PACE TWO. i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY OCTOBER 27, 1908. Autumn Rouse HARTY STILL REIGNS =: vi SPECIL BARCAINS THIS WEEK. myself in the campaicn."' (Loud he Furnishings. - . PB bpiau.) cheers and d "tiger" Somiors, Sualily aud beauty, our shite] As Member for Kingston in the Were givenilab Mx. Harty a2 be Te. White Cotton, worth 13c. This week, 8lc yd. LOW EST PRI I - Pillow Slips, 42 inches, 82 each. Shaker Fi Is, Se yd El Davis Speaks. Fs, es, 1aker anneis, oc yd. Commons. Elmer Davie, president of the Young i 35. ton 5S White Bed Spreads, worth $1.25, for 95c. Liberal Club, was warmly received. "I rejoice with vou, to-night, in the great victory which has been added to Ladies' Corsets. This week, 29¢ pair. - an - the 2 historic city of Kingston," he : s He Was Re-Elected by 349 Majority -An Im iid, in opening. Extra Wide Unbleached Table Linens, worth 40c., for 23¢ yd. idm Spe to-day has done herseli mense Crowd Acclaimed Him at ri ins having once Hors jee Extra Wide Black Taffeta Ribbon, worth 25¢ yd., for 15c. the Whig Office. . for the domjtion parliament, lor hel Good Quality Linen Towels, worth 15¢ cach, for 10c. i "We rejoice in the victory which has . . - been achieved. added-the speaker, "it Ladies' Pure Cashmere Hose, worth 102 pair, for 25¢. Hon. William Harty will continue to | By Wards In 1904. is a victory that speaks for itself in . ' >: # . represent Kingston in the House of | Harty. Gaskin. imore ways' than one. Our friends, the Children's Heavy White Flanneletie Petticoats, 35c. | ommor for the next five years At | Sydenham . 242 119 enemy, saw fit to wage a campaign * \ 3 n vs 1 ks 4 : . . . . - the polls on Monday he was given the | Ontario... .. .. . we .. ». 181 83 mare or less of sander. Kingston Children's Heavy White Wool Flannel Petticoats, 50c. Snphatie endorsation of the people, | St Lawrence . we 100 68 "did herself proud wher she denounced . ho re-e d him by 349 majority. A | Catars 303 300 that kind of a campaig I hope that attr a vietory for Mr. Harty was predicted | Fronter eal... 453 2066 'the lesson will be a lasting one, and a Ww Tg Yt ugh the campaign, but the Rideau . 487 490 that future campaigns in this old city aE he ney ! : A . ah wae ee teres ae 12 I a . and THEY ARE e alized that they would have | Victoria... ... ... wo wo. woo. 300° 240 [will be conducted en a higher level, "work hard to win, as the con- | portsmouth... ... i a 307 56 'and more on the great issues than has servatives vl chosen their 1 -- -- heen the case -- ------ man, in -the person of Dr , 2.269 22| "I rejoice and thank you as presi- Young Liberal Club, announced the | their standard bearer. During the few | -- dent of the Young Liberal ( lub, or returns, and as the story of the 'Whe Ys Bu days before the election the conserva The Speeches Delivered. the grand support vou have given ," sweeping victory for the liberal party €n ou uy Hye leaders appeared. quite sonficent At 5.45 o'clock, when it was known this campaign to lay, said Mr. was told, the audience went wild with | in win It was rumored that a whole i that Hon William Harty had been avis, one -- - 2 -- oe Sent. 1 1 barrel of tory money had come here elected by such a handsome majority, | ' t on kam Harty arrived at the the erowd called for speeches. Dr. A. | Dr. Ross' Statement. theatre about eight o'clock, and this | on Sawurday, and th Si \ DServe W. Richardson spoke from the Whig I'he returng were received by Dr. was the signal for another good de | tives vere | poms, ha pr ! " ars office window, and he was greeted [Ross and his supporters in the Stan- monstration. It was indeed a magni- | | O 2. 50 | | out of political lif is put ade 1 00 peopde. He p . Every return that came in ficent ovation that was tendered | I y ur . : Y life into H liberal d the | With loud cheers by B 2, ¢ | dard office. Ever, u ' A Grr » 1 ae the 7 ap It | said that he had been asked on behalf fwas waited with interest and when a Kingston's popular member. Mr. Harty | good-sized majority is the resul "1of Mr. Harty to express to the elec- lward gave Ross a majority a cheer occupied a seat in one of the hoxes, | Hat y i - it las W ( ) 8 O - : i i i has ; . t daw 4} upon hi : Sppon {tors the candidate's great appreci- would ring out, but the other returns and during the evening received the nts the arty is vincible, ¢ ; : | ¥ i fri ents tha 1 Ar 18 Invincible, and 1 ion of the confidence which had] asa --_---- congratulations of a host of friends. Your New Fall Hat you may as | well buy where you can get Style| and Quality. Scotland, that ne re Support from Son or ain been placed in him. The speaker | There was no speech-making, the N F | In Single, Twin and 3- the Sq Le Ydepencen a | himself felt very grateful for the re-| y meeting being called simply for the OW al VES | Stone Settings, first quali. liberal : s suit of the election in the city. It was | receiving of the returns from all over \ t stones, carefully set) - i juarier past five o'clock the | true he said, that Mr. Harty and the | the province. It was a very late hour | New Fall Underwear y id Th : division result reached the | 1 oral party had the city of King- | when the crowd retired. | to best advantage. e PHONE 90. Yours, ao front Mich 2 great ston by the neck (cheers). He would : During the evening, Mr. Treneer, the | N F I H : | prices are as reasonable as ~ + fvye athered US return Was | oo. that Mr. Harty's arms were not blind pianist, favored with a number | oW d GSIESY | is consistent, with the E . Harrison Co. from Ha. a Vie taria ward, a oat] ooh around the city's neck, but | of fine selections, and the bugle band, | quality of our gems read : Harty, 53; Ross, 48. No. ; AME | round its whole being. He was gle a : which waS out in the parade, visited New fall Neckwear | qualily 0 germs, 3 this Vv tory stronghold that the electors had once more plac- | 3 F the theatre and made things very live | about face, Harty [ .v" ihoir confidence in sh a onor- | " y ] ly. alt i --,-- -- a----TT = hel | ol ie 5 eh an | : ¥ ; New Fal Shirts : SMITH BROS. him to represent the city in the i Notes And Comments. ament on this great : nd rlori EF § The S . ts 1 Ask to see our New Close-fitting | . . ¢ o e g ? i he Standard got it in the neck Collar. | Jewellers, Opticians. dominion. 3 ; Harty carried all but Frontenac and ------ | 2 Ridéau wards. ; Issuers of Marriage Mr. Harty Cheered. { X The locomotive works will have five P HI IN | Licenses. | n 4 f 1 } 1. . . * NN a Mr. Harty followed, and his ap : more years of prosperity with Laurier 350 King street. warance at the window, brought | in power ch a storm of applause. So great | 3 Instead of holding Kingston merely BROCK ST. was the enthusiasm, that it was sev- | i by the neck, Mr. Harty has both arms eral minutes before he was able to | ¥ : around the dear old place. respond. Now that the elections are-over the "Electors of the city of Kingston | hb political workers can lend a hand to ¢ Portsmouth," began Mr. Harty. | the Laymen's Missionary Movement : ¢ "You know we cannot forget the lit-| "Laurier Harty and Continued | ¢ 1 g wellest 1 R ' tle village of Portsmouth. It is all | ' 3 Prosperity" blazed forth on the out- | ¢ owntree S ight. (Cheers). Once more it is my DR. A. E. ROSS. side of the liberal campaign rooms, 4 - great pleasure, t ar before . |The conservative candidate defeated in yesterday. 4 ple ure 0 apps nl » I you i C 1S€ ve Ale VE eraay 0 * th 1 © 1Ca e oats in the Pastilles and thank you for the renewal of iagston Portsmouth did its duty well, yester vour confidence. You have giwen me a day, but it might have given a few A - fresh supply of the following flavors :-- eae 'a es L OOOO CO0 PP We have the scarce (a . handsome majority, and thereby, 1|Were.received in quietness. After every |, majority, so that the figure colors in Blankets now @ will be your representative for anoth- (Ft the conservative ward wockers count he the unlucky number 13 i ® er five years. (Cheers). You have been (Would come straggling in, tired out "Turn the rascals out!" quoth the In demand. doing that now for seventeen vears . and disappointed after their hard | go ndard. And the people did so by you have added five more vears, and h day's Werk, be Ross Xoo hie defeat defeating the notorious tory trio, % : lava Blas , $ if it is God's wish that I should live |AM€0Y en She fast returns Were In | known as Bennett, Fowler and Lefur- | 4 Navy tue, All Wool | for five more years, 1 will then have |S loyal supporters gave him a gey. L 4 Eucalyptus and Menthol ri 3 1 y repress « " arlic "a hearty cheer and forced him from the ros . cbr: . a 4 4 . Crimson, All Wool represented you in parliament for 3 The Whig had an extra, containing | ' ' office to the front steps where he made Yio: Tv close upon a quarte fa ce | en ' {the full returns from all over Canada, ea 2 3 i i White and Gre y, Allg he aa ON WILLIAM HARTY. i Lara a tury. a speech. The defeated candidate made 20 a BO 7:30 ek his . 3 Glycerine, Mille Fruit, candidate in Kingston. (Loud cheers). I wish to express my | 3 on : no charges against the other party. Wool. -- gratitude to you all. I can only say | ! . morning. The paper was eagerly é 1 a Whiteand Grey, Union getting majority of fifteen. The re- that in the past I have at all times } HO only Slated that ® the re had not bought up. ] Black Currant Licorice | turns continued to favor Harty to the endeavored to do all that I could to een an election an order woul not In this election 4,105 votes wer J » ' ht | delight of the crowd of liberal work- further your interests, amd 1 will oo have been received here Tor twenty-five cast, or sixty-two more than in the . . ® ers gathered in the Whig office and the on in the same manner for the next locomotives a frie Sutely say that I dominion election of 1904. The regis- | § 3 Yoic> Lemon Juice ® immense assemblage of people who five years. (Cheers), have not lost a Sone us 8M tered vote this year was 500 less than | § : " ? ~ filled the street in front of the new Continuing, Mr. Harty said that on Paign,"' said Dr. Ross. } ARs oi MY four years ago. J i Q i i 1 : 1 I ~ tends 3 ainst Vv oare x \ i 1 + paper building. It was soon seen that an occasion such as this, it would not friend voted against me, but they ave Christopher "J. Graham prophesied | § : 3 ($6, me GE. it was only a question of majority be for hin to thank any particular still my Iriends, and 1 hold no hard fifty 'majority in Victoria ward for y C aul, for Harty, who at one time was 450 class of the community, for the work feelings. He then thanked all Who | Dr. Ross. He was just out 109 He % $ (= ; ? few of Dr. Ross' strong which had been done. He, himself, had pyoted for him and all that used their and George Taylor, of Gananoque, are { ks 1 . C ar pe wt W arehouse . & ds wer me and they reduced not been given any of the work He [Influence to have him elected. a fine team of guessers. ! \ C €0 S ru ' . 8 he v iy 349 had been saved all this by his sup For a quarter of an hour after the e ul \ . CEEEEEEEEOEROTEEE wrty entered the Whig office at porters. The speaker had not now the At 'The Opera House. election results were announced. the i ¢ | past e o'clock and was loudly strength he had in former vears After the returns of the city election | whistle of the locomotive works was ns were heing "The election held, to-day," said had been received, the crowds journey- | hlown continuously in honor of the ' crowd in the street Mr. Harty, ""has been an election by (ed to the Grand Oper: jose, here president's great victory cheered loudly ever ne Mr. Harty's the people, for the people, and for the [the returns were received from all the | The liberals conceded Ross a major Cook's Cotton Root Compound. 1 i vdvane When the final re- city of Kingston. (Loud applause.) provinces, and announced upon the ityVin Frontenac and Rideau wards . The great Uterine Tonic, and ult was ¢ UNCC there was great 'I claim no credit, what was done stage I'he G.N.W Felegraph Co. 'hut thought that in his own ward, i Regulato fo effectual Mont} ay tio ° me time there was a was by your own activity. To you I |placed a special wire in the house, for | Frontenac, he would have had more Soid in three degrees Id scene wit and without, men give all the credit, and for this ma- the occasion, and rendered a ¢ od ser- | Twenty-four was rather small. No. 1, $15 No. 3 and boy ing frantic with delight at jority. 1 say that 1 feel prouder of it vice. The theatre was packed from Mr. Harty's big majority is due to a pd > * * - 9 - ° « 0 5 ® . @ > 9 ESE CRD tpi +4 the great ctor than any larger one in the past. the pit to the gallery, and the great- | sreat extent to the excellent organiza I'he ' resu by subdivision { (Cheers.) est enthusiasm prevailed tion of the liberals. The successful wards was as fi 3 "I desire to thank my loyal old| Elmer Davis, president of the 'cympaign_ was conducted by John ge friends of the liberal party, who, in m-- McD. Mowat, president of the Reform Result By Subdivisions the first place, nominated me as their Mr. Sheldon's Statement. Association. eens . Harte. R candidate, and who have stood by mi l.eamington, Ont. Here is most There was great joy in the loca Svdenhan ' : 51 Up to the present time. (Loud manifest proof that only one remedy liberal camp, last evening, when the store and all at popular prices DR. A. Ww. CHASE'S . " y Cheers.) I wish to thank them for exists for catarrh. "For two years 1 defeat of the notorious Fowler. Ben ,~~ their continued confidence in me. There sou remedy to cure my so of tt an Lefurgey was flash '$s CA TARRH CURE tar G" ax onting ¢ 1 er yught a remedy ) ny son of nett d ole ey ; 4. 95 to $30 each - "en \ x 1s never an occasion when IT felt 'catarrh, but permanent results were [the wires, These are the ! ) , to the di y at a ore d blige »" < 16 "| y \ NEC A 8 I : he ae Q wl 5. 9 I wi : mor bhi J ohligatis 1 to not obtair d till he us Catarrhe people turned out til : old Be sure and see our range + be wer n b em, than the present wish also to ! zone," which cured like magic. He has I'he announcement of the retur t bef busi q os dr gs in the Y {) thank the independent vote of the city heen quite free from catarrh since the country was watched by a ge 4 belore buying. oat at J permanantly cures : , be it conservative, independent, or of using Catarrhozone No wonder Ca- crowd on Princess street. When * rh and Hay F Blow ny t | » : 1 -- or be aed ) 3 3 wy other mind. 1 know that we have tarrhozone has such an enormous sale wr's return was assured at ; , Toronto and Buffal buttone« home Spt fr rit Are to be seen at this Am rascals not a majority of 35 with liberals ho other remedy car rove so many . the tory chiefs " g ' one When we look at the vote we guccessful cures--that ved cured. weir coats and headed for ae N . know that it has been enlarged | a Moral--Use Catarrhozone yourself, William Robinson, ex-M.P.I'., who . great number of citizens, not attached months' treatment costs 8 ¢ is' took ill last Friday, was able to r iN Sourdier 9 . 1 : a 10 one party or the other, but who guaranteed: sample siz nty-five to the polls, yesterday, and cast his lA i B ; 1 = as « have voted in the interests of the [cents at all dealers jn medicine vote for Harty He was one of Exclusive Furrier avings Lid \ 1 4 5- city. I recognize this "fact throughly, the oldest residents who voted in. the : ra = Se that the independent vote, parti . nr election. He would rather fast a week 76, +8, 80 B No os 30 2 rock St. 1 , : cularly the property holders' vote, has than miss a chance to cast a gnt ¢ ; Kingston's Famous Fur Store. ? s e-------- pie dd +4 vole, A w been behind me, and what fo Be . ., cause they had the confidence that 1 At eight o'clock, last evening, a 0 Ban C OC S51 oe ¥ould do in the future what I have J large number of loc otsotive Yorks em- 1 The Always Busy Store. * MAKE A NOTE * rey 1€ he ? , he x 3 ¢ » » irove * : Victoria ) done in the past ook after the best ployees formed a parade. wey d ¢ : interests of their fellowmen in the in cabs and vans, and were armed | EPI ESISPO4 SIS E Io : 2 «yt city." (Loud applau§e ; with horns and fireworks. Locomotive cn [{We can safely 3 : bells were also used to add to the Portsn 8 7 The Locomotive Works. say that this pandemonium. A bugle band played = MON R Mr. Harty said that the locomotiv = the procession through the streets. | | Al " Se RL he otomo uve | jseason we are 2 There ; ' ring in the | 2.206 y works had been brought into the eam . i | There was grea ent ® 'W L Erne 5 Jor . sa tre n 3 y . . paign by the fonservatives. The showing 2 lar X Ma ign ie Kir y the grandson of the gC) EN su} x avda Benker . - peg ok . 8 : ackenzie ing, g as: € REAI Result By Wats i speaker od jot 3 ty tev th ger variety of ef S famous "rebel of "37," was announced 2 arty. Ross, orks hgure a ction, } or " has: . ine 11 be the new minis y Svdenha MN ie this his opponents were entirely to Chi ldren's Furs 1% Mr. King, who will he . w King LD fy . X "ees we 9] 6 bl : : d b ] ter of labor, succeeds (Whiskey King | ] # h f ES A E hy = ii o But I want to tell vou now," id- | an etter NEVE Seagram (conservative) mn North Py | | a ne ii 05 68 ) £ 0 tell yo 10W, ada a atorlo sh has turned over to . Cataraq . 1594 ©2s0 ed Mr. Harty, 'that the men who values than 3 Haterioo, hig h ha urn : wi nee eee 45 2 . Yr ke a he me > 1 : he grit side _ HIS 169 made the mistake of dragging the lo ever lore, be. ¥ RL A The largest majority secured in any 1 S6 537 comotive works into this campaign \ % Gvisi y Rideau 166 7 1 1 pay Coats, Ca ps, \ " one subdivision was that of seventy- \ 302 ' will never do so again, because it . 9 Tk is the . . ae OC 4 two in Cataraqui, No. 9. at is the € . M the fact that the Coal we sell is of Lor awakened our workers up as never he- Malls and Sets gl division of which Michael Sullivan, A child who is old enough @ the best quality to study is old enough to P. WALSH, Barrack Street. Given away to each Purchaser of show you how you can your 1oney in building double it in two years Smout no i i af J - fore. (Loud cheers.) of R ' . y ) 99 "Word A on xX tl hi accoon, government works' contractor, is head «a , ordas co ) e ress © Hy Ii r § 3 * =.==0 Ahn! pre he oirlign The announcement of this majority wear glasses. Do not chance marring the life of the child 3 ARK A VENUE . Sign ander, which I Joel towards my | Machol Ice- was received with thundering cheers 4 4 ellow employees," said Mr. Harty, in land L am b ' Next in size of subdivision majority by neglecting the sight. Eye- closing. "I cannot express, in words i to fA . N 4 hi i : boise . was that of seventy in Cataraqui, No. EX | E NSION Doctors my thanks for what they have done | JConey, etc., in very new and Q od the third largest was in No td for me to-day. thank you all fror : 1 Ee, a STR VON Wa . strai ways I Q te bottom of my a -t y = MN x ¥ 5 pretty styles are ready for your] 2, Sydenham, where sixty-four was se strain always enders study IS BOUND TO GO AHEAD y o f ue dr: ar aes wT cured. dificult land ultimately in- | : Ayers Cherry Pectoral is a doctor's newal of your confidence. It all goes comparison. medicine, Doctors prescribe if, endorse to show that vou are satisfied with 25 Tr ne f int] : . Tooth Brushes, For 20e. J. L. Haycock says it beats it. Useit or not, as your doctor says. what I have done for you in the past, All prices. re onr stock of tooth brush E i C - > 8 s » sa- . " and all I can say now. is that I will A ; Winnipeg, Edmonton or Toronto. You could not please us better than to . ye ; es, we will sell during this month only > continue to do my best in the future." 2 ask your doctor about Ayer's Cherry Before clekine Mr. Harty gave some = > October) all our 25c. tooth brushe Get plan and particulars at Pectoral forcoughs, colds,croup,bron- } worm words of praise to the British or 20c. Every brush guaranteed. chitis. Thousands of families always | Whig, for the most able assistance Wade's drug store. M C NN 'S Beep tin the house. The approvalof | rendered him in the campaign : Taber A their physician and the experience of § |" "The work of our friends on the staf | A "Look over the books in the Tabard © C ' many years have given them great] of the British Whig has been the best Makers of Fine Furs, Inn Library at Gibson's Red Crost - ~1" Princess St. ' Drug Store. They can be exchanged 51 BROCK ST HE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm Pro perties. Municipal and County Deébene tures. Morigages purchased Deposits received and interest allowed. juries both body and mind. Glasses dre not expensive. S. C. McG. !|, Managing Director. 87 Clarence street. Chown' sDrugStore OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF io oy AGC Smoking and chewing, at fersty-five 185 P rine 8S St. cents a pound, is a good tobacco. Why pay eXhty-five pents; Andrew Maclean, 1 0000060066000000000 Ontario streat. 900000000000 00000000000¢ confidence in it. {Carers that I have ever seen since 1 have been memmanad (in Kingston, and I desire to take this' all over the world. . $