Y EAR 76-N0. 0 A VASSAL: The Reason Why Bulgaria Rebelled. BEFUSAL OF TURKEY TO INVITE THE REPRESENTA- TIVE OF BULGARIA 287. To the Sultan's Birthday Dinner-- Turkey Took Ground That Bulgaria Was a Vassal State When She Was Independent From 1878. PRINCE His Proclamation pendence of Bu immediate war Soha, Oct The Bulga ter of foreign fiffairs explain first for Bulgaria decla independence at the time because Turkey, in to the representative aria sultan's birthday ber 12th, took the garia was a vassal dependent as she ro the of ond because of the railway the running throug threatened the integrity of try, and Bulgaria, ording agreement with the of ten standing, asked the company i to Bulgaria. Thi objected to, claiming that the belonged to the Turkish government when it in reality ged to the Ori ental Railway company. Bulgaria and stern withdrawn the Turkey by ol also the control, FERDINAND ing with Turkey S rian minis that the her wi reason ring pre ent invite to the Seplem that Bul and not been in I'he the dispute I'he stril h Bulg the to refusing of Bulg dinner, on ground state, had INTS in ally treaty berlin was Oriental section ara coun ac an line belon Ro lia wer from OVE gnty ol stipulations of 1 = he same exemption from h that country is 1 pres treaty obtainec urkish ot Jerlin althoug involved in the tween the former government of Turkey Roumania, acquired Herzegovina the under sovereign sense, while Engla helped to the Island in arrangement be provinces ar the By the same and Monte independence ent difhicalty treaty Servia negro their Bosnia mitted though full self little Europe the presidency~of Bulgaria lies the River Danube directly east northern chain for its length, east area of 37,000 population of were om Austria the and to not control of ty in ted Bismarck south which was consummq under Prince directly to the of and the te aie f urd It mi and a thr west An 1 000 000 by nature a ve tile intry DAILY ME MORANDA. Oct 8th, In Canad}; an History. 1612 5 De ber of Island 1875-~The with Chief organized Richards IRTT Domin Inland 1877 Winn as Mr on Governmet Revenue I'he and Gold China showing White We are dainty things and Gold China border. QUAINT CUP, SAUCER AND PLATE SETS. Creams very White old in wi a g Sugars and ete Robertson Bros. cultivated centur ent wern f ne miserably unt wret( , has been to make ctually 1m- within re hedly. ill-g very slow j $0 prog 8 possible Southern Roumelia outh of Bulgaria and about 22,000 square miles, with pro- 2,500,000 population. Compara- of the inhabitants of either are Turkish. The great body of the people are what is called Chris tian in that part of the world and are not of the same race as the Turks The inhabitants in both these coun tries warlike; they been pre- 1 many vears conflict in order sever directly has an area of bably tively few country have for a to are rurkey their If ith com political relation with the effort is made by to reduce them to com- | bition or the status before the declaration of their the question powers of Europe they will the pletely the ponte. the sulta parative existing independence to up to de comes to interfere the ter ther ett with their own they will permit and Bulg 4 termi whe ' a in IN dispute | ac | mterest the to hi 1 7 and 1 cordance or ther Turks w he 1 ht it | Roumelians wrlans out 2 Dismemberment Comes. London, Oet I'he ment of Turkey on Monday July depends wior | dismember runs apace On herself in night the Em of Austria, pro annex: ol rze aria declared lay Joseph, tical of Be dual broken nt: on Tues ranci the inces the ha empire ¢ won I H claimed the pri prov sna an a to Crete monar away claimed from the on now Ottoman and proel publ on of Lireece ct being owned , and brin 1 o the Ru I ut virtual de has' caused ! agreed Berlin treaty ritually ho mea ine : pending on POW | will i formal protest her independence territory b a. | of xation of lined for pea internal reform Young rk cannot territory already, has de 1 Purkey 1s " AnXIous interest « the pride of ws of hence it is believed bloodshed v thé power in the Berlin parti conleret the errin not Britain not of to calling I with desirous itn ast f east, in should neat tre ould hb the Consequently try Bulg om nece ONCE to sig pact « Turkey to to. ot \u tria and by Britain would after she admitting ara be ha the. Great omit bent all her [1 of the thereto only efforts to CONUTess, Late Despatches. le, Oct F'urkey ration of war nu \ istria cs from her 8 forced ( Montenegro Lhe on bye position lamatior that issued a Berlin treaty i Monteneg maepene ro, ration ot 1 » lence Jerl t i annexation min Very Warlike News Bickell's eived 2,000,000 Stock Ex has Au ervian 1 Slepencence and that the ATC OF S frontier upyit I = 0 SEND Hl HIM AWAY AN INCENDIARY PARSON NOW SEEKS LIBERTY. 3 Stuart Bain, Who Set Wate Chn cl Thorough! N.Y ino olf hospital, the case served wily wa Waterloo, he had been arr of. setting to his untains sanity f fir V ' auth- pro ' ry The been t expens- mn event of Alleged Wife Of 14 Men. Oct red with suspicious Bolleye Baseball On Wednesday. Ne York Ww loston, Philadelphia, wshing | New York, A Grain Elevator Was a capatity ploded, and the can ber was occupied by the Bulga s |g : f Bayne practices arty (HM me Che Daily B KIN I DRY DUST Spontaneous Combustion Took Place ID IN EXPLOSION THIRTEEN PERSONS LOST THEIR LIVES. STON, SOME the Scene of the Disaster--Flames Im- mediately Broke Out--The Wreckage Blocked the Railway Tracks. Richford, Q the ator, bushel Vi., which large et. shook With entire a con vil having ussion, n in elev of S00 ' yesterday t death at least two women, ex causing workmen were walking immediate vicinity. It is pos the death roll may be further inc »«l when a careful h of made. I'he explosion oof of the bui in all dire tantly flames whole mployed the jointly by Boston & rnoon, of eleven the who in sear be off the ¢, seattering and out blew entire ] big tim almost in the men wer which is burst Twenty building the Mai the over structure Ol in Canadian ic and railway Canker It is tl spontaneous dust of Chicago started in th elevator any Ie ol ame; hy com mist on I'he he loss Fhe wreckage nd fire blocked anadian Pacific many hours. dary the ran roved (0 0060 wa being estimatet from the railwa the explosior tracks of t y¥ complete \ ly or BAYNE TO BE TRIED. Jury Finds That There ent Evidence. Halifax, Oct the Colchester wiore the and is Suffici- N Ba indicted R was Alonzo vie, operator Pruro, and all bat pointed with the very fount be sapped if permitted to continue should conducted manner. He duty to weigh and come to by politi- opinion he ry, found on one g Long particular was ed t importance I'he nt would oat which grav ley of charg wa vernms were elections be fair and cleanly ninded the jury of its the evidence impartially n honest unbiased al In his abundance of jury ommitting The state had distribut V the last garded All na the re verdict, considerations. there justify Bayne ts ny rum was evidence the for trial that Bayne and mone ampaign could The trial will proceed to in sworn been ) during be disre at once not MILLS IN OPERATION. the Regular Work N.Y paper n Half of Force Water he fe town, Interna Water and ur Paper district, mill also tn operat tario mill and No. 4 full work. 'At the Sewell's full onal town pulp Park is of Glen » On are mill the forces at ally a for 125 and 150 men vario mills for mer prac tic hetween in the the regular union applied fe non have sheriff hav hese men I'wo uty h mill to preve FIFTY YEARS MARRIED. Party Given By Mrs. Bagley N.Y Mr. and Dinner Mr brated an cel home forty Mrs pr heen prose the recaipier lev | republi from Vays served R79 minent having 1875 to the comp oressman Bagle Any. ortune in Parted From Child 15 Years. Ne York, Oet. Mrs Av of Spearfi teen-year-old for the first time years, in the the child had of h for years, h the Roman atho Westchester, to w committed | of Brooklyn Avery's discov whereabouts, f city of Ch nrl ND. hter; Flora er fif Bar Ww ory, dauy teen 8 where been a writ abes two been gerald, Mrs ter's this in ol Mrs, Av ery n An Expensive "Joke."" \A Chinaman Dies. uns of | such | Park stump was lecovered with | has 4 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 0CT( i | EXPORTS OF FLOUR. Wo Conservative rule-- $1,784,413 - 1,741,023 1,699,467 839,112 718,433 $6,782,448 $6,129,226 5,877,607 6,179,825 4,095,516 y EHX HEARNE FAA H KE Liberal rule-- $30,739,738 It requires no long argu- ment to prove the advant- age of having Canadian wheat converted into flour at home. The conservative policy had- wrecked the milling industry ; the lib- eral policy enables it to compete successfully in the world's markets » FAERIE HEHE FRE HHH AA ANNN FREE HEE F # "+ : a b= Ci at Rimouski, < at t r t « which tana t THE WORLD'S TIDINGS are vitish JBER 8, 1008. LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And | | Distant Places. | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- | | SIBLE FORM. !drink of whiskey on the return was all Matters That Interest Everybody | --Notes From All Over--Little started from MILLER ACQUITTED. He Was Tried on Charge of Man- ! slaughter. Watertown, N.Y., Oct. S.--After be !ing out for about one hour, the jury | in the case of George Miller, the Clay- | ton boatman, charged with man-| {slaughter in the second degree, re- {ported a verdict of not guilty. Taking the stand, Miller asserted | {that the fast racer of Hewitt Morgan, | New York, had beef Placed in the wa. ter the day of the accident, last July, | | {when Edward Wefis and Lulu Carman | { showers, were drowned at the wheel of the racer. The witness went on to tell of | | his trip to Gananoque in trying out | the engine, denying that he drank to! | excess on the trip, saying that a bot- | tle of beer on the way over and a | 3 i {he had taken. Miller asserted that when he had | Alexandria Bay he had | of Everything Easily Read °®V®Y intention of getting hack before and Remembered. Race track men New organizing to defeat lughes at the polls. R.M.S. Empress of Ireland, with 150 cabin, ond, 396 steerage passengers. The C.P.R. took a large number of ts old men back at Montreal, To- | onto, Winnipeg, and other points." | Hon. G. P. Graham, and Hon. W. | Fielding addressed a large meeting Athens in Mr. Graham's consti: ueney on Wednesday night. Dr. Vogt's Mendelssohn choir, To- | onto, voted practically unanimously accent the invitation to give three oneerts in Chicago in March. Twenty thousand dollars is the sum | the Anglican laymen of Ot- | thiocese will endeavor to raise | the Laymen's Missionary | in Governor inward, 271 se- | 0 owards Movement. ally rnment. a I FIELDING. Minister who ¢ R. 1 PLANTED BY KING. - t Park, New York, Down. Central Cut Let Qak in big English Prince Wa grew from an acorn plant Mall in Central park in 1561 then Prince Wales, Iward, has cut down by foreman upon the order of Supeuintendent Beatty. The pulled out and the spot 1903 the tre The the ol of HOW been King kx a park t sO. Dince rotting attempts the been Several have 1 filhng been madi the » to save oak by ahne. from which the the I'rince places with par tree t of orew fre KEIRA RIAA d HOW IT LOOKS HK - Ne Bets are being made Liberals in Montreal that the government will in- p crease its Quebec majority « in the present elections from forty-one to forty- seven. EISEN A VERY PLUCKY WOMAN STOOD TEN HOURS IN WELL WITH BABE. x ¥ pany's Cistern and Woman Rescue--Held Child Out Danger Until Found. M Oet William Wie y to Latter Fell in Went to of S.--For residing r neck in to keep two-year stood uj he ir ister and 1c whom a « strivi save \ y I up ad plunged the littl chbor, fall into tly plunged im at th hdd him above ed for help, but the land no wy afternoon hbors 3 after party chance Looking down of lan still Her she LW mn deep one stord missed, and neig It long £ the cistery pit by means a the plucky above the a whisper; and rive up the and that of ulled out in a is seriously ill but it lark woman water. sare, 1s recover bo Caintown Matters. et y 1 1 town, he onven the ( on Thursday, Oct are Hattie with frier 1 Mr Cai school « in Presh) terian 15th this spent this nklin, vear aintown church, The apple section Sunday la place. Mr. Junétown, . B. B. Graha Nancy Ter i friend Gibson spent Sunda) here. Mr. Mrs last week Brockville Mr. and Dowsley, jaughter. home west busy mn Gray pickers Miss st and we ds Harry home Connelly Yorn, un R a R. after 27th, 'a Sept urned hillips | Cummings, injured in the street car and a on Wednes sday, died Miss Dell 8 hetween a > ato, collision train in Torox et | pplication is accepted. | | | nesday day a G [was iW. n Wales | ti ties ducted by ¥iq age to-- thirty corre: EE pid o chapter A loan of £5,000.000 sterling for the | redemption of the bonds of the Pekin- | been provision- | the Chinese gov- | has by lankow railway decided upon woman from City, a | plunged | and met | | After rescuing an aged burning house in Jersey oliceman, Nicholas Nestor, the blazing building by suffocation government mnteers re 0 sign ae nto leat! he has decided that | land grants must to begin settlement | { after their | I 1 ¢ I civing | an a ement within six months WwW. Il wo Faft and W. J the candidates United t, at the ociation of Comme Fypro, Hull, Que., on Mon- | was taken into custody on | of having stolen £120 from Petit, a companion. Typro have been married Tuesday. Hearst has denounced John Bryan's J wa mate, as of the Big Four railway, convicted of rebating | to the and sugar | Bryan, the presi- | met, Wed- banquet of the | ree. rival fency of t nig! A States, hicago Joseph ht, charg seory to R. Kern, he attorney corporation friendly niy Ww. wind oil rusts. Throu H he Eastern saved rh the of Mrs. Connor, prompt action and Miss T. Shouldis, Methodist church, Ot- from struction by ire, started children were at | in the vicinity. Williamitown, Harry Augustus of former at \ awa, was d by who lay At lay, lass on Tues- Id, of the | sor of poli- was in presi- Mas Ga profe University, to-day the office nt of Williams College. Henri Elzear Ta justice of the Canada, was seventy- Wednes He was appointed | supreme "court bench exactly | October th, 1878, "| Toronto ir y's gross earnings for | the of September were 3353, $22,199 1907, vear, in "5. Princeton into of le Six form court, years cherean, or chief supreme of two 0 on the years ag month over the | the big- | and, in com- | gest of any month this fact, rest the bige month history of the defendant Welsh, lawsuit Sandwich assizes was over the urt, in case of anot her first | vears boun- me the A favor of Druland decision the vs supre in closes hich came three the in a w the in 18pute dary line master at be en arrested on a Wednesday, on in County Constable Smith before Po Magistrate Hol land, harging the theft of literature. ome up Boyd at ¢ There Richard ® post Fenella, On warrant i formation laid m lice Cobourg, « (tive campaign wi L « Ie ancel i | | for the are the listeabut the | agains {= FeSichi- | company, resalt- | dynamite Cases Om suits railway Es settled ONE OF THE ROORBACKS That Comes to Canada By Way of New York. Montreal, Cet. "The only in Canada qualified to speak from the view on the start London, about the desire to with- | unk Pacific ment, are president W. Morse, are ab The reason given in a New York for the alleged desire to withdraw, is the discovery that the road can never pay its fixed har ges, dame Central from the have been three gan ing ion SOX [S point of from alleged Grand the M railway ling rumor, Grand Trunk's draw from the contract with Messrs. Charles of the company general manag sent from the ¢ gon Ha and and b th y eable esr ipm-- Fishing Schooner Founders. Halifax. N.S., Oet French fishir schooner Juanita fou dered on i Banks last week and twenty were lo The captain wha He clung as picked up by nded at. St reason, how- ler the strain, The st lives only one to =a vd His a Pierre ever, Jarbeau, an unmarried of age, died at Wednesday from fever Jos man twenty-six vears ville host attack of phoid Pitman Scharf, was killed by a crossing the tracks. I Ov IS dyed or pressed. My Valet. +. TR. train {ed him to turn back to the Bay.. York state [delayed matters. me | authority | ers. | bo bride become The couple came here | week. | pronounced it | ting Lok Ch A of Charles Edward | nearly all his life { here explos- | men | Belle- an a tinsmith of Carp, | : while | {dark, but a lack of gasoline had caus- and | He that he claimed | was running under reduced speed when {the collision occ urred. HBC K. L. BUTTERFIELD. Hon: Kenyon L. Butterfield, President Roosevelt made a member of his new Commission on Farms and | Farming, will make a report to his chief just what his commission discovers | to the needs of the agricultural ele- Mr Butterfield is president of the | Massachusetts Agr ural College where he assumed char in July, 1906 He is a graduate of the University of! Michigan and of the Michigan Agricul tural College and is considered an| on matters of value to farm- He was born Michigan in June, 1868, and has many valuable ks on farming His howe is in Amherst, M ILL WITH APPENDICITIS. Few Days Hospital. Oct. 8.--~To have his ill with appendicitis and the hospital, was the un- of Deseronto honeymoon here. few days ago than a in the I bride was tallen | who called in of appendicitis the hospital and and is get- whom n as Bride of Taken to Peterboro, removed to { pleasant experience {man spending his a a and have been married less They had only three days when the ill and the doctor a She was removed underwent been was case to an eration along nic Death Of Charles E. Brown Cornwall, Ont., Oct N friends-have been notified of Brown, away at Port 24th, was a but spent in Cornwall, leaving hteen years ago for the Pacific coast, He is survived by his wife, sen, William J. Brown, Cornwall, { four. dadghte Cornwall | the death | formerly of | who passed September town, Oregon, seventyv-one vears. He Arthabaska, Que this land, aged tive on of eig one and ONLY MOON SHINING BELIEVED BURGLARS WERE IN A HOUSE. Investigation Was Nothing Found Alarm--Neighbors Man in the Moon. - But Cause Made, to After "Twas all the moon's fault ome the of Division street were worked up into a high state of excite ment the ogher night because they saw what they ved to be a light in a neighbor's house, where there was no one about-at the time. They sure that burglars were about. "There's some in , that |sure,"" said one the ge bors. "We had better get as soon as possible, before chance to escape. "That's right, we will do said another, and then of was struck with an idea, constable living near, and they would get him: So they set out after him. Constable Arniel was the lucky man, and as soon as he was notified he went to the scene, expecting to ens counter a burglar and pera ys have | a rough and tumble fig But he was disappointed in this respect. His trip to the house revealed fihat was a cause for alarm, and light tHE neighbors saw was merely the light from the moon, which | shining upon the window brightly. | {The neighbors then breathed som what but . vowed all sorts veng on the man the moon who |} plaved trick on them ol residents be hous neig the police they get one of a that," one them 80 easier, ance in such Laurier Wi n "Win. conservative We Canada, A King who been throug there will carry there that ston h sstern is the west know liberals oO the will wh the out have such an admission there is the majority can The same | see how the Laurier government fail to be returned to power, A safe sly SEHK na- the | There was a | nothing | the was of | tality and strength is reduced. has says mbt but what Laurier {onse rvatives i situation | p five sity from the Great Lakes to the are arriving at Hami as [the no doubt but be | gentleman cannot |120 delegates, can | Dominion Council is in session. LAST EDITION Probabilities - Toroato, Ota 8 --Owawa Yal- ley and Upper St Lawrence 10a.m --Moderate wester l yt 3 aostherly wirds, w scattred but mostly fair. Fri day, fair and cool. Exquisite New Silks and HAHA AAA A & The wonderful variety and beauty of the weaves, pat- terns and colorings in the new Silks and Satins is worth an inspection even if you do not contemplate huy- ing just now. From a standpoint of quality, beauty and price our Silks are unexcelled. Just now Satins are much in vogue and we are offering beautiful lines in New Oriental Satins In all the stylish and de sirable colors at $1.00 jer yard. Oriental Satins In exciusive Dress patterns, in colors, Creme, Sky, Helio, Old Rose, Pink, etc., 44 inches wide, per dress, $16. New Messalines, Satin. Duchesse, Skinner's Satin, French Merveleuix, 6c. See Our Great Display of : Trimmings and Laces oF FARIA ck HHHHHNNNS ic "A HH HO HAS > HAH HAAS HH CAAA Ne HHH a bP bbboddbide ddd bibidobed DIED. Kingston Margare iths, inf Wi. Lidde on Oct Liddel da In "Mary mor Mrs LIDDELI 1908 and street Funeral privi } ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princess Street EVERYBODY COME, pick out your Stoves for Not too many, but good 'Phone, 7 next ones, And felt | rh- | In Comb and Extract- ed, now in stock. Jas. Redden &Co FINE OF | IMPORTERS IROCERTY Increase Your Energv | Strong people have rich, red blood {The color of the blood is due to the liron' in it. . When iten- is lacking "vi Then lit is time to take Wade's Iron Ionic Pills (Laxative). This form of iron {slips into the blood without any tax {on digestion and inereasvs energy and {vitality. They are a great nerve strengthener and blood maker. In boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug store. | Money back if not satisfactory. from all ports of Canada ton to attend three-day - convention of the | Brotherhood of St. Andrew. By to- morrow over 400 visitors, including will be on hand. The ! Delegates | Pears, red grapes, J. Crawiord,