AcE TWO. HIRAI RINNNN Seach of ation & Real Scotch qualities others leads brand as it is not WARMTH Paton's Alloa Scotch Yarn difference. Ask Quality and see the ALLOA" ed have 3 which 2 15 but NO § Yarn have Manufacturers "Scotch IT HAS must not, Canadian their yarm Beotch AACR oi 2 And see the for Imperial ' PATON skein Lhe name on every FROOGLE FIO FAA HAAN LIBRARY ARRANGEMENTS Book nearly all ing them, Wernickle, 3 styles. We carry sto $2.75, each You and rearrange ent and Call HAAANAA ow Cases, have readers either on the hoth $3.25, add your al- : gee | can 10 it's and ways right them. | all the Oak Library Tables and Chairs, newest and up-to-date, in Golden Lyles. Library Rugs, Curtains, etc Carpets good wearing and suitable designs and colors Work and by Repair Upholstering prompt- ly done best mechanics PHONR 90. T. F. Harrison Co. Yours, OO COE | Macdonnell, [ McGill | soccer THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTORER 31, 1908. DIED IN HOSPITAL He Was a Sufferer Appendicitis. John Shellington, an aged and hi gh | ly respected resident of Cole Lok township of Hinchinbrooke, died in the general hospital on Friday. He brought to the city on, Saturday last | to be operated upon for appendicitis, but his illness was too far advanced the physicians were unable to save his life. He suffered the eavement of his wile last Mareb, sweral sons and daughters gue One son arrived in the city on from Indiana, and accompan father's remains to the oid AGAIN BEAT CADETS .... QUEEN'S ill. I. WON OUT BY 32 TO 9.) Will Now Meet 'Varsity Juniors-- Why Queen's Seniors Decided Not to Play the Tigers Hamilton. 111 played a return game 1 on the latter's cam- pus Friday afternoon and defeated them 10 to 8. This gives Queen's ! ] the round by twenty-three points, tie ied his t total score being 92 to! Y. The teams home. lhe deceased was at one time lined up the same a3 on the jo an extensive lumbe:man vious day, and played better ball and enjoyed a wide acquaintance. Cadets made a better showing mm against Queen's when they were on] their own grounds and had the crowd | to back them. The teams linédd up as follows: Queen"s--George, win, Macdonnell, Kirkpatrick, quarter; r, Read, scrimmage; tershy, inside wings; ilton, second out; outside wings. Cadets--Gordon, Nordheimer, Adams, quarter; Dunbar, scrmmay'. Stewa i, wings; Tali. Petec: Hanson; McPherson, This gives «Queen's the round and they will meet 'Varsity in the first round of the semi-finals. They should | win out easily. | ia and ' but Queen's with Cadets mourn. Friday "THE WOLF" Will Be a Coming Attraction at The Grand. Good-! halves; Bark- Bat- Ham- Lose full-back; Ramsay, Ramsay, Spearman, De Brassy, Connolly, eo Watts W hoe full-back, halves; Tishes Rielly, Wright, ta delle outside wings. | wih Won't Play In Hamilton. | ceniors will not play in | Hamilton on Thanksgiving Day, but not because they have 'backed as the Hamilton papers stat cannot play for two rea- rons. The Tigers have arranged an- other game for that date, and Queen's want to wait, .as they may have to play them for the dominion championship, as they expect to be champions of the intercollegiate ser- ies This game for the dominion title would be a great game and Hamilton would not have any walk- There are men on Queen's good as on Hamilton's The have not a better half than good wm punter Williams, or better outside win than Elliott. The game wouid ha taken place on Thanksgiving Day had not the challenge been sent in by the C.LR.F.U. to the Big Four, Queen's it is down,' ed They over, line Tigers as as Gs a SEVERIN be DE DEYN. looked | 1] interest, forthcoming York's most "The Wolf." author *P Eugene It Something to od te with more than trically the | tion here New dramatic ten by the Full" it places front rank of | It comes to | Nov. 7th, usu is of sue Writ | aid O8R, The MeQill Teams. to the Montreal Herald, | rugby team which plays afternoon, is a bit erp: Black eannot play. MeCill | team arrived here last wight, | senior and intermediate rugny did not reach here till one this afternoon. as W same According Iter senor this Capt the Grand on Queen's matinee and night. pled Wedding At Pittsburg. evening, Oct. nt Pittsburg, but the teams o'clock On ja quiet fat St. Notes From Y.M.C.A. | Harry The croquet tournament for the| john McLean, and Miss senior association championship prov-| Grant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ed a and resulted | Alexander Grant, were united in mar- follows : riage. Rev. W. J. MacQuarrie offi-| First round--Lailey y ciated. The bride was becomingl 3.1; Stagg beat Davis, 3-2; attired in a suit of navy blue Pana Fleming, 3-1; Gilbert, bye. Ima cloth, with hat to match. The | Second round--Lailey beat Gilbert, | louse was of pale blue silk covered 3-0; Stagg beat King, 3-0, | with all-over lace. The bridesmaid, Final vound--Lailey beat Stagg.|Miss Ethel McLean, sister of the 3-2. Stewart Lailey wins the medal| groom, wore a neat suit of brown, and is the association champion. with hat to match. Thursday' evening, in the interme: | hrother the bride, diate basketball series, W. . King's | man. team defeated Roy Moore's team, couple Wednesday but happy John's manse, McLean, son of Mr. and wher great success as McCullagh, King beat beat acted as bes of to Mr. Grant's awaitec in | drove back a delicious 'Blankets | Blankets, ® o s » | : We have the scarce colors in Blanke's now in demand. ® Navy Blue, All Wool Crimson, All Wool White and Grey, ¢ Wool. Whiteand G All rey,Union IC OO00 9/8 XE D0 SOOO R. McFaul, Carpet Warehouse. 200000000000 OOOOOK Sos O PEEP EEP EEL EEPIOSES Choose The Right i Investment. "I have lost in every in- vestment I ever made,' said a man the other day, "and I have about come to the conclusion that the only way I can make any money is to work hard for it." 3: 4 prin Sb Sobre That man admitted he had never bought real estate. He had invested his savings in stocks and the botton drop- ped out. Buy Kingston realty. It's getting better every year. Put your savings into a home, a building lot or an equity in a piece of business property and you will have it invested in something safe and sound. Here are a few good buys, selected at random from lists : See what we have to offer. Gb bre bb bh brid | score | ) | Maple bb brid | tain places. one of the best games of the season, | (here 32-11. | them. supper Along toward the 'wee hours' Mr. and Mrs. McLean to the old homestead, where they are two | to reside, Mr. and Mrs. McLean, faving given up the farm and movec to the city. Always popular never more than at present voung§ couple have the best the oy community For Canadian Championship. That there will be at least games for the Dominion rugby cham | pionship is evidenced by the fact that | two challenges have been sent to the | Canadian Rugby Union, viz., from the | Intercollegiate Union and the Ontario {Union. The challenge of the Inter-pro- | vincial Union will follow as a matter | of course. This year the games will be )iplayed on the grounds of the Inte provi®ial and Inter-Collegiate Unions, which will probably mean Hamilton | (if Tigers win), and Kingston | Queen's win.) sr. the wishes o sO Elsie Janis Coming. On Thursday, November 5th, Grand, Dillingham will the new play with musie, Elsie Janis as the star, entitle Fair. Co-Ed he Hovden," management, of "The won fame in* the entertainment youngest but she public at the Charles pro duce colle, ' with I'he in *T | ham's ge (if under Mr. and also Vanderbilt Cup," lighter form of musi She as Game. played 'A Closer Collegiate team Leafs a friendly game at field, this morning. Last son these two teams played a game, | the Collegiate winning five to four, | and this year a closer game is expect- | | ed star the the sea The cal is Cricket star on the favorite with has been a lar years Laying Of Corner-Stone. of Rumblings Of A Protest. the past two days there have novitiate buildin rumors of a protest against the | the-Lake, will t | election of Mr. Harty on the grounds! of St. Charles bribery. After June Sth last the | November 4th, neral opinion seemed to be that the| The Sisters conservative leaders in Kingston | dence should not talk about bribery. The general opinion also that the | assistance | friends of Mr. Harty didn't need to| undertaking | spend one dollar to elect him, as his | ceremony. | seat was quite safe. The tory organ y 18 opposed to a protest (which seems | only a bluff, anyway), no doubt cause it knows something about tory doings in last Monday's every adsantage when hot tion. If a protest did come to a pottles, syringes, atomizers, head several leading conservatives' ac- cushions and othe tions late last Sunday night would needed. Two-quart hot water bottles; be exposed, and their Wives might made of pure rubber (red), 50¢. up, at | be suspicious of their visits to cer- Wade's drug store. The stone « 'the orphanage anc St. Mary's-on the feast ceremony { the laying new at For been lace on I at ol romeo, 3.30 p.m. the House invite the and generous citizens to lend of ge cordially and encoura by being gement present to at 18 Wade's For Rubber Goods. Careful buyers find that ment, quality and price, we be- the elec- affor invalids Queen's Naturalists' Club. The r of the Fresh MeConkey's choice of candy for Hallowe'en night. Red Cross Drug "Phone Sale of boys' sweaters, 50c., strong woollen stockings, 2 York Dress Reform. Little prices, but big values ib over- coats, at Roney & Co.'s, to-night A member of "A" battery, found guilty of disorderly conduct.' was sen- tenced to four months in jail. royalty Gibson's 230. extra New next ing club will be held in the honor botanical laboratory, old arts building, on Tuesday « vember 3rd, at 5 p.m. 'lhe pr A. B. Klugh, will "One Of Our Earliest Naturalists--Gil- bert White." The club will be pleased | to see its friends from the city pre- sent. me Store. acnt, . Very Seriously Ill. Important Announcement. | Rev. Pr. A. C. Courtice, Toronto, at G. W. Mahood desires to announce One time editor of the {to the readers of the Whig that they Guardian, and formerly pastor of the have secured the agency for Parisian |Sydenham Street Methodist church, Sage, the marvelous dandruff cure] Very ill at the Battle Creek, Mich. {and delightful hair dressing. sanitarium, where he has been G. W. Mahood is glad to state that Some time. Dr. Courtice has been in Parisian ~ Sage is a rigidly guaran- failing health for some years and his teed hair restorer. Tn is not looked for. It cures dandruff in two weeks by | killing the dandruff microbes; it stops falling hair; it cures all scalp recovery 25¢c. Tooth Brushes, For 20c. dis- | McCANN'S, 51 Brock Street. Toessss FHSS rd rbd | w we | (October). all our 25c. or « 20¢. Every brush | Wade's drug store, eases, or money back. It is a most pleasant hair dress | ing, especially for ladies, as it makes the hair soft and lustrous. The pric is only 502. a large bottle at G.| Mahood's, or by express, all| from Giroux es, tooth brushes guaranteed. Ten different patterns in the new ; ' Mig. | college overcoat to choose from, at) prepaid, was | be- | » leit to | and farmer, ' fer, | | thea-| ) . | Services, in in the American playwrights. Saturday, 23th, | took place Mrs. Gertrude Charles Grant, | sma' drove but | Through her work | this trouble, Dilling- the | she to-day the | American stage, | the corner Wednesday, | of Provi- | charitable gracious | the the in assort- | water | rubber goods are] No- | give an address on | Christian | is | for | To reduce our stock of tooth brush- | will sell during this month only | 'ABIBLE READER AT BETHEL | CHUF CH. He is Learned in the Scriptures-- | i Some of the Subjects to Be Copsidered By the Pastors. James' Church--The Dean of On- | tario will preach at the evening 'ser- | \ ice. St. Andrew's--Rev. Mackie. Ser- Strangers i Dr. p.m. i {vices, '11 am. and 7 and students welcome. : Convocation hall-Thé Sunday after- | noon service in Convocation Hall, | Queen's. University, will be conducted | o-morrow by Principat Gordon. The service begins at three o'clock. Bethel church--The pastor will in the morning. In the evening C. Gaebelcin, of New York, | preach. Mr. Gaebelein is one of Ame rica's profoundest Bible students. | First Congregational Church--Pas- ! tor, Rev. J. Charles Villiers. Divine { worship, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. ! 1). Whitmore will preach at the even | ing service. Strangers are invited. A | welcome to all. Seats are free. First Baptist 'Church--Rev. Douglas pastor, at both services. "The Stewardship of Life"; 7 p.m., "The Danger of Drifting." Bible school at 2.45 p.m. Students and strangers ever welcome to all ser viees. St." preach | will | | Laingy | a.m, George' s Cathedral--All Saints 8 a.m., holy communion; 10.1} matins; 11 a.m., holy --"ommun jon, preacher, Dean Farthing; 3 p.m. Sunday school; 4.15 p.m., baptism; p.m., evensong, preacher, anor Starr. Bible class at 3 o'clock ir the chapel. Cooke's Presbyterian Church, street--The pastor, Rev. W. S. Tavish, Ph.D., will preach at bot} services. Brotherhood of Andrew anc Philip meets at 10 am; Sunday school and Bible class, p.m.; Pres- byterian Guild, 8.15 p.m. Strangers courteously welcomed. Brock Street Methodist Church- tev. T. S. Burke, IB.D., pastor, wil preach at both services, 11 a.m. and % p.m. Quarterly sacram vice at close morning service. Class meet ing, 10 a.m. : Sunday school and Bible ! classes, 3 p. m. Y.P.S., Monday, ¢ prayer meeting, Wednesday, Strangers made welcome to all day, a.m., Brock Mac a ital ol | £ p.m.; p.m. ) Presbyterian, corner Bar | rie and Earl streets--Pastor, Rev. M. Macg silliveay, D.D. Services, Il: a.m., "Lord, the People ! Not Crowns, not Thrones, but Men"; 7 p.m., "Declining and Yet Consenting--a Very Profit able Religious Story." Sunday school and Bible class, 3 p.m. Strangers and | students cordially invited to all the Chalmers, | servie 0s, Young Men's Christian Association-- | Sunday morning, 9.45, boy \| class; afternoon, 3 p.m. Vv! Bible study club in parlor; 4.15, A. Gaebelein, New York city, will deliver | an address to men. Mr. Gaebelein i: { one of the greatest expounders of the | Bible in the world to-day, so. do not { Biss this opportunity of hearing him rerybody welcome. Students especial | iy invited. Queen 1 Methodist Church Rev. W. harlingg B.A., pastor *| will dt "at ys services. Morning | subject, "A Last Request'; evening | "The Power «of God in All Lands. Fellowship meeting, 10 a.m. The sac Street t; After the ceremony the young | rament of the Lord's Sup per will be » | administered at the close of the morn Uj Miss Emery, Picton, wili evening service. Young s Club, p.m., Sunday school, 3 Monday, ¢ ) pm, Y.PSC midweek service, Wednesday, ing service. | sing at the Men' | 2.45 | p- m., i| 8 p.m Sydenham Methodist Churel --Charles A. Sykes, B.D., pastor, Wil- | iam Craig, pastor's helper. 10 a.m. Junior League and class meetings ; 11 | Street i} | Neuralgia Instantly Cured. »| It is impdssible for anyone to worse torture than J. of Falkirk, Ont. Year he was bound down with but finally he tried Nor | viline; it cured him--drove the neural gia out of his head and shoulders, gave relief to stifiness and sleepless nights, when all else failed. This is just one case in a thousand that proves Nerviline is the remedy | for"neuralgia, rheumatism or muscle | aches of any kind.. Very powerful, | penetrating and sure. Try a 25c. | tle. | ex | per ence S [ McC ollough, i| after year i | | "KINGSTON'S FAMOUS FUR STORE" It's an old sayiag "the proof of a pudding is in the eating" and the proof that this is the best store forgoodF urs is that people, every day, search the city mak- ing comparisons and buy our Furs. Would people come and keep on coming if this wasn't the right place ? Now take a little advice and before you buy lookall over, see just what everybody' s dong then come to the biggest, best and busiest Fur Store and make | comparisons, Write for Catalogue | " i 1 | i i i - - Makers of Fine Furs, § 125.128 Princess St. SUNDAY SERIES Special Bargains for turday and Children's Fall and Winter Coats, sizes 3 to 8 years, special price, $1.25 each. Ladies' Pure Cashmere Hose, worth 40c., for 25¢. 400 Yards Navy Blue Stripe Flannelette; for waists and \wrappers, worth 15¢. yard, Saturday and Monday, 10c. yard. Ladies' Lined Cream Cashmere Gloves, special Saturday a.m., communion service; 2.45 p.m. Bible school (missionary day); 7p. m., ' oublic service, theme, "Is Religion a Matter of Temperament ?*' Mrs. James Small will sing at both services. | Morning solo, "A Clean Heart." Ev ming solo, "Thé Sparrow Song." Special offerings for the benevolent 'und, and also for the Fernie fire re- lief fund. Epworth League of Chris: tian Endeavor, Monday, 8 p.m.; mid week service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. i i INCIDENTS © OF THE DAY. | Reporters On Their Rounds. ~ Get your new overcoat to-night at Roney & Co. Sale of leather belts, in navy zeey, 15e. New York Dress Refotm. Prof. Cecil Lavell, Jectured in »anee, on Friday night, on "The oi ng of the Empi Overcoats to suit every pocket, Roney & Co.'s, to-night. Rev. M. E. Sexsmith, Newburgh, n the city for the meetings of Laymen's Missionary Movement. Calvin Frazier has moved his family irom Kingston to. his home bought | rom Mrs. M. Townsend, at Ottawa. A banquet of bargains in overeoats | to-night, at Roney & Co.'s. Children's dresses, all kinds, at bar gain prices. New York Dress Reform. Edward Henderson, father of James Henderson, of Kingston, died recently at Rochester, N.Y., aged seventy-nine 13 years. 1 Boys' overcoats and reefers at Beri3 gain prices, to-night. Roney & Co.'s. } Quite a number of peopie are being 3 vaccinated every day. In a number of & at was the | 3 | 4 4 8 | | Reform. Despite the cold weather the Yac ve | lub (bunch still take their morning | lip. Some find the water quite cold, »ut others do not seem to mind it. To-night is overcoat night at Roney 4 Co. The hoard of health meets on Mon- lay afternoon, and an interesting juestion in connection with the medi- al attendance at the smallpox quar- may be raised. Underwear, hosiery and corsets wery description, ordered or A made. New York Dress Reform. Save money, to-night, by securing one of Roney & Co.'s overcoats. The lowest tenders for additions to y+ residence in King street west were: 'arpentery, Hooper & Slater; mason vv, H. Watts; plumbing and tinsmith ng, McKelvey and Birch; painting, H. Wilkins. The Trusts and Guarantee company, limited, Toronto, have been appoint- ed Ontario administrators of the tate of the late S. J. Ritchie, of 3k- {ron, Ohio. The Ontario estate is in- ventoried at over half a million dol 'ases there are some pretty sore arms and legs. Bring your boy to Roney & Co.' to-night, for that new overcoat. Sale of corsets specially adapted for tout figures, $1.25. New York Dress 3 13 wa ters es- Jig reductions in overcoats at Ro- ney & Co.'s, to-night Charles White, of Windsor, is one of the latest additions to the roll of the | penitentiary. He will ve ten years for maiming and disfiguring Joseph - | Pierce, of that city. A charge of at- tempted murder was dismissed. Get your new overcoat, to-night, at | Roney & Co. | M. Maloney, student «f the King- | ston Business head of Queen | street, has accepted a position stenographer for the Canadian I'a cific railway, company. Forty stu lents of this popular school have ac- cepted positions with this company | within a short time. > \ Tr FES e toot d- [i S. a college, as MARINE NEWS. is Found the Wharves. The government What About steamer Scout was working in the harbor this morning. The steamer Cataract cleared for Oswego, to load coal for Quebec. We can fit you with the latest | fall fashions in Gloves and will guarantee every pair we sell. See our special $1.00 Glove, "Perins.' Yewsy Paragraphs Picked Up Ry |'Y our Fall Underwear Now is the time Heavy Underwear. Buy now while ,or | the assortment is large and sizes complete, 50c., T5c., $1.50 to $3.00.. We dre making a name for our- | selves in | comes' where he can get a Snappy | Dr POR + IISA ! Gowns, 'and Monday, at 18c. pair. CORRIGAN"S. Your Fall @ 'i: or =: | Diamonds In Single, Twin and 3. Stone Settings, first quali ty stones, carefully set! to best advantage. The prices are as reasonable as is consistent, with the quality of our gems. SMITH BROS. Jewellers, to uy your $1.00, $1.25, Your Fall Hat the Hat Business. When Opticians. man wants a hat he pticians young Issuers of Marriage Licenses. 350 King street. essy Hat. P. J. HUNT. THERMOS Keeps contents Cold 72 hours without ice. Keeps contents Hot 24 hours without fire. NWaiats 22 only White . Japan Silk and Taffeta\ Silk, sizes, 32, 34, 36, 38, marked McLeod's Drug Store. Pint Bottles, $3.50 at prices ranging from $3.50 to $7.50 each. While the lot lasts to-night, your choice $2.50 Each a Ladies' Flannelette Night ; in pretty stripes, » Lace Trimmed, only 45ec. each. AY At Gourdier's : Newman Ee : xclusive Furrier & Shaw : 76, 78, 80 Brock St. The Always Busy Store. 4 "+ . RRA See our swell Coats, $4.95 and up. LITTLE WAIT.-FULL WEIGHT Swift's : Steamer Aletha from bay ports ; steamer Belleville, due down, to-day. The sloop Maggie L., hag arrived from bay ports, with oats and barley | for Richardson's elevator. : At M. Te company's elevator : The | steamer Windsor arvived from Mont- real, on her way to Oswego; the steamer Algonquin, from Fort Wil liam, with -- 97,500 bushels of barley; the steamer Meaford, from Fort Wil- liam, with 80,000 bushels of wheat. | B. A. Hotel Arrivals. J. A. Noiee, Campbelliord;, C. Allan, New tawa; G. R. H. Shannon, Faks: BR. Detroit; A. James Train, Toronto; T. R . Pendelton, York: B. Chenvier, | Johnson, Brockville ; W R. A. Grant, Smith's A. Grant, R. McSmith, Ts Farrow, Stratford; A. 8S. Purdy, Wm. McLean, Wm.. Tan- ner, Toronto; McGill Association foot- ball team, Montreal. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to ure any case of itching, blind, eed, ing or protruding piles in days or money refunded. McElligott, Jeanville, has resign- od io the position of fire chief. Children's fancy overcoats, big vari- | | | 9 EYES SHOULD BE EXAMINED.D WA yi LRT Glasses exactly right years ago may be far from right to-day. The change. We examine your eyes free and will only tw ° We can fill orders for Coal prompily. No waiting, but full weight. I'. WA. Barrack street. eyes will ve recommend a change if abso- , To0 ki 70s aw onking or bs SCRANTON fe a Th mh Booth & Co., FOOT WEST STREBT. lutely beneficial. Dr. A. P. Chown, r Druggist and Optician, . 485 Princess St. Open Saturday Evening. charges EEA | Co... Fort Erie, Ont. 2000000060000000000008 | lety, at Roney & Co.'s, to-night, Bran { Roney & Co.'s, to-night.