Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Oct 1908, p. 5

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-- "To Awaken THE FEEBLENINDED the Liver a jou 1.shm. mr SQUARE DEAL IN WOODS. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1908. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All i eee WERE. PANG STAGHEN At St. Catharines, Ont., Walter LEAPED FROM WINDOWS Wainwright, piano agent, charged with forging a lien note for $300, pleaded OF BUILDING ON FIRE. Good Work of Men in a Lumber' Camp. New York Press. | Holman Day, the author, tells a Coated tongue, aching head, bilious- | splendid story of the sort of men real | ness, indigestion, constipation, alterna- ting with looseness of the bowels, feel ings of depression and ill-temper These arise from sluggish, torpid action of the liver. Relief comes after the use of one of Dr. A. nod cure with a few weeks after the use of this great regulator of the liv- er. With the liver right there is usually uo disturbance of the digestive system or bowels. Therefore, get at the cause of trouble by awakening the liver to | cil standpoint, but the awfulness of |bullet plowing through Dr. A. W. €hase's | their position among mankind. consti- [may not die. action hy use of Kidney-Liver Pills. Mrs. L. Phillips, Virgil, Ont., writes: "I have used a number of boxes Br. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and SSusider them excellent for : " i 25 cents a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills MAXIM'S MAXIM, Modest Claims Often Carry More Comviction Than Loud Boasts. When Maxim, the famous inventor, slaced his gun before a committee of Judges, he stated its carrying power to be considerably below what he felt sure the pun would accomplish. result of the trial was, therefore, a triumph of surprise instead of disap- pointment as it might have been if he had over-estimated his gun's efficiency Our claim regarding Newbro's Herpi Side is based on actual scientific facts UH a living germ is causing your hair to fall 6ut it's the most sensible thing to kill that germ. Newbro's Herpicide does this quick ly and effectually. Destroy the yeu remove the effect. Sold by leading 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, 50c. and $1. G. W, Mahood, special agent, RS assesses ns cee nabar ~od COOD SALARIES } Go Only to the Well Trained Our High-Grade Courses nover fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Ilivening Classes, and Moderate Rates. é FRONTENAC | BUSINESS COLLEGE Kingston. cause druggists. Send Clergy street, 'Phone 680. N. BTOCKDALE, Principal. | ip | was his | 4 | a few years ago, and resided in Tor } Canada's Leading Business Schoo. | Day and Evening Classes. § Shorthand, Typewriting, Book: 1 keeping, Telegraphy. Special in dividual instruction for pupils deficient in branches. Rates moderate, at any time. Phone, 440. F. MET- CALFE, Principal. English Enter H | b COAL! The kind you are looking for is } 'he kind we sell, Coal is good coal and we guar antes prompt delivery. 'Phone, 1338. Booth & Co., | FOOT WEST STREET. IAAAALAL AAA ALLL A AS SAS VV VV Y { 9 | Cook's Cotton Root Compound | The great Uterine Tonic, ant qonly safe effectual Monthl: # Regulator on which women ca) depend, Sold in threo degree of strength--No. 1, $1; No. § 10 degrees stronger, $3; No. ! for special cases, $5 per bo» Sold by all druggists, or ser repaid on receipt of pric ree pamphlet, Add. ess: Tv Cook Meniotwe 00., TORGNTO, ONT. (formerly Windsor THE BIBLE CONQUEST. Distribution of the Bible Work of Last Century. | Despite the fact, which § the American Bible Society freely knowledge, that the reading of Bible has much decreased among tive born Americans, more Bibles sold and read, and more money is giv en for the work of the society tha: shen everybody believed the Bible | literally. | Last New Mrs. Russell Sage offerea the £30,000 if it could raise an equal sum during the calen The money is rolling in and. the society the million in hand by January lst. The day after Mrs Nage's offer was made public a busi ness man called up the office and said "You put me down for $50 if you won't give my name." "A couple of years ago another New York business man entered the office and said : "1 believe in the Bible. 1] am also very much interested in the Mohammedan races. 1 will give you a piece of property if you will dedie®te it to the end of time to the cireula tion of the Bible amony the Moham medan races. The offer was accepted and the property, a New York office building worth $100,000, was turned over to the society. The distribution of the Bible to the inhabitants of the earth's surface is practically a work of the last cen- tury only. At the "beginning of the Nineteenth century the Bible existed in only fifty languages. To-day in round numbers, it exists in 500.. The Bible went into more languages dur ing the nineteenth century than in the eighteen previous centuries. officers © ae the na ar Year society dar vear sees can Edwards And Jenkin W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pils | The » { son, employed on the farm of Edward | onto for a time, where # | coiple separated. | ward valued at $200, from a Queen street | vesitlence, appeared » The National Council of Women Are" Much Concerned--Baptists Are Making Progress in the West. Ottawa, Oct. 30.--The question of feeble-minded women occupied the at- tention of the National Council of | Women, the custodial care of whom becomes a necessity. The liberty of these has already been before the pub- | lic on many occasions from the coun- fu- No tutes a large question when th ture generations are thought of. convener, Mrs. Evans, of who is endeavoring to arouse public sympathy to assist these cases and a league has been formed for the pro- tection of such women, for whom it js hoped a home may soon be establish- ed. Ottawa reports the Home for Friendless has nine, the Salvation Army five, the Good Shepherd home three and Orphans' Home one such women whom they protect, making | eighteen in ail, | At a very interesting session of the | Baptist convention here, to-day, the reports of the committee on western missions and the publication board were presented. The progress of the denomination in the west was shown to he most encouraging. The financial side was very satisfactory. The re- port of the publication board was also satisfactory, showing a substan- tial profit on the year's business. TO HAVE BIG INAUGURAL At the Electrification of the Big Tube. Port Huron, Mich., Oct. 30.--When the inauguration of the St. Clair tun nel, by the Grand Trunk company. takes place next month it will bring together a vast assemblage of promin ent railway men, promoters, civil en gineers, and representatives of the press from all over the country. "The electrification of the big tube is thor oughly completed now and the object in issuing formal invitations is to bring about a knowledge of the work and description of the mam moth undertaking which the company more than one million dol lars. gene cost READ OF BROTHER'S DEATH. Found a Distressing Newspaper. 30.--John Item in a Lindsay, Oect. Saunder Richardson, near Janetville, was read ing the paper the other evening wher he noticed an account of the sui¢ich Detroit of a man named Saunder son. Reading further, he found that i own brother, William Saun derson, formerly of Lindsay, who had taken his* life. The latter left Lindsay he married Domestic troubles followed, and the * ASSAULTED A TEACHER. Mr. Thompson of Guelph Struck By Pupil's Brother. Guelph, Oct. 30.~As the result of a note regarding the attendance of his daughter, Daniel 'Thompson and his son, William, went to St. Geagge's school and after the teicher, Mr. Johnston had been summoned from the room, a scuffle commenced and the master was struck heavily in the face by young Thompson. An attack upon a teacher in this way is a serious of fence, and Thompson will have to face the magistrate on Saturday, Joke Wedding Amended. Pa., Oct. 30.--Final velopments in the joke wedding of Arthur Orr, of Pittsburg, and Miss Eichelberger, of Lewisburg, who were married in a prank while guests at a wedaing, occurred here when Attorney Cummings representing the couple presented a petitidh to the court pray ing that the registrar and recorder be the records license or Auten complied Sunbury, de instructed to correct of the original marriage new issue a Judge with the petition one Still Enjoying Health. London, Oct. 30.--In Altendorfy Hun gusty and threw himsclf on the mercy of the court. Sentence deferred. Orders have been given that the { British squadron, under the command of Rear Admiral Sir Percy Scott, shall progeed to South America on the com- pletion of its South African pro- gramme. With a wife and daughter on their way from Switzerland to join him, and with a good position with a Lon- don, Ont., tailor, Frederick Morgan- thaler, aged thirty-three years, sent a his head. He Reports from Tampico, Mexico, show that over fifty lives have been lost in of reports of these conditions among (the oil fields as the result of poison- id | women in. Manitoba and the further | : torpid | western provinces were received by the [ground caused by the big fire. The Halifax, (government has called upon the emin- ous gases from the big hole in the ent scientists in Mexico to go to the scene and investigate the situation. Dr. GG. W. Hill, Hanover, an Indian, must furnish security for costs in his action against the magistrate and police constable of Hanover for dam- ages for alleged false arrest and im- prisonment. As Dr. Hill is an Indian a dominion act prevented any lien against his property for the security of the costs, In the new trial in the case of Robert J. Loughead against the Cel- lingwood Ship Building company, £1,500 for the loss of an eye while in the company's employ, Justice An- glin, in the court of appeals, gave judgment for the plaintiff for 81, 800 less some $30 costs, connected with the previous trials. The sending of the squadron, under Sir Percy Scott, to South America, is in no way connected with the pre sent Venezalan situation. WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC. New York Magistrate Makes Sen- sational Charge. New York, Oct. 30 --Magistrate Crane, sitting in the Yorkville polige court, createu a sensation by aL ing that a prominent politician had been guilty of trafficking in '"'white slaves." Magistrate Crane made the start- ling accusation after he had heard testimony by two girls who had been victims of women captured by the Children's Society agents. It was al- leged the women conducted a "'clear- ing house" system, hy which illegal resorts were filled with women. Magi- strate Crane said : "There is a man politics of this wields great from the evidence I and elsewhere, I am convinced is in some way connected or can be con- nected with this traffic in young girls. I won't tell who this man is. | would not even breathe his name. It would be wrong if I were to do now. All that I will say is that we are looking for him. He has not been caught as yet. I hope we will get him. "This is the greatest scandal that ever has come up before me. I hope the case will be run down." COBALT PRICES. high up in the town, a 'man who power here, and who, have heard here 0 By Direct Wire to J. O, Hutton, Agent, 18 Market Street. October 30th. Opening. Close inner Bd AF . 1.05 Amalgamated... ... Beaver... She. man Chambers-Feriand Cobait Central Cobalt Lake Crown Reserve Foster La Rose : = Little Nipissing... Nipissing... " Nova Scotia. Silver Leaf ... Silver Queen ... emiskaming Tretheway... Watts ... Honey In Texas. The output of y in Texas last year was 4,968,000 pounds. Califor nia came next with an output of 3, 667,000 pounds, and New York third, with an output of 3,422,000 pounds Missouri was fourth, with an output of 3,018,929 pounds. Texas also stands first in the ber ol colonies of bees, the number being 417,000, The honey crop oi Texas brings an annual revenue of ap honey num Jewish Chronicle states, | there reside a Jewish married couple the husband, Hermann Unterberger, | being 120 years old, and the wife 102 I'hey are the oldest inhabitants, a well as the oldest Jews inthe entire | country, ary, the --- | To Kingston For Theft. London, Ont., Oect. 30. --Geory« Birener, charged with stealing jewelry | before Judge El | hott for sentence, and was | two years and six months in the pen- itentiary. | Closed The Schools. Warsaw, Oct. 30.--All the private Polish schools have been' closed the governor retaliation for almost daily attacks made Rus-ian University students in str.ets for several weeks past. Poles have appealed to the duma. giver by the | npon the The mn 15¢. 1b. Mixed Nuts, 15c. Edwards &' Jenkin, 274 Princess glreet. Phone 775. Prompt deliv try. Was Electrocuted. Richmond, Va., Oct. 30.--Winston (Greene, a negro, was electrocuted, to- lay, for attempting to assault a white girl six weeks ago. Mrs. William Astor Dying. New York, Qect. 30.--Mrs. William Astor, long leader of New York - viely, is dying, to-day, at her home. 25¢c. Snow Apples Snow Apples 25 _ Finest snow apples, 25¢. peck: new aisins" J. Crawford. Home-Made Taffles. Edwards & Jenkin. Phone 775 For fresh Lowney's chocolates. Try PBibby's special $10 overcoats | which it sells ranging from eight proximately &500,000, the price {o t« the dol Thes: to all and to ten cents a pound. In addition bee-keepers sell many thousand lars worth of hees each year. colonies of bees are shipped parts of the United States foreign countries. The Boys Revenge. Pitman's Weekly The busy men stopped before an of fice building apd leaped from his car riage. At_the same moment an ambi- tious urchin ran forward and piped : "Hey, mister, kin I hold yer horse?" "No, you can't !'! snapped the bus, man. > "Won't charge y' urchin. "I don't care about the charge," impatiently responded the man, throw ing a blanket over his bony steed "My horse will not run away." tee, mister, 1 didn't think he'd run much," insisted the thought he might fall down." Legislative Council. Quebec, Oct. 30.--It is rumored that Edmond Joly de Lotbiniere, advoeate, son of Sir Henri Joly de Lothiniere, will be offered the seat in the legisia tive council rendered vacant by the recent death of Hon. Mr. Methot. The 1908 crop of bridegrooms con tinues in blissful ignorance of difficult it is to carve the turkey that the dark meat will go around among all_the relatives at dinner on Thanksgiving day. An English syndicate is going to erect a large modern hotel building overlooking the St. Isaac's Square, in St. Petersburg. There are rumors of several other large hotels to be built by foreign capital. We all have our opinions, but none of us know much. how £0 | Scores of Them, Frightened By Bursting of ' Fire Hose, Threw Themselves From Windows of ~ or More Hurt, Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 30.--Panie in- creased by the sight of bursting hose caused scores of girl employees in the eleven-stovey Neave building, cor- ner of Fourth and Race streets, to leap from the windows during a fire, yesterday, at least twenty of them 'being hurt, several seriously, while one of the firemen was also badly in- jured. Miss Louise Boulte, a dress- maker employed on the tenth floor, leaped from a window on that floor to an adjoining roof on the fifth floor level and was badly hurt. The fire broke out in the offices of the Pitts- burg Calcium Light company on the fourth floor and spread rapidly. It was finally brought under control with small loss. WILL GO TO BOTTOM Of Charge Made By the Emperor of Germany. EMPEROR OF London, Oct. 30.-'The liament, to-day, gave evidence of go- ing to the bottom of Emperor Wi liam's charge that he furnished GERMANY. English par the war office with military plans for the prosecution of the Boer war, simila: to those eventually adopted by Lord Roberts. Penalty Of A Bond. The Great West Life Assurance com pany, Toronto, is claiming from Robert J. Shales, Kingston, the sum of $500, the amount of penalty of a bond by defendant, dated November 17th, 1906, surety for the servance by Herbert J. Shales, agreement of the day before for the faithful performance of his duties by IH. J. Shales as an agent of the com pany. Tt .is alleged that the latter has not repaid the advances made by the company to him, the debt amount- ing to $81.16, and has not performer all his duties ! as ob of and obligations accord ing to the agreement. Mr. Goldmark Read Paper. At a meeting of the mechanical ion of the Canadian Society of Civil ineers, Montreal, an interesting was presented by Henry Gold LE., in which he gave a detail ription of the recent improve ments to the works of the locomoti company, Kingston. o 25¢c. Snow Apples Snow Apples 25 Finest snow apples, 25¢. peck; new raisins. J. Crawiord. 27¢. Farme Print Butter, 27c. Edwards & Jenkin. Phone 775. A drunken man received a bad gash in the face by falling at the corner of King and this after noon. He was drunk fell against the hydrant at the corner Two sailors came his took him to a nearby hotel. Victoma creamery butter, Ih., at Gilbert's. Bibby's, the glove house streets, Princess 'helplessly and to rescue and 30c. LORD Ottawa, Oct. 30.--Lord Alfred Milner is here from Toronto, and is the guest of Earl Grey at Government House. the Canadian Club of Ottawa on Saturday, Laurier, with the cabinet minist will be present. woodsmen are. A priest whe 'making his missionary rounds | camp to i | his altar | money in camp--they are paid (lump. in the spring, and when i company's city office. One of firm of camp at usual paternal interest the time, and, taking in {was too large. sidering how hard choppers have 'work for their money, and further de- i elared that he would not honor orders | above that amount. What do you suppose the men did then ? Gave the | priest orders amounting to an hun- | dred dollars, just double the first sub- 'seription,*mnd said they would not touch a cant-dog until the orders were | 0.K'd, And the operator, understand- ing woodsmen pretty well, gave in." Out Of Sight. Washington Post. ' A certain regiment was on the march from Philadelphia to Gettys- burg and the companies were ordered to move with a few minutes' interval between cach and to keep each other in sight, the bands and drums lead- ing. . The band soon got a long way ahead, and on reaching &« bem, hait- ed for a few minutes' rest. Present- ly up galloped a mounted officer in hot haste and shouted for the band seroeant, "What do you mean," he said, "by getting out of sight of the leading company ?"' "We were not out of sight, sir," swered the sergeant. "What do you mean by telling me that ?"" exclaimed the officer, in a rage. "You were out of sight. I saw you myself." an- How "Hello"" C Democratic Telegram The origin of the expression "Hello !"' as the beginning of a tele phonic communication has been much discussed. This, it seems, is Mr. Edi son's invention. "Years ago," said his biographer, Mr. Fish, 'when the tele phone first came into use, people were accustomed té ring a bell, and then ay, ponderously: 'Are vou there? Are you ready to talk." Well, Mr. Edi- son did away with that awkward, un- American way of doing things. He caught up a receiver one day, and veiled into the transmitter one word-- capable, soul-satis- fying word--" Hello !" It has gone around the world. The Japs use it, it is heard in Turkey: Russia couldn't do without, and neither could Pata gonia." {& me. a most satisfying, The People Lose. Omaha Bee. One of the Ohio congressmen vouch- es for a statement which is indicative of the pessimistic view of the average politici when in the thfoes of de feat. The day after the routing of Parker in 1904 one of the democratic papers in the Buckeye state sent out a circular telegram soliciting expres sions of opinion from various politi cians throughout the state. It is claimed that the quaintest of the lot was the reply of one county chairman terms : 'County 150. The peo- preserve expressed in these has gone Roosevelt by ple are in minority. Heaven Dog Journal When the tornado which swept Par ker county, Texas, picked up the home of Capt. James T. Wilburn, thirt, two miles from Weatherford, it carried lger, a_ bull three miles and dropped him without injury in a field with other wreckage. When found the dog was guarding containin the watch belonging to the escaping from the forgot the dog room. The house two-year-old a leather wallet other jewelry master. In house the --family locking him up in a wis demolished and the wreckage spill and hrute's ed over a mile of territory. MILNER. He when Sir ers who happen was from camp arrived one day in a | ierew of French-Canadians and set up in a cook camp. "Woods- Eleven-story Building--Twenty | men," explained Major Day, "have no ! in a the in- | priest 'was ready to depart each man fire | of the fifty gave the father an order for a dollar, this to be cashed in the the operators happened to be in the | the men that employers in the big woods dis- I play, informed them that the amount Twenty-five dollars, he | said, was enough for the priest, con- to | : 3 - | groom's gift, a pear! crescent, and car | terrier, | will address Wilfrid to be in the city, Etc, ete., ete. Clarence Chambers, W. Hector H. Hume, Members of Chicago Board of Trade LAWLOR BUILDING, - - TORONTO. - Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. MEMBERS OF : NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. AND ALL THE LEADING EXCHANGES. CONTINUOUS --COBALT-- QUOTATIONS | ----RATES OF COMMISSION -- Shares selling under 10c. at 10c. and Shares selling at 50c. and under $1, lev Shares selling at $1 and under - per share, jc. under 50c., je. 82, 2c Kingston, On - "THE CANADIAN BANK a OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, Genera: Manager ESTABLISHED 1887 Paid-up Capital, $1 0,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United Statés and England BANK MONEY} ISSUED AT THE FOLLOW $5 and under Over $5 and not exceeding $10 $10 " $30 " " RDERS « 3 cents 6 cents 10 cents 15 cents $30 .....e $0... These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Canada (Yukon excepted), and 4t the principal banking points in the United States. They are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and at stall cost, and may be obtained without delay, ug KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS. C.P.STEVENSON, Manager. NOONAN-HARTY. Pretty Wedding in Ottawa on Wellnesday. | Ottawa Journal. I A quiet but very pretty wedding took place in St. Joseph's church Wednesday morning when Miss Margaret Pearl Harty, daughter of P. Harty, of the | marine and fisheries department, was | united in marriage to Joseph P. Noon- fan, formerly of Westport, now of Ot- tawa The ceremony was performed by Rev. | Jas. P. Fallon, OM.1. The church was tastefully decorated with palms and Mrs. Tasse played the wedding marcy in her usual brilliant style as the bride entered the church. , The bride, who was given away by | her father, looked lovely attired in a handsome Princess gown of pearl grey silk eolienne over taffeta with a yoke of white embroidered chiffon outlined with real lace, a large taupe hat with os- trich tips and touchdd with fuschia Her only ornament was a gold necklet with pearl pendant the git of the groom. She carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley The bridesmaid, Miss May sister of the bride, looked charm a grey silk eolienne over taffeta and beaver hat to match. She wore the ried a bouquet of pink carnations. W. P. Harty, brother of the bride, was best man . The bride's travelling suit was of brown broadcloth, the long Directoire coat opening over an ecru lace blouse with panne velvet hat and a handsome set of furs. After the cremony a wedding break fast was held at the home of the bride's father, 52 Laurier avenue E The only | guests present were Captain and Mrs Noonan, Mr. and Mrs. J Behan and Mr. and Mrs Joh Walker Kingston, the immediat of | the contracting parties The bride was the recipient of a very | large number of costly and brautifu presents from Hamilton, Toromo, Mon treal, Kingston, Amherstburg and Pres cot well as from her numerous friends in Ottawa, showing the esteem in which she is held by her large circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs n 1at relatives as Noonan left on the afternoon "train for Montreal, Quzoec and other eastern points, and on the return will take up their residence ir Ottawa. Induction Of New Minister. Lanark Era. * . After a vacancy extending over nine months, caused by the removal of Rev W. A. Guy to Regina, the united con gregations of McDonald's Corners, El phin and Snow Road, are again hap pily settled under a new minister, Last | Tuesday, Oct. 20th, the presbytery of { Kingston met in the church at Elphin to | induct, Rev. Andrew J. McMullen, B.A, | formerly of Merrickville, into the pastor- {al charge of the above congregation Rev. Dr. McTavish, of Cooke's church Kingston, interim moderator during the vacancy, presided, preached, and induct {ed the minister. Rev. Henry Gracey, | Gananoque, addressed the minister and - : : { ! i :dly. "They who live on the shore will Rev. Jas. Binnie, Tweed. a former pastor, did similarly to the people. A large congregation was present to share in the interesting proceedings, and at the close of the service the new ministes was given a cordial welcome by his i new parishioners. Mr. McMullen and | his wife come bearing the very best testimonials from their former charge, where they past seven years + : Bibby's coat sweaters, $2, $2.50. Jacob Eaton, Windermere, was kill ed by the accidental discharge of his rifle while driving from Utterson. Try Bibby's $2 sweater coats. | An Italian named Angelo was blown {into the air and seriously injured by an explosion of dynamite at Guelph. + Quinces at Carnovsky =. have labored during the | nless, and not astrine ONTARIO GAME LAWS. Paste This Up Where it Can Be : Seen. \ Desr--Open season, November 1 to November 15, both days inclusive, Only two deer may be taken in one season by one person. Moose--Open scason for moose, rein- leer or cariboo in district south of Canadian Pacific Rzilway, in the town fattawa to the Manitoba boundary axcept between November 1 to Novem- ber 15, both days inclusive, north of above line, October 16 to November 15, both days inclusive. Only one moose, reindeer or cariboo may be taken in one season by one per- son ' No hounds accustomed to pursue deer are allowed at Jarge where leer are found during the close season for deer, Hounds or dogs running deer during the close season may be killed on sight yy any person, who shall not be hable to lamage by so Joing Open season--Hares Oct ser 31 both days inclusive. Open season--Priarie fowl ar-wood- cock from September 15 to December 15, both days inclusive Jy 'an order-in-council it shall not be legal to shoot any grouse or partridge for a period of one year from the 15th kay of September, 1908 Snipe, quail, plover any known as shore birds waders, ember 1 to December 15, both days ies clusive Ducks and other water fowl pen season September-1 to December 31, both days inclusive Geese and Swans--Open season Sep- ember 15 to April 30 in the following year, both days inclusive. Any quail or. wild turkeys, black and grey Squirrels, except from the 1st day f Ndvember to the 18st day of Decem- ser, both days inclusive, I'he purchase and sale of snipe, quail, woodcock and partridge are prohibited for a period of three years from the ist day of September, 1908 No person 'not a resident and domi- iled in Ontario may hunt or kill any wmimal or bird in Ontario without hay- ing procured a non-resident license, or dogs 1 to Decem- birds Sep- or or any Queer Breads. New York Press. : - 1 "This bread is made with sep water, said a seaside baker, "and i?is thought to be good for dyspeptics. Another bread, baked with the powdered sea- weed called Porphyra lacimata, is eaten by rheumatic sufferers, with fair re- sults. They say that whole wheat bread mixed with 'a flour made of powdered ishbones helps certain sorts of skin diseases. * There is reason for believing 'nm the medicinal properties: of the sea ind its products." said the baker learn- tell you how at certain seasqns many <inds of animals--cattie, sheep, horse and even poultry--come dowrdpn the sands and drink of the bitter waters," Edwards And Jenkin For choice bananas, basket grapes, sweet oranges Cwing to the large arrears remain- ing to be collected from taxpayers, T. R. Whiteside, M.P.P., will con tinue for some time as collector for the second ward, Toronto. r Ib.; green Red Roger pes, Se. 3 grapes, 15c. Lonny at Carnovsky's.'™ The Toronto school mans committee favors the appointment of a medical inspector of schools. Try Bibby's 75¢. wool underwear.

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