v Nerf a fk pe hy FUT ONE RTT Sm os THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1908, Fashionable Wh [Uf | Fmmeemtnter] WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND | ENTS TELL US. "GRAND GPERAYNOUSE ) \ a ---------- : e Tidings From Various Points| THUR : { w . : ; FoR REE Furs i Tidings From Various Points| THU ISDAY, NOVEMEER 5TH. | CONDENSED ADVERTISING ANTED- FEMALE. - in Eastern Ontario--What 3 i A GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 167! FIN Y RSE ; WILL Bg SOLD : | CHARLES DILLINGHAM'S PRODUC- A Kine struct ruiohie jn a ii People Are Doing And What TION. George Add's Latest Navelty, RATES ing stree Tm ABE ar rdnanve' They Are Saying. ELSIE JANIS { First insertion le. a ward. Fach consecutiv | A DINING. ROOM GIRL.: APPLY BRI-| A PIANO IN FIRST-CLASS er ma i Her Little Arm Colles Bo : Minimum charge for one imsertion, 28c.; tish- American Hotel Office. Wil' sell cheap. kong Charleston Echoes. And or nd Girls hing ge Tay three inserucas, S0c.; six, $1; one month | 5 Charlest N 2 _ Miss' Minti ------ FAIR ED" ho os. |AN_ EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER | -- ET es iarieston, Nov. 2, gs Minnie Al CO- ---- vant, references required. ply 4 hres, ™ A B f THE supper les; also fifty chairs. LJ » * Mulvenna has returned home after a King street. tabi A College Play With Music--B; G 1S1t U S Before Decid pledisant visit with friends at Scetey's | 140 Gnd" Gustaw Luders--Fhe "Zippos , WANTED-MALE. A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN Aimy §h Sig oles, Bay. Mrs. E. Wilson has been enjoy- | Show of the Day--Company of 85 light housework. Apply at- 170! SECOND-HAND HOT AIR FURNACE, i risit f or Sis Miss Jessie Augmented Orchestra. SKIST 8 a : a " 4 | Polar, Mina oa Po rg P hilips- Lr cuy e TS $1," 31.30. AX Pl seitnhiong T PBL AN ints Bagot sims Noe Whig office ¥u condition. Apriy . Rae onan BW Seats mow on sale. and references. Apply. DF. W. J. " CANT : iy y graes S Fostel : eT i SENERAL SE XT. NO ville, is the 'guest of Mrs. R. Foster Dobbie, Weston, Ont. GOON. _§ ENERAL RYAN era » mg on Your F UI'S [te eon Sere wition "md | PRINCESS THEATRE iad Han sree PiANo mown. Goon ign. 6 ox : | Hickey a A filrty fh Nodnesdsy ROBT. IPH AN, Prop. A SALE AN, aT, psmicr. | 2 MAI, SOR GENN MAL HOUSE. Box 17, Kingston, Ont. Hpite the unfavorable weather quite a TO-NIGHT. ee a an FEDS ant a | wages. Apply 179 Earl St. GOOD" ENGINE AND BOILER, WITH erowd gathered and a few pleasant See MITCHELL and GRANT in their be able to furnish sound references - m -- - ening YW, the. Steam It will pay yo1 to examine them thoroughl pay } ghly "A NEW SPORT A 'complete outtit and good pay to] A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, ONE and see for yourselves what exceptional values hours were spent. Mr. and Mrs. x Te OWA J" entirely mew and | the right party. Abply i. D. Smith, Who can Sook. Apply to Me. Johu| tion. APP 'io John Eves, we are offe ring. J. Kavanagh and Charles Slack fur- } Uo oy" Ghd something that will please Winona, Ont. i ooiriggn £00 Sydenham and will 4 enue. 8 thi it 1 1 1 1 I | nivheéd sweet music for the occasion, everyone. . omethin sult e yone--olc ladle aged i ee (KO. HAMMOND will sing, "WHERE AN RAIN INR 5 B to su every ne rT y 22% Kepler Personals . wae! ILL OW SHAD MEN WANTED TO LEARN BARBER | ARCHITECTS. BAND ANING oT ACHINE, wabVER young and the kiddies. All kinds--Stoles, ap ar .Ters . 'HE MOSSY LAN rade. Graduates earn twelve to it. Also 28 spring counter chai Kepler, Oct. 31.--Sherman Powley also present to you a new singer | eighteen dollars weekly. Help secure ARTHUR BELLIS, ARCHITECT, Craw. ante for. Ei Turks. 'Phone. Tm vy F. mi » « 5 pg : Om. ral 3 Storm ( Jollars, Throws, Mulfis, Ties, cte., at ieaves for-his new home at Trafalgar | roLLAND LEFRANC Bin. the great position. Wik quip. shops. Sou | utlic and residence, 181 University 705. prices that cannot be beaten. near Toronto, in the near future. Veteran Song, ONG LIVE THE Few weeks complete course, Cata- | Stanard Guess' beautiful residence is buds . AT logue free. Write Moler Barber Col | yovpy Pp, SMITH, ARCHIFK( sou BRICK. TWO-STORY nwt. ) Yictures TO-NIGHT are the hest e. f nearly completed, Mrs. Herbert John- - ur Yiturge FO Arg Lhe. he lege, Toronto. 4+ etc. Anchor Building, Market Square ling house, ® rovms, bath and W - 2 are Vigit i 'Phone, 8456. F ur v x > v W ston and little Margery are visiting : ss i he separate, hot water heated, electro Coa ts for Men and omen Mrs. William Habis, Srdniume Hoes "The Latest Style Airship WANTED---GENERAL. | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER lighted and Soa Soka ADS 5 { havener is at home alu F spen e " haat's Bank Building, corner Brock Market Square. Neck Picces in Sable, Isabella mnmer. at Collins Bay.' Mes. A. F. "The Cumbersome Baby SOUTH AFRICAN SCRIP." 1FEPILY and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 212 En | Smith and chitdren, Miss Effie Town Don't Miss This Treat. stating we und terms, to: 511] send, Latimer, and Mrs. W. C. Smith - Spence street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. | wM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, SINGLE, FRAME DWELLING, NO. 18 i > i and. son. Joseph, Odessa, at A. Town " Fox, Squirrel, Mink, FOX, Per~ |un on ou, den, at A Town | "Np 20 to Students CARPENTER WANTS JOBBING, GOOD | Drug store, ' corner Princess and rooms, good cellar, stone foundation at E irs, Windows fixed, "Address, | { Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot and cellar, Suthuiiding s, ete. For a Box "W. W.," Whig ofilve. street. 'Phone, 608. quick sale $900. Apply te McConn s | | office second floor over Mahood's Catharine St., almost new, 7 nd's. Amy { { : ul Brock st eet. | i | iting. at Mrs. Caldwell"s, Sydenham sian Lamb, etc. . | Mes. James Powley, Sunnyside, gif Shakespeare's Sublime Tragedy, Mis« Martin, Hartington, are VETERANS LAND WARRANTS. HIGH price paic oh Ca 8, 86 Jower y - pri paid, john Cairns, Hb... lqwer] COINS, ANCIENT ROMAN, GREEK, > wn' le Aawson, © § . » Hap 1 Muffs to iis Neck Pieces, all [fn id su mei |. "Richard HL I re) oan Chet" iploding. Alesaadet Will be shown at the jAT n v TANTS AT PRIN 4 g perors from Julius Caesar, English Reports From Morven. [tune re. Apply from 2.30 pan from Henry IL. Call' or 'write J. H, | Si < d She CS. Morven, Nov. 2.--Farmers are busy izes and Shape EERE | NG EDWARD THEATRE <mith has returned home from Bos | ton where he was visiting. 1 he rain { to 0.80 pan 1 North, 2 Toronto St, Kingston. FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD companies, lowest rates, fair settle- | TO-LET. { Tuesday 'and Wednesday after- ments. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co., 109 { | was very much needed in this vicin noons and evenings. Brock St. Telephone, 480. ity as farmers had to draw water on aps a ---------------- | account of their wells being dry W. G. ASHLEY, | | i Q juarterly service was held in the : Manager. svick church Nov. 1st. H. Young of work promptly done. F. J. Birch, 3 PART OF GROUND FLOOR OFFICE, 206 Wellington street 42 Clarence St. Apply ©. 8. Kirke quite well again after his long Nectrician, . la liness. J. 8S, Fralick is able to be UEEN' 9 VS. 01 TAWA Se ---------------------------- mo------ patrick, on premises. around a " after his rem al la JOR CLEANING ASHES OUT OF URN <Hch on ~ dent wherchy he smaslied his foot. l yards ur cellars, or other baggage FURNISHE OMS, : Valleau has moved into Mr. Gibson's QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS carted. Prices right. Apply to S.| without, hourd, Modern, convenisncs. i Apply 214 illiam street. ; t jener: . Ms St. | house, vacated by J. Hall and fam- Ly Ie, . -- Rain : « > "aX > ly Pan # " {ily. J. Hall and family have taken -- | Just what yon have been looking for, and at i that "thes SATURDAY, NOV. 7th -- 11,000 DOORS TO FIT WITH GROOVE you can through our want ads. MODHRN. FULLY: HQUIPPEN: HEAYT. possession of the property ed fiveeroom flat, furnished or un- the prices you expected to gi ve. recently purchased from Ww. Ww AT 92. 30 P. M. | and tongue weather strips, SE You have not got the voice but Peron AR ae hed or 2 per foot make doors air wis, on Broaaway, Apply to 57 Colborne St., or 'Phone| our paper is at your service all the ply on premises, 228 King street. . . . . . EE -- Price st side and grand stand, | year arbund. We guarantee you entire satisfaction in quali- Maberly Tidings. 0c. (Resorvable at Uglow's until TIT il { sow FURNISHED, A FINE BRICK REST . : : 3 yon) cv PRA : NG . | Coprrighnd ot INISHED, A FINE JK SI ty, style and price. Maberly, Nov. 2.--A number of deer jaturday ne THs se ANY PERSONS HAVING GOOD etd dence, centrally Rn hid hunters have gone north in search of East side, 25c.; bleechers, v second-hand stoves or furniture, be rooms, all modern improvements, for Ls r ¥ ------------------------------------------------ fore disposing, drop a postcard and rh big game. James Duchanan arrived 1 will pay good prices. John Thomp- particulars, Apply "at. the Whig $5, $7.50, $9, $10, $13.25, $15 |= wii. mi wk | BI Ray Sisters | meio oe Tos. : | Kingston General Hospital, much im- { hi K A PAIR OF GOLD RIMMED EYE | FROM OCT. 1.--~ BRICK RESIDENCE, vo Fills Char i T ENFTT AARNE . Ry RR TN glasses, with chain attache Satur- 81 Division sweet, with twelve proved, William haslon 2 qu the Al is Wee GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR WINT. atten, Daten 176 King Sv.| Toomer inching totem kitchen, sick list. A voung daughter has ar er overcoats made now, also las and McKelvey & Birch's. Reward hot water heating, bath, ete, . ; rence e's vears' turned and made like new for rettirn to tl Office Irived at Lawrence Moore's, and 2 Roller Rink. elon dub Th pg ld Bg Hr for return to this ce. quire at 179 Division Sti baby boy at Robert Corley's. . date suits. Price snd workmanship ene x see . Buchanan attended the teachers' con- guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- ; MISCELLANEOUS. Y vention at Smith's Falls on Thursday way, The Tailor, 181 Brock St. MONEY AND BUSINESS. | Friday. Frank Curl, of Yarker, next to Bibby's Livery. ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN. FOR ° anc K L hero] the most liberal and up-to-date Ac- | g male a us Sines. trip. through here asi 3 . ' cident Insurance Policy, consult T.| LIYERPOOLY "LONDON AND GLOBE week. He sold his farm, the purchaser PERSONAL. J. Boon, 158 Wellington street. 3 ire Insurance Go Smbab ¥, Avaliable being " (!, Greer. The Bishop of Ot- Artist and -- ; asses fa, RE addition ae . a : w ©. po ar fava wil Yi Jia Pitish on Ta hotoprapher HAIR. =~ MOLES, BIRTHMARKS ROOMS AND BOARD. IY The Sate. Dally of oh dav, November 15th 0 ac ste P warts, etc, removed permanently, | ===" ar yee the stockholders. Farm and eit confirmation Miss Bowes arrived last o og P without scar. Twenty years' oxperi- A FEW GEN TLEMEN CAN "FIND property insured at lowest pa 4 i 109 BROCK STREET. APPLY TO { John McKay. THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISH | Ee estimates on electric work. All kinds line, Duties. --Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate Lity acres ) + xb . Fi i : | ence. Dr. Fimer J. Lake, Eye, Ear vieasant rooms, comfortably furnish- rates. Before renewing old' or givin und erect a house worth $300. week and is spending a few weeks Iu | 334 King Street, Hingston. | Nose, Th and Skin Blemish ed, at 144 Barrie street. Modern new business get . from dh yNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NomrTH-|MWpele Mrs. M. Jackson is on thet. tilt -------- Specialist, 258 Bagot street. conveniences, roa te, Phonan. nO. WEST MINING REGULATIONS. sick list. QUEEN'S CONFERENCE. . m m-- S-- EE kLC nis west COAL.--~Coal mining rights may be a Dr. Dyde, Chancellors' Lecturer i hi . Synopsis of Canadian North leased for twenty-one years at an annual Tidings From Bloomfield. ipes y Sth ce every morning, I THE PARAGRAPH PULPIT! Vo CO A L Land Regulations. rental of $1.00 an acre, Not more than Bloomfield, Nov. 2.--Several car 60 acres can be leased to one appli-{) ac o¢ canned woods ave being ship Subject Wednesday morning, *"'Imagina Unitarian. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE Ol - o s cant. Royalty, five cents per ton. . jor » the Appreciatio the Beauti head of a Tumily, or any male over S eT ALI 7 A person eighteen years of ped from each of the canning factor ul on Mesppretintiun . REV. C. W. CASSON. -- i" " Years '140 hay holden pr ny Lers | age and over having made a disc overy jes daily. Levi Stone and Herman Tuesday evening, Dr. Bonar, Wednesda iN K or any pu rpose. A 11 sizes Care- ixicr. 1 » a claim 1,500 feet by 1,500 yp. 8.0 who have been in the J *vening, Prof. Shortt, on "Settlement Dealing With Facts. § ) ailable Dominion land Manitoba, Ro Y oct Lo 1 3R a: Shy | 4 ety ; . Re yn Ihe. 4 ol i. $2 ieast $100 must be | (OEIC Ting harvest, returned | 'f Labor Dispute : 3 = Le ig) fully screened. Prompt delivery. Saskatchewan or u & sxpende y elaim each year, or - g , er ot om------------------ am" is hi function: of religion to de must appear in person the ominio Ve to the Mining Recorder. When $500 home last week. Allan Knapp, while 4 yimoily perecived and Lands Agency or S Agen t . . > y : has been expended or paid and other | ; oo home one nicht last week, hac \ y r lirics nity "by Proxd my bw made | bas been expended or | puif and "other | iriving home lust week Toc | ADIES AND CENTS TALORNG universally. acknowledged. It. has] Qe ' 1 ey _gLnEYs TM vel 3h "UY lway be purchased at $1.00 an acre. a runaway, -but escaped wilh a inothing to do with any special theo : \ther, mother, son, daughter, broth PLACEIF MINING CLAIMS generally, | bruises and the breaking of his buggy 100 feet, square. Entry fee,' $5.00 : I'he young people of this place, to the ER , . ¢ DREDGING wo leas of five miles . > and cultivation of the [aaa in « Ol} aach of a river may » issued to one bess Bd i Yoilen of ria Tea tead 8 Appi f v term of 20 years. Rental, |a literary club for the winter. W. A | are ey It was to do with the i hepa en an pn. Hoyas, S30 | Johnson has sold lis blacksmith shop ) fi ue ' |charit ble 'act and the helpful deed ; y » vied by h y ) his he house ot, together with his busi > nirowte } x SAR es Poa BL ORY afi ul who 238 Princess St. re you ste confrottmd with Hs LA on er, son, aug , } ' CORY, ness, to H. 8S. Stark, who takes pos fi a [he 7 poverty and distress, there in certain distri homesteader ir oh he oe ie tie es ero, D. on A fo olan aid ne I Ey OF us DEPARTMENT OF MIL AND DEFENCE good standing wm a ' LE oe UF . onhald a 1 ! 0 site Grand g the mrt of true religio » impe SB.00 per eros ution. . ix} wil sot vei yale sor Week. : Janae Snider, a farmer resident a PP Central Tation J sou to nive, 16 help, ito share. 3 New Floor, Kingston $3.00 per a J : : Hi --g------------ of s place, was here for election » make. the wi Drill Hall. months in each « v 4 X « I t na ) NEW YORK CITY. goods with others I YE op od of homestoad entry cluding the time ' 1 Rabb has purchased M, B MS as DA better 'by .vour adiv 4d i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. required earn homestead: patenty and Cook's Cotton Root Compound. | , farm for $5.000. Charles. H ROOMS 31 a DAY by od, SEALED TENDERS, MARKED ON ultivate fift- acres extre X : 4 ' = )s eeful an y i v or ' Fende tor Aaor " S A : en taate . [ exhausted his) _The great U levine Tonic, and avlor, Sherman Savior and Walter Bag eng and fron Sta us deals wit] : elope des - or our, King ; homestead right ot obtain _a x) > effectual Monthly ur ave gone north hunting deer, stamp for New York Oity eeretary . « v Militia Commer. Mend. | PUBLIC. NOTICE 1S, HEREBY GIVEN pre-emption may take purchased - 1 on which women can \ 8 a Guidebook and Map. ae 1g ™ re tawa, will be received until | 1b Pursuance of the Public Health Act homestead in certain ric v ld in three degrees | -- i Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25, November 12, © 1908 for the re- | {B:3-0 897, Cap. 24%) and of the ly $3.00 per acre Purchase omesteads 7 [ gth--No. 1, : N Budget From Sharpton pp ---- - | Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the | newal of 1 Hoor in we Tritt" Hal Law and s in force thereunder, and ! 10 degrevs stronge fd 3 g Bie kad mn - = Bunce = bap : i i in pursuance also of the express direc on either odd or even nt 3 per box Sharpton, Oct 31 Fhe plendl veek by an animal which was feeding iterature. tans ond wcifications may be seen | HOD of the Local Board of Health, that South of township 4 pron by all drugs ata, oF seni land soft enough to plough easy ea the road. Perey Gaylord; Dead : ot cos of the Officer Commanding | ¥henever any householder knows that gary and Kdmonts f ) wepatd on Recoil PTF | Avery. and Edwards were a tie at | Sreck; had a bee last. Friday 'raising | he Eastern Ontario Command, King- [poy Person within ik Jaiuity or house- West line of range u ' {th rly Wi } Be a} hissy |! } g ton, and ector of A ar © old has smallpox, chickenpox, scarlet third Meridian. mae eo Sault ilway | cio Meng G. Toms ONT. (formerly Windsor) | Sharpton poll. DD. Kar 1 was appris is barn A few of the residents of vice artery ah F Ber liever, diphtheria, or any other disease ed by telegram of the death of his | (his section were present Charles | st be made on ihe | 44ngerons. to the public health, he shall - - . - - eres - sister, Mrs. P. Garvin, Belleville, N 'arker expects to move away . from » thé Department ane ¥ithin 4 haurs give notice thereof 10 October 31st : Leet an accepted cheque on | the local Board of Health or to the \ which occurred on i were ometime his w Jerome | i " ok Medical Healt} Foy { ' N ne | Chartered Bank for 10 "or edica eaith Oflicer, and that [failing i WO IN ONE I'he Messrs. Paterson have finished @] voaley, Dead Cre had the good | Your { cent e amount 1hereo avabie eo to do so he will subject himself to the job for the council, ditching and put uck to shoo near here | re er of the Minister of Militia Penalties which may be imposed upon or € I wk to shoot a near here this | } : . t Militia and 1. viction in adcordance with the Jefence h snfon i (ng grmvel an Wh road, The soe | wok, A" come of Avion binds} Plagnbing | are ining ain eter | A apd other bp rel th 66 tion of the day is how taxes have | yere~hack through here on Friday | [into uw contract in accordance with the | 10¢al Board of Health The attention of { gone up. They took a big jump this | 5.¢ Mr. and Mrs. W. Wood spent a | tende each jedient practitioner practising year and are higher than ever was | \leasant Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. You Get he, Department does not bind itself to Proviaions" OF the ality in Shilsd to the known before. Taking it all in all this § 3. Peterson, Dead Creek. Old Mr, phi Su " ¥ Ania need for prompt reports in every of is not an extra good year for the far I'hompson is living 'in F. Scott's (H.Q. 14--25--12.) ' * Secretary. Sail pox, chickgnpox or other econtag- | 3 ous disease mer. A good many had very poor | youse, which formerly belonged tol 4 Department of Militia and Defence, 3 : 4 ged Ottawa, October 21, 1908 JOHN 1H. BELLY 3 + ps rai {oughi is bei : p , Aecti ' § . ver | a The Convertible Coat for Fair or Stormy Weather cro Pg eat 10. Santens. Micction went. dover | Newspapers i ot bam To ai medial seat Ofer. . rapidly pushed. eature of the sea | ynjetly around here but some peo- advertisement if they insert it without son so far is the absence of heavy | le are very much delighted over the authority from the Department, frost, The total vote polled here was | success of Mr. Avery. Mrs. E. Mouck seventy-five, one ballot spoiled. The | went away for a short time last : . whole vote would be 112. Miss | yeek and Mr. Mouck returned home merican knowles, of Brownville, N.Y, is visit eeling quite happy. W. Newton has . ing at W. Hanley's., recovered from a slight attack of ns puinsy. Messrs A. and R. Parker | - Bears At Cross Lake. pent Sunday at W. Newton's Ww. | Oil Mii e's . sD __ha pat i ewton sper t evening amol od as oie ao im. | ron a or ing gy | For Purest and Best S Teng aut. the five. which were rod. | Sentenced To Death. | | Ice Cream Goal Oil, Lubricating Gil, Gasoline. io Phe I eaoned hore |e artown, N $e ie sree In City. Delivered any | | We make a specialty of banding Tabri- bears in the least for one bravely | first degree in having killed Sarah [hour up to 6 ym } i ! . A ore I & 2 1 arg . { ting Oil showed himself at W. Baker's last | Brennan on April 28rd, was taken to i 1 cating Oils of' 41 kindy, Sunday Miss Leah Wood was badly | Auburn prison under sentence of death 9 application. scared on her way from school last | luring the week beginning December | i --- jo eX will be Tanen Not Once y» W.F.KELLY&CO {21st. An appeal will be taken. 288 Princess St,, Kingston. edie & HOW'S THIS ? A Majority Of "Six. But Always! ---- - South Cor. Ontario and Clarence Sts. One Hundred Dollars Reward 'Phone. 486. » of Catarrh that cannot be, Almonte, Ont., Nov. 3.--At the. ofii- | . 1 1 all's Cat rr h Ci rd : cial ree sort held here for North Lan- David Hall, | Anus] esting Socey A Na 4 HE NEY & CO Taledu, 0. | ark, Thoburn, conservative, was | orticuitur iC . chin the, undersigned have Known FJ. clarcd elected by six of a majotity. .66 Brock St. yyy NAY. House For Sale. lieve im perfectly honorable in all busi- | Jhe figures are : Thoburn, 1,636; 'Phone 335. 1 City Buildings, on The frame dwelling house, number 149 ness transactions and financially able 10 Caldwell; 1,630. Colborne street, in the City of Kingston, : wry out any obligations made by his W d d h now occupied by John Hogan ng to : : : & firm eee mm | fnew ¥ gan, an ot By a very clever contrivance, which is simple and practical. This WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, "Phone 775 For Mexican Oranges. e nes ay, Nov. 4t j otcubled Sharewitn, will be - sold by ben 1 the Auction rooms of Coat may be changed in 10 seconds from an ulster collar to lapels. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. 0 William Murray. Auctioneer in said City , . 8 Edwards & Jenkin. Prompt = de- | Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken int ona livery. F AT S PM at hall past twelve o'clock noom, on Drop in and see it at ly, acting directly upon the blood a 3 . 3 Ricous urlares of ihe oy Stands-d romedy or Glee, For the election of officers and gener.| JMUrSday, 12th November Next monials sent free. Price Ss per Tait save he is as certai f ro | Gonorrhea i 7, Tait says he is as certain of & pre- and Runnings al business + For further particulars, apply to E P JENKINS CLOTHING G0. 114 Princess St : Tak Halts Family Pols 0 nsti | vig as a man may be of | . er and Bled utes Kia A.W McLEAN, JOHN I. WHITING, We fully guarantee superior quality | logie ory about Lod, or any my orrect style, artistic workmanship and [tie nee yr wrding creation or number of about twenty, have started ] perfect fit ets It deals with the thines that sister of intending bomes DUTIES Six months' residence may be acquired on any 5 for special case Prices on Seec.~ Treas. Solicitor for the Vendory