PAGE TEN. © IEE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1908: Or -------- oF Turki Gvely The skilled labor essential to the production of a good timepiece is so expensive that some manufacturérs do not use much of it. REGINA Watches are made by / the most skilled me- chanics in the world. That's why the man with a REGINA is so sure of his time. Sole Agents, Kinnear & d'Esterre The Watch House. 100 Princess St., Kingston. American Oils Coal Oil, Lubricating (il, Gasoline. We make a specialty of handling Lubri cating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. W.F.KELLY & CO South Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts 'Phone, 486. He0 44 +o t Poti d dtodd Y 3 COOD SALARIES 4 4 Go Only to the Well Trained + >>-bbbd Our High-Grade Courses néver { fuil to bring success to our gradu- ® ates Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Kingston. Oi< street, "Phone 680 STOCKDALE, x | PEFEPEPP SEE | Clergy ESP Principal 000000000000 O-0-0000000C | ¢ Increase Your Efficiency 3 Kingston Business College, Limiied, Head of Queen Street. Canada's Leading Business Schoo! Day and Evening Shorthand, keepin . dividual deficient O00 O | Classes Book. Special ine for pupils branctes, at eny MET- 0-00 instruct in Eng lates moderate time. 'Phone, 440. CALFE, Principal. VOOO000000000000000000C | DTO000A OOO OPOOOOOOOOC | | | d Ir [ard rey, | i Trish tomy ~ 50 ragiment | | Lrghst [rene Jey. A Running Sore Again Overcome. Ointment | over Vegetable which for treated with a Dr Sparks' cures a case vear had been many remedies, No case of running i should pronounced able until it has been treated Dr Vegetable Ointment. The case of Francis Love, "of Hull, | Que., is 4 powerful illustration of the healing powers contained in Dr. | Sparks Vegetable = Ointment. one great Yo ; lurks Trogps Guarding sore or SKin incur- | with be disease Sparks' says : "I have suffered from a for over a year, and have a great number of remedies, of them seemed to do me One day 1 was handed a ple box of Dr. Sparks' Ointment. However sp gave me faith, and I at once cured a 26c. box, and using a few boxes 1 am completely cured." tf a Dr. Vegetable Ointment is| for the highly recommended for any skin Radom, writes a disease, owing to the fact that it | respondent Mr Neumark, contains powerful, healing, died within the limits of his own com and antiseptic which of Radam, but expressed a wish from vegetables only will to Be buried in the neighbor Burns, Ulcers, \ Bar-| ing commune of Kielce, chiefly because ber's Rash, Ring Worms, Cracked his parents were buried there and he Lips, Ete., it has no equal had his youth in the sanie place It will also cure any form of Piles, | Ie rabbi of the commune of Ran- Itching, Bleeding or Protruding. For n objected to the dead man's wishes, sale at G. W. Mahood's and all first that, by the rules of their com- classy 'dr Accept, buried where he titute vegetable compound is sm to charities at the GREEN IN COLOR. iy l fun ral. We will give you Dr Spark's Vegetable Ointment = 35% = body in I'he bi agreed and relat astened to Kielce But t WAS PAID IN POLAND. Curious Holdup in Which Wealthy Family Was Mulcted Benefit of Poor. running tried None any good. small sam- | Vegetable | small, it 1 thousand dollars w uld appear pro-!to be a pig sum to pay, for funeral after, pomp, but for the right to buy the body of one's husband. And yet, the widow Polish Jew has: just paid that sam privilege in the Polish, prov- large Sparks' soothing taken | Cuts, | in hi oils are mung For Pimples, Eczema, ing tore no sub A man must be and dies well," said Neumark was made because the family I'hi re his rule time of 300 or ney this Mr the Wm. Murray Auctioneer i": oui ere ti mt with au 27 BROCK ST. RS ys e1msed 10 bry tin New Carriages, Cutters, Harness etc., for sale. Sale of Horses every Saturday. ommune of arrange et with quite body rubles to your 1 now you expect me relative in mine," he inyvihing of the w must | him in your own com mune." ! family began to bargain THE FRONTENAC I hey rabbi of LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY | | © rabb ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money on City and Farm Pro perties. Municipal and County Debens tures, Mortgages purchased Deposits received and interest allowed, S. C. McGill, Managing Director 87 Clarence street * J00 vil com ie ai » bury your said [ refus sort Were the the same 1 en «u { issued Neu 1 1 } 1 wowht + } 11k Iv mark's body oug nekly i ) plac under the ground His ow, letermined ne y spend 1.200 rub! DISCOURAGED MEN |": LIFE WORTH LIVING Is the burial, applied to the police to force the rabbi of Kiele without delay, on health round of public The police rec *d the woman what scornfully "What 1s all Some w fun matter have week of his death disheartened it th a . Or you, as his i for every this about a whole must the heir," will day ground MEN, when Nery yon become you feel the symptoms of y a of 300 us Debility and decline stealing 1 tl be upon you. You haven't the nerve or ambition you used to have. You feel you are not the man you ought 2 to be. You feel like giving up in nune of (despair. You get nervous and weak, rd k's "have littld ambition, pain in the A 1 back over kidneys, drains at night, hollow eyes, tired mornings, prefer to be alone, distrustful, wveriable appetite, looseness of hair, poor cir culation -- you have Nervous 1 Debility, Our New Method [he Neumark fami Treatment is your refuge. It orrowing and ordered the will strengthen all weak org 8, Revardians to water the body with a vitalize the nervous system, purify * 3 i A d the blood and restore you to a man- { , > acd Then they 1 told Kim ths ly condition. and told him that, Pay When Cured. above Neumark d Radom," an- widow, a fat . by the laws of be buried in the said finally re 1 to hi l of and 1S newspaper tea went home E Are you a victim? Have READ marry? Has your blood b Our New Method Treatment will cure y« others, it will do for you, you, write for an honest opinion Free of FREE--"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS--CURES €.0. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. list and cost of Home Treatment FREE. Drs. KENNEDY & KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and G CONSULTATION F you lost hope? Are you intending to been diseased? wi, What it E id he must be buried this timd the rabbi of 3 bbi of has done . I the his poor and had learned happened at the commune of So he shook his head and said 1g could be done for a w eck, when mmunie council would meet. Then Nn uld put the case before them. | . the body of my poor hushand must be buried at once" cried the now | distracted widow. "It is in a terrible state and the police give us 1il] the day alter to-morrow. Xou must bary it and | done with." But the rabbi was not | castly shook his head police fine and not 5. No matter who ha Charge. Charges reasonable, ), on Diseases of Men. GUARANTEED. No Treatment sent Everything corfidential. Question BOOKS riswold St., Detroit, Mich. i . "You will pay the GOST 10 BURY MAK He/ TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS | For Moscow cor- | a rich man, | watye | tain an ace, in one case two aces. throwing s.on | to bury the body | ; » : : +> | husband's body { rabbi { without th | mind them of th } mor ' | Mrs 8 { rabbi e--in which ! street street | Wickersham, / -- THE VIGOROUS WIRE PULLERS IN THE EXCITING BA Loren lon Berrnfial Gpstron Orwerbsd fosdroad 17 Swolsir = Fox AND GEESE Russa 1inister Rr laren Here i 7 me) Moving .in turn, first a fox, then | er, in how many moves can their poki tions ; i | Shall occupy 5 and 6, and the geese 3 and 4? for the | Answer To Regarding the probability of throwing an ace it is clear that gthe chances are 5 to 1 against getting it on the first the second of The dice, throw and also 5 to 1 against 36 possible combinations (6x6), and £0 the correct to the an ace in two throws of a no aces, answer have and ind the rest, you would not 1ishand buried here at paid 400 rubles to take him elsewhere Now ve my turn I will bury wishand as soon as you like 3 t put down on for t! mmunal first ur hu must this 1 But Ll table 2 Hes ie © schools and hospitals end than paying police fires and he er, too, for the weather is hot and hear the are tired of pouring cheaper carbolic an your At this the Neumark family began to wail and plead and protest But the bt firm and th went coming to any eement In policeman called to re impending fine street ardians was he evening a g the struck wuble pay Neuma But he CV 1g, guar for d --and rgain with the before with the- police, and poor Mr. 1s pressing for. ir 20,000 rl Charming Lady Hadfield. Lady Hadfield, daughter of Col \llegheny, is far from charming of the Am- who ornament the Eng- being the le crican women $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will he pleased to learn that there is at least | one dreaded disease 'that rrience has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a consti- tutional treatment. Hall's Catarch Cure | is taken internally, acting directly upon | the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying' the founda- tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the con- stitution and assisting nature in doing | its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they | offer One Hundred Dollars for any case | that it fails to cure. Send for list. of! testimorials. p20. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo Sold "by all Druggists, 75e. Toke Hall's Family Pills vats for consti- on. goose, dice is: 11 You will find it | street guardians | i most of her time. j ist home | | TRAINING JAPANESE CADETS. | Next | | The Soon after | stuck to his demand, and | severe, from one circle to anoth- reversed that the Answer on Tuesday ete. be 80 foxes Dice Game. in two throws of a single throw. In two throws there are those 36, eleven combinations remaining 25 combinations contain question of what are the chances of for and 2 con- against husband is any- * 13 prac steel in- ich has re distinc recognition of and commerce occasion of the recent'y ady Had » at No. 28 Hert- country house in tl Id, where she passes She is a great motor- and frequently up from Sheffield in an automobile, science +} 1 On the ford stree environs of S comes Exercises Contucted There Are Most Severe. the Japanese military (ie Kuropatkin in McClure's, wre | saw a Spartan system of edu- on, the exercises of the cadets with kes, rifles, and broadswords, were not approached by anything of the kind that '1 'had witnessed in Europe--it was lighting of the fiercest character. "At the end of the struggle there was a hand to hand combat, which lasted until the visitors stood triumphant over the bolies of the vanquished and tore off their mask . "In these ¢ cises, which were very ¢, the cadets struck one another hercely, and with wild cries; but the moment a prearranged signal was given, or the fig came to an end. the com- batants .drew themselves up in a [line and their faces assumed an expression of wooden composure "In all the public schools prominence was given to military exercise, and the scholars took part in them with enthus- asm. Even in their walks they practised running, flanking, and sudden, un- expected attacks. "The history of Japan was every- where made a means of strengthening the pupils' patriotism, and their belief in Jorn invincibility. Particular stress is laid on Japan's sdecessfud wars, the heroes of them were extolled. and the children were taught that none schox ACIS HAGKIISISICIIIICIIIGIIIININIONNK *® | Also many styles of Heavy Sole Walking Shoes in Tan and Black, $4.50, 5.00 and & DEPENDABLE ¥ =~ OHOES -- & High Laced Shoes For Men We have a large assortment of High Laced Shoes, suitable for Street Wear, Hunting, Trapping, or Prospecting, ete. Men's Tan Boots, high tops, £5.50 & 6.00. Men's Black Boots, high top, $4.50 & 5.00. NURI 5.50. cH aK NHK AA ICICI SI IISIICIISISIIIGICISIIIINISIIN Anyone who ever sleeps on a "Gold Medal Felt Mat- tress" is sure to speak about it to othérs. They have a reputation all over Canada as the cleanest and most comfortable of mattresses, and these together : Hercules Bed Springs, Gold Medal Felt Mattresses make a combination fit for a king. Youmay pay more for - something. inferior, but for all-round comfort and satis- faction, we guarantee these makes to be "Second to None." dames Reid, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 147 Hallowe'en Specials : Hickory Nuts, Chestnuts, Filberts, ete. Grapes--Tokay and Malaga. Taffies--Our noted makes just mn. ' Try Toye's "Chocolate Sharbot.' Something new ia pastry, just out. Get it to-marrow. R. H. TOYE, 302 King St. SOLDER! Have you tried our strictly } and } bar Solder, also our Star Extra Wiping. The quality is gua ranteed and the price is right. 31 WILLIAM ST of Japan's military enterprises had failed, -- Canada Metal Co. Ltd., ZLwiuiaksy