-night as ad- vertised. The rajly of workers in No. 12 will be announced later. Suits cleaned and pressed. My Valet. James Johnston, Kingston, is spend- ing a few days in Carleton Place, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mayhew. Overcoats dyed or pressed. My Valet. cording the decision is framed in the : WE WON'T HAVE TO SING Very loud in praise of our New Fall Lines, after you have inspect- ed them. Lét us show you what we can do for you in Fall Underwear Fall Half Hose * Fall Gloves Fall Shirts Fall Hats:and Caps Fall Neckwear Quarter sizes in Collars. P. J. HUNT. BROCK ST. 350 yards of Al. Wool Dress Goods, .in ; Greys, Browns. Greens, y B1SQ Chevron stripes, 38 to inches wide. Big value BOc. a yard. Friday Your Choice 35c a Yard, ov Sls 50 NAVY SERGE 39¢ An import order gives us the opportunity to sell you a regular 50c. Navy Blue y Serge, full 40 inches wide, for Only 39¢c a Yard 45 at OUR GOATS Are moving out rapidly. The style, workmanship and low prices are winning the y friendship of buyers, hence the quick selling. We have THE COAT YOU WANT. "COME AND SEE. SHAW The Always Busy Store. Dutch Bulbs For Fall Planting. of Dutch and now your Our importation Bulbs has arrived is the time to make choice. These are all 'sound bulbs, first quality and sure, to bloom. Hyacinths, at 5c. and 10e. each. Tulips single and double, 20¢., 25c. and 30c. dozen. Narcissus and Cro- cus. : - Dr. A. P. Chown Phone 348. 185 Princess St 00000000000000000000 Just talking it over ome tells the other. Ask your friends where to buy your New Fur-Lined Coat. We guarantee satisfaction and | have the reputation of turning out the best Fur-Lined COATS. Get the New Cut Semi-Fitted. WwW. F. Gourdier. Toilet Soaps We have at the present time 3 SPECIAL TLINES EMRE Extra gaod.value all of them' 5 PER KE. C00DY TWO SHOES Never wore as pretty a bit foot- wear as our Good $2 50 Shoes for Ladies They have the style, quality and ability of many shoes that sell for third to oné-half more money. They come in several styles and will be glad to show them to you. H. JENNINGS, King St. ALWAYS RIGHT of dur one- we T The PRICE, QUALITY and QUANTI- TY of our COAL is always right. P. WALSH. American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all~ kinds, Prices on application.™ W.F. KELLY & CO,, South Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts. 'Phone, 486.