ashionable Furs isit Us Before Decid- ing on Your Furs It will pay you to examine them 'thoroughly and see for yourselves what exceptional values we are offering. Something to suit everyone--old, middle aged, young and the kiddies. All kinds--Stoles, Storm Collars, Throws, Muffs, Ties, ete., at prices that cannot be be aten. Fur Coats for Men and Women Neck Pieces in Sable, Isabella Fox, Squirrel, Mink, Fox, Per- sian Lamb, etc. Muffs to Match Nec Sizes and Shapes k Pieces, all Your Winter Coat Is Here Just what youn have been looking for, and at the prices you expected to give. We guarantee you entire satisfaction in quali- ty, style and price. $5, $7.50, $9, $10, $13.25, $15 They Are Winners SELL AT SIGHT See Our Window Display of Brushed Brass Beds--The lowest Ranging from $20 to $ The best values ever offered in the city. Dressers and Washstands to match, in Mahogany and Oak, from $25 to $150, solid Mahogany ; also in Turned Oak, Mis- sion design. Chiffioniers from $12 to $75, Solid Mahogany. ROBT. Jd. REID, 230 Princess St. 'Telephone 577 Ey SOLDER Try our Strictly BAR SOLDER to Coast. >» it has the largest sales from Coast Canada Metal Co..Ltd., 31 WILLIAM ST TORONTO ONT with the claim i! MINING square. Kntry I'wo CLAIMS generally, $5.00 eases of five be issued to r a term of 20 years. Rental » 'per annum. Royalty, 24 per the. output exceeds $10,000 fee, miles mw after Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE head of a family, or any male years old, may homestead section (160 acres, more or available Dominion land in Saskatchewan or Alberta. The aj must appear in person at the Ik Lands Agency or Sub-Agency district. Entry by proxy at any agency, on certain « father, mother, son, dau sister of intending BO ten tor DUTIES. --Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each ol three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farmn of at least BO acres solely owned and occupied by him or by his father mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain good standing section along side $3.00 per acre months in each of of homestead entry required to eam homestea cultivate fift- acres extra. homesteader who has exhausted homestead right and cannot obtain pre-emption ay take a pv urchase: J homestead in certain districts $3.00 per acre Purchased homesteads may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, East of the Us ary and Edmonton Railway Vest 1.20 of range 26, and Wes third Meridian and the Sault line. Duties Must reside six each of three years, cultivate and erect a house worth $300, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- | WEST MINING REGULATIONS, COAL. --Coal mining leased for twenty-one rental of $1.00 an acre 2,560 acres can be les cant Royalty, five cents QUARTZ.--A person eighteen age and over having made a may locate a claim 1.500 feet S00 A. feel. Fee, $3.00, At least $100 must be sad expended op the claim each year, _or paid to the Mining Recorder. When $500 bas been expended or paid and other | Ww. Ww ister of CORY the publication be paid SOLI over 18 a quarter less) of Manitoba lies { Unauthor sement will the Mit zed not ty of for. this advert New Fiaor jk iigeton Hall. NOTICE TO® PE aa ACTORS. SEALED TENDERS, MARKED the envelope, l'enger for floor, King- brill ' and addressed to the ho Militia Council, Head- LoAMbewa.. will be received until Noveapber S12, 2998, for the re- the floor the Drill Hall ON in er- districts a homesteader way preempt a quart his homestead rice Duties.--Must reside six six years, from date (including the time patent) and y be ommanding King- Ser A { seen 3 , Ofticer C his ¢ aster 0 Command and Director of Engineer Headquarters, tawa, ander must made by p! rt the and on oc forms \CComj Canadian Chartered 3a cent of the amount thereof, payable the order of the Minister of Militia and Defence ich amount will be forfeited the 1g declines to with Railway months in fifty acres enter the par nto a « tender he accept in accordance does not itsell to or De the partment lowest n.Q 25 rights may 'hel years at an annual, Not more than ed to one appli-| per ton. years of discovery by 1.5 14- Y Militia and rn Ot tawa, October 21, 1908 Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it without authority from the Department. Madoc, has peeeived the death, on Thurstay, W. Field Wood, aged Mishawaka City, Ind. F. news Wood, the Ih at of of his forty-one, son, Oak and |! one | Interior | THE DAILY BREISH WHIG. MONDAY. NEWS. OF THE WORLD | OCCURRENCES R RECOUNT ED IN BRIEF | FORM. i | Matters That Etat Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. F. A. Hamilton died suddenly { Hamilton restaurant. A single volley from a loyal batta- | lon quelled a mutiny among the Turkish troops at Constantinople. Conductor Ames Wells, of the Grand Trunk, was run over and killed, on Monday in the point St. Charles yard. Hon. Mr. Hanna, the provincial sec etary, has cancelled the license re- Br issued to the Caer-Howell hotel, Toronto. i i i i | in a | | Saturday to pass forged checks drawn on the Market branch of the Dominion Bank, Toronto. | Ihe Dateh government, to-day, or- dered a blockade of Venezuelan ports | The blockade of the harbor at Cara- i cas is said already to ineffectual. | Saved from the schooner, Lula L. Pollard, burned, Capt. Powell nine were landed at day. Mes. Miller, West {thumb so injured while a rope, the animal had to have be after she his crew of York, and New London, bad her leading a calf running away, by the member am- | that she putated. | At Watford, Ont. for East Lambton before Returning Officer Armstrong, consery jority of 460. Lord Milner arvived Monday morning aud convocation of MeGill { the Royal Victoria Colleg the honorary of A man ahout thirty-five | was found dead in his room at Cook's Hotel, this morning. The | sas was on full, and asphyxiation was | the of death. The man was re gisteredd as Charles Riordan, Buffalo At Galt, Ont., Miss Carrie Miller, aged fifty-five, was found in her home, | Saturday, the | fects of from | furnace by She official made, W. has count to day » Fuller ma the was NS. ative, a Montreal at a special mn in on university, was givea Lb, years of ¢ dégree Toronto, cause unconscious from © the the 1 died coal was it claimed stopped up. this morning. at one time escaping caused is { chimney being at the hospital, David Hobbs, official for the C.P.R | treal, sent to penitentiary for | years for making false pretences and { defrauding the government out | thousands of dollars, was recently | leased on ticket of leave, He was run by a P.R. train Saturday | and died at the western Mon a toms at seven re over night pital. hos CIVILIANS FINED. | They Disturbed the Peace Breaking Windows. Toronto, Nov. In the court, this morning, the three young men arrested, Saturday, charg | with throwing and creating | disturbance, were let off. with | sentences of $1 and costs or {in jail. The fines were paid. By police on Ie 2d stone a easy ten days { | when the students did not commit {any breaches of the law; the gang started break windows, three of them promptly arrested and dealt to-day, stated. to being with, as FIRE AT WINDSOR BEACH. Cottages Destroyed in Rochester Summer Resort. Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 2. cottages at Windsor Beach, a summer of Rochester I.ake Ontario, even miles from the city, completely destroyed fire, Satu day afternoon, entailing a loss estima ted at $117,000. The cottages formed a str t along the lake front and oply four in the street were saved. All of the cottages were owned by Rochester The fire | heater in an old frame cottage, as there was no facilities for | fire and a high wind was blowing, | spread with remarkable rapidity. COULD NOT LAND Thirty-six resort on about were hy itizens., fighting it | And a Pilot Had to Go England. Nov 2 reported the on to Montreal, damage 1 it over | ple been the sac could Point, had while ot Considerable from the result is St of the has been sweeping for the past bark Mercure Anne and at Tadou Allen liner Father he juence te iwrence wale land days. Y which and sea The at Rousseau Voltig outward-bound land her pilot owing to heavy to England the inward Kensington pilot for the same reason, For The Loss Of A Trunk. Nov. 2.--Despite the fact anadian Transfer compar to responsible for no than 850 in the loss of Ls of wrecked schooner I'he not geures at to go failed a Toronto, that the C binds itself | thing more trunk. Henry appeal to the divisional court, here, was Fewarded iudgment on Saturday for $487.35 against | the company for { the of a trank said { large amount jewelry. came by boat from Clayton, turned over to the fer company, who gave eck fo The Their lordships, Justice be vmont,, Chicago, on loss The article N.Y. and Canadian the regu was was rans y lar cl it owner or his Justice dell tovd honeymoon Fal reversed nm which in of de fendants, and~#=awarding the tiff damages criticized the validity wy law allowing a ecarrving escape full responsibiiity by lorse the form Rid Chancellor onbridee and Jud nt by was favor the - plain company to er wreement Nees the 1 consig printed on -- - Sil on o'clock r Was On Fire. dock Sunday blaze, the Spontaneous of the Coal nglin's caught 1 37 on n at and quir which firemen for ely re tention of ours cause fire. Customs Import Duties. import amounted duties S13, The during 349.15. local customs October to Evans Cooke's beautiful Sunday rendered churcl Mrs. solo, J in evening a on big four-masted | to- | ol | The men | { were part of a gang who followed the | { students on Hallowe'en im parade and | started from an oil | and, lower has | a| | an to contain a Chief | of | get- | clauses | | fire | I aft rnoen, | combustion | i oon NOVEMBER 2 1908. Hmusements, (GRAND 7 OPERAYHOUSE) | T3URSDAY, NOVEMEER 5TH. "RAH "RAH" EAR $ DILLINGHAM'S PRODUC: George Ade's Latest Novelty, ELSIE JANIS Her Little Aray of College Boys and Girls Presenting '"THE FAIR CO-ED" A College Play With Music--By George Ade and Gustav Luders--The "Zippiest' Show of the Day--Company - of 85 Augmented Orchestra. Prices, 23c., 50c., 75c., $1, $1.50. Seats now on sale. '5c WONDERLAND 5c Miller & Egan Musical Artists, caanedy, entitled ' raid? "Henry's Visit of the <Jatest and best Motion Special Feature, An attempt was made in Buffalo on | Comedy in "a one 3,000 feet Pictures ; Mis: s Tilling Niustrated this Songs. Noted In Don't fail to hear Soprano. PRINCESS THEATRE| ROBT. LIPMAN, Prop. TONIGHT, head liners, Mitchell and Grant The New Sport Ia MisS OCK ON ME." GEO WHERE GROWS." Pictures f yet The Magic Eye Comedy. The Gallant Knight Drama. QUEEN'S vs. OTTAWA QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS SATURDAY, NOV. 7th AT 2.30 P.M. and at Town, "SMILE i will sing "DOWN WILLOW HAMMOND will sing THE WEEPING ro-N1GuT the Our are hest stand, until grand Uglow"s Prices © west side SOc. (Reservable Saturday noon). East side, 23¢ bleechers, 33e. El Ray Sisters Al This Week Roller Rink. Auction Sale | Household Furniture 23 Earl Street Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, 10 am, Piano, Rack, Suite, Hand Table, Tables, Heater, Mattresses, «od Mir ware Phone, Rug Parlor Walnut Chairs, Dominion put Hall Oak Cha Oxford Wo Extension ind Range, some Sideboard, Dining In Bedroom t Crockery, ALLEN, Telephone84d For Purest and Best Ice Cream | In City. Delivered any { hour up to 6 p.m. PRICE'S, 288 Princess St., Kingston. "QUEENS ALHN] CONERENCE Hall, week, Monday Centr Side erial Square Suites, Qilelo Springs, Fcilet Setts, t i Bicycle, al and Auctioneer, ass The 'onveocation this Le t VEN ning re Kilpatrick, of Knox 10. o'clock, Chancellor MOR NING at SDAY ie rue Wf ctureship. First ibject "What Is A Work Of, Axt ?"' Ticket lit tin « I. lectures, for FINE LADIES' TAILORING PRICES RIGHT. B. Ouellette, PRINCESS STREET. 3. INDOOR BASEBALL. . Schedule Arranged By the 14th Regiment. following is the schedule' of the indoor baseball league of the 14th | regiment, starting Nov. ded, at | eight o'clock : yov. Jrd--B. and Nov, dth--E. Co Nov. 10th---Sergts Nov. 12th--F, Nov, 17th-t Nov 19th A 21th 261 fi-- { The The D. Cos. vs { I. oC ( Now, and Hl. Cos. vs. | Co. Dee. Co Dee rd--G. and H. Cos. vs. F . Co Dec Ih--F. Co. va. E. Co. On Dee. 15th and 17th winner ght and left hall battalions play ofi, best games out three. v Sth---Ser, two of Watching Fish Pirates. Brockville, Ont, Nov. 2.-J. | Whaley, fishery overseer § looking after the fish pirates i in | locality pretty severely, | Lake,_over £208 worth of nets were | confiscated and a close watch is being | | maintained over neighboring lakes. Peter Lawless and James MeRadden| | went Mountain Grove | hunting trip. been this to to-day on | getting ix. At Bob trees CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c. a word 'Each i insertion thereafter half cent a word Minimum charge for one insertion, 26c.; Jee ifiseruons, 50c.; six, $1; one month WANTED-MALE. ASSISTANT Sanatorium, Give and references. Apply Dr. Dobbie, Weston, Ont. AN PHYSICIAN FOR Ww. SALESMAN IN THIS DISTRICT, of good appearance and address, to represent the most melialie Nursery concern in Canada, be able to furnish soum references. A complete outfit and good pay the right party. Apply E. D. Smith, Winoma, Ont. MEN WANTED TO LEARN irade. Graduates earn eighteen dollars weekly. positions. Will equi stant practice. Careful Few weeks complete course. logue free. Write Moler Harber lege, Toronto. BARHBEH twelve shops, , Col WANTED----FEMALE. ERAL APPLY Street. SERVANT. Eg A DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY tish-American Hotel Office. age, Sxperionce Applicant must to to Help secure Con- instructions, Cata- 167 BRI- ARTHUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, office land residence, 181 University FINE BAY HORSE; WILL SoLp Ave. BE Apply at 178 Colborne St. a PIANO t will TABLES, TRESTLES AND BENCHES or supper tables, also fifty chairs. pvt at Whig office. SBOOND-HAND HOT AIR FURNACE, cheap. good condition, App! Whig office. iy HENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITROCY .] cheap. ok 3 etc... Anchor 'Building, Market Square. 'Phone, 345. y POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and streets. a2 Wellington ARCHITECT, Mahoud's over WM. NEWLANDS, ond floor corner Bagot streets. street. "Phone, Princess Entrance on Bago! 608. GOOD ENGINE AND BOILER, WITH 'belonging te the Steam- ' N » or Intorma el Pirin: -- on o-, sou BRICK TWO-STORY DWEL- ling house, 9 rooms, bath and W. Saparate, Fai Water ted, an cooking a Soin Eps for Insurance ? Market Square. Apply Agency, SINGLE FRAME DWELLING, NO. 13 St. Catharine St., almost new, 7 rooms, good cellar, stone foundation and cellar, outbuildings, ete. For a quick sale $900. Apply to MeConns L1 Brock stowet. o COINS, ANCIENT ROMAN, GREEK, inglish, cheap, including Alexander the Great, B.C., 336: Roman Em- perors from Julius Caesar, English from Henry 11. Call or write J. North, 2 Toronto St. Kingston, Swimming Against the Stream=-- A MAID. APPLY TO ent, 85 King street. PARLOR R. E. K AN EXPERIE vant, references King street, DD GENERAL required. Apply HOUSE. Goo MAID, work. wages. ron No Apply GENERAL laundry work 179 Earl St. TO ASSIST store. App ly Whig office. YOUNG Princess letter, GIRL, street 'Business A SERVANT, WELL by the 2ist of Novew- washing, Apply in 244 ning stréet SITUATIONS WANTED. GENERAL commended, ber No evening to SITUATIONS enced and WANTED mexperienced Servants arriving per 35.8. Canada November 6th. Applications require in advance. The Guild, 71 Drum mond St., Montreal. SITUATIONS VACANT. MRS. | FOR EXPERI- Domestic is like trying to doa business without 'advertising And it Is not expensive to desirable publicity by the use printers', Ink. Our} Classifie Want Ads.! cost little andl read by nearly SUArYONS, Try them as'a 'systemItonl for your business.Y ~~ | reread wy B® TO-LET. STREET. 109 BROCK APPLY TO Kay John Me FLOOR OFFICE, PART OF, GROUND 8. Kirk 42 ClaTence St. Apply OU. patrick, on premises. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without hoard. Modern convenience, Apply 214 William street, MODERN, FULLY EQUIPPED, HEAT. ed five-room flat, furnished or une furnished. Immediate possession. Ap- ply on prew 228 King street. WANTED----GENERAL, 9 ROOMS, OVER SIMMONS' HARD ware. store, No, 213 Princess St. modern conveniences, id to Me- Cann, 51 Brock stree CARPENTER WANTS JOBBING, GOOD at repairs. Windows fixed. Address, | Box **W. W.'" Whig office. | SECOND price | LAND Bagot paid. St. WARRANT. John Cairns, R86 vall after pan. GOOD PIANIST, AT PRIN- cess atre. Apply from 2.30 pan. to 5 and 7.830 pam, to 9.30 p.m. Robt. Lipman, Prop. HIGH Lower STORE ON KING STREET, AD- ininine Whir huilding, now occunied by Joseph Hiscock. Possession Oct ist. Apply at Whig oflice. 7 i AT ONCE FURNISHED, RESI- dence, centrally rooms, all particulars, office. A FINE BRICK situated, {welve modern improvements, for Apply at the Whig RANCE RISKS, GOOD lowest rates, fair settle- | FIRE INSU companies, I HAVE A GOOD any nan who sonal interview. street. PROPOSITION FOF can deposit $25, per Apply 426 LOST. ROLL. OF FLOOR OILCLOTH, Saturday, on Bagot, Clarence, Weil ington, or Johnson Sts, Finder kind lv leave information at this Office. A PAIR glasses, day and for oF with afternoon, McKelvey return' to GOLD . RIMMED chain attached, Satur between 176 King St & Birch's. Rew ard this Oflice. MISCELLANEOUS. { ! ACCIDENTS | the most | cident WILL, HAPPEN liberal and up-to-date Insurance Yolicy, consult Boon, 159 Wellingtun street. Ac yg Princess ON EYE FOR ments. J, R. ©, Dobbs & Co., 109 Brock St. | 3 Telephone, 480, FROM OCT. 1.-- BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division street, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, ete. wire at 179 Division St: » THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly done. F. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street, MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE I Insurance Company, Available In addition to policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. arm and eity : property insured at lowest possible il per foot, to make doors air tight. rates, Before renewing old dr giving | Apply to 57 Colborne St., or "Phone new business get rates from, i | se. & pan, Agenis., 'Phone, A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards ur cellars, or other baggage carted. Prices right. App I i S. I.ytle, General Carter, § hg St. 1,000 DOORS TO FIT WITH and tongue weather strips, GROOVE at Se. Goon | ANY PERSONS { 3 md-hand stoves or furniture, be- | wre disposing, drop a postcard. and 1 will pay good prices. John Thomp- son, Second-Hand Dealer, 383 Prin- S street. HAVING PERSONAL. MOLES HAIR, warts, BIRTHMARKS, ete., removed permanently, without scar. Twenty year' experi- ence. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Far, ces A FEW ROOMS AND BOARD. INTLEMEN CAN FIND vleasant rooms, comfortably furnish ed, at 144 Barrie street. Modern conveniences. G MAN ACQUITTED. Captain of and Craft Put Island--Gananoque to a Bigger Skating Rink, Gananoque, Nov. D. J. MclLen Picton, son Mr. and Mrs McLennan, Brock street, with perjury at the elections, {at Brockville, on Monday last, appear ed in court there on Saturday morn ing} The case was dismissed, be ing no evidence of perjury. Lhe schooner Briton, which {here the forepart of last week, | Sodu , N.XY., had to lay to at I id, account of the illnes aptain, and on Friday Frank Seymour, Water street, join her and navibate the craft destination. 9 nan of James | charged there any left tor coal on 8 of her alternoon left to her the late William Yuk took Sunday afternoon, | Willowbank cemetery. The jiarg attended, deceased resident this: section fifty Rev. Henry of Andrew's church, the obseqguies, Gananoque's junior | went Brockville on Saturday for its third game of the series in this | district, and found the team there, al | though not as hard a proposition as {the Kingston \ Yacht Club's aggrega- | tion, was too dithicult a one to solve, it in the neck by | thirty-three to three. V. Bulloch, owner larracks on Pine street, is having the buildi removed to a site on Syden | ham street, and it has not as vet heen | decided whether the army will occupy lit ther not, as it is not centrally {loca ted. | Arrangements rink in { over some that, has funeral of place, having been for more Graces ely of vears ot. ja | than y | 3] | pastor con- { ducted O.R.F.U. team to of the A. S. e Or for a new skating with front. ended the and io time again ago come of { Henry ( ook, one of last year's pro-| dandruff and falling hair. j prictoes of the old rink, will at once tart the erection of one on the old | | site, adding some thirty feet to { length, and expeets to have it ready | for use by the ead of the year. A strolling sla wk wire artist among ! day. was He strung his wire between the on Stone street, in front { Grace church, | exhibition of { better than round the hat. After an absence of a year in Eng-| land with his wife and family, Rev. J. "IR Serson, rector of Christ church, his skill, asking the privilege of passing PERJURY UNPROVEN AND GANANOQUE YOUNG Schooner Took Ill in to Garden Have Garden to to funeral was a. score of Gananoque, which was talked its | the town's visitors on Satur-| of | sod where he gave a publie nothing | | | Nose, Throat and Ski | GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT- Specialist, 258 Bagot a. Blemish overcoats made now, last me turned and made Your own cloth made date suits. Price and workmanship | guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- way, The Tailor, 131 Brock St. next to Bibhy's Livery also like new. into wup-to- er years' MARRIAGE LICENSES. §8. KIRKPATRICK, ISSUER OF Marriage Licenses, 43 Clarence St. For any purpose. All sizes. Care- fully screened. Prompt delivery. SWIFT'S. THE PARAGRAPH. PULPIT Unitarian. REV. C. W, CASSON. of in charge being ¢ returned, and was both terday, greeted large Miss rvice by congregations; Port Perry, ved very God the loues, of | sweetd and Fathe morning chureh. the Seeley's ore, ret | The Force Of Freedom. | Only the free can grow and gain. | Compulsion curses; bondage blights; | creeds displace convictions; loyalty to { the past often means treason to the | present. The bound tree cannot grow | straight. The slave can never ac- hieve spiritual success. It is the [free soul that can soar to the heights and catch a glimpse of the ideals of future, * In the Unitarian chureh you are free--free 'to think your own ut. free to live your own life in your own best way, free to build your character after the fashion of the highest*ideal you Kpow, free to lL arow, expand, pre achieve. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. | While 1 wn Donevar Stray ser Dr. P prac Ves list J. tie wna will ent nn over ol practice lay, or on his there at once. William Funne of Gar highly respected residents, his eightieth birthday during the pas t A large number of his loeal] » . the assembled at his residence, on | street, for the oechsion. Mr. although eighty years of age, is still hale and hearty, and still} in charge of his boat livery at the; mouth of the Gananoque river. Al, one week frienas Main Funnell, OSs, Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., forthe Is the Result of Prolonged Study literature. and Deep Research. Marconi--the wireless wizard--did not stumble accidentally upon the principles of his marvellous invention. It was only by deep and prolonged study of the cause of certain Imown phenomena in nature that he was able to produce the startling effect. Many people in speaking of hair restorers have a of bunchin them all together without diserimina- tion. Her; vicide is as different from. other so-called "hair restorers" and 'rem: dics" as day is from night. It is.a scientific preparation pared for the sole purpose of troying the scalp microbe that causes way NOTICE. "Whenever a householder knows that any person within his family or house- hold has Small-pox, Chicken-pox, Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria or any other contag- ious disease; he shall within 24 hour give notice thereof to the local Beard of Health, or Medical Health Officer and failing to do so, shall subject himself to a penalty not exceeding $20.00 at the discretion of .the convicting Justice or Magistrate, besides the cost which may also be inflicted if the convicting Justice or Magistrate sees fit to impose the same. (R.8.0, 1887, C. 205, 8. 77 & 106) The above requirements of the Public Health Aet will be strictly enforced against any and all persons concealing their knowledge of the presence of any contagions disease in any family or household which they may be Aware. JOHN H. BELL. Medical Health Oticer. pre- dese ! 5 oy Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, sc. and $1. G. W. Mahood, spedial agent, 'GRAND UNION| HOTEL x Opposite Grand Central Station tion stamp for New Yo ork Guidebook apd Map. oy The sufiragéttes in Holloway mil are compelled to wear prison garh and eat the prison feed.