A YER IN CENTRAL LOVE FOR WHISKEY MADE JOHN DUNSTER STEAL. -- Stole Bag of Clothing Which He Disposed of at Second-Hand Store--Got Drunk on the Pro- ceeds. "Whiskey the of it I 'said John Dunster, known as 'Sailor Jack," when Magistrate Farrell, this morning, sentenced him to a year in the Central prison for theft... He was found guilty of stealing a bag of clothing from a sailor named Hor- Sudds. © He served a term in the county jail and was just released from there a week ago placed under arrest, about clock this morning, by Constable Fil- on. 'Lear Dunster, is cause all ace Dunster was seven of said when is awful," lears, me, this breaking into arraigned in the pYisoner's hox. Sudds told the court about his clothing being stolen from the West- ern House, and after he had finished hix 'story "Dunster commenced to cross-examine him. 'Did you ever see me before 7 ed Punster. "No, I never saw you before, know my all right." 'Lid you see me take them 7" **No, 1 did not." : "Well, I Jost too," said Dunster. 'Are you guilty broke in the magistrate. 'Well, sir, it is suppose I'm guilty, to know is this, clothes 7°' Constable ask- but 1 clothes bag of clothes, or not guilty,' like this, 7 what I wam Who took just ou my y Filson said that when he arrested Dunster the latter was wear Ing two coats and carried another his arm. Sudds claimed that the belonged to him Mr Thompson, proprietor cond hand told the magistrate that Dunster had pawned the at his store and had sum. of $1.25 Dunster name of "John Wright, This. name also gave to the police station, but well to the his little work stable the goods. U'm guilty all right, but it is the fault of "the whiskey," declared Dun ster. striking his fist on the railing The magistrate said that under the c.reumstances he could 1ieney toward the accused, would therefore send him to the tral prison for one year. on two of coats of a se store, good the given the received had Glenburnie.' taken Johny he when ay known did located wus 80 constables game not Con lateson stolen len and Cen- show no RIVER TOO LOW. The Steamer Rideau King Taken Off Its Run. steambarge rived in Kingston, this afternoon. from Washburn, and will leave on Monday mornin at six o'clock, with a general ecarg for Ottawa, taking the place of the steamer Rideau King, which has made her last trip of the season. It was intended to have the Rideau King make another trip, but the water in 'the river is too low for safe navigation. 'On this a smaller boat had to be secured, and thus the John Randall was chartered for the Report the river local navigation companies will have to of It stated that places along the river tahly Carillon, navigation I'he John Randall ar account route from continues Ottawa to go that down says i the out business 18 many no at is al most impossible At present there is only the Ottawa Forwarding company can through the locks, the the boats landing at Queen's wharf one boat that of of rest "Turn On The Tap." George--E--- Foster to Oronhyatekha Dear Doctor,--As vou Foresters have $300,000 of their in the North-West land deal On the security of this we have rowed all the money from bank We into deal as much of of Dy {Letters Late 'My the money know, bor the this current ac We not this we 1 also can have put the L.O.F arranged Could fund count he still more part ot pose ? as can money the Yours "(Signed) require have pur we reserve for sincerely, GEORGE E. FOSTER." Doctor,--1 ha former le the company eived a Let me of the oil the Dear reply "to vou ve not rec my tier that rust turn of the 1 ( machinery the tap. W l 1L.OF. Yours sincerely, FORGE E. FOSTER (Signe Presentations To Lieut On Thursday the the 14th regiment presented W. Peters, in honor of riage, a beautiful Peters officers of to Lieut his recent mar mantel of The presentation Lieut.-Col R k of his fellow officers given in the armouries all the regimental present Mr. Peters appropriate reply signalling evening handsome clock design hy behalf spread was made Kent on a at which Were officers made Vey I'he ment, command, the occasion some days ag } resented "him Woh n chair I'he of the Peters section Lieut reg of which 1S In of the when they beauntifal' Morris also did honors 0 Cl ) | couple a mahogany the an oak ding. Swastika ib alo gave rocker and ardiniere stand, with its bles They Must Be Disposed Of Saturday night. We kets neaches IN have 300 bas ranging from All unsold at 5 p.m. will t of are yellow to 90¢ Le subet five all have a get it for a the discou they in vo to a until This means that basket 'at 9 pam quarter { ner cents every how gone we Soe I can vsky 5, 'on Arn cor 25¢. Red Roger Grapes 25c¢. Finest Red ket, usually sold for 40¢. Crawford Roger grapes, 25 bas- clash troops ) ot 5 The trouble from the hetween Chinese and Hapanese at Kantaro, Korea tled and further difficulty pected Fresh eg lin' Cheese at 11 11§c. to Large Gilbert's arising heen not in has 1s ex- s, at Mul Hill, 1,678 2400 a sabes Vankleek to 11 Yelleville, 11iec.; Brockville, California peaches the | the city | Finley | inward | branch | | if © | PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Scigliano and Maki were found guil- ty of manslaughter at the Sault Ste Marie assizes Conductor Charles P. Clarke while making a coupling Hanover, and killed Dr. Preston's at Newhoro were totally « $¥% on Wednesday. : Fhe assembly of Council of Women place in Toronto in June, 1909, S. W. Cawker, bute Whithy, committed suicide Tast night by hang- ing. Cawker had been drinking heavi ly for some time. Lieut.-Col. Jefirey Burland has given the sum of $30,000 to erect a dispen- in Montreal, for tuberculosis in the province 6f Quebec. ¥d'he Swilts of Chicago, have entered possession of the Union Stock Yards, at West Toronto, onthe terms of sale concluded last week. The rector of Elizabethtown parish Rev. T. Austin Smith, now convales- cent since his long illness hopes to re- turn to his parochial duties early in November, The German Was caught at stable and drive house lestroyed by the International Workers will take sary into balloons Plauden and Hergesel, which left Berlin Mon- dav, have not been reported, and the Aero Club is eonvineed they have been lost sea. Nat Godédwin rich, and Goodrich's former fiance, to Maxime Elliott Goodwin's wife, is the latest U. S. gossip. \ boy, aged thirteen, named Syd ney Pummer, employed as a farmer at St. Anley, near Metcalfe, wa: found dead under a farm that he had been driving. The was upset, Justice Anglin granted a motion fo: the discharge from prison of Matthew Simmons, Owen Sound, an hotel-keep er, to a four-months' term of illegally selling on at Good Miss marry former wed Edna MacMillan, to Harry horse cart sentenced on conviction liquor. The Canadiam, Racing associations do not approve of such a meeting as held by the York Driv Dufferin Park, Toronto the true inter 1s now being Club at as being opposed ests of I'he Racin Ottawa January £12,000 ng to racing of the Centra to be held on January 16th te here will be stakes divide winter meeting Association 1s river trom 23rd, inclusive in purses and over the seven days The Toronto chief of police notified the mayor, that as his men would be on extra duty election day it would for them to take the on the 27th inst. A new world's record for two-year old fillies was established at the trot [ting meeting in Lexington, Ky., wher {The Leading Lady paced a mile ir {2.07 in a successful effort to lower her mark of 2.114. After a short illness Mrs. James passed away at her home in | Tweed, aged seventy-three years. De eased, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Prentice, had resided alg her in Hungerford and Tweed. At Father Point, Que., SS. Mont Royal, C.P.R. line, from Antwerp, in ward; $8. Sardinian, Allan line, from London, inward. The R.M.S. Vir zinian, Allan line, from Liverpool, is ten miles east of Belle lslo. expected that the Canadian of the Heinz Pickle i will locate at Leamington. The pro )osition to give the company a $10 {000 factory and free water besides ex smption from taxes for ten years. Rev. 0. H. McGowan, pastor of B.M.E. church, ory in his of dur impos ol to-day, many ing be sible census It company the won a temporary vic dispute with the roverning of his church whicl to him from his pulpit when Chancellor Boyd dismissed the suit without costs A jury accidental death in A. Brant, his neck long body seeks oust found verdict of the case of Thom an Indian, found broken, at Tyendinaga seen alive Brant was drunk is supposed. to have fallen out coroner's a as dead with When last and he f his waggon I'he use of Canadian cement. in Spo kane, under recommendation of the ity engineers, the first on re cord of an export order coming Canada. The cement manufactured it Exshaw, Alta, and is for in Spokane City bridges Hull capitalists have formed a com any with a capital of £100,000, to | tonstruct a railroad from Lake Te miskaming to Upper Satika lake twenty-eight miles in length, mainly with the C.P.R to from the silver Laidlaw 18 case is use to connect and arry metal William British sion, mines short ipt the pilot of on Tor- but Engineer Walter from his cab 'pulled time to save his life Service army man ol himself moving In rece a pen ew under v slowly yard engine onto esplanade, Farrence jumping him out just in A TRAIN BURNED After it Was Dezgiled--Many Bod- ies Burned. Detroit, Mich., Oct. 16. irom Milierburg, about twenty wrth Metz, that wople were burned yto death with th Metz relief train, and tha | skeletons have been found in the burn «d wreck. The' train ran into a burned out culvert, which the of its derailment. A report from East Tawas that the of life by the burning of the Metz relief train may reach two hundred A despatch miles 8 venteen was cause states loss "The Red Star." 20. ih Se Sweet orange: doz Chestnuts, 15¢ Hickory nuts, Dates, 3c. 1b Pure pork sausage, Granulated suga Sweet potatoes, Bananas ! Fresh grapes, blues, greens, Fresh oy "3, 'resh oysters I'v our special Ceylon teas. Fdwards Jenkin, up quart Bananas ! Bananas ete and "Phone 775 25¢. Red Roger Grapes 25c¢. Finest Red Roger grapes, 25c. bas- Ket, usually sold for 40c. Crawford W.C.T.U Asquith stand tak- with of the Premier the government The Quebec branch a cablegram to congratulating him by « the British respect "to moral reform Milk cream drops. Edwards kin. Molasses taffy. sent on en & Jen- "The Red Star." to | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1908. WAS HELD. W. C. Fredenburg Speaks En- couragingly--Gananoque Con- tractors Lose Appeal in Pen- nock Drowning Case. 16.--The gt Gananoque, Oct. proceedings H. Wilson annual fall sale of live stock was "held. Large numbers were pre- sent from the surrounding rural dis- trict, the sale being. held at their farm just west of the town. A few and one hundred head of ecat- tle, were disposed of, and of this num- ber William Patterson and Westley Stoliker took a goodly number. The ale was a clearing ohe with no re- erve bids. (The proceeds will ag- rregate close up to $2,000. A wedding of interest to a large number of townspeople was solemniz- «d yesterday, at the residence of Mr. ind Mrs. R. E. Harding, Bethune treet, Peterboro, when their daugh- wer, Nettie Rose Harding, became the ride of Robert S. Cotton, superin- tendent of power at the Canadian weneral Electric works of that city. Mr. Cotton is a Gananoqué boy, son f Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cotton, Hie- Kory street. Gananoque's lays of Sons' horses Junior O.R.F.U. team s hard at work, practising daily for ts game here on Saturday with drockville team. A big gain is notice- ible in the team's work during the ast week, and the boys are confident f winning out in their Saturday's zame, A big liberal rally was held in the rooms in Boyd's block on Thursday evening. The liberal candidate, W. C. Fredenburgh, of Westport, Rousing Messrs! Dr. Fergus P. Sinclair, organization. made were present. s were delivered by Wilson, W. J. Gibson, O'Connor and Dr. J. m the line of better Mr. Fredenburgh also ouraging address, The appeal of contractors of this udgment' against them for $500 in avor of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pen wck, for carelessness on their part, resulting in the death by drowning, through skating thin which ad cut take that V an & & Mitchell town, against on ice, been to n Toronto this week, before a onsisting Sir Wiliam Mulock, thief justice, and Justices Clute and Anglin. Justice Anglin delivered the 'eport, dismissing the appeal with *OSts, Mrs. Ernest Spencer held a nicely ittended reception for her many riends at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carnegie, Syden- am street, on Thursday afternoon. Miss Minnie Shipman, daughter Mr. and Mrs. rietor of Bay View House, Ivy Lea, 18 confined wut little hope er FeCoVery ol of being entertained for R. R. Johnson, hat his Richards Johnson, was langerously ill at Fort William. R. W. Irving, M.D, a former medical practitioner here, and for the past year and a half, superintendent of the Kamloops, B.C. spending a "short time friends, on his return from D.C., where he has the internatignal uberculosis. ' Visiting otton and street, in vedding of Miss street, with Miss R. L son with Washing- attend- on here ton, been ny congress of town: Miss Ruby William Cotton, Peterboro, attending their brother, R. S Gladys Carrol, Main friends in New York city. Bowen with her parents in Napanee, Miss Laura Reid, Tanner street, in New York ity. J. A. Jack- son, Stone street, in Toronto, on pro- duties, W. B. Carroll, K.C., Toronto. ont the Cot on; essional in DREAMERS SUSPECTED. | Disappearance of John Lehr, of Josephburg. Medicine Hat, Oct. 16 son of Joseph S. Lehr, of Josephburg, has mysteriously disappeared and sus picion is directed against the Dream- * land for some fifteen | | DeConlay, who is, ers, who are believed to have murder ed him. Lehr was a lad of eighteen, time past has fol | lowing up a clue to an incendiary fire {which destroyed his father's buildings several months and which led to the arrest and sensational trial of several members of that bring- ing them prominently before the lic. Blood clots were found lfence near where he had been, none of the cattle or horses {field had been injured. However, trace of any kind, can be found him, or his remains, but the supposi tion is that he met with foul play at the hands of parties who feared ex posure. been ago, sect, pub on the the no of mn GEORGE IN A FIX, Soon Disposed Moslem Slave. Montreal, Oct 16.--The gift of a real live copper colored Moslem slave Ham, of + He to day local railway that has« place in a long time. The gift from an explorer and traveller at present, visiting Montreal, and the slave was instruect- ed to on no account depart from the personal side of Mr. Ham. As might be naturally supposed the gift caused considerable embarrassment to Mr. Ham and he sent it back to the Windsor with a note explaining that C.P.R. officials are not permitted" to accept gifts from the public. George circles was Ontario Bonds Are Exempt. Toronto, Oct Renfrew, who died recently, leaving an estate valued at $469.00, had $100.- 000 invested in Ontario provincial se urities of the issue of 1906. Mr. guson was one of the first men subscribe to this issue, and as bonds are exempt from duty, the estate is the first to benefit by that exemption. 25c. Sliced Ham 25c. Cooked Ib. ford. to th sliced ham, 25¢ Suits cleaned and pressed. My 1 \ Fer- | accom- | sanied by Mr. Mulville, reeve of that | ad- | en Wilson, | al was the most exciting incident in | taken {the accident | the [OWN OF GANANOQUE A FINE LIBERAL RALLY|"" . , CITY AND VICINITY. 25¢. Sliced Ham 25¢c. Cooked sliced ham, 25¢. Ib. Fall Importations Of 1908. Prevpst, Brock street, has received all ffl importations for order work in his tailoring department. His rea- dy-made clothing and gents' furnish- |ing departments were never better as- { { tem, {the city and all | ar | Sunday, at all mail ¥arr«er operates. | | AISI firm's | oe launch into winter quarters, came up | court | diving wharf. | He Was Knocked Down By An 3 the C.P.R., to-| i four second | _ & | | , {man s FEAR EFAS KEELER is Freeman Shipman, pro- | . | to her home seriously ill, | street, received a telegram, yesterday, |.J. E. Hickory | John Lehr, ly | and | sorted. Ordination Service. R. J. Craig, moderator pro invites all Presbyterian elders in interested friends to 1 ordination service of elders at Presbyterian church, Wolfe Island, on A Il am. Boat leaves at returns at 1. Rev 9:30 a.m; New Singer At Bijou. Neil Munsey, late of New York, has been engaged to replace Edgar Sum- merby, and will make his initial ap- pearance' to-morrow. Mr. Munsey has had good experience in concert and light opera, and is expected to make a hit in his new work. Rural Delivery. On Monday, Dr. Durston, started work on the route from the Picton post office to West Lake office. Ser; vice will commence on Tuesday. Each mail will be deposited in his box on the trip from Picton to the office, and will be collected on West Lake will have Tuesday and within rural the return trip. the service on five weeks all out of Picton will be supplied, the branch routes on which and a AAAHHISIIERISICRASIIoK KINGSTON'S EXPORTS. For the three months ending Sept. 30th, 1908, Kingston's exports amount- ed to $133,000. For the same quartér in 1907, the exports were $66,000. So that Kingston's export trade has increased 100 per cent in one year. Who says Kingston is not pros- pering under the Laurier government ? * Diving Classes. Through the courtesy of Capt. John Donnelly, himself a graduate of the School of Mining, the civil engineer- ing class, at Quedn's, are taking their classes at the waterworks | The men put on the diving suits, and get practical instruction in under-water work. This the third vear the privilege has been extended, and Queen's is proud to say that she ! the only university in Canada whose students are so privileged. is A Skilled Critic. Roberts, of Adolphustown, of St. George's eathedral, Canon precentor tee, to 'examine and comment on the music of the remaining hymns of the book, 165° hvoms having already appeared in music as accepted. as the eight mail routes | Stone | Kingston, has been asked by Convenor | Jones, of the hymnal commit- | | will receive from time to time packets | sanitarium, is of proofs from London, England, and within twenty-four hours must send them with his comments to Mr. Jones, who will almost at once return them to England. Death Of Mrs. John Anderson. The the general evening of death occurred at hospital Thursday Mrs. Emma Anderson, wife of = John Anderson, 388 Princess street The deceased had been in the hospital for about five weeks. The late Mrs. An- derson, whose maiden name Emma Inghram. was the danghter the late Thomas Inghram, and horn in the county Armagh, Ireland, filty years ago, coming to Canada with her husband some years ago. Be- husband three on of her sorrowing Herbert, James and John, and four daughters, Sarah, Mary, Alice and Emily, are left to mourn her loss. The was a member of St 'aul"s church. B. A. Hotel Arrivals. W J. Elliott, J. Murray, Cockburn, John Reed, J. G. Mrs. Rae, son and nurse, W. thews, W. G. Davidson, Wm H. Vineburg, Wm. Ruttenburg, C. Pe- terie, J. B. MeMurchey and wife, D F. Lent, Gananoque; Wm. B. Pellier, A. F. Chapman, Brock- Cowlin, New York; G. P Moncton; A. McDonald, Miss and Mrs. Potter, Ed- Thomas Dickson, London; A. P. Inglis, Ww. George A. Barrager, Denike, Belleville; W. F. Cummings Del; J. B White, Port Hamilton; Geo Lamb, Cin- ides ons, deceased EF. D Palton, R. Mat- Mitchell, Syracuse; F ville; C. D Douglas, Bloomfield; Lodge; T. Grocott, Walsh, Toronto; Belleville; W. F B. Graham, Chicago; F. and wife, Wilmington, Morrison, Brantford; H Hope: J. S. Drescher, Laurie, Chicago; James cinnati. | of His! | LITTLE BOY INJURED. ¥ Automobile. Mack Cunningham, aged five vears, son of John Cunningham, of Cushen- dall, was the victim of a serious ac- | cident on Thursday afternoon about o'clock, near his home. He was walking along the road, and ran in front of an automobile owned by Dr. Bird, of Gananoque. He was knocked down, and had his leit shoulder bone 'broken and also had two ribs fractur- | Cobalt Lake ed, besides receiving a severe shaking Coniagas Luckily, the auto was travelling slow rate of speed, or perhaps might have resulted in Dr. Bird drove the up. at a lad's death. {injured lad to his home, and Dr. Han- 16.--John Ferguson, itend him. Kingston, was called to at- He was reported to be do- ley, of ling nicely to-day. | succession | the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern railway helped 25c. Sliced Hams 25c. Cooked sliced ham, 25¢. 1b. ford. Craw- Salt the The International docks and the Calumet elevator, land two steamships were destroyed by | fire, at Chicago; loss estimated at Craw- 1 $125,000. A Farmers' butter, 26c. per lb., at Mul- | fit {lin's. Valet. | Ginger chocolates. "The Red Star." was | Atches. Top. & St. Fe was | Brooklyn Rapid T. offices of Londons buying was fairly large and PAGE FIVE. "~ \ SATURDAY--"SPECIAL VALUE DAY" Bargains That Fairly Throb With Money-Saving Interest. Do you realize what a bargain means in a store that gives the best va- lues for your money at all times. It means a close profit shaved closer. It means economy to you, because we offer nothing but the choicest, most reasonable, most attractive merchandise, in these Special Bargain Will You Look Them Over? Lists. Banke! Ends-Special Or Here's an offer that lovers Blankets, good qualities, mixed-striped borders. as follows : 10c, 15, 20, 25, 30 & 35¢ Each of ecopomy and warmth should not let pass, particularly now, at the beginning of winter. Secured two cases of Mill-ends of Flannelette White and Colored with pink,.blue and The ends are worth from 20c. to 60c. each. We will sell them on SATURDAY eh '801049 Ino} 1ogpue jez swog 18% JON WIM Ray) 350 Yds. Unbleached Table Linen All linen Cream Damask Tabling, fully 60 inches wide. Will not shrink or pull, and will wear, wash and bleach nic~ly. Handsome patterns. Sold all over at 40c¢. yard, or more. ON SALE 25¢ HERE SATURDAY, 25 Only Men's Overcoats Made in Motor Coat style, of dark English Freize, but- toned close up to neck, Prussian Collar, all double seams, straps on cuffs, 48 inches long. Best of make and well lined. Regular price $10 to $12. 748 . ON SALE SATUR- Beautiful Evening Waists Made of beautiful Allover Lace, also of imported net over. separate slip of Jap- enese Silk, Mikado sleeves, trimmings of fine tucks, lace, insertion and medallions. Colors White and Ecru. Reg- ular price, $7 and f7.50. ON SAL 4 48 SATURDAY . Cleared Out a Manufactur- er of 75 Men's Suits At a very low figure, all made in the newest single and double breasted models, stunning English Tweeds and Fancy Worsteds, in the most popular patterns, colors and weaves. Sixes 35 to 40. Regular price $12.50 to $16.50. YOUR 8.98 CHOICE ON SAT- Ladies' Flette Nightgowns Best quality Flette, in pink and white, newest make, Kimona style with contrast- ing bands of pink, or white down front and on sleeves, finished with dainty finish- ig Fe Patch handker- chief pocitet, all sizes. - lar rice, $1.50. Regu SPECIAL FOR SAT- 98¢ URDAY «vessuanan Men's Gloves--Special Price The , story is brief, the manufacturer had 300 pairs to clear, needed the ready money. Made him an" offer, and the deal was closed at a very low figure. Unlined Mocha, Pique Sewn, Gusset Fingers, 2-clasps. Colors, brown and grey, some are silk-lined. Regular prices range from $1.00 to $1.25 pair. "RUSH" PRICE 19¢ SATURDAY nvair --- Sizes from 7} to 10. 150 REMNANTS OF TWEEDS Durable English and Scotch Tweeds, length of remnants, double widths, light, medium and dark in plain, checked and striped patterns. from $1.50 to $2.50 yard. 1 yard to 2} yards, single and Regular prices ALL TO GO ON SATURDAY AT HALF PRICE. Sale starts at 9 o'clock. Positively no phone orders will be filled specials. The Montreal Phone No. 843 NEW YORK STOCKS. { Prices Furnished By J. P. Bickell | & Co., (per W. Hector H. Hume). October 16th. Upening. Close. 76 Stocks Amalgamated Copper Amencan Loco. com Am. Smitg. & Refin Am. Car Foundry Anaconda Min. Co. 53 194 Co. Balti. & Ohio ..... Canadian Pacific Ches. & Ohio ..... .... C. Mil. & St. Paul . Con. Gas, N.Y. Col. Fuel & lron Erie, com. Erie, first pref. G. North. Ry., 1llinois Cen. are an Kansas & Texas, com Louisville & Nashville Missouri Pacific Min. St. P. & 8. St. (Soo) . National Lead N. XY. Central ata N. Y. Ontario and West. Northern Pacific Penn. R.R. Reading ...... . Rock Island, pre Southern Pacific U. S. Steel, com. U. S. Steel, pref. Union Pac¢., com. Westinghouse pref. M. Chicago Prices. October 16th. Opening. Close, . 1038 O84 1002 Wheat. May July Dec. Corn. Ay uly. ...... 633 623 633 50} 16 453 483 184 tober 16th. Bid. 16 570 194 Stocks. Crown Reserve ... La Rose .. Nipissing Nova Scotia Right of Way . Silver Leaf ...... Trethewey Temiskaming Bickell's Financial News. The enthusiasm engendered by the rise, yesterday afternoon, was again mn evidence in the early transactions. materially in the advance. Northern Pacific, Union Pacific and Southern Pacific were the leaders. Af- ter a half hour of activity some pro- taking developed which carried Stock Co. for any of the above 80 Princess St. 180 Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. OTISSE Wire or Phone your orders for stock in OTISSE MINING GO , LTD. Price will probably open be- Phone Main 606. Otisee Nancy-=-Helen Oct. 16th, 1908 COBALT tween 50 AND 60 CENTS. Full particulars,®Engineer's report, etc., forwarded on applica- : tion to E. D. WARREN '& CO 4 Colborne St. *3 Toronto. These are reckoned to be first- The stock is Have enquiry from well-informed per= class properties. selling rapidly. made sons. Particulars ON APPLICATION. THOMAS MILLS. moved the market showed strong re- cuperative power, Berman & Co. believe judicious pur- chases of the active stocks on mod- erate recessions will show substantial profits in the near future. Americans in London weak, one- eighth to one-half below parity. London market generally heavy and lower. Uneasiness in Germany at 'to-opera- tion of Great Britain and Russia in settlement of Balkan difficulties. Light demand for stocks in crowd. Thirty-seven per cent. of the day's business was done in the last forty minutes of yesterday's trading in New York. ' Steel rail output for this year will be considerably less than one-half of production of 1907, J. M. Fiske & Co. would advise pro- fit taking or at least the placing of stop loss orders to secure profits on recent purchases. After a day or two of short covering we look for a re- cession to lower prices. Charles Fairchild & Co. say at the professional traders feel that' the market had an upward trend and they prefer the long side, loan The Bulgarian capital is greatly ex- cited by the rumor that the cabinet, wnich is now in session, will issue a declaration of war against Turkey. Brussels sprouts, Carnovsky's. King Peter has secretly abdicated the throne and fled from Servia, ac- cording to an unverified' report that prices back to about the starting point, but when this pressure was re-} reached London, to-day. Nugatines. "The Red Star." What is Found About the Wharves. The schooner Bertha Kalkins clear- ed for Oswego to load coal. Swift's: Steamer Dundurn, down, to-day; steamer Aletha, bay points. At Richardson's elevator: The steamer City of New York will load grain for Montreal; the sloop Laura D. and Granger arrived from Simcoe Island with grain. At M.T. Co's. elevator : The steam- er Dundee arrived from Fort William with 75,000 byshels of wheat: the schooner Kate Eccles, from Picker- ing, with 7,000 bushels of barley: tug Bartlett, up, three barges, will clear with four barges; the steamer Glenel lah cleared for the upper Jakes, due from Serious Trouble. Lisbon, Oet. 16.--Twenty persons killed or mortally wounded and forty {others were seriously hurt, to-day, in a riot at a seambuja between the monarchists and republicans during the municipal election primaries. 25¢. Tooth Brushes, For 20c. To reduce our stock of tooth brush- es, we will sell during this month only (October) all our 23¢. tooth brushes for 20c. Every brush guaranteed. Wade's drug store. 25c. Red Roger Grapes 25c. Finest Red Roger grapes, 25c. bas- ket, usually sold for 40c. Crawford. Clito. "The Red Star." '