PAGE EIGHT. i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1908. EOKORCACK OKA z : Ww £ . THE FUR HOUSE To the Electors of Kingston | «= " a cepted, the Liberal Party, 1 again tending that a well-established mining country is properly governed and ad- ask for your votes fh representative to the House of pl as in the past, todevote my | er of in City of Kingston. Spangenberg DIAMOND MERCHANT 3 | z Next Time You Go It and hc si Ww. A. Mitchells, we i 1 of all kinds. J. 85 Princess St. MARINE NEWS. Found Wharves. loading | What is About barges are grain at Mooerss' elevator The Pilot {Island with oats for '| vator. The steambarge Tvs COMOMOWOWC If a man Better Book,' "Better Sermon," X "Better Mouse Trap," than C his neighbor, though he *| 2 build his . house in the J |midwight from Woods, the World will make #ireig ght. a beaten path to his dior-- 3! Swift's : A "Emerson." toy evening from bay ports. Year after year, from all The A Kenirving and the parts of the "World nn schooner Jamieson and Keewatin, ever increasing numbers, they ¥ | .jcared or Oswego. come to,-- The tug Hackett cleared from the &¢ . 9» works with two grain-laden The Far House bars res for Montreal. 8 The Slop Maggie The reason apparent. JOHN McKAY, can write preach or make a a a Howe ve arrived from Richardsor sloop #03 at way Navajo arrived Montreal with Dundurn, steamer Steamer up, this load L. cleared, fors which is Island, te oats for ' Richardsons'. 3 I'he steamers Reliance and Iria will call at Swift's wharf, irival from Montreal, to-night. The steamer America gave Laval University students a ine yesterday, from. Prescott, among Thousand Islands. The government tug St. od here, to-day, from Quebec, way to Pelee Island, Lake tug St. John, now at Pelee will return to Quebec. M. T. Co.: The steamer Algonquin arrived from Fort William, with 70,- 000 bushels of wheat, and cleared at to-day, for Fort William; the Jeared for Cleveland. Llexan- on ar- | the trip, the 149-155 Brock St. HOKOKOKOKOH Paul arriv- on her Erie. The Island, Frowokor HOMO HOON noon, TAX BLANKET PROMOTERS. and Portsmouth. | #aess Who Speculate in Non-Pro- ductive "Mines."' | Prof. 0. D. Skelton, of Queen's Uni- versity, read a paper "The Taxa- Having received, and ac- [tion "Of Mineral Resources In Can- the nomination of|"a." at the National {tion Convention, in ENTLEMEN : on Tax Toronto, con- taxed and in- industry should be taxed, and | local au- ww the state, rather than by a8 YOUTr |thorities. "The almost universal prac tice is to tax on the nual output, than on the capi- tal value, contrary to much American | theory and practice. Net profits seem {preferable as a basis of taxation to output, - if uniform accounting 1 efficient officials are secured. The ience to eleet me in Canada an- rather Commons of Canada, and | edge myself for the future, | po 1ergies to the promotion fan i | : the prosperity and be si [acreage tax might be materially n- |ereased, being graduated with the terests of this good old | lapse of time claims which are unde- The complaint that, while le- mining men are forced to pay heavy taxes, shady mine promoters scot tree, has much foree, but the seems to lie less in the slow and indiscriminating machin- ery taxation than in stricter com- pany law and journalistic vigilance. The Canadian habit of taxing Peter to bonus Paul by the fact that in 1905 six bonuses on minerals and mineral products reached $2,500, 000, while total mining taxation was less than $2,000,000." areas. gitimate | WM. HARTY. | go remedy moving of Royal Dresden We show exclusive decora- tions in this beautiful China. Fruit Sets Comports Plates Very appropriate for wed- & ding gifts. is evidenced 88 City Property Committee. There was a special meeting of the city property committee, yesterday af- ternbon, with Alds. Angrove (chair- man), Couper, Graham, McCartney and Toye present. The city buildings' dome question was again discussed, and the architect ret by a couple of members for re- fusing give the committee blue print copies of his plans, so that a Toronto re-inforeed concrete firm could submit a figure It was decided instruct the treasurer insure while it was under expected that work' will begin I'he at 2 to to the construction, to dom as 1t.1 on Monday wturday tracts JEWELLER and committee to award meets on S p.m., con National Anthem. incident in the play, "They the Grand last as curtain was Sang A con nection with Musician,' at that just the members the audience ing most pleasing Gay night, about to of the company anthem, the and joining in would be « companies Issuer of Marriage Licenses. was drop, sang large the rule to fol national rising his opera Sing a for all the low. | - -------- Shopping | Battery Inspection. Tie a string around your finger. | Gordon is conducting will remind you to buy a tin of | spt the R.C.H.A lo A], men we out on parade and given a Bp: Registered q( the manoeuvres, they "WEARS LIKEIRON most creditable showing. The m will last three davs finish for around Col ction of an in day the in and | made a | Imspectic two or 25¢. Tooth Brushes, For 20c. To reduce our stock of tooth brush will sell during this month only tooth brushes guaranteed metal | 0S, We ? the | (October) all our X for 20¢ Every brush | Wade s drug wonderful wood things The w use. Put up Z0S, Sola in in 20¢., 30c. and 50c. store ton's for exclusive neckwear Vincent telephone : Sy o | g Kingston only by ape exchange phones in ac tual serviee My Vadet. Crawford. 146 Pears, red HARDWARE. grapes. ' 4 $ b Handsome Fall Sirs ngs in every line of Our' Men's Haber- New Clean. Crisp thi dashery. Styles That Are Different Handsome patterns in Shirts, $1.00 to $2.25. Choice and Exclusive Neckwear, 50c. to $1.00. Dent's Kid Gloves, $100 to $2.00. Underwear from the Best Mills, 75c. to $3.50. Excellent Hosiery, Correct Styles in Collars and Cuffs. Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, Night Robes, Pajamas, Ete, Etc. Everything that's good in Men's Toggery. 3 Our entire stock of Furnishings are bristling with S new things for the Men's Wardrobe. LIVINGSTON'S Clothiers and Haberdashers. 3 \ fairly ) < 4 y rn ; THE aP.M. EDITION the Aletha, Associa- { - 1latives and friends. ee "GRAND OLD ROMAN' OF LIBERAL L PARTY SPEAKS IN TORONTO. Sir Richard Cartwright Declares That Canada Needs States- men, Not Grafters--His Speech Was Magnificent. Oct. 9.---The political cam- though it has been in in- presented nothing more dramatic or insp than the ap- pearance in the fighting line of that grand old Roman of the liberal party, Sir Richard Cartwright. Full of years but young in spirit, physically. erip- pled but showing all his old-time vig- or of intelleet, the veteran minister of trade and commerce last night held, as under a spell, an audience which packed the Association Hall to over- flowing. Sir Richard's speech was a magnificent effort, a speech which will rank as ane of the finest delivered in the course of the present campaign, and one which will often be quoted in the future. With the fluency and force of the master orator he presented a view of the position to whith Cana- da has been brought under the liberal government that completely answered the criticism of its opponents and roused the audience to a greater sense than ever of the debt which the do- minion owes to Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his associates. It was true, he admitted, that Can- ada was suffering from the effects of a temporary check, due to financial stringency, and that caution and eco- nomy would be necessary for a time, but thanks to a wise administration her resources had been developed with- in the past twelve years to such an extent that he was confident the de- | pression would pass away. | After reviewing conditions in (Gan- | ada, and what was yet to be done, | Toronto, paign, rich cident, has Ww | « {1 Sir Richard said : "In all these mat- ters and in bringing about a good understanding with Canada, if this | ministered, that can greatly help. Sir, I tell you, Canada needs statesmen as | well as politicians, and not grafters and wirepullers, and I think most of us will admit candidly and frankly that if there is one man in Canada |i likely to succeed in this work, one ¢ man whose voice is likely to be heard 1 with respect in the councils of the em- pire, that man is Sir Wilfrid Laur- |& ier." (Loud cheers). Briefly summing up what had done by the government during been the ic veloped to prevent blanketing of huge twelve years, Sir Richard pointed out | wife was dead. that the exodus which had been drain- ing our country had been stopped and |follow as a result of an investigation which is being made. Where we were los- ing a million we have gained a mil- lion, which meant new life, new blood to Canada, and the complete revital- izing of the whole dominion. Trade had enormously increased, and so had the wealth of the country. The speak- er gave a few statistics in respect to the cities of the west. For example, in Calgary, a comparatively small town, the wholesale houses had increased | from five to fifty, and most of the es- tablishments were hranches from On- | tario. In the three western provinces there are three hundred and ninety- five bank agencies, mostly Ontario banks..Iln two years we had been able to do the work of twenty, and had advanced quite as far as our fore- fathers had in a hundred years. It was absolutely demonstrable that every settier in the North-West pro- duces one thousand dollars a year, which goes to the older provinces, a large part of it:to Ontario, and a very considerable part of it to this good city of Toronto. In conclusion Sir Richard asked his hearers to consider how the name and fame of Canada had been exalted, and to judge of its projects, not by the momentary check of the last few months, but by the development of the ten years previous. He would not say that the government made takes, committed no errors, might be things to be things to be amended, whole very great results had been achieved, very great forward strides made. He would not dispute the peo ple's right to change their government but he asked them, if they did so, by whom they would replace them, if they sent them about their business ? de the what it might, whether this' government is sustained or de feated, nothing could prevent them from saying that the last 'twelve the brightest and best tory, and he would be if the next twelve a record as the 1908. (Loud and the flow reversed. no mis- there regretted, but on the issue vears had been in Canada's his very well satisfied showed half as from 1896 prolonged cheers) good vears to PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What | They Are Saying And Doing. | Mrs. (Corpl.) Pare and baby leave Kingston to visit friends for a week. Archdeacon Macmorine is definitely better, having taken the hopeful turn yesterday. Nellie « Yates Potter for the {turned home. Miss Mary Granger, Cape Vineent, lig in Kingston on a short visit to re has been past week, visiting has re Miss Mrs. Mrs. very Charles Coe, Montreal street, ill, was removed to the hospital Fhuesday-aiternoon. F. W. Dickenson, Alfred street, re- { turned » Thursday, from a business trip | to Boston and New York. { Mr. Lawlor, a commercial [who underwent an operation at 'the { Hotel Dieu for appendicitis, left Jat | midnight, Thursday, for his home/ in {| Toronto. 3 Miss Clara Miller, an honor gradu- fate of Queen's University, and a spe- | cialist in mathematics, who held a {position as principal in a preparatory [8c hool, "has applied for a position on {the Collegiate Institute staff, at | Lindsay. | The many friends of Thomas Dowsley {will be pleased to learn that he will | hereafter be found in his old plage at {the Lockett shoe store. He left here | eight years ago to take a position with the W. H. Stewart shoe store, {of Montreal. | | jon traveller, Only one store in Kingston that sells high-class candy. y | Huyler's are sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230. morning, west, time to be their reached the held up by a contractor, who had load of stone on the track, and it is stated, the ceed on its way. time,. anxious to catch the train, their but just as they saw the train pulling out. company was not to blame, {was the [four hours that a street car had been {An Alleged Case vestigation is being leged the The accused says that he secured a di- | voree McConkey's and | ELECTED OFFICERS nn m---- At a Meeting of Good Templars Thursday Night. At a meeting of Hope of Kingston lodge, Order of Good Templars, held in the school room of Brock Street Methodist church, Thursday evening, additional officers were elected as fol- lows : Vice-templar, Sister Mrs. Brown; secretary, Bro. A. Kiell; as- sistant secretary, Sister E. Brown; financial secretary, Bro. Mullinger; treasurer, Bro. Allen; marshal, Bro. Scriphen; deputy marshal, Sister Brown; guard, Bro. Kiell; sentinel, Bro. Beswick; P.C.T., Bro. S. Brown; S.J.T.,, Sister Mrs. Norman; chap- lain, Rev. Mr. Bilkey. The order has now a membership of eighteen, with fourteen additional names, proposed for the next "meeting. Mr. Shearer will pay a visit to Elginburg, on Oc tober 28th, for the purpose of instal- ling the officers elected at the lodge there. STREET CAR HELD UP And Passengers Were Too Late For Their Train. A number of people, who went out to the junction on the street car, this to catch the train for the that they were just in too late, and it was not either. When the car Methodist church, it was a who refused to pull out of so that the car could pro- After waiting for a who were very picked up and started off on foot, they neared the station, The and one f the conductors reported that this second time within twenty- found fault way the passengers grips | eld up in this way. | MAY BE CHARGED. of Bigamy in the City. to-day, made that an in- into an al- of bigamy in the city. It s claimed that there is living in the vity A man who married, when he al- eady has a wife. The couple came to city from tlie west, but the where- of wife No. 1 are unknown. It was learned, « case abouts his wife, while it is also he from laimed that Some interesting developments may B. A. Hotel Arrivals. A. W. Wilson, Moosejaw, Sask.; J. J. Towers, Rochester; E. Shephard, Hamilton; Robert Johnson, H. K. Barnard, W. C. Shaw, H. C. Brady, J. E. Dynes, George Shoenson, J. V. Gallagher, R. G. How, H. A. Scran- shaw, Montreal; KE. C. Brown, Brigh- ton; R. B. Mastin, J. A. Vander- voort, W. R. Dalby, Toronto; Max Weimer, Miss Kendall, Hyden, P. Clif- ford, Harvey Shortt, W. J. Gill, J. Powers, Rochester, N.Y; Mrs. and Miss' Gibson, Gananoque ; J. F. Me Cullough, Detroit; A. J. Burke, Hali- fax: Otto G. Palen, Toronto; J. F. Ferguson, C. 8S. Bentley, W. C. Hu- ber, C. A. Urequi, Bufialo; T. Bod- dington, Tovonto; G. W. MecAthiren, Syracuse, N.Y.; A. Davis, Picton; Sam. Slocum, New York; Joseph C. Miron, Weshster, Mass; T. A. Web- ster, Lansdowne. They Want To Vote. City Clerk Sands bas applications every day from men who wish to re- ister. | "What do you want to register ?"' | the clerk will ask. "Birth, death or | marriage ?"' "No, we want to register to vote, " is the invariable reply. The provine ial lists are being used | in the coming federal election, and no whose name was not on the list for the election last June can vote in this election. | one, St. Paul's Tea And Concert. The tea and concert held on Thurs- day, in aid of St. Paul's church, was a great success. fair and in was the afternoon with people. In the the bad weather another turned out to the concert gramme of vocal and music was furnished by ston's talented artists. sum was realized. Football Player Recovering. A. McCutcheon, an employee of the locomotive works, who was badly in- fured in the football game on Satur- day iast between the tender and boil- er shop teams, is improving daily. While tackling an opponent he fell heavily to the ground, breaking two of his ribs. It is hoped he will be in the game a week from Saturday, as his loss would make a great difference to the team. was evening despite large crowd A fine pro- insttumental some of King Quite a neat The Club Flourishes. The men's club of Sydenham street Methodist church is in a flourishing condition and accomplishing much good. Charles Taylor is president and F. Bird secretary-treasurer. The pastor, Rev. C. A. Sykes, is teacher, assisted by Rev. Dr. Ryckman. All men are invited to attend the Sun- day afternoon sessions. Try Edwards And Jenkin's Home-made maple cream candy. Home-made raspberry vinegar. Home-made taflies. Home-made humbugs. And special Ceylon teas. 274 Princess street. Phone Presented With $1,000. 775. works, some months |ago, was presented, on Thurtday evening, with $1,000, from the com- { pany, in whose employment he was in- jured. | the locomotive Camera Bargain. A 4x5 plate camera, extension lows, five double plate holders case for $12 at Best's. . Good new, Original cost $25. bel- and as | The steamer New Island Wanderer brought a large number of passengers from ( ape Vincent and points beyond | Ji day. Try Edwards And Jenkin Special Ceylon tea. Cheque book for the present year. con enquiry, treal is concerned. government counsel 1s going when he L. who had such a hot time on the stand here. "Mr. Watson also expects to able Safety has figured dence, but the sub-marine signal com pany, of Boston, say their ofcials are out of nothing can be done just now. Association has decided rate of single fare for the return trip for choir hundred real by the Monday, home iting cities in Canada and singing for steamer Quebec, sailed October Corsican, and swore that his first V Allan line Boston, sailed from Boston, Oth, steerage Allan a.m., here were sold at of Dent, the mystery, friends who believe he committed cide, are stated and the only possible exp {of the became Enoch Godwin, who lost a hand at |, MUCH MORE PROBING TO BE DONE IN : IN THE MARINE ENQUIRY. J. F. Fraser is Not, the Guilty Party--Single Fare For Concerts of Sheffield Choir to Be Given in Canada. Canada. Only Montreal, Oct. 9.--Chiel Justice Cas- se als, in 'the marine enquiry, intimated that there would be a great deal mor probing done before his work was complete. He said that J. F. Frase: does not appear to be the only guilty party, and it would be necessary to put in evidence of all the involved contracts. He further stated that it would be necessary to go further into the auditor-general's charges against Col. Gourdeau. The first witness of the morning was U. I'. Boucher, the Montreal agent, whose bookkeeping methods have been in the limelight. He produced his bank shook -- and He d not go back farther than that, as he had the destroyed previous books. Justice Cassels concluded the marine this morning, so far as Mon- G. W. Watson, the before the court, to New York on Monday, will take the evidence of F. Brooks: partner of G. H. Merwin, be the which evi- § to go over the books of Car Heating company, prominently in the the country at present and The Canadian to Eastern Passenger grant a all concerts of the Sheffield The chorus, two arrives in Mont- Allan liner Grampian, on November 2nd, and sails for Friday, November 13th,svis- the Canada. in number, on me evening in Buffalo. The Allan line royal mail turbine Victorian, from Montreal and for Liverpool, via Rimouski, from Montreal; 5.30 a.m., on Oth. The Allan line steamer from Liverpool, for Quebec Montreal, via moville, was ve yorted twenty-nine miles below Grosse 8 a.m., October 9th, The steamer Laurentian, from for Glasgow, via Halifax, 9.15 a.m., October with eight cabin and twenty-two passengers. SS. Hibernian line, from London, jnward, 9.50 Victoriaville, Que., October 9th No cheese board meeting was held yesterday. Two cars of cheese 114c. last night. The disappearance of James P. Dent Baker & Co., accountant fo steamer Murray Bay, is still a hut there are very few of his sui although he went to great pains to create that impression. His affair to be in first class shape ition "of his desire to disappear is that his do mestic circumstances were unhappy. sle, Kingston's Sir Richard. Toronto World. Sir Richard Cartwright is one of the liberal -- old - guard. In his seventy third year, he still declines to be Oslerized from the Laurier cabinet Elected in Addington in Idud, it was in November, 1873, Sir Richard be came minister of finance, continuing luntil the defeat of the mackenzie gov ernment. Himself defeated in that election, he won by a bye-election it Huron later in the year. In the gene ral election of 1882 he again taste defeat in Wellington county, but was {returned by acclamation in South Huron in 1883. In 1857 he contested South Oxford and represented that constituency until his appointment to the senate in 1904. "On the formation Laurier government in 1896 he minister of trade and com merce, and continues as such. He is la member of the imperial privy coun 'cil. The hall where the ai- | held was nicely decorated, | thronged | gy. § ---- Drinkers On One Side Of Bar. Catharines Standard. The Standard has been informed by lone who has tended bar in this city | for time, that young men, night {after night, make regular rounds | certain of the city hotels, drinking smoking and foolishly spending thet hard-earned wages. Others, thougl | older, frequent the same haunts night [ly and cling to the bar until expelled by the proprietor at closing hours. A Ppeculiar thing, worthy of note, is the fact that landlords now have room in their employ for none but men who are total abstainers. Ii the drinker would but note that the man who sells the detestable liquor is himself- in the majority of cases--too wise to taste it, how much less would be the ruin of promising lives ? The drink habit is a great evil and it is to be regretted that so many young men are addicted to its some Cadets Are Confident. Cadets I will line up as follows against Queen's 1I at the athletic grounds on Saturday afternoon : Mere dith, full-back; McKenzie, Green, Bos well, halves; Reid, quarter; Young, Ringwood, Holt, scrimmage; Hutton, Rogers, inside wings; Parr, Arnoldi, second out; Goodeve, Reiffenstein, out- side wings. The soldiers feel confident that they can give Queen's the short end of the tussle. They appear to have another shamgionsilp team in the college this year. Queen's 11 will line wp as follows : Smith, full back; Menzie, Leckie, Goodwin, halves; Meikle, quarter; Or- mond, Marcelles, Smith, scrimmage; Houston, McKay, inside wings; Thompson, Clarke, middle wings; | Grimshaw, Young, outside Wings, in New figs at Carnovsky's. Strained honey. Edwards & Jenkin. "Snap", removes grease or paint from your hands like magic. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. All gold-filled glasses sold at Best's ase fully guaranteed ten years. Suits cleaned and pressed. My Valet. Chestnuts. Edwards & Jenkin. for $1.50 1,000 SPECIALS TO-MORROW MORNING, 9 to 11.30 Just in the nick of tame comes a few special purchases that means a great savingto you, Yards Fine White Flannelettes For Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Nightgowns full. It is 28} inches wide and extra good value at 10c to 1lc yard. Yours To-Morrow Morning, 8c Yard. 375 Ladies' White Undervests Good weight for Fall, made with long sleeves and buttoned neck. These are good value regularly at 40c each. Yours To-morrow, 25¢c Each. The Largest Assortments In Kingston OF -- = Ladies' Fall and Winter Underwear Ladies' Union Wool Undervests and Drawers, 25¢ and 3bc. ' Ladies' Natural Wool ers, 49¢ and 75c. Ladies' White Unshrinkable Drawers, 75¢, 99c. Ladies' Heavy Scotch Wool Vests and Draw- ers. Ladies' Very Fine Makes of Underwear. Ladies' Combination Suits, CHILDREN'S Comfortable sizes both in Vests and makes to select from. Undervests and Draw- Wool Vests and Underwear, all Drawers, 5 different To-Morrow Your Fall Goat Or Suit--Not Ready to Buy Yet It makes no difference. You may choose your Coat, or Suit, or Skirt, and have it placed aside until re- quired. You have a choice now impossi- ble to get later, so we invite you if only to see what we are offering. for Hickory nuts at Carnovsky's. ° . ® ® . * ® ® * ® e * e . * . * ® * - * » » * » " * ® Ld » ° * * ° * * . . The Best Shoes for $3.00 EVER SOLD IN KINGSTON We are showing a line of Ladies' Fine Shoes. consisting of Fine Dongola Kid, dull calf top, exten- sion soles. A Dull Calf Blucher with a low {latheel. A Dull Calf Blucher with a military heel, A Patent Colt Blucher with a dull calf top and military heel and a patent colt button to match. Choice of any of these fine shoes for $3.00 a pair. Sizes 2} to 7. The Lockett Shoe Store P.8.-- Come nics Suit Cases and Trunks just in. VO0000000P0RCQRQRROC0C00CCCRPOP RN IANPARGSHONOGOGN! Bates ster srassreansccssct tress sans " | Es ie