Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1908, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR. OLD STOVE PIPES are made to look bright and new by a coat of THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS STOVE PIPE ENAMEL It dries with a good gloss and gives a dressy appearance to the entire stove, Is easy to apply; does not drag under the brush. Won't smoke or blister if properly used. The best stove-pipe enamel made. Corbett's Hardware Price 10¢, 15¢, 20¢, 25¢ each. We Are Now Offering | 20 PER CENT. OFF On all Suits and Overcoats, the Suits are all up-to-date in every way, the latest styles in Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds. The Coats are the very latest styles in Dark Tweeds and Beavers. also offer 10 Per Cent. Off Boots and Shoes, Penman's All Wool Fleece-Lined wear on. hand, at $1.00 per suit, from 34 to 44, Isaac Zack's Princess street. Under- sizes 271 WIRHIPEC MAN CURED OF RHEUMATISM Remarkable Case of Cure After Specialists Failed. . Winnipeg, Man.--A prominent resi. dent of this City, who for personal rea- ons does not wis sh his name mentioned tbliely, but who permits us to show Liis letter to interested enquirers, writes t that he was suddenly taken with excruciating pains in the back and side, which pronounced by his 1 1 ( nu mn wele shysicians as Rheumatism. Hot appli- JLions were at once resorted to, the usual medicines administered, supple- mented by eloctrical treatment, but all to no purpose, In his desperation he took Gin Pills on his cwn account, and in a few hours after taking the first Pill tl He ¢ | sides of a story, | wot be considered "news." | pass as We | # 'THE WHIG, 75th Y YEAR| | im, it " enninot ot be said that hey 1 are | DAILY BRITISH WHIG, published at 306.810 King street, Kingston, t $6 par 3 year, Editions at 2. } o'clock. p | WEEKLY BRITISH WHIG, 16 | published. in parts on M and | day morning at $1 a year. To United | States, charge for a og ba it, ae or acne 1s" ons Of ie best Job Priat- Offices in Canada ; rapid, stylish, Outario, 30 and 4 At! | and chesp work ; nine improved presses. ! | The British 'Whig Publishing Co., Lt'd, EDW. J. B. PENSE, Managing Director; TORONTO OFFICE. | Suite 19 and 20, Queen City Cham- bers, 32 Church St., Toronto, H: 'E | Smallpeice, Representative. Daily Wibig. CAUSE OF THE DEFEAT. The Ottawa Journal is troubled be- | canse there is no adequate or - ac- | ceptable explanation of the loss of | power by the conservative party in New Brunswick. One conclusion is that the party was not sufficiently represented in | the press. Not that it makes much difference. "whether a party is sup- ported by newspaper organs," but | that all the news may be laid be- fore the people if they would 'make up their minds intelligently." In Ontario there was a deluge of what is called ""all the news," or tall " and the result was a surprise to the conservative party. | The scandals of the opposition could They might "stories," and they were so highty colored, so distorted, that the people are to be excused for rejecting d or disbelieving them. In New Brunswick the object les- | son was pretty much the same as the ee THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1908. i | under suspicion. It is easy fof the press to give the political leaders advice, but Sir Wil- frid Laurier and Mr, Borden are bet- | ter posted than any adviser of them, {and they must be allowed to exercise their judgment as men who are carry- ing the responsibility of different posi- tions and: whoseught to know, better than anyone else, what they should do. The people, they are told, are sensitive 'off points of honor, and will not tolerate any longer that which is questionable in the private or public life of the lawmakers. The reasoning is sound, - and perhaps no men are thinking harder over this aspect of the case than the men who will con- duet the government and the opposi- | tion in the next parliament of | Canada. Experience teaches some valuable lessons. Many years ago a great scandal stirred the electors of this country and drove the leaders of a great party in disgrace out of office. In five years they were applicants for public favours, 'and received what they desired, a call back into power. When the old sin was mentioned the critic was told ' that.it had been condoned by the people. If that doctrine held good then--if it was sound and rea- sonable--the men who have been re- called from retirement, or whi have been re-elected after an appeal to their constituents, must 'be 'accepted. Their | offences, or the offences charged | against them, may have been put or they may have been con- At the same time the warning judge in a certain case will "Not guilty, but don't | away, | doned. of the bear repeating : . 3a do it again. of honor, and Eva as flower girl, | paired to the home of the bride's par- here with her puretia, J. J. Yule. yh E. y HE'S A GRACKERCK GANANOQUE'S JE'S LIVE FSH. £7, mE Seville: ERY OVERSEER. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Takes $175 From Yankee Viola- what's the Matter With the Men tors in Ten Days--Marriage of of Kingston ? "Davy" Droban, the Ex-Base Kingston, Oct. 30.--(To the Edit- ball Player. or): I was to see so few Gananoque, Oct. 30.--George Toner, overseer of fish and game Tor i this see- tion, has again been after alien offen- ders for Vioimton of the game {aws. | Thursday morning he succeeded ip | running down a party of four Joung men from Clayton, N.Y., in camp at Sugar Island, some five or six miles | east of the town. The young men were iven the option of either taking out icenses, or having their entire outfit confiscated, two skiffs, four 8, de coys and tent. They accep the for mer, each of the four paying $23 They at once broke camp and left for home. This makes during the past ». King iment in Sydenham Street Methodist {church, last evening. Tt setuid; Mote fof a laywomen's meetin the Sad during a | bad week, following too close on an {exciting election contest. But surely {the men of Ki will take a more active interest in the movement than they have so far done, and not dis courage the local "leaders, who com- prise strong churchmen of every deno- mination. I am of opinion that the ministers of the city have not made the proper kind of appeal to their con- gregations. Shey, should have been ten days, the license fees for seven | "*'Y direct in their appeals, and made reads across the line amounting te {the men to understand, thet they Nore 875, which is a very creditable show- wanted in crowds 16 { meetings ing for Mr. Toner. ing held. To have made the effect very pleasant and interesting (™°T® marked, it should ve jeen ane event was that of the marriage nounced that nen wo! Sxelud- Miss Edith Estelle, eldest daughter of [°d from the public mectings. Then th Mr. and Mrs. William Corby, Stone | TE might have reali more fal'y street, to D. F. A. Drohan, ® To [their duty, when they couldn't be re ronto, which was solemnized at St, | Presented as Shey too often are) a John's church, at nine o'clock, Thurs: heir wives. Tt ta ts pretty fore : day morning, by Rev. Father J. P, pleadings to stir the do this city. Kehoe. The bride was assisted by her However, there is to a Laymen's three sisters, Miss Elizabeth Corby, Missianaty bangues_ is the Sty hal : » : | 3 ni acting as bridesmaid, Queenie as maid 10 speak, gi here is a chanee for the men of the city to redeem themselves. Tickets for the banquet are fifty cents. Five hundred men are wanted to at- tend. --CITIZEN. while the groom was attended by his brother, A. Droban, Toronto. After the ceremony the brinal party re. ents where a repast was served. The bride's presents were handsome and numerous, she being a favorite with a large circle of friends, with whom she was very deservedly popu- lar. During the early afterngon, Mr. and Mrs. Drohan were driven to the Canada's Icelanders. Canadian Magazine. No settlers in Canada have been Jmore successful as a class, or improv- ed their condition to a greater ex- tent by emigrating to this country Queen's, Wi after a few days | i ah J i at the Laymen's Missionary Move- | A good stock of | object lesson in Ontario. The local government espoused the cause of the | « what ? _ t 8 | miserable scandals of the Ottawa con- It to act on them, istered a rebuke remembered by zen governments. fe He has sent to the colleges, acade- | outside of Quebec. mies and institute; '& notice to the ef- [to be explained away ? n fect that ail the scholars or students showed what )pposition, and in order to Not the issues that appealed |, the intellect, not the thing that |; he had termed but 0 ""con- tructive statesmanship," the p ingent. In refusing to listen to them, the electors admin- which will be long the Whitney and Ha- la QUESTION OF AUTHORITY. The medical health officer has per- | ol srmed what he regards as his duty. |I disc uss | why Roblin and Rogers fought against | may get a proper view of the work of or {the Roblin government. very popular. | ways been the comfort of the mission- .aurier EDITORIAL NOTES. It is becoming painfully apparent judicial revision 'of the voters' sts in Manitoba. The Manitoba elections should be rotested in order that the people be al -- A Laywoman's Movement would The women have ries, and they-always will. Quebec 'is regarded as the salvation { the Laurier government. But the government has a majority How is that faet New York is regarded as the pivotal Taylor station by Thomas Baker, master of ceremonies, and took the train for' Toronto, where they take up residency at once. Two wellknown residents eof the west ward, aocording to report got into a mix-up during the past few days and from words came to blows, resulting in complaint being made by one before the local authorities fon the appearance of the other to ans- | wer to the charge of assault. The case was set for hearing yesterday af+ terngon, "but the defendant in the | above case having meanwhile entered | a counter charge the hearing of the | case was postponed until Monday. | Latest returns from the polling divisions of South Leeds, give Mr. a majority of 913 votes, which is made up in majorities as fol- lows : 1 Fredvn- Taylor. « [9713 Gananoque... 52 Newboro... { selves well in than the Icelanders. And likewise, there is no better example of what can be readily accomplished by any people who are at least in some de- , gree adapted for the climate, and who are ready both to endure the struggle of the first few years, and by frugal living, hard work and perse- verance, to seize the opportunities which fortune offers on every hand in this rich and rapidly growing do- minion. The first Icelanders came to Ca. | nada thirty-four years ago, their prin- cipal equipment consisting of healthy | bodies and willing hands. To-day some of them have farms of over a thousand acres, and many live in commodious modern houses, while in the city of Winnipeg they have acquir- od wealth in business, acquitted them- the professions, and have been elected to fill almost every public position of honour. # 15¢. "At Best's" 1bec. pains commenced to subside. | (and presumably the prefessors and | teachers), shall he vaccinated, they can produce evidence that the | operation has heen undertaken or at- tempted within seven years. Now the. law permits the medical | health officer to issue the notice refer- | red to, but the law does not permit unless | | tate in the presidential election. So he Times declares. This accounts for {the Taft and Bryan intense invasion of it during the last week of the elee- | tion, Bryan got off a good thing in New | York, when, after seeing the women ued taking them and in 48 him to exclude from the colleges and | alute him as he passed, he said : "My witch hazel cream, and elegantly 1--A non-greasy healing and soothing perfumed. 2--A delicately perfumed double bolted talcum powder, equal to any 2c. tale. sold. 3--The greatest cough cure sold Good for man, woman or child. Over 1,000 bottles sold last two years. It is the famous Short Stop. 4--Shaving stick in tin boxes--a Leeds and Lans., Pe. Leeds and Lans., North Crosby... Westport... ... South Crosby .. Bastard and -Rungeas, Kitle i : Blmster.. See ea ueniinks vin 1,019 Taylor's majority... 913 d not an ache or a pain left. » sold at 50¢ a box--6 Send to us if your dealer le them. Sample box free Liours he Gin uention this pape apt. BB. National Drug & Chemical , os Laimite 1, Torauto, 116 a I Grace Corsets Extra Long Back, Dip Hip Models for that stylish smooth figure effec? Opposite Grand Central Station NEW YORK CITY. ROOMS $1 a DAY and UPWARDS Baggage to and from sta- tion free. Send 2-cent stamp for New York Oity Guidebook and Map. At All Times Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter you can buy Good Coal At our Crawford, yards. Phone, academies and schools those who are in attendance, and who object to vac- (wave, c There are some people who | wave." do not believe in it, ination. and they cannot | be forced by any law to change their minds: sincerity which t v t direct effect should be an to act on health officer vaccination are can the reported this year in the district Kingston They may be told--and with a should carry convie- i the smail-pox cases | of ion--that of all in not one instance had » . been vaccination. itself should have a upon the sRtuation, and here This fact of a incentive, to the people the kindly advice of the health medical Yet the opponents of | not to be influenced | ie oard of and the rument like that, board of health or the medi- | YY any arg 9 cal health officer do ? ' managing officers of the education only | personality has ness i i . { scrutiny, Foot of Queen St. Phone 9 i The trustees. of Queen's College, the |t and academies, or the board of |¢ leges can exclude the stu- | from the classes | with the law, dents and scholars non-compliance and | last institute for the named body--the trustees of the take that position. NOT GUILTY, BUT- here are conflicting emotions as well as conflicting opinions over some elections. results of the late There is | a certain satisfaction, feelingly ex- pressed by conservatives and liberals, ! because some ambitious and none too scrupulous have been denied the The | primal meaning of their rejection can- | clearly stated. | minds of the electors persons endorsement of the people. not, of course, be What was in the All men are not in- Some are the larger issues in the Some take most notice eof things only. Some leave or treat as second- ary in their consideration, the nation- al questions, and vote for or against a candidate for local or personal rea- cannot be known. fluenced in the same way. afiected by campaign. the petty out of all account; sons So it cannot be positively stated that the people declared for any cer- tain thing in the campaign which has just closed. The fact, however, that some persons whe stood unfavourably or unpleasantly in the limelight have and that their its attractive- similarly cir parliamentary service, lost There are others, similarly under adverse have been again ap | proved, nd having "a fresh mandate from the people, to speak -and act them in the councils of the na-l cumstanced, who for \ | friends, New Brunswick is a source of anxiety local government ? { liberal candidate. | Manitoulin mesmerize anybody. and what {management still goes on. cannot sce business eoi- | { {for Carleton, have already declined to marks, | bee | tario should: respeet Quebee's decision f by leaving Mr. Bergeron exactly where he is. if I am not elected, on a tidal I shall go in on an apron The loss of power and prestige in o the conservatives. What has hap- ened ? they ask. Was there not there, as in Ontario, a reaction against the left here yesterday morning for Co- Mr. Gamey 'went to West Peterboro nd gave an awful blast against the Mr. Stratton was time the that man from he lected. It is realized cannot The muttering over city hall mis- | The people | the wisdom of giving the lome contract to'a man for $500 more han another; firm offered to build it or. This year's council is great - on economy. The Telegram rebels akainst = the | dea of Mr. Bergeron being nominated Ont. it, "put Mr. Bergeron where Que- | he should be, "Quebec," re thought and On- " | Chained Books In Church. | London Standard. The customs of |old brought to mind when one Breadsall parish church, near In this church is a set of chained books which are kept in an old oak desk at the eastern end of the north aisle. The desk is a double one with hinged lids which can be locked. One! recess contains Burnett's "History of | the . Reformation,' ' published in 1679 | and 1681, and the "Works of Jose- phus," printed in 1702. On the other | side of the desk are "Works of John | Jowell, Bishop of Salisbyry, 1605; "Discourses of Some London Divines," 1694; "History of the Early Martyrs, Pi 1687, by William Cave, D.D.; "His- tory of the Fathers of the Fourth Cen- tury," 1683, by Dr. Cave, and '"'His- tory' of "the Apostles 1683, by Dr. Cave. Each book is attached to the] desk by a light chain two feet long, so as to prevent any unauthorized person from removing "it are | visits | Derby. times Sale of 3} inch silk ribbon, all colors, 12ic. a yard; children's stock- ings that will wear. New York Dress | Reform | disappeared is taken as an indication | that they were not desired for further See o Bibhytas $2 derby hats. There are too many people in this world who hold to the theory that one good turn deserves ten others. Sale of boys' sweaters, 50c., extra strong woollen stockings, 25c.- New York Dress Reform. Twenty-five cent: hair brushes, 10c.; $1 ones, 50c,, at Best's, Jumbo. hickory nuts, 15c. Gilbert's. See Bibby's alb., at $1 Mocka gloves. » 7 / ceed to the Nort | vince in | during | day | days' | local | day and half a day Mr. and Mrs. William Hazel, Syden- ham street, entertained a number of their young friends at their home last evening in honor of Miss Lottie Cronk of Deseronto, cousin of Mrs. Hazel. A hunting party consisting of Messrs. Robert Haig, Thomas Cock- rill, Mark McFarlane, Adam Brown, George Cunningham and David Brown whence they will pro- rn wilds of the pro- f the antlered mon- arch of the woods. They expect to be joined en route by W. J. Belfie, who has been making use of the Quebec open season for the past two weeks. In spite of quite heavy rainfalls the past week, up to Thurs- evening, only one and a half work had been permitted to the factories by the Gananoque Power company, and it is ex- will be half a day Fri- Saturday. of Williams- Pa., who has been visiting in lately, has returned here his visit with relatives teau Landing, search | Water | pected there Robert P. Byers, Rev. port, Ottawa to complete and friends. Messrs. Gordon McCammon and Harold Lloyd, who have been engag- ed for some months past with a sur< veying party in Northern Ontario, have returned home and will resume their studies at Queen's University, Kingston. Mis? Gladys Yule, King street, returned to her studies au lirom the ladies' |W ere | ter, very fine soap, regular 25¢. for 15c. 5--Cold cream in porcelain jar. Just the thing for this weather. Makes the skin soft and smooth. See and buy these good fifteen-centers at Best's. Your Stomach Is All Right. Few cases of dyspepsia or indiges- tion are due to any natural disease of he stomach, but to lack of tone and o imperfect secretion of digestive duids. Day's Dyspepsia Cure re- stores tone and an increased flow of gastric fluids. This preparation has digestive, to- nic. and laxative properties. Each bottle contains sixteen days' treat- ment. For sale store. only at Wade's drug In The Family. San Francisco Argonaut An instance of exclusiveness main- tained under difficulties is reported cabin of a liner. All sick except one lady and a cat, which wandered uneasily about. lady ventured to stroke the cat, marking, "Poor pussy." inclined to respond, tail, in token of good will, when from a neighboring berth came in choking tones the words : "Excuse me, is a private cat!" The cat was Large crocks, pails and tubs but 26c, Gilbert's. Be Sure Deo not trust too much to your own judg- ment in medical mudters. He knows best. doctor frequently. Consult your Ayer's Cherry Pectoral REVISED FORMULA Hard colds, hard coughs, severe bronchitis, weak throats, weak lungs. We wish you would ask' your doctor if he knows of anything better for' these troubles than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. We believe it is the best medicine you could possibly take. But ask your doctor, and thus be sure to make no mistake. Free from Alcohol . C. AYER CO., The | re- | and elevated its | that | a' aT 1] Suits and Overcoats, 3 If you belgng to the Fifteen Dollar Suit and Overcoat class 5 you're the man we're after. We believe we can out dress, for the money, any Fifteen 2 Bellas Suit and Overcoat man that does not come here for Clothes. 5 ; All the necessary little things in the cutting and making ® are put into our Clothing. ' ¥ Fabrics new, and the inside work built to stay. A look § will convince you. r $15.00 will buy a Swell Botany single or double-breasted Suit. $15.00 will buy & fine Black Cheviot Suit. $15.00 will buy a fine Worsted Suit, in the New Greys or Greens. $15.00 will buy a fine Cheviot Overcoat Silk Faced. J coat is a beauty." $15.00 will buy one of our swell Black Beaver Overcoats. 4 $15.00 will buy one of our Nobby College Ulsters, in swell patterned Tweeds and Kerseys. The H. D. Bibby Co. Kingston's One Price Clothing House. Serge, Blue or Black, a Browns, "This NO_HONING=NO GRINDING "CARBO MAGNETIC" THE RAZOR _OF PERFECTION. Are you Interested in a better Razor than | you have? If 80, your dealer will deliver to you a "CARBO |! | MACNETIC" Razor on thirty days' trial |™ x without obligation on your part to purchase. [& "CARBO MAGNETIC" Razors don't pull--others will! Get one to day and you'll have Firny of A. L. SILBERSTEIN, 476 B roadway, New York, N.Y, For sale by | McKelvey & Birch, °:7' BROCK STREET, * KINGSTON, ONT. +H HHT - Outdoor Foot: Comfort. Men's Tan or Black Siberian Calf Water- proof Boots, $5.00 and 6.00. Doctors' Special Black or Tan, $5.50 and 6.00. Geo. A. Slater's Invictus Duk-Bak, $5.00. THE SAWYER SHOE STORE FREI LEIL FEL E4P Er 4444 Anyone who ever sleers on a "Gold Medal Felt Mat- tress" is sure to speak about it to others. They have a reputation all over Canada as the cleanest and most comfortable of mattresses, and these together : Hercules Bed Springs, Gold Medal Felt Mattresses make a combination fit for a king. Youmay pay more for something inferior, but for all-round comfort and satis- faction, we guarantee these be "Second to ---- Sapp Ap Suh Afi Velgans Land Sept Bug If you are interested in either, call or communi- cate with J. 0. HUTTON, Ageat, 18 Market Steet, Kingston, Out.

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