THE pALLY srimIsE. WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1908. LIBRARY ARRANGEMENTS Elastic Book Cases, no equal, nearly all are now using them, the Glole, Wernickle, Magpey styles. in stock, 2.75, $3.50 each. You to and rearrange heart's content and ways right, Call them. have readers either on the We carry both $3.25, add your al- see can to it's and all in Golden Tables and or Mission the Oak Library and Chairs, newest up-to-date, Styles. Curtains, ete. wearing Library Carpets, and colors. Rugs, good and suitable designs Repair Work and ly. done by best Upholstering prompt- mechanics, PHONE 90. Yours, Harrison Co. HATS OFF. About the American dian"s Healthy Hair. The American Indian accustomed rom time immemorial to bare- aded in all kinds of weather is neve: hair or baldness caused by our to germs, Facts In- bled with falling atmosphere headgear is conducive ding of infinitesimal h dig into the scalp and thrive on wp of the hair-root of baldness is of re- + close Vilized bree true cause and explains the hair-vigors which treat- functional disorder. Newhno's Herpigide is a direct ex- minator of the germ. "It destroys and permits the hair intended druggists. wvery non- + of all baldness as a cause to v as nature Sold by leading tamps for sample to The Herpicide etroit, Mich. Two Hoe (i. W. Mahoou, special agent. Send 10c. sizes, OOOOEE Blankets Blan OO CIO So =) Fp x 2% O) 200) SPO We have the scarce colors in Blanke s now in demand, DOOD Ves . (3 ~, AS Navy Blue, All Wool Crimson, All Wool White and Grey, * Wool. Whiteand Grey,Union All R. McFaul, Carnet Warehouse. BURNED OUT Doesn't mean such a fear- ful calamity if you are well nsured. pe fed BNE are fully good be Indeed, if in a you protected com- pany, loss will en- tirely restored. yo ur It doesn't pay to depend upon jour luck to escape conflagration when your Tortuney on a large,share of it, is at stake. Just let me write policy in a sturdy company. McCann 51 Brock Street. 'Phone, 326 or 621. All kinds of Insurance. you a old line $< 4 + 4 4-4 + 3 EP EEA PEE EEN | | NOW BEING HELD IN BETHEL CHURCH. - | Mr. Gaebelein Talked Upon *'God's Masterpiece'" As Unfolded in the Ephesians--A Wonderful Doxology "The power of God," said Mr. Gabelein, in opening his subject last evening, "wa. not exhausted in call- | ing a world into existence out ol nothing." A far greater work that which is so wonderously un- folded in the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians. Verse third | of that chapter is the most wonder- ful doxology in the word of God and | every child of God should be able to repeat it in faith and appropriate it | to himseli."" THe three persons of the Godhead are mentioned, first, God | the Father, the author of blessing; second, the Lord Jesus, in whom we are blessed; third, here blessings are spiritual blessings, hence it is the] Holy Spirit who pronounces them to the heart of the believer--all of which shows that the whole Godhead | is engaged in the production of the] masterpiece of God, viz., the] redemption of sinmers and the crea-| tion of the body of the Lord Jesus | Christ--the fulness of Him that filleth | all in all. | In this great masterpiece that God the Father has planned, the first chapter of Ephesians tells us the Son's part. The Son of God came from the bosom of the Father to make salvation possible. He came to redeem the world He had created. word "redemption" has a three-fold | meaning: (1) It means going into the market place where the slaves are; (2), it means buying the slaves, pay- ing the price; (3), it means setting the slaves free. This is what the Son of God has done. He came to the market; He paid the price, His own He scts sins captives free. To accomplish His redemptive work. He became man--was made a little lower than the angels, and as a man exalt- ed in glory at God's right hand will share that glory with all who have been redeemed by His blood, and in the "dispensation of the fulness of time." When all things are put under His feet, great masterpiece +The Christ- be complete. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. great blood; God's will Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. New dates. Edwards & Jenkin. Alderman Harry Angrove is confin- ed to his home with a severe cold. Safety razors," ask to Gillette, at Gibson's Red Cross store. The steamer ernment dry smokestack. Bananas. Edwards & Alfred Smith, again after his has fully recovered but weak. It is the Kingston municipal band that will head Queen's students' par- ade next Saturday evening. This band | is yet unknown to the pubic. Lowney's chocolates. The Red Star. Auctioncer Murray, on Monday, posed of the stock and all the imple- ments on the farm of Edward Red- fern, at Cushendall, for a good sum. Annual meeting at Home for Friend- | Women and Children, Union | street, Wednesday afternoon, Nov. | 4th, three o'clock. All are cordially | invited. Mrs. (Dr.) McCammon of Montreal street, left to-day for Colinga, Cal, on a visit to her son, Dr. Harry Me- Cammon. She will be absent six months Oysters. the drug see Rosedale is in the gov- dock receiving a new Jenkin. accident. He is still a little serious dis- less Edwards & Jenkin. Harsh, purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and I mild effects of Little Liver Pills. If you try they will eer- | tainly please vou The sidewalk of Montreal street from Lueen street, 1s 1n very tion. People walking along. there night have a hard time to Keep their feet account of the nails and] loose boards he cheapest lea at more per pound. It is, more finitely Sweet The Johnson, Carter's them, hand side Princess to bad condi at the left on on tea is the Label" lada™ pound makes ma tea sold at 25¢ not onl but is in- lowest priced "Brown 30¢ not per ny than any therefore, to cups economical use, delicious The Red Star the late James who died in Cleve- | land Sunday, arrived in the city to-day, for burial The late Mr. Johnson is the father of the young lad killed on the 'bus in Napanee, about eight iths ago. The remains more oranges remains of colored, on mot | and cures eczema, PS bb burjed at Cataragui cemetery | were Ointment Differs. healing re- that or- skin reach, hike Where Wade's I'his is -a combination of | medies that cures everything ointments that few such as the parasitic |salt rheum, dandruff, Wade's Ointment can remedies can skin diseases ete heals everything salt rheum, scald Fhe ad, vod sores, chapped hands, erysi | pe las, ete. In big boxes, Me |e W Li 8 aig store | Mrs. Thomas Trotter, |was removed to the hospital on Mon suffering from a fractured ankle resting easier, this morning. Nicholas White, mother of Mrs Kingston, died at St October 26th, dinary and many troubles Joyceville, [day, | She is { Mrs [1 Lockhart, } Ont. seventy-nine years on aged "ECZEMA A SURE CURE AT LAST The most scientific and cer- tain cyre for Eczema known.' Subdues at once the redness. Feeds the skin into healthy smoothness and flexibleness. healthy cells to form. away diseased skin causes Cleanses tissue. Dr. real skin medicine, rubbing in Ointment. It soothes heals, renews the skin. Both a medicine for the skin and a food to remew it. Large boxes , at druggists. Hamilton's Ointment is a not a mere hog SPECIAL - SERVICES. was |" verse six of | The | He | is able to be around | | ment | dropped her | son arrived from | mount will clear COMING ON THURSDAY. traction. Charles Dillingham will, on Thurs- dav, Nov. Oth, present Elsie Janis at the Grand, in George Ade's latest novelty, 'The Fair Co-Ed. The piece is a college play set to mus sic, and it has scored a great success. It tells a story of life in a small col lege in a western city, where for- merly the sexes have studied side by side, but where owing to the op- position of the faculty ody one gel | is left in the institution. Miss Ja- nis plays the part of the Fair Co-Ed, | SYDNEY JARVIS, - The well-known Canddian Singer, with Elsie Janis, in '"The Fair Co-Ed," at The Grand, on Thursday night. and the complications that arise from the fact that practically every a yoIhE SPilRT REVE QUEEN'SWILL LL LIKELY HAVE THE SAME TEAM Against Ottawa College As Play- ed Against McGill--Collegiate Institute Team to Again Play Queen's III. The Collegiate Institute team was out at practice on Monday afternoon on its own grounds under the etheient cuidance of EB. 0, Sliter. For au hour and a half the players were put through a good stiff course of train- ig. These players have worked faithfully all season and their efforts have certainly been rewarded as they have not lost a single game, or even played one when "they were play- ed any way close by their oppon- ents. They will play Queen's III a practice match on Wednesday after- noon on Queen's campus. They gave the Indians a bad trimming about to repeat the trick. Queen's Practice To-Day. Queen's seniors were called out for four o'clock this a'ternoon for their first practice game on Saturday. None of the players were badly used up in the game and they were all expected out in uniform to-day. Elliott will likely be out some day this week and may play Saturday, but not un- less his knee is fully recovered. Craw- iord will not likely play again until the game against Varsity in Toronto a' week from Saturday. On this last game depends everything unless Me- Gill can defeat the Toronto bunch and that is not likely, but stranger things have happened on a football field before this. -- i college is in basis of George The company is® one of the largest that will be seen in Kingston during the season, number- ing eighty-five people. student in the love with her form the wittiest play. Ade's | K.Y.C. For Gananoque. The Kingston Yacht Club team will play in Gananoque on Thanksgiving day. The locals will take down a good bunch and have no fear of los- ing the game. They have most of the old players out and all are in "The Wolf." Rich in attractiveness as the great forests of which it tells "The Wolf" will be displayed with its lavish scen- ic expenditure at the Grand on turday, Nov. 7th, matinee and night. In presenting to the theatregoing public his absorbing forest love play, "The Wolf,"" Mr. Walter has chosen an interesting locality in which lay his and characters to the stage. scenes, new IN MARINE CIRCLES. Arrivals and Departures of Vessels at This Port. Swift's: Steamer Aletha from points. The | cargo of lumber wego. The steamer Plummer ston last night, on her Montreal. 1 Several wind bay steambarge Navajo from Quebec, to Os- reached King- way Kingston schooners bound at Oswego, having been { held there for several days. The steamer Wassaga cleared for | Belleville, to load cement at the ce- works, for Fort William. The steamer Business is undergoing | repairs at the government Hry dock. { While on her fast trip to Oswego she rudder. The steamer Ames passed on way down to Montreal, last night. The steamer Glenela from Prescott, discharged 1.400 bushels damaged | grain, at Richardson's elevator. At M. 1 elevator : The steam- er Donnaconna, arrived from Fort | William with 89,000 bushels of wheat: the steamer Glenmount arrived from | Fort William, with 102,000 bushels of | flax, barley and wheat; the tug Thom Montreal, with three cleared for that | grain-laden barges. and William her of . Co's. barges, and with three steamers light port, The Donnaconna for Fort to- day. The Hudson's Bay Railway. Leader electors of Regina The the instigation of officially served Laurier that want him to build a railway for them to Hud- Bay; Saskatchewan electors, the other hand, the largest vince in Canada, to build the kindly take fact when he, comes road, and fix its sc Furthermore, he mig whether it the Manitoba have a Roblin and notice Sir they Wilirid on do not son's declared, popular vote of that they road. Wilirid notice of have any pro Sir will this sig to docate the thern terminu rht well will be a wise proceeding lon part of government hand the the nerthern terminus of the road to a hostile pro- vince Manitoba, apparently for Fort Churchill | Saskatchewan has a practical use for it. If Manitoba must have | ritory, then extend the {far as the Nelson or Churchill | but keep the northern territory | the harbor at Fort William as a national tract, or better still, give it We will make good over site of would have no use and | to Saskatchewan. use of it. Canadian Gets English Post. E. H. formerly Montreal secretary of the Canadian Mauafactur- association, and secretary. of the Hemming Manufacturing company, limited, Montreal, has been: ap- pointed seeretary and manager of the \uto-Strop Safety Razor company, limited, of En gland. Mr. Cooper has been in London, England, since' lad superintending the Hemming ex- hibit of enamelled jewellery and sil- ver deposit ware at the | tish exhibition. residence in London, and will tinue (o superintend the sales of Hemming wares in England, besides attending to the business of the Auto-Strop Razor company there. This company has supervision of the sale of the Auto-Strop Razor in Great iritain, Furope and all the British colonies except Canada. He is a in-law of J. 8. Henderson, Kingston. Cooper, ers of June, the son- Premature Dawson's Overcomes Dr. Grayness. Hair Restorer renews Franeo-Bri- | He has taken up his | con- | Sa- | | to | carried a | good condition. From present ap- | pearances there will be a great crowd to go down with the team to cheer {them to victory, Sporting Notes. Hamilton's test comes earlier Saturday, when their stripes show at Ottawa. Ottawa Citizen : The Toronto Star hails "Pete" Flett "the greatest of all {half-backs." Which is both ungram- matical and incorrect. Jockey Walter Miller, key of America in 1907, this winter for T. H. dent of the California $1,500 a month. When the National Baseball Commis sion meets at Chicago early next month, it is expected to recognize the champion joe- will ride again Williams, presi Club, at Jockey | semi-professional clubs of Chicago as up from | are | fused. | | | | | |] i: 1 Glen- | they {up matters and Rogers, | on | and by | want him | gnificant | consider | to} while | more ter-| boundaries as | rivers, | | ithe life and lustre of the hair and re- | stores the natural color without dying it. A perfect hair tonic and dressing. {In bottles, 50c., at Wade's drug store. | | Try Our Special Ceylon Teas. tdwards & Jenkin. Phone 775. a part of organized bascball. I'rank Farrell's offer of $25,000 the Detroit management for the re- lease of Manager Jennings has been re- Farrell also offered Jennings a | five-year contract at 310,000 a year, | but Jennings prefers Detroit. Coach Yost, of Michigan, has a new flea towards foothall proficiency. He won't allow his players to play cards. His men were playing a game recent- lv. when he raid d it with this monition : ducive to quick thinking, and nmg thought is a big part of ball.' "Pat" Gallagher, the ex-steeplechase jockey, is almost blind, and the doe- tors hold out little hope, although it 1s possible the sicht of one eve may {be saved. The trouble was caused by la fall from a horse Gallagher's | friends intend to raise a subscription, so that he may receive the best of me- ical care. Toronto Mail-Empire : Varsity leok good for Intercollegiate honors. They should defeat McGill at Montreal next Saturday without any trouble, and it's almost as certain they will beat Queen's here on the! fourteenth. If win these two games it will foot- necessitate championship World : There - nt the Toronto seems \ no Wise Fur Buyers Buy of Experienced Furriers We have been here in the Fur business for thirty years, . and have gained a name and re- putation for having the best Furs at mode- rate prices. This is the store that sets the pace for style aad novel- ty. We ace specialists in Fine Furs, and guarentee qualities to be exactly as represented. We have, made up, at present : Hudson Bay Sable sets. $200 ug Russian Sable sets, $300 up. Chinchilla sets. $75 up. Ermine sets $50 up. Mink sets, $35 up. Write for catalogue and price list. Makers of Fine Furs, 126-128 Princess St. two weeks ago and hope to be able -~ Children's Winter Vests and Drawers, 15¢. up. Ladies' Winter Grey Vests and Drawers, 25¢. up. Ladies' Winter White. Vests and Drawers, 25¢. up. Ladies' White Plush Lined Vests and Drawers, 50c. Boys' Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, Men's Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers. Special 72 Ladies' Flannelette Night Dresses, while they last, 35c. each. Special prices on Cotton Blankets this week. stopping Queen's in the mad football race for thy championship. MeGill looked promising early in Saturday's game, but it was only the wind, the Montreal men having won the toss. The real test will come in the closing incident of the league November 14th, when the Kingston students perform on Varsity field. Ottawa Uitizen : Toronto Star: "The Ottawas are laying for the Tigers, but the 'old fellow has been there before, and will probably be an- other meal for the Jungle Terror." "Well, if the Jungle Terror gets the same kind of a meal in Ottawa that he got last year, and every year he ever appeared here, Ottawa will be satisfied. The Star should find out how many times Tigers have won | in Ottawa. It will be a long search. Says the Notice To The Public. Owing to the presence of contagious lisease in the city at the present time and wishing to take every precau- tion for the safety of our patrons, he King bkdward theatre has been thoroughly fumigated so that the eople may have no fear in attend- next | to | ad- | "Card playing is not con- | light- tie | a play-off | ng this popular place of amusement The following is to certify and lain itself : Kingston, Nov. 3rd, 1908 "This is to certify that the King Edward theatre has been thoroughly fumigated and rendered ree from contagion of disease.--(Sign- «d) JOHN H. BELL, medical health officer." Back To The City. | W. Burton Morgan, arts, "09, { land, N.B., returned last night { Jueen's. He left St. John on Friday | and travelled in the private ear with thc minister of public works, Hon. } Dr. Pugsley, Mrs. Pugsley and their Wo Sons. During the campaign Mr. | Morgan spoke in the interests | Frank B. Carvell, M.P. for Carleton. | He attributes the victory of the libe- | rals in New Brunswick largely due to | the interference of the Hazen govern- ment, which is very popular through- | out the province, and claims as soon | as the people have an opportunity, {they will reverse the verdict of last March. Hart- B. A. Hotel Arrivals. F. Musgrave, G. W. Hamilton, E. B. Walter, Toronto; S Farns- worth, Ottawa; Thomas McGill, | Cornwall; H. Leonard, N.Y; F. W. Woods, Brockville; I. W. Argtown, | Parham; C. Jeffery, Picton; D. 0. Le- | gendre, = Peterboro; N. R. Turner, Prescott; A. R. Ramsdall, Philadel- phia, Pa.; A. Jackson, Buffalo; Wil- | iam Ortton, Quebec; C. Stringer, De: { troit; Arthur Ault, Aultsviile; A. (i. Carman, New York; William H. Kit- | chison, Rufus Filer, R. C. Missen, G. | W. Ewan, B. Ferguson, J. P. Dun- ining, D. D. S. Ascher, Montreal; J. (i. Pandergast, St. Louis; H. Carson, Port Stanley; A. W. Benjamin, Miss Benjamin, Mrs. Connolly, Yarker; Mrs. C.- Curtin, A. J. Doke, John Guest, L. Glover, G. V. Taylor, W. iI. Minchimisck, Toronto. The Great Blood Maker. You should have the blood and also see blood which quality. Both use of tive.) These pills are a true tonic, they build up the source of energy They are a great strengthener and blood-maker. boxes, 20c., at Wade's drug Money back if not satisfactory. good circulation of to it circulates is of proper secured by the Pills results can be Wade's Iron Tonic because life and nerve In store Their Twentieth Anniversary. At a meeting to be held to-night, the members of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, of Cooke's church, will celebrate the twentieth anniver- sary of the organization of the ciety. An address will be given Mr. Kennedy, a (Queen's student, who has been engaged in missionary work in Turkey. The lecture will be illus- trated by lantern views, and will be given by Dr. Lake, and a rare treat is in store for all who attend. 8O- by Held An "At Home." Monday evening able "At Home" was held at 'home of Mrs. J. Evans, Princess | street, in aid of the choir of Cooke's fairly good On church. There was Home-made candies on sale, and a was rendered. When It Is Rubber. enjoyable time. and cakes were musical programme You should by all means select from | Two-quart hot | our large fresh stock. water bottles, made of pure rubber, up. Bulb syringes, invalids' cushions, ear and nose syringes, ete., best" varieties and lowest prices, at Wade's drug store. At The Roller Rink. Only a fai at the roller rink on Monday night to witness the work ters. cleverest ever seen in this city. Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. Pazo Ointment is guaranteed to | cure any case of itching, blind, bleed- {ing or protruding piles in 6 to 141] days or money refunded. 50c. ex . CORRIGAN"S. Your Fall Gloves We can fit you with the latest fall fashions in Gloves and will guarantee every pair we sell. See your special $1.00 Glove, "Perins." Your Fall Underwear Now is the time to buy your Heavy Underwear."Buy now while '0 best advantage. The the assortment is large and sizes vices are as reasonable as complete, 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25, s consistent, with the $1.50 to $3.00. juality of our gems. Your Fall Hat SMITH BR 0S. We are making a name for our- Jewellers, Diamonds In Single, Twin and 3- itone Settings, first quali. ;y stones, carefully set! selves in the Hat Business. When a young man wants a hat he comes where he can get a Snappy Dressy Hat. P. J. HUNT. Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses, 350 King street. absolutely | that the | {laxa- | a most enjoy- | the | at- | tendance and all present spent a most | short | sized crowd was present | of the El Rey sis- | The performance is certainly the | -- i ------ SEE EE 4POTIOP ISIE RRB > SANITARY STYPTIC PENCILS Heals cuts quickly. Stops flow of blood at bout Bl ankets? RS rrotithons a tender i skin. Gives instant relief from that burning sen- sation after a close shave. Pri, 106. ca McLeod's Drug Pbpb We mean the kind that not only look warm, but are warm. We have lots of them. Extra quality White Blankets, made from finest Selected Wool in all the leading makes, including King Edward Queen Alex- andra, Purity, Defiance, Royel Saxony, etc., at prices ranging from $2. 50 to $7.00 a pair. FSA 2 a Heavy Grey Blankets, pair and up. White best Flannelette Blankets, or Grey, in three sizes, quality, $1 a pair. Crib Blankets, 50c., $1. Large stock of Fancy Comforters, made with nice clean filjing, $1.50 to $7.00 each. CEG GEE GEOII EIT EE SEE Ered 4 Y Headquarters for the New- est Coats PSF PSP eo 54 PHP SIPPeee a choice lot of Seal For Seal BACKS invifed We have received skis , all No. 1 inspection W. F. GOURDIER Exclusive Furrier 76, 78, 80 Brock St. our Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. FLL IIA IS PPPOE PD DPD FREE # LITTLE WAIT-FULL WEIGHT SHEA PSHE Toot EIE4e + EYES SHOULD: BE ERCTN BL co 13 Glasses exactly right two We can fill orders for Coal | No waiting, but full weight. P : Barrack street. COAL! | ne 3 Find you ¥ i looking for is SCRANTON Coal is good coal and Satee prompt delivery. "plone. Booth & Co, FOOT WEST STREET. BN promptly. years ago may be far from wa right to-day. The eyes change. We examine D4 your eyes free and will only recommend a change if abso- lutely beneficial. will Dr. A. P. Chown, _ Druggist and Optician, Regio hd 185 Princess St. ¢ VV VRLCTLVVIBNS