Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Oct 1908, p. 6

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Bring Your "High- Priced" Tailor With You . 1 Hou like. ezs it" "He knows a good thing when he You need an" : 'h uit. Ours are as stylish and as good fitting as the best Merchant Tailor can turn out Have all the little touches of style, thought so indispensable. The only difterence is' in the price. Every taste and every purse will find satisfaction here. Suits from $5 to $20. Overcoats from $5t0 $18. Raincoats from $6 to 16. 50. Money back if not satisfied with your purchase. Roney & Co's 127 Princess Street, Kingston. The Store That Sets the Pace. i Anty Drudge on Washboiler Dangers. Miss Carrie New-- Blank's little boy? washboiler and was scalded."' Ww Anty Drudge--' 'Yes, it is a pity. ; Why women will boil clothes, when it is not only dangerous but a useless nuisance, I can't see. I must tell Mrs. Blank how much easier and better she dan wash her clothes with Fels-Naptha in cool or lukewarm water without boiling. "' "'Isn't it too bad about Mrs. 4 He fell in a steaming Have you the once-a-week backache Do you know what<causes it? Simply long, continued bending and straightening over a washboard. a wash- erwoman or send clothes to a laundry. But you cannot afford to have What are you going to do? Do your washing the Fels-Naptha way and Fels-Naptha will loosen the dirt so that a few light rubs will take it out ¢asily. No boiling needed--only cool or luke- warm water, winter or summer. Full directions off the red wrapper. and green Advise the purchase immediately of the:fol. lowing Cobalt Silver Stocks: Nova Scotia, Trethewey , and Chambers-Ferland. Buying or selling orders may be wired at my expense. All marketable securities handled. Corres- pondence invited. J. O. HUTTON, 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Gold in Guwilight » - - > = Before her friends knew of it, Miss Elsie Saunders, Alice street, was up and away, last Wednesday, to Otta- wa, called by Mr. Adam Shortt to be his private secretary. The position and salary are such that memy' a clever young man will envy this very bright and capasle girl. Sheé is & great loss to | way, for she is not one of 'those' #ev- {er people who thinks the posséssion of brains necessitates indulgence 'in dib- |agreeable manners. Everyone likes her, and those who have worked 'With her learnt to rely on her in whatéver work she undertook. May much sue: cess and bappingss be with her in Ot- tawa. - James a very - Hendry, . King delightfal little dinner Tuesday, with Mrs. Adam honor. A dozen Mrs. gave | party, on j Shorts as guest of ; {ladies made up the party, Mrs. J. C. {| Connell, Mrs. John Mackie, Mrs. D M. Gordon, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Mrs. W. lL. Goodwin, Mrs. James Third, Mrs. Thomas Tandy, Mrs. Archibald Strachan, Mrs, James Minnes and | Mrs. S. W. Dyde. The very pretty de- | corations of the dinner table were scarlet and white. > Mrs. George her little daughter, to S yracuse, N.Y., [Skule visit, so Mrs. at her mother's, | , University avenue, | Friday in November. | - - - ¥ The members, 'of the R.M.C. staff and | | their wives were asked to tea at Mrs, Taylor's,, Tuesday, to meet A. "Kaulhach, the col- staff adjutant, and Mrs. and Major J. P. Shine. wu | Mrs. G. Y.. Chewn, Darrie entertained at tea this afternoon, in | honor of Mrs. Adam Shortt. The lat- |ter will be the raison d'etre of many little affairs before her depar- for Ottawa. - Monday street, -» we Nicoi, Cataraqui, and Helen, are going to-day, for a Nicot will not Mrs. T. till the { Captain | bege's new | Kaulbach, street, | other | ture Ea oo | On evening: Mr. and Mrs, |¢ lornelius Bermingham will entertain at | | dinner in honor of Major and Mrs. F | D. Lafferty. - » - There will be a large dinner party, at the Frontenac Club, to-night, in honor of Major F. D. Lafferty we we eame down, from London, for Royal Military College ball. Yesterday a telegram came saying, that at the age of nineteen, she was dead, hard battle with illness brought 'on by & overapplication to her art, drawing, in which she excelled. The death of this charming girl, Miss Marjery Betts, Bsecond daughter of Mr. Frederick Betts of London, has saddened many besides her own people, who met her fwhen she visited her aunt, Mrs. J. B. Walkem, and her uncle, Mr. Betts. H. 'A we ww» Miss Brock street, {home Mrs. is Fer ns, lleville Annie from Be Grant Macdonald came from Toronto, on Monday, to be with her sister, Mrs. F. W. Kirkpatrick, King street, but will probably return 1O-morrow Nellie Mrs down Miss ries visiting of Montreal, tter, Alirec Fo ue, 1 James Co | street Miss ton, I'ren olm of Mal Jeatrice Armst the guest of Sutherland, Earl street | Miss Nan Skinner, | House," is New rong, is Mrs Maitland York next going to . . - Meikle, Clergy street, Ferguson, William up to Belleville | Mrs. Robert |and Miss Nina street, are going for In httle wisit Mr. and Mrs. John Walton will pro thably be en pepsiop on, flere ry street bio Ae Wid tae. 2 ft Mr. and Mgs, Gpeni lv, of Waehi dS) fe heen visiting Mrs. John ( Queen street, the past left for Washington on | Mrs. FEroest Cunningham and {ter Paul are down from Toronto { Mrs. Cunningham will go Cornwall for the marriage, 'uesday, of her brother, | Carter, of Quebec Mrs. F of Toronto, who is of Mrs, R. C. Carter will return to Toronto, on and fa . "who hisholm, two weeks, i ave 202 for Tuesday Mas and down to there, on Mr. Clare Fhomp- the West at son, also guest street, turday. on > we Mrs at Earl street known that Mrs. o> H. A. Kaulbach Miss A. M. John- It is not generally Kaulbach is a Cana dian, in Halifax. She will re ceive a. treble welcome. for herself, one for her hushand, {for her being mative horn, + Mr--~E--J. C! Schmidlin, lal Engineers; who has been (ham, Eng., for a vear or so, in towh for a few days, before legv- ing, with his regiment, for India He jis one of the Royal Military College's | happily remembered graduates > ee Captain and are en pension gon's, born here, one of the at Chat- has been ed in town, and will be for a fay days {with Mrz) R." Met ant. street. A Miss Vida Malone left for Tuesday, going sooner than .she { pected, that she might take | vantage of the Toronto.s last trip Miss Mona Knight, Alice street, will Ibe home, to-day. from her visit, up north, with Mr. Cyril Knight, | Mrs, Harold E. Martin. who has| been visiting her old home town since { July returned home to Maxville to- " Jueen tt" Toronta, ax sO - day. a EE | Mr. C. Constantine is buck from Ot- tawa. | Miss Margaret Fairlie, Brock street, {is home from flome Bay, Mus- | koka, and Miss Gina Fairlie from She- i diac | Miss Milly Ferris, King street, | going to New York next week. ~ Miss Muriel Shortt, King street, will | be with the New York travellers next vo is | wee i Mrs. F. Royal will goto Miss D. Laflerty will leave =the Military College to-day, and Eleanor = Macdon- Kingston in @ soil' re- | Con- | first. | 'ler, Two years ago a youthful debutante | the | after a | and one Rov- | | Mrs, Inderwick, of Perth, has vireo] : | ! ad- | nell, Sydenham street, for visit. " Mr. Archibald Taylor has returned to Montreal. Miss Jean Bell, of Vernon, B.C., a far-away girl to enter (Queen's. She arrived from the west, yesterday. Miss Dora Leslie, who has been wvis- iting her uncle, Mr. Archibald Young, Svdenham street, left, yesterday, for Detroit. is - - - Charles Ogdem and Miss 'Mil- dred Macmorine will go down, to- day, to Montreal, where the lat- ter will be the guest of Mr. E. V. Mey- er. Miss Ogden will stay with Mrs. Haskell. The Rev, Canon Macmorine, of Por- tage La Prairie, will be the guest of his brother, Archdeacon Macmorine, at St. James rectory, for a day or so, on his way home from Ottawa. He will arrive on Saturday. Mr. Max Duff has been in town from Toronto, for his holidays. Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Gwillim, Barrie street, ave expected home from 'the west, ou Monday. Mr. Louis Agassiz will be with them. > > ow Mrs. George Hague, Earl street, and her family, are coming home from Wolfe Island shortly. Mrs. R. C. Carter and Miss Madelon Carter, West street, will go down to Cornwall, on Monday, to be present at the matriage of - Miss Fmma Rid- dell to MY. Clare Carter. Mrs. J. M. Platt, Portsmouth, has been up in Pieton for a little visit. | Mr. Bertram Stirling, who has been {staying with his father, Dr. James | Stirling, in Picton, has come down to | Kingston, and will go to. Queen's. | Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Bates are | pected from Cleveland, within a few {days, and will be, for a fortnight, the guests of Mr. Bates' sister, Mrs. H. / Betts, Earl street. : - w - Mrs. Henry Bawden will leave, { Friday, or Saturday, for Toroiile, and join Miss Lucy Bawden there, and together they will go to Leth- [brie Ige. Miss Lulu Cays, Barrie has | returned home after visiting Mrs, T. iD. Anderson, Glen Road, To ronto: | Mrs, J. C. Farthing, Johnson street, {is home from Ottawa, and 'the Dean | of Ontario may possibly return from { the capital on Friday. | Mrs. Hicks Hawkins, of Mexico City, who has been the guest of her moth { Mrs. Henderson, Bagot street, leit for home. "> Mrs. €ex- on on street, George yesterday, wo. Mrs. Ivan de Malchon, Pa., is the guest of Mis. derson, Bagot street. Miss Marion Lesslie, William street, { has been down near Brockville, | Mrs. W. I. Jackson's summer for some days. . Captain George Browh, of the 58th | Vaughan's hafles: ( Frontier Force), In- dia, is expected: very soon to visit) Kingston and old friends of cadet days. He will be with the Misses Mac- | pherson, Brock street. - oo | | The engagement [ Miss, Winfield Seott, | late Br. dui. { Heats, bi (Dew. | Brovswick, 'to Me. | C harles. H. Scott, of ther tiem of Euan, { Scott and Chambers. of Ottawa. The | wedding will take place October! Tih of Pittsburg, Hen George home, "he i! announced of daughter of « the H. Scott and Mrs. What Healer Have You ? Every"home Should eontain some medy that "will heal élts other injuries' 'us wéll as all sorts bi skin 'affections. * The one that can al- ways be relied upon' is Wade's Oint- ment. "Cures eczema (s&1t rheum), sores, 'hed sores] piles, atarrh, ruff and all scaly and itching tions of the skin. In big at Wade's drug store. re- , burns or dand erap- boxes, 25e French Model Hat. SK SECIS \ ; forma, RR 3 I'he little cellent stvle for and could be « ings, smart hat pictured is ex street or theatre opied in wear various color. with the whi te in accordance model was felt, the brim rolled up Encireling large band of peacock bite velvet, Id of dark r left side, cl as most costume. The in fine all around. the crown was and a wt copper bove was a narrower fo i toward of full white | brown. the (back, was" | plumes. uster OFFERS $10,000 REWARD. | Seeks to Find Murderer Son. 7 York, - Oct, 1.-Fiem+in his be- hat evidence exists, which, ought' 30 hight, would bring about fhe arrest and conviction of his son's purderer,; Henry Dexter, multi mil Fou and nonagenariamn, has 'made bli the annbuncement that he onild pay a reward of $10,000 for evidence. My. Dexter's son, Ur- Perry Dexter, was shot from ambush on the Dexter est@td in the Adirondacks, in September; 1903, but | every effort by private detectives and the authorities of Franklin county failed to establish the identity of the murderer of His | New ¢h lando The Beauty Of Health. There iz no attractive the beanty It is a kind beaaty any one ean have. Ddh't endure pimg boils, blotches, ete. They not orily "mar personal ap- pearance, but are signs of dangerous blood disorder Wade's Iron Tonic Pills (Laxative), cure the blemishes and remove the cause, they are a great nerve stre ng rthener and blood maker. In boxes, at Wade's drug beauty health: almost ot 'S, he if AN atural Laxative Inward cleansing is as necessary as outward bathing. To keep the bowels free and regular is of even greater importance than to keep the skin-pores + becoming clog ged. The neglect of either in- vites diaase Everyone needs. a natural laxative prSasionally, a free the bowels oi accumulated impurities For this puTpgse Xi BEECHAM'S PILLS the greatest boon ever offered to those who suffer from the ills ° that follow constipation. For over fifty years Beecham's Pills have been famous as a Stomach corrective, a Liver regulator and Bowel laxative. They never gripe nor cause pain. Powerful purgatives are dangerous. Avoid them. Use Beecham's Pills. They give re- lief without doing violence to any organ. Their action is in har- mony with physical laws. Take them regularly and the necessity for their use becomes less frequent. They are a natural laxative' and a pos tite cure fof Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick Headache and Dyspepsia. Prepared only by the Proprietor, Thomas Beecham, St. Helens, Lancashire, Eng. Sold everywhere in Canada and U. S, America. In boxes 25 cents. fre FHSS ATR HOI 3 HAGIGHAGIHIGIICIOINS a hs HE SHAH SH ¥ oy HCHO HON A IAS BEEN CONCENTRATED in the buying of : our Fall Shoes, and the result is most grati- To-day we are showing the result of such iT : Ah : fying. effort in KANO HH Our Snappy New Fall Lines of Shoes. 5 TRY * We believe, that-never in thé 50 years of our k shoe retailing in Kingston, have we offered such § splendid values. We will appreciate having you all and look over the new lines. & yr i LA 1. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. : HRI HAHAH # ¥ * HOHE MERI ok og Sl) as eo pa Hs PLN mead VGE ey. The Recipe' 'Ladies, for Apple Custard Pie:- here's my recipe 'Two eggs, four or five apples, grated," a little nutmeg; sweetened to taste: one-half pint of new milk oricream; pour~into. pastry' --then «'PANDORA' OF COURSE "Four -- pies -- that--don't--last-- long." Four pies and pans of bread can be 5 # ybaked in a "Pandora" oven at one time. BY LEMMON & SONS store. Money not satisfac- tory. Ghe Main Idea and Object - 1s to please our customers. This brings us suc- cess and makes us friends. We do it with our little prices, with our big as- sortment, with our fine qualities and grades. Our low prices show you how to save your dollars. Mission Dining Room Sett, 8 pieces, early English finish, for $45. Mahogany Parlor Suites, 3 pieces, $25 to 45.00, best silk covering. China Cabinets for $18 to 65.00. Robt. J. Reid, 230 Princess Street. Telephone, 577 {| Second Class {Hunters SHCEF SSIS ONE WAY $50. } Good Going Until ux wi SINGLE, Excursions |= October 6th to November 3rd. RETURN LIMIT DEC. 5th. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. Ps R. Ticket Office, Ontario St. "Phone, 504 F. CONWAY, Gen. Pass: Agent.' Howars » BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. on station, Ontario street, Telia pegves Soma excepted) for Tweed, 3 am, Napanee, Desrsow, . Baotieh he o IC a pad an Tati Maynooth, and Re 'Central Ontario, route your ship Quinte Railway. y to R. W, PIERSON, ints Sk via Bay of iculars, app one, No. 8. Open Season. En: New Brunswick ember 15th--November 30th >va Scotia | October! 1 ot--Novemben 30th Quebec September 1st--December 31st Write General Passenger Dept. CRITI V-AS 2 -WARL TN MONCTON, N.B. copies of For 'Moose in the Micmac Country" "Fishing and Hunting." Toronto Ticket Office, 51 King 5 East, t SE (RT Passtnger | rat SERA ar 2PPly ce Tay St. Pat TIRE Hunters' EE AT BINGLE FIRBI-CLASS ARE. Oct. Bth to Nov. 3rd, To poldts Temagini, poin tas wa to Port § ur, to pein a Bay md Mackinaw Division; Port Ath vis N. Nav, Co. and to tarfasin points in Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Newfoundlond. Oct. 22nd to Nov. 3rd. Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Magneta« wan River, Penetand, Midland, Lake field, Madawaska /to Depot "Harbor, Argyle to Coboconk, Lindsay to Halibur- ton and points from Severn to North Bay, inclusive. Return limit on all tickets Saturday, Dec. 5th, 1908, or until close of Navi- vation, if earlier, to points reached by steamers, Low Rates to Pacific Coast ONE WAY SECOND-CLASS $50.10 Good going until October 31st. For full p articulars apply to' J. P. HANLEY; AGENT, Corner Johnson and Outario Toate 5 li Aad To Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Ltd I---- KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS Str. NORTH KING Leaves Kingston for Thousand Island points undays at 10.15 am furning leave at 5 r Charlotte, N.Y. ort of Rochlicster), at Bay of Quinte Ports, ALETHA--- Leaves daily except Sune Bay of Quinte Ports, at 3 p.m, Full information from JAMES SWIFT & CO., Freight Agents. J. P. HANLEY, C. 5. KIRKPATRIC K, Ticket A STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- MON. 7.80--9.15 a.m, 1.00--4.00 p.m, 7.80--9.15 a.my 1.00400 p.m hy 7.80--9.15 a.my 1.00--4.00 Ba THURS, Breskey . Bay 6.80-9.30a.m, 1.80p Ie STR. day for 1 trip "to Simeog Island and Spoor"s dock, at' 38.00 p.m, Time Table subject to change without notice woat cane at Carden Island going to Kinantos. Royal ALLAN 22: LINE Montreal to Liverpool Tunisian sails ... Victorian sails Corsican sails Vitginian sails ... ..Oct. 2, Ost. 30; Oct. 8, Nov. 5. . 16, Nov. 13. + 22. Nov, 19; Rates of passage and full information may be obtained from J. P. HANLEY, Agent G.T.R., or C. 8. KIRKPATRICK: Local Agent. THE FIRST oF JHE E SEASON. "We wil have our Made Pork Sane sages, SATU SURDAY Tor & Zod i 5 "Phone, Bi : i, &° w Bock

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