Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Oct 1908, p. 5

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNES SDAY. OCTOBER 28 1908, 3 PAGE FIVE, aids dh ddan ANGLICAN SYNOD a cn S-- ---- » : -- 1% 3 "Gold in The Voting Likely on This After- | ! Te i : ) | TELEPHONE 838. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES. 3 : a Sy ee v-oemeees | J. P. BICKELL & CO. : Cwilight § oon. corns, terme SR . BANKERS AND BROKERS BS IIFEIIIIIIIIAI IIIS % The religio br min y ser bE vy a Members of Chicago Board of Trade Nes. Noel Rent, George street, ask. [100k up the morning 'sexsion and it ea ': 3 LAWLOR BUILDING, - - TORONTO. Mis was expected the hrst oi the girls 1 meet dn | CO akon this afvormooh. There will ; - a RE Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. Smith 3 no di wh , i a jolly little ver | the candy s until after 3 E MEMBERS OF teacups were Mi } Cooke, § Jor hut it is generally believed the : y bgt NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. Mildred Jones, Miss Elsie Pense, | 10 figure most prominently wil ] 8 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRAD Grate Hemming, Lucia and 3 : . \ lean Evans; Rev. Ih ra 3 a i AMERICA'S Kate, Smeliic, Miss Marie Car; | Smyth, the new sector of St WB Lg AND ALL THE LEADING EXCHANGES. ruthers, Miss Phyllis Short, Miss | (©0&€ = Res * $n ; \ ata Carson, Mise Kathie O'Hare, | Archdeacon Kerr and Dean Farthing, dF - CONTINUOUS EX-CHAMPION J Gite Carson, Sins "Kathton" ar, | Archeacon Korg and Dear 2 vafield in an outsider, however, has arouse« | ----C0 BA LT=-- WRESTLER - ww a storm of protest and there has ; | = == = SAYS: Things 'are abnormally quiet. The | =H © lively correspondence in the . T S s Country Clubhad its ~ little informal | OCR, Press in that connection. "After my great wrestling match uncheons, at which simpliaty of oe Judging by SAE ki with J. Mellor, of Staleybridge, at the B 'cp. is "brought to perfection, and | 0 the hoon acjournment the Ang : ~----RATES OF COMMISSION Crystal Palace, England, for the In- teas. to which the pirls. bring their el synod wi not reach a first ternational Championship, I was work. "but palo}, un the appointment of a bis govern with cH #54 bites, ar nothing of 'atv <ipoment. for some hop of Montreal, Hus sfterncol I'he Pal my Javorie Dem, nm time and the outlook, at the moment [S295 Of the <einy js a discussion, in a marvellously short time the which gives promise of being ex- of writing, $ Very « +t, hardl oe oh and cuts were healed and I writing, is very quiet, hardly A | tended, as to whether the lay del on the surface of society hall sna + sp le y was fit and well again. At another rip} ' gates she vote as individuals or HON. WINSTON CHURCHILL | i time I had a piece of flesh almost Me a by parishes. The latter syste 18 : 5 : Cl ence ( 'hamber - Kings On Looe EB my arm above Mrs. Alexander C. Hill, of Ottawa, bo he Imtter sy ir Jat In tH® British House of Commons on Tuesday the distinguished || ar S, ton, t. the elbow. 1 anticipated being un- entertained, on Wednesday last, J strongly objected to be w delegates || cabinet minister stated that there was no reason to believe the al- able to do anything with the arm the tea hour, when Mrs." Alan Pal- and it Dr Crh Nill "take | legations regarding British woollens, which appearéd in the Can- w. Hector H. - Hume, Manager, for a long time. To my delight, ¢ of Kingston, was the raison |. i time to settle the point adian Manufacturers' organ, had any foundation. He thought, how- [| ------------ ee ror ree ree however, Zam-Buk closed up the d etre, Mrs. Palmer has quite re- ------ = : ever, misrepresentations would be best- met by the action of the] wound in two days. In three days «overcd from her recent operation for A VESSEL IN DANGER Chambers of Commerce in the district concerned. it was covered with new skin, and a appendicitis, and is expected home . | a ---- = Shares selling under 10c, per share, je. Shares selling at 10c. and undes 5c. | Shares selling at 50c. and under $1 i Shares selling at $1 and under $2, . i Ete., ete., etc. i | i there has been practically 0 HOW AHORORC the king neces. To release her 1t was necessary few days after, there was no trace of ~hortly --- x | rpm Ea "THE CANADIAN BANK for cuts, bruises or skin injuries of re. James Higgins, Gore street, Overboard. OH OKOKOFKO HROROROFOROXOH RORORO any kind. 1h a few of Miss Madeline's friends Detroit, Mich, Ont., 28. --The steam 2 | Yours truly, o tea, vesterday. Among them being | *r .Langell Boys, with the barge Jack- THE RESULTS BY PROVINCES. el HUGH LANNON. Mi Mildred Jones, Miss Madge Tay- | son, operating for Mershon, Scuatt, » testimony given by Mr. lor, Miss Lucia and Miss Kate Smel- | Parker & Co., Saginaw, pulled into Liberal Conservative. 3 visting Toronto, shows the lie, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Ma- | port several days late after a trying Ontario a 39 47 HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISUED 1867 | " rar abort. mie Garrett, Miss Christine Cochrane | Xperience on the trip down from Quebec : 590 11 v ame Baseball, and Lacrosse 1 Miss Hilda Kent | deorg an Bay. Near Presque Isle, the | ¥ Nova Scotia u ~ = . 12 : Players hol Keep, Zam-Buk >" »- - Lang 1 Soya ran her Jo on a rock No Dials ai 1 A | B. E. WALKER, President | Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 aking the ro in." © 1t stops th I tations for the state dinner and was held fast, a heavy sea run : : . pan wh ns gang heals * eT also vhich will take place at government | ning and grave danger of poanding to Prince Edward Island ... . { ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager | Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 an excellen soation, curing stiffness, N \ 9 Manitoba ..... . . = .t rina, wists eto 2 sd sud recom- ' e or } 0 J ber Yih, H 0 ! . ee Saskatchewan § | mended by Sherring, the Marathon wine | i wave been 18sued Ww 18 ex 0 row the entire forward deck load . 4 | ~ . Yuta i - Alberta... nh > | Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England ner; Madrali, the world's second greatest ellénes arl Grey of lumber, nearly 150.000 feet, into wrestler, etc a the lake at a loss of about £5,000 Il Iniuri kin Di I'here will be no dance at the Yacht reese For all Injuries & Skin Diseases § evening, Tt has been post. | ERIGKIGKICIIGIISIIIGIINNNK Every facility afforded to farmers and COUNTRY BUSINESS "i. cr he aniction of their banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection. & BR il Wednesday next >. . Majority . es i 50 Elections to be held-- iz : Chicoutimi, Gaspe, Comox- Atlin, Kootenay, Yale-Cariboo, Prince Albert and Yukon : : 2 | Accounts may be opened | ail, 1 PH OKOHKORKOKOKOFOR OOF OHO OROKOROROKOKOKONKOKO BANKING BY MAI gr OIC or hg this way with equal facility. 15 TO HAVE MEETING. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS. C. P. STEVENSON, Manner, SISTERS MEET. E HOHOHOHOKOROKOHK: There a rumour of a dance at the J Military College next week. . .- - Madame Georges Roy will receive, at 520 Princess street, on Friaay, y North Adams, Mass., Oct. 28.--A reunion of three sisters who had not metsin fifty years took place at the home of Mrs. Mary Paro, of East Hoosac street, in Adams Mrs. Paro's two sisters, Mrs Sarah La- mudge, of Nashua, N.H., and Mrs. Violet Spinks, of Marcellus N.Y., came to visit her for a week. The three sisters were born in 4% Lacolle, Que. They married 4 young and moved to this % cabinet council will be held, to country, but separated and # | morrow, to decide the date of the Street. 1 assure vou I feel keenly for | jy vacated by Wilham Scott Rev. COBALT PRICES settled in different sections. 3 pening of parliament. This is now Uh doctor, as he certainly must have | NI}. McInnes 'preached in the Preshy -- : * + 3% 4 and afterwards, on the second fourth Friday of every month. and Stores, or from the Mi W. D. Carmichael will receive ZAM-BUK CO., TORONTO, for price. n the first and second Tuesday of 8 Boxes for $2.50. cach month, at 174 Barrie street. - we ow (0. E. Fulford, Limited) ) has come to town of the ment of Miss Gretchen Upper, wedding to take place toward the end of the coming month, Mrs Upper and her daughter have beer in the mountains and at the sea fm 'the s immer, but are returning tc New York. Mrs, Hunter, Mrs. lp er eller daughter, who has beer with her husband, Captain Hunter, India, is coming out for the cere FEEL EFF RY And Decide Wheh Parliament is to Dr. Bell Takes the Blame. Meet. Kingston, Oct. 28.--(To the Editor) Ottawa, Oct. 28.--The cabinet min-'] regret, exceedingly, that Dr. Evans - ii EE - " isters are returning to the city. according to his letter in your issue FROM THE . COUNTRYSIDE. , Were presided over by Mrs. R. Still Messrs. Aylesworth, Sir Richard Cart. ©f Tuesday night, has been made the well, district organizer, and increas g jrodeur, Fisher and Murphy target for so much abuse and fault News From Wilton. ed interest in this work is expected * here, as well as the premier finding regarding the release from Wilton, Oct. 27.--Frederick Storms! as the outcome of this convention. quarantine of the family on West |} 4 opened the blacksmith shop late eet WH All enjoy good health and I ; p had a busy time of it, for a while - i : : ; J we subject for prognosticators. It is Hn a i terian church Sunday evening and ' By Direct Wir are remarkably youthful in but I cannot help thinking how un will e y e to J. 0. Hutton, weepted that Charles Marcil will be conduct communion services next ' . their appearance. I Agent, 18 Market Street. the speaker of the commons, and the king and even thoughtless a general | Sunday. Miss Eva Gallagher is srobables for the senate chair are PUDHC 816, especially that class that | home from school at Brewer's Mills | mony. HIRO IONE HS RH Sarintors Keri and Young, are always interfering with other peo- | to attend her brother's wedding to- | Opening. Close. > ee Amalgamated w wg JO $. 10 Beaver 304 Chambers-Fe wland Cobalt Central Cobalt Lake Uctober 25th. EXACT TrrArrAFA XH a -_, rQ° T - vil aii g e's business to the neglect of their eva» i. Thos ills and daughter, .N The local socialists are to welcome | morrow évening. Mrs. W. Gallagher us Thee, ¥illsand fungi May WILL CARRY NEBRASKA. Jim"? Hawthornthwaite, the new so- Wn. to heap all their malcontent and | and Miss Ethel Gallagher, Portland, University avenue, are in Toronto,.a J 1 , faite . ; '1 19 Grenville street, and were guests at . Y ialist member from Nanaimo, to Ot- 'ault upon one member of the board | are visiting at Wesley Parrott's. Mr the Odell-Snowden wedding Bryan Confident of Winning in} awa, if he is elected, as "parlia. 8nd allow the other six to go scot] and Mrs. Eldridge Babcock, Glenvale, Mr. Jamies Lvon, of the Bank o His Own State. nentary herald of the cor revolu- | Te I thin] : visited his brother, Newman Babcock, Crown Reserv 2 : . ' verv unwise think « usl t ] r Feo ja wn Reserve Commeres, has been moved to Win New York, Oct. 28. --~W. J. Bryan ex- J tion ; hink, to ru to-day. Mi Annie Forsyth pent | oer : te ' ¢ ith letters tending « v : » nipeg wets to carry his own election pre Dr. J. G. Rutherford ef vetern x with he t nding 1 ie W days this wee k ga Alu srowsmith La Rose - | § ead na « zens who al ( S anee a BE # It is possible that Miss Mozley ma: inct, next Tuesday, for the first time ry inspector of the dom : * { t i ft ial just f B the Eb pa fo. b. "1 ya Ww. Little Nipissing . > 1 g sntion o mii € t ofhcial ust to 1e | spen a few days last week at . emain in Canada till after ( hristmas ime in his three campaigns for the i Rome, to attend the two or three well- | H. Neilson' Nipissing a OF ote o @ 5 esidend : oO oO 1 © © Alropean veterinaries whit \ Px . ison s. ™ My H. V. Heath i rmerly Mi residency You know that the, r I y would have grows Nova Scotia > race Fraser, received, yesterday wablicans are saving that I never car weld there next montl It i le me : Silver Le DECORATING with her grandmother, Mrs. Fraser ied my own precinct," sais Mr. Bryan tood to he Dr. Rutherford tent : 4 eir .own labors had Marriage At Stella. <ul : al lg reet, Ottawa o members of the National Demo hortly after he retul ron uroj V voted enn time to mindin Stella Oct 97 Miss Annie Finni lial yee William Spooner, Halifax, i ratic Club. "but the republicans have § to retire from ' 1 ' ft : H o busine 4 SE as they | an received a bad fal evening q.. - the business oO » city to spend some weeks. She ot told that when I moved there § Canada, in « » resume the pre ' vet 1 ast week, heing knocked } 2 Watts E w with her father, Mr. J. L.| here were ten republicans to two] ice of his ssi0 Lie dr UP" | sow. She had a bone in he ulde S53 thngon st lemsoerat and that now there are - PpUse " hould pardon Dr. Evans fistocated Farmers al mgaged - J y, no do lid 'so in order te \ " BEAT AND ROBEED WIDOW Martin ( hatham, 1 nly two repui an « ¢ demo ASSAULTED THE M.P fan hg he valenche of abt loughing the Jute ra n P £8, : rat h en am going to carr Th : i j ened the ground. Un a ; A us year 3ErY -- " ! him for another's | Lh drv weather, and the land being | Charged By Wife of Former Rail- Taro ja { 1 "WOorv 1 10 street ny own precinct oing to car 18 Pelted : £9 | Fhere is a spot In every } { Vicious Woman eat aul : lame attaches to any- |, hard, there yet remains a lot to be road Official. i | age "we vithe city of Lincol ind 1 am goin 3 ' \ . ' \ : . shol With Stone ! A fied to have it attached room----a shelf or mantel : Henry Skinner, "Maitland | '0 carry the state Nebraska Chisholm tones tre it attael fone New York, Oct. 28.--Accusing a man \ D. Smith and Miss Mae Herbert | whom she had frequently met socially 1 : 1 { Ont Oct. 28.--Dr \ vself 1 as the law does not where a piece of Ori- ou is in Ottawa this week . -- - Wingham, Or . Tl AE ars iD) : cane \ ast 1 3 were quietly married, in the manse, by | of having bound, gagged, beaten and . won and Mrs. G. W. G. Grout PAUL PELKY DEAD. lm, conservative ; : ue : ental Bric-a brac W ould ock street came home from Ome -------- Huron, was elect y.a majorby oi oh d De i Nisely . R#. James Cumberland, on Wednes- | . bhed r of 83500 in jewelry and $50 > ' op r the ever in tl winds of the health office I tober Ils Teese Tacte E 3oW give Just the r ight deco- ce yesterday : He Had Taken the Carbolic Acid}! ove A. Hysloj : i 'i eon All have to usec my. own ) 22% October 21st. The ch factory | iy cash, Mrs. Anna B. Plough, widow tonch. There i tain wiih Mrs, D. Noouan lei Rout En Aa Taro | all Id now running every other day, 8% | .f u former president of the St. Paul rative touch, ere 1s e. d of different bands and a large nun lgment in all futa wes, as 1 did we supply of milk is. getting small ta tor JResice 2 ! ) : ; ' ut : : . ) < . Bg and. Duluth Railroad company, caused » every room a corner it the Noonan-Harty wedding The Bagawie) Out, Oot; 23 Pa] Pel Fher of aitizens, to ce 3 i os the | se I 1 tim Reid has returned to the island, | (13 arrest of Elmer M. Swallow, © a ne iardi ire. a room is ( ain Noonan's brother iY. twenty-nine ears old, of Wyan ory. While Dr. Chisholm was BR : Ip ) pe 1a i time § nd is going to take charge of his 1. weigher where a jardiniere, « My wd Mrs. John Walton cam lotte, Mich ye out dead, Yeste: ng from his carnage 1 i Pa ne - Ned mat or : a et rm again | += She said the robbery oorarred---m her tabouret, or a pl ce to town, on Monday, fron {| 1a) \ 4 cacy Jom! we pub} town hall, a woma 1 } owe || RITHY Was 1 ind a. { : me in Brooklva. last Friday niet and are en pensior « where he ha un for nearly § made a fierce tia r n ! . aT os : ely, dur Harrowsmith Happenings. uly a few hours after she had We Oriental rug hen) heymoon, . had committed suicide stone hit' the dv which time 3 ther came ir . where an rien > } Clergy street Wi x ad itted suicide stones One large one hit t ' 1 ime 1 Harrowsmith, Oct. 28.--The farm-] playing cards with Swallow, would sive a perféct Ww Goodwill fter tw L hotel contair ns carl lie acid and t on the head : woman } ul ot] tact ow . « * i any ay or fis move to get ther he ecald not brine herself: to finish to the decorative -- ; pith hee patents, Pelks es . on and a ol es THE} 4] os the . oF od bv | were 1 tine tel days, i loughing dove as it v 18 " t im efor this that he tould 1x effect. Look your home : wenue, ret al Ie ve rboro to elky et | : Friday wi ! : irantined as Rs Sy hd ie, phe hans ne - B - over and see what you \ a i, au iit ue . a po wi he compa ean 1; te ne dd J yr he their eight children, who have been A VERY HARD CASE oul . - . : ; ives knew of no reason fi his com ' tic ; foubt Q ve the f health ha uflicien onfidence in jin the Kingston hospital, returned § m-- need, * Mrs. Morley Currie returned to Pic ting ooicide wrompt act ) Thal ee Hie that in every instance ] | home on Saturday, also Mrs Alexan The Salvation Army Will Look I | der Thompson I'he ive muck After Couple. ton, with Ber little daughter, on Sa -- 2 : lat ¢ faithiullv as I ean B} Se o th \ fro a hve eeks sit "n E CE ' B 1 Come in and see our ray, Bom A ti te BIRDS ARE VALUABLE. \ation is expressed on all si t th were are many things of public | {Fo tment and care given them | (Toronto, Oct. 28.--Matthew Mathis ation is expresse sie / : ¢ raise to the nurses and doctors for h a f l'oronto, and were in time to shar | ) ; wary ine of pbc i | | 5 510Wins © # the ensure that WAS very gener hr brutal assault, as the or is eve : vate t thal | Shile confined to the hospital. There! son and his wile were in the police LROFMON 8 t Pat as vi to doctoy hod "wor 1 Could Save Country Immense| o] |v al night wise » referred to Dr. Evans | © EE ae of yea in thei const nd Wis wile weg in he pole Oriental Rugs, Bigss 3t on Monday and would be. of Sums Each Year. etree nd to which he might lend his aid inp pooo "the little son of Miles Wal-|rancy, and in reply 'to. a question 'D> , ( intry t ( ement ick , eventeen edd bv Mavistrate Kin ord. Ma ware and Novelties. : : legislators Dr New York, Oct. 25. --~William Dut : A a n Subd : i x , | ser, making a total of : $ used to ma g records, do | her, president of the National Asso-| wshington 3 iy 5 2 : I "| cases for Harrowsmitl William & thieson said he had eaten nothing in | ! raph poles thre \ niries were on et earlier davs, in arsity | jution of Audubon Societies, declared i I three day Enquiri w ito rdayv, for Ottawa, to be guest th Ihompson is confined is bed 3 | : 3 1 1 | rev e ] ened | od « 1 ) e « 1 thieso! wl Varsity athletics, sc it the annual convention of the asso ove yi t A a . : with Bright's disease As B. of foot and Mathi n and t dome in the care of Captain 1 ¢ f running for the common ation. at the Natural Museum of } tv-six, a carpenter 0 work- | 4 or 1 v fe 3 i | Q. train was leaving here last evening 'leased | Orian yan . 8 't much of a surprise to tniends | y ¢ that Americans wert robbing | ext door, : a ter-l Tae In i Bh da ah ld 3 | it hit a oow belonging to DD ini 1 ol, the Salvation Arr y, » 10 ) Ww opponent yosterity in permitting an annual crop || or a wriage | 2, to-uay, =O! : a : } tt , | Graves, eaking vr leg. Miss Bella | fter then hieson is a « ' 1 > i { f £ Lev 1¢ oy » ke " Edear Horwood has returnec of {S00 000,000, + to destructior ' ght marry 1 2 matter : : | Stewart and Mrs. Jane Day, who buil hae rr by a month { 40 King St. East, Toronto to Ottawa di ct-eating birds rag ray ited he th the case In question, il there are | have been spending a Yew weeks in quar ' \ : 1 ny who desire y ref oir orie 1 oO a Bright Mr. and Mrs. E. Curry, the latte He called fe a fund to ficht the} son. Henry 1) andered across a ire, 1 reler their griev- | poronto," have returned. William a room in a brigh formerly Miss Alma Ferris, are ir ommercial bird killers in every st&W the vard Hotel town, from their honeymoon. eislature where Mi us Fa -- . tr a with his wth Tull : tl 1 time f tl k : ie : } e to him at the same time for the jess + i 's r friends here will be sorry tc Deadly fumes from Mexico reat { mer in hand, was introdu : ut. of worey that 1 ha Mission Rally At Catarequ a ne ml what v ymaon i wo a ave s¢ : ne ookkee that Miss Mary Moxon, of! sil well fire, sixty miles €rom t Grandma Gray made equet . ' Cataraqui, Oct. 28. --A most success { t hitless weasioned him in this), | J n is very seriously ill. ico. have killed more than ore | her son's house d grew much t A ; ful convention of the Women's Mi 3 ) " past cases, bv virtue of : K x y . in im for settlement | Simonett, of Mountain Grove, is at vere turned out a few davs wing Dr. Evans that I not George Bertram's . since then have been without shelter. & i k ve lan y ward ithize with him, but apalo Mr. Mathiesan wn speak fiv 7 wd Bas a diploma for both music Every Woman Ethelwyn "Loucks, Barrie | of workmen within the past few | ested in the carpenter ey are cas. al past enses, by vietwe of { jonary Society. of the stor < has gone up to Picton f« ? lave, endangered commerce and ca to be married > y : | Methodist district, was held at Cata . { g 1 : angered [ ¢ : : I edical health office ; ' ! 2 i d and shou he - {| «1 thousands of dollars damage t <. Grav i ht and a ' t medica ath o ¥ | raqui, on Tuesday, October 27th, ai en ons ttle visit i thousar My ) . ! { 1 3 A t thy < ARTEL Mrs. John Bigelow, who has come i oe other neighboring in- | ghe savs she car keep as d a 154 ee : f the Cambria Steel | ternoon and evening. At the roll eall sire good--but " doing it" The new Vaginal Ryringe wer to accompany her sister-in-law terests Am rican mine owners, after | ao anv girl, besides s love ; representatives reported from near pi as | Mrs Holmes, back to Boston, Mass spendin more than a million dol - Hp . pints hich | ave { all the auxiliaries in the district. an is better. . . } wst of Dr. and Mrs. | lars, weeeded in extinguishing the A Lively Runaway nt : on aE Te rn wil TOSNIN a goodly number attended from King- You "have been intending = 4 J works t worrow, with a fail conn % t » in Picton viaze . AWS k place. tl i 'ment of fifteen hundred. men. Orders | 3°™ Gananoque ydenham and th to get a bottle of Abbey's pt on Harty, )r ent t« oy od ireet. 1 wi ; other nearby villages. Two able pe ' Salt." pa fo } Witl Mr Har » m. oO ' : X 1 horse the Harriman lines are sufficient Wer iven by Mr Wy ; . (sealed, Tt gives mto to th 8 ty 1 at « y vkerv rig, b ' eo plant until the st of the ln hid i . iy % J ood ! {fe 1 rs and HA Sos in i . ' re 1 to Kingston to-mo A Ie a 1 oe Ha So the first of th Morven, an "Enthusiasn and "tn yey g : But oat £ rule tt PP 1 > . . . \ came In enec. aL a a i r al a. ing." Ss 3 allea Cataraqui today--now---an € rid © WIA OW MI PRLY 00. Winder, Ont. \ ghtenee . hen ing Mrs . F. Vall . itaraqui, > y eT Get acquainted with lown street at a furi eee | Raper on "Mission Study," and | © that Stomach, Liver or FOF BES on eri oun Bee un con. Playfair, Martens & Bo. |p, te cvonine Mrs (evo) Sykes of} Bowel Trouble from which Kingston, delivered an ; Dr. Chase's Oint- CARLETON FOR BERGERON. Black Watch ; $2 an Ta ad siderably AOE ae Gui Members Toronto Steck Exchange French evangelization Mrs. (Rev.) you sufter, reforeachand To Be Offered if Borden Sits For fore it went mi tarthe ian Northern Ry. Bidg., Toronto, Canada <j roule, Kingston, and Mrs. Redden, or ot : , Halifd® the big black plug -- " Canadian Nor ¥ 8 h Ca i i Ee ic able reading tehing, bleading alifaX. . . Special attention given A aqui, £ \ \ Ny usnd go ontreal, Oct. 25.--It is stated that chewing tobacco. A Killed At s. : were ghven by rs ww oi ile. Seo testi To the press a: n the event of Mr. Borden deciding od f t Belleville, Ont., t. 2%. --Harr, rl ooke iss tillw ane iss 3 on ified. Bc, atall to sit for Halifax, the conservative tremendous favorite ton, aged abou ven tv thre ars Sr two (uartettes were | : ANSO TES & CC omination - for Carleton count I bec fell forty feet from a tramway at th rendered he close o W ' Ns | oT MH Bet oy - everywhere, ause of ER. cefent.. works, this im , STOCKS noon session, the visitors were riot YS by flered to ' eron ho Jelleville DR. 'CHA SE'S OINTMENT. tak ih N feron, ® r and was ins t killed i ¢ inst issued a new p of the C to a cosy lunch room, where, sand- was defeated in Beauharnois its richness and pleasing ing, and wi ex ' SE OE " new r f the pi 2 ke 1 : jr Sy od tea ---- wiches, : : this world a ei latives live in this city. He . % D : : lo lv herit- | The fruit of the devil always looks flavor. 2908 Englishman by birth ing va 0 aay sherbet helped to pass away the time 25c. and 60c. At all dealers. on the outside held----- till the evening session. The meetings ~

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