Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Oct 1908, p. 6

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TTT Auk SIX. : "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. TmED OF THE . PARTY. CASE OF BLACKMAILL |. 2:7, vos cies me wos Oct. 19.--{To the Edit-| a Change. Parham, Pc Ol } y INGSTONG J"EMBROKE or) : A correspondent of your paper A correspondent of the Napanee Ex- LS ATR Sr J " has, to my mind, exhausted the use-|ress writes as follows : NN 3 N AR i HE 3 f 3 RAI LWAY N \ 2 fulness of his anonymous writings. 1 I am a conservative and for thirty X ; The Char es Dis roved Out of Mouth vote iting h Youur, admit | two vears have voted with that par- : RRR 3 WE IN CONNECTION WITH anonymous writing has a certain limit-1¢y At the present election 1 am not » g P ed use. When printipies are dise uss- | going to follow the party, or at least \ RN Canadian Padifie Railway ed, it is of advantage, in the keeping 2!) am not going 10 follow the man - 0 ccuser. Gf persobaliti 0 out of sight, thus { who pretends to represent that party Return Tickets between all stations in leaving the whole attention free to bel} hove been asked my reasons and 1 Scarcely a day pames without some nr Canada, east of Port Arthur at directed to the principle. Put when pv. ng hesitation in making them as "A County Voter' does a writer sublic as I believe there are hundreds a of the family getting hurt. Maybe the bread- The. Vile Slanders Scattered Broudeast-- Thetis oo os muiamion, 2 Jrock vitor comesrative ia the sums EX winner's work makes him peculiarly liable to SINGLE FARE M tt f making : public Shaye, ac cusations, I am going to support Mr. Wartman ~ sts Sv lacerations : he baisterous youngsters Seed seine Friday. Saturday, Sune a er Was on Be Dr P l insinuations and on ICROOS 0 ' E because he speaks to me when he AY are always running in th th t i ; . ore : ugs €y Ti ne pas le be ie hime - meets me, no matter whether there is CR and bruises ; and housework abounds with OCTOBER 23, 24, 25, 26 dex an election on or not. X : Went to Ottawa. comes an evil, to be severely - con- |" T am going to support Mr. Wartman VER painful feos, burns, scalds, and sprains for Return limit Tuesday, Oct. 27th. demned. The writer referred to does|, ' . ol » is not the ® 3 \ . rrr not secin to know the niceties of con [POCO Che UAT SRGERIE ar a romp dreuiog with Zem-Bule | (ASK About Hunters' Excursions duct in regard to newspaper diseuss-| FNL Te Tele Fin i the con- \ lief an injury of public works--in 1907, notin 1905. 'ion, and should he continue to write servaive party that kd Poca running 1 K ; . "ve > © We is im- mousiv g scessit show . A . ry = 2 Full particulars a « & P. and €. PP who oght $0 ars os hap nso Hor could he have conloyed this in |ancnymously mus, of necessity, show ine Tn Shia" county 'long enough (| TERE why the Children ke it But Jmeans | |, Liman AK, GF 400.8 2 i i . f BRON : 2 ee : se a . Bi going to support Mr. Wartman \ \ his name is Hazen, and he is the | horated by his affidavit as read and [moral eourage. I sincerely hope this Tam go i to support. N h Nariman \\ \ much a hn your hurt will heal up F. CONWAY, prime minister of New Brunswick. He printed, if he had not desired, by man will not write any more on the 3 d quickly and perfectly without festering, . Gen. Pass. Agent » Pp - a. : : has held the seat for twent years Publicly Sharged He, I ugsley with a bringing the old transaction forward |topic he has chosen, for if he does he should be nd lo step AY and without gathering, an . wil se g, ile minister of public works rO VRRPR aden y y sig y - \ the sum of $2,000 os) a' drodoine two years, to strike at Hon. Mr. must attach his signature. And 1 do Tack Loom Tor some one of the other fiiseass germs. rat's why the * grown ups BAY or quiNTE RAILWAY. i ging pussley's integrity as a minister of [not 'believe anyone wishes to know eligible men of the conservative party. Train | station, the crown? Mayes' plea of a typo- | him, for, from his own confessions, he It's time Jor a change. Am NN Mrs. he Be. igiaiton Ysays:--* Five doctors and treatment fi three Lp.m. daily 7 (Sundar excepted graphical error strongly resembles the {would appear to be anything but a 3 g War nospitals failed to cure me of chronic ulcers and sores. They were so bad I could only walk byaid of a Chicka Hovi a socks . se -- Sincerel I am going to support Mr. Wartman | J chand a stick Zam: Buk has cared me! and 1 have put my crutch away. $ am 13 years old and in : aan points. north. if the charge were proven it would device of a man seeking to, escape desirable . acquaintance incerely because I'm tized of this tommy-rot | ali my life never met with anything to equal Zam. Buk." All druggists and stores sell at soc, a b drive Mr. Pugsley f J blic li {after being caught in an evil act. lyours, T. 8. G ENGE. 4 4 Buk Co., Toronto, for price, 3 boxes for $1.25. Cures cuts, burns, bruises, piles, eczema Es on i) Otte "Rah your rive Mr. Pugsley from public life diseases. : . about corrupti n. 1 have seen en pu-------- \ 3 . , . BOOS 3 . ' 2 e all skin injuries and d The charge has been disproved out Once the astusation was public and Cor or ts ough of party politics to pay no at- nj mes rea Rew he Tol r ver e res every art ol . : > 1 N 3 of the mouth of Mayes, who made the Fong ! g os the sheila Ye well tention, to a man who pictures the 'stamp accusation. Mayes now admits that anada, gonte » 7 4 other side as thieves and grafters and Ty the payment was made in 1905, two started, did the politicians who N can see no evil among his own sup- . i . Dae pss hl launched it then decide that it was > 8 as vears before Mr. Pugsley entered the ro p porters. postage an federal parliament. "In " his affidavit, sale lor Mayes 4 eal} atiention to the 8A I am going to support Mr. Wartman be mailed as printed, the date of the transaction | "FOF as 10 the date 7 Js Jooks that Wz because I can't stand Foster, and Jou. i October 16th, 1907 way, { 3 r y Fl + C Mr. was given as , but 7 i t : i can't see how any Faopester can. he deseribes this as a typographical Lhe rest of f je _Story 1s very ar Borden has not denounced him nor ----- : lefore Mr. Pugsley went to Ottawa error. Mr. Pugsley has since asked to | Hefore Wr. Pugeley went to Oitars has Mr. Wilson, and until both of | yoo purrs I BHR Open Season. see the affidavit, but has heen refused. : them do denounce him they should not | dredging, being the lowest tenderer. The mistake, whether accidental or Vr McA hi t i contrived, served the purpose of the r. cAvity was his partner in he enterprise and was entitled to and in CRE slandermongers, and Mr. Hazen's A ¥ f RS worthy hands. 3 ; ¢ k charge was flaunted from one end of 1'Me received a percentage of the pro- | I am going to support Mr. Wartman 2 the country to the other. fits. But Mayes clamored for extras, ¥ {because 1 always like to be on the ; : Mr. Pugsley has shown that the fought with the engineers, and finally 4 b a winning side. Everybody concedes x money was paid him for Jegal fees, [Made so much trouble that Mr. Mc- =F \ . that the government will be sustained He had acted as Maves' counsel in Avity cut loose from him, saying that by forty-five to sixty- five majority, several important suits, and had beep | ©OUrs€ too strongly suggested black- why should Lennox and Addington be You will find your requirements London Advertiser, If there is one politician in Canada contractor who had done work for Mr, Pugsley's department, Such a trans- action would have been eriminal, and receive the votes of men who like to] see the affairs of our country in trust- Z New Brunswick September 15th--November 30th Nova Scotia October 1st--November 30th Quebec September Ist--December 31st HOAKHOK HG HHSIE AHS HCH his adviser for many years. When he be- | mail. The Mayes contract was finish- on the opposition side? Wartman has came minister of public works, Mayes ed in time, and then the contractor il SH youth, energy and a strong majority presumed on old iriendship hy en- [set about two things : to collect the 'on his side in the house, why then deavoring to sell his dredge to the extras whicli the engineers would not should we waste our votes by sending department at a price $49,000 in ex |allow, and to sell his dredge to the Wilson to Ottawa whe h he has been cess of the appraisement of the de. | government through Mr. Pugsley. As there too long alread partmental engineer. Of this sum, | ime passed ahd Hon. Mi Pugsley / J | Mayes offered to throw 820.000 into would not give Mayes what he wanted 5 THE SERIES ARRANGED. the liberal campaign fund. Mr. Pugs- [pnd repeatedly proved that he would ley has produced the correspondence | not be either bought or bullied, the Places and Dates of District Dairy on the subject, which shows that he |mimster and: others began to hear : absolutely and curtly refused to pay threats of "exposure p Meetings. : a cent more for Mayes' dredge than The evidence at hand goes to show y ge R. G. Murphy, secretary of the the valuation of the expert. When | that Hon. Mr. Pugsley and his asso- Et Eastern Ontario Dairymen's associa Maves resorted to threats and black-|ciates, throughout the course of these : tion, and G. G. 'Publow, chief in- mail, he was ordered out of Mr. Pug occurrences, were both honest and The illustration shows an attractive |structor for the same association. ley's office by Mr. Pugsley himself. courageous Their honesty and their | design for a gown of light cloth, the conferred with the department of Mr. MecAvity, Mr. Moore, Mr. Os- | courage kept them clean. Can that be | model being in white broadcloth, with | agriculture and arranged for a series man, nearly everyone to whom Mayes said of Mayes and the men who have ja black satin tie, and black satin | of meetings all through the eastern made his threats, understood him to [used him in their base attempt to |binding at the edges of the upper |part of the province. This territory intimate that the $2,000 affair hap- | stampede the voters ? They have been | sleeves. Tiny cords of the white ¢ doth {is divided into sixteen sections, and 'a [ "hoist with their own petard." were used to finish the edges of the | meeting will be held in each. Re- piece across the bodice front and the | presentatives to the board of the as little panels on each side, and large | sociation will also be elected at these cloth covered buttons were used down | meetings, 5 either side of the cloth panels from In all seventeen were arranged, 3 hd 2 waist to hip line, The yoke of the | starting on Nov. 4th with the fol ) EDD & DAY UZ ZILE gown was of white net, and the shir- | lowing dates and places : ¥ . red sleeves were finished down the out- Peterboro, November 4th. er arm by a frill of the net caught in Lindsay, November 5th. 172.7 : scallop effect with white lingerie but- Campbellford, November 6th. H tons. Perth, November 17th. hemptville, November 18th. Vars, November 19th. Vankleek Hill, November 20th. Left on Her Doorstep Lancaster, November 23rd. North Williamsburg, November 21th For This Mother Avenmore, November 25th North Gower, November 26tl Mrs A. G. Tuson, of Livermore, ('obden, November 27th. Cal., writes: *'l picked up from my Madoe, December 1st. door-step one day a little book in Belleville, December 2nd. which | soon became very much in- Napanee, December 3rd. terested. My little girl of five vears Gananoque, December : ye a of age had been troubled for a tong hingston, December 9 ab Port th ho Caan Bey i time "with loss of appetite, extreme | me ------------------ . ¢ Mackinaw Division; Port Arthur via nervousness and undue fatigue, She | . ? N. Nav. €o. and to certain points in Land For The Settler. L Jue hes »w Brunswick, Nova Scotia | cate condition. | Do the conservatives tell the pe ; : Ronda ee of Nive, Magneto: | This little book was very compre ! that the liberal government insi a n : 0 re v River Penetand, Midland, Lake- | henti elv written, and told of the] upon the land being selected and thu F x . Madawasia to Depot flarbor, . [new - method of extracting the medi- | caused some 30,000,000. acres 16 be : To ona pN ls BD : ton and deny, Noun "It's a peculiar thing about June," said Frank, "that if you add up cinal elements of the cod's liver from thrown open to settlement, of which oh AEB MY, - nciugve n } the dates that have already pas and subtract that total from the te the oil, eliminating the obnoxious oil | at least =20,000,000 acres } among 2 4 AR La F E fy Dee Vath 008 ng Thy until class atuniay, tal of the dates to come, the fie » will be the date of our wedding which is so hard for children to take, | the most arable land in the west 2 x 5 : A ' gation, it earlier, to points reached by day." P13 Y tJus » thing," said 1. 'for my| What did the government do with -- i enw UN 4 / steamers . Can you tell on what day Frank and Florence will be married ? Ay ttle de 1 * and 1 immediately | their land which conservative policy p " : J y 4 3 Low Rates to Pacific Coast. swer Friday | 1 tle of Vinol. It helped | had tied up for a generation ? DOS "5 : gy 8 . WW) EV One way sbeond-class ................$50.10 i wonderin She has gained Divide them among the supporters Pa 7 y 8 ; Axed ! Good going until Oct. 31st. HH HAHHK Write Genera Passenger Dept. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY MONCTON, N.B. For topies of : | 'Moose in the Micmac Country here. May we have the pleasure of §| hing and Hunting." ¥ HAH HK SHAG AHHH AGHSHS 4 HS HHS RV pened when Dr. Pugsley was minister . k| Toronto Ticket Office, Bl King showing you the 'Z| St. East. General Passenger Department, # | Moncton, N.B., or apply Montreal % Ticket Office, 141 St. James St. New Fall Lines ?: mymmmmsms § ei HSI HG HOIOK day, Oct. 26, 1908. HASKHOK § Dominion General Elections, Mon- # Round trip tickets will be issued to all §& stations in Canada at J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. | af rm Sots, & and Monday;- Oct. 23rd, 24th, 25th and # | 26th, good returning until Tuesday, Oct. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES. % | 27h, 1908. & HUNTERS' EXCURSIONS N AT SINGLE FIRST-CLASS FARE, Until Nov. 3rd HHH HHH ws {was all run-down and in a very deli . Irs Ils flesh ane trencth. she | of the g Answer To Puzzling Watches. py m h and Siteng th, and_she | : ) 2 does not take cold half so easily. | ment, senators and defeated candi i * \ extremely orateful fo the | dates as the conservatives did with and rear combined " a the front ha ne-ihird of all the watches on 1 il for he | y + "ot 1 hu 3 as done her, and 1 hope the timber land ? No. The odd num 3 : X ; y \ 2 the Stand I'he other s y tated, had one-half as many watches yt hers who have weak. delicate | Pered sections were thrown open first ; Oh § Royal as the front. Therefore the "oth le had one-sixth of all the watches ailing children will be benefited by | to actual homesteaders and next for | § : 2 Mail on the stand. One-third and one I ual one-hal t t : d n 3 Laid cd ' nA I ad is clear that the 1my experience and just give Vinol a | sale at 83 per acre, a price fixed by front an | "other side" to whi have 1 ame number as the side and trial." | statute, to the actual se + who CHRISTMAS SAILINGS rear shown in the picture here altogether seventy-two watches on Yinol is sold swisto x . | must perform settlement duty and re 2 1 ~ ' : p the stand Tie Woohood Tis *{ side on tha dand. hen a Company can make such gains as these Yrom. St wie . ma-- . . . p------ . { Can the con tive ain their during mn) ard times," may be expected now that Tunisian sai " . wNo 28 charge that the land has not been re . 8 Victorian sails .....mutenaibeoc. 4, De hast arc returning ? Grampian sails ..., nnnnisDoe. 13, overnment, members of parlia J 4 OTRAS Heo rai De INT, apply Tin J br a : X yrner Johnson and The front, it was stat had one hall as many watches as the two sides Ontario streets John, Halifax. served for « the settler in face of the confidence has been reftored and fa ood times' fact that 35,000,000 acres are under | occupancy by homesteaders put on by | Rates of passage and full information | the liberal government ? : ; New Insurance in 1¢ . &7,081, 102. may be obtained from J. P. HANLEY, | 00 =r Agent G.T.R., or C. 8S. KIRKEPATRICK, Gam over 19006. . pl, ,590, Local Agent, | Can it be successfully contended | that the settler has not been carefully | considered and his interests ¢ gual ad Gain i mn Assets .. | when it is remembered that the thirty | million acres of land released " Gain in R eserve . n ) STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER | the embargo placed u I ¢ : : arlene Tx : :. ; @ - ' rE AVE S WOLFE ISLAND :-- | the (mirae DAs upon them reur: : Gain in Income . . 171,147. N 30--9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p aside exclusively for settlers by in t wil +8. 2300): B« L 309.15 a.m. Sent government ? : Gain in Surplus .. y od, Wi 7 roukey i Bay 6.30--9.30 am. 1.30 p.m HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, Ont. "ILI, 7.8¢ 15 a.m. 1,003.00 P Ss . 8. 00---9.15 a.m. 1.00400 p f A Bad Stomach SUN.\9.15, 10.00, 12.30 a.m. 3.00 p su / i LEAVES KINGSTON TI " A 9 | may come from one of three S. ROUGHTON, City General Agent, Kingston. MON. 8.30-11.30 am. 2.00-439 ». ' en hr 3 AAAS a . : iS, 30--11.80 a.m. 2.0048 PITA op nin 1896 y causes -- faulty digestion, -- WHD, 8.30--11.80 a.m. 2.004.530 » 1900 AND 3 r constipation or weak TRS. 0.1.00 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 7 p.m. | KNEW k cidneys. 8 - 8 "a omen} _. it'soneorall three Mallows, Buttercups. SAT. 8.3011.30 wm: 300-40 pom MAKE IT © § 0 be SUN. 9.435 am. 1.1 30 pam... wr of these troubles, ABBEY'S . Sat.--Special trip to Simcoe Island SALT will sweeten the Taflies, AH assorted A oa 200 Dam without i » - notice, stomach, make the digestion Boat calls at Garden Island going to sound, and regulate and Satins, and lots MOre, |wnd trom Kingston. strengthen the kidneys. » Yoni A fresh lot just placed on sale. They're delicious, and the price is right. Call and see the display. It ONEY | 7 ih iE | pleases the eye as well as the taste. . win PEER Cg BN | R.'H. TOYE, King St. |" Cua Gifs i (om SEAL SOLDER! F150 GT ASK TROVAL 25c. and €0c. a bottle. At all dealers, Have you tried our strictly § and } bar Solder, also our Star | set up or a bath room installed: I cam werful but AY Brae Ty Extra Wiping. The quality is gua ranteed and the price is right. do it in first-class style and at the right FIVE YEARS ee faams iil S02) Canada Metal Co. Ltd... SE waLA ST DAVID HALL Phone 335, 64 Brock w

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