Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1908, p. 3

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" THE DAILY _-- -- TOOK AWO MILES OF NETS. : : : Q [Fish They Contained Distributed HAmusements. t »tq, Belleville Poor. : Belleville, Ont., Oct. 5.--At an early --- hour Saturday, Capt. Hunter, of this ( Y Winter Jackets for Misses § i: =: voi Comm srsmntaonse ' ery inspector for this district, secur- : ed ftom the Bay of Quinte, within WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7TH. WANTED-MALE, . WANTED---GENERAL, . half a mile of the city, upw i of WILLIAM ©. COLVIN . Presents The - --~ . " m-------- 1 , . 3 J y - | : which} been Cotas 3 aS FIRST-CLASS COAT-MAKER, AT fv AN LAND GRANTS. CASHIROOMS, FOR LIGHT HOUSEKERP- Bring vour daughters here when you in | two miles of gill nets, whi had been | Engliah Musica Comedy Success RST.OLASS ~COMPMAKER. AT] vio LAND GRANTS. cA IMS, | Fon LIGHT HO | 1tHegally £0 > " +1 ack 3 y av { = --_ : . Co. ston ro tend buying Jackets. We have them to 1 contained few fish. The owner has not ! CUSTOMERS TO-MORROW FOR | PART OF ROUND, ha sh - it ¢ oC ol p been discovered. The fish taken from i] A GOOD BTRONG BOY TO LEARN fresk Pork Tenderloins and Kidneys, 42 Clarence St. Apply ©. 8. Kirk. suit all ages, from the WE girl of four or tho ets wee distributed to the poor $ the hardware business. Apply to at A. Maclean's, Ontario street. patrick, on ny : - hes'Aets i I Six s Bros. -- a five, to (the grown up ones df 15and 18. € lof the ety. i With DOUGLASS 'A. PATERSON as nes FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, ~GOQD|STONF STABLES PRINCESS ST. s - of Ladies' si7 vi 1) "LORD CHEYNE."" « | MEN WANTED TO LEARN BARBER companies, lowest rates, fair settle in good repair. Possession, Oct. 1st: Also a large stock of Ladies' sizes. Nice, 3 Hi ; toilet waters and per | TRORD CHENNE ar et a Gliese ULONG, Go... sumpasicts Los sulla] i uct ensie Posies 1 i i fi The one place vou can | , ighteen dollars weekly. Help secure Brock St. Telephone, 480. harmonious colorings, best materials, and ih place 1 buy | xow York. positions. Wil equip Shops. _ Cou- ne » {them in Kingston, Gibson's Red Cross WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH : 'rices, 25¢., & . TOC 00. stant actice. Careful instructions. ¥ -- TO od: venience ithe perfect fit guaranteed. So, bring along {drug store. Phone 230 y Pel . acu. on sale ot Fow weeks complete course. Late TH pr work "All Mads out oars. AD 178 b-- By St. Jong the girls, and vou will find just what fveiag si chaning. My Valet Tm a BaruOe Lt Tales Barber or ot want Re Watlmkton sireet. | NEW BRICK DNELLING, ON ALBERT ¢ } [iS an 'O f d a » ante. ectrician, ellington . * VE NG, C JRERY d g E ' ] . THURSDAY, OCT. 8TH. BC Ss! near Victoria Park. Modern. TC t., e looking for. . 10.00. 3 T k M t The Amusement Producing Co., Inc., of D--FEMALE, LEANING ASHES OUT OF| Apply to T. J. Boon, 139 Wellings yon are oki o for $2 co to $ 1 ] ueen 8 rac ee N ve mo gi tion &t JOHN P. WANTE 3 Oe tay or other baggage ton Se. & | SLOCUM, JULIAN EDWARDS' New : AND DINING carted. Prices right. APPIN as? st * 3 IRMAID ) - 4PM. %o 5 P.M. Comic Opera d wSHANBER at once." Apply: at Lytle, General Carter, rentrall loca >} » « THE GAY MUSICIAN| iroguois Hotel : (E LARGE ROOM, |' ladies Apply 9: 107 A." Whig TWO ROOMS OR ONE LARGE S EDNESDAY Oct, th wi rect, rom its 100 Nights Xun oN A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, NO J pn i and fod office allack's eatre, "X. 1 ¥ nd ne oo. rs t on, >» » onianl company with AMEL STONE, Frashing. Apply to Mrs. Roughton small children. Address 'Rev. B..," sq UNIVERSITY AVE., BRICK oe A letic G d JOSEPH C. MIRON and 73 s. : ng : 0 Whig office. dwelling, 8 rooms, modern improves Queen S Ath etic rounds. The Best Comic Opera Chorus in Ameri- | 7 r APPLY IN THE ents. och PRX 4 to, 3 S, BR. McCanng ca. Gorgeous Costumes and Effects. ]A HOUSEMAID. . Ne I'HREE ROOMS AND BOARD, ONE 51 - LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, r to Et S. Folger ---- Now crowding the Princess Theatre, | lening to Mrs. Howard og Ex room to be used as sitting room, by Toronto. 33> West street. lady and gentleman. Modern con- |; GENTLEMAN. 'WiLL. RENT HIS Prices, 25c., 50c., THe., $1.00, $1.50. . - on veniences. Good locality. Apply Box new Heintzmah Piano to a respopsi- PRICE 3s CENTS. Boxes, $2.00 GENERAL SERVANT, AT ONCE ** Whig office. ble party at & nominhl gensakesap- Seats on sale Tuesday. Must be good plain cook. References. ply to "Piano." Whig office, . ee 7 Avply BE Tu I ANY PERSONS HAVING GOOD J HN : { 4h § Se : £ Ss. : second-hand stoves or furniture, be- |STORE ON KING STREET, AD- Bu ee 'QUEEN'S FOOTBALL Gir, prow county viermmmen | 100° GHPOSRE UiBod PON uShn| Ey" Jokeph Hiscock. Pomession Det nfo iis, | EXCURSION gue 15 030 Nery ning Soci | Tomion.* Second "ueicr, S80] Tn Ryeiy' at Whig otics 2) Lee ally to Mrs. W. E. Anderson; 2! FROM OCT. 1.-- BRICK RESIDENCE, fl i i LOST. maid and two children, aged 6 and hot water heating, bath, ete. Ene GRAND COLORED 3. Two bedrooms and sitting roots quire at 179 Division St: ------------ squire wily Major Shi . SATURDAY, ocr. 10TH © SILVER WATCH, ON SAT- required. Apply to Major Shine, X.| EE si SPECTACLE irday last and silver fob. Please re M. EIG IT RC OMED FRAME Sot SE. ON A, w leave rm to R. Easto s, 40 ont- 5 : entre street, modern ove 8, at =30 Sat . ERR Sin " Easton Burns, 30 Front} 0 JIKE TO HEAR AT ONCE good outbuildings, fruit. trees. Rent ¢ : di i from owner having good Farm for moderate. For information, apply 59 "FARE $1.1 75 THE KING'S CASTLE ny . » . SA sale. Not particular about iocation Livingston Ave. : a Gurgeons Scenery av e Ssoncs SARL ( CEs SCENT BROOCH, SA' Please give price and reason for sell-}_.._ Beautiful Gir : Brock St setween Bagot - lots of Tigh y , Ee ary Die ing and stale when Possession can be) ROSELAWN. = THAT 4H ANDSOM ES 3 ac A al GUT.R I'r es at 8 a.m. AWA Frincels street BOARD AND LODGINGS, IN PRIVATE 181 Division sureet, with twelve Monday and Tuesday. -- house, for Major and Mrs. Shine, rooms, including extension kitchen, 5 return to Monda Darbyshire, Box 1820 stone residence, on Union street, 10 "Fine Sea Dranta." : Rochester, N.} oms, hot water heating, all mod- ' . qT Wn improvements, stables, drive R. M. C.I vs. Queen' Ss 11. "THE PRESS GANG" Ta LASSES IN LEATHER] geNTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT- se, etc. This property can he Queen's Viniversi hile rour The 1 ked 11 Urn. te 51 er overcoats made now, also last ght cheap. McCann, 01 Broek St, : round Su 3 ard wr ret » Bb ina woes ' odace years' turned d le lik ow. SATURDAY, Oct. 10th | wmv meolreun. | RU | Yur tunel, sd _siuc, ie sew of 1 cas ar "§.J.0.8 also date suits. Price and workmmship AT 230 P.M. "SPRINGIINE ROSES." LADIES SILVER WATCH ON guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- [.W se Satur ven tween Division y, The Tailor, 181 Brock St. | sq = ; FF O RR te 8 ig ap Sy 350.7 vas ung by Edgar Summerhy an ol « 3 Re Cr ley ey to Divbrs Mivery Ee on a Fath Per] Are LO RUGS PRINCESS THEATRE), Eo a om TW 2 ume fut sivas | EEE Tui At this season of the year some new Floor THIS WI eo House wi|A BLACK AND WHITE COoCKER|[COMPOSED OF BART LOT NUMBER IF YOU tuo an OB REST 3 | o srsatile audeville Spaniel Pup, answering' to name of BI Loncess ¥. cons Coverings are generally necessary. Come 0 |p ll Nin De pt gh Cagney on Saturday morning | - Drnestown, and one mile west of the FAL E . 4 as ? 'e) - lage o . y » bes e ~ y . : and see our large stock. Large and Small s 88 U0 Kindly leave any information at 72) ga L|A. FP. BOND. REAL ESTATE AND IN Goodwin & Goodwin Rareic street. "Any ohe harboring the shore of the Bay of Quinte; 208 |" gS rance Broker, 70 Clarence sb. acres, about 175 acres of choice Floor Rugs, Mats, Carpets, Oil Cloths The High-Class Singing and Dancing dog after this notice will pe prose work land, balance pasture. This FE RT IT mu Cir Gow. ao. > ' : Y : ' FINANCE MINISTER "Sunbenms ed farm is widely known as the Finkle |? 41 he i St ; A 'Q AP- ete., and a full stock of Lace Curtains and v MISS ETHEL WENLOCK, "Queen of -- Farm, and is going to be sold at a Ply 10 Wr assidy, sa John St Good location. Terms reasonable. i Song, will render by request, 'Under LOST OR STOLEN. bargain. Applv to H. Northmore | = ee ---- A rt Blinds. The Mullberry Tree.' pints ---------- -- and Max. Robinson, ixecutors to| A SOVARE PIANO IN FIRST-CLASS GEO, HAMMOND, Phenomanal Bari-{ 5 v2 WHERT BETWE! the Estate, Bath, Ont. condition: Will sell cheap: Apply Rugs for $4.50, 6.50, 10.50. Curtains for 25¢ HON. CHAS. MURPHY to sd of gw Fi py | Qaotte and wenlbroke, on Sent err Wig otice. brand new une, "'Sweedish Joseph Baker, Westbrooke. Informa- reer SECONDHAND Hor A i BRACE, ancer On To ed at Westbrooke P. O. s00L. oe « 0 cheap n good condition. Appl SEC'Y. OF STATE Shee fail TUESDAY tion receiv We ro LIVERE I LONDON AND GLOBE pply to see on to $8.00, and Art Blinds for 25¢ to $1.00. G1 : y 3 $ ' ) bs e 5 a - m-- Iire Insurance Company, Available Whig office. | AFTERNOON and NIGHT SITUATIONS VACANT. asmets $61.187215. In addition to | ~ re EY, hs. | ; " rd: " which the policyholders have for | CAMPING OUT-FIT, BOAT, T \ © 3 | And other Prominent Members The Great Original . security the unlimited liability of all gun and stove. William Follest, 170 ¢ " ; Cans Pr v9 . PRY a in ro a on the stockholders. Farm and city Nelson street. of the House of Commons of Can Dreyfus Trial AREY og out or WORE 2 fn \ property insured at lowest possible Depicting all the hor 1 open for all classes. Apply, Cana rates. Before renewing old or giving | A NEW TWO-SEATED SINGLE DEMO- Island s the Old re ch dian Employment Agency, i ., Jusiness gel rates from Strange crat waggon, platform gear and ARNIRIENGEL RRS TR SOI nee & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 368 CASH COUPONS. Electors of Kingston] iw oven etternoon. 2 MARRIAGE LICENSES. S------ mete wick buyer. Apbiy Box 75. Whi office, and Portsmouth oc WONDERLAND Be C. 8S. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF FRAME HOUSE IN WILLIAMSVILLE, Marriage Licenses, 42 Clarence St. MISS GRACE CLOUGH, AT.CM., Nelson street, seven rooms, hard and DON'T PAIL TO SER en a. -- ---- " gold medalist. Teather of Piano and soft water, Two full city lots ge At a public meeting to be held ROOMS AND BOARD. Theory. Pupils prepared for Toronto with house. Apply on premises to PPL Conservatory Examinations. Address William Follest, 170 Nelson street. ta THE GREAT CROSS ii. | EE . GENTLEMAN CAN HAVE ROOM | FMA a able and homelike | -- =| A TIDY FRAME DWELLING, ON Al- King of Slack i The Best Anply to Dag lington street { PERSONAL. fred St., stable and deep lot. Price A O H emmmionsinmn § right, For particulars, apply to T. ok pera ouse EE A row cENrLeMeN CAN pip [HALL NOLES, puermuapks, neo "Ament, 159 Wellington St. . . 'on | Motion Pictures and Songs Bt 144 Barrie. street.' Modern | Without 'scar. Twenty years' experi | Sorin BRICK Ee ei Department of Railways&Canals| searen vexpers aporessen To The Latest And Best. conveniences Bol gd oy Laks, Bye, Bor, ling house, © rooms. hath aud W. C. CHAMBLY SANA i i or Eistenai ; Children One Cent To-Morrfow FIRST-CLASS R OOMS AND PRIVATE Specialist, 258 Bagot Street. lighted and gas for cooking. ADEly y : ; »oaT( with ¢ odern wrove- | = _ --_-- . at Godwin's Insurance ney St. John's Harbor improvements id Dredgin wil e received at this | Afternoon board, te moder improve | a a dein nsuran Agency, NOTIC} Fo CONTRACTORS : Re ¢ Fuesday - : Hh ta 41 oh 4 - -------- o_ - . -- ------ eb i ' for the construction of i a . r - | EALED TENDERS ADDRI 1 f ensi te re akwater ' 5 CENTS--ONLY 5c. eo 1ARTWUR ARC I the ad " 1 dorsed enxler ain t t RB i s RY - = 3a ada will address the office ara + river | VATTTARLE FARM---WEST WALF LOT T PRINCESS office 'and reside nce, ity | 13, 5th Con., Township of Richmond, he \ 2 throug 100 acres, two miles west of Selby, gi MEY TOOT oll. he | ' a five miles from Napanee. Good Parl T ] { p 0 te i v espect or terms, | HENRY P SMITH, ARCHITECT | Well drainec . atored, Aphy 05 ° 6 H. A 8 . M Ww other i tion. ppl on | te., Anchor Building, Market Square : rained 201, watered. Apply, } ph Smythe, Kine & Smythe, Barristers, | "Phone, 345. Kingston, Ont. ow |THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT |e: tor bed, and The Boxes have been reserved : : thew ut | Te Tends. IDeral hallles zEv. CW CAssow Watch Our Carts! 8, thastered | J. McD. MOWAT, So -- : wr See the new, clean, bright President Kingston Reform Assn. will The Betis Deiigios, oh, be held in the Ligeral any man's religion gives to ih COAL i i ------ Rooms, corner Princess and Well- 0 t e eclors 0 more of love and kindness and ne ington streets. ithy than mine gives to me, his Every load guaranteed. All i This is a special rally of all | the better religion. Even though 1] 4 : Liberal Ward Workers and their orders given prompt careful Bop Eifel Wee Washer "| Kingston and re emits tlc hu 1 as ene a { the larger tev --fh we broader view | . . | ane the later reve ation, am com- | WOOD 'Synopsis of Canadian T 0 N IG H T \ Portsmouth : [0 Joie revelation, 1 ae sou] man who has achieved and acquired | The finest quality of every Northwest ~~ {more than I. And just as soon as 1| description. : . - x7 - x find that the Unitarian faith does | H . SYDENHAM. At the request oi many of you | not ywive to men the most enlarged | SWIFT'S omestead Regulations. . ONTARIO. : { sympathies, the broadest love and the | - NY even-numbered section I have decided to offer myself as |most helpful life, I would abandon its Fa eo ST. LAWRENCE. | proclamation. west vi g 8 1 2 ~ : the Liberal-Conservative candidate | 2 " aa Person the sol : i amu mae CAT ARAQL I. for the Dominion Parliament and | Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 ' i a a er oar FRONTENAC. Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the | Thoysand Island & St. Lawrence ALED TENDERS ADDRESSEI tor estecd . : : request the votes and influence of | literature. {i . signed, and endorsed . vender] fF % 0/0, Ty Rant 23 3 Donita RIDEAU. ese River Steamboat Companies tres LW 3 ion ands Agency or & agen r v SN those favoring my election. VICTORIA. | In Connection with New York Cen= PORTSMOUTH tral & Hudson River R.R, RTSMOUTH. A. E. Ross. Frontenac Election. or Kes REIL ngineer, Conte eile for | lead: ERIE an President Reform Assn. h------ | Change of Time on and After TENDERS FOR DREDOING. m : n appl d ion « 1 . y sty lence 1 d a ¢ "of t igi 8 y : TT a " 3 Publig Meetings in the interest MONDAY. Sept. 28th. + i ' 2 sigued and « ed 1 ndean, Ont., and at the rt ar durin ¢ of ye f of { Leave Kingston, daily, except Sunday, of Public Works, Ottawa h teac may, ¢ lesires, j2 00 ra m. Mondays, extra trip, leaving ders wil not be considered mles t 1 } «x ne 1t y ' ~ave Cape Vincent, daily, 1 : kh wm. 1 3 m the printed form supplied, ar I « nin 1 olel) . | = | exe a Sunday, 10.50 a.m. making with the actual signature t| mot les an. eig acres t i | direct connections at Cape Vincent to rears te nity of ig omeste a Jf : | sud from all points in New York State. An accepte cheque on a chart ship in land not meet this n P 3 A rough sleeper Cape Vincent to New wank, pavable tc yrder © - 3 f a r mother, i > ther Somsenasats YOUNG LIBERALS, HEAR oe a -- rn < Ottawa. All are invited to attend. sidered unl ac | not bh 1self to | ceding paragraphs i ir a aning not ' nden. jore tian nine miles in a direct line. A Meeti f Young Liberals of = Us 0 9 Tailoring. I SSIER rT OF CAN ADIAN Nt RTH WEST Ringstes oi be held in Sor: RB» ! Verona. et. th. Secretar MINING REGULATIONS. : ; - i CONC mi, tn, ef WHIG HALL MAYOR ROSS Joyceville, Oct. 10th. paid we god : : The Dominion Garment Co., EE | Friday Evening, Oct. 9| anp oTHER sPEAKERs | Erol eleome LIMITED. e : I ride last a gloom was cast Y her 3 th, ry St ' a C ver I ¢ T 3 p - . . ha 2 - - 1 Rev. Jones mar- 1 4, 1 jee feet. Fee $5.00 Come and help us carry out our over this vicinity, When hr ye Made to Order Suits, yi * xl A eH 8: " fenuec On Le % spread of 'the death of Mrs. Jane Me- : 1 10 Mis rile Hall : orp he mining} motto. Gill, an aged resident of this place. Coats and Skit ts ple tal t nthe ni nigh re n t th Deceased was ninety-three years and a oO heir return will d "wie of 1 fn . : as i ' groom's farm, near Cen- | © PLACE "CLAIMS gen =| "Every Young Liberal at Hour mouths old, and was of a kindly } 3 44 convenient to 'call, kindly drop disposition, and beloved hy al: : postal to our Agent who Will wait 3~Tv of % te " Master Ernest and Ralph Walroth, hs : Ameli ' ? oy, ! Work for Harty. of Maherly, cared off tout' first upon you with the largest and finest turday wachin r chinti hh a 3. on pie 5 : ; : selection of patterns in Canada. AR a Si Rd km iy AE Cie Biting your friends. Appropriate W d d Oct. 7th prizes in the athletic sports at Maber- jon of pal . x i the rap rawth after thd output exceeds $10,000, '3h and addresses e nes ay, , ly fair. ~ and o he £ music Kis ™ ¥ W. W. CORY " Rev. Dr. Alfred Gandier, Toronto, EE I re of thew Deputy of the Mini nterior. © ELMERS DAVIS, : announces his acceptance of the prin- N Ut ' the great nations of ] 8 : > i cipalship of Knox College. Overcoats dyed or pressed. My Valet, \ vertiser ment will not 3 pcg ny President. I ¥ 8

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