Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Oct 1908, p. 7

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1908, TT ER aT NOT SOLOMON'S SONG: BUT A POLITICAL CAM | PAIGN DOCUMENT | | A Pastor Siys a 7 a Political Critic] SURE OF RE-ELECTION. [News of Federal Campaign---Liber- al Swing of Victory. fottawa Free Press. From all parts of the country come reports from independent ;sources in- dicating as clearly as it is possible to | indigate that the Laurier government Penned Famous Poem to Ex-|'* going to be again returned. to : ower pose the Profligacy of the Po is probably too much to . hope Israelitish King. | that Sir Wilfrid will continue to St. Louis, Oct. 12.--That the Song | have a majority of sixty-five in the of Solomon was not written by Solo- | house. but there is ample evidence mon at all, but was a political cam- | that n will be at least thirty. paign document penned by some skill- ! In another coumn to-day we print ful poet of the time, with the object | T*VIeWS ol the situation in Nova of exposing the proflig acy of the] Scotia and Quebec that are worth Israelitish king careful perusal. They show that the / was the startling de- claration o ev. W. C. i Jitting, pas- | tor of conservatives have a fighting r chance of making only small gains. HARLOWE HAPPENINGS. Avery's Political Meeting--A Dis- astrous Fire. Harlowe, Oct. 9.--The political meet- ing held by Mr. Avery, in the school house, on Wednesday evening, was fairly attended. A large number of our voters think that Mr. Avery is just the man. Mr. Avery is registered at the Royal, while visiting our town. Mr. and Mrs. Tyner, Miss Tyner and Mr. Tait, Marlbank, were the guests of Mrs. John Gray, on Monday. H. Neal left for Canoe Lake, on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wood and daughter, Pearl, are spending a few lays at his sister's, Mrs. Peterson's, Arden. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gray have re turned from a few days' visit at I'weed. Mr. Pettiford, Cloyne, was a visitor at L. Whiteman's on Sunday b- 4-4-4 What a "Pandora" Hot-Water the Second Baptist church, in| an address before the Baptist Minis- | terial Association. The other day we published a simi- lar review from New Brunswick, Attachment Means to Me "BELOW---You see how I just turn on the dp 5 last. One of our young ladies captur- ed a fine coon on Saturday evening _ Assailing the generally-accepted new pointing out that the opposition is | last, although it is somewhat out of idea that the song was written by leaning on a hegken reed when it ex- | the coon season. Miss M. Peterson, and instantly get hot water for my dishes, washe gE Solomon and refers to the mystical | pects to benefit from the last provin- | Northbrooke, visited at Rev. Mr. s bbin . %. marriage of the Church and Christ, cial elections. As was stated by the | Sherman's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Thomp- ing, scrubbing, preserving, etc Dr Bitting argued that it is beauti- Free Prose the day after those elec- | son received word on Saturday last, ro ul love story, aimed to rebuke the | tions, the issues were peculiarly local, | of the illness of their son, Ezra, in ~ v vr © a! . : . rz ' ely " E-- you see evils rampant at Solomon's court, and the people being aroused over a high- the hospital in Kingston. He went to cc: " ABOV how the was written by a political critic. This way bill. Libesal newspapers which Wasertoua, a while ago, but was -=3) pipes are connected to the critic, said the pastor, shows the |then opposed the government are, in | taken ill with bronchitis, and got as 2) basin set plaintive sorrow of a Shulamite wo- this election, supporting the Laurier | iar as Kingston on his way home. W. --_ bath and 0 waiting p man of Northern Palestine erving for | candidates, and ih one case a liberal | Scott made a trip to Northbrooke on 2 3 for a bath--no carrying her beloved, and trying to escape the| journal is fighting a conservative | Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Wheeler, h stairs." attempted enforced luxury of court life | candidate whom it helped to elect to | Parry Road, are visiting their daugh- A Ot walar upstairs. for the sake of her mountains and | the provincial house. ter at 'Cosy Nook." a : " a If you are thinking of buying a new kitchen shepherd lover. The advices from the west--with the Mr. and Mrs. J. Gray and children NC 4 t., Pandora Ranges tan be Taking this most obscure book of|exception of British Columbia; where | spent Sunday last at his father's Ww - : see the ing ook ' 8 u $ {-S = 3 s.1:« 1 7 supplied with a hot-water Range, be sure and the Bible, in the 5,000 words oi which | the Oriental question has set up a | Rev. Mr. Sherman held the annual 2 2» Ht PP * 3 UNIVERSAL FAVORITE RANGE the name of God does not appear, and | condition of antagonism to the gov- | missionary service" in the Holiness et % § ¥ attachment if you . ; Cs whose place has been the cause of bit-| ernment simply because it is the gov- | Movement church, Sunday evening z K haven't alread t Itis economical on fuel and guaranteed to cook ter controversy, Dr. Bitting gave it as | ernment--are all most encouraging. last. H. Colquhoun, Calgary, Alta., / - .- h d th y wi and bake perfectly with either coal or wood. his view that the book was the work I'he country west of the great lakes | spent a few days of this week at W. 7 » one, aly e attach. i ' tn : of some northern poet in the tenth will give Laurier a comfortable ma- | Scott's. It is quite a while since = L ment does not either - 3 MANUFACTURED BY century B.C; that its aim was to] jority. : Harry visited our place, and his - > take extra fuel or i fom " ; FINDLAY BROS. CO. Limited. make Solomon and his home odious to In Ontario there are going to be | many friends were glad to see him vs - ) n= 4 Carleton Place, Ont. the peop le of Northern Palestine, and |/losses and gains on both sides, and | looking so well. Miss L. Miller has terfere with baking. A that it was the forerunner of the the probability is that, numerically, | gone to Tweed for a few weeks. N. : 3 division of the kingdom. neither will be any better off as the | Milis spent Sunday last at his fath- 8 "It was written," said the doctor, | result of the coming elections. er's at Flinton. Miss M. Thompsen is "to expose the profligate monarch. Of course some rash enthusiasts like | visiting at P. Peterson's, North- : \ 4 : : a 'For Sale by All tie | ead ng Dealers." Solomon, you roembie, had 700 Wives | as-- Ee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ / i ? and 300 conenbines. we age was -- XA : - - . --- - [verge us. The king set a bad ex --TT RW bo MN ' i The story tries to show the ; 24 3 : « t : | ample. binck backeround of his lustful life. It % lwas written to show that in the Brin Your {mountains there still was such a thing London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg. Va ver. St. NB. Hamilton, Ca . {as pure, incorruptible human love. #4 Join, ; igary. { "The whole story converges on the FOR SA LE BY LEMMON & SONS. ordaameac [question of monogamy, as lin Eden. and was intended to rebuke -_. - ------------ tn Le H 1 h i ) . d 1 ! il | the Jstful or entalism into Wikieh EE : = 1Qplomon's court had fallen. The fam 1g R rice dal or ily lif nd been debauched and a so yr : icin condition was exposed tsb, had . : ldrained the resources of the land. It 3 ie Spe true, inflexible love of one wo- Look for this Trademark Wi it (11 {man for one man as proof against 1 xt i a sult of passion and of position : 3 | that is heid y Lo praise. : | pen y This trademark makes every ( " SETS THE PACE. 4 : : If you like. "He knows a good thing when h | CANADA SEIS ° Bin jud ze of fine hand-tailored sees it" 4 xed ¢ Change Wrought By the Liberal sees 1t X on need an Government--New Canada. EFORM garments. y Toronto. 1908 Sir Richard Cartwright in » : | | What the government is Salted a A . ft i Ei taint J credit for more than any hing else, > ; \ per haps, is hie Yery gh : position Vo Wi ~ A orm which anada as attainec | | vert COA t or us" compared with the position, Cope | [2 ' that constitutes the best in tailoring. 1 {da occupied in 1896. (Cheers. of | that the government is entitled to ; : : | credit, for thst Sir Wild Laurier Cloth, tnmming, workmanship, style, fit and 18. very reatly entitled o cred 01 ; | Those "of you who remember, as I wear--all Sle eluded o be ir Yu do, what position Canada occupied in with this trademark. 1 Suit. Curseare as stylish and as goochitt Have all the | 1896, who know, as I know, how en | tively Canada was regarded both at St. James' and Washington &s a ; : lmere negligible quantity, how litle It is a good thing to look for and a mighty 3 | regard was paid to our opinion on 18 the | any subject, will appreciate fully and terrtively the altered position of things ' 1896 was thorough- good thing to find--and you will always find it in the genuine Fit-Reform Suits and Overcoats, made progress is « Overcoats from $5 to $18. | Wherever you go you will ar in th "Eddie" Redway, As "Alan,' "Babes In Toyland," best Merchant Tailor can turn out [now Canada in . tH . . 1 rend HR negligible quantity. ow stands : little touches of style, thcught so indispensable. The he" cae to-day ? Why, Canada sets by the founders in Canada of hand-tailored garments. 3 i " : * : ~ the pace ! To-day the example of Lp ] only. difterence is in the price. Every taste and | Canada is followed. To-day the opi = . a e y | nion of Canada is quoted. To-day at 5} ~ Suits and Overcoats, $15 to $35. 4 ery purse will find satisfaction here. A othr Tutu treaty - : : y : & | affecting the interests of Canada can . {he made with any other country . i | without the consent of (Canada " Suits from $5 to $20. | (Cheese) Pode they admit that ea eg PE | o { our yhenomenal To-day | win J ' and Francis Merrifield As "Jane in << ,"' Grand Opera House, Oct. 17th. . . tion of the attempts which Canada : | has been' making to solve difficult so- i ; Raincoats from $6 fo 16.50. [ cial problems: To-day we know that] George Taylor are predicting the de- | brooke. Mrs. A. Palmateer was the " | 5 { the way in which Canada "has dealt] teat ot the government; "bint the ob- "guest of Mre:*S: Wheeler; Elmsdale, on et CRAWFORD & WA H M K I ; ; fi d 1 I { with the somewhat difficult question fort is apparent and the Snsalability Saturday last. J. Miller and E. Hufi- i mney DACK 1i NOL satisiie wiin your purc nase. | of maintaining law and order in a | of the predictions made evident by the | man, Fernleigh, visited at J. Mil- y huee and sparsely settled country has | exaggeration that is indulged in. er's, on Sunday and Monday N . { huge a i I led y | x! t that lulged 1 la; i Monday Inst Sole Agents for Kingston | excited the admiration of every man Collier's ~ Weekly remarks that | Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs and little son, ; ~ { who has visited us from other coun- | money counts--and that the betting in | James spent Monday at J. Black's, 9 | tries. To-day princes of the highest | this election is all in favor of the re- | Arden. The Harlowe fair which was One O 5 cross the Atlantic to be pre- | turn of the government. heid on Monday, was quite well pat- 3 | sent at 'Canadian festivities To-day In l'oronto, the backbone of tory- | ronized, and is \eeported the best ever fit is not Yoo uth to say Danada je lom, it is Sanceded tht the Norden he 1d here. A rhimber of the Harlowe 3 . . [the observed of all observers through- | forces cannot succeed this time, and | people attended Arden fair on' Tues- 127 Princess Street, Kingston. out the British empire. It is not | the only question discussed is : What | day. Some of the farmers have: fini. Y F. | too much to s: that to-day the dif- | will be Laurier's majority ? ed their potato digging and report The Store That Sets the Pace Hie blich 1 | i Whit parts the Dtore 1a Sets thie ace, culty i wt to establish a recor poor crop. Mrs. .J. White and dauch- ' ye Canada, but the difficulty will be dritish sufiragists are preparing a | ters Alice and Annie, leave OTe Since Child S Life was to live up to the records we have [demonstration of 60,000 at the House | for a ee weeks' visit with friends Saved by Psychine. | already established. I have said that [of Commons, to-day. "We shall get |at Halloway and Belleville. Mrs: J % : there are these three great facts which [into the house," Mrs. Drummond de- | Gray received word of the illness of Mrs. E. Obedish of Ohswekig, | stand out pre-eminently : "That from |clared, '*how remains to be seen." her mother, Mrs. Smith, Ardoch, who Ont., declares th t Psychinesaved 11806 to 1908 the increase of our pop rem has been Yemoved to Kingston Gener- her child's life. It was then suf- ' ulation has quadrupled the increase il Hospital. One of the most disas- fering from Pneumonia. This was { whi it took place in Canada during | ig ty Tears ld trous fires that ever occurred in Har- in March, 1907. On August {ith | the eighteen years of conservative ad- | lowe took place last Saturday morn- 1908, 17 hs af 2 Bore ation; that during our twelve] ing, when our cheese factory was de- oF ml ni she wrote: | vears the increase has been sixfold of stroved. The fire started al OME he condition of my family' s hzalth | what occurred over their period of Joseph Bankson, a Prominent |. Proprietor arted shout tows Is denidedly good. I give Psychinz to {eighteen years, and [have hardly any also the cheese maker, and who lives each member of my family, eight in Sy a Insurance Man and Much Es- duly: shit thie yods Tron the foo number and I consider their good health [state accurately what the difierence,| teemed Citizen of Bethaay,| tory, was awakened by the roaring of Ee of Tonics, |arithmetically considered, would be the fire, but when he got there noth- est of . onics. 3 we | the positon of Canada intelli Strongly Recommends |ing could be - saved, Many i noth My husband and myself pin our faith to HISU6 and 1908, Let us be modest and rie rushed to the scene, but lee Psvchine becaase it has Sone so [say that we were only one undead | . nothing to save the building as i OF US in times past wien 4 Eh So on Bn inl For OId People. |wint in, mi te imine ae it | Egret is fe 1 lin 1908 Than we were in 1806 "1 : a of had not received hi f ; i s am past eighty years of age and } }2¢. ROL received lus money lor Au- toany skeptical person and you can . | for some time | I had been losing gust cheese yet and it was in the fac- use my name for this purpose." 5 ! From Bad To Worse. strength and suffering from a chronic Sov: in Nir. ihe broke open the ? No words of ours could be stronger! This is only one of the thousands i Torohto Telowiam. [cold and lung trouble, until I was | ©90F an i esrvored to get the of testimonials we have. Psychine is the greatest of tonics for the throat, " l'oronto ard of Education seems | seriously ill and could not go outjof RY nh 1 Sutory hacks, hut the lungs and stomach and no home should be without it. ! to be utterly unable: to fliciently | doors My son sent me some Vinol. | Smoke drove him mek, ane so al Sold by all druggist i 50 transact any sort of busines {1 commenced to take it and it has went up in flames. There were fifty- bottl YE gy and Sores ¥ 304 3100 TRIAL FREE a Sines ' sid [simply worked wonders for me." I feel } Ni® chaese destroyed. For the first poutle, ree trial on application to Dr. T. A. Slocum, : than the children whose educational | better and stronger than I have for | Me m Javeral jnonths, the cheese mired, Toronte Send this coupon NN destinies are in its incompetent and |Years, and my cough is all gone. } W328 not slupped that week, owing to - rs to Dr. T. A. Slocum, spendthrift hands [There is 10 ot ep mello equal to he Jace that Xr Griveliey dad hot SE h wv § Limited, Toronte, 2 The climdx of extravagant impu- | Yinol to build up health and strength elivere e cheese hoxes, ie insur- and receive a trial ; ? TT = ---- |dence was reached, yesterday, rh for elderly people." Joseph Bankson, on will Dk Soyer much over half of - ~ fo Frey bottle FREE. 4 : the school management committee de- | Bethany, TIL : ie O88 hr be patrons Bre HOW F GREATEST OF TONICS FOR HEALTH AND ENCRGY i 0. cided to add a $3,600 office to the| This is because Vinol is the best sending theje ilk io Cloyne fae. GREA ST OF TONICS FOR HEALTH AND RG fo -s ~~ burdens of the taxpayers. cod liver and iron tonic in the world. Blok 0 Rope : at Mr. Gibbs or Mr. : be \ v How much 'more reckless throwing | It creates a hearty appetite, strength il ge SGfnet Pi the factory), |----------=-- - Ty er a wl Sy of public money away are the taxpay- | ens the digestive organs, makes rich, will erect another Iactory soom. : : < A ers of this city going to tolerate at !red blood and replaces vealmess with En ' oh : : 3 a2 ithe hands of a board that does not |strength. The beneficial effect of Vinol A Wise Finance. Advise the purchase immediately of the fol. . vid |seom to value the city's money at ali? |in cases of feeble old people is simply | London Advertiser. lowing Cobalt Silver Stocks: Nova Scotia, 3 9 I'he spectacle of an unnecessary remarkable. Mr. Fielding must plead guilty to * 34 Dr. Spark's 5 egetable Ointmen: 600 medical health office being crea- We invite all "old people, delicate | the charge of spending more money Trethewey ' and Chambers-Fesland. Buying ¥ ' for PILES : 3 Sed, and too many doctors on the | children, weak, risdowa persons, con- | than any other finance minister, but or selling orders may be wired at my expense. Vh ¥ ared especially fo and 4 ward getting ready to "'wrastle for valescents, or those spfering from |he, has al more money to spend, » 143 ALN « 8. A ist f ple Large Box 25 Cents. $ the job," should start a public pro-'chranic colds, coughs or bronchitis in thanks to his skillful financing and All marketable securities handled. Corres- For e by G. W. MAHOOD and all leading druggists. Accept no J test that will sound loud enough to this vicinity to try Vinol on our of- | the progress of the country. Mr. Fos- pondence invited. , I !reach even the dull, cold ear of, the fer to return their mor if it does no | ter spent borrowed money; Mr. Field- DR. SPARK' S VEGETABLE OINTMENT 4 Toronto Board of Education. good. We make this o to ghow our |ing has not had to borrow. In pri- J. O. HU i y I ON, ; | ------------ aith in Vinol. Gegrge: W. Mahood, | vate afiairs, which one would be term- 4 8 gn Dyeing and cleaning. My Valet, druggist, Kingston, the spendthrift ? . yeing g y g ed F 18 MARKET STREET, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. \ . / Sail

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