Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Oct 1908, p. 2

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Er ll er ------ ae eat emit TAGE TWO. . : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDXESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1908, Coes sees 10 WEEN OUR": HE ONS SIDS gpEGIAL BARGAINS THIS WEEK THE CITY COUNCIL DIDN'T LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS HAVE QUORUM. : IN GENERAL. os White Cottor, wo 'th 13c. This week, 8lec yd. Occurrences In T The City Ana Eleven Members Were Present-- X Vicinity--Other Brief Ite of Pillow Slirs. 42 inches, 82 eacl S > : = . One More Was Needed--No os Intarest Easily Read asd R ' I 3 dm » OC each, baker Flannels, uC yd. tiie: Had on -o 4 es asily Rea ni e- ois - - Business Had Be m Prepared, p aC. ABGFoit. White Bed Spreads, worth $1.25, for 95¢. al . a Twenty-five cent tooth pe 1b, | Ladies' Corsets. . TlLis weck, 29¢ pair. attend at Best's one Read the wramme for the lay etn ye * mm 3 . - ig agin Hhen's campaign 'In another: roltmn of Extra Wide Unbleached Table 1 inens, worth 40c., for 2c 3 this issue t the eded par . x i i 5 5 t the par = Scop. the miost perfect antisetic Extra Wide Black Taffeta Ribbon, worth 25¢ vd., for 15c. e eleven we when thi¥ diy clerk called 'the ¥ hand cleaner, at Gibson's Red Cross Alderms Burove. Carson : ic Drug Store Good Quality Linen Towels, worth 15¢ ach, for 10c. ouper ee, Givens, Graham 'y olunteers (men and women) are de . , Kent, Nickie and 'Ruobertsor J | sired for the choir at the men's meet Ladies' Pure Cashm:re Hose, worth 10c pair, for 25¢ vas at Cobden, the home > ing to-night : father, who is seriously ill ] | Miss Louise Foden returned to To- | Children's Heavy White Flannelette Petticoats, 35¢c. here was. practically nothing before Eo : | ronto on Sunday, after a visit in the council as the committees had not hii wo the Limestone City. co XAT met during the past my I'he finance Frank Strachan, middle wing or C hild: en's 5s Heav y W hite WwW ool Kl ann el Petticoats, 50c. ommittee was to have taken up the 3 the yacht club's football team, 1s vaccination question, but it had 1 suffering from a broken rib. juoruym at its meeting last Fric Mother's mustard plasters. The first : 9 PARLOR ening, so there was nothing to EOWIS ELLIOTT. aid jor the household, fresh at Gib- TABLES. | It is possible that a special meetin : son's Red Cross Drug Store. ew line Will be called for next Monday even Edward tt : i | F. Scott, of Syracuse, N.Y., is in designs, | ing. Arrangements were made for we Queen's senior y team 1S 0 "| the city, to attend the funeral of his ~ TT ae nephew, the late J. S. Bostridge WEDDED ON ON TiggsDAY. £1.50, $1.75 and | passing of the accounts 50 in y nion, tod I ork tl X Rev. W. H. Sparling has folshy o Road Re-building made an ¢ ible recor I, and Montreal, to attend a meeti Nuptials of Miss O. Turcotte and] 8 OE 8! he blocks on: Montreal stiect, be n's owe much n for their va UT" | special committee of the Montreal Timothy E. Doolan. our a ne tL bd 1 ¢ t , 1 lot ho a King tween Princess and Ordnance streets, | SC hi nelive Taotiall cir Methodist conference A youthful man and maid were pre- are being rebuilt, and will be the last a Eras 8 g ith tl I. W. Crothers, «I member ol gent at St. Mary's cathedral on Tues- g \ 1¢ 1: re te That | = uta | parliament for West gin, is a broth- Jay morning, to be made one by Rev of the road rebuilding this year £ . Taxrie c ving Later | 3 b ) ) 3 yd tretch of road has long been in bad | p > % division. a : ler of J. W, and Hutel eson Crothers, | Father Hanley. Their names were i OO V eS » Bick be ¢ yed « e Ii ln \ Mrs. R. H. Tove, of this city. Pimothy E. Doolan, son of Jeremiah ' 4 t 3s 14 1 ind =ondition, especially WP » SO x hie red 1 \ 13} " y { to select from wr tween Princess and Queen streets. The | 2% in Mac rein rind { . W. Gibson was in Toronto, on |Doolan, Sydenham street, and Miss Ww . i RUGS dv Io the Windsor Total, being 1% y cal t 4 place, play a tht Wednesday, and was groomsman at | Olivia ircotte, daughter of Alpheus e can ; fit you with the latest : h level, has |, plays @ S$ Ee iamtas . | the Johnston-Spackham wedding 10 | Turcotte, 'Division street. The pretty | fall fashions in Gloves and will rel [ § ich above the road > \ : : . h St. Paul's Methodist church bridge wore a tailored suit of brown, | 8Warantee every pair we sell. See | nd Rr cat an unsightly condition I'he > : ; i : ' 3d Few lib rals would growl if the | with becoming hat, and the groom's | ©WF special $1.00 Glove, "Perins. | CURTAINS is now to be thoroughly drain wed u th hai tedercl hosts oe thi ad Ald dt 2 A th, : oa In Single, Twin and 3 r ee ot here will be a vast im I 1 the tsid POsIt a is 5 ny ud V gut, a pearl pendant, and carried a 3 : : : proveme ig Li y i cds ne d tackling shou uld pass from father to son. Ald yh Fhe bridesmaid, Miss Your Fall Underwear Stone Settings, first quali: IRR ied . iveith: ock is a hearty boy and a stalwart Evelyn Turcotte, also wore pretty ty stones, carefully set! At The City Dome. Ee 5 Bheral worker. {os brown cloth, with white veivet hat Now is the time to buy your to best advantage. The Ht gives the peoples sensation of hi | 3 : es an payenty five cent im, 1o¢., at | After the ceremony and breakfast, Mr. | Heavy Underwear. Buy now while prices are as reasonable as } t and Mrs. Doolan went off to Mont- | the assortment is large and sizes is consistémt, with the real, on their wedding trip, and on | complete, 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25 fhona 90. Yours, delight of got he = work Cine vi extr: « n t hat him, i el Ai: "i" made a big difference In the the ruine ase oO we ci uildings 1 Ee A - heading of an item in the Belleville | their return will board for a time at $1.50 to $3.00. FF. Harrison Co. dom iter three months' delay. Hali | tt uses the SH J ih . I Ontario. It said, "Happy Couple Un- | 83 Division street. Only the immediate speute: s have heen working ! : Shag a Can > | tied in Marriage ' This was meant, | families were present at church and Y F Il H buildings, a id the uneig ) one > Cee re tha 'Happy Couple United in Marriage breakfast, at which the guests, beside our a at SMITH BROS coon have disappeared tackler t 0 es 'hermos bottle, the greatest won- partaking of many delicacies, had the | . 11 1 rio. Te : J > By 8 for any |" not io eed any too quickly Ine : . or io a der of the 20th century, for sale at pleasure of seeing the pretty array of We are making a name for our- S| Contra lacFarlane will rus : ys ee} hy Gibson's 1 Cross Drug Store silver and cut glass that the very selves in the Hat Business. When Jewellers, Opticians. things ahead, and try to complete the ed ' an he 1 J % Another crowd was present at | much beloved littl i ta young man wants a hat" he quality of our gems. DOOD OOOOO0 : : e bride had received Issuers a new dome bv Feliruarv w ll i 3 . Ss the. rolle: wn Tuesd y | comes where he can get a Snappy | ssuers of Arnage Rn h close aro } 7 Dressy Hat Licenses. 350 King street. rr ve Ny "i 1 : to see Ramola perform his dare devi ; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 1 t ! FeNeT: ¢s down at of dashintr down an Married In Toronto. --- { down i s a sui atch [20 4 I B ne Ai) Toronto Carleton street Methodist | n punt well when « nd 2 ong, head balanced on a | ghyrch was the scene of a pretty g Alderman Couper Suggested As "!" ~ } roller skate on Won day : oll 1 loxt say's . ; : Mr es' magic lante it ce 9.: ' Next Year's Mayor. Hott t present suffering fron Ir : Am magi lante rn outfit can | ,¢ 9:30 o'clock, to witness the mar n. Oct. 27.--(To the Fditor) Lh a oak Ga falic « now be bought at a sacrifice, its use OOOO LiF 5 9 SAFI RL riage of Miss Elizabeth Snowden to |g ot bo >-50b wi : \ | ye 1 fulness a ri aving | 08 he <4 TSOTSI +t November is at hand. it i hard ground. and 1 do much | fuln a vote-catcher not having | Herpert Odell. The officiating clergy- | > J + iderir who will be tising } will 1 ly | materialized, the Freem Say Both nan was Rev. Dr. Rankin, pastor of | & next vear. We have had a [be in lis n Saturday aga McGill. | Kingston a lind ard, where | the church. The bride, who w: 6 i R d f th : FYE the «it 0 I, and is conversant 1 in demand. et «x. He has ulways |raigned before Magistrate Farrell, | where the remains were laid, to ¥estin {as her only ornament. a handsomn | vichts and in and emand. Jor a day 10 exam" [the family plot I'he casket was cov pendant of pearls and diamonds, the b Bu in Your 4 lected to see ' 4 Bele Her action 0 10 lored with beautiful floral tribute gift of the | « the fides w wn, gave the tory [given away by her brother, Edwar Navy Blue, All Wool 7% tl . Baki ' gb OW it ' ¢ of unsound mind, groom > Rowntree's Medicated Pastilles A fresh supply of the two vears and a doctor -- the mayor's chair, and Young br irre py - rrr ro lr carried a bouquet of roses and wore od bd following flavors :-- px thi ve think the time has come AT THE POLICE COURT. candidat we slide Snowden, entered the church to the) (eo) ot fair play No F'wentv-five cent hair brush, 10¢,, at The bride was attended by her sis good business man should be iramiomnn Datring's Lanaline cream for chap- strains of the wedding march played ) g Woman Was Remanded a ped face and hands, at Gibson's Red | |,y the organist, Frederick Plant. She ia ¢ Alderman Daniel Couper D Cross Drug Store wore a very handsome gown of ivory ol mi | Eucalyptus and Menthol, MT i ; 1 : tey will be tak. to have he 3 * . " Crimson, All Wool @ | hott » 0 mayor could be |and ste shen to have bes | pecs . ter, Miss Edith Snowden, becomingh | 3 » i 3 a White and Grey, All made, ar wi, therefore, to nomi- | deporte L : Wl Bs i Owing to fatigue over elections, pro | gowned in pale blue silk, witl Clycerine Kille Fruit Wool y nate Aiaerman Couper. --CITIZEN. Tom tie Li Som i oy Shont Te bably, there was too small a gather- | white hat and bouquet of pale pink | 3 ' ' QOl. - -- 1 young woman ler, Lhe on ing at St. George's hall on Tuesday | roses The dainty little flower girl 2 i % yy» vy» ie elative she has in this co S Po 2 t 1 CM ; : . dy gu 9 Whiteand Grey,Union G B. A. Hotel Arrivals. relatiy has in this country, Jen to reorganize the Kingston Historical | May Mills, of Kingston, wore a frocl Black Currant, Licorice, ~ 0) >! » » funers of ¢ « . i 3 vin Pyincess street grocer, I Meal NO he funeral of : the lat John 8 satin, trimmed with Irish lace, and p e eaking, ti un oman . + : 4 : vell fitted for the position ul Ine, H na took place, this afternoon, | embroidered tulle veil, with wreath of | resent art, and we the mag 2X ntatr 7 > fi § 1 Sola and wile. J. W. McNab pr e I Tir a . Society on a very firm basis, so the | of white embroidered mull with lac . Abramsky, Belleville; F. A. Na- | 5 40 ye meeting was postponed till the se) trimming, and earried a pretty ba Voice Lemon Juice ' ' Rose, Lime Juice. We have the scarce vi | « © fire to her 1 Hardv. H. H. Siiger J ter. Wan ed tp § eel a : ba cond Tuesday in November Prof | ket of flowers I'he groom wa as Here | Flutie : 1 the prison | Morrison would like ociety «to! sisted by Leonard Waller, of wk McLeod's Drug colors in Blankets now | oup as served four vears in [Who attempls from late residence, Colling lilies of the valley and rose buds and wk A. Farrow : ~ Store, = pri boardir house, was this morning ar- | wood street. ta Catar: {ili cemetery W. Farrow. Woodstock: | 1° UX Ing uM. wit all | join. the one in Queen's and benefit by | dale. The ushers were Mess M ( ting Jk Weisheok. pai i . Mastotiat the 1 Shan re Lt wart and Harry Cornelius, cousins o F \ ov. Nabane A. S Opt h S¢ a Ag { 3 _ The Xovem teView of Reviews i the bride. ie Wea . ie C au ' Guelph: Bp Boston. D:D. | 1 ere was ertain reason Why full of timely information relative t« After the ceremony the guests ad | 9 White Wool Blankets in all Carpet Warehouse rir risto A I. Phillip She wa hoe dial the crisis in Turkey and the Balkans ourned to the residence of Mrs Ls 4 the best Canadian makes, ' ¢ . . N given everyone a Cornwall R R Hu a . s the illumir ng editorial para- | titia Horsey, 19 Grenville streetd| J! made from finest selected ddd use, and - ® . 9 » . . ® ® & Me ° a @ a . °) ' o ° ° & a g » 3 appearance rap It ' y Ww . 1 { graph \ ' rogress of the | where a reception was held in hone , wool and priced at $2.50 to ary A. Murphy, Chat hborty. and ex ; 4 McDonald. Svracuse: Geor 1} ot World there is an llent summary | of the 'bride, a large number of ou 87.00 air i B. Cole, W. " te o's Who a hat's Wh 1 | of town guests being present. The | 4 ! hilar well, J. W. Gordo - -- . « Bal ! u ell n as prettily decorated with | § Flannelette Blankets, White . Speak At Queen's : I vitl ann tt 2 5, 9 . 3 AN wson. S we ns i Ie ple i « witun can ) S ne OWE > . Cook's Cotton Root Compound, | © © atson, S. Metel. : : ; ; guiump loaves, Jalus a y Howe or Grey, in three sizes, $1.00 * . - ie umtord, Toronte ' eve tt ern ( on 1 fa ate n 1 alternoon, ami Hower i { Dev Te gre at ° Tonle, and Dw nwav. } Runk an's emost rel leade -- ---- f confetti and good wishes, the and up : fei oe : a a |'R. Rubeccavic 2 Fraid, Geors anjo hina, w deliver an addr Back To The East happy couple left fo » west on an | ¢ Crib Blankets, 50c. and up rik " I degrees ad Lx. trea Hall. Just over extended tour, the bride's voing away b Comforter in uy pretty and eorge Kidd, spending E colors, at $1.50 and up Nese @ Eases emIRE GIES bd a fic nthe ah Li G, : he \ wrk, | in the full height eo . Tl Siting friends | 20% being a tailor made suit of special cases > AO H Euchre Party ' \ owers as preacher and writer, |. / : : and: Crandell fawn' and brown broac wth, with hat al drug 3 ¥ > wd one o A ost notable represer ; a Be RMS 3 bg f ite corded - a , ' ; j i of the serie of suchas! n able repr n n ture ; 4 home on Mai whit orded - silk I brown vel Union Flannels, at 15¢. ; : held forts : e Orientai type of Chris- | 1° ok : vet, with large plumes to match. On! $i and up Windsor) | \ () 11 a 4 . In boy ty an orato » ase 0 : . their return Mr. and Mrs. Odell will : ' a EOE \ nel their new home on Galie Instant Relief For Headaches. 'Tae Yar > | \ > Pa e, Toronto Irs. Hor Grey Wool Flannels, ' v, qd a yard 44 Po ELOCUTION. [Mp somes were close sed inter 308 patie of Tardy char i | tee of beadche better than A, | bee. guests : : - niversit histr of ) 1 acAdam i ' ollege, ar -- - Physical Culture and Dramatic Ar) vil ! oi! ne nau Deh a 3 very day luring the season, | lottetown, P.E.l., who say * ' Visited The Y.M.C.A under direction of Miss EvaGrifiith | tribe & hes tif or vaa | SHO tudents from Imperia it of overwork manifested itself ir I. Sharpe, assistant secretary of the : 3 a y l t ni d 1 to | t form of uring headaches. They |, Trunk YM.C.A i Port ometimes as to make | Muipe, is visiting in the ci He pa any serious study | yigit to the local Y.M.( and a time But since my Nerviline headaches f the pa A few drops \ i Wide width Flannelettes 8c. and 10c. yard Sdn The best range of Under wear for Men, Women, Is or Boys. re very much pleased with and the way in w > partments re ma bpd effective and wher 1 th el {| and sealp rE Be el ed a ol 'Newma d meats, ken, et ) prom Nerviline as truly the Celebrated Edwards' Victory 3 I Salads, thir At taraq 1 Tuesday evening 1 1 huge bonf At Gourdier's Exclusive Furrier' 76, 78, 80 Brock St. 9 "Kingston's Famous Fur Store. loctor's MAKE A NOTE vddresse loorstep boob db bdo tei td EP G4 bbb ddd The Always Busy Store. Scholars Will Debate. An interesting bate has been ai Queen ranged among t pupils in one of . 2 : the forms at the Collegiate Institute LOOK AT : a Stored n : 4 - for 'lhursday afternoon The great | Cape Vine < } 3 : About Campaign - Circulars. 3 question that will be considered pro plode or aturds and et " : 1 : - / : 1 r lay H o y toni (tall i and con is that of woman sufirage. | | ( > r St t building I'he fire brigade y ' great deal of ath about 4 I fica Il be rather a he | 0 X€ 188" . put he flame : od re sent to the Ca ! the question Will Toe rather a heavy them to sup- . » 1 rt the « beral ndidate n a g : Chis is a Coinfoptable THE STRENUOUS LIFE of ano Ba havin : ) 5c. Tooth Brushes, For 20. Frame, 9 Room Dwelling, Pulls So Hard on the Stomach ue ton lit 1 1c ] 2 of h on, weston liberals for $750. Must Have Help \ : of the circumar, if : To reduce our stock of tooth brush- «, we will sell daring this month only ont October) all our 25¢. tooth brushes wow that or 4 or 20¢ Every brush guaranteed. 1901 . i . a 1 Wade's drug store. ier because i S » best quality Naturally bright childrén P. WALSH, Barrack Street with irregular vision often ~ > > § wach roul Peo tron he Ary wy the a ; ", ER 13 2» Lt. Cat 1erne i. ple s to-da I ne did ten vatives and sent to the Orange k Back From New Brunswick iz - a \ men calli Me. | "gr ~ "Ds : , W. Burton Morgan, Queen's, arts, A Neat Frame, 7 Room ness, flatulence, distress after eatir wrty | e was a Catholic j "09. will return from New Brunswick, Dwelling, nice lot, for $900 Foes hero t oating, ner- | opics circular are still in thi= week. For the past three weoks he SESS, eples 1 » any ©X Cr ihe manifesto didn't do ha wen stumping th ounty in the F. RB ( MP. Wo kh: operty Hay Ss Seton, eo The latest Shapes Jj" 0 tarve, have property in Il who are s i - all Li nea A leas : 4 es Majority Now 400. have arrived. Don't Let Corns Torment You. three appear stupid and inatten- THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money issued on City and Farm Pros perties. Municipal an wnty Dehene tures. Mortgages | h od. i 8 received and interest S. £. McGi al, Managing Director. tive, not recognizing words quickly This defect we remedy with glasses. Do not deprive your child of the cvery locality and - at F » best possible vision. : . ed from Frontena Use Putnam's Corn® Extractor, prices. ; ther to , should use : ' y ¢ di up to Wedne af vhich cures corns in one night, Nothing d ach tablet: : 1s | ternoon \ ard ty ¥ . . without pain For thirty years Put J y arlv fr t lective nothir So of See | - See us eat ly : : tive; x thing ar { Ove! ver) The fll. re nam's has beén the standard cure of be so thoroughly relied upon t » will not be collected before Fri Great Britain and America. Try it ieve all troubles from indigestion fav. probably { 4 . : eer rs moss 5 Mi-o-na : . : -- . r ice refreshing bath use Col McCANN, M oD 1, liable is Mi ona that G W , h tels did entbugh business on Importers Of Fine Hats. gate's Turkish bath soap, at Gibson's a} ood, 'with svory Se, box te sells! S to pay up for being closed Makers of Fine Furs, Red Cross Drug Store. . 185 Princess St. ne rise hate F 1 teé to refund the mon- onda A number of drunks Princess St. Have you seen the liberal smile that pay skhiy-five Reates Andrew Maclean, 51 BROCK ST. y unless the remedy cures re around on Tuesday. won't come off ? $000000000000000000008 Duis st 'OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at forty-five larence street 0000000000 0000000/ Dr. A. P. Chown, ruggist and Optician, $o000000eresestssrsrssees

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