PAGE FOUR. HHI HAHAHA 'CORBETT'S FOR Nut racks A large assortment at 25¢. Up. HOR HHH HRCI Corbets Hardware -¥ FAK IAAIK ox Wx Maadache and relieve all the trotibles tno #6 to a billous state of the system, such ag Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distreea afte waling, Pain in the Side, &e. While their most sarkabie success Las been shown in suciay a stot, yot Carter's Little Liver Pile ars 1able 1a Constipation, curing and pres while they alse rsof thestomach stimulste tha sud regulate tho bowels, Even if thoy only 0st priceless t those whe sing complaint; but fortms ness docs notend hers,and those » h youce try them will find these little pills valu- 0 many ways that they will not be wif 10 without them. But after allai:k bead - ACHE he bans or so many lives that here is where make our great boast. Our pills cure it while ra do hot Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very small and sory easy to take, Que « * two pills make a dose. wy are strictly oA o and do not gripe ox pare, but by their gentle action please all wha poo them. lo vialsat 25 cents ; five for $l. W druggists everywhere, or sont by mails ~ CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yori * = i. Smal Dis {mall Bren JAMI f Be a 1 5 in Kir n 3 MeNEN THE WHIG, 75th YEAR DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306-310 King street, Kingston, Ontario, at $6 pér ¥ bon Editions at 2.30 and 4 o'clock p. WEEKL Y BRITISH WHIG, 16 pages, published in parts on Monday and Thurs- day morning at $1 a year. To United States, charge for postage hss to be added, ' making price of Daily $8 and of Weekly $1.50 per year. Attached is ope of the best Job Print- ing Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, and cheap work ; nine improved presses. The British Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd, EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director, TORONTO OFFICE. Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- bers, 32 Church St., Toronto, H. E Smallpeice," Representative. Dailo Wibig. A remarkable this cam- the number of merchants, feature of p property profes- owners, clergymen, working men, who have Harty their | sional and voluntarily tendered Mr. support These men tell him they are not in- Many of fluenced by party motives. them are conservatives, who realize that the liberal government and Mr. | Harty's have secured to them prosperity during the last eight enterprise years, and they are not willing to risk the loss of it by making a change | now | These effect, "What we | have we'll hold:" 'Tis a good motto | men say in at this time. | THE ENEMY IN RETREAT That the members of the tory "ma- Ross against his own better judgment, real- chine,"" which brought out Dr. ize that their candidate is doomed to defeat, is imanifest by the desperate expedients to which they are resort ing. At first the campaign was to be No false were to fought fairly, and decently. statements or "roorbacks' But as men realized the they fell be circulated. hopelessness of their cause, back upon misrepresentation and de celt, First prive Mr for re-opening and retaining the loco- there was the attempt to de- Harty of the entire credit motive works here. That was so piti- by Mr. Standard, that we have lessly exposed Jermingham's letter to the heard no more of it. I'hen Mr., Rarty was enunciating the doctrine accused of that only a rich man should place. Mr tor of the apply for a high Harty's, letter to the edi- Standard, challenging him to point out a single word or line he had ever spoken or written in that train, forced a withdrawal of the harge. But the Standard was not frank enough to say that neither Mr. Harty, nor any liberal, but a promin- ent local conservative was the father of the doctrine. Next came the statement that the stand Trunk was bringing locomo- tives into. Canada from the United States, and so depriving Canadian workmen and Canadian shops of the business which should be theirs. Mr. lermingham completely exposed the Iseness of this statement and scored ® heavily by pointing out just what wad been done in this regard, under mservative rule, that the editor losed the column of his paper to m Ottawa de hen came the faked atch anfdouncing the retirement of Warder place of Deputy Platt and the appointment to Warden O'Leary, v purpose which even the vould be ashamed to ac I'his lie was promptly ex the following dav, but re with unblushing efirontery another statement just as unre namely, that T. Gallagher had lismissed from his revenue. That Mr. Gal position 1n in town and could have 1 communicated with, did not mat He was not consulted. The lic » out, even if it had to be the next day, the thought w evidently being that at omeone would see the lie and | whilst during the same period orders | The Whitney | ney government has to add to the | foreign | builders. THE DAILY BRITISH wHIG.. WEDNESDAY, _ocTones 21, 1308. should be. when the road is in need of engines these gen- tlemen ask for tend contract to the lowest Consequently, rs and doubtless award the tenderer, In this way orders for some en gines have come to Kingston and for others have gone elsewhere. Dur ing 1905-06-07 and 1908 in all twelve engines have been ordered, liberal government at Ottawa by the given for Intercolonial engines were for eighty-nine engines. But that is not the rather that Mr. Nickle was wrong in saying that the Whitney had placed orders with the Kingston and further (even if point; it is ' government shops; these orders "ean be coming regarded as from a tory provincial government), there is no reason to assume that similar or any orders would come from a tory federal government. And The Whitney government, as has no power over why ? every one knows, the customs tariff and its operations. government cannot now import locomotives into this country free of duty, as the conservative gov- ernment at Ottawa could, and did do. Such being the case the Whit- price quoted it by American or other builders the Canadian duty, which would make the prices higher than those named by the Canadian Hence the business had to go to some Canadian shop. If there were a tory government at Ottawa the case might be very dif- coiitd' Such a governmeot take the position that the ferent. as before, tariff was not to be applied to arti- cles required by the government or its railways and that locomotives for use on the Intercolonial should come in free. This was the position taken by the tory government in 1893 and 18904, and it resulted in the and fall of the old locomotive decline com- pany and the closing of its shops. if they the president of the company was a took that position then, when life-long conservative Kirkpatrick}, likely to take 1t prominent and the late Sir George A. low much more again when the shops are owned by liberals. policy has King- prosperity. ; Why tried enemy. The liberal government's brought to the shops and to ston abundant should we give up a true and friend for even a repentant What we have we'll hold ! WHAT WOULD HAPPEN. Here is a straight business proposi- tion for business men and workingmen to consider. No one of any sense, who wishes to be fair, can deny that conservative rule 'at Ottawa means the ral Foy FHSS IRISERISIIASIN | A CANDID REVIEW. 3 A candid review of the field seems to indicate that there is little doubt of Mr. Harty's election. He has always held the riding by strong majorities, and it is fair to say that he has al- ¥ ways been an active, ener- ¥ getic and influential advo- ¥ cate. of everything that 3 promised advantage to the 3 city, and his activity in ¥ former years, on behalf of ¥ his constituents, and the 3 success that attended most | of his efforts, have give Rim such a strong hold up- # on the confidence and sympathy of the people, ¥ that he is a difficult candi- : date to overthrow. And aside from political con- siderations, while the ma- % jority will regard his elec- tion as a great advantage for Kingston, his bitterest | opponent will not, in his ¥ heart, regard it as a i calamity. If elected, every # man, no matter what his ¥ politics, will have a zealous and capable advocate of his interests at the' domin- ion capital. ae Jor EEE Eases Ras aaessans santas aT Tang HIGH-HANDED WORK. Talk about your ballot stufling and ballot stealing. The record of the past, bad as it is, startling-in some respects, is lacking in anything which compares with the high-hapded act which contemplates. Attorney-Gene- He has been informed that some five hundred names have been added to the | voters' lists in the Algomas (east and thing to west), and because it is suspected that they represent liberals an attempt will | be made to ballot. The Globe calls this "tis the most barefaced attempt at elec- | prevent their use of the | "ballot rob- | bery. that and more. It is toral intimidation that has ever been planned. The polls will be manned by constables and only those will be per mitted to tag. This is the game to which the at vote who wear the tory torney-general has lent himself on the | eve of the election, and he is the bi gz | policeman of the province, the official { who is supposed to represent justice | and morality as well as power. "The whole thing,"" Mr. Aylesworth | concludes, "bears evidence of having been® prepared for the purpose of in- fluencing voters in the election. It | would seem that if there were a de- sperate plot, ft is a desperate attempt | ong the part of the tory attorney- | general of Ontario to intimidate ! honest voters by sending special po- lice to arrest them." curtailment of business to the locomo tive works in Kingston. With six or | seven hundred employees of that in- | stitution out of work and looking for | jobs what will happen to the other workingmen in Kingston ? Will not | | the struggle become intensified and the | result be more men than there are | jobs for them to fill; the lowering of wages, and the "hard return to the old times, with which afflicted during the last years of the conservative rule at Ot familiar Kingston was tawa ? AT YOUR SERVICE, SIR. The humours of the illustrated by the campaign have been strikingiy received the Whitney paper whose policy has imprimatur of Sir James and Robert Laird Borden In a recent issge appeared an edi- torial which "dwelt upon the exalted duties of the press. It was the func which desired to tion of paper command public respect, to discuss the issues of the day in an indepen- dent manner, The partizan spirit should *be avoided. One might be dis posed to favour a certain party on generdl principles, but in order to wield the tor should not become the greatest influenee the edi- general en- dorser or excuser of its acts. This a noble thought | feat of |andt consequently, | Kingston ? | been fully employed. How FALSE TO LOCAL INTERESTS. What nonsemse it is to say the de- the liberal government, and of Mr. prosperity of the Harty, would not affect the locomotive works, | the prosperity of During the past eight vears over half of all the engines turned out in, Kingston have been for | Without these orders the shops would not have the government railtvays. many ol these orders would a conservative government give to Kingston when there are two other locomotive shops in Canada in which conservatives largely interested ? This would not be a serious matter to the community if the diminution of | business, or the closing of the shops, affected the locomotive company alone. Unfortunately, it will affect the entire community, directly and indirectly. Throwing of employment in a place of this size results in their either having to seek work elsewhere, Mhat his {story that be is was snuffed out, Mr. {seat and his reputation as a prophet. | and somewhat | Canadian (1 dividual | public | vinces by ! These majority leaving the city with | fo the ward system of elec ting sc hoo | trustees, because the present board: is | extravagant. Another warning to! some peeple in Kingston to leave well | enough alone. The Montreal Gazette accounts for the Laurier enthusiasm by the fact | train carried some of the | bunting. It did not carry the tens of | thousands who turned out to hear him. | Theit applause was not "embalmed. x | Mr. Avery gives a quietus to the the tool or imple- the liberals in this election. suffered a | ment of He is a conservative who crush in the machine and is submit- | ting his case to the people for final | adjustment on Monday. Hon. Mr. news of liberal prospects tion. The Toronto News heard that kind of talk before the last local elec- tion. The Whig heard it when Mr. | Foster telegraphed that his party was MacKay has encouraging in the elec- | going to sweep New Brunswick and it | Foster losing his | ------ Record Of The Party. | Winnipeg Free Press. Of the great conservative leader, €! whose reputation is still the party's | | greatest asset, J. S. Willison, who i is {now one of the conservative party's main support in Ontario, had this to | say in an important contribution which he has made to the history of | politics : "Bribery of the voter, bribery of consti- tuencies by promises of railways and buildings, and bribery of pro- timely re-arrangements of the financial terms of confederation all obtained under the regime of Sir John Macdonald, and "if he did {not originate, he at least did some- perpetuate and establish these deep-seated evils in our poli- ties. A still sterner judgment must be passed upon the redistribution act of 1882, and the franchise act of 1885, were bold and direct attemps the power of a parliamentary to stifle public opinion and destroy freedom of elections to use When Stomachs Falter. When your is imperfect the whole system suffers. Other or vans become involved and headaches, biliousness, heart and nervous trou- bles may arise Day's Dyspepsia Cure removes the original trouble as well as the com- plications and symptoms. This preparation has digestive, to- ric and laxative properties. Each bot- le contains sixteen days' treatment. For sale only at Wade's drug; store. quite digestion A woman never understands why it irritates her husband to have her attempt to readjust his necktie or brush off dust from his coat in a public place. A woman's idea of a brave man is ove who isn't afraid to go into a dark loset in which there may be a mouse. 'How to Get Rid of Fat A Remarkable Discovery That Can | Reduce Fat Harmlessly at the Rate of @ Pound a Day. A TRIAL BOX SENT FREE. A quick, harmless reducer of fat, called Rengo, has come into popular use which far eclipses any method or treatment heretofore used. some seven hundred men out | i empty houses and reduced business, or | remain and, in order to live, enter in to competition with all other work- men now employed here Result--First, a and the attendant reduction of pur | reduction in wages | i YOUR SUIT PRICE? Most every man has a certain Suit price he always of first in connection with a Suit purchase. WITH THOUSANDS IT'S IS EIGHTEEN DOLLARS | EIGHTEEN DOLLARS. Our Fall and Winter Suits at this price are certainly the best Suits ever offered anywhere for the same money. When it comes to winning the pennant for good Clothes, why, we've had it nailed to the mast for a long time. Take a look at our new Suits. See the handsome fabrics, the artistic tailoring, the new cut. We pay special attention to these points. If you wish to invest just Eighteen Dollars in a Suit, keep your money until you see what's doing here, and then we'll sell a Suit, We sell the Best $2.00 Hats in Canalla. The H. D. Bibby Co. Note the things like linings, button holes padding, etc. | Kingston's One Price Clothing House. SHRINE HIRI Fine Footwear ! Football Shoes, $3.00 and 3.50. Autumn Pats. for Men, Tan Wet Weather, $6.00 & 7.00 Black Wet Weather, $6.00 & 7.00. A. E. Herod, The House of Quakty. £5.00. 286 Princess St. FPPRERLIEPIEEIRRIE® IRIE OEEOIEEEE A Pretty Useful Things. Crumb Trays, Tea and Coffee Pots and Stands, Match o Brass, Copper and N Sticks, Boxes, Salid Bowls, O'Clock Kettles and Bread Boards; Cuspidores, many pieces in vickel Plate. (Come in and see them. McKelvey & Birch well expressed 71 BROCK STREET. 69 AN 30000000 REE. correction 4 . shasing wer: and, secon ot work with considerable warmth of lan chasing power; and, nd, not Cook's Coton Root Compontd. \ e these the tactics of fair fight- ruage. enough to go round even at the re- | J : ¢ 9 i the i \ BEEEEEE Thy 0 gre at A terine =, fectu Are they who thought he had any chance tactics one would fol winning ? No; they art the despic- tactics of men whg know they are I'he enemy is on the run. Immediately following, in another article, there was the practical ap- plication of the editor's theory. The county election was under review, and sincere regret was expressed that two duced wages. Is not the man, or asks people to vote to this condition of affairs ipurnal, who bring about almost criminally false to the best in gerests of the citizens of Kingston ? | You Eat Rengo Like Fruit or Candy and Easily Reduce Your Fat a Pound a Day. lengo is perfectly take ---------- An Artistic and Richly Furnished Home Should contain one of our conservatives should find themselves EDITORIAL NOTES. Across the way, in connection with | attacks yr accuracy, and less but effective PLACED NO ORDERS In Mr. tors at the in combat, with other's life. Mr. man, so wise, So nice, so Mahogany Parlor Suites, 3 pieces, upholstered in rich silks to harmonize with your room. We have some hand- some new designs in Parlor Furniture at prices that will surprise you. 3 Piece Parlor Setts from $17 to $150. ROBT. J. REID, : | NN | = N Py 230 Princess Bt., # Doors Above designs upon each weight which are taking drugs materials common- Nickle's address to the elec local endeavored to make the presidential election, the talk is of | and without leaving nearly always | . ] the "solid south." In Frontenac itis | 7, dangerot so worthy of the people's regard, a of the ly called "'anti-fats There is nothing '"'just as good' druggists mail pre- 3s nomination ha Avery was a fine some capital for amiable, his candidate and party by stating "solid north.' that the Whitney given orders for locomotives for the Temiseaming & Northern to the Kingston shops, "and Rengo. For sale by all $1.00 per full sized box, or man whom it would be a delight to government had 3 Eawards | Sir Wilirid honour ordinarily. But Dr. Laurier, at Ottawa, said | ; hy ' : AR. BW : | paid, by The Rengo Co. nominee of the party conven- he was somewhat tired as a result of Bldg., Detroit, Mich. The '"'the easi- | gladly send you a trial package oe | mail," if you write them direct to Detroit, no free packages at drug stores. no - For sale and recommended in Kingston ~ . r . | by ary Wade ruggist. The Toronto News is shocked be- {by Henry vde, Druggis cause so much of the péople's money is being spent in public improvements, just what the people Ontario | was the tion or machine and wore 1ts tag. the campaigning, but it is independence of the est election he ever had to fight." It is railway argued that, such being the case, a The vaunted Lies RTS Ottawa disappears. would | press at once tory government at also send its orders for the Interco- | long providing the Kingston | but of surrender bidder. Mr. Nickle is wrong both as to his pre- er a question of right or wrong, to the party. In re demands, the cry At your Is that not lonial here, Opera House. Telephone 577. sponse to its - . Loovymiont firm was the lowest "Let me do your bidding- dnt ? want MASVEL Wniinabpy RQ new Tastant RL One day the tory press raves . eS jent. cause the government is bribing the | : pn works. The next mises and concussions, service, Sir Kingston rod Mon cleanses any orders In the first place the THE FRESHLY MINED i te Coal is far more desirable than i the wise acts of that dug out of the earth a year Na . ak I T co ago. It's ecleaner--hasn't stored government was to take the Temis- up twelve months' dirt and dust ; {t's dryer and In many ways a greater heat producer. Here it is your service on quick order-- w u scroeued coal fn all tion ane sizes at standard hands of a co gs8io or even than stand- han A Inhssion shops Ask your d people with public If be cannot su, ny the MARWE accept po it raves because thé government | other, but ood stamp fg, E tinstrated book--se Hard to! fun particulars a and NS, yaloable to sl WINS SOR SUPPLY 00., Windsor, Ont. G ral Agents for Canada. MEN AND WOMEN, | | Use Big @ for unnatural | discharges, inflammations, government. One the late Ross * day doesn't from the bribe them more. please. The Name of & 3 The grocer's combine is feeling the | Black Watch On a Tag on a Plug of Black Chewing Tobacco n (. ruild Kills without crushing and do es not soil the most delicate Stands tor Quality. 30 = ---- 37 Cease prevaid fof | fabrics or injure the highest polis h. 10c. each, Druggists, Hard- TT Toronto going back' Circular sous 08 fvquest, ware amd Grocers, & Northern Ontario railway placing the opera kaming wt of polities by 1 management of it in the BT Te TT Although was chang pinchings of the law. Evidence goes in 110 § days. Guaranteed {irritations or ulcerations | not to stristure. of lucous menbianah. i Prevents Contagion. 'sinless, and not astrin- | Hoey TT gent or poisonous. Sold by prices for by and quality to show that no man can go into the the personnel of the body matter what | ed, after Mr. Whitney CRAWFORD er,. its members are now, as then, . nl Phone, 9. Foot Queen St. business men, and the still | came into pow- wholesale business, .no his capital, without permission of the ! road is | handled as a business | Ross intended it managed and enterprise, as Mr. Mercy on us.