TWO HOCKEY TEAMS : TO BE HANDLED BY 14TH REGIMENT. No Outsiders The Gymnasium at the Armor- of day lea drawn we ter ser from I he and as A team BONO ten Y. M.( cla tin ter this trophy is ies A meeting of the 14th evening rie w up, the ek in ed by geants, the hockey club season, each one ofhcer the last chamaionship de O.H members of the It m was the AL the have been A., 80 SSOH The hockey year, they 1 in year. The ies be der hele ove ne and trict mi wo towards ment letic a have wit has ler the work eve I ca new is now in re opened next Instructor I every ming, Wo gymnasium gun sheds at of be 1 18 one will have It n to and 'it getth I'he rk in, new rt passed formerly heen rem In thi baseh all at nny 1 connection the I, 1" on correspondence whe play rel SU ton uch a will no key d of on alw 1 nh his received with pleasure pure » are desirou hockey, have arran ise to an team won team have men will under to be 14th of piece it shows ays heen Now in Reg company from club will that , and keep management and foug gymnasium at adiness and classes wil Palmer, Tues throughout the the, their what ocintion I'he situated in wed Vly hooting once mani with but rement cannot go information amateur that well Will Be Imported-- Readiness the port committee iment w held, Tues An indoor sketpall formed game November, Te to first be vill from am en Lhe one one the band and re-organized the same the O.H strong- was likely it ma to junior be when w and ded AL m be enter two and a hockey the they the condition all the going af gain the last 0 made' members of can enjoy in are the right wav a should retain ht hard for 80 the armour- evening, un- Classes will I'hursday The in the Tuesday and the winter. is fitted end of the armouries finest in this dis great 'benefit to the gymnakium to deal regi day out n own great the is will do a athletes gymnasium in a rood an ath VEArs that run shed outh gal will have may be before vallery many range the the men or to the gymnasium during the winter 4 hockey have good mer here to absolutely to do with An all-King trophy and if hold it then it travelling ain, as imported to play hoc the wement with in several ol coming the local anything the ag colors should be patron city, not pow the the ston by by sport in il King treated has the To Digest Bile ant AIC plied in the to es in the when ¢ Serious itrdigestion are Chase' their ood and pre venting the aur Lon estion hidney-Liver s Kidney influence of 1 the flow keep formation ceable standing vield failed Her ine no Te Ih wlte that hea tor ( all tigre ol A the for tion benefit pre I wa and from friend { has r taking f I am ment of the itl Mi t. Alta ne pill a aler or l'oronto intestines is digestion stomach the and cured Liver on bile hows fermentation ol vmptoms of Pills many Kidney ur Dunean the Food as import the bile in as are gastric 12 only active and liver is Ww. oO! } forms A because chronic by Dr Pills liver, aid regular, of the and all indig of the causing a dig thereby food, the dis estion ras estion cnroni mn Ww all cases Dr after Chase has to else of : roubled wit} and derived remeddie I the us Pill re year t headache the many advised Liver the the mn ol McPherson ult full er ood boxes mor bles in " At Edmanson, & Der. AW Chase' Ss Kidney- Liver Pills ; AN A | To the Electors of Kingston *- -- BN and Portsmouth. GENTLEMEN Ct the H wing received, ped, the Liberal and ac- nomination of Party, 1 again ask for your votes and in- fluence to elect me as your representative to the House of Commons of- Canada, and pledge myself for the future, as in the past, todevote my cnergies to the promotion of the prosperity and best interests of this good old City of Kingston. WM. HARTY. Wood's Pho PR The Great English Remedy. ous Debility, poadency, Sexual We matorrhea, and x fee Price $1 per box, six will cure. plain pkg. on rece ipt of mailed free. Jormerly Windsor} Tones and inv The Wi orates the w hole Mental and rare Worry, Des- 1kness, Emissions, Sper- of Abuse or Ercesses 3 One will please, six $ Sold by all druggists or mailed in rice. New pamphlet Medicine Co. Toronto, Cod lin order for him to answer it. GRAND UNION HOTEL Opposite Grand Central Station NEW YORK CITY. ROOMS $1 a DAY and UPWARDS B gpage to and from i" ' 0 Send 2-cen mp for New York City THE DAILY BRITISH "wHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1908. Foeeressnssasseasevens t Gold in i Guwilight VIII III PIII ve a R. J McDowali, was hostess at a very honor be true amateur that be she will always her standard of pure ort in all branthes. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. This is the hottest October in many years in more ways than : William Swaine, piano tuver. Orders received at McAuley's. 'Phone 778. James Byron, street, died in general hospital this morning leaves a widow and. a. number ers to its one. Princess enjoy- of her Robertson, of received in a silk ap- Mrs street, lea, daughter, I'weed. ¥ Gore vesterday, Mrs. J. J McDowall handsome black plique enriching .it, a necklace and brooch of amethysts. Mrs. Rob- ertson's pretty frock was of pale blue trimmed with passementerie, and cascades of lace. In the drawing- room pink and white carnations in profusion, but the color note of the dining-room warm crimson. A large candelabrum was in the middle of the table' and from it red ribbons led to the corners, where silver can dlesticks held 'red candles, and vases, with red and white carnations in them, stood between. Mrs. James Third poured coffee, and Mrs. Hugh | Nickle made the tea, with Mrs. Ar- thur Ross cutting ice. Miss Mona Knight, Miss Emily Parker, of Stirl- ing, Miss Florence Macgillivray, Miss Aileen Folger, Miss Lillian Mindell, Miss Jennie Bates, and the hoste daughter, Miss Elda McDowall, were the tea-room assistants. Among the many guests were Mrs. Malcolm Mac- gillivray, © Mrs. John Macgillivray, Mrs. Ramsay Duff, Mrs. Edward J. B. Pense, Mrs. R. J. Craig, Miss Ger- trude Craig, Mrs. W. G. Craig, and Miss Jean and Miss Katie Craig, Mrs. J. B. Platt, Mrs. A. P. Knight, Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, Mrs. James Rich- mond, the Misses Richmond, Mrs Hugh Macpherson, Mrs. W, J. Croth- ers and Miss Minnie Crothers, Mrs. W. J. Crothers, Jr., Mrs. 1. Mever, Miss Mever, Mrs. Charles Livingston, Mrs» W. J. Livingston, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Herbert Robertson, Mrs. D. D. Cairnes, Mrs. Charles Low, Mrs Edward Mundell, Mrs. W. R Dick, Mrs. A. Stevenson, Mrs. John Hewton, Mrs. John Fairlie, the Misses Fairlie, Mrs. R. E. Sparks, Mrs. J. F Sparks, Mrs. S. W. Dyde, Mrs. Hobart Dvde, Mrs. George Sears, Miss Emily dis- | Sears, Mrs » Young, Miss Edith Young, Miss Martha Smith, the Misses Birch, Miss Helen Macarow, Miss Itta and Miss Lilla Callaghan, Miss Mabel Dalton, Miss Norval Macdonald, the Misses Ethel and Lorraine Min nes, Miss Katie Gordon, and Miss Sarah and Miss Agnes Gibson, and Miss Nellie Hanley - able in He small children There was heat and afternoon. Ald. member who attended. H. Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering's. ave orders at Mec- Auley's Book Store. The city engineer's department busy with sewer construction now. One is being built on Ontario street. Mrs. Thompson, Ontario street, was removed to the general hospital, Tuesday afternoon, in a serious dition. The Recklaws, forming at the to-day, for Niaghra Falls, they open to-night. Now that Ald. Nickle has knowledge of the question, Mr. Bermingham ask- ed him in the City hall it will be of Irs gown of the light, vesterday the only meeting of committee, no power lace, and (zivens was pongee, . were 18 was on con- who have been per- rink this week, left, N.Y., where William Woods, returned from a most to the west, where he paid a visit to his sons, William and John Woods 1711 soap" and "4711 Cologne" are sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Canon Starr has ville where he will read "The Doctrine of The before the Bay of Quinte of Portsmouth, has enjoyable trip gone up to Belle- a paper on Atonement" Clerical Un- on. The old gas main on Ontario street, between Princess and Queen streets, is being renewed. It wad laid about fifty and has heen in some time. braces," Vears ago, bad con- dition for "Shoulder £1 , at Gibson's store. E J here Jennie for arug a $1.50 pair Red Cross Harding, of Waltham, Mass lowering the lift of the tank, that the tank may be into operation. He will complete work in a couple of days Carruther Toronto, trict superintendent the Interna tional School, of Scranton, Brady, lo al representative, a visit yesterday "Odol" for the teeth. Sold in Kin at Gibson's Regd Cross drug "Phone 230 of Gananoque in- Misses | M¢Cameron, M M. Wrig Arthur Rogers and E. Bateman, a pleasant day in the eity, of Mrs W. Telfer. The remains of Jones, who died lay, arrived in noon, were gas got the is of George for Correspondence Pa., paid E. C George ston store A party cluding Lloyatt, people, - - of Queen's, Saturday, in Mrs. D. M ladies' luncheon, honor of Mrs. George Smith The guests were : Mrs. I. D. R. Hemming, Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, Mrs. John Jell Carruthers, Mrs. Hiram Calvin, Miss Macpherson, and Miss * Edith Macpherson, and Miss Lois Saunders, The daughter, Miss Kate Gor don, made up the ten who sat down to luncheon, were all old friends of Mrs. Smith. - Robert ( little tea, Jes Smith and Mi Hall. The girls invited Norah Gordon, Miss Miss Kathleen O'Hara, Cooke, Miss Mildred Jones, lian Kent, Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Phyllis Short, Miss Marie Car ruthers and Miss Irene Swift - of dropped street, ht, Gordon, Tave spent a on the guests ate Walter R in Ottawa, on Tues- the city, this after removed to Cataraqui The this city another the | and burial deceased was hostess' resident of cemetery for former lv a On woman herself on was under that she could to the sidewalk "Shoulder 31.25, at store. On ecutive Athletic pplication of mstatement ideration and In basketball matches A." Capt. McCormick Capt. Moore team to 1, the intermediate id in the junior the game be cen the Midget the National wulted in a tie It ('ross 2k Tuesday evening, drunk and was making an exhibition Clergy street west, She the influence of liquor hardly fell more en of >. arson, Mon street, Miss Gwendoline were © Miss | Grace Hemming, Miss Mildred | Miss Lil Mrs rock gave 80 walk, and a on vy, for than a ¥l Red once sie 8 50 pair for Cross drug braces, Gibson's the Amateur The for evening last ex Canadian Toronto (Constantine again up for thrown out at the team by a Saturday the met Lieut was ol Union in -- - Miss Kathleen info Miss last night, Daly' Annie and A few friends Daly's, spent a pleasant even oe Herbert Robinson little was Y.M defeat of series ( drock score mn will hos tea Mi lenry Bagot street, t - w w- Norton entertain Mrs tess at a Hubbell's Red for Red Series Te and at »MOrrow (iithson A 25 bottle t ( at ' ugh cong cures any 8 h.s only store ne on Wellingt bride nignt Mrs. D Faylor street, will the Country couy Sold oss drug Byron Hotel Dieu, thi illness I'he years old, life. He some time and yrup son s at at Friday -- Club, on - of the Club - 36 G treet died morming, Jam ne "oe the v short thirty-six all his for A girls had vesterday. - ow Mills vesterday, atter A the te tea number deceased, about Country had lived the was emploved by in at many Mrs Lennox received "Bishopseourt tl home She city t he leath survive. I'he Whig ished the revious I previous to hi and 1X city lo child 2 : 1 widow hildhrer took opportunity of welcoming from her trip to the will be at home, usual, her old land m Tuesdays Miss Ada street, left York, Ler, Mi Be from Standard pub Whig's emphatic denial of statement that Messrs. Red were baulked by in getting only as is vlad the M this where she will spend Weilin for the Sharman, gton New win Strachan afternoon, Murphy the of and Mi: len Hon ment appoint its it read had hat 1 way learn . the slander Smythe is expected Friday, Cur could l'oronto, on and Mi Henry for a short ven tortl ym aime han ye street, will with ng Earl Mrs tawa, sit Colle Mrs, William Ottawa, and i and Mrs Morley so with her IN MARINE CIRCLES. time d We Queer to Ot k-end returne after her Gordo George Monday Mrs. D and Departures of Vessels at This Port. Trade Wind rO MN to Batterson the guest Platt, at Branscombe at we ip from the War mouth I'he che cicared for ner 0 of Port of Mi den Mrs Richard this dredge, Sir the overnment I I'he 1 wk resumed Picton, is Platt's w in harbor mother, - Cong morning Ihe ste loronto shape tor next The steamer the M. T. Co.' William, for in will clear will be put season Edmonton Arcyle she timer - B. ¥P critical A As My who went a ago is not recovering as rapidly physicians anticipated, Mrs her infant daughter has to return to Detroit until will receive her friends sister, Mrs. T where ut operation some time at as his Fort arrived from g cargo barley and whe William was down from Swift's; the from Oswego Cornelia due from elevatar, ed and digehar a with decided SG000 bushels of wed cleared for Fort I'he steamer Aletha points to-day, Keewatin, schooner spring at the RL during 'at, not and home of her Princes winter months Mr. and Mrs Vancouver, B.( Mrs. Kenny, a days bay at novsky chooner due McGillivray of and the Tatter = of Ottawa, are in They have been with coal Sodus with eoal mother, town for in Napanee. M: Mrs Bute leave to-morrow home in Houston, Texas staying at the Ran three months and a h oy : Mrs. J. C. Almon has one Toronto Madame Montreal Mr. James Fairlie, of the week-end in town Me C Constantine leave and Alta and I'he schooner Katie Eccles is report wground at The Brothers, and the Donnelly was called to the 1 The vessel cleared from the I. Co's. elevator yesterday morn tor few mer lute and Miss noon, for their They he h alf and James South Bay AVE heen le for the past Fur-Lined Coats. of cloth kind of collar and revers. f you buy that's made at Campbell Bros Yow l} have one that's not wurpassed Canada fit, quality Ladies' Made of shade any in any " . gone on to lining n kind or Panet left, on Monday, for Toronto, spent in for style, ot is of on six gone to Maple a weeks' has g Beauty At The Bijou. hd g Beauty, at drama Creek Mr street, the Mr 178 Albert for Mrs J be en pension 53 Earl M. Newman have t and street, have Hooper, town a, splendid The Bijou ot the revolution, en It h exciting Lhe R spectacle, in 1 colors, is will in fine nch Dispatch of thrilling situations, its and hot fighting Finest Lot Of The Season. wind black Roger pears winter at and Mrs Alfred there from Barrie street Mr. Reginald Crawford. Barrie returned, to-day, after visiting in Ottawa i his taken moved period titled plenty Fh Stolen as of t "Ihe street friends » - - mas -. Ne el le Mrs grapes fancy ta with her k Shelaon i Ih merville lebook and Map. - it Carnovsky's mother, Mrs George Webster, Rock | pected for | Wilmot, A. to-day, ior Hontreal to her new home, her husband being transferred there fram Dundas. Mr. Winthrop Sears, ; Heathfield, has returned to town. Mrs. Octavius Yates will spend the winter Montreal. -_- o> . kenneth Fenwick Monday. R. Turner, who was visit- Robert Fraser, West street, Prescott, 'on Saturday. entertained at a couple little teas for her during wood, left, open up in Mrs. left for To- ronto on Mrs. N ing Mrs. returned to Her hostess of informal her stay. Mrs. Henri, Panet, up to. Winnipeg to Mrs. Hugh Osler, for The Rev. Dr. Mackie and Mrs. kie, Clergy steeet, treal. Mr. street, week. a gomy niece, Ottawa, is visit her some weeks. Mac- have gone to Mon- Barrie this and Mrs. C. T. Dickson, "will be home the end of -, - Harty and the Mr. William bride came home by to-day. Col. and Mrs. H. E. back to town yesterday, Mrs. Samuel Birch and Mrs. Spencer, Kingston; are visiting Edward Brown, of No. 1500 street, », NY. The Martin, of weeks at his noon young train Burstall came L.. B. Mrs. Park Martin and Myre. treetsville, spending some Colorado Springs, are ex- a week at the home . of W. Pemberton Page, Walmer Toronto, before going to New for the winter, >. Mr. Ernest White has Manila for a good now in Ottawa. Miss Mabel Dalton, is home from Ottawa. Captain and Mrs. J. 8 Mack have taken Mrs. Richard Hooper's house on Alfred street for the winter. Mrs. Robert Meikle, Clergy going down to Montreal, next for a little visit. Mrs. Clarke visiting with Cle returne . Mrs. Road, York . returned from holiday, and is Johnson street, street, is week, Taylor, her mother, street, for home, to-day. - oe The marriage of Miss Bessie Dows ley, eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs Dowsley, "to Mr. Kenneth Maclaren, youngest son of Mrs and Mrs. David Maclaren, will take place about the middle of November, in Ottawa Mr. and Mrs. David Burgess, Palace toad, North Fredericksburgh, an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Miss Irances Lena, former ly of Napanee, but now of Dexter, N (.,, to Mr. B. Edgar Styneber of Ogdensburg, N.Y., the marriag take place on November 11th. The engagement is announced of Miss Ruth McFarlane, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. McFarlane. Westmount, to Dr. G. Arthur Winters, of The wedding will place December. HARTY WILL TRIUMPH THE GREAT MA MASS OF THE | PEOPLE WITH HIM. The Tories Gananoque, Mrs N several weeks, Toronto. in take | Never Increased the | Soldiers' Pay--It Was Done By | the Grits--Some Snapshots | on Local Matters. Make Harty's majority large. of Wingston is the benefactor workingmen. Harty and the bet of | 500 maj made have Last S100 ni that next ght a liberal a Harty would Monday. rity I'he trap the are not walking n setters liber this master ral into time, even when laid by ol trap p-- doesn't nt the opposition house. Therefore, Kin sented on the next Harty. to be repre benches 11 rston wa re-elect friendly Harty's Kingston Shall we No. "VW and ment with rise, and pluck, ha eight vears ol prosperity iter strange have Laurier's wis govern coupled enter given gods now we we il hold -- for the Monday who asking the responsib among the last year R312,065 roll ! Mr. llart, support is electors for the workingmen of the Just next distribution ol | sangston nihicent ol tl may think sum of at for pay locomotive interest Lom the Uni States, take in Canadian politic o back to the land whe took the fearful oath British, and hypocritical way It works said "what vote funny mat who can an people only in ted hey should they things the not in ng. the theke eve ens of enthusiasm in Phere liberal ar committee I'he have several rooms n division ful and omes 8 various sub com made a care canvass as the evident mittees of their reports that Mr Nothing over precinct coms in it be Harty's arelessness the prevent him | wr than Tooth Brushes, For 20ec. our stock of tooth brush- ing this month only tooth brushes guaranteed election is assured begotten by part of rolling 1904 but onfidence " on workers up a majority 25c. To reduce we will sell dur (October) all our for 20ec. Every Wade's drug store. es, brush New Singer At Bijou. Arthur Laurence, of Montreal, initial appearance at lhe illustrated song makes Bijou his to-day in Black Watch 'Biggest and Best" Plug Chewing Tobacco lon | nesday | finitely | Grund | | cers Neanned re | | Found {feet his | PAGE FIVE, POUNDING ON ROCKS SCHOONER IN IN DANGRR OFF CHARLOTTE HARBOR. Thomas Watson of Toronto Injur- | ed on the Mary Ann Lydon] and is in Hospital at Roches- | ter--Struck By Boom During | Storm. Roch tossed ! { NY. on the Grand View beach, two-masted schooner of Kingston, being hester, Oct 21.--Stomm- | shallow waters off near Charlotte, the | Mary Ann Lydon | is in imminent danger of | pounded to a worthless hulk. | Thomas Watson, twenty-eight years | old, from Toronto, is in the city hos- pital here with an injury to his back, | sustained while the buffeted ship w» ds] trying to make Charlotte harbor. | Watson's injury may be g fracture of | the pelvis. An X-ray picture will be | taken at the hospital to determine the | trouble. The Lydon ran morning. A heavy was sweeping the lake, but the vessel weathered the storm until midnight. The lookout then made out what he thought were the Charlotte lights. It was seen that they had overrun the harbor and preparations were made to put about. Watson was one of the crew to answer the cry of *'all hands / aground Tuesday | north-west gale | T ELEPONE 838. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES J. P. BICKELL & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS Members of Chicago Board of Tile * LAWLOR BUILDING, TORONTO. Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. MEMBERS OF STOCK EXCHANGE. COTTON EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE. NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. CHICAGO STOCK EXCHANGE. ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. MINNEAPOLIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. COMMERCIAL EXCHANGE OF PHILADELPHIA. WINNIPEG GRAIN AND PRODUCE EXCHANGE COBALT > SHARES BOUGHT AND SOLD: CONTINUOUS QUOTATIONS. Clarence Chambers, Kingston, Ont. W. Hector H. Hume, Manager, Py NEW YORK NEW YORK deck." When the forward boom swung around .as the crait answered her helm it struck Watson in the back, knocking him to the deck. A moment later the schooner was on the' rocks. Distress rockets called the life- re] crew from Charlotte: The ship appear ed to be in a position to live out the gale, which was fast diminishing, :and Watson was' the only man taken | ashore Unless another storm rises | she probably can be saved. The Mary | Ann Lydon has been in the freight business on Lake Ontario for many years. This was to have been her first trip into Charlotte mm a long time Matthew Patterson, Kingston, is. cap- tain of the vessel, which carries a | crew of seven men. Smoke from the | forest fires in the Adirondack moun- tains hangs heavily over the lake and may have had something to do with the accident. PITH OF THE NEWS, The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. More earthquakes in Manila. Beloeil Mountain, Richelieu river, ravished by fire farmers suf- fered I'hree persons dead and four injured New, York tenement fire on Wed- on Manv in a Charles thropist | bridge, The Elliott Norton, the philan- and scholar, died at Cam- Mass. ednesday. ho honorary degree of LL.D. was conferred upon Lord Milner by the university of Toronto this afternoon An independent electrical expert } may red to the equip- ment government's power pro ject An arrest vicinity on be go over for engag the the con- made in Que., In shooting has been Longueuil, nection with jthe fatal of ot Furniture. OUR SPECIAL SALE Of China Closets, Combina- tion Buffets, Sideboards and ixtension Tables Also Parlor Setts, Couches and Carpets, Rugs and Mats. James Reid's, The Leading Undertaker, "Phone, 147. is made from the finost care- fully selected cocoa beans, roasted by a specisl process | to perfect the rich chocolate gd flavor. Co wan 's is rhost deli- | cious and most economical. <= N THE COWAN CO. LIMITED, TORONTO, rr - RT EI NA ; ------------- Harold Patterson. Negotiations looking the gamation of Mexican Power Mexican Tramway intersts, in for time, been postponed. were amal- and pro- inde- to Tess ome have to death Mag cooked in of the barge Manistee, Mich. Lake, thirty Monday the « steamer, Four men the engine Marshall, of oint in Mid of Kenosha, men day burned to death Wednesday destroyed, Tenn. has arrivea room al a m: les east rht the New on n ol line Al York the steamer rew of Four any on board I'he oat, on B vas totally A Col despatch, says at that He escaped | after they had at him Tiptonville, R. Z. Taylor safe and sound night raiders, hundred shots to the London that the olace from red five A spatch 'rom rade, sovernment lemand, had lemnity for there belonging Letter books ) 3 ( ( Servian |! upon Austria's insistent (U apologized and paid in- | F an attack made on shops |] to Austria I and correspondence of | N he Dominion Wholesale Grocers' | N were quoted from in the S combine much of which Robertson & | the de Times, ays gro- case, pegard to George Kingston, ing into the guild, pre failures Evidence was sub was In Sons, to to opposition go owing vious mitted tered reements were the guild tobacco and to en into prove ag between I and ha » be wnufacturers fixing brought to to maintain m prices Ar the pressure was alers v ee I SOLDIER SUICIDES. Dead Outside heart's Residence Halifax, -N.S., Oct 21 Boyce, a member of the first of Canadian Artillery, was dead in front the woman to whom he attention There was in the leit temple, and in his hat, which was He had late hour, of Sweet Clarence regiment found of the been paying bullet hole revolver lay between his the house un- was said to-have all right he leit there. The are inquiring into the matter, the medical examiner thinks it | of suicide | of house had a a been but when in til a been police though A case Laymen's Big Banquet representing the city business-|tke street Metho in support © ampaign mn generously of banquet Fri 25th, and organi- committee, two | under Mrs. | ladies The hurches had an earnest, Sydenham list church Fuesday the Laymen's Missionary Kingston. They fered to provide Uect neeting on of very the on evening as a general each congregation, Sparks as 'convenor, Mrs, John | promising her associate sup- | Mrs. John Wright secretary | Miss H. Booth tre: The promise of success is ch day zed from R. | Carson port is urer, 'ring and pie Fall Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received all fall importations for order work in his tailoring department. His rea dy-made clothing and gents' furnish. ing departments were never better as- | sorted. it a Phone | i powder." Buy store Santol tooth Gibson's Red Cross drug Silver Watts . 55 vative Ly Nordheimer Steinway Pianos Pianos Warehouse: KIRKPATRICK"S ART STORE, 1569 Princess S mn, ------ COBALT PRICES. MEDICAL ELECTIONS y Direct Wire to J. 0. Hutton, Agent, 18 Market Street. October 21st Opening. Close Consolidated 32 343 For Aesculapian Society and Concursus. the res College A Honorary pre lamation): pre Vie ident secretary, 1 LW secretary ~ rer, AB Harty, A Chown following Medical Society elections : Dr. W. T. Connell fac dent, J. FE. Galbraith N ware; . * | Thompson; treasi a Rose re committee, A. H ittle Nipissing 314 2 LJ. E. Brunet, 8 ipissing 900 "00 60 60 15 181 111 111 154 155 Queen's are caver ap hambers-Ferland S34 obalt Qentral 60 obalt Lake 16715 Reserve pre Gardiner; FOWn assistant Wickware rel oster Bero (r J. McPher uson, T. J. Goodiell attorney, ( J Concursus--Judges, J A. Ferg prosecuting prose (neck urns, Hale } Nash; chi Houston; constable and N E. MacDougall M. 0. Oldham grand jury, W Marcellus of "09 G. L. Cooke ang PP. J. Ker M. Harrison and Scotia Leaf Que Ju ova ilver Ww M attorney SONIOT n junior uting Pherson J (x perts rethewey ymation medic W William erier, +J Tory Conspiracy. Oct Gibson \ Otte een receiv Awa H. Cr RM articula King tituenci wthod Jomit and wken H Alcohol Ask your doctor if a family medicine, like Ayer's Sarsaparilla, is not vastly better without alcohol than with it. yersSarsaparilla NON.ALCOHOLIC A Sgrong Tonic Without Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohol A Blood Purifier Without Alcohol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol 3 Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol yer's Sarsaparilla Without Alcohol i ree from Alcohol Manufacturing ned D onstitue harg J. C. AYER CO., Chemists, Lowell, Mass.