PAGE EIGHT. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1908, HOW LAURIER NED, AT ST. PHILS CHURCH | Reporters On Their Rounds. 'THE LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Ottawa excursion, $1.75, Oct. 10h. RE.OPENING SERVICES re HELD ON SUNDAY. | i Dr. George HH. wo je = y { . ge Hanley leit on unday | The Steamer is Now in Place OF KINGSTON. for Rochester. . . : ' Safety. | we If You Are Thinking Wi |THE 5P.M. EDITION JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. of | went to Dean Farthing Preached in the Morning and the Vicar in the] Evening--The Church Has Been | Renovated. lightering 140 cords of pulp Grantham, the | To-Morrow | Rev. Father McWilliams The Company Tells the Story,| ster Sunday. {wood into the Contrast the Splendid | tugs Donnelly and Florence pulled ofl | | William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders About A Far Coat fori teambarge Kitchen, Treatment ° the Liberals and schooner on 1 MH : in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross 8 below | "Pine Tar Soap," Colgate's, is sold { Morrisburg, and she 1s now in the | The | very reloading her « lving canal go, boat exposed place received at McAuley's. 'Phomwe 778. Jacks Shoal... three With That 'of the Tories. I Next WINTER broadside, in a The cargo was . gsicned to the Battle Island Paper | Now 18 the ompany, Oswego, N.Y. The Kitchen | time to write is not leaking, and as far as known, for my Cata- " damage s done her. log of. Ad- les vance Sty | zion for | was con T MAY CALL DR. EBY. | Church Would Like Services. World state His | | Toronto i It is on good authority Rev. Dr Eby will be called | the pastorate of Zion Congregational | | church, by the board of that church | We make UP) at its next meeting, October 15th. i your Coat to| Dr. Eby, though a Methodist, is said | special mea-| © be willing to assume the charge, | | that Cc. 8 po | gives a drug store. I'he following letter has been hand- | pp Crowley 'and wife, Division lt the Standard by the Canadian . rE : 3 toate Wor kr copay - | SereeX are visiting friends mn Roches- 4 = . isi aa or, nN, Kingston, Oct. 5.--(To tHe Editor of | : oh the dy In cue issue of Fri-!; Thomas Dowsley, Montreal, is Yisii. jay last you had a leading article'tes his brother, David Dowsley, Prin- day las you ac a 1 5, cess street, headed "As To Frightened Electors," | g Gunningham piano tuner from in which you argued that'it should be | (yi ino'c™ Tonve orders. at. M of indifference to the Cana- | py eyte os k my : dian Locgmotive company, as a busi-| pony Tavior who has been ill wes enterprise, whether Mr. Harty orfoi ors ior, ne nies > whethur Ne Sasi x gs summer grippe at the residence Ir. Ross were elected, E of T. F. Harrison, William street, re- not the Tiara! government remained | turned to Montreal last Thursday to] in power. You thin iat any OWRCT 'yogume his business. conclusion would be too transparently |. po ction removed x "" ia # 1 a | > absurd to anyone who is at all alive { hospital, ' to the | seriously injured. | shightly bruised a matter to the general | on Saturday, was not very | His left side was | and he had a small | {cut under the chin. { "For the hair, Colgate"s Pure Tar soap. Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. One of the large cartage rigs real facts." are, unquestionably, better acquainted with the real facts than you possibly can be, will you kindly et us place them before you and your readers? " The old locomotive conmipany went | we | | What may be described as one of the most eventful days in Anglican church life, in this city, was Sunday, when St. Paul's church was re-open- ed and harvest thanksgiving vices, were held. Services began with the celebration of the holy communion at eight o'clock in the morning, when a very large number were present. Ad eleven o'clock morning prayer - was held. Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald, vicar, read the service. The musical part the efficiently rendered. The singing of the strong choir was much admir- ed. Miss Callaghan presided at the rgan. Dean and foreeful iv,-15 and ser- O preached a strong sermon from Ephesians 16. In course of his sermon the dean paid an eloquent testimony to the work and ability and power of the Rev. Mr. Fitzgerald, the vicar, who, he said, commanded Farthing are not quite ready to buy, you may se- Will be none too early to buy your New Fall Coat or Suit. 'Everything is at its best now in our Coat and Suit Depart- ment. L The Prudent Women Looks for Two Things in Buying her fall garments-- good styles and good values. Women are finding these two qualities in bountiful measure in the new Coats and Suits for fall that we are showing. We L have ade it easy for you to choose. If you | because the Congregational church | sure, and put minister more latitude theo it away in our | logically than eame the respec idence h the Methodist church. the respect and confidence of all whe safety Vaults, | Way The Wind Blows. to grief on Clergy stree -day. The . : : : tara ¥ : gy street to-day. The [ knew him in the diocese and parish. waggon was heavily loaded with cord [qpa dean spoke further words of en- {wood when one c > els e | ; Sian : A en one of the wheels came |. uragement and admiration for the {into bankruptcy here a few years ago {after losing, during the previous third upwards of five hundred It was, during all lect any Suit, Coat or "Skirt and lave it placed aside until required. (teen thousand Vears, dollars. (off. The unt | you ! Winnipeg Free Press i ' | opinion that the government | want it. - . 7 will be returned" is g WRITE TO-DAY. | Saturday Sunset, of Vancouver, I'he rowing, says the | al conservative newspaper. The Toronto | Saturday Night, an independent week- | ly, in the course of a sentence has this | {enlightening phrase, dropped casually: 'I Sir Wilfrid wins again next month, John McKay Fur House | wins again nex Dept. A., Brock St. it." The campaign | mud-shinging is to be one of the | Qatario. [most specta the his- | = _| tory ol no doubt is about gom¢g failures politics, ilar in Kingston, - Canadian The Cause Of Cant Free vindicate Robert Rogers held the h interest had ceeded 1 "Block F"' to nental demanded, ds S420 000 the of | Press. 3 which SC the Commus- | Mr have No wor 1 Hing 13 I'ransconti at the anv Ln tional To the Electors of Kingston ~:iic- and Portsmouth. |i pocke price would rs frie ted a profit of tlemen of ndicate £0 rievously the site UENTLEMEN : No One Grind ! Free Pre Murray, 1 ha : crita Having received, and ac-| To cepted, the nomination of | "70 the Liberal Party, I again turned ask for your votes and in-' £0 tt oY i We had fluence to elect me as your | the ion that up to three representative to the House | "chs ago Mr. Murray was hot | foot of Commons of Canada, and |on the Board of Railway Commission- pledge myself for the future, | Se as in the past, to devote my | Leaving For New York. energies to the promotion| Miss ( of the prosperity and best! interests of this good old|to further pursue, for City of Kingston. musical studic both vocal WM. HARTY. suddenly of the to been "independ: rind under impr Mr was t seat mn or Bajus, daughter of Mrs Bajus, Rideau street, purpo | Wednesday, for arrie son her mn the 0 a year, and is vocalists, | strumental. Miss Bajus among thest of Kingston's Broken. seven-year-old 19 victim ol Lad's Devine, Arm John Laurence son Lansdowne D the vine, wi a very pain | ful Hi | While with a hoop, as 4 Royal Dresden! Jo) wel us "can bn expected i Will Realize $1,500. on Saturday the fell, afternoon playing | sult cident out near quarry, he are do show exclusive decora- this beautiful China. Fruit Sets Comports Plates We tion Saturday | v few boxes | I'he total X].H00 amount "Bay Rum Colgate's, i Kingston at store. Phone 'Next Time You Go Shopping Tie a string around your finger. It will remind you to buy a tin of - Registered " "WEARS LIKEIROWL' Gibson's Red Cro drug 230 Very appropriate. for wed- ding gilts. Spangenberg JEWELLER and DIAMOND MERCHANT Issuer of Marriage Licenses. metal the finish for around The wonderful and wood things house. Put up sizes Sold in Kingston only by Al ot of men put ther foolish | loan them much, honest plan of pr than y washboard m the in 20¢., 30c. and 50c. hou and thorougl I'ry tle bit I'he board for oft nsure 1 lit ener furnis} idle in the family. 85 Princess St. 3 THE CLOTHES YOU WANT | y ARE OURCUSTOM MADE GARMENTS § hh | 1 1 ons | wimself well enough to insist up- | We are not running 3» of changing ideas of thinking } p | We like the man who like t on what he wants "and notl this store with the thought then <Q al 1 rill Y 5 ¥ 1 Tell us what you desire in a ot men--but of conforming to Fall Suit or Overt you out of yc attempt to argue show how closely we can match wishes. SUITS TO ORDER, $20.00 TO 30.00. OVERCOATS TO ORDER. $20.00 TO 35.00. TROUSERS TO ORDER, $5.50 TO 8.50. LIVINGSTON'S | b b « b | your | y y , p b ; y ~N { / VAAN man lworks in Canada, and, yet, taking the | | a purchaser for the works, but failed, New York, | ¢ ernment ever did W. A. Mitchell's, HARDWARE, |; | sion government, wood was loaded unto an- other waggon. | The management football team is having a hard time to secure grounds. It should have a game on Saturday next, but as it] cannot secure the athletic grounds it] will have no place to play. The team | nay not fulfil its engagements this season. | "Students' fountain pens," $2 for 31.50, only at Gibson's Cross drug store, opposite Whig of-! Hide. | Alired Smith, the young man badly i near Collins Bay those . vears, the only locomotive of the conservative i an example of how it works, we ast four years overnment as treated the locomotive find that during those four years the government gave the for only seven locomo- ne all the other locomo- for the government | that period, in the conservative ones a ! Lex United States. The the after to get months way for every liquidators, failure tried in 80 injured i few days ago, is still in the general] hospital and is doing nicely. His right | eve was Saturday and | it found that the sight s not | badly injured. His left cve not | uncovered yet, but the doctors hope | to save the sight. last they gave Mr. Harty an a option. Before he exercised this right to purchase, he felt that the we failure of Sie enterprise depended on the attitude he could get the ernment of Sir Wilfrid Laurier to sume towards it in ordering locomo tives for the government railways. If they would look with favor on a Canadian enterprise, that he was try- ing to revive, and would extend to it a helping hand, he felt he would be justified in taking hold of the dead in- dustry ; not, _ then he had better leave it alone. He saw the until at SUCCESS uncovered on was gov- 18 as- Praises Grand Trunk. The appreciation of the dining car the Grand Trunk by the travelling public is becoming renown ed, and letter stantly praising this branch of service, The following abstract taken from a letter recent,v received | agreed to give him an order for twen- : P 1 ¥ : at headquarters 3 p ty he to build them at a i A from a prominent American : price of five hundred dollars fess than *¥ arrived government could buy similar lo- » y 3 1 Envernme 2 2 {way to Auray, Col., on your train comotives from American builders; } : Ni x 3 : The that leit Niagara Falls yesterday | plus freight and duty added. The gov- y ' Ph x b pL norning, September 23rd; this is the | ernment agreed to do this in order to |; = 3 | h : hi fourth journey 1 have made over | a Canadian industry. It ay v, ] a or vour system in one year en route this generous, liberal and patrio- |; - . | bout : . 2 (from Mew~York to the west. I can- on the part of Sir Wilfrid a: ; gy : s not refrain from writing and saying Laurier"s government that decided Mr, . I yn : that in the matter of accommodation | Harty to buy. Ever then the | - ) | 3 {and civility on the part of your em- overnment have stood loyally by the | ? i . |ployees your line is unsurpassed and | in the past four years [44 4 © "ooton TR < ni ave given it orders, not for sev- hat In catering your dining car ser-| av £1 i ih ey i Rolie {vice leaves nqgthing to be desired." © . ser 7 ¢ focome 2S, hi. tid ut or oe A { ne hy . This is 'only a sample of many un- ne y chase "0 's od 7 : . , an % a pa ig ho locomouves In | oolicited testimonials of the splendid | : wi ph 4 ET v service that is found on the lines of | ak 18 Lhe resuil iy : the Grand Trunk system. ! In the last [our i the con- | Ea | servative government theNaverage an os, \ | , oy Laurier's End True. | nual pay-roll of the works was S31, am ad tl enterpri v Sir Wilfrid at Russell. i 72, 3 e ente se ie i Tt ee 1 5 I lod £310 I do not pose as a moral reform- | oN year the pay ro Oe a I am neither a saint nor a politi HN 3 as | 3 ¥ mu \ more Was egal Pharisee who thanks heaven that AIK improve- 1), better than other men 'even than that publican Laurier," but 1 claim that I will never do a mean thing, (Cries 'You never did." ") "I will not take an unfair advantage any man, even my opponents, | and will not take a personal or poli- tical advantage in a mean way over any man. The tory press tell you | am a bad fellow, I am simply an aver age man. The line which I have fol service on ¢ are i the | government, and they 13 locomotives, here last evening on my the | keep alive was tic action since works, and as «ying; ler. nearly extensions and in as ent : pent is ments But vou may would he | | do | government for The Canadian say, any we this locomotive works, that any fact, Tov done and Canadian of is no act towards nowever, over so generously or patriotically the works dur its whole checkeral career of fifty vears. Although there are now two locomotive works in the Kingston shops are the only ohes 11 vad tn the past I intend to follow to-day to their full caparit lto or the end. My object has been to HN l, they are the only locomotive |, ko Canada a nation. To this 1 works in America to-day with work 'have striven Wih some measure for all their employes 8 | and after twelve No ohe would willingly {confidently assert that Canada is more tried friends, have stood true united to-day in 1908 than it was in him In need, for strangers ' : ry ed : 1596." even though they may be urg be "just as in the past feeling of gratitude. is idle to say 'it was. only what paternal government to other Canada, | running ol } | success years I can exchange who to time of Death Of Nelson Rose. Picton, Oct. 5.--Nelson Rose,. of Waupoose, died Saturday evening af ouuht ter a short illness. Deceased was one he We don't so constantly receive [Of the best known farmers of this treatment merit, that county. He was a liberal in politics afford to refuse to be grateful for {having unsuccessfully contested this it when it does come oiir way.-- Yours | Constituency against G 0. Alcorn, truly, THE CANADIAN LOCOMO {M P., at the last general elections. IVE COMPANY, LIMITED | Mr. Rose was on the platiorm, took part Dr. Currie's nomination a few To, had towp since, usual | Deceased ae. him as likely to And loyal to create ood." | ought It | a support SOM have 1 the can we we and in been in health. years and his sixty rr eceks a FUSS OVER A BABY. enjoving Mother Was Absent From the City a Week. { was about About a week ago, a young married | at a well-known iddenly called she Laymen's Movement. woman > the central committee staying . ¢ A meeting of for the g t rally at the end of this month to be held at the hall of the First Congregational church on Who boarding-house- | wo qnesday afternoon at five o'clock. who kindly to look {Two men are to represent each con- | the child. The mother promised |. nin the eity. Kingston is on to return on Sunday, and as she did |jts trial in this matter, and must put not put in an appearance, the board- | its best fettle, since all other cities ing-house people were almost ready to | ! t out a search warrant for the | get Looking after a baby, just a ' A Fair Deal | boarding-house, out of 'the city, an ble to take it in charge was as the baby of was un- with 1 left 18 keeper, consented atter so far have done great things. | mother month old; for a whole week, was no Hamilton: Herald : ar ) erald. "any and they thought that it was | Robert Jaffray, president of the To- about time the case was investigated. ; I'he mother arrived at to-day, took charge of her "darling," and all was well, cinch, noon, {mier Roblin, to make a definite charge | against" him in connection with the |Crow's Nest Pass railway deal, and {he will then give Mr. Roblin the op- Prince Charlie's Hopes. portunity to prove the truth of Members of Prince Charlie chapter, | statement in court. Xhis is lair. Daughters of the Empire, will have a | Badminton tournament, tea, and sale | of home-made dainties and sweets, on Wednesday, in the armouries. Admis- | 10c. They generous aid for their funds the fight | against tuberculosis, | his will save BH0c. on a foun- going to Gibson s Red §2 pens for $1.50 A tain Cross there. Cheese student pen by ary drug store. ask for towards Cowansville, 310 at Hyvacinthe, 600 Watertown, N.Y.. 5 : ; Canton, N.Y,; 2,2 in | Cross drug store. sales : St 25¢. Tooth Brushes, For 20c. 'k 'of tooth brush- | g this month only tooth brushes | guaranteed. | Kingston at lgo soap" is sold Phone 'Cola GibsorsRe| 230, Alexander W. Falconer died Michael's hospital, Toronto, of | ies received through falling off a street | car. that the work | "Lettuce soap," Colgate's, sold al mail delivery boxes | Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug ton to Kingston will begin | is mail delivery will be a | To reduce our stoc es, we will sell da (October) all our for 20c¢ Every Wade's drug store. at St. inj To Begin At Once. It is understood of m erecting the Brig once store. In Sweden and Norway the the farm . who will | buildings are generally of wobpd. to aurier | A chip on your 'shoulder doesn't Iprove that you are a fighter, from school convenience We i dr AAT SO REIT ; I of the Limestone | and | xxiii,-30 and | ance that lof tof St. ot ronto Globe company, challenges Pre- | growing worth and influence of St. aul's church in this city. He spoke of union and sympathy, which he prayed would ever be the characteris- tic of Anglicanism in the city. » In the evening the church was pack- ed. The edifice, with its new fresh beauty and magnificent decorations, new carpets, new matting and new brilliant electric lights, was a sicht not soon to be forgotten. Rev. W. F. Fitzgerald conducted the ser- vice and preached from I Chronicles xxix and 13: "Every morning thank and praise the Lord and likewise at even. Now therefore our God we thank and praise 'Thy glorious name."" The preacher having first, in the name of the churchwar dens, the committee of restoration and in his own name thanked all concerned with the beautiful appear- St. Paul's presents to-day, paid 'a touching tribute to the ladies the congregation than whom, said preacher, it would hard to a more devoted band. He then powerful and touching his- of the growth and development of the spirit of thanksgiving in the worship of the most high God. From patriarchal times up to the Christian dispensation, he traced it, and from the incarnation of our Lord to the present time he marshalled instances how the spirit of thanksgiving has been pre-eminently set forth in worship. From the New Testament he drew, instance after instance and from sacred and secular history he further illustrated this Then from the Book of Common Praver he showed how that beautiful spirit of thanksgiving was on to by men who had given their lives as a thanksgiving to God, and as a testimony to the sense of their re- demption through Jesus Christ, God's blessed son. The preacher then made an appeal to his hearers, pointing out that as their church to-day in its] external beauty indicates their thanks- | giving to God, for His love and mer cy, let their in and out of} Ringston testify all. who knew | them that they thankiul for hav: been redeemed the of Jesus Chrisy The offerings for the day largest taken up in Paul's church. be point, passed us lives to are sO ing by precious | blood the history were ever the First Congregational Church. Harvest thanks held at the | church, giving We first on Sunday at services re Congregational There good both morning and evening The tions, which had been entrusted to the members of the Young People's Soci tv, in Were | congregations decora services church { were exceedingly good taste {The music throughout the in | which the choir well sustained its | good reputation, was in harmony with | the festive season | The pastor preached, in the morn ting, from Psalms cxlv, 15: "The eve of all wait upon Thee, and Thou giv est them their meat in He remarked that was well for to remember at the season of harvest that though all thing to through the channel natural laws, yet behind these laws the great First Cause, God, Who gave to soil and its strange and inscrutable property of life, that leach acting on the other produced re- to His Divine pur services, due season." it us ingathering come us of 18 to seed, 80 sults according pose It at such a season, well to remember that a part of God's pur {pose was to develop in mankind the wspivit of brotherly love hy making [tHose to" whom superabundar been of was also has given the stewards distribu- Warm and Comfortable BABIES' Fine Wool or Cashmere Vests, Underwear For every member of the family. 3 styles, buttoned at the neck, but- toned down the front, or the roller pattern, SMALL CHILDREN can be fitted with comfortable Underwear, and we have the makes to give satisfaction. BOYS AND GIRLS from 7 to 17. We have the special makes provided for all bogs and girls, makes that fit and wear well. We make a specialty of this class of Underwear, and have the largest assortment in Kingston. -/ Ladies' Underwear For those who are particular and want their Undergarments just right. We have a great choice to offer you. Fall Weight Fine White Cotton Licht Weight Union Wool. ght Weight White Unshrinkable Wool. edium and Heavier Makes of Natural Wool. Vests and Drawers to match also. Several styles of combinations. i Li M Anything you may require in Underwear from 25c to $3.00. ; ies 3b there is universal- {tion to the community where deficiency. That until it is ly recognized that the law of distribu- tion must have the right of universal free play therd, can be no deep-seated sense of brotherhood the human family. In the evening, the text from Matthéw vii, 16 : "Do men gath er grapes of thorns or figs of this- tles ?"' in wus Missionary Preached. Luk™g church, on Sunday evening, Rev. H. J. Hamilton, re- | turned missionary from Japan, preached, delivering a most thought- ful discourse. During the course of {his remarks he stated that all gilts, whether material or spiritugl, came from God, and were not Surs abso lutely, And how could one best these gifts for Him? The answer was that they should be used for the {betterment of our own fellowmen. Rev. Mr. Hamilton is stationed Central Japan, chiefly in the city Last year in the city there | thirty-four adults and thirfeen | children baptized, a larger number than any previous year. Anather en couraging fact was that there had en 'more baptisms during the past years: than in the ten years pre- o The spe: r gave a fine ac- count of the missionary. work carried on there. . at. At 12 a use in of Nagoya. were "High-cl toilet soaps." You buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug | |store. H. H. Horsey day. can | went to Ottawa to- e0v0eCSOROORROSN Ladies' Overgaiters NEW FALL STOCK. "All the New Shades Colors. Low, 50 and 75c. High, 50, 75c. and $1.00 Children's White, Red, Blue, Brown and Tan, All new goods. 0000000000000 00000000 00000 OCSYYXPOOIOON The Lockett Shoe Store PSPS ONSSEOONSIRSS S 2000000050000 0000 8000s