PAGE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1908. LIMITED, TORONTO. Celebrated White {India Pale Ale XXX Porter Invalid Stout Every Cork {Branded RIGNEY & HICKEY 136 & 138 Princess St. Increase Your Efficiency . Kingston Business College Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canada's leading Day and Evening. Classes Shorthand, Typewriting, Book=~ keeping, Telegraphy. Special in- dividual instruction for pupils deficient in English branches. Rates moderate. Enter Fr time. 'Phone, 440, H. CALFE, Principal. LO00000000000000000000 | \ A Business School BEIT o +9000 000400000 | ! 000D SALARIES | ! Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Courses never fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates, FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE street, Kingston. } 'Phone 680. STOCKDALE, Clergy Principal. | NEW MACHINE SHOP. A call P invited for all kinds of general manufacturing and machine repairing. Special work such as machine sharpening lawn mowers (we have the only machine in the city for | this purpove)--repairing sewing machines, guns, phonographs, scales, razors, edged tools, dres; brazing, model and pattern mak- ing. Best of attention given all work. Re pairs may be tested before leaving shop Work guaranteed. Work outside city prompt ly attended to. Charges moderate. "J. W. HUNTER, Maclfinist, 30 Montreal St., (near Princess) Kingston. Orders taken at Simmons Bros. and A. Vanluven's Parcel Delivery. "A v7 COAL! The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell, SCRANTON Coal is good coal and we guar- antee prompt delivery. 'Phone, 133, Booth & Co., FOOT WEST STREET. EAAAAAAAAMAANAAANNAANS VV VVVYVVVVVVYVY YY YY CABS! The Old Stand and The Old Num- Phone 490 OFFICE NO. 1. All orders promptly attended night or day. te | Notice to Our Customers Our store will close at 0 o'clock sharp every night, except Saturday. A. GLOVER. | Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. | New Carriages, etc., for sale. { Sale of Horses every Saturday: A HINT TO SHAVERS We are now welling a Safety Raso | which is fully guaranteed, FOR 25 CENTS. | | Gef one and try its | | Cutters, Harness | A. STRACHAN THE FRONTENAO LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cart ht. | Money loaned on City and Farm Pros jes, Municipal an County Debaen« ures. Mortgages purchased. Deposits | and interest allowed. | TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS The Perfect Brxk & Tile Co., Wash- burn, Ont. | PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees, | Are ready to kontract for {immediate delivery, rick that wil stand inspec | gion at reasonable rates, Capacity of | y plant, 60.000 dailys OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF |..." TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at cents a pound, is a good tobacco. pay eXhty-five Pents, Andrew. Maclean, Ontario streets forty-five Why | will removing take away the di of whatever | poisoned - blood, due neys and Skin falling remove i worn-out tissue digestion is poor, aches, or uric acid | will cure. Sold by all (township, sommion swans =» | HEADACHES ARE DANGER SIGNALS {They Tell Us Plainly That Something Is Wrong Inside. and powders that promptly---but ignal does not There are table stop a he: a dar Bry case adache--- nd 1 In nearly ev he k a syn to Bowe indigestible food from the g neurale ia. : Not only the danger signal, but the danger itself as well, Is quickly re- moved by "Fruit-a-ti i '""Fruit-a-tives' 1blets made of the combined juices of oranges, ap- ples, {their trated and the liver to secrete moves the bowels freely and regular- ly, and cures of neys and urea, |poisoning the system, the tone up the while aches disappear removed. | Trial size, 25c. figs and prunes, containing all medicinal properties, concen= intensified They cause more bile, which the most obstinate cases They stir up kid- throw off all the which has been They sweeten digestion and Constipation. skin to or dead tissue, improve body: bheca a box--=6 YFruit-a-tives Limited, stomach, 50¢ Ottawa. TO HIS MAJESTY THE KING : SirJohn Power & Son Ltd. ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. THREE SWALLOWS IRISH WHISKEY Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor. Of highest standard of Purity. it is especially recommended by the \dedical Profession or account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" SAL ERATUS iS THE BEST. COMPANY E.W.GILLETT Sourany TORONTO,ONT. wSilper Plate that Wears" Fancy Serving Pieces Spoons, knives, forks, efc., can be obtained to match-- all marked "1847 ROGERS BROS" Unexcelled for exclusive designs and lasting quality. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS In buying tea sets, tureens, baking dishes, efc., insist on goods made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. 1s interested and should kn iN about the wonderful | MARVEL Whirling Sp: wy \ The new Vaginal Syringe. Best--) ost conven- it cleanses y other, but send stamp illustrated book--seale: It gives full particulars and directions ine valuable to ladies, a WINY OR SUPPLY €O., Windsor, Ont. ~ General Agents for Canada. meinem ' : 'Wood's Phosphodine, The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Cures Nerv- ous Debility, Mental and Brain Worry, Des- pondency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, Sper- matorrhea, and Effects of Abuse or Krcesses. Price:$1 per box, six for One will please, six ruggists or mailed in rice. New pamphlet Medicine Co. Toronto, 4 plain pkg. on receipt of piled free. The (formerly Windsor) * > THE FIRST OF THE SEASON. We will have our Home-Made Pork Sau sages, SATURDAY. Try a pound or so, they are just as good as ever. H. . MYERS, 60 Brock St. 'Phone. 570. what is termed gilt edge so- comes badly tarnished push-buttc 3 ad, not 1 i owe actually told what know, a lot of us would talk less The home of J. H. Munroe, Fitzroy was entéred in the middle f the afternoon and $147 taken. Often jety be r Knees. only we Ont. | is above ENEMY OF THE CHURCH REV.W.H SPARLING DEALS WITH LIQUOR TRAFFIC. Temperance Feo} Should Upon An Inspection Right to Challenged. of the subject of a Rev. W. H Methodist Says --Insist of the Trade--The ction on t eth his color f aright serpent, and at we ing of no doubt, had of the cult wine for the making of it, No mention ad been ges Joing such nding all the k the evil, by tt Act, local and other stems, it con- to flourish. He would impeach rafhic because it was a danger to the individual, a danger ] enemy 'ot the chur should do all warned about the dr I'his one beverage, d, because ¢stine, »f the other bevers vy work. Notwiths s put f to che introduction of ort the C¢ ion, all i 1 a Jeadly istian people we OWEr against it I'he very appe: of the wing itself was fascinating to some it was very dangerous even to look upon. Was it not singular that in spite of the warning given, that a Chris- tian government should license such. a traffic, and give to individuals, for a stn of money, tig right up establis ts, whereby the temptation would be all strong? Would thi t indicate a careless dis regard fc he warning? The speaker » the right of any indi- such a traffic. The which he believed was d. A recent judg ment given by Judge Samuel Hartman, of Indiana, was that the state could not lawfully give any such license, and the speaker quoted an extract from this judgment And in the face of this, was it right that such licenses should. be given? The traffic had, been legalized by the government, and would ask what steps been taken by the government, y regulate the traffic, and sce that the laws reg: g it were enforced I'rue,' inspectors were appointed, but were they not very often the henchmen of a political party, appointed because of some assistance rendered the party, and with the under standing that they would not be hard on the government. The speaker was free to admit, however, that all the appointed were not thi and for an example, he would refer to the round-up of hotels in this city, made by a provincial mspection. "What are the duties isked the speaker. "ls t » goods sold the case. This Inspec They to see that goods are up to the standard, and if they are not, the per son is liable to 'a fine, and his goods are confiscated. Not so with the liquor. set to the more stion was one n to be challe however, he had mspectors ot cahbre, recent the of inspectors?" it their duty to 1? Ap- tors have Twas that source, the speaker was proud of the high standing of Canadian journal- ism, although he "would say that it would be far better for the papers to leave out such advertisements, as the traffic was an evil to the state. "The liquor traffic is the greatest foe and the most Jdeadly enemy of the church," said the speaker in his com cluding remarks. "The church has no greater enemy. Wherever the saloon 1s the great centre of attraction, the church is deserted. There is no strong- er battery that the devil has for 'our homes, our schools and churches, than these gilded palaces. The church and the saloon--where one flourishes, the other dies. It is a great drawback to our missionary efforts, There is no use putting our hands in our pockets, to give to some niissionary enterprise, and at the same time allow the liquor traffic to go on. As Christians we should not countenance such -an evil, but do all 'we can to stay its progress. We should show upon all occasions, that we are not in favor, of it, and that it is our hardest foe. It is 2 danger to the individual, a danger to the state, a deadly enemy of the church, and as Ch ian people we should go against PHSONERS ON POLE W. P. ARCHIBALD SPEAKS AT THE Y.M.C.A. Fine Showing Made By Men Re- leased From Prison Under This System--No Profit From Life of Crime. S "There are some men in prison who deserve to be out; I know a lot of people outside of prison who, if 1 had my way, would be.inside." The above statement was made hy 'W P. Archibald, Dominion parole officer, during the course of an address, which be delivered the Y.M.C.A., Sunday afternoon, at a men's meeting I'he at was presided over by the R. B. Nelles. Mr. Archibald's address was a most inspiring one, and during the course of his remarks he made special reference the parole systeni, introduced: nine ago. Some people, he said, had an idea that the parole system was rather overstepping the mark. It was the opinion of a great many, that it not right to interfere wiht the itence of judgment. He would state information of the public, that nie years, 645 men had been released from prison on parole; and that only 33 of this number had return- ed to a bad life. "You often hear of these men going wrong," added the spepker, "but they do not dll go wrong One hundred men do what is right, and we hear nothing, but when one goes wrong, we hear on all sides, that the system is a failure. That is the way it goes." The speaker made a strong appeal to young men, take every precaution against temptation, "In my twenty year's experience," he added, "I have not found one man who has profited by ertme. A man may make a little money here and there, but it goes very quickly, The men who secretary, to ycars to traffic. There is good reason to believe that if this were the case, there would be some astounding revelations. And why this discrimination? Is it because the hotelmen are more law abiding than the others? Is it because they have power over the government than lairymen, the govern derives more » hotelmen? that this should be ht under inspection, just th others, and the the temperance people of thi to. msist upon mspecuo f the trade And the inspec n should be just 'as searching br more the ment because from business or made, falling off in th be at all surprise of the imilar layed a took a deep inter ind fed not be on saloon bus 1 lal ~ | ten have made the most, have suffered the most. I cannot point to anyone who has gained by a criminal act in his life." Mr. Archibald told many sad storie | concerning the criminals he has had to deal with, and pointed out the sorrow and misery that came as the result of viclding to-temptation, Fatal Lottery Prize. Prague, Oct. 3.-£A beggar in Prague, seventy years old, who had lived for on the contributions of was so disturbed years {charitable persons, | by the news that he had won £100 in 1 lottery that he hanged himself on a tree. Irish Guards Recruiting. Oct. 3.--Orders were vesterday, from the office, list men for the Irish Guards in the northern command. Only bonafide Ir ishmen are taken. London, issued war to en to be Ne- on El ol Reno, actor, divorce was granted at Nat the from Maxine ground (Goodwin, his wife, actress, on the » to the desertion. Ihe general synod of church decided to appoint a commit tee to adapt the Book of Common Prayer for use in Canada Natives at Hyderabad now estimate number of persons drowned in re at 50,000. the English ent floods meeting was very largely attended, and" HAD FINE PROGRAMME Y.M.C.A. SPORTS HELD ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Collegiate and Y.M.C.A. Tied For the Team Championship--All the Events Keenly Contested. Ideal weather favored the Y.M.CA. championship meet, held at Jueen's At 1c grounds, on Saturday a1ternooi. Quite a goou-sized crowd turned out to see the sports. The en- tries numbered 177, and all the events were very keenly contested. 'fhe at- fair was marked with great success. J. J. Thompson, the physical instructor wt the Y.M.C.A., was in charge. It is the mtention to hold such a meet every year, and the boys 'are delighted. The cvents were open to all school boys. roliowing 1s the summary: Hundred yards, boys 14 years and under--1, Hubert Donnelly, Collegiate tnstitute ; 2, 8. Hall, Cataraqui school; 3, 1. Lemmon, Louise school, Time, (3 2-5 seconds. Hundred yards, 12 years and under-- ist heat won by G. Leighton, 2nd hgat oy E. Dunn, 3rd heat by C. roiger, Ah neat, W. Carroll, finals, 1, C. rolger; 2, k. Dunn and W. Carroll (tied); 3, G. Leighton. . Time, 14 4-5 seconds, Running high jump, boys 16 years and under--i, J Clow, . Collegiate Institute, 4 ft. °7 inches; Gordon Fleming, Y.M.C.A, 4 ft. 6 inches; 3, J. Smythe, Collegiate, 4 ft. 5 inches. 220 yards, 14 years and under--ist heat wop by T. Lemmon, Louise school; 2nd heat by H. Donnelly, Collegiate; finals, 1, H. Donnelly; 2, V. Martun; 3, I. Lemmon. Time, 31 2-5 seconds, 220 yards, 16 years and under--i, E. Davis, Y.M.C.A.; 2, J]. Smythe, Col legiate; 3, G. Fleming, Y.M.C.A. Time, 28 2-5 seconds. 220 yards, 18 and under--1, T. Mec- Cormick, Y.M.C.A.; 2, R. Yellowley, Frontenac Business College; 3, W. Yellowley, Frontenac Business College. I'ime, 28 3-5 seconds. I'hree-leghed race, 12 years and under -1, I. Fleming and K. Ferguson, Y M.CA.; 2, W. Paul and W. Hanks, Y.M.C.A.; 3, E. Dunn and R. Millan, St. Mary's school One hundred yards, under--i1, E. Davis; Smythe, Collegiate; Y.M.CA Loys » 3 16 years and YMCA;2 J] 3, Hiram Ferguson, ime 12 2-5 seconds. Running high jump, 14 years and under--1, H. Donnelly, 4 ft. 2 inches; 2, J. Hanlon, St. Mary's, 4 ft. 1 inch; 3, V. Mullin, St. Mary's, 3 ft. 10 inches. One niile run, 106 y s apd under--I, G. Fleming, Y.M.C.A. , W. Yellowley, EB CC; 3 5 Mau St. Mary's lime, 5 minutes, 41 2-5 seconds, Running broad jump, 14 yea and under--1, H. Donnelly, 13 ft. 6 inches; B. Hall, also 13 ft. 6 inches. Donnelly won in the jump off; 3, J. Hanley, St Mary's, Half mile relay--Frontenac Business College, W. Yellowley, R. Marchand, L. Lee, and R. Yellowley; YM.CA, B. Davis, G. Fleming, R. Edgar, T. Mc Cormick; Collegiate, J. Smythe, L. La Rush, E. Sliter, H. Stuart. Collegiate won in 1 minute, 53 3-5 seconds. The previous record for the track in this event was 1 min, 55 seconds, held by the Y.M.CA. 440 yards race, 16 years and under-- 1, E. Davis, YM.C.A.; 2, S. Martin, St. Mary's; 3, J. Smythe, Collegiate. finre, 1 min, 6 2- » Running broad jump, 16 years under--i1, E. Davis, YM.CA.; 2, Marchand, F.B.C.; 3, L. Lee, F tsest jump, 16 ft. 4 inches. In the summing up, it was found that H. Donnelly and E. Davis tied for the individual championship, each having 'secured points, G. Fleming and ] Smythe each scoring 6 points, Ihe team championship resulted as follows :--Y.M.C.A. and Collegiate; e 27 points; St. Mary's, 10 points; Fron- tenac Business College, 8 points; Cata school, 4 points; Louise school >. L. C, each scored 2 points, and oria school, 1 point wugh Y.M.CA. as the meet was school boys, eld offered by the mn for 1 competition, will be awarded to llegiate rs 5 seconds, and R OC. and Collegiate or associat the Co Fhe judges w Principal Reilly, re A A. Jordan Mr. Stockdale, Co Hunter, Mr. Hedley Secretar Nelles; clerk of the course, Fred Mox ley; Geo. Birch and W. Mat I , W. Bearance; starter, 1ompson ; de Esterre Frank Birch nd scorers, an ncer timers, J Cargo Of Stowaways. Oct. 3.--The West African teamer Falaba, which arrived at terday, from Forcado and intermediate ports, brought London, mail Plymouth, v« no po | | aDYASTM IRA | While taking interesting his mor constitu t little problem concernin ning an panions. Says Willie: "I observed that t | head of me, added to one-third the n the number of 'kids on the whirli- ig. { How many whirling "Kids" were tle Frank Jones' clever puzzle-game o leaving the boys is successfully May. {thirteenth is invariably a girl and the the proper thing for gallant boys un 2 Counting round and round to the right it will be found that ional in the saddle Willie discovered g the number of his travelling com hree-quarters of the number that rode umber that came after me, equalled »» re ? Answer To Counting Out Puzzle. counting out all' the and iris worked by commencing the counting from the boys all "get left," which is really der the circumstances. fewer than twelve Krooboy st Ww who had been found in various parts of the ship after the Falaba left Sierra Leone. wa ays, Police Court Babel. kwndon, Oct. 3.--A Belgian who un derstood Dutch was charged at thi West Ham police court, with assault- ing and The evidence of the prosecutors had, to be translated from Hindustani into En lish and then into Dutch for the benefit of the prisoner. robbing two lasears. Terrified By A Boy. Oct. 3 have Purley and Kenley been terrified by letters inflated and- mysteri the assassination of some London, people threatening, ous terms, of the household, and the police, yes- terday, traced the authorship to a ro- mantic lad of nine. Letit | ; pour e © Our experts have made a study of climatic conditions in Canada. Our paper shells are made damp and rain proof expressly to meet these conditipns. Imported shells are made for a general export trade by manufacturers who have not investigated the wants of the consumer here. For all sizes and makes of arms, one-third to one-fifth less than duty pay- ing ammunition. Our guar- antee puts all 'risk on the rtridge Co in Dominion Ca Ltd., Montreal. 'DOMINION AMMUNITION Artistic Wedding Gifts Break away from the overdone practice of giving cut glass and silverware for wedding presents. At every 'wedding there is such a lot of this kind given that the bride usually does not know what to do with half of it. Give something unique-- something that others are not likely tu give, and which will refleet the good taste of the giver and be useful in the bride's home. Ideal presents of that kind are ORIENTAL BRASSWARE ORIENTAL RUGS We haye the largest collection of brasswarein Can- ada, such as Jardinieres, Candelabras, Tea-Trays, Vases, &c., &c., and our rugs are known all over the country for rarity of design and color. Prices can not be equalled in any other store in America. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN OUR CAREFUL ATTENTION. Courian, Babayan & Co. 40 KING EAST, TORONTO. OPP. KING EDWARD HOTEL ISSIR HK a CHAK SHANK HAC HASKHHC HASHASIC EH ¥ SHH HHH SHRINK HICK AHA 3K AS BEEN CONCENTRATED in the buying of our Fall Shoes, and the result is most grati- fying. To-day we are showing the result of such effort in HE HK SHHAHIIIK HAH HASH Our Snappy New Fall Lines of Shqes. We believe, that never in the 50 years of our shoe retailing in Kingston, have we offered such splendid ydlues. We will appreciate having you call and look over the new lines. HH HHH 4H ae * HAHAH 3K CICK ASHACIACICINIK 4 i J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. HIBS IGIIISICIIIIIIIISISIION y Ghe Main Idea and Object This brings us suc- A oH Lawes Is to please our customers. and makes us friends. We do it with our little prices, with our big as- ment, with our fine qualities and grades. Our low prices show you how to save your dollars. Mission Dining Room Sett, 8 pieces, edrly English finish, for $45. Mahogany Parlor Suites, 3 pieces, $25 to 45.00, best silk covering. China Cabinets for HP $18 to 65.00. Robt. J. Reid, THE "KING" FLY KILLER 230 Princess Street. Telephone, 57 delicate Hard- soil the most each, Druggists, Kills without crushing and do es not fabrics or injure the highest polis h. 10c. ware =A Grocers. Advise the purchase immediately of the fol. Jowing Cobalt Silver Stocks: Nova Scotia, Trethewey , and Chambers-Ferland.. Buying or selling orders may be wired at my expense. All marketable secfirities handled. Corres- pondence invited. J. O. HUTTON, 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. SOLDER! Have you tried our strictly § and } bar Solder, also our Stan Extra Wiping. The quality is gua ranteed and the price is right. Canada Metal Co..Ltd., 7oronTo, on