Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1908, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR. , EEE Night Light The Best Night Light in the Market. Cost for 18 Hours 1%c. Cost of Lamp, 33c Corbett's. ages, hurs- nited be of THE WHIG, 75th YEAR 806-310 King street, Kingston, On o at $6 per year; Editions at 2.30 and WEEKLY published in parts on Monday 2nd i ° States, charga for postage bss to added, making price of Daily $3 and Attached is one ing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, The British Whi¢ Publishing Co., Lt'd, EDW. J. B. PENSE, DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at o'clock p.m. BRITISH WHIG, 16 2 day morning at $1 a year. U Week] 1.50 r iP. a . he best Job Print- and cheap work ; nine improved presses. Managing Director. TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- bers, 32 Church St., Toronto, H. ¥ Smallpeice, Representative. - Daily Whig. MACLEAN, THE HYPNOTIST. An amusing incident ocurred at the political m eeting in South York, which Mr. Maclean attended. He had reason to expect the nomination, but until it was offered to hima he had to still and listen while others There were a lot of rumours, unfriendliness between Mr. Maclean Mr. Borden, and they sit spoke. alleged and Are supposed to be under His care and THE DAILY at present, would drive one out of publie life. Tt remains to be scen how much of this thing the Canadian péo- ple can stand. SOME OF HANNA'S HAND-OUTS. The slanderers of the conservative party began their work too soon. They have pumped themselves out, have toid all they knew and more, have put a biased impression on every question they Lave discussed, and now find themselves up against seri- ous difficulties. Mr. Hanna's break on - the asylum records is indefensible. The asylums he ought to kmow soiiething about them. So he tock the liberty of as- serting that while the normal increase in the insane and prison population was 20 per cent. in the five years be- tween 1903 and 1908, it was 90 per cent. He attributed this to the inrush of foreigners, each one of whom costs $200 a year "or a total of ' $1,200,000 for. the past year alone." Then the students of political econo- my got to work and' found that as a fact during the entire reign of BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1,-1898. FOSTER'S LAND DEAL "Was Nasty, Underhand and Wholly Inexcus- able." Hon. George E. Foster, who poses as a paragon of virtue and purity, and who has no words severe enough for the condemnation of "graft," is to speak at Dundas on Saturday night, might find time to explain a matter which closely touches himself ? What is the proper name to apply to 'the con- duct of a public man who, in a position of trust, acts as Mo Foster acted in speculating in North-West lands we leave to Mr. Foster and his apolo- gists to decide upon. The public will probably, however, form its own opinion. The Toronto News, which is working overtime now to make an appear- ance of defence for Mr. Foster, who has nat yet been, Jonah-like, jettisoned from the tory ship, was in 1906 still in possession of its soul, and had a right to express an opinion free from tery' machine censoring. Here is what it had to say about Mr. Foster when the Imstrance Commission brought out the -astounding discreditable story under oath. Let the electors carefully peruse it, and ask Hon. George E. Foster to set himself right by fair and full explanations before he undertakes to lécture them on virtue and pro. THE SYNDICATE OF THREE. (Toronto News.) The disclosures in connection with a position to decide whether that the use of Union Trust company funds company should take stock or mort- for speculation in Western lands are. gage startling in the extreme. There have | eventually took part stock in security. The trust company the Now, Gentlemen ! aT Knowing that the Fall Suit proposition will soon confront you, we wish to advise you that we have ready, for your approval, the Season's Correct Styles, fresh from the hands of the world's best makers of Men's Clothes. Suits of Merit, : \ '. Suits of Individuality. Our prices are always in keeping with our values, and you'll find that never inflated. They're right prices. were given the fact that during the London election, Mr. Mac- Jean had spoken for the labor candi- he the opponent of Major colour by been some exceedingly dirty transac-|{land company and a mortgage on the tions brought to light before the in- [land. According to Mr. Stevenson's surance commission. It is a ques- evidence, Mr. Wilson suggested a tion, however, whether anything more | scheme' whereby the trust company grossly improper has been revealed {was to be eliminated, and all profits than the action of the three directors {accrue to the me three directors ! of the Union Trust company, Messrs. |This suggestion, while characteristic, McGillivray, Foster and Wilson. thas about it a distinctly Hebraic . H. Bennett, M.P.,| To illustrate how smooth are and A. A. Lefurgey, M.P., Overcoats The Grosvenor, $10, $12.50. The Westminster, $12,50, $15 The Collegian, $15 and $18. $15, $18, 820, conservatives, or: for eighteen years, there had been no supervision of the immigrants coming to Canada. Any old thing went, and by the way the 'Practice of some places in the old and was %o ship the incorrigible and trou- blesome_to Canada. In 1902 the in- spection was inaugurated, and it is now better than the system in the Un- ited States. Indeed some people have whinéd that it is too exacting. According to the census of 1901, the ratio of insane in Ontario was 3.3 per thousand, and the ratio in the asy- 2.5. The possible increase from immigration in 1906 was 0.7 per thou- put..of the 130 known cases date, and leatty. Mayor Baird of West Toronto, pre sented the motion which endorsed the conservative platform "as' oulined by Mr. Borden," and pledged both the as- and the candidate to sup- See Our Fine Worsted Suits, Blues and Blacks, $12.50, « Blues and Blacks, $15. See Our Vicuna Suits, Blgek $12.50. gy See Our Brown ' Oheviot $15. ; See Pur Fancy Worsted Suits, Green, Brown, Grey, etc., $18. The Rupert $22.50. : Raincoats Grosvenor English Raincoats, good rain or shine, Dark Grey and Tans, $12.50. Other lines, $10, $15, $18 and $20. Rufus H. Po G. W. flavor. | the held pe, ex-M.P., Fowler, M.P., W an {workings of high finance, we. quote option on 200,000 acres of Western from the report of the investigation : land. A syndicate composed of Col. "On the th of February, 1905, John A. McGillivray, supreme secre- | Messrs. Foster," Macgillivray and Wil- tary of the Independent Order of For- (son, the three members of the land esters; Hon. George E. Foster, man- syndicate, who were also member of aging director of the Union Trust the executive of the Union Trust com- company, and Matthew Wilson, K.C., | pany, constituted the meeting of direc- the company's solicitor, all directors {tors of the Great West Land company of the Usion Trust company, arrang- lat which the annual report to' the ed tf take over these lands at $4.50 shareholders was adopted. THese three NEW FALL AND WINTER SVITS. Strongly made, best material for hard wear ; great Jasting quali- ties. Heavy $5, $7, $8, $10 $11, sociation port it. There was a jangle over the irregularity of the motion, and while the discussion went "Mr. Mac- says 'the Telegram, 'sat half on lean," Suits, way down the hall, studied the floor and did thinking."" Eventually Mr. Maclean was invited to speak, L Tweeds, lums Fine Serges and Worsteds, some y /N4§13 and $15. sand, A big range -of select from. See my display of New Over- coats before you buy. Also large assortment of Boots and Shoes; 10 per cent less than any store 'in town. ISAAC ZACKS, and up. = new goods to X and said it was time enough for him to outline his position when the 'no- mination had been disposed of, Foxy fellow ! The chairman acted at once, and Mr. Maclean found himself the candidate of the party, unpledged; . . « and the meeting found itself under the there the actual percentage ments. into Ontario in 1907 was 110, and the were 64 deportations, so that remaining was 14. Similarly with the jail commit- The increase in immigration sommitments 38 per cent. . Where Mr. Hanna .has been getting an acre. Then this syndicate inter- ested. the Union Trust company in the lands. This .was easily done for these three men, with Hon. Sir John Boyd. whom they appear to have deceived and used as a tool, were a majority of the Union Trust directorate. = For the better handling of the lands * the Union Trust (really these three direc- | gentlemen were also the only persons | recorded as being present at the meet< ing of the shareholders, which adopted | the report, The same three gentlemen, | according to the minutes, constituted |a meeting of directors at which a pro- | position for a lease was dealt with." |It sounds easy--the way these three, | Wilson, Macgiliivray and Foster, See Our Sen.!-Ready Suits, Black or Blue, Worsteds, $20. A y ic spe f » most notionate FE 3 hypnotic spell of the mo « oer fora tly, these the ne company, a subsidiary concern. The! The position in which the Union syndicate of three turned these lands | Trust was placed was most precarious. over to the Great West Land com- [This company carried the whole risk. pany -at an advance of fifty cents an {It advanced all the money. It stood | acre, or a profit of £100,000. That to make no money. The gain, if any, fis. three directors of the Trust com- was to go to the three men, not' to they may have been in this country {pany sold lands to the Trust com- [the trust company, whose funds finan- \ ; 7 (pany at a personal profit. iced the deal. If the speculation had | Che formation of the Great West |not proved a lucky one, who would EDITORIAL NOTES. {Land company, to take over these | have borne the loss ? The trust com- AL] | lauds; and the manner in which it was pany could only have been recouped convert, religious or political, | financed are intéresting. As has come Pe the personal loss of the direetors. This source of protection may or may out in evidence, practically the 'whole financial eapital' of the Great West inot be sufficient, but it should never {be necessary to rely on it for the Land company was in the shape , of {safety of trust funds. If the profit of money Toaned to it by the Union Trust. Again, nbtice the hand of the [$600,000 had been a loss of $600,000-- then what ? three divegtors. As directors of . the trust: company' they made a' loan of | To tell the bald truth, the whole nearly $1,000,000 to the Great West | deal was nasty, underhand and wholly Land company to take over their |inexeusable. And the members of the Jands, Ehe Union MrustiMal@l an op- syndicate, while in this instance good tion to take either stocR or security | luck has . prevented loss, do not aps | for its, advances: These three. men, as pear to be men whose tendencies { directors of the Union Trust, were in: them to hold trusteeships. his figures goodness only knows, but they are not correct. He has not only « 271 Princess Street. young man (mark the compliment), in Canadian politics, Since 1891 he had doing pioneer work, reported upon the immi- but the "'for- which term applies to all = wrongfully 'Portland Cement Better have that con- crete work done before winter sets in. Send us your order for Portland Cement. Highest grade, guar- anteed quality Our booktets 'tel¥-you how to usc it, ANGLIN'S LUMBER YARD Cor. Bay &" Wellington Sts, an i olitics, been in poli upon gration system, floating new' and original problems, . a eign-born,"' «ducating the people and fighting the . : i who were not born in Canada through sorporations. Then he touched a ten- ler chord, the freedom of the indivi- tual. He would do everything he could Our $1.00 Shirts Come to see our new lines of Dollar Shirts and bring your best $1.50 thoughts. with you. You will fiot be disappointed in any way. Ou¥ success in Men's Shirts has not been by chance. ' The ex- clusiye; patterns," fity! high-class ten and gereral" Bienes of our: Shirts is the. regson they are So popular. Everything , new in Shirts. : THE TWENTY-THIRD ANNUAL New York Central Excursion' New York OCTOBER 6 AND 7, 1908 7.90 RoUND TRIP $7.00 From Kingston, Ont. VIA CAPE VINCENT. TICKETS GOOD TEN DAYS : any number of years. C to advance the general platiorm of the Bibby's Celebrated $2.00 Hats We are showing all "the latest styles and 'shapes in Men's Derby Hats, for $2. p We claim to have the best $2 Men's Hats in Canada,' The i is always the bitterest in attack. Ex- amples--Borden, 'Roblin, Willison, conservative party, 'but' (again the dreadful word), "he reserved to him- self the right to advocate what he be- lieved to in the public interest.' He added: "If there are differ- ences 1 will come 'out iti'the lot and ficht it out." As for London he promised to visit be ! Go away back, Mr. Roblin, and sit down. You doing the party a damage with your coarse and unwam- any are ranted abuse. i prrvo¥ D. BIBBY nig e the city and discuss public ownership, ® which was championed by' the! labour Major Beatty, (the "had shown public Mr. Roblin says the Globe is a pa® per of The Globe Mr. Roblin is a fabricator, an artistic one flowers. So, the ac- cant. says candidate, and onservative ver : bis conservative) ne : with. fringe. and ; friendship for ownership and TR was fichting Adam Beck." The first thing the crowd knew Mac- lean had them influence, and as the Telegram remarked, "they count is balanced. 3 1t'should be remenibered that this is the statethent of the case presented by Mr. Willison, tory editor of the tory Toronto News, fresh from a con sideration of the evidence under oath, and before the exigencies of an alec- tion campaign forced him to take up the work of apologizing for Foster. Has the reader ever been informed t hat Foster has repented and made re« stitution ? Does Mr. Borden from his public platforms denounce find con- demn him for his part in these deals ? He does not. On the contrary, he leaves iit to be understood that this same unregenerate Foster, whdse con- duct has been thus described by the tory Toronto News, would, were he successful, become a member of Borden's tory cabinet ! Is it for such men as these that the honest people of Canada will be likely to exchange Sir Wilfrid Laurier ? To suggest such a thing is to insult popular intelligence. Li. he "has the heavy jaw neck whieh betoken The pos A conservative paper says of R that broad-boned si --~-- '4 Borden : under his and shuffled out, and the work of emas the man of determination." culating in the interest of glorious *Siloer Plate that Wears™ Silver of Quality For artistic charm, careful manu- facture, style and long wear "1BAT ROGERS BROS. spoons, knives, forks, efc., are unequaled. The standard of MR silver excellence for 60 years. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS WA& Tureens, bonbon dishes, Irays, efc., known for beauty and quality are made by the MERIDEN BRITA CO. A HINT TO SHAVERS We are now selling a Safety Ruso which is fully guaranteed, FOR 25 CENTS. Geb one and try It) A. STRACHAN litical prize-fighter, eh ? freedom was complete -- ia - How many signed the petition ask- ing the council to dismiss the school CAN THEY STAND IT? wn papers are challenging the the ex on the ground of inefficiency The reflection. > it trustees Canad knowingly ? board has a right the to imitate American candidates for political leader in------ ; . AGRICULTURAL FAIRS. to resent ample of the the presidency in cutting adrift those allies compromised themselves again in England. But it seems that a judge can retire in the days of his fullest strength and engage in the most remunerative and exacting ac- tivities, in business and what not, that his reputation as a judge brings him, and even in the strain of politi- cal warfare, and yet continue to draw his retiring allowance. Forging the name 'of men now dead, - of Some of These For 1908. supporters, have and their par- « as r v a who, a o in the presidential | Dates latest | Colborne .. capable of any trea- | Giacsn Roblin's Mi used the are to papers : campaign, is monstrosity. { bv evil associations Oct Me. to be to justify Some men the first attempted the He in- Ohio, w le has connection Foraker, of as sons, stratagems and spoils. abandoned. omr-- The Triumph Of The St. Lawrence. Hon." Mr. Fisher at Milton. "Let me point out to vou the con dition of St. Lawrence navigation in 1806. Large vessels could not come in at all, or had to wait for high tide. They could not sail at night be {cause the channels were not lighted {Consequently ocean freight and insur- {ance charges on the St. Lawrence route were high. New York, Boston! |and Philadelphia drew away our ship | ping trade. l.ook at to-day's condi |tious. There are no delays for tide or ichannel lighting at night. Expenses |and, insurance rates were lowered, with the result that to-day New York, Bos- {ton, and Philadelphia are clamoring {to their federal government and to their state governments for protec- {tion against the St. Lawrence route. Not only is it carrying Canadian ex- ports, but a portion of the exports of {the American Union -itseli, all because we have made the rivér properly his with . understands the merits formula, "When the Me. of the old egal haven't a case Borden Cold-storage And The Farméss. Hon. Mr. Fisher at Milton. "Before you farming men I want {to take up new questions affecting 7 my own department. When the conserva- tives left Ottawa, they had 'done no- thing for you in the way of eold-stor- age ships, save for a few rough ex- periments with an ice system. Austra- lia, New Zealand and the United States were driving Canada out of the English market because they had proper refrigeration. In the years 1876-1886 under the tories we exported $22,750,000 in butter; in the decade from 1886 to 1896 it dropped to $5,- 250,000. In 1897 the department of agriculture placed the first mechanical {cold storage plant in operation, and |in the next ten years we shipped $46,- {500,000 in butter. That was due ab- {solutely to the cold storage facilities. ; pel |There was no change in other condi navigable, and so enabled the giving |4; nc Ag a result farm land has in- of cheap rates. Let me tell you that creased in value, the number of farm- {every cent taken off your transporta- ler; 'hag grown, and now the great jon costs means a cent 'more that | proportion of our young men and wo- {the foreign buyer can pay you 1I0T lyon are staying on the farms. They your product. 2 3 w_ lleft_ them in the old days, and no ite|. Ob, ves," Nr. Fisher smiled, "we |y;njer Bat to-day they remain be- |. | have spent money, quite a bit of it, |cauge our government have made the In the last lot of the farmer different. Standard Oil company, and failed Mr. Taft for retirement, you finds no fault with F , abuso opposing The dropped: all argument, and upon his because hostility which prevails to the isting have to attorney. Jorden tourists f the taken « it monopoly Haskell, d out of the treasurership of the of Steel corpora- gred My the' throwing' of mud. The Montreal Star "Are Canada ? of Oklahoma, was fore persists in ask- BUY, IF YOU WANT TO RENT OR SELL REAL ESTATE 1 democratic party because his con- | ing, there any Forakers in the S 1 There the the that nection with Probably not. tion are very many rich men, and Gen. Dupont, of Delaware, went lat- Apply to nearest New York Central Ticket Agent for folders giving complete information or write to H. S. FOLGER, Ticket Agent, Kingston, Ont. Star approved of their financing the "clean money." or, disappearing from the head of the | slactions on assumption make a specialty of same. [republican campaign speakers' commit- | {hairs is Drop a card or call on me. No trouble to show property, Insur- ance at lowest rates. Money to loan. GEO. CLIFF, Real Estate valuatior, 95 Clarence street. tee because he was allied with a pow- der concern against which the the of i that retirement On dit, the eral candidate premier suggested Mr. Ottawa, governs, ment had entered suit. Fraser as a lib- because of Now the re- Fowl- be goes on, among the un n of the political par- of The search laundried goods the more dirty give up. The purification of the people has begun, and it must go on until the work In Canada the people are so far very They have not demanded a his connection with a land deal. if Mr. Borden suggest tirement Mr. Mr. Mr. Lefurgey, there would A CHOICE LOT OF Crawford Peaches JUST ARRIVED. ALSO Choice Sweet Potatoes R. H. TOYE, King St. Wm. Murray Auctioneer|Notice to Our Customers 27 BROCK ST. Our store. will close ati New Carriages, Cutters, Harness| o'clock sharp every _pigh ty etc., for sale. except Sat 1 y. : y 4 Sale of Horses every Saturday. . CATES TS wo ties, and wearers or jowner ¢ uld linen may as well of Foster, or etc.,, at any er, or some hope of a general clean up. New Old St. Paul's. St. Paul's church, which is growing venerable in years, is renewing youth in other ways besides well-fil i pews, hearty worship, and paro-| : : hich enthusiz sm un tor P Rev Ww - [three years of conservative rule Mr. a A > '| Foster had a deficit of $6,000,000. To | « " Fitzgerald's popular ministry. It has $30 000.000 he had to borrow | Three Swallows. en re-decorated a renovated, als Arr Tle : A bets xe See prated Sid Teno ede Up to last year we had 1 Sh John Power & ous A + ; BE ings | ree swallows' Irish Whis fittings. The re-opening services = 'on Famots for oN . ish Whis ey, Sunday will be, appropriately, harvest i of highest standard of ey. and general thanksgiving, with Dean | Fi as ho . Ys, Farthing as visiting preacher, i Distillers to His Majesty the King. is done. patient cleansing of the parties; but they are X ioe more re and there is no but we had it to spend. telling what a day may bring forth. So far there the exposures, but there is something approaching to | spend $62,000,000. {spent $127,000,000, and had borrowgd | {only $5,000,000 of that." { no rebellion aghinst alleged exposures, or it. -- Here Pensioner s Very Active. | Montreal Witness. There are three retired judges of the | Montreal bench now engaged in active politics. Sir Alexandre Lacoste (or- | ganizer), ex-Judge Doherty, conserva- {tive candidate for St. Ann's division, | and ex-Judge Ouimet asked to contest | | Yamaska. Is it quite proper that they {should be drawing pensions from the {country for their past services as {judges ? 1i they are able to do their duty as members of parliament, they | surely could have continued to serve fon the bench. Sir Richard Cartwright | has told us 'of the fear he was 'in lest { the prospect of a pension of a dollar or two a week at seventy should de- imoralize the workingman, and cause | medicine for the price in market. {him to lose his independence and be-1 A clever woman can take any old come improvident early in life, and thing and make something new out of | the same has heen said over and over it. Soetiogtr > what has just happened in the Characterizing him as "a | degenerate, demagogue, Ww. B. Me liberal candidate, mide sensa- tional charges against Judge Joseph Martin. "He," said McInnes, "has betrayed the great principles he fought for Manitoba Victoria threw them to the wind when he accepted ajcampaign subserip- £2500 from the White Pass I am prepared to a is "Melonkey"s Choice of Royalty" candy" and | Huyler's delicious choco- lates have no equal to the judge of high-class candy. Sold in Kingston only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. " A man would have but little time for anything else if hé loved his neighbors as they love themselves. We say just as disagreeable things about others as they say about us-- but, of course, that's different. For any case of nervousness, sleep- lessness, weak stomach, indigestion, dyspepsia, try Carter's' Little Nerve Pills. Relief 1s sure. The only nerve wesr., Prejudice is an expert enemy maker. Cory rawr FRESHLY MINED Coal is far more desirable than that dug out of the earth a year ago. It's cleaner--hasn't stored up twelve months' dirt and dust it's dryer and in many ways a heat producer. Here it is at your service on quick order-- bright, well screened coal in all the standard sizes at standard rices for better even than stand- and quality. R. CRAWFORD "Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. ETT RR, Innes, Men should look for this Tag on Chewing Tobacco. It Black Watch The Big Bhack Plug. in Sevén years ago at he {tion of jand Yukon railway. prove on the public platform that of $25,000 J. J. Hil, railway." was also re- of the Great subscription \ ceived from It is figured that the vear will re- sult in a British deficit of nearly £5,000,000 it y , Northern That thing like proof in the United States statement, supported by any-

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