TAGE TWO. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 7, 1908. THE BUGKLEY HAT ASKING NEN TENDERS A GRAND OVATIONTHE SPOAT REVEW. ... . 'Feels good on the Head." FOR THE DOME -OF THE ELECTORS RALLY AROUND HOW THE QUEEN'S TEAMS : CITY BUILDINGS. . WILLIAM HARTY. ARE WORKING. . 3! Bley Bone, | ser ioer too tse Toler smi ores «suet © LaClies: Pure Cashmere Hose LONDON City Property Committee Issues He Urges Good Diligent Work By The Orders to Architect About the the Liberals in the Present Ottawa College Next Saturday : i Plans--If He Refuses to Obey Campaign--Out For Kingston While the Intermediates Will ; There'll Be Trouble. Every Time. Try Conclusions Here With Guaranteed to contain no cotton, worth 40c. Pair. PARLOR FURNISHING The city property committee wyester-| Hon. William Harty, Kingston's the Cadets. . day afternoon decided to call for new [standard-bearer in the federal elec- Queen's 1. and II. teams had a fine tenders for the city buildings" dome, tion, was given a grand ovation at! workout on Tuesday afternoon. About as the first ones were considered at the bw mass meeting, held in the thirty-five players were out in uni- ---- least $2,000 too high. The tenders opera house, on Tuesday evening. Mr. | form. Both sides of the field were lin- ( sm -- i ri ® 80 f Mr. Fi i i - > Eye are too be in by Friday noon, > | Harty followed Hon Fielding and | ed with interested students who want that the committee ay consider them Hon. Mr. Murphy, but in spite of this | to see the tri-color earried to victory in the afternoon. they are still fact, he was listened to by nearly the | this year. The senior team work weil high the dome will likely be built by entire assemblage. It was just eleven | on the line. 'but 'their back division R b 1h C Blank dny fabor, under a competent fore- | o'clock when he arose to speak, and | seems a little out. During the first emem er, we are se ng otton 1 ets man. as a result he was compelled to cut [part of the practice, Crawford played . . Members of the committee again | his speech rather short, although, as|full, with Turner, Elliott and Pen- h k discussed the architect. Ald. Graham he announced, he would have ample | nock on the half. Moran is putting prices t 1S Week. wanted the plans bought and the time later on, to discuss the issues of | up a fine game at quarter, With this architect relieved. "Would the ar-|the day with his feilowmen. { arrangement the wings had no trou- chitect sell his plans ?"" was asked by | "We are proud of our leaders and [ble, but the halves took a long Ald. McCartney. "IH he will not," jour members of the cabinet," said | time to get started, and when they said Ald. Graham, "it won't take us Mr. Mowat, who was in the chair, | did get started. did not seem exactly | --------L long to decide what to do. "and we are always glad to welcome | gure of their ground. A slight change Ald. Graham again contended that them here to address us, but we are | was made, Crawford beiitg brought up some contractors would not tender also proud of our candidate." He felt | to centre half, and the change was at from Mr. Power's office, and that to gyre that it was not for what Mr. | once apparent. The backs worked like It's easy here, our stock is complete, get good competition the plans and Harty had done for the city, and | clockwork, they sot the ball with & large assortment of imported Silk Cover- | gpecifications should be on exhibition what he will do, but it was for what | « Dut i i : * 5 » na na wel ings, all the latest designs of frames, in F h i SRO ' fhice Ald. Mc- 2a Orv hi ap a } were put 'at once inmotion, K in the city engineer's office. Ald. Mc- he js, that everyone honored him. every move making a gain. To many three, four and five piecés. Some beaut- > r would "a 1 : ies in Solid Mahogany, at $44, old price Cartney didn't think Mr. Power woul The old opera house fairly shook | of the raii birds and old hands Craw- -- was $55. Some fine styles always sold allow his plans to be taken out of with the applause that burst forth as ford wa > » van 355." Some 2 gure = j hon PI rd was the man for the position, PROF. M. B. BAKER WRITES now reduced to can his office. Ald. Angrove that the | My Harty stépped out on the plat- | with Turner and Elliott _back on the select your ow rover: and have the : 3 x own covers and have "eI committee had a right to the use of form. He said that as it was ery | line. "Buck": with Wilhams and ON ABITIBI DISTRICT. upholstered to suit ODD CHAIRS, Divans, Corner Chairs the plane and to place them where it ate, he would ot be very lengthy, "Hughie" Macdomnell works ake a Hettees. A great line at lowest prices thought fit but would confine his remarks to the | strong line. The team works a couple i a Sy Ald. "McCartney moved that the campaign itself, and how it should be | of signal plays that should be ow Does Not Appear As If it Will * lowest painting tender already receiv- |foucht. In the speech of Hon. W. S. | give if put in motion, without any de- Become Famous As a Mining ed be accepted, and that the other Fielding, the electors had been well lay - after signals have been siven Camp--A Report on the Pro- yeg asses cqustruction be done hy day labor. informed on the political side. Too Murphy is playing a good game at erties The proper thing for Young Ald. Graham moved for new tenders |p,ch of any one thing, no matter | outside wing, and L. L. Buck is alse pe : : ' 9 nee 2 the brightest Joung- and his amendment carried; how good it might be, made a man | right himself at hes nb Prof. M. B. Baker, of Queen's, writes Men's Wear ? One that does not ger > are (Just now gut. Ald. Graham also moved that the tired. He had a few matters of local On the second team the : boys are thus in the Canadian Miding Journal: look like your Grandfather's, but term in school will have to : a " ste 'ave a |: : Enve the workers : ~ Three districts i | i ave have eyeglasses--that » : . architect be requested to leave the |j,terest to bring before the workers, making a good showing A frost I'hree districts in New Ontario have o J yey a means . ' - > " . 8 K. £ reshmar : 1 CO p y Curtains . A plans ss iF tity engineer's office, and [hut before doing so, wished to extend | from Hamilton named Laidley is oy recently attracted attention ag pos- one that is neat, natty and nice | nt nse uw Shur' on i that 1 Supply forthwith a set Of [hig thanks to, Hon. Mr. Fielding and |ing a fine showing on the half back sible gold fields, viz, Larder Lake, |to wear among your friends. Direct importa- tH blue print copies, so that a Toronto | Hon, Mr. Murphy for speaking at | line. He kicks well and is sure of his Night Hawk Lake and Abjtini Lake. Smith Bro Sey tions from KE : re-inforced conerete firm might ten- {the meeting in his behalf, and for so | man when he goes after him From Gold was reported in Bureau of Mines land, Austria 3 x f 8 i ArT The s a ot ane in --S * x we! rts i 900 A hitihi | arly \ Got ] hi MOHOn carried. 'l he $ SH noble a cause as the Laurier govern- | his work on I uesday, he showed him- Seports :: an li Jock t but the. Abii I Our Na ) 50 Hat { PHONE 660 the latest in Lace, alderman was about to move w at ment. . self thoroughly familiar with the game |, 2% 8rea di q Hot attract fnuch at . i : Hrussels Nett, y action would be taken if Mr. Power | (Continuing, Mr. Harty said that] and in one or two tight corners he | tention till 1907, when a pronounced { MARRIAGE LICENSES Silk, Madras, ete refused to do as the committee re- | }ic was the first opportunity he had | sot away well The second team rush took place, as evidenced by 'the WE HAVE THE NEWEST. ISSUEL J : ] 3 11. $ : . SSUED HERE, {quested It was decided, however, to | 5f meeting the electors, since they had | should give Cadets I. a good stiff promiscuous staking that was done call ie committee together « ymme- {po nominated him for the commons, | game on Saturday next, while the there. If any honest, genuine mining diately in. this event. and he wished to tender his thanks to | seniors are trimming Ottawa College man wishes to see the length to -- them for renewing their confidence in | in Ottawa ©" which men will go in a' mining rush, GOVERNMENT SHOULD ACT. {him This was now the sixteenth The Colleaitte. teas dee ready for | Where inspection is not operative, he ate year that he had been -epresenting the | Ottawa on Saturday. This. ttle tonn has but to visit Abitibi Lake. Mak J! . - LINOLEUM and Oilcloth, all widths, | And, See «That - Liquors Are In- city. In this campaign he would ask | has been working faithfully all ... ing all possible allowance for igno 'atterns, 206¢. up to : 1 | a RE § ha a oP in Black or Floral Patterns, 25¢. uj spected in Bars. that a most thorough canvas be { son, and should defeat the Ottawa |20€ &S to what is 'valuable mineral 2 in place," or even what is a possible : £1.70 square yard i . wi - x | f the voters. and then he felt ollegi i inert n . a KE . ade © 1e ters, anc e J [1 aoria te 'e SCOre. AS Repair and Upholstering Work prompt Kingston, Oct. 6.~(To the Editor): | made d Collegiate by a large score, as they economic occurrence, it is still pain fully clear that a large part, yes, a : I : PPE PPrO SEE dE Eo bd LM k Ties, St | ul Mis ly done. In vour issue of Monday in a brief | sute that there would he no danger | jid last season. editorial note vou say : of being left at home. He had done y ¢ majority of such prospectors think no- thing of the perjury of which Jthey are ' Do you want to get a stylish and fashionable Sizes in Collars. 4 Phone 80. Yours, "One of the city pastors; in a ser- (everything that he possibly could for MARINE NEWS. guilty. One has only to see' some of . =. Harrison Co mon last evening, commented on the | the interests of Kingston and was only ee T. F. a ® fact that the government officials did [sorry that he could not do more. It | what is Found About the | these disgraceful stakings to . affirm Wharves. {that. Whether the present system olf not examine into the liquors that was not because he did not | were offered for sale. Why should want to do these things, but] on ey ..1t ) _prese they ? This is not one of their = du- |because he was turned down in he se hoones Conerlia is unloading inspection as practised is best or not, (® | ties They are 'inspectors of li- parliament, and, of course, when he coal from @ odus, at Crawford Ss. . certainly the underlying principie of . censes' only." {was turned down there, his people I'he schooner William Jamieson is |inspection, viz., "discovery," must be = I presume this reference is to my- | here were in the same boat. He warn- unloading coal from Sodus Point, at |insisted upon, to preserve for proper el 1U11 }E& self ns in my sermon, Sunday even- ed the electors hever to slight the en Folger s wharf. - | purposes those areas which are not ( ling,- 1 referred to this subject. In! emy. The only way to win an elec- The steamer Simla and barge Bur- nor ever can become 'mining lands. ® reply | would say: True, 'but that | tion was Wo get right in the battle mah are 'expected at Richardsons ele- This last point brings me to con | i= just what I complain of. I claim |just as if they were in danger. The vator, with 117,000 bushels of wheat, [sider what 1 believe to be 'the future that license inspectors should also he | speaker had on one occasion, been de- from Fort William. f the Abitibi district. Gold has » . : . The o acke 1 Ver fr res- | bee: itibi te. it is true erslan inspectors of what is sold over the |feated by just one vote, and this was The tug_Hae key aveivey grou Pre [een ound st Abiyy Lake, It i hve bar or else some one else be ap- a warning to wo into the fight in |®0MW, With WO "harges, lor Nooers hut 1 can hana y 38 03 «> Eo: 3 . Be « al an pointed for that purpose, that the dead earnest. After this defeat, how- elévator. The tug coaled at Swift's |field. These properties have be n cial, at 50c a pair al d wharf and returned down the river. [prospected honestly and well. The ublic might know what they re r, he had been elected by a ma- ny . up H nigh Ji ey nn : The heavy fog 'that hung over the [most jmportant work has been done Pp: drinking as well as what they are (jority of 485. Often times there was | . n 3 Q tai P, Ru S } | eating 1 did not blame the inspec-|too much confidence expressed on the city on Tuesday was entirely cleared [by Mosure Bros., on Shaft Island, Brass Curtain Poles, . ( 3 . , : . away this morning. All the steamers |numberd on the government maps as complete, 10c and 15¢c. 0 tor of licenses, but the government [part of the workers, and this was the for the fac ' t . , fg i » necessar k |and schooners that were tied up were [173. Here a shaft about seventy-three v3.3 . for the fact that there was no such means of a lot of the necessary work I . y White Bed Spr ads, inspection.--W. H. SPARLING being left undone. He had no doubt |able to get under way again and quite [feet has been sunk on a quartz vein, < > I alzr We offer for sale 2 Genuine about the outcome if everyone work- |8 number reached the city. varying in width from four inches to ¥ $1 and up. then see our"s Persian Rugs, imported from (o B. A. Hotel Arrivals. ed. Sitting around in committee | Swift's wharf? Schooner Keewatin, |four feet. Free gold can be seen in 7 Fancy Bed Spreads F di Kurdistan. one size 10ft. 3in. James P. Mack, W. H. Smart. T. . |rooms did not accomplish much; ev- |from Oswego, with coal; steamer [selected specimens, and 'no doubt J ' W. 2 ( your er, 1 z Ss ; 3 } . : > . br 11ft. 10in. Regular price Le Boutilier, Wm. F. Clough. Mont. | eTYone must get out and hustle and North King arrived, on Tuesday af- [much of the ore in which ho fee 8 old in Pale Blue, Pink or 3 EXCLUSIVE FURRIER. $75, for ¢ y | real John Holliday, Guelph: John | then there would be a good strong | !€rneon, irom Rochester, on her last (can be . seen assays well. A |] Yellow, special, at $2.50 . . ys p T : ve 3 # Sip ip is y tie for + sea- | however, is not large, and unless the Snow, Chicago: Wm. H Davy, Ww. J fight The liberals were just as Sir ji, and is now tied up for the sea ) x 5 4 5 00 E h s Bodley, R. S. Wright, Alex. 8S. Hart, Wilirid Laurier had characterized them |S0n; steamer Belleville, up, to-day; |values run high it would be a difficult | 1 each. 4 X odley, R ght, Ale 8S. 4 RE ¥ f . os 4 2 boints ; sition. e at 1 1 A v , y y » aS 5 Vietor N.- Lyon; --Li-D: McKellar, P.-;0n one _occasion--' "not. much onthe steamer Ale tha, from bay points. op i f importance Dainty Colored. Com- 4 WHEN ) OUR B. Maston, J. Ross Munroe, J. H. | crow," but on October 26th he hoped M. T. Co's whari: Steamer 'Iro second property of PHYSICIAN Sromanhauser, Toronto: George .Co. | that they would be in a position to lis the Big Pete Mining company's lo- & forter S, $1.50 and up. quois, from Fort William, with 81,000 | PRESCRIBES bobbed b >d rrr <r v Lace Curtains, spe- Str tt reir dre We are told that we have 'the largest and best stock of Mink in the city of our own Manufacture. Look at others Eases == pO 000 2" PoPEdoop One size 10ft. lin. by 12ft. ¥ | neriord, Brantford: W. B. McLean, |crow. (Loud applause.) bushels of wheat; steamer Rosedale | cation on the east shore of te, Lowe > Extra Quality White 7in. Regular $80, for ) | Brockville; F. W. Woods, Brockville ; | Mr. Harty said that the organiza- {lightered here, on her way to Pres. (Lake Abitibi. This company har . + Sheets, hemmed, i George Smith, Boston: L. C. Gillman. | tion was in fine shape, in fact he nev- [cOtt, with 70,000 bushels of wheat large vein of sugary quartz, ¢ 0. h New York; C. S. Keracher J. Cook. er saw it in better shape nor so com- | tug Glide cleared for Montreal, with |nated with [yzvhotite, pyrite, chal . each. as B. Cook, L. A. Mehlenbuster, Berlin: |plete. There was a great deal in get | three grain-laden barges. opyrite, graphite, etc. The mansect |4 pillow Cases, mediuni < | E. Dickson, Thomas M. Gill, Hamil- [ting out the single vote. On June | ---- was setting a diamond : . _-- e) ton; W. A. Hare, Preston; J. W. O'- [Sth last, the liberals had been defeat Buckley's Famous Hats. to thoroughly test the veins at depth, | & Size, 15¢ each. : deterbor. a ster 10 8 » > of 3 A - oj | and the results of these tests will be | & . > 'ns Connor, Peterboro; [| A. Webester, (ed, and what was the cause of this Sold in Kingston only at Campbell awaited with interest. A third party | ¢ Flannelette Blankets, Lansdowne ; A. CC. Dutton, Quebec : defeat ? It was because they did not | Bros', the leaders in men's hats. - "i inl eede. = of | ¥ whi oe 1. : R McFaul ® | George A. Barrager, Belleville; George get out and hustle. But then, this Rete Norking andes : Ne B pte, of white or grey, $1 a pair. , ' S King, Cornwall; J. F. Mahoney, Belle- | was not to be taken as any criterion, Since we have stdarted to use ey ge ep! hier a No. 149.13 W hite W ool Blankets, 1 V Carpet Warehouse. (| ville; George G. Carskins, Edmonton, |The party had been slipped up |creamery>butter in our biscuits, they [180088 OR TO Fh BREE S0t 00d special, 50c and $1 $ aporizer to | Alta through the retirement of James H. [have grown so in popularity we have whi Fo es tin two parts of Abitibi Pill . Si : 50 3 ich conne o 80 y ' illow lames, oUcC They can be had in all ova Me fo a srv las \ increase facilities for . eee >) ' =} ¥ 1c ali s a the ve ry la : moment. In had to 1nere re -- Jodilisies rs i Lake. This work is still going on, \ AS e aly re as ) aking 10 y . p ers ). i ' e pre ampaign, there wa no | making em 1¢ o rach. i sizes at McLeod's Drug Store. but at the time of the writer's visit third candidate, at least not that was R. Meek went to Ottawa, to-day, S04 It does | ¢ . n < IF IT IS TO GET A SINK THE BUCKLEY HAT known of 'at present, although one | bere the Oddicllows' Rolie' Associa" (no, foe, €SW Sond Be Jo, 4,6 | + Linen Towels, special Sot up oF a bath room installed Jesu never tell what Would happen; tion is defending sa case at the --as- Lilo ic = become famoNs as a mining value, 25¢ a pair and up. ¢ The warm Medicated Spray Pp "Looks good," 'Feels good," 'Is BAC 1. was 8 case 01 wor a the sizes #: : camp. & i Table Linen, Na kins has the desired effect for I can do it in first-elass style and time Rideau King for Ottawa every ! 4 , Nt I ns, bas at the right price, Give me » good." Dr. Ross, the speaker regarded as a |Monday and Thursday at 6 am. -- 5 Doylies, ete., big varie- | sgt Voice, Croup, Bron- taal. good candidate, very energetic, | James Swift & Co., agents. New York Excdrsionists. yw u 3 x chitis, ete. DAVID HALL, Phone 335 Buckley & Sons, though young and not so experienced Miss Jean and Miss Maud Brown The following left on the New York ty, at popular prices. »0Q! He was a fine athlete, and a cham- | left, on Tuesday, for Ompah, to see sxoursion on. Tuesday: afternoon din LONDOY. pion football player: He should not | their sister, who is very ill Mr Sid AES. G. P. Kelso, Belleville; be overlooked; the liberals should la se-- oh = =1.J. C. Truelove, Belleville; H. Patrick, bor all the harder to win out, know- Pollo 3 Person, Trellavilier 3 Miss Langham ing that he was in the field -- ee te ---- Richardson, Napanee; : Hon Nr. Harty, after again urging The Weather's getting cooler Napanee; W. A. Steacy, Napanee; N the most diligent work, closed his ad- The leaves are on She ground J. Sills, Napanee;: Mrs. B. Netlock. ress. amids 4 Ne y The And in this stylish at Store iY alae dress, amidst loud cherring The usu- The: New Pail Styles aamound Belleville: Mrs. B. Armstrong, Belle al cheers were then given, and the -------------- ville; G. D. Platt and wife; J. M. Locknow, Beileville; W. H. Brown, meeting broke up . Se Iam=----, ft Toronto: James Bute, Miss R. John- Al ONTARIO FOR LAURIER. So Hat Time. son, Mrs. C. Ockley, J. M. Theobald, . SA if . Mr. and Mrs. Beashaummer, Mrs. J : 4 This is the Feeling at the Present We are showing the Sayer, Mrs. W. Campbell, Mrs. Rose | ¢4+44bt-bit-4044-440400404 Time. rettiest Soft - Hats Conger, Miss Macdonald, Miss J. G. As a conseqfnee of the Laurier P d Octobe: ; Galbraith, Charles. Bangle, Mrs. Pre- meetings tnd NE Fielding a er Sy ma N ee er nn vost, W. D. Johnson, Re Haselion, 0000000doccosnsscesece i i d of the general ¢ j 1s here. . Dr. C. E. Nash, P. E. Nash, Mr. whd | @ I have been instructed to sell those desirable and of the general character of the ow, then Mrs. J. Smith, BF. W. Truesdale, Miss SaIpaign, the sause of rong Shera) young men w h o Tracdale. FG. Macdonald: UG. Swit- . 13.38 . >: Srv . as slope anit 4 dale, : ) Fl Building lots, facing the King Street Break---- pany r ria a old T hy Zou a haven't bought your 8 rer, G. Wing and wife, George Smith, | owering . who now : represents Red Dar ig H Fall Hats et don't : George Gallivan, Kingston. water and Boulevard. Also or Alice and Col- Alberta. legisictiurs and whe tas bers 8 yet Ee B Ib li 1 St t travelling through Ontario, says: | jvou think it's time there was B The Event > : . sagen. i] ups. INZwood Hireels, "Sir Wilfrid Laurier's tour of Ontario 3 : : 3: pam. e sure and atten igh tea and | 2 . has produced a very nitihed ching r something doing that direc concert in St. Paul's Sunday school, the attitude of a month ago of the tion. Thursday, Oct. Sth. Tea served fron dectors ; . vpa a is . 5.30 1 8 o'clock, and concert will electors of Ontario. Before the dis- The Soft Hat is a luxury Se IHietone ath 12 Adsission to ton ' . » sol of cliament i s felt On- . ii i Here S An Opportunity x ution of parhi ument it was felt 2 of luxuries for Autumn, seconc and concert 35¢., or for concert only taro might witness some recessions ki S f 15 t from the ranks of liberalism, but the | not even to in pie. Soft eens. | To secure a builc ling s site in the most attrac- intervening weeks have served to H pan? y 1 3 | change that feeling. s ob ats are here in the popular They Had Better Pay. | . 4 . . hange that feeling, and Ontario will, | . si What is nicer than a pot tive part of the city at bargain prices. [ have not the sightest doubt, not | [Greens, Browns, Greys--Black] | Two caterers who were at Barrie- |@ S88" 0% 5 Hl 48 a only hold the present liberal seats, too 1 Al » d th 1 field camp and were fined for selling | ® in the house duri the m , . but ' many others will be redeemed. In pines an € 10W} lliquor without a dicense have not yet |® ng I'he first buyers get the choice. See plan at The progress of Sir Wilirid's tour | Jcrowns that may be worn pid. Justicg / a te Peace Huriter a through Ontario has not only been o 185uec warrants® for their arrest anc our office early. characterized by the greatest enthus- creased, dented or telescoped. these are now in the hands of the iasm in the centres which heghas vis- | Pr = constable. . Both men will be arrested | rices S0c a ¥ 1 | ited, . but his speeches and his enunci- | iy to $3. n sight and if they cannot pay up | ation of the policy of his government at once will go to jail for three | have had a remarkable efiect through- months. | - i out the whole of the province and : throughout the~whole ef the domin- If Tormented With Corns. C ion." EP mr Save yourself pain, worry and dis- | s * tress, by using the never- failing Put- W. W. Gibson, the popular druggist Importers Of Fine Hats. nam's Painless Corn and Wart Ex- 5 | Brock St. Phone 326 or 62 | : it confined in' the general roggit. | Princess St. / [ It is reliable and acts quickly. e 1 nA severe N i go » ' i y wi h n severe attack of grippe. Suits cleaned and pressed. My Valet. SPE SOSEFeed Ye 4 pd A Simplex ® bd MCLEOD'S DRUG STORE ALWAYS RIGHT Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. a rd pf Sb pimp + Many people are afraid . to buy Bulbs as they imagine eo they are difficult to grow. ® Such however is not the case. | ® \They are easily grown and . * The PRICE, QUALITY and QUANTS TY of our COAL is always right, P. WALSH. American Oils Gol 0, Luoviatg 00, Gs. We make a specialty of handling Lubri- require less care than the ordinary house plant. ® winter months and what can ® be more attractive than a ® nice bed of Tulips coming in- : to bloom in early spring. o Now is the time ,to plant bulbs to' have for Christmas ® blooming. ® Come in and see our Dutch 3 Bulbs and make a choice. * *® * » . Dr. A. P. Chown, 'W.F.KELLY & CO. "Phone, 343. 185 Princess St. | South Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts; eececsconsnsesssneses! "Phone, 456. cating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. v