Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Oct 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1908. THE BUCKLEY HAT GANANOQUE THREAT ..... comm i Gi oS THRONGED VILLAGE pro orm on | A Pe rect Si ubstitute lo FORCE "THE HAND oF : | ATHENS MEETING ONE OF |. Longboat beat a good field, includ- | ing two Indians, at Beaverton. #An absolutely correct style." | : : THE G.T.R. CO. |< LARGES1 EVER HELD. "Chaucer" Elliott promises to re- | 'Buckley & Sons, . | . + . |member Ot€awa when the red, white | : . : a ; 3 and black plays in Montreal. LONDON. Give it the Former Service-- ] ie Hie Peoepenity Gene Hurtubuise, the big Peterboro | : o e ountry--Senator Uer-|..,.. ier, is out with a challenge to Fishery Overseer Busy--Man , \ | NAR ' 14:0 | byshire Praises the Fielding {meet any wrestlers in America ii | . , Fined For Giving 'Indian' | . x . - ) . Liquor. asa | [i Tariff: glenigint misses, Gulch and Yankee] Can be prepared instantly by simply stirring contents . : I ! 3 ogers alone excepted. . NUNdELY | | Athens, Ont, Oct. S8.--If the con- OE ne ie |B of one package into a pint of boiling water. Gananoque, Oct. 9.--At a session of i i n 1 Chaucer" Elliott h 1 al . Servs ng soekville oe have dio as dropped the jife town council, this week, Mayor Mc i | 1 ervative of Brockville riding sutches and is now moving about in i g z etl ; $ g « or. Swee o ammon and Reeve Britton were ap H =A | A Montreal with the aid of a walking No so aking, weetenin ld flavoring or Susi " o 9 ~ + George P. Graham at the coming elec {the Bil 30 at od COLI Han f With ( . {i {tion that fesling must have heen dis- stick. His leg is coming around slow- | Everything in the package. - we president and secretary of the | 4 ipated to a large extent by the splen- ly and he still limps painfully. ocal board of trade, in the matter of » - & ( : G a ilv facilities, with the un- | \'! | did meeting here last ant.. It was tava Free Press : "Ken" Williams | ive » r railway facihties, wi t \ i { of "i and "Nick" Bawlf will have an ani- harbored the hope of defeating Hon. y ir . A | p its lerstanding that if the G.T.R. fails to | by far the greatest gathering ' . yerst Hn a tte CN | kind ever held in this portion of the ated hoeting fray ay. the Oval Sat- w y province. Farmers drove for miles | Uraay or distance en' is touted Cc n in and C.P.R. railway officials will be | Hy iN ; . iia : enuine BY coached. on the. question of branch | 4 / N around to hear Mr. Graham and Hon. (88 the heftiest punter in the domin- \pproach on a | y Mir Brockville |1on. Queen's 4s. coming up with a gold | Tf + : 4 | Mr. Fielding, while from x 9 fines to this town. | 7 i . h , to tl : os 4 / /% ame. a_ special train erowded to' the medal cheering brigade. It will have | Th i De rt { a rte r S A bit of 3 et Wis made in ihe | / . rv Ga a a i oe he he ting | 10 20 some to out-y ell College. ! € a nt SSC {appointment of a returning ofheer lor | / { J 51 The 1 1 Eng.) Daily Mail of ts iri 5 there was a long torchlight proc we London (Eng.) Daily Mail of a - No thatire : » gr } Et it, C | 7 ¥ sion and as it passed Broce Fille g [recent date says: After a swim of a trial and you will never. nse gelatine again. offerec we position and refuse / A } : t sarlv fifteen hours, in the last stage A P 2 2 the | / liberal candidate ahd his distinguish. (nearly liteen hours, in Lhe ast stages : . Little Li V er ills. © el £ith Ww h . to ofiered on - 4 [ ed colleague 'the streets rang with of which he was assisted by doses of 5 \ 7 flay ors. Sold by all good grocers. cepte en we O1n as / | a B 8 L a " 'S I Pl | / i cheers, which even drowned the music |OXYgen, Jabez -Wollle, on Baturday ; al p> | 3 3 | . just failed in his attempt to ross the GE TENE Illustrated Recipe Book, Free. made Freeman Britton received notice of the brass band. The demonstra- S 7 f his ¢ intent. This 'has since | i ! . Must Bear Signature o 0 18 appointmen us 8 108 | fl tion in the streets, and subsequently channel from Dover. He was taken | | . in the town hall, provided | | been altered and C. E. Britton will fulfil the duties. Vd Between two. and three hundred dele 27a cates. from the various towns, vil | : : - . : lages, and township of the riding of | terials. The model was of pinkish affections of his constituents, It {escaped drowning. Jamesiown Expositions. See Pac-Simlic Wrapper Below. South Leeds attended the liberal con-|gray panne cloth, the bodice slashed | would have been difficult, indeed, for! doronto Telegram : It does not look South Leads attended the liberal con gray panno Slows 36 C80 "UC, lany riding in Ontariosto excel such a-|from hore ws if there woukl be any | {If you value your health avold cheap imitations. Very small and as oany | minstions being called for, the names | cloth, edged with silk fringe to match, | warm ni even effusive welcome as ).R.F.U. senior series outside the JELL-O costs a little more but tc take as sugar. MBO beng Rev Fraceis Chis. slipped through, Gray siti cord was [was witnessed 'wre last evening. The | T.A.A.C., though it does call for a 3 FOR HEADACHE. holm. Firman Cross and W. H. Fre- applied on the bodice in an irregular | { andience was most attentive, and as | stretch of imagination to refer to the . CARTERS . denbury were duly placed before the scroll design, and the sleeves were of Hon. Mr. Fielding"s story of pro- above aggregation by such a name. FOR DIZZINESS. convention. Messrs. Cross, Chisholm [shirred chifion cloth with rows of the gress, peace and harmony was un- [ Kingston is not likely to appear, so "10 CENTS PER PACKAGE." FOR DILIOUSHESS, and Judd, in short addresses, declined |cord along the inside seam. The yoke | folded there were outbursts of hearty |that the championship of the O.R.F.U. enthusiasm. Mr. Fielding made a [entitling them to challenge for the IVE FOR TORPID LIVER. in favor of Mr. Fredenburg, who, with- | was of cream lace, and the skirt was I t i \ CRU. is lof he T.A.A.C out a ballot being t was made the!l le circuls th a seam down the | Rew departure in le campaign w RU, 1s lett to the A.A,0, Lt ' FOR CONSTIPATION, a 8 ho 3 yy entire conven ap ain sical ar wit 3 8 : "| charging Mr. Borden with attempting Johnson and Burns will fight to a unanimous e middle FOR SALLOW SKIN. tioh pledgin "their best efiorts to Mr. SARE to bribe the entire province of British [finish in Sydney, Australia, either the FOR THE COMPLEXION | | |" .dcnbury and the liberal party. OWES CURE TO ZAM-BUK. Columbia in the matter of the pro-|last week in November or the first GENIN wavs ursti--c]| In the police court on Wednesday, ¢ ---- {vincial subsidy. week in December. "Sam" Fitzpat- OF { OMMER( 'E orice, | Puraty vegetadie owl Voras i emed Ralph' Jukes aod Prominent Manager's Telling | Hon. Mr. Graham handled some |rick, Johnson's mapager, Writing : * | federal statistics in an entirely mew |irom Naples just before they sailed for {arraigned before Police M ate 3 1 ; QURE. RICK HEADACHE, {Cairoll, charged with furnishing li- : Testimony. {and novel way, and he vigorously de- | Australia, says that the match sedms esis - --- D. R. Gourlay, advertising manager |fended the Grand Trunk Pacific bar- | too good to be true, and he won't he- - iquor to Frederick Brennan, whose for the well-know ypano , firm of i N f hi i 7 i i i {name is on the *"'Indian" list. The | OF 1€ € nown | 1 | gain. Much of his time was devoted | lieve that Burns is going to fight un: | B, E. WALKER, President id. 3 levidence was conclusive against him Gourlay, Winter & Leeming, Toronto [to a justification of the general pol-|til he sees him in the ring and hears . Paid up Capital, $10,000,000 and Winnipeg, is amongst the pro-ljcy of .the - government regarding {the bell ring for the first round. As ALEX. LAIRD, Ceneral Manager Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 | and he was taxed the minimum hne of y [835 and costs or in default thirty { minent men and women who testify to | trans portation. He was cheered again|the men are going to box 'with four : : Zam-Buk"s great curative power. He !and ai he uttered statements CNT : NES {davs in jail. The fine was aid. 1 g ; and again, as he u tered statements. |gunce gloves, the affair will be a N A ANKIN MVICINESS TRANS : duys in joi. The fine was paid. © [EEE EEL SILAS Sows: | Dikineasike ut at the samo. me druciing one A GENERAL DANKING LUSINESS TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES | nme, in this section, in company with] . Sante nen, } Save pleasure a Ste ® hi $ i ly potsiotis. Addresses were There is a possibility of Ottawa los Tu er nsaiotant. George. Cartwright, | ting that upon the recommendation ol {read to both ministers, dnd bouquets [ing their two star backs, Mur and D AFT N MO * t nsferred by a big seizure of hoop and gill [a relative 1 purchase d a box of your |were presented. ; [Hal Kennedy, a misfortune that R S_AND ONEY ORDERS sold, and 'money | remedy (Zam-Buk), and by a few ap- Isanc C. Alguire, vice-president of | would simply place the team on Queer telegraph or letter at Pig Pay, St. John's Island, | | 1 . $ A | yesterday, bringing a whole skiff load | | plications entirely gored a very vere the Athens reform association, was street. Murray, who is captain of the | 3 tows. Mr. Toner this sea- | spre vin of the back. hile not given chairman. Among the prominent li- team, and plays centre half, left, last { COLLECTICNS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries, ------------ indiseri ate use of, or belief in, 8 re atfor : . ; Ito indiscriminate use heli berals on the platform was W. C.l,i0ht for the west, where he expects striking out of the water in a state of col wy THEGENTSCE PURE 7000 €0., SRIDGERURG, CANADA. {lapse when half a mile from the fhe sketch shows a smart frock, | evidence of the place Hon. George P. |18 : | which" could be copied in. various ma- Graham occupied in the hearts and French shore. In fact, he narrowly | Highest Award, Gola Medals at Si. Louis, Portland and HEAD OVFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1867 : lin tow ] |son has done excellent work in en- ; e edicines, 1 can conscientiously | Fredenburgh, the newly-chosen lil 1 i ; {fore ing the law against the illegal | patent mec . r nburgh, we newly-chosen liberal | to complete arrangements for himseli - | netting in these waters. recommend Zam- Bulk. - candidate in leeds. and brother to go into business imme FOREIGN BUSINESS. Chequas and drafts on the United States, { . : Sincerely yours, It was left for Hon. Senator Derby- : : Hugh Wilson, Pine street, who has Urs, fd S$ 1. Senat Derby- | diately. He promised to join the n L : been confined to his home through ill- "(Signed) D. R. Gourlay. [shire to open the meeting in his ini-|team in Toronto Saturday 'morning. Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. u3 ness, for several days, is around town | That is just wh wre Zam-Buk proves mitable manner. The tariff of Mr.ipoth boys are just out of college, and r IN( 3 N Y I en Arthur. Stunden, King |its superiority ! It is treated by men | Fielding, he claimed, had worked out|,.nounce that they cannot 1 1 aot K xX TOM BRAN CH, yd i . ¢ y Cf et foot- | that pay. 8 {street = pupil of Gananoque High and women who have tried it, as al- [beantifully. Briefly he went over some | pa) stand in. the way of their busi- | CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS 8 s the only ki ov. = the only a 1t] School. -was token to Kingston Gene- together different to ordinary. prepar-iof the most important departments of |, aq ie most healthy are RG x | Ah, arliurd ions Doctors, hospital nurses, , 0 . tl free fron lice and {ral' ho pital, suffering from appendi- BHO. eer on convalescent J he es goyernme nt, ; showing wha! Fr ree C. P. STEVENSON, Manager. 10s8€e fre fron 1 an citi I'he contract for S. MeCam- € ' lc 3 ha een made generally by the That Aching Corn. " em ---------- ma w a -- : here 1 Yt give Zi luk a good word | busi $e . Ar i ---- a Cf where | ow yosidence, has been let t homes--all give Zam-Buk a goo r yasiness people and farmers of the : s : lice ca Jos mons new re idence, ha ot es De I 1 and better still they use it. Zam- | country ! vo Fielding. he maintai : Why not remove it with Peck's AREER RERERR A RRIARER RR Mitchell & Wilson, contractors, of this . Mr. a, gintaie to. Yoo ve The remedy is sure " FRR EREPEE PEED ER ER ons E M P 1 R E i | town Buk is as good for must ular stifiness, lod, had been the bright star in con-|. ranteed. It 3 | H a a. RE ding Poter- | spraing, rheumatism and sciatica as [nection with the management of the |'S guaranteed. is easy to use and | Poultry Duster Mr. and Mrs. 1 . h g, Peter i : > ""1oets the corn every time. In bi ,. . . dit is for skin troubles. Hockey play- | business and finances of the count boro, announce the engag oti? nea" op iar g ie gountry, 1p 2" 1a t i ys a Pi 3 ates -l xes, 1de., at Wad Irue store. is used. EM | (1cic daughter, Nettie Ro Harding, er and aghiptes in general find it io- 0Xes, a de's « Lore Kills lice instantly. ) Je Robert S. Cotton, of the Canadian valuable. kOx eruptions, pustu ile. In Harbor. General Electric works, of that place scalp sores, itch, eczema, ulcers, boils | By Paul Hamilton Hayne. Large oar A | : Mic. C. R. Cot- abscesses; blood poison, cuts, burns, | I think it is over, over; i -@ and son ol Mr. and Mrs. C. a Tt bruises and abrasions, it is a speedy 1 think it is over at last ; would get nothing larger than a [ton, Hickory street, Gananoque. 1s Voie i i ! | - Sel 86H; PL It pays to buy a good { ding will take place on Thursday, | cure. Takes the soreness out of | Yolees Of fosrman and lover » pas nickel or a ise, ] Iwedding £ : a. st 3 i : 1 % 3 ' roe baskets ars, 60c Cre 1 = wounds almost instantiy, and kills alt | Life, like a tempest of oc Large baskets pears, 60c. J. Craw y : . Drtot : ow sitors have raturn- [disease germs thus preventing feste--| Hath outhblown its ultima ast. ford. 5 one. We have them which The following visito rave ra %. a : TC There's but a faint sobbing " ia f AVE A COWL | p + ing and inflammation. All druggists | " { ' hat man is not always a coward i % : While the the tide depe re- : J -- are guaranteed for five . 3S Farming alm © McLeod's Drug Store, and all ed Rev. L. M. Thomp- on, 8 = and stores sell at bHle. a box. or | ar im of who walks away from the fellow who t with deal i try S ies." ton, Mo., to Athens, after a visi »OS eo fre 6 J suk Co.. To-| And, behold, like the welcoming gmuiver is anxious for a row. £ % . . . v ealers in Poultry Supplies post fr re from th Zam Buk Co., 1 nd, 1, like the w ming guiver is anxious for a row : o | sh a" years in family use, and o street his cousin, A. D. Howe, Oak street; for 82 wrt pulses throbbed through: the| Dying and cleaning. My Valet. i c Montreal, Wil ronto, for pn Six box : : ) ; | 'rederick Arthur, to ontrea t 150. Send le. tamp for trial box. Ih his The Rarior 2b Inst. If debts could be made assets, lot : ---- ws P if any part gous Wrong 0 ( oO al g > N 4 {liam ph il to E maton. 4 h Alia, ith w-- I'he heavenly harbor at last! of men I have in mind could easily | 3 el 5 tor nding seve or 8 Es 1 gocure a rating. | 5 x . . : | rents, Mr. and Wess GN. Hurt In 1 College Rush. feel it is over: over. ie. A rating I & during that time, we A clst tine Princess atreet; "FM, Chicago, Oct. 9.--<H. Bi Esch, twen- | the winds and the waters surcease. 2 - . . . [2 . from several | ty-two vears old, a freshman studi fow were the days of the rover | © 8 B : make it right without i i } E Some young men affect a million- | = aire gait, when, if robbed, the thief © alker. Sydenham street, from : ) ' i : rat d in the beauty of peace, ks in Western { anada. lin the Bennett College of Eclectic ; y Bl he ome A ck {i ne -- [Medicine and Surgery, was seriously Sistant and dim was A qui | Sq 8 cost to our customer. injured in a rush between freshmen | Fro he ravi f life and its riot h y a shot . | fi W € sarn for the quiet Budget From Stella. [and sophomores. In an effort to ficht Jearh BE pe is a 'bread flour' and a] § Jtella, Oct. 1 Ihe Amherst Is- | his way | throuch a crowd ol go} ho [ For the , with their welcoming I e "pastry flour."' As good nd Agricultural Jair, held oy Tues Mores w tear Hine flag from pole, ah the sanctiflel Fiver A man who pre- © Mek | VEY & BIRCH, 09 & 1 Brock St, Kingston 1 Septembe at assed off ver we was throw o the earth and al-| OU I uni : © for ome as for the other-- Say BS pt mber og bh passed nana vi) wiley ee Which wirdie the harbor ay last, pares to go hunting ex- | @ 2} a ach successiully considering e ve hi 0s ampled to dealt evera: sty 2 his heavenly harbor at last'! : and THE BEST for avrecable day. te a number were | dents kicked him in the stomach, and = pects to find the game wide ERR ee 0 Fc) EAE RrRRERRRRRrRR RRR a both | Fenn Xe . saston. when he was rescue was uncohsei- 11 wi sr i awake and afert. He cannot . i [present from lath and King when h as 1 ied he was uncon | inst ; B Fl isa blend of |'There was a fine showing of horses|ous. His condition is critical : X ! The s eathed anchor ungover afford to be asleep himself | Ry oy Ly a ena { and colts, cattle, jShheeh, poulity, Hae Hap B00 studer ts participated or Wi Stress-of the voyage had paused. wite sélosting S3rRtidiss, Vi AUTUMN SHOE STYLES Manitoba Spring Wheat roots and fancy work. Great cre it fin t 1. rush. o fess than fifty were} IE CE to el bikin * itazblast e can inform himself a! It contains just the right is due the ladies of the Bughish linjored Phere's but a faint sobbing seaward, | the tive und know how | When .you buy a suit of : n church for the fine dinner provided by en ee e calm of the tide deepens lee-| superior Dominion ammu- v proportion of each to JE A trie hall Eat Well And Be Well. 5 Sper inion clothes or a hat, you go wh : her ctorie . 3 3 t . / i h ; " ere make the whitest, most A a oN 1 on Monday even *hvsical A like the welcoming quiver nition is. A trial will prove, rou k a y £g : h : Physical well being depends upon ear Jbbed # through the | too, that our cartridges i : h you Know you 11 gc t the latest nutritious Bread -- and ine, September 328th, of Mrs." Hugh | proper nutrition of the whole body : : are never-asleep when he i tyle. Why t. do tl : the lightest, tastiest McCormick, an -old resident of the his depends entirely on digestive or- he heavenly iv harbor' ol £1 Rast, pulls the trigger. iF | JLy.e ny no uo 10 same Cake, Pies and Pastry. island he largely attended fune-loans, Don't tolerate indigestic 1... : Yee. , / when buying footwear ? Why nn + ral, which was held on I'hursday, was | dyspepsia. Make your 1 ) For all makes of army. Couts 2 y k oh Insist on having Beaver § I ducted bv Rev. James Cumber-1{et by use of Day's Dyspeps are Sangster Swaigments ae y not buy the shoes that lead the 1 1 cemete o Nt he is : : Sangster, Oct. R.--Farmers are 1 he Dos " log i ane $1 cs Rous. lit tle Wl Sb 18 ay ph Thi Preparation a oe busy plowing. W. Ryan had a Bo Cartridee &o Ted 4 Montreal i Sty lesin Canada--Iny Ne tusShoes Dealein write for li Il ploughing g and laxative properties. Each bottle : When you wear Invictus prices on all kinds of weount of the lack of rain. James tains sixteen days' treatment. For husking bee und dance on Wednesday | MINION AMMUNITION " > ' . 3 J N. Murphy SA" Shoes you can always feel that Yeeds, Coarse Grains McCabe is erecting a new house. Ow-| gale only at Wade's drug store. jm ht : Sheehan snd | 1 and Cereals. T.H. ! 1 o the severe drough the apple | ' are home from the North-West. John |= ER - - ' ; . Co. Limited, Chatbam, | op i ily I Ahi 0 Murder Case Goes Over Daley. went to Verona with sheep. 'I "DOES YOUR SCALP ITCH ? 3 you're wearing what's most mh e7 \ seston and S. A. Strain a Ee Cr UAT th |Coulter, Cole Lake, passed through e-- correct ir rear. \ ; rest h and 3 hi ay Belleville, Oct. 9.--At the assizes, | here bringing calves... Visitors: - 4. Are Your Hairs Dropping One By Ls re 1 1 footwear Made in Ac retarued homt Justice leetzel granted the applica Hickey, Tichborne, at John Shee One ? Lace, Jutton and Blucherstyle, tion for the postponement until the |han's; E. Hickey, at I'. O'Connor's E. | 1f your scalp itches you are doubt in Pat. Colt, Velour, Box Gun er pending a few days in the pte Rioitors * Mre. ¥Capt) 1 gfing assizes of the trial of Thomas [Doran at Patrick Egan's; Mrs. T. [jess suffering from dandruff The' dan- | Metal Calf. Vici Kid, and tan 5 * ' « py 3 Smi Young whian charged w g YY Is al 2 : Sanders, Cleveland, Ohio; Capt. and | matt, the young Indian charged with | (0'Connor and J. Barrett is at Fer-| j uff germ is di ip your scalp in nur fe Mrs. N. Allen, Belleville; Mrs, Me: | pace The ca against. William | moy: G. Sanborn, at T. Young's; Fant Tals, BAER HH or wine colored calf. $4.50 and Mee. N. Allen, ele A Bolton, [Pay and Earle Fox, charged with |Rondon and sister, Maggie, at T-lping the life of the hai bulb. No , 5.00. Ladies, $3.50. 3.75, 4.00. eather Ba S | Kinoston Mille: Mr aid Mis. Sheri [hooting with Jnten sud Besalting Rareit 5 Miss Mave Walsh, 2 . hair preparation that is a mere hair | } . | Hillam av, ere also aversed 0 urner s sh wo . 3 r . » "11 3 N dan, at J. 8. Neilson's. | 1 reek; Ar, am rs. Podstimulant and tonic will cure dan- | wa Th : um ; ; / e Sawyer Shoe Store {the next court. | len t S.'Hickey's, Burridge; Mr. | druffi because it won't kill the germ The Ameliasburg Fair. rer jane Be Egan, ak Yoronss ne that causes 'the trouble swhro . Ameliasburg, Oct.' 7.--The agricul | Takes Lives Of Three agele Jarrell, and, diss innie | Herpicide is_the latest SW dis [G} Mc Ide d bieel We have just received our tural fair was a decided success, | Norfolk, Va., Oct. 9--John Richard ro are spending a few days In |eovery, and it will kill the dandrufi e ain ea an ec f Leather G ds about '2.000 people being on thelson, a Voung farmer living in the Kingston. = W. Murphy, at P. Cor:lyerm. Destroy the cause and you new stock 0 eather LoOds. t 1 2, peoy y |son, a ig 1 . ¥ coran's; Mrs. P. Corcoran, at John |remove the gffect; kill the m and Is to please our customers This brings us sue Ww J d aovounds. Hon. Sidoey Fisher spoke | Lambert's Point section, shot and Murphy's. : SRE hen passing rop in an to a large crowd and dealt with the | killed his sister-in-law, Miss Josephine . you ol have He more dandruff, fall and makes us friends ing hair or baldness. . let us show ou the very prosperity of the country, and the Cromwell; his father-in-law, Beverly | ) i oy : EY . . . l le : y great benefits reaped from the liberal | Cromwell, and committed suicide. A Yonge Mills Notes. Voip by leading dragyista, i Sond We doit w ith our little prices, with our big as- atest styles : administration. Dr. Currie, the candi- | shot-gun was the weapon used. After | Yonge Mills, Oct. 7.~The last of the Hide Co Botrort, ih 5% ie ui ment, with our fine qualities and grades ~ = {date, and Mr. O'Flynn, irom Belle- |domestic troubles, Richardson and his | qe bones ate 'Behe 2 fant. wl ide x > 0 size Hand Bags. Special $1.25 BlVille, also spoke. N. Parliament was |wife separated last Friday. Mrs. Ri re | islephiones are Leing put in su the [gte. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special | Our low prices show you how to save your dollars. the chairman. H. Graham, of this |ardson returned home last night. find them a great convenience. * Misa) nit. Ly Mission Dining Room Sett, 8 picces, ear ly English S Diu rses Tr Lori : Strap | Purses. Special flvillage, won the two-mile race. A A Bertha Cook has returned to Regina, |, | finish, for $45. Mahogany Parlor Suites, 3 pieces, 9 25 very TB ne dis lay of horses were an the Large pears, 60c basket. Craw- |, andin : : Ll Spl : after spending her holidays with he AA, $ di track. Most of 'the men of the village | ford. - parents, Mr hd re 0 vith or $25 > to 45. 00, best silk cover ing. China Cabinets for Horn Back Alligator Bags. are busy apple-picking. A new cement In having.a care for the pennies, it | | » number of the liberals of this ! $18 to 65.00 S . 1 $6 75 sidewalk has been built in the upper might be well enough to bear in mind on. attended *he convention in LUV, paca sie end of the village. Farmers are try- that vour relatives may take care of | | sckville on. Saturday. Mrs. N. Gib- » . ing to plough, although the ground is {your dollars. | son is sper te Sh BY ok Xe th rik The kind you are looking for is obt J Reid, 230 Princess Street. very poor |= . a =| town friemls. Mrs. Scott, Brockville, the kind we sell, AF» Telephone, 577 ' 9 very hard. Pastures are Kinnear &d Esterre snd She milk ouput has lessened sou. i Miss Myrtle Gibson. William Burn- | -- - sudera ly. rs. Potter anc : rs, w { ham, Sharbot Lake, visiting his bro- SCRANTON JEWELLERS re Yititing at W. H iS Reblin/ + | ther, ht on Saturday for Mallory- A FRESH "ARRIVAL IN organ indsay, is visiting at J. | town. iss 1 », Mall town, was - oleman"s." Ralph _ Orser and family, [the truest of Miss Helo Purvis, on |@ ante. prompt daivery. Phone, Ganong' s G.B.Chocolates Princess & Wellington Sts. ananoque, are visitinggat his fath- Saturday. Corn-cutters have about 133 . a . Te Ot : : > Ferguson, go | WwW finishec thels season . work, and She Booth & Co., BULK OR BOXES. TR Engage Wh t 2 Be bi: ai Af 1: : Sal temains to be cut, an : we os oi FIN TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS | Sobel atch SE Sr Sb A HAY eres Fresh Cranberries, J oie ®ve Vuh] Campbell Bros". "BiggestandBest" § | IGUR ROOSTER BRAND OF California Pears and Peaches. burn, Ont: { For Buckley's famous hats. that | ii , TOBACCO. ' ---------------- that a conglomeration o ng words | PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees, | The death of Mrs. James D Mur- Plug {1s argument. | Smoking nd chewing, at atoavel Are ready to tontract for immediate ray, a former Belleville resident, oec- Chewing Tobacco { The too hearty hand-shaker general-| cents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why Foe Brick that wal stand inspee [curred at her husband's residence, {ly wants to borrow money or give | pay elhty-five pents, Andrew Maclean, R. H TOYE King St | . 9 . delivery. y : i of tion at reasonable rates, Caj acity of | Benton Harbor, Mich., last Saturday. {you advivél _ | Ontario street, plant, 60.000 dailya

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