THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TH URSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1908. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS ENTS TELL US. | ct The Tidings From Various Points THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GEMUINE. ficts like 'a Charm 12 DIARRHOEA .... s. our species (AHOLERA ... DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests thos: too often fatal diseases-- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. : medy kaowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Effectcally cuts short all attacks of SPASMS, Is the oaly palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE Chlorodyne is a liquid taken in drops. graduated according to the malady. It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind ; creates a calm refreshing sleep; allays irritation of the nervous dystem when abl other remedies fail. leaves no bad effects ; and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING Pr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S MEDICAL TESTIMONY CHLORODYNE. WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by ali Chemists. Prices in Eaglaad: Un, 2/9, 4l6. The best Re The immense success of this Remedy has given rise to many imitations. ™ N.B.--Every bottle of vice. A very large crowd attended the parents, | brick, in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What " They Are Saying. Ardoch News Items. Ardoch, © Sept. 30.--Charles Smith and Mrs. G. Hamilton went to Kings- ton, Monday, to take their mother, Mrs. Smith, to the hospital, to under- go an operation. A large crowd at- tended' St. John's church, Sunday evening, for harvest thapksgiving ser- husking at Mr. Tapping's, on Fridav night. Mrs. H, Lake bas returned, af- ter spending a few weeks visiting her Mise N. Watkins has return- ed home. A. Young is at Mrs, Grey's; W. Watkins, at Mr. Fraser's: Miss Mary MacLean has returned home, Gladly Received. Dufferin, Sept. 30.--The rain of Monday evening was very gladly re- ceived by the farmers in this vicinity. The long drought and hot sun of the past few days had served to bake the earth to the consistency, almost, of rendering fall ploughing im- possible. The soil is now, however, Sole Manulscturers: J T. DAVENPORT, LONDON, SE. Genuine Chlorodyns bears oa the stamp the same gof the investor, Dr. J. Collis Browne. in good condition to be turned over lin readiness for the spring crop. A {large number from here attended the 1 : . . + # . fall fairs held in the adjoining dis- |tricts. The free rural mail delivery lis expected to come into operation on the Point Road very shortly. Mr, Pendergrass ; left, Tuesday, for Ne- braska after a very enjoyable visit with John Lawler and numerous oth- { r friends hereabouts. ' VL AGER 47 FOR PURITY, BRILLIANCY ANDY * "UNIFORMITY . ~ or LF Wellington Wafts. Wellington, Sept. 30.--Miss Strobel, Cingifibati, is the guest of Johm Gar- rat and daughters, Annie and Helen, for few days. Miss Alice Garratt and mother visited friends and rela- tives at Watertown, returning on Sat- wrday last. Miss Helen' Garratt and Miss Strober left for Toronto, on Monday last, to attend thé American Hospital Association convention. Dr Frederick Miller is the of Miss Sarah Garratt for a few days. Rev. Mr. Horick is confined to the house with typhoid fever. Rev. Mr. from the North-West, gave an inter esting discourse in the Methodist thurch 6n Sunday night last. William Wilder returned Tues- day, to resume his studies Onderdonk, of Trenton, | a guest Sing, to Toronto, on I'homas was in town {ent i WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- |i | of city last night. Miss Mamie Sleeth is on the sick list, but is much better. The Upper Canada Bible Society ag- is making his rounds. A box sos will, be held in the school house shoptly. Reuben Clark, of Milburn, and Mr. Kearns, of Harrington, spent Sunday at Charles Clark's. Mrs. Stanly is away on a visit. Glenvale News Budget. Glenvale, Sept. 29.--Rev. Nir. Burke, Brock Street Methodist church, Kingston, will preach here, next Sun- day, in aid of missions. A fine horse, owned by H. McCracken, had its leg broken while, jumping a fence. Miss i Bertha Walker, who -has been visiting at J. Cramer's, had the misfortune to fall and break hér arm on Saturday. Dr. Mabee set the' fracture. Corn huskings are "now . the order of the evenings. "Mrs. William Hammond has returned from a visit with friends at Belleville. Joseph Hawkey and bride have returned, after spending a Hew days at the Ottawa exhibition. Mrs. Edwin Clarke and Cyril are visiting friends in Oswego, N.Y. A good many from here, attended the Kingston town- ship fair. Mr, and Mrs, Bliss, who spent a couple of weeks with friends in Sydenham, bave returnéd home: Visitors Miss "Currie, Yarker, at S. Alport's; Mr. and Mrs. Newton Orser, Kepler, and William Amey, Kingston, at J. D. Ellerbeck's; Miss May Cramer and Miss Kathleen and Miss Mildred Orser, Sydenham, at home. News From Wilton. Wilton, Sept. 29.--The funeral of the late Mrs. EL Ball, Violet, was held to the Methodist church here on Friday afternoon, and the remains interred in the vault. Rev. D. Williams is taking a three weeks' holiday. J. B. Sander- son conducted the service last Sun- day, Rev. J. Teasdale will preach next Sunday, and Rev. J. E. Lidstone, of Harrowsmith, the following week. John Ovens returned to Watertown on Saturday. W. Parrott is spending a few weeks with friends in Chicago. Charles Stover was visiting last week on Amherst Island. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Ovens and son, McTavish, have been taking in the Ottawa exhibition. James Lewis and grand-daughter, Miss Pearl Switzer, attended the Picton Fair. W. Scott has moved to Morven to carry on his blacksmithing: New- man - Babeoek will occupy the house just vacated by Mr. Scott. Rev. J. and Mrs. Teasdale, of Lon- don, have arrived at Bernard Mills', after spending the summer in the maritime provinces. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy and children 'are visiting at Nicholas Simmons' a few days, before proceeding to Toronto, where Mr. Murphy will continue his veterinary studies. R. N. Lapum camé home "last Peasdale on Tuesdhy last. Point Road Pointers. Road, 30.-~The recent of considerable amount of good to the and springs, which were nearly exhausted, EE. C. Barrett has returned home with his steam threshing outfit after hav- Point Sept. shower rain did grass d Rd [ieee PAINT! {'s> one can of our Paint, and you will be our customer when next paintis required. The paint itselt is goed; and our -treat- ment of customers increases the satisf-etion.» We have paint for your barn, paint for your fence, paint for your house, paint for your implements; even paint for your stovepipes. | sav eloieg® aint for any where and every- @ TR where where paint is required, | MoKELVEY & BIRCH, 69-71 Brock S IRREE RREARE Je EE = URiEIRIR | RRR RICCI ARTISTIC FURNITURE. pin Our ES Furniture is noted for its designs and durabili= ty. Round and Square Exten- sion Tables from $6.50 up. Leather-seated Dining Chairs from $1 up. Buffets and : Sideboards, polished, from $12 up. Brass and Iron Bedsteads, only $8.50, complete with springs and mattresses. Bookshelves and Students Study Tables. "Phone 147. JAMES REID, the Leading Undertaker. ------------ mn sn meem-- i HI 3 COWAN'S CHOCOLATES : AND MAPLE BUDS 50c. PER. LB. | A.J. REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. HRI HSIN IEE HIGGS &_ s7 : FAHY m_-- 00000000030 000000000VVDVVVVVVVV 00000000000 | ¢ MADE IN KINGSTON, CANADA. muon GES wane, Imperial Grown Brand BE Underwear Unless we knew ths Superiority of Imperial Crown Brand Unflerwear. It would not pa y 'us to advertise. We rely on re- taining your trade. Imsist on having Imperial Crown Brand. 3 y Ask your dealer for it. 8 k 00 0000000000000 00VVLOVV0V0000000Q000000000 AAAI ing a very successiul season. The grain crop was quite up pectation. Messrs. Baxter's children are attending the Kingston Collégiate Institute, Messrs. 15. Draper and B. Wilmot have built new silos and filled them with eorn, which was. an abundant. eop. A large number from heré attended the town- ship of Kingston fair, Kingston are cestainly doing a great amount damage to ihe farmers' gardens, apple and, hickory nut tree lt about time that hungry lads were made an example ol. James * and John ol some of those is { Colebrook Jottings. | Colebrook, Sept. 29.--Last being rally day, Rev. Mr. Batstone gave an address to the children of the Sabbath school. Mr. Woodruff is put- ting in a new iron wheel to manufacture a superior flour with the old-time mill stone. To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baker (formerly Florence Ward), a son. Mess Hart Jros., of this plaee, are drilling a well at the bank, Yarker. The bridge | looks mueh better with a new railing and a fresh coat of paint. The Misses Warner entertained a few of their friends last Wednesday evening Mr. and. Mrs. Kitehen, of Gananoque, are visiting at Mr. Grey's. Harris Silver Montreal, ig spending a week or his cousin, Nathan Wortel- sky Mrs. Charles Wartman, Centre ville, is visiting friends here. Murs. Cyrus Garrison is visiting in Toronto, Everett Shangraw and wife are at ( N Miss Grey is improv ing. Sabbath and intends article ol 3) stein, two with Garrison's Keelerville Budget. Keelerville, Sept. 29.--Quite a num- ber from here attended the great pic nic, yesterday, to celebrate the com- {pletion of the Loughboro | Lake bridge Farmers are busy dig- ging their potatoes, a | heavy, crop by any means this year. {Where are the threshing machines ? {Not & one is sight yet. Samuel { Yateman is moving on his new farm, {Mrs. Yateman has been on the sick | | list, but, is much better. R. J. Boal {was in' the city on Saturday. Mr. | land Mrs. R. J. Stanly attended | Lyndhurst fair. J. E. Anglin got "i lot of first prizes at Inverary fair, on {his horses. Mr. and Mrs. David | | Sleeth attended a wedding' in the notorious which are not Jones settled an annuity upon hig At the first the eldest amount. When the sixth payment was than she had the first " Phoelx while Mary Ann's share was twice as m Now, who can tell the amount of the payment year day. to his ex- | The boys from | land quality prices are a surprise to all. iBros', year in the same proportion as their ages. was entitled to one-half of the one-seventh less week from Syracuse. GANANOQUE TIDINGS. Meeting of Liberals--Accident to Lawyer and Carter. Gananoque, Oct. 1.--A largely at- tended and enthusiastic meeting of the | liberals of the "town was held here, Wednesday evening, for the election of {delegates to attend the big liberal | convention, at Delta, on Wednesday, | October 7th, for: the purpose of choos- ing a candidate to @ontest South Leeds. Atthough a Jittle behind their political opponents in getting started, the ball has now started rolling and will be kept going, and the banners of | the liberal party in this riding will | fly as high or higher than ever hefore. | Earnest and energetic work is demand- jed, and eyery one, last evening, seem- ed willing, to put his shoulder to the | wheel for one Pag, steady, united push until 5 p.m., October 26th. Samuel McCormick, carter, met with a severe and p@inful accident, by fall- ling from his cart and fracturing his leit forearm, a little above the wrist. J. Arthur Jackson, barrister, resid- ing on Stone street, while cutting some kindling wood, last evening, struck his. Jame ankle with-thé axe and has been compelled to go to and from his office on crutches. Cecil Bateman, B.Se., Sydenham street, late of Kingston, has been cured as assistant to Town Engineer S. B. Code. Mr. Bateman has been highly recommended and will, doubt- less, prove an efficient acquisition to the town's forces. Public School Inspector William Johnston, of Athens, spent Tuesday and Wednesday inspecting the various departments of the local public schools, and will remain over Thurs- day and Friday, for the meeting of the Leeds Teachers' Institute. Joseph Belleville, Clayton, N.Y., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Ida Lalonde, King street. Charles E. Britton, King street, left, on Monday, for a, visit in New York city. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wand and daughter, Georgina, Water street, have returned from a visit with relatives in Ogdensburg, N.Y | { | Travel The Continent Over. And you'll not find any ladies' fur- lined coats The fit are perfect and our low Come in new styles at Campbell the makers of fine furs. The Chicago and Alton railway has | ordered 1,000 steel freight cars from | the Standard Steel Car company. The ! expenditure on this ' account will | amount to about $1,000 000. to surpass ours. and see the three daughters, to be divided each entire - due, Martha received one dollar less than she first got, uch as she received the first year. 'CANNOT BE COMPELLED. A Matter That is Interesting Prince Edward County, Rate- payers--Freight in Great Quantities to Be Handled. Picton, Oct. 1.--Justi how far its jurisdiction extends ~ over Public School Inspector Platt, whose ap- pointment it controls, and whose sal: ary it in , pays, is what the coun- ty councit wish to determine. Since last March Councillor Cleminson, Wel- lington, has been on the w th, de- claring that Mr. Platt, who been public school inspector of the count for forty years, 1s not giving an ficient. inspection of 'the schools. Mr. Platt has maintained that the 'coun- cil bas no right to dictate to him or ask him questions. Wednesday morn-! ing Mr. Cleminson brought into the council a motion asking the inspector séveral pertinent' questions, Why less than fifty per cent. passed thé 1908 entrance examinations ? What steps had been taken toward a more effici- ent inspection than in the past, and among other things, requesting the names of all the teachers to whom the inspector has refused tenewals of their certificates to teach, but whom he afterwards issued renewals on un- due influence having been brought to bear on him by their friends in the county council. In support of his motion Mr. Clem- inson said, emphatically, that he had no personal issue with Mr. Platt, who arose to remark that he would not mind furnishing 'the desired informa- tion if it was asked for in the nature of a request, but he would give the council to understand that they could not compel him. The matter grew warmer still when it was charged that Mr. Platt had said that Principal Tice, of the public school, Picton, was conspiring with Mr. Cleminson, to get Mr. Platt out of office, that he (Tice) might get the job. This was flatly denied in a letter from Mr. Tice to the council, and in defence of the remark Mr. Platt stat- od that the report had come to him through a third party. Councillor Wil liamson, Pieton, called Mr. Platt to task for accepting hearsay evidence in such 'a regrettable misunderstanding. It was decided to leave over the motion of Mr: Cleminson till the ad- vice of the minister of education could be_gpbtained on the point as to whether or not the council can .com- pel Mr. Platt, as inspector, to answer the questions of" the council. The eli: max to a matter that is of much in- terest throughout the whole of Prince Edward will be awaited with interest. I R. Kingston, M.A., an honor graduate of Queen's University, a Pie- topian, having completed a post-gra- duate course in mathematics at Chi- eago University, has accepted a posi- tion on the staff of Shortridge high school, Indianapolis, Indiana, at $1,- 200. This sehool has an attendance of 1,400 and a staff of forty-eight teach. ers. Owing tq the very heavy amount of freight being shipped casl from the districts, this fall, the Hepburn Bros., have had .to put the steamer Niagara into eommission, along with "the steamers Alexandria and Waterlily. Captain Whalen who Yecently sold the steamer Stranger to G. Hammond, Kingston, has put the yacht Eclewat on the Cressy-to-Picton route fog the convenience of the passenger trade. Applications for annuities, under the government's plan, have been al- ready received at Ottawa. NEED NOT ANSWER] INSPECTOR PLATT SAYS HE| in making coffee ri right, and you need as long as you ore lo Chase & Sanborn's Coffee. ZR "Every Fit- Refs Sut" and Overcoat is sold with this distinct understanding--that it must give complete satisfaction or you may his is what the FitRefomn tdemark means "Satisfaction to you, so you can realize the importance of getting Suits and Overcoats bearing the little wreath shown above. Suits and Overcoats, $15 to $35. 3 > or money back" --that is the . slogan of "Fit-Reform." ; PILES GUREDPERMANENTLY Dr. Hamilton's Ointment the greatest Pile remedy known. Relieves instantly pain, red- ness, swelling, cures inflamma- tion. Hamilton's Ointment ex- erts a tonic action, upon the blood vessels and when it ef- fects a cure it is permanent be- cause of this better than any other ointment. Contains neith- er cocaine, morphia. Safe, per- manent in effect. Cures quickly the most 'chronic Piles: Dr. Hamilton's Ointment Cures Piles. At all druggists 50c., or post-paid from Polson & Co., Kingston. DISCRIMINATING LADIES. Enjoy - Using Herpicide on Ac- count of Its Distinctiveness. The ladies who have used Newlbro's Herpicide speak of it -in the highest terms, for its quick effect in cleansing the scalp of dandrufi and also for its excellence as a general hair-dressing. It makes the scalp feel fresh and it allays that itching which dandruff will cause Newbro's Herpicide effectively cures dandruff, as it destroys the germ that causes it. The same germ causes hair to fall out, and later baldness; in killing it, Herpicide stops falling hair and prevents baldness. It is also an ideal hair dressing, for it lends an aristocratic charm to the hair that is quite distinctive. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co.; Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special agent. COAL! The kind you are Jooking for 1s the kind we sell, SCRANTON Coal is good coal an ahite prompt delivery. Booth & Co. FOOT WEST STREET. a we 'Phone, TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brxk & Tile Cos Wash burn, Ont; PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessces, Are ready to contract 1 Jones annuity ? Answer on Satur- for {immediate delivery. rick that wil stand inspee: tion at reasonable rates, Capacity of | We have the most complete stock of Spats and Overgaiters. All Colors : Fawn, Brown, Tan, Red, Purple, Blue, (Copenhagen? and Navy) and Green. Also All Grades of Black, in Low, Me- dium and High. Also Knee Lengths. ALL PRICES. EPENDABLE "~~ SHOES = pe ! «COA L. OIL." We carry in stock three grades of Ameri- can Oil, the best of their respective kinds manufactured. ' "Family Favorite." Try our "Brilliant Safety" and you will" use no other. Delivered to any partof the city. Telephone 35. o0o0 ELLIOTT BROS., " SOLDER! Have you tried our strictly } and } bar Solder, also Extra Wiping. The quality is gua and price is PRINCESS "Brilliant Safety," "Pratt's Astral" and |