Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Oct 1908, p. 8

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a _.§, ~~ WAGE EIGHT, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY OCTOBER 29, 1908. 4 THES P.M.EDITION PROTECTION NEEDED "25... THE DAYS ERSODES: | . Condition. | i | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. (pop GIRLS WHO ARE| The members of Queen's football | LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS | Should Have Inquest. PLACED IN PERIL. [31d or Song some eg They} IN GENERAL 1 Kingston, Oct. 29.--(To the Editor): - |will 'be in fine condition for holes | The articles appearing in the local : il of W Dis- | return game with McGill here on Sa- | Occurrences In The City And | | papers concerning the electrocution of ¥ational Comneil - omen Tae turday afternoon. . Queen's will be Vicinity--Other Brief Items of | John Bostridge last Sunday night, | qusses the White Slave Traflle champions this year, according to Interest Easily Read a | | appear to give the lighting 'company | --International Co-operation nearly all the papers: The men will By Be And Re-| {all the best of it. There are always | Required. take good care of themselves for the mem i r I - fv sides te, story: Wo hive Mewrd | Ota, Ot, 20.--At this morning's 2X8 Ovo wok" in preparation" Ior| J. A. Bateman is ou x hunting tsp, { testimony of com as anh : {session of the National Council of which. will decide who will receive the Chinese lik > ! { with the victim rl the time, whe {Women, Lady Edgar, in presenting her championship cup or whether a tie| for 2c t Gilbert's. dors Be Yrs: . | maintain that he did not climb) "the | annual address, congratulated the de- will have to be played off. The man- William § aine, Yin uner Orders | Neck Pieces { pole, nor jump either. They claim, {legates on their splendid Fepresentation agement realize that the hardest bat- received at McAuley Pha : . { however, that he did reach above the J EN utils. in whith tle is to come yet and will take good| "The Wolf" has oa. DE m | cut-off I it $ ite si = es : ® | care t th is in good November 7 AT [for him to. have done sa at the time |20mO of those who had been with tho | fore, that, the (eam je in good shape Send ou Satusday, November the, - Buy it carefully. It --and received a shock which killed | council from its first inception fifteen again in Toronto the odds are cer- i fg ato at Mo tands . | him instantly. Now, if there was [Y62TS ago. X ' tainly in favor of Queen's winning Anley's Book Store. py sponsor Eo | nothing wrong with the location of | The provincial president's report was | 4 hy nearly as large a score as he steamer New Island Wander: 3 through the long wine | the cut-off at the time of the accident {presented by Mrs. Dey, of British they did here. brought a good Pe a Po] = i ter months--of vow | how comes it that subsequently the | Columpia. The members of Saunct *| Queen's III are goi g to give Ca- if Cape Vincent to the city, to- | Ll 3 y : cutoff Tas bon ruined about ito soaiing th peions position of ae" Ti "another efmming a. Set: (4g £304 taste in dress, "and | inches ? | ntag s sticate ternoo; t . h » | "Te is also asserted by those living |and innocent girls, who go in and olf rd noorling 22, hs Litid sute, gi gla ! 0 ) Uk When m eesin 8 We hav beautiful {in the vicinity of Centre and Union |8bout every:city, is taking every pos- | from Cadets they are in a good run- Red Cross Store.' . Asena : \ } strangers for your € have a beautiiul as-| streets, that protests were made by |Sible means of informing them and [ing for the junior championship,| Cadets I rr workin hard in pre- #4 very self ortm t at 7 Se telephone to the lighting company, of | their relatives of the desirability of | which they have not held in three or ation for: thei ng with Metiill ¢ \ So] y . 8 en a $ . ce our| the condition of the electric wires, | more care being exercised on their be- four years. The team is the best I on Saturday. They have no doubt y Princess Street window. | but it was not until after the acci- |balf, suggestions for which are con- (third team that has represented but that they can win easily. . i y 2 * | dent that the eompany saw fit to send tained in the report. ic work Queen's in some years, and reflects| Madame Georges Roy will receive, at . 0 r New Your inspection invited. several Smployees to look over the Wi seecliant 23 Systematic: work great credit on those in charge, 5% Princess street, on Friaay, 30th, a ] Ro u ion, A ¥ | ¢ Seco! : J g No obligation to buy Coroner Mundell should certainly standing committees of national coun- May Play Hamilton. fourth dn he suc oo] and 4 ' make some move in the matter, for |i! is peing. fully reported ut the on- | Ou cen's rugby team has not fin-| Mrs. F. Miller and daughter, of St, : i SrmemranSa---------- iy) Hie Dieulthere the Dutsuved Tu Son the wg og oy or ally decided about a visit to Hamil- | Lawrence county, New York State, ar- 4 Are more attractive ¥, bu 12 citizens rst , Ars. As ror- ow ty x roe : 3 Fas mus . ' : are entitled to a verdict ng the don, on the white slave traffic. Mrs. eal Le meg ving Des iy Tigo PT ae Ts ravine, bean called ' 7 J than ever and we coroner's jury as to whether the boy's | Gordon says: "In regard to this evil, > game. The. players all seem anx- "Harry" Attwood. : 2 | save you money, 0 n C ay death was due to negligence on the [if it is to be checked, nothing is more |;0 C70 go, and it would do them a| Theodore Leary, advance agent for part of the lighting company, or to essential 'than iterations] $2 upeta- lot of good if none of them were put {Elsie Janis, who appears with her | ) = 4 TART | oolebuon FALE FLAY, 7 ion mesney ami rsponey Fie on fu} tne The gan ater oS BooRe J wa $10.50, 11.25, 9.50, FRONTENAC CHEES into_ this country demands earnest at- | (oie y draw a large crowd of spec. |' Fair-Coed," at the Grand, Thurs. E BOARD. 3 tators, as an intercollegiate team |day, November 5th, is in the city. Had His Falling Hair Stopped | -- tention. Men and women import | 1, ¢ not played in Hamilton for| J. W. Gordon, provincial auditor, J 12 15 8.50 . 3 » and Dandruff Cured, Without |Sales Made on the Board Thurs. |YOUng girls for sale for jrutioral pur some time. was in the city, yesterday, examining poses from all countries in Europe. It | the books of License Inspector Wright, Faith, day. : liave ia FITRr'S * Ale ig yp ) > H. B. Fletcher, Butte, Mont., Oct.| The Frontenac cheese board met | heli Yel the Re hes are . om Another Victim Wanted. and found evérything satisfactory. . B. Fletcher, B 5 ont,, Oct. | ? C se 2t | ganized inte socie se agents Tha . . William Moutiay. of Stella. was in] : 899, =: : "Like ' or | Thursday. afternoon, when the re tere 3 h onnst cities oi hn I'he Collegiate football team is il Ys S ,_ Was i 20th, 1899, says : Like many other | 3 > en the follow- [are in all the coast cities of ited | looking for new: fields to conquer. The the city to-day, on business. His son, team has played a number of games| Maxwell Moutray; will spend the re- | people, I have been troubled for years { ing patrons boarded : | States and Europe. {this fall with local and outside four- | mainder of the week in the city with | If not quite ready to buy, never mind, with danaruff, and within the last | White--Hiochinbrooke, 50; Sand | I ar---- teens and has not lost yet. The boys | friends. few months my hair came out so bad- { Rill, 30; Sunbury, 10; total, 90. | Co ly that 1 was compelled to have what | Jolored--Battersea, 60; Elm Grove, will likely play a return game with The improvements to the front of come and choose Jour at, and 'have the court Youse: are nearly. completed it placed aside until required . . And many others. { had left clipped very close. A friend | 30; Ele) Ror, 30; Glenvale; 40; Howe recommended Newbro's Herpicide, 1] !sland, 25; Latimer» 30; Ontario 50; < 3 iffe e i y { confess that 1 doubted his a ; but | Pine Hill, 60; Rose Hill, 35; Sun : snd make a grat iffobonce i» A the. I gave Herpicide a trial; now my |bury, 20; St. Lawrence, 30; Silver Lady Curlers Coming. pearance . of 15 building, Al he. hair is as thick as ever, and entirely | Springs, 50; Thousand Islands, 25; | : The local curlers are very busy these Stones OH 3K rout 0 gy free from dandruff." 'Destroy the | Wolfe Island, 25; McGrath's, 30: to : - days, attending to the elaborate plans cause, you remove the effect." Herpi- | tal, 520. ; a - for the big bonspiel to be held in cide is a delightful dair dressing ro The following sales were made: At f ' : Kingston in January. Invitations Brockville in the near future. have been fixed, and many new stones have been put in. Contractor Me-| Graw has been busy for some time on | this job. i regular use. Sold by leaaing drug- | }24c. Mr. Alexander secured Glenvale, f a ' : have been sent out to eighty clubs, gists, Send 100, in Staips for sa. | Latimer, Ontario, Rose Hill, St; Law. s : eighteen of which are ladies' clubs. TAFT IN NEW YORK CITY. ple to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, | rence, Silver: Springs, Thousand Is- g The district is bounded as follows : Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W.|lands and McGrath's; at 124c. Mr. , d On the north by Ottawa, on the east : . i gn Mahood, special agent. Cleall bought Battersea, Sand Hill, » | by Quebec, on the south by Albany, Cheered For Nineteen Minutes-- Elm Grove, Excelsior, Pine Hill and § N.Y., and in the west by Hamilton. Hughes For Sixteen. Sunbury. Mr. Gibson bought the of- 5 | & tary T. M. Asselstine #& now ar- New York, Oct. 29.--William H.| | fering of Hinchinbrooke at 124c. 5 h 3 ranging for a cheap vate on the Can- | Taft and Charles E. Hughes were the | GENTLEMEN | The hoard adjourned for two weeks. a % | adian and New York state gailwayr, | stellar attractions at a great repub- | SHAVERS | a) 3 {from those centres amd intermediate | ican mass meeting at Madison Square | y ¢ 4 points. Everything points to the bon- | Garden last night. | : Wo onjas Ye i Red Roger Grapes. gr : : ; [ spiel as being one of the best ever| At every mention of the name of | a enn nde] We have just received two tons of | 3 4 a held in this district. Governor Hughes the hall resounded should see | 7° and black Rogers and offer them | ; 1 RS -------- with cheering. When Governor Hughes | our new at 5. per, pound, Carnovsky's "On ¢ : 3 IN MARINE CIRCLES. ntered the hall the erowd, which fill- | ) rne ' DR ge 2d eve yailable space in the au-| Arnold's | i ; : ed every availab Spa n AL d oe $ 4 dit , cheere. xtee - for : { Fountain | Appointed Physician. ny § {| | Arrivals aad Departures of Vessels ered him foe siXioen min. For Women and Children | Dr. William McCarthy, of this city, : - or. mained for Mr. Taft to inspire the | 1 . . i en has been appointed physician for iCharlotte with coal'f he K. & P zreatest demonstration. For nineteen sarger assortment and lower prices than Safety Kingston and district for' the King- The Grand, on railway, ror We Be & P. | minutes the vast auditorium trembled | we have had in several years. | | ston & Pembroke railway. "N 5th. mn > . rom the stampin { th 1 f | 3 A Razor | Nov. 5th | The steamer Rosedale, grain-laden, eet and the rik on ) anys ° Vests and Drawers to match in many Carried complete in the pocket as con.| "Ed" Elliott, outside wing on CALLS REV. DR. EBY. [rom Sort William, is: due to ranch TRA | makes. | rain Innisville Items. on ie 5 eadpencil. The neatest | Queen's, is able to be around agai v little. thine Bt dponeil. ee atest | tieter A - 2 rd 3 be around, gun, . - | The steamer Rosemount arrived at . | Th: ve > y or 8 | [ " us knee. | Accepts Pastorate in Another De- {the M. T. Co's elevator, this after Innisville, Oct. 26.--A number from | White Winter Weight V ests, 25¢, 35¢, b . 'o 85 \ y | He was in bed since Saturday's game : : SH u > " 1 ca Gillan! "Siar $100" dh n Hs but will be all right a re igs nomination. noon, from Fort William, with grain. here atte nded + the party at : William | 39¢. i 8: y Ste DH ll's t g 8 ' y \ ' mm y Ww rs ir] ss W an indell's Rev. C. S. Eby, D.D., was given a | I'he steamer Tagona, of the Cana- atterson's I riday night. Miss ar- Kem Shaver at 15c. the season I t 1 i 7 C i Lakes N 4 i. | ren spent Saturday and Sunday at Wi Ww i of to we pastorate of Zaon ongre- | dian Jakes avigation company, su x or : be y 0 i Hoe 1 Tol J 5 { . wen re i Al? ' 5 . 2? ar sy Ne. Faro A) a: ) X 3 JC, Ww A Mitchell's -- gational church, College street, to a [fered a broken wheel, while in the | Pf Hsnso near Ferguson's Falls. Mr. oY ate Vinter W eight V ests, 4o¢, 4 Je, . . 9 meeting of the members, at which he | Cornwall canal, yesterday, and was and Mrs. William doherty, of * Beck- | {acC, 90c up. Br Ab was present. The call was unanimous | delayed, arriving here late last even- With, spent a couple of days last | and was accepted by Dr. Eby. While | ing, and clearing for Fort William, week with their niece, Mrs. J. . Pepte tile | in : Moris. Nis BF Tob of : Natural Wool Vests, 49¢, 75c, the church is Congregational Dr. Eby | after taking on coal. orris. Mrs. R. F. Nagle, Ottawa, is 90c 13 : 5 Eun \ | is a Methodist, but it is anticipated | The light at Pigeon Tsland light sta- | the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alexan- nS JUc up, medium, light and | that this divergence will adjust itself |tion, near Woll Island, Lake Ontario, ler McLarry. Thomas and Miss Alice | Ha iD heavy makes. | as there are no doctrinal differences. is obstructed to the south-westward | Hotlinger, Ferguson's Falls, spent an - 9 i 2 . m-------------- |by a new lighthouse tower which is ng Bjends borg last week, A i Children 8 Vests and Draw- WOMEN IN EDICA SCHOOL. {being constructed eighty feet to the | M188 lillie 'au returnec to her 7 RRR HR a) do S111 y MEDIC: b RB south eh of the present tower, | ome at Smith's Falls on Saturday LR ers at prices to suit your Texas University Has Hall For| The light will be shown from the new after' a visit with friends in the vil \\ i money, 25c, 35¢, 39c, 45¢, 50c, @ SOU i! {tower in the spring of 1909. lage and vicinity. Miss Ida B. Cramp- i 55c. 6 75¢ is Artic es 4 Bex Women. . | her e =p ho aol ton has returned from Beachbury, | i IC, 60c, 19C up, all 31208, from : Phrough the genesosity of George | Passed Modieal Ooundil. where she has been visiting friends CL No. 1 up to young girls. Our window displays a selection W. Freckenridge, of San Antonio,| = + : ' : for the past few weeks of handsome things in Solid Brass OR a man a pair of Cuff cight scholarships of $200 a year are I'he following Queen's Medical gra : { goods < . | one . ymen qualified to enter 2 | duates and students have passed the 1 3 ioe Ki 3 1 vi Links would make a most il Suen Suslit Sider the! : SD Great Show At The Bijou. | abies Fine White Unshrink- 1 1 of | Ontario Medical Council supplemental : : 4 Fine Electric Table Lamps, hy appropriate and useful Chnist- if |'Texas. Mr. Breckenridge built Univer | examination : One of the most remarkable moving able Vests and Bands. i ~ sity Hall some ten years ago for the | Jiclures Candle Sticks, mas Gift. | ity all som ft yeafs ago 10 : { A. D. MacMillan, Finch; A. L. Mae- | The Bijou, Friday and Saturday. Final--F. J. Donovan, Gananoque; | pictures ever shown will be offered at exclusive use of the women of the me { .. i il Rela o i It represents the six-year-old daugh- | Jardinieres | IK ' dical school. It is described as a |lennan, Lancaster; A. McDonald, opresents Si%-year-o¢ Caugh- | : { HE LINKS show bere. am very if | handsome brick building with all mo- | Scotch Line; R. K. Patterson, Ren-|ter of the great animal trainer, Carl | u frew, Hagenback, frolicking with the full Smokers Sets, 1 strongly made from 14k. gold --and if |dern improvements. Rooms, including | { i | srmediate--F, oO ; srown lions igers of her r's : Ash Trays, &e. | are reinforced where ordinary links if | light, heat and attendance, may be | en riediate A J. Donovan, 3 frown Lon ad Bgers of Ie fathers | Fall Hosiery for Ladies and Children give oul. had in this building for $5 a month MacLennan, G. 1 : I Jast year boarding on the | Patterson Stella. lice the fierce beasts as though they The *'Old Brass finish gives s re 4 During the A , . : . . decigedly. Hen we. aaa 3 ENCLOSED in foe cae--and phon Say ol] plan' was #t the rate of | Primary--A. L. MacLennan, G. H. ware two weeks old puppies. She In all wanted sizes and makes, ribbed or plain, much admired 3 . . ¢ These low prices are | Patterson, F, 8. Young (Forfar). pulls their manes, opens their mouths, - 2 : Hi ay a engraved with any monogram. The #11 a month. These low pric Ar Ao ung (Fo lies upon them as though they were and at prices that will prove economical to Sent Floral Tributes. | rugs, crawls under them, fondles them, | buy now, teazes them, beats them, and the | fierce animals seem enchanted by the | | | | | The schooner Kitchen arrived from ww Reasonable in price, and very 3 price is said to be the result of the excellent suitable for gilts. 4 management of Mrs. Callie Chaw, the | $5.00 superintendent of University Hall. The | Sent post paid to any address if | University of Texas is coeducational. | tributes sent to the late Mr. O'Hara, m Canada. { Dr. Charlotte Schaefer, one of its | who was accidentally kifled last week, baby's confidence. Two other fine pic- | . . Spangenberg 9 SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE. | graduates in medicine, is professor of were flowers from Mr. and Mrs. Clark [tures will be shown. \ histology, biology and embryology. | Hamilton, and Miss Fenwick, the JEWEL I ER + | James Swift Co., Mrs. March, Mrs. Cotton Seed In U. S. bts J Among the many beautiful floral 04S III> Gobo 4od RYRIE BROS. For Old Friendship Sake. | Nacuee, W. F. Nickle, Mrs. Goorgs | Tn the fiscal year ended June 30h, Hague and family, Mrs. Norton Tay- |1907. the production of cotton seed in LIMITED I Everybody's Magazine } | 1 th t i 1 tadent f th i | I'he waggons of the "greatest show | lor, the teachers and students of the the United States was 5,912,646 tons, 134-136-138 Yonge St. | at | College of Regiopolis, Mary Williams, [of which 3,843,981 tons. were convert. on earth" passed up the avenue TORONTO Issuer of Marriage Licenses. : daybreak. Their incessant rumble séon | Mrs. Lesslie and family, Mrs. Sharpe, |ed into manufactured products; 175,- SHEET II IIIS | | awakened ten-year-old Billy and his| M. E. Coyle and Reginald Third. [724,840 gallons of oil, and 1,785,504 a : | five-year-old brother Robert. 1 heir | tons of @eake and meal, as well as CE SR - a a =| mother feigned sleep as the two white- | Fall Importations Of 1908. vast quantities of linters and hulls robed figures crept past her bed into|, Prevost, Brock street, has received | Were secured. The exports were 8,814 | the hall, on the way to investigate.|all fall importations for order work | tons of cotton seed, valued at $209, | Robert struggled manfully with theljn his tailoring department. His rea- | 193; 41,800,304 gallons of oil, valued | | . . . fa Ta af pen . | 5 7 T( } 9) | unaccustomed task of putting on his|dy.made clothing a d gents' furnish- at $17,074,403, and 670,484 tons of & & & $ a LI INGS N clothes. . "Wait for me, Billy," his Se departments Tom ag rrr ound cake and meal, valued at 817,062,504, | > bo | mother heard him beg. "You'll get|gorted. } 1 | ahead of me." 7 i Award $2,000 For Arm. ; 8 OF INTEREST 10 YOU | T AILORING | Get mother to help you," counsel-| A Rare Thing. . Brantford, Oct. 28.--Lloyd Brown, . } . ) LE er reese 4 & 1 \ {ed Billy, wi s having troubles of a . . v jd ay who. wa AVIA ron o Some three weeks ago John Burton,| Who sued the C.P.R. for unstated ) : Queen street, found his strawberry damages, was awarded $2,000 by the | Mother started to the rescue, 11% 4 in. was steall i T + 3 | then EE ie heard the -- vines, which had blossomed and borne Jrown was stealing a ride ona We have Just put on the The completely satisfied customers of this heriyounger, guarded but anions and frit Jn ge pe aeob_nguin cs. a an hor: i bargain table 30 pairs 7 : . | tocistont = ere : snowy petals. 8 i ! store have done more for us in increasing ak hee. Billie." You've known | he plucked from these vines ripe, full-| falling under the wheels and losing " i b ' n rie his right arm. J 3 . our business than all the newspaper space 3 { her longer than I have. Asvored berries. -- The jury held that the company a Ladies Fin Kid Blucker Lace Boots . . | as to bl because the conduct used in the newspapers. People buy their | Another Chance For Meclnnes. Jase MNalage grapes, 20c. a Ib. | ue Brown of while the Te oe wants in Clothing here with a feeling of 4 Vancouver, 4 g. Oe. 99.y, 'waters | motion, : | Hand Sewed, soles of good 3. McInnes, the defeated liberal ecan- : weight leather ti 8. A ; : ' Sh ; : ; : 8 : ; ood absolute confidence and security. € |[didate in Vancouver, has received an Killed Ret Hoe! i » 1 good, ¢ ) WHINE all round fall boot. : § oni neni ens f Black Wateh ini itn tite ¢ p78 21 to 7. Widths D ant Suits to order, $20.00 to 30.00. fr ot Be hed rin | § BAGCK WEQICR Ri, hive,» ie, hone 8 BE i ds 8 le { business here for st twenty years Overcoats to order, $20.00 to 35.00. choction ih. British Colunbes ahem] : hy fll, rom, ihe tile at Jemace, Gat 1 | On Sale at $3.00 Trousers to order, $5.50 to 8.50. htm pried d ag Duality Rng, where Jo hae gone or uel S| VEN a event of his being elected it is prac ibenefit ¢f his health. He was forty- | tically certain he will gain cabinet | ffive years of age and unmarried. rank, 7 jury. PAPPPAAPAP NPI These shoes are worth $4 at any time, 9 : i { B71 New Dates Expected Friday. | ke i . LIVINGSTON'S ie Romans AG Bij. | ee denen" ve 8 The Lockett Shoe Miss Ada Rosevear sings at The | . have fifty pounds oid dates, good | ~ - -- ! i | Bijou theatre on Friday and Saturday | stock, which we offer at Se. a pound. iat every performance, | Carnovsky's, p99 Re $4004

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