PAGE TWO. our stock { imported Silk ( designs o1 frames, is over ur ' olid Mahog eces $44, old pric always 848 You ca ha ther any Lyles op CHALR Ret toe Curtains importas Fng- and all in Lace +1 Nett Madras, Direct tions from Austria und ind Switzer thie Hr ik Phone 90. Yours, . F. Harrison Co oY {Genuine Persian S. We offer for sale Persian Rugs, imported from Kurdistan. one size 10ft. 3in. 11ft. 10in. Regular for T ve oe ® ® 0 be ' $45.00 Cash. One size 10ff. lin. by 12ft. Regular $80, for $50.00 Cash. R. McFAUL, Carpet Warehouse. ava mefels)e)e(a)a elo ee ee 8)e "Silver Plate that Wears" If you want dependable silver, look for this mark-- "1847 ROGERS BROS. on knives, forks, spoons, efc, The most beautiful, longest- wearing silver plate made. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS Exquisitely owed) Fo dishes, trays, fea sets, urns, eic., are made by MERIDEN BRITA CO. Standard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrhea and Runnings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Kid- rey and Bladde= Yroubl.< ------ a NEERNwI eo a] RENT WASTE It is said that 20 per cent, or one-fifth of a man's earn- ings is a fair allowance for rent. Perhaps the rent you pay not so large a percentage of your wages ; perhaps it is more. At any rate why not save that expense, or large proportion of it, purchasing a home ? Buy one on the installment paying plan and pay for it a little at a time. You've no idea how easy we can 'let you in." For example : We can sell you a Cottage for $500, by paying $75 cash and $7 per month. McCANN, SL Brock} street. L8G AC UE aE IE da vide FIEIT Ole [58 soe] y x complete in Some beaut- s0l¢ Chairs, © @ judge said he ® (eo Genuine (s) price S OOCO000 Of OO *) ®) eRe Tiredness ® 6 To [Wk i six boxes for FOR MORAL REFORM KINGSTON ORGANIZES A LEAGUE. D. G. lLaidlaw's President--Two Dr. Chown Says Inspector Wright Should Change His Ways. - A fairly Jarge sized meeting was held in St. George's hall on Monday {evening, to organize a local branch of | the Social and Moral Reform League IRev. Dr. Chown and Rev. Mr. Pidgeon, of Toronto, were present and delivered addresses in regard. te the movement. Among those present were ©: Rev. Mr. Villiers, Rev. W. FI. | Fitzgerald, Dean Farthing, Rev. Dr. | Macgillivray, Rev. Mr. Macallum, Rev. n [Douglas Laing, Rev. Mr. Whitmore, n | Rev. W. H. Sparling, Rev. T. C, |Burke, Rev. Dr. MaeTavish, Rev. Mr. Craig, Robert Meek, G. A. Bate- man, BB. W. Robertson, Dr. Sparks. The Trades and Labor Council was represented by T. H. Fleming and W. T. Edgar. Dean Farthing was ap- | pointed chairman, and after opening {prayer by Rev. Dr. Macgillivray, Dr. Chown was called on for an address. Dr. Chown stated that he thought {the meoting was called more for or- | ganization th&n for set addresses. He {outlined the work of the league, and thow much they had to do, if they iworked properly. "You will set to {work to uproot political corruption in {your city." i" The speaker went on at some length to teJl how many scandals and cor- {rupt practices had occurred in other {places, 'and that some had been "pulled ofi."" The power of the «. |ehurch was honeycombed by the poli- o tical machine. He told of the prac- tices by both conservatives and libe- rals in London, Ont., at a recent elec: there. "In Kingston at a do- |minion eléction," said the speaker, "there was a eorner where there was and there was a room up above the one in men went to vote. This man had hole cut in the floor and he saw which way the man voted. 1f (he voted the correct way the man put hand the window as a sig- to outside and when voter he was given his * "That is how they do Kingston," said Dr. Chown. case of a Preshyter- went about bribing found out, brought the church court, and ® hearing the evidence the minister was allowed to go Scot free, as the committed the act in a great excitement. 'Nearly the Methodists," said the strong © tion - H polling booth, a the {man in ® | which a his up on friends came out nal his the 9) money 2 things in He told another minister who He was an voters hefore of as moment bad speaker. : Dr. Chown also spoke on the evil of cheap theatres and how much they were doing to undermine the thoughts of children, making them crave for {egrading pictures and literature. "The diquor law should also be enforced,' | said the speaker, "I would not do one | thing to injure a hair in the head of | the inspector, but the council to be organized here should demand that he | vither change his wavs, or, demand an investigation by the government." The cigarette evil was also touched upon, as was® the obscene posteards, | ete. The speaker stated that the new | league might also aid the provincial | leagues for the care of the feeble- ! minded, who are not strong enough to look after their own moral welfare. I'he next speaker was Dr. Pidgeon, who spoke more along the line of or- ganization. He spoke ef the great wave of reform that at present ) | sweeping over (reat Britain, and oth- the nation to whole states The speaker done by and oth Louis, as was | er countries, especially { the where were line good work Seth Low York, in St south of: us, swinging nto | touched the Roosevelt, Hughes, | er New { and other places | I'he then that the | league to be governed would be ecom- { posed of representatives from all the on men in speaker said churches and denominations years ago the Methodists started their own reform league, the Presbyterians now nearly all had This branch was all to to of the communi- "You wiil be surprised how far work together," the "We can go along-together | as far we can, and then each { church can, if it wishes, carry its own | line in some particular direction, lit ean." Dr. Pidgeon that the | reason so many laws in so many plac- were not was because it no one's special business to see came next, and their branches | to make it all gether for the own one, work good | ty | we can said speaker as said os enforeed, | wa 3 . that they were enforced, and that was Strong Addresses Given--Rev.!| after | Some | if "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1908. the chief work of the league. He touched briefly on the liquor question, saying, "I'he Whitney government are enforcing the liquor act, but they are doing it from the centre by send- ing out detectives, who are doing the work, but are not seeing that the in- spectors 'do their duty." The speaker advocated a system of provincial | police. : Dean Farthing said a few words, and then the work of organization was commenced. Rev, J. C. Villiers was present and produced the min- utes of two meetings heid last May and June. These were read to the meeting. The following officers were elected for the local branch of the Social and Moral Reform league : President--D. J. Laidlaw. Vice Presidents--Hiram Calvin, W. Robertson. Secretary executive. Executive Committee--Edw. "J. B. Pense, Oliver Chown, Elmer Davis, G. M. Macdonnell, I. Allen, T. H. ing, Dean Farthing, Rev Sparling, Rev. Dr. MacTavish, J. C. Villiers, Rev. D. Laing. After the officers had been elected and the president installed, quite an interesting debate started about when the leagues would get to work. Mr. Macdonnell wanted to get to work to purify this coming election, and get to work at once. The president and the dean thought the matter had better be left to the executive, as there were no members enrolled yet. After a further discussion a book was passed around among the men, those who wanted to join signing their names. B. Treasurer--Left {6 the Ww. Hh Rev. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Reporters On Their Rounds. Fielding, to-night. Bibby's, the underwear store. K. G. H.--Kingston gets Harty. Suits cleaned and pressed. My Valet. Laurier and Harty are Kingston's choice. Senator Sullivan thing for Kingston. Try Bibby's for Wolsey underwear. It might be just as weil to leave the fly screens for a few days longer. "Bay Rum," Colgate's, sold in {Kingston at Gibson s Red Cross drug {store. Phone 0. | Try Bibby's for men's underwehr. | A woman is always predisposed to { like the stranger who mistakes her for | her daughter's elder sister. | { | knows a good is Bibby's, men's underwear store. Laurier is going to sweep the coun- to its pears i try, and Kingston is again going {send Mr. Harty to Ottawa as i member, Bibby's for men's fine underwear. It does matter which government is in power to keep Kingston mechanics employed. Laurier has 'been patriotic in his contracts. | Try Bibby's for best 81 gloves. Canadian Freeman : Now that the smoke of the forest fires has disap- peared, a great liberal victory 'ap- in the air. | Bibby's for fine sweater coats. i Of course coal is expensive but it will be some relief not to have to | "dig down' every other day for the price of a fifty-pound chunk of ice. | An old tory of the tories who has lived in Kingston for fifty years, will turn out, on the 26th, and work and vote for Harty and Kingston's pros- perity. Bibby's for underwear. Bibby's. Let every young man cast his vote on the 26th for Harty and good gov- ernment. Let every old man cast his vote on the 26th against Foster and Fowler. Bibby's, the underwear store. Repairing of all kinds. My Valet. Would it not be a wise plan to give light consumers twenty days' grace from time of delivery of bills ? Some- times bills are slow and only a few days are allowed before expiry of the time limit Bibby's. Gloves ! John the | scale. Gloves-t-Gloves! intends going into again on a large He has purchased the big ice house near the knitting mill and will make many improvements for the storing of Overcoats dyed or pressed. My Valet. Palpitation of the heart, nervous- i tremblings, nervous headache, {cold hands and feet, pain in the back, {and other forms of weakness {lieved by Carter's Iron Pil specially for the blood, nerves complexion. Gleason ice business ce ness, are made and re- Bibby's for underwear and gloves. The Freeman says: "Work on { rebuilding of the city hall dome has at last been started, and it will be {rebuilt just the same as it was |fore."" This morning we took out our the be | telescopes, but could see no sign THIN BLOOD MADE STRONG. and Weakness come. A JOYOUS LETTER. "I admit. because I neglected early treatment I am entirely to blame for the condition of weakness that for nearly two years made my life a rea, misery," writes Mrs. Hazen, of Beau- port. 'At first I felt sort of flat in the morning and could do no » Later 1 MW than pick at my breakfast. remember my sleep was disturbed, that dreamy, restless sleep, from which vou finally awaken, feeling as if you could never get up. Then I became thin, lost my color, got ner- vous and fearful about nothing, and kept thinking about myself all time, and irritable, cross easily made ery. What would of me if 1 had not taken rozone 1 can't imagine. i put new life into me from the start. It strengthened my nerves and brought back my color, and in a little while, léss than three months, no healthier or brighter woman would be found anywhere. I highly praise Ferrozone and advise sick people to take advan- of its health-conferring proper- was and become tage ties." Ferrozone - quickens the powers of x it forms lots of blood that's full of life: and vitality. Ferrozone : creates appetite, gives strength, vim and en- durance, it's good for old "people, | good for evervbody that needs bet- ter health. Thousands of men, wo- men and' children use Ferrozone every day and all say it's the best nourish- ing, strengthening tonic made: try Ferrozone yourself, 50c. per hox, or $2.50, Sold by all dealers, Over-! more | the have Fer- Ferrozone hoth body and mind, simply because, {any rebuilding on top | dome. Perhaps Editor {cracking a joke. Overroats dyed or pressed. My Valet. of the city Daley was | Boat-Houses Robbed. Some time : during Saturday night two boathou ps were broken into and |articles carried awy. Two spark | plugs, iwo valves and other small pieces of machinery were taken off the {gasoline launches. It was clearly {shown that all the thieves wanted was the parte of an engine, as many other lcostly articles were left. In one house a valuable gun and a large amount of brass was left untouched. The police are working on the case. Fall Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received {all fall importations for order work {in his tailoring department. His rea- { dy-made clothing and gents' furnish- {ing departments were never better as- | sorted. Has Gone To Toronto. | Rev. J. H. Hamilton was unable to {reach Stella on Monday evening, to address a missionary meeting, owing | to delay in the trip of 'the steamer. {The meeting was called off, and Mr. | Hamilton then had to leave for To- ronto to attend Wycliffe College alumni conference. > | { Fur Neck Pieces. And © mufis in the new styles, made {from choicest skins, at prices that |defy competition. Any article selected {now will be placed aside until want- {ed.. Campbell Bros'., Kingston's busy | fur store. | - { Bibby's for men's pure wool sweat- ers, Dying and cleaning. My Valet. Flem- | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By | THE BOARD OF HEALTH| HAS A DISCUSSION ON AN EGG BILL. i Medical Health Officer's Report-- A Case of Chickenpox Not Re- ported--The Medical Attendant to Be Asked to Explain. What occupied hali the time of the board 'of health session, vesterday af- ternoon, was a discussion as to whether a poor woman should be paid twenty-five cents a dozen for fifty- eight dozen of eggs supplied during the summer to the small-pox hospital. The woman's bill was $14.50. It was decided to pay 213c., the alleged pre- vailing price at the time. Dr. Evans declared that the board had no right to set a price on the eggs. It had ordered them, and accepted them, and should pay up. The woman claim- ed her eggs were strictly fresh and worth the money. If she cares to sue the board in the division court, she'll have an easy win, for everybody knows there's a difference in eggs, some of which are useful only for throwing at bad actors. Medical Health Officer Bell reported that during September, there were registered with him these contagious disease cases : Scarlet fever, 9; typhoid fever, 4; diphtheria, 1; smaltpox, 1. Of the typhoid fever cases only two originated in the city. There were fourteen outside typhoid fever cases 'bronght here for treatment. The chairman reported that a' ru- mor came to the board officers that a small-pox case had been quarantined in a citizen's house. Investigation showed that the case was one of chick- en-pox, and that the patient had been laid up three weeks, but had gone away. The medical health officer re- ceived no notice of the case, and the hoard decided to see the physician in charge for an explanation. Mayor Ross said that he intended calling a meeting of the civie finance committee this week to consider the isolation hospital question, and would notify the board's representatives of it, so that they could be present. Dr. Evans wanted to know why the city council had appointed public vac- cinators, when the health act provid- ed that the board of health could SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK IN Cotton Blankets. AT THE GRAND. A Charming Musical Comedy, on | ' Wednesday. "Three Little Maids," direct from its unprecedented success in London and New York, comes to the Grand on next Wednesday, Oct. 7th. This charming musical comedy, with its delightful novelties, its dishing" songs, beautiful young women and clever comedians, has broken all records for this class of entertainment, and has drawn. crowded houses at every per- formance given since its first might. A peculiarity about this production is that it has drawn the same peo- ple over and over to see Jit. "The Gay Musician." To crowd a Broadway theatre dur ing the torrid spell of weather in the early part of last summer is the dis- tinctive record of Julian Edwards' new comic opera, 'The Gay Musi- cian," which the Amusement Produec- ing company, under the direction of John P. dlocum, will present at the call upon the health officer to attend at the city hall whenever required, and vaccinate those who applied. The mayor said the city council could do what it pleased in the matter. If it wanted to appoint vaccinators there was nothing to prevent it. In attendance at the meeting were: Q. S. Corbett (chairman), Dr. Knight, Dr. Etherington, Dr. Evans, John Lemmon. "Three Swallows." Sir John Power & Sons, "Three swallows' Irish Whiskey, Famous for over a century, Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to His Majesty the King. Back From The East. Mrs. (Dr.) Bogart and little daugh- ter, Thelma, returned to the city, yes- terday, after spending two weeks with her mother, at Morrisburg, and visit- ing friends in Berwick, Montreal and Ottawa. Ladies' Fur-Lined Coats. Made right here in Kingston by ex- perts, under our own reof. Come in and see the new styles, get prices, ex- amine and compare, at Campbell Bros'., the makers of fine furs. Lots of bad people are found in jail and some worse ones are found out. Try Bibhy's special $1 gloves. 5,000 DRUGGISTS 4 ---------- Guarantee and Recommend Vinol As the Best Cod Liver Prepar- ation on the Market. than medicine another it If one person more should know the value of is the retail druggist. For this reason such testimony the following should be convincing. C. A. Potterfield, the leading drug- gist, of Charleston, W.Va., writes: "1 have used Vinol for every member of my family, and have never been disappointed in its results. It is a pleasure to sell a remedy that gives such universal satisfaction. Mr. J. F. Bradley, of New Bruns- wick, N..J., writes: "It is a pleasure to recommend the cod liver prepara- tion, Vinol, as it gives such splendid satisfaction. I have used it in my family and can recommend it from experience." As a body-builder and strength- creator for old people, delicate child- ren, weak, run-down persons, aiter sickness, and for chronic coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Vinol is unexcelled. on our offer to return money if it fails to give satisfaction. Geo. W. Mahood, Kingston. as Kingston's. Famous Fur Store. Queen's Sports To-Morrow You students who will at- tend the sports to-morrow should look your best. So, start on a new hat. Our Hats are the kind that studerts like --the kind that look right, feel right, and are up-to-date. J 2 Leaders: "Waverly" $2 Hats. "Piccadilly" $2.50 Hats. Importers Of Fine Hats. Makers of Fine Furs. Princess St. Grand on Thursday, Oct. Sth. A cast |of New York favorites will be seen lin the production, while the chorus { placed itself on record as the best {singing and dancing combination seen and heard on Broadway this year. Scenery and costumes have been made by renowned artists. POLICE COURT BREVITIES. Thomas Rush Was in Need of a Rest. drink very will thank "1 honor, chance." Thomas Rush, an old war pensioner, has a strong love for whiskey, and every pension day he has to yield to the temptation of the flowing bowl. "You need a rest," said the magi- strate, to the accused. "You need to be cared for, as 1 believe you have been sick.." "No, your honor, I am ali right. 1 will not have a chance to get this way again until next pension day." + "Three dollars and costs or month," said the court, and Rush was led away. He was arrested early Mon- day. much, your you for a didn't 1 one WOULD NOT PROSECUTE. Investigation Made in Purse- Snatching Case. The police have been making an in vestigation into the purse-snatching cases, but have been given a sethack in their work through the fact that the ladies will not consent to pro secute. Constable Arniel, working on 'the case, evidence to lodge a charge against but when he interviewed ladies in the case they refused press the case. The police are often hampered in this city, as cannot go along with the case, been enough who has secured a the to very they man, W. Peters Takes A Wife. Monday evening a quiet house place at the home of » Blake, when her daugh- united in marriage to William Peters, secretary-treasurer of McGowan's Cigar Co., city Rev W. H. Sparling, B.A, omeciated. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Maude. man was Sergt. Bert. Hazelton. The only guests were the immediate families After the wedding supper the happy couple left for a trip to New York, Hartford and Southington, Conn. On wedding took Mrs. Colborne ter, Jette J., was The groom's best Hair Insurance. To have soft,* glossy and abundant hair, to avoid dandruff and all scalp diseases the best preparation is Dr. Dawson's Hair Restorer. It is a toi- let luxury and an insurance against baldness. Restores gray hair to its gatural color. In bottles 50c., at Wade's drug store. Another Elopement. It was rumored, to-day, that an- other Kingstonian, a married mhn, had left for parts unknown with an eighteen-year-old country maiden. The man leaves behind him a wife and grown-up family. He had been keep- ing company with the young girl fo: some months and finally got out oi town. Nothing Better Made. You not only get the most but the best remedy when you buy Smith's White Liniment. Nothing better can ibe had, or can be made, at any price while at 25c. you get the largest bot- tle "of liniment on the market at the price. Cures rheumatism, lumbago and all aches and pains. At Wade's drug store. Bibby's 81 gloves are swell. It is a pretty mean man that blames his wife for the attack of in- digestion, brought on by partaking too freely of her delicious pumpkin ne. Bibby's for men's fine underwear. 4As soon as some men give a dollar ito the church or a charitable institu- jtion they at once commence to figure out the best way to get caught. in the 'act. | Bibby's underwear for comfort. Pte eee rere reeds rid TMéh's Wear ? One that does not look like your Grandfather's, but one that is neat, to wear among your friends. Try Our Natty $2 50 Hat Young Man Do you want to get a stylish and fashionable HAT? The proper thing for Young natty and nice WE HAVE THE NEWEST. P. J. HUNT. 1 1 Sizes in Collars. Ee é rd br rr bd BS | PEPE PPE PPPOE TIE EoT od GEE EEE EEC PEI >4 HOUSE FURNISHINGS IN ABUNDANCE And At Very Low Prices. D-DD Lace Curtains, spe--- cial, at 50c a pair and CORRIGAN"S. Eyeglasses Some of the brightest young- sters who are just now get- ting in shape for «the winter term in school will have to have eyeglasses=that wcans our ce-rite lense in shur on mounts. * Smith Bros., PHONE 666. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED HERE. up. Brass Curtain Poles, complete, 10c¢ and 15c. White Bed Spreads, $1 and up. ; Fancy Bed Spreads, in Pale Blue, Pink or Yellow, special, at $2.50 cach. Dainty Colored Com- forters, $1.50 and up. Extra Quality White Sheets, hemmed, 8c each. Pillow Cases, medium . size, 15¢ each. Flannelette Blankets, white orgrey, $1 a pair. White Wool Blankets, special, 50c and $1. Pillow Shams, each. Linen Towels, special value, 25¢ a pair and up. Table Linen, Napkins, Doylies, etec., big varie- ty, at popular prices. NEWMAN & SHAW The Always Busy Store. +44 a Seb odb bb bbb Ee b= > 50¢ FEET eee odd ° * ® ° . » * ° . ° ° ° ° ° * ° . ® * ° ° ra ° ° . . Ld * * Flowering Bulbs Many people are afraid to buy Bulbs as they imagine they are difficult to grow. Such however is not the case. They are easily grown and require less care than the ordinary house plant. What is nicer than a pot of beautiful fragrant flowers in the 'house during the winter months and what can be more attractive than a nice bed of Tulips coming in- to bloom in early spring. Now is the time to plant bulbs to have for Christmas blooming. Come in and see our Dutch Bulbs and make a choice. Dr. A. P. Chown "Phone, 343. 185 Princess St. 000000 ORPROOOOSONSTS SSbPb PPP Ib IEEE PdId DDD We are told that we have the largest | and best stock of Mink in the city of | our gown Manufacture Look at others | then see our's. 'W. F. Gourdier, EXCLUSIVE FURRIER. oa WHEN YOUR PHYSICIAN PRE SCRIBES A SIMPLEX VAPORIZER They can be had in all sizes at McLeod's Drug Store. The warm Medicated Spray has the desired effect Lost Voice, Croup, chitis, ete. for Brony AT McLeod's Drug Store ALWAYS RIGHT The PRICE, QUALITY and QUANT TY of our COAL is always right. P. WALSH. American Oils Coal Oil Lubricating Oils Gasoline We make a specialty of handling Lubricating Oils of all kinds Prices on application. W.F. KELLY & CO., South Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts. 'Phone, 486.