Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Oct 1908, p. 6

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PAGE SIX, . : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1908. | Goodwin At half time the score ' it must be stopped, say that the VICTORY il 0TTAW stood 13 to 4 for Queen's. The sol- B party that does not stop it will not 0 diers secured a rouge and Meredith receive our support and. influence." {landed three more by dropping one be- tween the posts from Queen's twenty Wedded At Cobalt. ; | QUEEN'S WON FROM ITS Se Se n's secured three rouges A SERMON BY REV. Ww. H. Cobalt Nugget, : ; , : OLD TIME RIVAL. and two touches, one they failed to - SPARLING. A pretty but quiet wedding took H GRADE cohvert and the other did not have a ' place at the Cobalt Methodist par- | . gi try. 2 . . ,. |sqnage on Tuesday afternoon, Uet, T : Gi : {Final Score Was 14 to 7--Ottawa In the second hali Cadets came back The Ballot is the Poor Man S 16th, when the contracting parties he God-given Cure for All Diseases of Led at Hali-Time by 5 to 3--|ci;ong and just about reversed the Patent of Liberty--It is Time |were Miss Harriet Warte, whose home \ owels r nevs i 3 1 i 3 : Boal in dnsys The Story of the Game Briefly [conditions of the first half. During the Bribery Evil Ceased--Re-|is at Richland. N.Y., and Emest E. the entire hali the ball did not come Campse lI, of Godfrey, Ont., who has ¢ ad. ; : form Leagues oin Good A tg Ww ; . , over Cadets fifteen-yvard line three : s Doing heen prospecting in this district for Whaat He Sam: «Mother team made a 0d | times. While Queen's failed to score, Work. about two years. The ceremony was d h in the Interce their opponents landed six pit , Se- In Queen street Methodist church [performed by Rev. A. F. Mackensie, never made suc when it ated 1ts old- |, 4ne three rouges and Meredith d- lon Sund Rev. W. H. Sparling [Miss Coral Walker, niece oi the delicious coffee as this.' rival, Ottawa { ge, at the | 1 another of Ts fine drops, making preached a strong sermon on bribery jgroom, 'was in attendance on the 1 = ital, by 14 to 7. This 1s the fp, 5 0) seore 13 to 10. McKenzie is land corruption in elections to a large bride, and Rev. J. E. Hunter, of WHat Sue Sain: "Mather first time that Queens ever won On f4, fife of the Cadets and without him § coneregation. He chose his text |Latchford, accompanied the groom. Ottawa College gronnds The game! would be entirely at sea, He from Proverbs xiv,-84: "Righteous- [It is the intention of Mr. and Mrs, never used Chase & {was played before 2,500 spectators, keeps them well in control all the | ness exalteth a nation but sin is a |Campsell to take wp their residence ' : 1 Juding 300 Queen's supporters time and by his coaching helps them reproof to any people." The speaker |i Cobalt for a time. Sanborn's Coffee. gestible food which these rgans The teams Were : Bawlf. full back along in many ways. said that righteousness was a ua- i "That's why should have removed 8 . College--Lawil, Ju i ROR; tion's safety, and that righteousness Indoor Gown Of Cloth. ' Fruit ces Richards, Whelan, O'Neil, 1g ves Association Football. in a nation depended upon individual - a Wiiat o ' de ¥ £15 | ¢ te Chartrand, Costello, 10d ak ¥ - ne-- "pature's provision f keepinz the Pes an, ins A i 2 ot Ha The Wanderers. entertained Elgin- | righteousness. a = --_-- : : onway, 8 nmage; arrington, Hag climinati sehinery s' bods 3 Rv: Sail. MeCarthy, Hart. | burg at the cricket field, on Saturday, An referring to the bribery in elec- ih pg > | HE ORRIN HOON EE -- Working i. "Feoit a. lives are the erty, Ryan, omth, a * TH and proved too good for ihe visitors, | tion the preacher faid that the tim 1 Rat DIY i inn I wat a J tds. of fre Wi 5 | ings. Willi s. full back: Mae-| Winning out by 3 goals to 0. In the WAS, now ripe for rebuking the na enteral Jute $ resh, ipe Que en 8 illiams, ful mek: a | first heli the Wanderers scored one | tional vice. It has existed, does ex fruits, eombined in such a way that |donn®ll, Crawford, Turner, halve Hanson doing the trick. On-]ist at the present time and is eve: neys amd us sys- | utting td ter of th « 1 1 w Hig. Patt wnolis: umpire pang The wame, which was very traflic vice [cannot be stamped out all poison, put g 11} teferee, b 10'ds; WME, bf wn all through, was witnessed by a lat once. 'A man who bribes an- ishing the i yubles that | Charlie Ross other man," said Mr. Sparling, "low- ers himself to the same level as the 80 offe %. 4 | Jleinburg--F. Balls, > . x 50 eff which ke pt Queen : Row sig E iors p Flgin bung vell i J. Smith, | scorn to ateept 8 bribe for thelr, awl We have the most complete assortment ten minutes had elapse 2 ¢ eh Niersr. Rd Q . | vote, yet they will go out ane wribe \ EY 5 1 {ball in scrimmage on (Queen's twenty-|R. Silver, A Smith, J. Smith, H Te or i ke ra. ii 8 ; of the most up-to-date Footwear to be 7 ' hilbott. Johnson | When he entered a polling booth and down, avy failed to convert. | Hi wr "on, Morgan, Philpott, Je hnson saw the number of men gathered tsi ! een ant ite. ae EVN rr xr io. OAH $i Leath i | iy hie to wal sm up the Pr | he Wanderers are now under the SFaiud. An Shey there. thr ugh D R d Sh cme « aker y the Pres t } . 43 erest to their party ? » would we er d S . wterians a) d in a couple of minutes | management ot the C.1.C. A thle tic lad to think ps but 5 they : ei oes, the highest bidder. "Now this is : Tan Shoes, Jia outrageous and every citizen must by ' J : - i Htawa getting n i < | : By. BH : bly x 0% / i We have just received our on Es | Ont \ - getting « H of Light Sporting Notes he ony. tat pt exis Is. and hut sey Fk i : Bro n Shoes . ¢ Vy Loo cicking 1 lowne 2 S. dic es & eel lowerec his evi / } : vy new. stock of Leather Goods. lon Queon's part. Finally Bawli had| Strathroy has decided. to Tevive Ig- {must cease here" vy / con', Patent Shoes, et us Show you the very Jueen's added another in the same | ty soccer team defeated McGill hy ernment, and makes him, on election The low. round collar. leaving the ateat styles : ay |i ted minutes' hard a 5tol. day, the peer of any in the land. The : Si eet y 'Ken Williams' punting -abili- |" Chicag he first of the world's 108 DOSt Of any in 110 oa. A he Ineck exposed, is very becoming to I Chicago won the first of t poor man may protect himself and his most: vouthtal weavers: and the collar $295 : : ; Women. ee). ne s ( all opened h a rush, i, s, . Hamilton Tigers, 23: Mont- | cacredly ruard his ballot. very i : ' tive 4 1 : W@W . > : Ottawa having the advantage: Liaw. [yyy], 9, specting man must deplore this |® VOY, attractive frock for house} g Also a complete stock of Women's Spats Horn Back Alligator Bags. tord rouge mada > 8 oe 6 to 3 onchoat won the Ward Marathon |state of affairs, and'one pai ty wear. The mode! was of grayish > ae @ . a) RT soft woollen material, of light weight, | 3 and Overgaiters in Fawn, Brown, Blue. y acti atly in : uarter; Brice, Brewster, Gib-|goal oreaal tv 3 nel eal . ;- ction wes t Moran, 4 Iarie: of ] Eh oy ern HD | crossing over, the home team cone | increasing. One party is no worse ig : mn on, scrimmage; «JOY phy, tinued to have the better of the game, than the other, as has been often make life miserah | Ottawa opened up the game with, a No other r ly has ever been diss {snap and a bunch of quick plays, | lows : F J Silver, B. | bribed. There are men who would 2 Reapance {five-yard line The ball was passed] Fownsend and E. Bearance. or." The preacher we . 8 i) 3 . . : ---- -- lout to "Mike" Smith, who circled the | Wanderers--Stokes, Stewart, Hart, fi The preacher went on lo say Eka Ey] | | found in America, including all the newest i d i f1 re 1 be no, are Association, and in luture Wi "| there for money, to sell their vote to When passing drop in and fito rouge on Williams® kick. Ottawa, |py " ' The ballot is the poor man's pa 1 | "At Montreal, on Saturday, the Var- | fang of liberty, his voice in the gos ~ Ny Oa es were found. useful I'he half end har nship series at Detroit, Sat- {interest on election day by the bal- : Hand Bags. Special $1.25 ed with the gcofe Bb to $ for Ott casmpionsin . : n day: by 81 less bodice is to be very fashionable b : = [ ith the | 5 to 3 for Ottawa | yrday, by 10 to 6. ot. If judges and jurors sell their |g "0 00 0 1 during the fall and In Laced and Button Effects for Men and R ; : 2h I Williame ade it '6 bv a her | t At ¢ ) sut 11 g 3 § } Special $6.75. Lo i de % toch in nother | sace in Toronto, on Saturday, cover- pot hold out its hands and ss hese hd was closed down. the centre of the late the action of Liver, | { Buck, McCann, Gallagher, Lawson, DE comic by White: and shown in the courts. Like the liquor wt a voter st fee rv degraded OU ] , "Bingham, H.. Bingham, that a voter must feel very degradec : . Sind aa) carrie or & touch [fe 3, bing Canadian and American patterns. S > m, Spacis iams "kicking two touches Z Rughy scores on Saturday : Varsity, | verdicts as voters sell their votes| kee hi trap urses = pecia | just - before ed 32. McGill, 0. Ottawa, 45; Aa the poor man is lost. He should |e : joa le Seria rat ing the nineteen miles in 1.51.2¢ He re clean and those of the other side front with huttons of the same clot] > Parple, Red, and Green. Also many styles Euheir ie : t TL i ar f was eight minutes ahead of > 8 olluted he vo x i. Semi-nrincesse Style 1 . . . Kinnear & d'Esterre { thei e oi I Hi tt blocked Bawlf's | 1 man i "Here not long ago there was ar Ti i ou y - : atl | Hix tyle, & of Black in Low, Medium, and High K a ollowed up, droppin on | dike . . a PA Yous 5 . a ail i and long tucked sleeves of 1 dyed | 3 { Dorando Pietri is arranging a rac election that was a credit to the the igskin for a touch-dow: i + : f aide . ny Rs to match the loth were used. he 4 Leneths . . . > 1, with Haves, the official wit the { city," said Mr. Sparling. Both par- |" » : . tia 1 Jeng S. JEW ELLERS J was 0 soiiverted Que ua, 9 Ot on: Marathon race at Shepherd's Bush, | tie daed themselves that there Io : War Jas of white Irish 4 ihe most spectacular play London. The match will probably | would be no bribery and not one pub- 2 Ye of a BHT Di tape er Well S tof 1 game followed shortly. Out N I Le: charue: could bed echt." He the A ---- mira nce © ellington Ots. D take place in New York. | arg tld be brough e then T Bg . ' ueen"s scrimmage on the half President Brush, of the Giants, says | spoke of numerous outside places Fermenting Food. that from a sportsmanship point of {that were very bad but had heen When the stomach is weak a por- iew. the National League pennant | cleansed of this evil by the work' of [tion of the food does not digest. It V : belongs to New York. They don't ! the citizens forming an Election Re- [lerments, sours and creates flatulence, Palpitation of the heart or heada Fy cw people por CR. 3 HAC RA ASHOK rood crowd. The teams were as fol HAA ' ble. a Trial size 26c. Frult- »d, Ottawa, AASHAS * ball to Ottawa's line. and then it was hard known as the up and down, with Queen's gain- | Football Club. HAS CL. Association LA cK \ ao i SHH Ho HAASE HH were pictured wa very simple design, but would make HHH GH AACE (Ss HHH SHIH er carried the ba to Macdonnell, who zigzag (Mttawa SHEAGKY wd scored \ 14 Ottawa, V rouge a few minute « J Ito ry i t he prof ional sports we, m Charl 3 King, the Montreal canoeist | and walking champion, who wagered view things from portsmanship for league and interesting both : in it He read many elip- [is apt to result. gs to show the effect of the work Day's Dyspepsia Cure gives prompt relief and restores proper digestion AHO pg AK FRAICHE SR standpoints in organized baseball and a Tar? favor be done away with here | This preparation has Digestive A SY rr, -- [that he would walk from Montreal to {if on good men will interest them- | Tonic and Laxative properties. Ea h Queen's II Defeated R.M.C. } Vancouver in 150 dav¥, without beg- ves in it," said the preacher, 'and bottle contains sixteen days' tre n' Saturday afternoon in Sinter- [won the wager five minutes before the mediate intercolleciate « 8. The 1Sir John Power & Son Led. l [weather was ideal for the contest. | \ Toronts Toeeram : | Limstoncs. of ESTABLISHED AD. 1791. What wind there was blew right acrosg| Kingston, and, T.A.A.C., these' were BATIR GC : of [Teli eet, of BLA eS MISSTNG WORD PUZZLE THREE SWALLOWS con iene Ve "V2 ons PU nis ita he | -- Wh li fe, not over 200 people tang | ANC wil wick to chen if hance | | GRAY HAIR GOMES WHENcA -- BUT BY THE US IRISH WHISKEY : : - . B WE Mission Dining Room Sett, 8 pieces, early English imption enough in a chal- | dy o Bie finish, for $45. Mahogany Parlor Suites, 3 pieces, Famous for over a ows, and in fine condition, The elle to the C.R.1 G i i " littl ré than in et lee $925 45 st silk coverin: Yhive 1 . . century for'its delicacy wou TREE guile & Fil ¢ the , thus mak 325 to 15.00, best silk covering. China Cabinets for of flavor. YS : . Lo dicrous. thay $18 to 65.00. Of highest standard of fast he! Queen's mer hen fhe] TON fate ns a oy, "5 Ne, \ Py Rob Rei 230 Princess Street. Purit me w Hed it + een that #he | | "ug { \L172 t. id, 57 i y i. not have i ! the | Orangemen At Church 7 3 y 0 Zhi #7 " 7 T ele phone, O77 it is especially niversit OVS an the first Iie y . I woh | 7 4 = / 3 7 m-- racommended by the Lhe) Re i 4 tu Rs pr ol Bn . od serion. 10. the ange. | gh) AE . 2 V7 7 HSK KAA ACIASICIIIASI HIGH ASK AIRING Te \dedical Profession or : a | Q ; : / 7 1 : as hd amor BE Ese ee Th : Tos | COWAN'S CHOCOLATES meee HS ad. ~ : . AND MAPLE BUDS ii 600p EE AL BE ¢__wumoms | | 50c. PER. LB. time limit expired on Friday noon Is to please our customers. This brings us suc- and makes us friends. We do it with our little prices, with our big as- ment, with our fine qualities and grades. Our low prices show you how to save your doilars. A | by y of 1 | 3 5 : Queen Il won from Ca gs, 13 to luing. borrowing or stealing, and carn |bave this crime of blackmail done [ment. For sale only at Wade's Drug 10, at the university athletic wounds) oy Fai mnie a on the way awa itirely. Let all rise and sav | Store. 1G M Id d Obi Yo HIS MAJESTY. THE KING : 5 univer iy at ge rou 2150 by fair mean whil n the way, a he ain ed an jee | ROK AAAS RS Be etre: ARE. A : § i : » the ot ntences read proper 1 ¢ ednesday <@ BEA "Dh fh nly orn mie To min | eo, he many rns rad proper A.J.REES, 166 Princess St ut Rb ¢ SAIS a ) 15 1 lai ie : i re : 3 Hs ; Ho ogrn nat | ! Solution To Cashier's Puzzle i = $ Sas . ; ! ! m Bn | NH fon ho > $ } ¢ --- } lav a ¢ Of qe mason x and the day pay of 1 a Phone 58. Qi) tau pad Dis we have 'the following equation from the facts given: 3 $60 equals Fhen we know that x equals plus $3. | HII CII IICICICIICIISISISISISIOISIIICICH of the two unknown quantities we learn tha $rcrinn REGGIO the day. IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY ; 2Y HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO USE THEN . . . . « . . . Brooklyn, ement that al ) 1 health, bu ta 1 the 1t ly wage wa $4.60, a carpenter's 83, and a laborer's £1.60 . ne Powder. | : ¢ on i " % i : a long time, _-- --_-- " _-- : oro SO Ke -- The St. Lawrence Sugar Refining Co., Ltd . rea aro + (1 \I 4 full back Mount Chesney Notes. \ ReduLy cast Sakencs.) he : } loa : iP } fon, ve liauine is the order of the des ea MONTREAL Suis away Bi. Co Ho, smn atin, og. 101 ares ha ha shop Riedy Ru n Dou n Manufacturers of the choicest Ulliett's Washing Crystal. inside wings; Parr, i, mid- |dogs. th hes : [okey Te turn NB | MADE For OVER 50 YEARS. i ke " ig TE oul Hacklo 3 | at E. Harry R E F I N E D S U G A R S Drobo oforee Charl oxlev:. ummire fat ¥ klock's: D. Howler, in the § (TABLISHED Vasa) oe Char fat ¥., Blackiode's; 1D. Howler, in sh If your doctor says take Ayer's Sar- Granulated and Yellows, Made entirely from Cane > duces played fine ball for. the first Jas' H at H. Searls'; E. Metar- ; : : 3 " " BV CLL ETT DE ral hoi the oy Lor he HE | at Coors Drabeess Hie. and Nos saparilla, then take it. If he has Sugar. Be sure you ask for "St. Lawrence. TORONTO. ONT. time in Cadets' tervitary. About' two | John Smith and little daughter sport anything better, then --take that. D STEWART ROBERTSON & SON, Agents for Eastern Ontario. av was up Capt, Me- | Sunday in Cus endal; Miss Mary Ellen I Eh iiipn | kenzie, of Queen's, had his ankle hurt | Draper is visiting friends in the city CABS! Y ; tack nd' was replsced | In BESBASEEI IIIS SEINE SAS 444TH iL OVERGAITERS Ladies' Overgaiters 50c, 75¢ and $1.00 In Black, Brown, Brown Tan, Fawn, Green, Red and other colors. ount Chesney, Oct 10 YAM about the burglar Journal. The Old Stand and The Old Num A Mrs Hicks was t ber : D 9 . the night before, mE on \ { g "Yes," she said. "TI heard a noise es ne 3 0 8 ISIS and got up, and there, from under the Ry "VON. SSHoLi OFFICE NO. 1. y = bed, 1 saw a man's legs stickir NON-ALCOHOLIC sat," AL All orders promptly attended to. 4 hitching post "Mercy," exclaimed a woman, 'ih If you are all run down, easily tired, thin, pale, night or day. without hitching. Sover- burglar's legs 7° Se eign shells and Crown 'No, my dear: my husband's legs. | ervo ur doctor. . T0 CONTRACTORS & BI & BUILDERS shells will both gtusd with, He heard: the aise toon nerv 8° to you Stop guessing, sop The Perfect DrXK & Tie Co. 'Wash. | OUt hitching, butare always serene experimenting, go direct to your doctor. Ask his ready to go at the "cluck' | y | 5 J Woman's Place In Medi burn, Onty of the firing pin. Acne. PAISLEY & CHISHOLM, Lessees|> $0 £1 ErGN" shots TE en be aks Leen opinion of Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. No A dy to pontract for immediate' (Empire smokeless pow- headway in the ' 1 profession . . 3 Relat Re that will stand inspec | der) don't jerk the shafts ) There is no tenable : RE alcohol, no stimulation. A blood purifier, a nerve tion at reasonable rates, Capacity out when they go. Inother ring the skilled woman from plant, 60.000 dailys words, they don't strain the honors or privileges of the % tonic, a strong alterative, an aid to di gestion. HAHAH tet FF & TER BRAND OF the breech. sion. It is better to uive cordinliv | OUR ROOS |. "Tor all makes of arms. Costs what she demands than to wait till | TOBACCO. one-third to ane-Sith less than duty she takes what she deserves, and thus ree rom CO ol paying ammunition. Our guaran ws 7h A tthe > ienlons Smoking and chewingy at forty-five see puts all risk on the Dominion render the withholder ridiculon cents .a pound, is a good tobacco. Why Cartridge Co., Lid.. Moatreal, ---- a n Ahtv-five bentss Andre ) | * An afternoon tea without gossip has | J. C. AYER Co. Manufacturing Chemists, Lowell, Mass. pay ekbiy fie penis: Androw Maclean. 1 MINION AMMUNITION "no particular right to he ealled co. ; ; Ontario streets . FAEIE 44440041400 444% 44 HEISEI ESERIES SE ' S$

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