Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1908, p. 1

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YEAR 76--NO. 235. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER .6, 1908. = LAST EDITION -- - - -- - " " 3 { give just half an hour to examine [regular can carry it." Turning to us | CANNOT VIOLATE TREATY. | ] these great works which Harty has (he said, "Now 1 will explain to you | 3 - en to city of Kingston you would [what 1 said and intended when you | Without the Consent of All th be astounded Nat only has he asked me why the rails and ties were | Signatories. : 4 done that, but he When 1 this | ; ha piles that tl i but has also provided (so close together. began London, Oet." 6.--It is semi-officially {stated that Great Britaid has adopt- ty -- pre ion at present for eight work- [ditions. One was expressed by the i H JS Xue fiw, detigion to viol clan ~ Despatches From Ne And] To Whom Kingston Should I , W ho h, will whdble these great f word Termanonce and the other by the ¥ h a t Annexat on a 8 viato ro without mle a ar -M o d erate Show Gratitude. Works Yun out one hundréd and (word 'Capacity hen I finish, King- | Passed For Good. Yof all the signatories, especially Tur- DI $ t Pl o fresh souther= aanslen y to.south-west- shall be the property of {or any other new work, or replacing -- - {Kingston for all time. He is making {of old work, 1 had in view two con- | annually, and give |ston will have works which cannot be {key, which is most directly affected. |" nt to more than 1,200 work- removed. The materials 1 am using | The latter's efforts to reform have ex- which means an increase of jand will use are the only ones which | teited the 4 3 fone N Eh TY re I eh) jotted th Sdmiration and sympathy i arly winds, fine : on. {can ce 0 y designs. ey are | the Britis vho wis : nesd Mr. Harty bas destroyed for ever |'conerete' and 'ste * Mr. Chisholm | [oes a E people, Whe ish %o see THE WORLD'S TIDINGS and a little warmer. Wed AY the bonus system in this city, which [interposed, saying, "Mr. Harty, the 1 > but (tion. Before replying to Austria's a few scattered showers, ' note, Great Britain wi ify o 3 century. If 'you take all the answered, '1 am well aware of that. | DN rea ritain will notify he mostly fair and warm. nd aid > . ; ; views to the other signatories of the ! paid th Kingston & Pembroke {I have spent on these works over | IS HOWEVER DESIRED wiTH Berlin treaty ' and will await their GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- . tN A plundered Kingston for the past cost will be enormous. Me. Harty | hall was a melo-dramatic event, v senator or a physician, but as a morable to the great crowd, who, with cholder of the city. The doctor ad- rapt attention watched the grand es himself parti | w spectacle to the end. The last event or and members « : co was the headlong plunge of the faith- | Addressing himself to the m r, ful registrar of Eolus, straight and : close to the side of the dome: it pass- Commo politieal cause it means that vour best to turn down "tind benefactor this city ve-witness of the fire. "Too | tion that they cannot be surp , {States as he found them on his ram- Belgrade, Oct, 8,~Bervia is angrily | remarked, and then proposed | all that « utes ideal workshops, | bles in the north country during the [Stirred by the act of Bulgaria and and sce Mr. Marty's beautiful | light, ventile , cleanliness, with- | summer just closed. He says: As luck would have it, Mr. tout dust 4 8, being composed of | "I took pains to converse with a ertook us, and after telling | concrete and steel. 1 will say that Mr. {large number of people of various o re we were going he came | Harty has done more for Kingston |cupations an wrees, and 1 possible 1 Hwa « ur i 1. ! TO HON. WILLIAM HARTY By '#ilway, and all the grants of lands, |$250,000, and will require to spend a | opinion SIBLE FORM. & N ed as 5 Hmt hi : : gr h A : 5 ra 1 as _bonu ,» the Rathbuns' bon- [great deal mores' 1 said, "The ls-| UNITED STATES. A Sofia despatch, dated last night SENATOR SULLIVAN. s of $75,000, the: elevator bon- |raelites gave he Orstinos of 'their } . A. To : d las ght, uses of $60,000 and i jrpeutes gave 1 irstiings jell ------ jsays : Three days' festivities have -- S00, at many at org which | flocks to Jehovah, but you give after Canada is Too Big to Be Annexed | been proclaimed to celebrate the inde- Matters That Interest Everybody . SENSATIONAL PEE ar canno me or Av 5 p, ] 1 " He Thinks This Great Benefactor add Gonens ain rile ich 1 Jay paying wi : x nét profits to to Anything-Independen {pendence of Bulgaria. A dense crowd --Notes From All Over--Little . - . ac ueen s ersity bonus, and ye rg : Thi cou ry 18 - -- ce |; ns i : of Kingston Shonld Not Be| Mr. Ilarty's works on the loscmoties |mS pros! | ey will B -- er Thi Filial] acinncing, tonight, in the open of Everything Easily Read En * ing, an grow, said Mr. e the ing-->rFilial lspace before the sobrania. The city Opposed B Mayo: Ross--De-! bu ws will outweigh them all.' 5 + oq > i : SI a . Cy 2 8 oY ng Remem / I a ve * 4 J the L Se UtT aT OF : n fire nail a Harty; v Joe gediu] to] Feeling For the Mother Land is brilliantly illuminated, and bands a bered. scribes a Visi o the Locomo- nD the * uch 'de- fmpke provision for the locomotives : Aho Ya 'der i i Cleve > air Liv i stroyed the beautiful dome of the! Provis } de W 4 3 is Everywhere Apparent. are playing. Perfect order is main-| Eleven persons lost their lives in . tive Works. jnecessary for this increase. e have | J . tained. Monday's tenement fire in New York. we JIN i n sullis . . kt } | made in these shops ample provision | Spokane, Wash., Oct, 6.--"I was told | ------ The latest reports from Hyderbad i r. Suihivan v an ie ' auch uque and unusual exhibition lio this." on every hand that the thought of an- i ini i i i i A 5% a 2 3 g a 'g . p og EQ ing letter to hig o vie @ so rare and so brilliant a succes-| N.. 2 Ramp ' bri | nexation, very wlar a decade | Maintaining Dignity. eetimate the flood, casualties as 53, : { lt i f t l Now, my dear Whig, I must bring Buon, very popular a. cecage ago, | Constantinople Oct 6.-- Hitherto 000. > 2 tical Pu o sf ot [81 ol scenes as to make it ever pa . . 'A > has passe e GOO! 3 5 Canty; . 4 . pa P! "me ~ . \ i k ever me this letter to a close, thanking you | has pa d for good, and the central yyy has preserved, in the face of The French submarine Emeraude |§ . ' for your kind consideration. It is ad- on i» thal Lanadians realize now; desperate provocation, the same calm [covered a distance of 593 miles, under and Children Ss Fall dresse he avor ai 3 . - | as they say, the weir is : 1: : 2 4 rater. i a -one A Ire od to the mayor : id city coun az wy sa u oh ely Seuniy 00 | dignity she displayed throughout the | Water, in eighty-one hours. ; cil, and the freeholders of Kingston. | big 9 he Aeon x anything. They |pecent domestic revolution. There | , The C.P.R. strikers are not satis- one and all, great and small, because are sufficient unto themselves. : lis no supine indifference. On the con- fed with the settlement, and some the great works which owe their very | Proi. W. D. Lyman, of the chair of [trary, there is great -indignation, but May refuse to accept the terms. ig xistence to the genius f the "Hon. | civic and history, at Whitmq ¢ a a Bt 'harles > Jee ex- » . astounded. . \ . ed into oblivion s sight could not W 8 ~H 0: Li xP Hus, of a % pe va » Tan man Col-'a]] Ottoman statesmen recognize that 4 harles H. Parmelee, ex MP. for omination. as: membs to make every spectator sad illiam Harty, » Whose efforts in |lege, Walla Walla ash., makes the | heace is essential at the present time | Sheflield, has heen formally appointed yo 5 , ae, behalf of Kingston, will be readily foregoing statem in closing a series and will wo a8 far as possible tq [king's printer, in room of Dr. S. E. deformed, w . of re admitted by every important citizen, jof travel sketches dealing with the {preserve it. Dawson. dry-eyed to be far beyond the merits, not only | Upper Columbia river and touching | a a Prof. Woodhead, Cambridge Univer- expression which: feli from the | of this eity, but of" any other in Ca- upon the state of Canadian politics | People Are Stirred. sity, England, receiv the honorary my companion who, with me, [nada. I say without fear of contradic- land thought 1 hing the United | LL.D. degree of the University of' ronto, on Monday, | Austria. I'he populace of the capital pon Sunday In New Orle ill Jonetih throng the streets, disenssing the pos- FTE a carpe niet, wag illec DD sibility of war. The feeling against }'ames Lomer, a Sa 0oh-Keeper, Who ( ¥ y i 5 | claimed he shot 'in seli-defence. : | Austria was voiced at a great mass a nid : : found | eating, last evening, prior to which Dr. Muspratt, president of the Brit. with Having vmined the vaecht | and its progress, than all those who universally a feeling of friendlines | the demo, trator a1 Ped firing n ish Financial - Reform Association, } . > Rae 4 x » > stra 8 par wd, 0- A . ; > ai. a I said Lah : ¢ the locomotive | have bled the city for the past half and good brotherhood toward the Un- I volver ard rh "Down Reith says a fiscal federation of Britain and works' power HOUSE Certainly he | century. If you take a larg 3 ale, ited States. I found a sentiment that Austria." . her colonies would rend the empire. | a " Aus ' spe answered d or we vate to be'| place in one scale Phe k & i ral { there should be the freest { ASL) Capt. John Hunter, Sarnia, and {opened | way S318.000, and public lands to the . > Yer | SB A . Td : " , opened way , and pu | trade relations between the two cot Frederick Shields, Dulutl are d - [ } 1 ' : ul } in- : : rederic Shields, uluth, were drown | To continue our is to the power | Vt lue of 325.000 more, the Rathbuns | tries The View In Paris. ed by the upsetting of a scow in tow 1 1.v.4 nl r ndaxts iy $6 | . AAG : Yh ri 4 3 1 » litical) earth- hs Li et . . { house, the fir ct which met our | bonus of $75,000 the elevators, S60 I was especially impressed with the Paris, Oct. 6 In the political arth lof the Reid Wrecking outfit, near View was . locomotive, 000, and you may add the grant to |thought that Spokane, beyond all quake, which is overthrowing the frail | wyitefish. of the larges re, which was finish- | Queen's 1 niversity, then put the |other places, is in a position of ad- jireaty structures of Eastern Europe, Ir. George L. Palmer, the well ed, and seemed to be chafi to ret | locomotive Warss and their benefits | vantage | French diplomacy goncerns itself first {known leader of the Alexander choir, [to work. All that was required was [to Kingston 'in the other, and the | hroductive country now developing with coming to the assistance of 1s wouonto, held his first evangelistic the engineer, for the fire had beewfhster will far outweigh them all. [5ust north of her across the line and friends, Russia and England. The | eeting in Texas, in conjunction with started. It was, we were told, not [Thus he has killed the bonus system, |3),44 ' view of the foreign office is that with | po which will stop for ever any bonus {ealmness peace should be preserved. It | in respect to the enormously AINE SHAK | the establishment of %ctive rela- Torrey, the noted evangelist, for speed, but for traction power or | {tions will be ¢ y berlai loe t in- I i ' | 8 a tremendously potent : a Joseph Chamberlain does no mn freight. One could not fail to notice | which bled Kingston in the past. My |i fluence in the great Spokane of the felt here that Bultaria's _declara- tend shortly to retire from the house The most astounding values ever { own recollection shows that Mr. Har future ition of independence leaves King Ed- of commons On the contrary his offered in NEW FALL GAR- i [ is o % spular mber of the | ar D) stor Willi ¢ prota- ' 3 . so MENTS, Valves surpassing any- | ty is the most popular membe e | ward and Emperor William as prota- |} oo 4h is much improved and he is [& Thine Kingston has over known: lgonists i the centre f European | _ . . pgs is . | BoTitios. oli pr ny Th py PE panne = aide Yo. bi 2 And Variety Enough for AJ : Everybody at Steacy's. jery side that the tl rl { X 30 ili obtained more favors than any other | (1, \ 'y ar ro. had | Sofa deny that a general mobiliza- The ale of Dominion Methodist |$ | Vi ) ar g wade ago, hag : dar: hi ol aa 3 ve g ot [tion order has been issued as yet, hut church, Ottawa, to the C, Ross com- NEW COATS, TAILORED SUITS, passed for good. And the centfal rea-! _; : : nCAIEE : son is that Canadians realize now, as explain that, hecguse of the autumn pany, at $]25000, was approved at SILK PETTICOATS, HEATHERDLOOM SKIRTS, the railway on which it was. It was of heavier, rails and far better and closer ties than I had ever seen be | fore Harty said later, he would | explain the raison d'etre. On anot! | part of this railv , there was a huge | member, and to my knowledge, he is | "But with all' these indications of jamity and comity, 1 was told on ev- House of Commons, also the most in- fluential. It is conceded that he has | tructure which looked like the | the most assiduous member, and S one ws of the or<e | have the proofs that he can obtain | . tures one ees of the Trojan Horse, | ha 'e prog ; : {they say, that their country is too but there was only one man I'o me | from the government more favors than h t y ! anv other liberal snbyer ng to annex to anything, They are | Sind sei AT : | git was more like the elephant Jumbo [any other Liberal member. sufficient unto themselve v world is greatly depressed. he ~1emps | cacsion of the church property will, 7 ®) x > 1 12 ! Ss Ss. ROVER » Paris Se 2 . HON. DR. SULLIVAN standing on his hind feet, his tusk | "They will be an independent. coun- observes that the Paris Bourse has however, be deferred until the con- high in the air, as if about to | TIRES OF LOVE MAKING. try of 'their 'own som time. They re not known such mad markets since gregation has secured a site on which substantially independent now. There the outbreak . of the 'Russo-Japanese | ¢o | uild another honie. 1 : war as were experienced, yesterday. was some talk, indeed, of the feeling MISS MITCHELL MARRIED. manoeuvres, Ci : Me Toast a meeting of the quarterly board of under arms. Feeling in the business the church. The actual taking pos- of ---- Strange, that w sonsider the (trumpet, His. trunk was a crane : 7? viledt ingratitude, would be i steel, and was used emove those | Artist Major to Sue For Separa- heavy pieces of steel focon ti ; A 1 : h picts. ase bt a by you the proper thin 3 im mo ion. of the vast imperial empire of Greater iii Wing a ai 1 . 7 ¥ i . e § 1 I ) reater ? have, Mi Mayor, with ph 1 b bh 3 ling. H | i dae Hawn | Gloucester, Mass, Oct, 6.--Beauti- | Britain, But generally speaking, the ANOTHER EXAMPLE ¢ {hs trunk «picks up bh, pounds tu] Estelle Leighton Major, of thi i ti : : r T - ] 1 y 0 Major, s tsentiment in Canada may be s » : n the wit Joston. lor 30.000 pounds and walks off as it | I arried E ™ M. { t in Canada may be summed { qapnngd Fruit Follows Those ice in the gift ) ' : jeity, who married Ernest Lee Major, lup as one of filial attachment to Brit- : vere wilh an aphe a well-known Boston artist, shortly [tania and pride in the grandeur of the Choice Tomatoes. A after sing q Ss asterpiece, 'The | Enclish « a 2 o Bholis ARG ifg Oct. 6.--Tory rum seems £ > = {after posing for his masterpiece | English empire and the English name, | Halifax, 3 the | place on William street. on Tuesdas } I : Sahai »» (morning, at the beautiful home of a suit for separation brought by her [nal feeling toward the United States [consignment of choice tomatoes' | Tol Nl Stitchell. ol h hi » atest | o iid ' Joh ) Jl, whe 8 « ges hushand |and a sentiment that" ihe interest of that g6t away down at Clifton; Col- tau shter, Rita Selina, w married to paved "My husband was too devoted to {hoth demand complete freedom of (Chester county, last fall, not to speak r oes Mot tim - Prat Fees Bit his attentions were sickening." trade; and yet with these sentiments Jof numerous others in the same cam- town Pe. The : ud Mes. Major. ""As an artist he is [the overshadowing conviction that [paign, and now a consignment he- the ceremony was performed, by Rev great, but we are too unsuited tem- [Canada will be neither American nor [lieved to have been meant for pro-| A. Sykes; of Sydenham street Me- er. smtally tc e toge 8 is de- | Eng x ' 1 § NA TAS inent tory workers in Hants county | hie ie » oe ne y peramentally to live together. H 1 English, but Canadian; that Canada I nent 0 SA same sad fate The thodist church, was a bower of palms 1 story of this last mentioned lot] SANA STYLISH BLOUSES, A Happy Event at a William Street Home. rapidity heen advanced to the KIMONOS. ly i DRESSING SACQUES, : very pretty home wedding took * We then entered what may be calle th im of the Works which was #1Wood Nymph," is to be defendant in | together with an equally warm frater- fated to go astray. There was ENITTED GOOPS: EU, ound to i y sure and see. ou SPECIAL SUIT, in lors, Hrown, ; ) and Green looks like the whole | drawing-room, where rich man's | HAHAHA two men, HA was a old friend, . : 2 monstrations of affection grated on {will in due time become an indepen- . imy nerves, and made our married life | dent nation." \ olumbia, which broke one of | °~ uncongenial. 1 am going on the shows that the "'purity" party is be p he entered the 5 " AEE . : , ginning its opers s early. A gentle , tage because 1 am devoted heart and bd A A AC A A oe ginning its operations ear u Rapids, nearly upsettis oul: to my career. I helped him in |} IAHR man in Hants county thought it best eargo into the 1 the forelock, so he ) EAE This art, but he hir ed me in mine. C NTS. to take time by c 3 a Boule ; Mrs Maior leit h artist: Yushand BANK DISCOU x ordered a substantial lot in Halifax. and lovely ferns. On the mantel piece pink carnations in tall crystal lvases, looked at themselves in the large looking-glas®, and between them stood a large bouquet of bridal roses. The piano, at the end of the room, Ther re 'gall rs snd half | from which Miss Louise Singleton April 6th, and - went to New York. !g 1g $224,507,301 | ioe yale BR or fe De a Ia a {played the wedding marches, was also he y o faa | gs ds or pé res - i el She is studving i the name of | 164,648,286 on jugs an maller packages innum {decked with ferns and flowers and ' | Rosamond Dare 3, "Tolle. Lo } ihoulty bri [white satin. aii . a bd Mi="Major, who is now twenty Increase in Twelve oo. Yo arco the tithe ty of bring- | The bride, who was given away by Seo 000td4b t+ edd seven, was a wonderfully handsome Years under Con- ng be ne : se Sounty of Rule Huu her father, and was unattended, wore ro ne ' 1 thx 2 a Cte he g y = 1000 1 coneeived ie dea o a we a Reo . little She attracted t atten servatives -- $59,859,015 it distributed among a consignment of { ® lovely gown of white niton chiffon, MARRIED. $554,732,914 fruit he was getting from a prominent |OV°% 8 petticoat ol satin duchess. | PETERS--BLAKE.--In Kingstor 224 507.301 Tha ar Pe 20 a} {The skirt was slashed in vandykes to Sth, 1908, at the residence ' ' dealer in Halifax here are, how- t4he knee. and in-set were fans: of frill bride's mother, Barrie St., ; ® ever, dealers and dealers, but the tory dv lenie es lace. "The ke * Rev. W Sparling, B.A. Increase in Twelve * worker does not seem to have Se pore wg 1 » de . hat i Sa : or ar Mrs. Cobo : ; : A 8¢ » lace, an v » 8 ake, i rs Years under Lib- ¥ thought of this As bad luck would A. me ater oye A ou ake by Ym, Beters, © i $360,225,613 ¥ have i Ls ake do o 3 bora] ders, and carried down over the skir M---------- 225, * Have it Hi bi el wen; 9 a Hib Ral were cascades of princess lace. A sash ROBERT J. REID, with instructions to pack it carefully | : : ; 3 a i A : f the feathery 1» POSS a . BANK DEPOSITS. #* inside the fruit packages, so that its ok I A wy LAA HaOn ores a from tH | The leading Undertaker. s br, as knotted a » side, |» . ¥ipresence could not be detected, and |{pe ends being finished with the {3 | "Phone, 577. R227 Princess street. E 5 : {the ends being finished . s $245,029,143 ¥* forward it I'he dealer was surprised | A veil aught IE J wait) a il 135,522,443 lat this order, and telephoned the con- [on™ FAN. CAMEL SA & crown © conor who to Mie Terror. tam. the orange blossoms, fell over the wide's ne ' y BE {bright face, and to the hem of he mistake at once, and took possessio r ke a 0 I 108 {yohe. Her bouquet was of white formerly engineer HHSC HHS HH A HE p thinkn was not ¥ reminded one of Prom #* 4 punished Ic a fraud : tion of the artists who were out tol taki away the fire from spend their summers along North #3 whereupon Prometheus Mf heaven, but was again 4 1 put up- |unattainable by the artists, every one This i whom asked her to pose for him | \ \ | Shore resorts Nhe was sidered | HH » refused, until she consented or Mr. Major hen the girl was spirited out of her urroundings here, 1 Mr. Major's friends trea with a sensation when hould fire "4 is car ounle were married in Boston about six vears ago. Until she became thril- FHA FH any part of | 1 ¢. to me wonderful, led with the 1 v of winning fame on ¥ Increase in Twelve ¥ . Years under Con- ¥ of the contraband goods. There was ¥ * with deep regret. I nearly for- [the stage as operatic star : i Fihaiends 1 Mf her husband's caree 3 - . . . 3 SOS, d she wore the groom's gift mention that in one corner of | thought only of her husband reer {1% servatives - - $109,506,700 quite a substantial « y li- ro an . aX grt, . 3. . . | 9 5 8 9,0 ' $ § ¢ juantity ot 1 PSTaer. hin , : . : m was a small engine in full During their marred hie the has | $650,126,232 3 quor in the lot This is the latest ang Sel with beautiful pearls and one You fancied vou could put it | not Sex . hee OH r Om os Y ! i . 245,029,143 3! dodge down here, "choice tomatoes' | The broakfdet was laid in.& lin ur arm It was working so [refused her the right aii id -------- 3% being under the ban i vs 8. AH 1e din- ; ¢ @ othe ho take 1 ashing e . ing-room, where two broac indows ) rapidly, so Iree irom the lo h h m Laer, wh mn Yasmn Increase in Twelve "4 S-- -- llet in the de of road, Windows ---- ol. irichon had I for & hog. Years under Lib- * | WATERWORKS COMMITTEE | burst through the clouds just before m 8 Td r erals $405,097,089 ¥' the hour set for the wedding. hali- In Co b and On lookin ¥ around WAS LURED TO WED. *® | Decides to Increase Rent of Its past on The bride's able all He . At jin -- He Was Victim of a Broadway | TFIKIGKHGISKASKASIASKASIIIK Wharf. tred by the wedding cake, which it was Extracted are stand ry upon § J { ' i p= x 3 The water works' committee met, | Whispered the bride made all herself sroughfare that i : : : : Tan } . . Suoroughiars 4 ha! ' : Iniatuation 6. What ANOTHER TORY PREMIER yesterday afternoon. Present were : | streamers of white satin, wound with NOW IN STCCEK. Mingston ny New ¥ "k. Rav Pittsburg, = Penn., Oct bund . EER . |Alds. Craig (chairman), Couper, Kent | smilax, being caught to the chan- teamers orthern, ew ork, Bay ipromises to be an interesting divorce | Ig Given the Lie; Dr. Pugsley's and Chown. delier above. Small tables with bride's ean , re made the finest {once he st hee 4 ' DW . : . i Stat and 2 JB Fa ide hi ones case has just he n hrougin to Set Challenge. | A petition of W. Nevins, for a water | roses; were set about, and snowber- 0 it's true > ad no de e | here Ou » iling of APErs. . A) 3 . at fina fod . . 1 tier of state Om but looked much h re theoug is . old Lin on of adel St. John, N.B., Oct. 6.--Replying to main on Cataraqui street, and another | ries jringed the matielpiece Upon, it . 1] tar & we eek , wa arge X Th the reporte atemel Premier [fr Mrs. Nancy Stover, for main stood a large vase of cut glass, hold- as we can imagine, having two | thew Weiss, one of the richest restau-|the reported statement of Premier fom & BN ry rat AI | ng carnations, and it testified tc the IPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES. y forward: these boats went rant men of Western Pennsvivania Hazen that the members of the pro- {on Victoria street, were 'ranted. | Ing carnations, and it testified to the AVS forware thes ats 1 an en of ste enns ania, a cn ie a toes oh 4 is ; "in necting there with hei eaching his majority filed suit' YIn¢ ial government have been in the | * The chairman and the + perintenddint | very ple asant memorivs Queen Street | EVERYBODY COME. ts 4 Ed and. Montreal BRSon yeat ung inst his bende "of a few | habit of taking money out of the trea- |were authorized to insu.e the pump | Methodist church choir has of both re at ad a nt rod at the io ro Aga lia Kelly Weiss. The Sry whenever they pleased, Hon. Dr. house coal jor $1,200. The water | bride and groom, for some time its | And pick out your Stoves for next in eet all disappeared a ¢ 'months, rs. Julia heily RS. ey, ay. y | ks! coal has not hitl rto been in- |! gifted soloists. winter. Not too many, but good ones, | f the ivil war, never to 1¢ husband charges his wife with Pugsley said : iworky: coal has no Fi Bh s st TURK'S. 'Phone, 705. NE : v of young 'wusid Ww : account «i -last year's| The guests were few, only relations I the ire .of Fate, the having practiced fraud on him in in "If the published report of what |sured, but on n : | Haze id is correct 1 charge him !bir fire, it was deemed wise to do and close friends. The groom's moth- i | 1 ny i 'in azen San 18 correct charge him 1 ire, ape CHINA 0 building to be recognised in the |veig him into matrimony, it being : er, Mrs. Eldeen Bradley, of Boston, | graduate, have gone to Buffalo, N.Y, : \ ; iliully 1 leliberately uttering this. : bet we 1g and Willis hat she allured him into the (With wilfully and de g Hf tt , ; . | - wp AR tween x a! and : am 8 ged Hat he 3) Pa xo wi wn | that falsehood in order to deceive the| The tender of Selby & Youlden for | was present, and Charles Herbert Hol- | from there they will go to James is the sma rouse were @ rea e a) 1 kK an , : : . ¢ . o | i 1 4 i We are showing Some ~Vver h st faithful of warchousemen, [there wined and dined him until she People of this province. | hydrants, sewer boxes and valve box- hiker of Ouiaww; Ur. sud Sire W. 1, {town where Lhsie ddim il is 1ainty things in rich Thi Se wan and Thomas Clahev cot him infatuated. Then making the! Mr. Pugsley also said that Deputy es 'was accepted. : { Mallory, of Ma orylown; dare. V. R. | hiv of solid sitver. will R rE dainty things 1 oh OrfilAn and. gia to & lola hat he had compromised her, Receiver General Babbitt, to whom | It was decided to raise the rent of | Mallory, of Blenheim; Master James | chiefly Qi siiver, Will enable and Gold China with golc After leaving the wharf Le chine toa claim rash he i soi mp o 4 J Fy Mr. Hazen is sail to have attributed the water works' wharf to 3300 a | Horton of Brockville, and from town them to set up housekeeping in edi- tone structure: neither door, window, {she succeeded in getting him to marry i | to so notify the Donnelly | Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, and Jit- | tion de luxe fashion, and many friends border. 3 : : SAAR} hile he statement, was an honest man |[vear, and 1 | ! z ; ] Fad d « «+ chimney could be seen in it, while her. and he did not believe he had made Wrecking company. The rent has |tle Miss Caroline, Mrs. Muirhead and | Wish them much happinness. a : Sani ight we wer twenty feet My meee Se------ cth 3 ai fhe penn only $125 a vear. The | Miss Fanny Chown, Mrs. Charles | a QUAINT Cup, SAUCER, AND aid, a very Important A New Torpedo Invented. uch 3 Ste eme mt : "li Hazen can [mith he Jen = from May 1st, 1909, | Sykes, Mr. and Mra. T. F. Hatrison, Baseball On Monday. PILATE CEIS lructu as Jou San unders > ¢ | london, Oct. b The Telegraph ax show to Prime Minister Laurier that when the old lease will be cancelled. | and Harold Harrison, Miss Eva and | American league--Chic z9, 6; De " , iy the walls of mas Y Inounees the periection of new tor- py ve been guilty of dishonesty he The berth at the foot of West street | Miss Alice Sands, Miss Susie Jenkins |#roit, 1. St. Louis, 3-3; Cleveland, 5 a" . has only to present the facts to Sir js to be under the control of the!and Miss Mabel Meck. The bride's | 1-5. Washington, 3 Philadelphia, 0. ie strongest Kind. We naval officers which it says ACCS | Wilfrid, who will not stand for five water works' committee. | three brothers, E. C. Mitchell, Dr. Al- | Boston, 4; New York, 0. cannot be destroyed by '{ equipment of the British fleet far ' | fred 8. Mitchell and J. Mitchell, were | National league--New York, 8: Dos- y's Philadelphia, 1-4; Brooklyn, BA FAH H the poetry of motion Xn feet thick, and within there is nedo, the result of the labors of Sugars and Creams l -- heel, sure tad . lo i the cabine i \ R § : minutes any member of the cabinet v anv storm or fire. It contains the ahead of rival powers; and which will found guilty of dishonesty." Sometimes what you and I may call { unfortdnately unable to be present. iton, ROBERTSON BROS. | free ocios Soon Shir wl i Bond sub Whom, pt oi or "Mle hr ie 68 there--every par ol an) ocomotive derstc Of 2 « edo has ar oved Hear Him To- ight. less that a debt of dishonor. - made sui of navy blue roadcloth, oing from these works, even to the type of gyroscope for keeping it on The Remilton Herallf Says the It is not best to be a party to|with blouse of blue and green silk, If the motto, "pay as vou go," was emallest screw, we can duplicate if we the course, consequently it runs more g ransactions that will needlessly make | and hat of navy blue felt, trimmed 'adopted by some men, they would go ~{with Copenhagen blue wings. She {mignty slow, 1 , financial minister is one of the clearest | Try Bibby's fine wool underwear, . == have a \ 3 . : s . Quits cleans pros Mv Valet, vine and the diagram of drawing of at, does. It will be fitted to all the new and most Quits Ane g ne and g Try Bibby's nobby $1 gloves thus complying as fast as the train battleships. minion, . s us the mber of the en- consistently than the present torpe- ARE ent to us the number o consiste A | pe convincing talkers in the do- [any person your enemy. Bibby's underwear for comfort. and her husband who is a Queen's

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