EN CONNECTION WITH Canadian Pacitic Railway Low Rates to Pacific Ccast ZONE WAY $50. 10 Second Class Good Going Until October 31st ' RETURN Hunters TICKETS 4 LE Excursions | *7%: October 6th to November 3rd. RETURN LIMIT DEC. Full particulars at K. & P'. and C. Ticket Ollice, Oatario St. "Phone, F. CONWAY, Pass: Agent. { i bth, Pr nt 50. Gen. BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY. Train leaves union stationp Ontario stre t p.m. daily (Sundays excepted) for Twe Sydenham, Napanee, Deseronto, Jan burn and all péints orth, To secure i despatch to Bannockburn, aynooth, points on Central Ontario, Jour ship ents via Bay of Quinte further particulars, apply to R. Ww, Agent, No. 3. MOOSE Open Season. ro Ne KS ON "hone, New Brunswick September 15th-- November 30th Nova Scotia October I st November 30th Quebec : : | September 1st-- December 31st! | Write General Possenges Dept. LI Te N.B. For copies of \ 'Moose in the Micmac Country" "\¢Fishing and Hunting." Toronto Ticket Office, 51 King St. East. General Passenger Department, Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. Hunters' Sp AT SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, | Oct. 6th to Nov. 3rd. Temagimi, points Matta Arthur, to Georgian Division, Port Art N. Nav. Co. and to certain point Quebec New Brunswick, Nova and Newfoundland, Oct. 22nd to Nov. 3rd. Ka, Lake of Bays, Magm Penet and 1 To points in wa te ort ard Mackiiaw 1 \ | | Low Rates to Pacific Coast s $50.10 31st ONE WAY D-CLA Good going unt For fall HANEY, nari SECON 1 October particular AGENT, ( street Royal' Mail Montreal to Liverpool torian sails . | rsican sails | «ct } Nov | ginian sails .. | Rates of passage and full -informat vned from J. PP. HANI 3. KIRKIP'A may be obt Asens G.T.R., or ( ocal Agest. Lake Ontario & Bay of Quinte' Steamboat Co., Ltd -------- KINGSTON, ROCHESTER, 1,000 ISLANDS | ol Leaves Kingston f Str. NORTH py r Thon ur nd J mw Return tor Char \ © « e 1 8 : | tte, Rg at Bay of Q \LETHA lay of © format f JAMIE I A t S. KIRKD ATRICK Ticket \g STEAMER WOLF E ISLAN DER LEAVES WOLFE ISL AND: -- 7.30915 a.m, 1,00 4. 7.30915 amy 1.004.000 pm 7.80--9.15 aang 1.00--4.00 pu Breakeyv's JO a.m. 1.30 p.m | Ad amg 1. 004.00 p, | : 9.15 a.m. 1.00- i 9.15, 10.00, 12.30 a.m. { LEAVES KINGSTON 8.80--11.30 a.m. 3.00 5 dU--11.80 a.m, ! WED, 8.80-11.30 a.m. & THURS. B.30--1.00 p.m. 3.00 Hreakey's Bay, 3 FRI. R.80--11.8 SAT, 8.30--11.¢ SUN 9.45 a.m Sat --Special trip PSimeo 'e and Spoor's dock, at' 3.00 p.m i Time Table subject to change without : notice Boas calls at Garden Island going sad from 3 inte a A fire of mysterious origi wiped ont the big | ing plant Ist « N.Y. last 1 t O00, MON TUES, WED FHURNS,, 0 pn | ! | MON. TU IS. Island to f -- a | i i 5.30 pm, | | " Bud for your health and your digestion sake" Shakespeare (OF) ells PROTECTION! Protect vour health by asking dinate? for SANDY MACDONALD h SPECIAL LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKY (10 years old) ¢ . 1 as many of the concoctions we sold on this market under the label of Scotch Whisky are rough, coarse, insipid common spirits, which are positively « harmful. OC. INvESTIGATE--Quality will do the rest. Alexander & Macdonald, Distillers, LEITH--Scotland. ERS 4 PR yl Hi & pl i : rail i Thousands of American women in our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keep the home ne: and pretty, the children well dressec ' and tidy, women overdo. A female weakness or displacement is often brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that LYDIA E. PINKHARM'S VEGETABLE COMPOURD comes as a boon and a blessing as it did to Mrs. W. Barrett, of 602 Moreau St, Montreal, who writes to Mrs. Pinkh: am : "For years I was a great sufferer from female weakness, and despite every remedy piven me by doctors for this trouble, I grew worse. "Ome day a friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, I did so, and am thankful to say that it made me strong and well." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been trouble d witl , displacements, inflammation, uleera- | tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, riodic pains, backache, that hear ! Ing-down feeling, flatuleney,indiges- | tion,dizziness,ornervous prostration. Ww hy don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick { women to write her for advice i She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. THE PEOPI E ALL Give Us bro's H cide br Her picid I. Chorus Cried, New | Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A Tho nd uy y great, Uterine Joni afe effectual Mo Women cai itd it? degrees t+ No 2 Goa Wepioine Co., "Tomas, CORNS CURED Yon ean pal hard, LR a' S 'PAINL ESS EXTRACTOR _ PUT THAT MN ie the pie atform of its size, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTORER 5, IOUS PEOPLE. Dr. Chown--Dean Social Life in Kingston. Rev. 8S. D. Chown, D.D., Social and Moral Reform mc addressed meeting hall Sunday ever about 200 people president of the on Dr. Rev. nent, a public the city here Dean Farthing, rganization, presided, were also Tavish, Rev. W. H. Villiers, Rev Canon Starr. The dean on were and Rev. Sparling, Dr. Macy in a brief morally than any other but there in the way He paid a tribute to the l of Kingston's life, said, maintained a high morality. Dr. Chown the question of ter with Kingston" its people, like others, have any confidence in success, therefore, didn't seem to try what they should. Yet the WOrse to be of impr ment. done ers social he of stand said he would "What was the ! by saying an to countries were having most succe results. Dealing with the liquor fic he said that there were just a one-third the number of live Ontario as there 'were in 1875. Ontario last year hundred twenty-five were cut off. The in the other provinces most encouraging, and in the there probably the one ditions cit uehee was vigorous 'the ol the pendix liquor trafhic The relation the to the hotel he liken relationship of the vermiform to It There might be it pain when it was would pass away Dy upon the hat a man Wir and fever removed, but Chown dwealt oro te languid type is so prevalent A not fight of relig on that The cl religion evil is no good required to fight, and to fight and allowed its power was the wane Jate ex-Mayor Howland, of Tor told him that he loved the hatre That was what « evil to m wicked men really religious and hould said, ral whose asked carriage didn't the ligious , bodies man A man, the a very length vound could tell 1t wa Wie love Sie once saw : No one a funeral a man who rode and he replied he was Too many men in just for the ride. * well be women as me to the Dry Finally the that mn at in know, just ride. were might as women, urch last preacher lenham street cl ing Dr. Chown was the gave wu discourse on the reason Christ's coming--"that they n life and that they might ha abundantly." (John x,-10), Christ came to go spiritual life, but_how many lack this. © Men exist but where are their souls. seemingly have non In there gold madness. Men live dy, but not in fo Women bed all day--body, but no Men do business cout Youses, and hut no soul Th both parties to-da tform thy Od old m the real thing Canada, + urety have more life which the are who earth, 18 are cole hard mantic greatness, has no of hfe ancient en thie ' VOI FE 18 LAND NEWS. fhe Gale Did Damage and Build Island, Oct i cruest « McGuire, " E. DBriceland's bought afar hibald MeDona 3.000 i it t returni James Baker d for October Tth t and | » Buffalo to the t Repairing Toronto, ragitations in Canals ao: when it fe MORE FIGHT NEEDED]... AGAINST EVIL OF RELIG Address in the City Hall By Rev. 3 Farthing | performu Paid Tribute to the Leaders of of Wes mn ing present local the Mac illiyray, introductory address stated that Kingston was no city was much work OVE ead- who, lard swer mat that didn't seem to and, do Moral and Social Reform movements in many ssful traf- bout in In and con were yv of most unst ship wd to ap nt needed and these rm that will mreh uled evail The mto «dl of very man aker fun him he last he even an ight ve it The wa there on They anad; in play body 1908. AT THE GRAND. Country Kids" Good Houses. moon and Kids, » in acts, the The audiences to both who witnessed it were well pledsed. | The plot with of. an innocent is worth many thou- Kenneth Hopper t of the detective in a Ho handled thre the one of i very Edward J. Kg tafieta, made an Drew br ih A pretty zed ir evening, a sensa four Grand. On Satur "A Pau tional cor er 1 was 30th, by the bride, immediate itan Mabel, show in and all i deals the coun marriage to ronto, The her bre pretty and stars, bride creditable Aanner., difficult being th Richard M villian. The part of Alice the heroine, fell to the hahds of Miss Mamie Wilcox, and she did it justice lossie Delmore and Homer Denis, a "Hi and "Trizie," the country kids, demonstrate 1 thé comes dy parts to per fection stumes and scenery were carld be desired. Little Maids." h m Rui al comedy Maids," will be at Grand Wedne esday, October Tth tuneful musie, bright and witty dialogue, and oh environment make it a production worthy of the attention of all'lovers of dainty musi cal come The musical numbers be ing suny and whistled are : "The Mil r's Daugl ter, 3 "The Game of Love, "Little Bhi Flower, "Men," 1} Dream of You? ' "Real Town Lady,' "Pown*and Country Mouse,' "Wishes in the Sea," and numerou in fact the play is noted for | reiit number of song hits it con tram w, excellent Simpson as veil work: ning, the gif eck lage. | moses bride's bri I'he sister, wolienne, wit The f Toronto "Three maid wa ITOOMSL The success "Three the Its Engh Lattle seen i" Mr. ston, en rou settling in t olme road, ' The bride tailored nay vith hat to both iy nner other the tains, "The Gay Musician." has been many + has tantaneous eee Hs Edwards' late [ Gay Mu which Grand « October the cot John P It years oper met with mposi hursday, ected bh best singit Ameri i add vib tein the en them Have Your Joints Pains ! A weak joint is hard to t and i ) mus ter to ac peop hard to reach. 0 powerful, penetrating lui r Nervilin cured, I tion must ymptom Thoma other linimer but now e char bill action upon stant and or pam in any Nerviline won't hold liniment went Not at he {dollar ot tl Cure rious essels Wer estimated A Clexzyrian's Toronto Man. Rev. relatives, . and Mrs Chatles E. in a hilet le g and orange Miss Edna, TOOMmS and Mrs. 5. 1 Little Girls' hurrican lahamas, on lamage MARRIED AT SYDENHAM, Daughter Weds it quiet wedding was sol- we Methodist church, Syd- ednesday, . September A. Hanna, father of presence of only the when Miss Lil eldest daughter of Rev, Hanna,was united in Frederick R. 'Sinkins, To- the wed escorted "by Hanna, looked win over who ent ulation She wearing Lin rn INossomns. t of the Her shower consi and lilies of the only attendant was her who wore pale blue h hat to match and car- also pearl- ted of valley. groom, a ried pink roses, man w C. N. Siuokins, Ih to the wlset locket v signet rin inty Arsonay 1 low mer past was and later kin to King- te for a short trip before heir fiture on Rush- drove hom travelled i a smartly- y lue broadeloth 1 The presents wore thy Frock Of match, ms amd of Cashmere. but ) Sea, were le brides- | and it Some people buy Chase & Sanborn's Coffee because of its exquisite flavor--others, because of its strength--some, "just because they likeit." > °* All of them, because no other coffee suits them so well. 91 1 Good Things. We make a specialty of the following lines at the special low prices : Men's Football Boots, $3.00 and 3.50. Men's Working Boots, $1.50, 2.00, and 3.00. Men's Fine Shoes at Special - values in $2.50 and 3.00. College Shoes for Girls, ¢ sizes 2} to 5}, $3.00. Cheaper g aden $2.50 and 1.75. Boys' School Boots, $1.25, 1.50 and Women's Fine Kid Bluchers, 21 own special price, $2.00. good heavy soles, 2.00. to 7. Our Spec ial values in Baby Boots. Best grades 7oc., 81.00 and 1.35. Special Suit Cases. $2 00 and 5:00. Special Trunks, $5.00 and 6.00. s DEPENDABLE ~~ SHOES -- JOSEPH C. MIRON AND Gay Musician," at T Gr: Eth, In "The 1 Og MARTHA GEORGE, House, Thursday, Oct | Ask your doctor all about A alcoholic Sarsaparilla. The yer's non- n you will know whether you want it or not. 'NON-ALCOHOLIC Want a nerve tonic? Want a blood purifier? - Want a strong alterative? Want a family medicine? Want it without alcohol? Want Ayer's Sarsaparilla? AyersSarsaparill Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Ask your doctor Free from Alcohol J. C. AYER CO., Manufacturing Chemist s, Lowell, Mass. ES A ADDED 3 CHARM TO THE WEARER » most success 1 t thata "D & A" the be y of a per nary hgures ing to its ful greatly enhance re, while it improve | necognition, A "D & A De ixir Of ele yr and comfort. iit as air, yet guaranteed to outlast 1 5 ord Luxe Corset" is the artncss, refnmed--dis- gance, sSnu PRICES $1.00 to $5.00 DOMINION CORSET CO., Manirs., Montreal Toronto Quchec + AUTUMN SHOE STYLES When you buy a suit of c'othes or a hat, you go where you know you'll get the latest style. Why not do the same when buying footwear 2 Why not buy the shoes that lead the stylesin Canada--InvictusShoes When you wear Invictus Shoes vou can always feel that vou're wearing what's most correct in footwear. Made in Lace, Button and Blucherstyle, in Pat. Colt, Velour, Box Gun Metal Calf, Vici Kid, and tan - or wine colored calf. $4.50 and 5.00. Ladies, $3.50. 3.70, 4.00, The Sawyer Shoe Store HARI AIG 74 & 4 AH ¥ SHISHA ork COWAN'S CHOCOLATES | AND MAPLE BUDS 50c. PER. LB. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. k SASHIRAOIN An i HN II BIRCH