YEAR DRI But Later Former Nurse. T76-NO. [tD SHE REMAINED TRUE EASILY PERSUADED TO BE- COME HIS WIFE. the of She Turning Back to Object His Youthful Had Nursed Him Through Illness--Everyone Happy Now. is 28. This woman first widowér back to affection of Mis L Oct stories of a to her hts of a turning Spokane, Wash, i of those heart remaining the thoug wealthy, but lonely, the ohject kis youthful I'he result the marriage Mary Oswalt, Chicago, and Brockway, of Wash., home of the groom The et was performed by Rev. F. N of the regational church Brockway the at when rare true one love and of ol wa ol Rosalia, remony Smith, p Cong furniture lat Oswalt, learning Mi Mis from a northern the south the wa Vicksbur he met fresh was in following She business 1 the "80s, graduate hospital, minister low feve to nurse nurse, who to the epidemic sick I had ocea young Brockway, who ariment; uccessfully through he asked her to marry accepted Brockway soon innoculated with the and came to Spokane hence to Rosalia, south of here opened a store. Gradually drifted apart another from another him illness, and him. She after western suliering brought woame fever cong he the years his years where he few nurse later he name Mrs a leaving child at learned that single, and after , he opened correspondence and wo died gave Brockway her man two ro, husband and a four-year-old I'hrough friends Brockway still addre old ver before, reasserted itsell, Brockway did have much diflic in persuading Miss Oswalt, then liv Chicago, to come west, and followed Vick burg was obtainin her I'he attachment, begun twenty and not ity mn the weddmg PHSWED STEAMTROTF -- And No Harm Came to the Royal Party. Oct Queen Minister eding In Catalon steamer ran into the violent shock Owin alertness of the ended the ally no « wi Ai While King Victoria Maura and launch 1 mal Barcelona, 28 fonso panied other visit pn with a to the launch, rously, I'he laun and a by Prime Were 13% the proc cruiser ' ' launct r how ever, the dexte practu teamen h's bo done the \ Emigrants London gration 1907, t , she went 17,525 British anc 200 wer ted nm nda grant rep authorities, a 'auper likely to diseased, onviets, 9 han or ome public charge nity pe 1 idiocy or In returned with 1, 10 15 RY re rant immora not tat 1 emi Dredge A Mighty Married His. An | { and a Miss Oswalt | ted The fe emj ceived | Ir eloquence election two ima twelve In it facturers, the | woperty n ing | Refused $200, 000 to Let Lottery | Dakota 1 le repre Mr I'ransaction Ke Canadian In Hey 1 28th, Fhe For Thanksgiving We showing some very quaint sets are of in 13-piece odd shapes OLD BLUE AND DERBY WILLOW PATTERNS. -------------- Robertson Bros, ettie PITH OF THE NEWS. Very Latest Culled From Over The World. I'runk railway will be improved millions of dollars aed twent carbolic acid in his room, five minutes later, in 'I the approaching visit to Montreal, McGill is the honorary Grand ntreal, of Baker The Mi itlay Bert rank rt At Milne r on L.D A of r ) ham Italian labore works hundred on the water at Guelph, ou r lo pig have gone trike Sir Wilfrid a and most their return ay night. Ihe London id Laurier"s and Lady Laurier enthusiastic n to Uttawa on Chronicle personal high character say won Word ds canal Washin explosions ulting in has reached gton the PI the death namite on ar res men about fifty, Blenheim, morning James Barber, ed el-known farmer of it ted le Monday poison | ay SuiCIe kin I A (Cooke have obtained judg Lord Northelific libel cement « Count unst 5.000 for The mmanuel papers Prince to Duke of f Turin, Patricia hter of the ht ill soon enrag daug Ix Altendorf, Hung d and wile 18 one living ary in to be one mdr twe his Both old, while are in Will rom , on re Philippine th the S00 ned © X1.000 000 Ia damag at spondent VORTs Grand uehee, d arlow, | retin gag to throat ol = M nrmer I'runk by attempted cutting hi ubtful kin 18 the Ie ¢ master, commit ; His 1 I'he a] step tion taking pra mploved hi une que in \r a vithin power by angie exter the ve improvement wment of of tating idera wral. empl ble number men "HONEST JOHN" MILL ER DEAI Operate. Duluth, Minn., Oct ex-Governor John OR t Milla terda imous ficht acainst the tery in North Dakota Mr. Miller led the figl tter the story entative of the lot Miller's office, and onta O00 000 voulr Ihe of ills Loui de f Nort here, Y. ¥ ar v. and ut case « min hat lottery ud price Miller oflice Miller 1 and he threw him i } Hone Da 1 ] W redouble calle m N t tte I'hey SOLD WIFE FOR $25 Comes Out Court in Dunmow famous DYING oF CANCER. Chance Hopeless N Dr. Bull's is Dr. Will recovery ar only | physicians fering, ar « cancey When the his neck, decided cancer ) sary t ver, cancer, which first the the 1 was the mity surgeon of the made it nec e. Dh ull, to Xx ray installed and f laily ry ) how: prefer treatmer the the rt { fox last to mn nr was submitted SUING FOR BEQUEST Him By His Uncle. Made to aR The Dyment, H amilton the late ll-known who won before wiles has Albert | Joseph Heighington, the estate, claiming te. The claim a bequest John is claimed to the lega is John therefore, which was hot ¢ com Kr aingt plate, Ww writ S ag eX¢ Dy ment s will mad £5,000 to his nephew, It id also horse trainer was pa name nephew bequest his ! Oranges sweet, Califognian Edwards & Jenkin. e bequest whose I'he tl in ment, 18, for him ng © 10 ' 1 Oranges ! ! Mexi maacia. an and iy re Wit I ome Tues Sir Wil popularity the f of of a com by manu ment for Victor Prin of announced nty hun excellent am the to \ suicide COVEry to the Englis Considered operate tins | onservaty Deceased Dy 85.00 that Dyment, that te m "Phone KINGSTON, ~ WORK FAILED terminals, an The Campaign of Slander and Secret Work. GRAHAM SURPRISED THE RESULT OF FEDERAL ELECTIONS. Lord to con { bably dégree of or AT THE Laurier's Tour Did Resented Whitney's ence--Liberal Press able Service. droekville, Ont., Oct Graham makes the Fhe result is The attacks undertaking, the G the general led to appeal the peal It--People Interfer- Did Valu- 28. --~Hon. G following state surprising on that Pp, ment to not great 'P.P., cam to peopl The to prejudice which st. every Un constituency, 1 am pleased to little effect, although this conservative campaign assiduous way the provineial relished the me imtionas and slander fa of resents n of inte hig were paig the circulatic I tool rence ol i place in alme | tario he in a most ol rierence not inte overnment was by lector So fi the tour factor concerned, the the Ontario Wilirid ult, while cony r as of was t great liberal SIT in the re ip a campalgr To Have A Protest. Hamilton, Oct It that the election 1s not 1m of Mayor member, in | | probable Stewart, ervative | West Hamilton, will be prote Greenway "Beaten. Li Mau 2 t aonservative, the Manitoba tl beating (Oct ceded of the by about gar Sharpe, 1 ue in former pre S00 votes Gareenwa on ner ol a | Western Majorities ouver, Oct. 2 Melnnes 2.054 (( M owat ons.) 016 (S 3 wtin (Cons.) (Lib.) Kingsley Oo 182 « 1 > Barhar | Fempleman (Lib.), 2,166 Westminster, Oct. 28 1.), defeated Jardin (Lib.), by SIS Nanaimo, Oct. 28.---Smith (Lib.), 100 pluradity over Hawthornthwaite (Sec), and Sheppard {Con.) Oct Taylor North Lanark Is Tory. | Oet Hon. Charles Mur- majority Ru is 1,193, the the history of the unty North ), 603 YH Ottawa, aN in Re m mn nirew Enter Ww Ralph Smith May It i sthihity po man's defo: i thir Hot Vi (quite th (et ot i, it Tempt Dun Sir Wilfrid Pleased (et duty, Ont Maritime onservative Halifax of H B Montreal ntoine contested. A Liberal Leading. Oct = A) aR dizcay -- Gone main Conservative Oct Two =i are, Ont Appar tor's TW¢ conserva «the "two Sakonnet River Oysters packed and shipped d the Are from from ice & wards will the | SHEIK the ¥ THREE CARDINALS London, Oct. 28.--A de- spatch' from Rome to a London news agency says the Pope has decided that a special conmsistory shall be held for the nomination of new American Cardinals after reorganization of the American dioceses, and that the United States shall have three Cardinals. ¥ * 1 ¥ * of | C8 the ade ONTARIO, | th | married OCTOBER 1908, ~ (L0SED tv A Meeling faced WEDNESDAY 28, ARRESTED ON BELIEF. of ers of Tortur- Him. Uet Hatfield Accuses San of murder liam Beitig Charles : i person bron Texa i are do wa n Hatt 1 herman, attempted i unity there dred people sufticiently Du inham entifica pro who FOR BALKA II, a man whos imham till the in this city. from the and tained jail while score intimate aequaintan Dunham and his and a ney ) tion. were quainted to mui opinions Such an ence als by gone ames sembl: to D ct of comment was ht he wa sub Crill middle a week broug re west in victims in opin identity tor n witl clothed of e divided ect of that at insufh iently custody learly CON ni thie family and | LO choel vith Stolyp ves SIX Asked That the S From ces of came, on upon i Hatfield declar tured by the ofl heavy nu detained in sdw . t his Refrain the S us he was e tive cers Sherms: His George on Petersburg. and af St. Petersburg apparently with Austria | manifestations the B throu officers had that their derer of their t ernment t \ emplo; alkan h t terday, retram of Servia to frot wele and en police to held te s south ) CXpre rn Sth The sanctioned thas ar irprise ed ordered ¥ and Detaining War Oct 38 ntior the al ton I'he \usty rifle iar A Note To B Oct Ru onstant a pavment f equ o for her lk and als . Furkey SO United C, in " Charle on in Colun Mis: th tribute, Furkey' tary mobilization. have notified the they approve of the believed Bulgaria will in request, law joined Disp lay Of R ~-A within Ottawa, call will doubt a few ( of parli assembl Wednesday, h The first day's the House of C svoted to ssue ession h will expected, on anuary of gthen + HH cle {ED who has f deputy ast four th unanim- the speaker- YA EH filled speaker years, ch the « for the I Made Oct ous ship In A deputy 1 for he 1 to an ° last 1 nber, so far 3 ost 1s McIntyre, Perth. os ntisned that M.P. of for to Express! Sympathy DEMAND MADE BY THE RUS- SIAN GOVERNMENT Welcome to Crown Prince Cet. fearing complica- asked sympa it government Semlin, have identieal wd rnment, JAILER IN. Under been THE LAYMEN'S RALLY. The Plan of the Three Days' Cam- paign. The opening gun of the Laymen's { campaign will -be fired to- night in Sy- denham street Methodist church, when | addresses will be made by the Bishop «f Ontario, Rev. Messrs. Gunn and Allen, central mission workers, of | Toronto and by laymen. Rev. Mr. Ebina, a missionary on furlough {from Japan, will attend the meeting | after his address to the students at Queen's college. To-morrow morning, from twelve, in Sydenham street hall, will be a conference, or rather mission training talks by visitors, and in the afternoon from three to five. On Thursday evening, at a mass meeting, Mr. Ebina will make .the principal address. Further an nouncements will be made to-morrow. For the banquet on Friday even- ing Rev. Dr. Gandier and J, Camp- bell White, of New York, will speak In the afternoon at three Mr. White will conduct a training institute. The ladies report that their gatherings for the banquet work have been the most cordial and sympathetic that have ever taken place on similar lines in Kingston. It has been an un common pleasure for those of differing denominations meet on common dem- | ground, to know each other better, Prince |and to find how deep a tie exists t night, it|among them. The banquet will be close a meeting | 8 great success, like the mass meet thy with the | ing and the conferences. government hav me ts meeting there MARINE NEWS. hen the police to disperse. IT 0p N SLAVS ten to church ervian Colony a Demonstra- Visit to St. ~The gov- decided to of sympathy Slavs Premier he Servian lega- the Servian | iving a to was to n ome 1, What is Found About Wharves. Ford River the Materials. \ustria's i Servian government to d threaten tc 1 from Austrian int speci refusal to in Up 80,000 rifles go. It stated has 10,000 rifles to Bel The schooner cleared for Charlotte I'he steamer Aletha to-day, from bay points | I'he government tuy { here from Prescott, Belleville The steamer Stormount, with 97,500 bushels of wheat, and barge Hamil ton, with 66,000 bushels of wheat, ar rived from Fort William, for the M.1 Co's elevator. The steamer City which went aground Point, was released, vesterday, and came on to Kingston. The vessel was not on very hard, and suffered damage. She cleared for the tiary, to load for Cobourg After being delayed for several days, by the the steamer Alexandria and steambarge Waterlily arrived at Yolger's wharf, late Tuesday night, from Montreal. The fog is still bad, that the tugs of the M.T are making very slqw progress. seiz- war | « was at Swift's arrived | wi to Scout, on the Ly compla factory, is of New York, igned near Halliday's ulgaria. Bo Great Britain, to note ad envoy to rrang for the compensation to the Roumanian ng Bulgaria, at efrain from mili- rmany and Italy government that foregoing. It is comply. peniten presented stone an fog, f aski to r Ge 80 Co Officiated At Hanging. Sheriff Robert J. Eilbeck and his son, Deputy Sherifi John Eilbeck, of Dawson City, Yukon, officiated at the hanging of Edward Eliors, who mur dired David Dergman in the woods near Selkirk, last July The took place Oct. 6th To Eilbeck the condemned sence those around confessed that he had man, but in fair fight, man was an unknown man, a mask. As soon as Elfors madi confession Sherifi Eilbeck signal to the masked hangman, | the trap was Elfors cad in eleven ¥ Force. 'N 2 the ma- religious | in feast to the Bairam yesterday, military force brought constitution, their trong pick display ontin- | ¢ Unless measures hanging Sherifi in pre scaffold Berg hang ange in on man, the killed The who wore of i iments, the 18 his the and pots, gave ted hed sprung on was) ( seconds, Coming To Kingston. One the expositors of {lein, of New jan invitation jal church, there students and A. C has noted the Bible, York City, to Bethel will address every afternoon and evening dur ing next Sunday en ing. Mr remain. only week Sunday To of most Gaebe accepted Death Escape Sen- Congr ration and meeting Hazel ed Joseph Denny entend of | his week, beginning el on Gaebelein can yvurd irder 3 following escape as on the od cell d to the was | No hills. | the v month's meetings in his No More Cas has just levelops four ci moved to Fort Henry till to-morrow orbett, of the] of the city provincial health bere small-pox There to more city These are be at be were re quarter isolation day, but may At present Chairm Joard of Health, Dr. Hodgetts, the officer, not yet Toronto t ' in | 13 out has 'ome fro io view the cases, Bigamists Sentenced. hc HERI Oranges ! stat euts, Liquid Court ! 2 'Red Cross Drug Store, Ja-| For i Healal Gibson's : : CHARLES MURPHY. The newly elected S ecretary of State, NR In the Deroche Belleville, Ont., Oct ounty before Judge Bancroft, mn court, Hawley, tenced to three harge of bigamy, perjury in swearing the woman he married was sin Mrs. Pearl Lott, whom he mar was sentenced to three months hive James wi sen jail three months to an aflidavit months on a and for th gle ried, Land | days | Mixed Nuts For Hallowe'en. | Edwards & Jenkin. "Phone 775. libe conservatives of Kingston « in Harty's election. The of Kingston will be cheerful the hope keeps as it has in past fede ral elections sinee Sir John's day | Frank Welch, of the Canadian Lakes | Navigation Co., Toronto, ves at his home in glasses. Edwards & "The Red Star." Phone The Frontenac returns are complete. The hope rals spent terday, Figs Jenkin, 110 not yet { if | i i TW mm---------- The IS ay, ligh t 'ocal showers. AFA HK SHAH WASHOE KAHAS AH HAS HAAAAK SHS co FRR RRR : PEGE Pr ered LAST EDITION Probabilities : Toronto, Oct. 2---0Qttawa Valley and Up- per St. Lawrenc: 10 a. m.-- Light variable winds, sartly cloudy and cooler te=lay and HE NAHE FAA Smart Costume Suitings HAAN HA + viduyalit Sten Women who Failored selection offers muterials city equals variety. they of Here diversit suit The Rough Cloths effective $1.50 In ToC strip che Cheviots and Serges In all the to $1.35 Plain Surface Cloths Including Broadcloths, Veretiars, Chamois Cloths, Ottoman Soliels, Queen's Cloths, Etc. desirable shade AAA Eh EAA AIA Bie Musketeer HEHEHE HAA AHN breed BORN. M ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. "Phone, 577. 227 Princes ess street NE W GOODS New Canned Corn, New Canned Peas New Canned Beans, New Canned Tomatoes New Canned Pumpkin. '3 TINS FOR 25 CENTS in this city. { Special Prise by the dozen Bae Saar : Jag Redden & Co $ 1 iy LAYMEN'S RALLY Sydenham Street Methodist Church TONIGHT AT 8. The Bishop of Ontario. Rev. W. T. Guan, of Tor- onto. Rev. James Allen, of Tor- onto. And Laymen! Volunteers for choir invit- . ed. Everybody welcome. EE PESTS a F44- i id FEES EIS | | | | winter. Importers Of Fine Groceries. EVERYBODY COME. And pick out your Stoves for next Not too many, but good ones, 'Phone, 7085. In view of the correspondenc e of professing Christians in the Montreal Bar over the election of a bishop, it | behooves clergymen to pause ere con- demning solely, the political press and politician. One of the coaches the Bay of Quinte train jumped track near the front of Brock this morn. ing. No damage, st TURKS, on the street, %