Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Nov 1908, p. 10

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Why Rengo Reduces Fal Antj-Fats and Starvation Diet Re- sult in Wrecking of the System. Pat as a in the form of lat and ood to various parts ef inubs y, This acc 1 the Xe umulation cont story time, the . "This does not alwa's mean or indigestion, for one av bealthy stomach and begin to may ugt_have the ired eflect, hut what Ro ve eo shock and wreck it. The victim then consequent di * 'Nephritis, Gastritis and Neuritis by Raickly f Jopow treatments. such and system. B; ixture, ./ normal condition, the the organs, it, healthy and hi y This: is 3 t gO. tm ly assimilating 0 body. That is the secret 4 has resulted in making Rengo a mar vel as @ fat-reducer and a health build er, and a Godsend to all fat: pegple. is safe. your For sale by all druggists x full sized box, or b, . y send you a trial package if you write them direct to Detroit; no frea at drug stores. al rule comes from the to do until within a ecomparancively heart becomes incused ih a layer or coating of fat. The heart sess to one of the first vital or- may w fat, through no poe 88. wb is avident to any gus, then, that td ve away t at is both ridic- re ME a Ay i 3 E i may is n ia that a starvation diet to the whole system mes has been known 1 years as a remarkable regulator of a persistent use of such the body will assume an ab- being neither nor too large, and preserving balance of making the fortunate man or woman who uses t contains wih ure which has this food It not only - reduces your 'weight to normal, but it increases "There is nothing "just as good' as "00 mail pre- i The Rengo Co., 8332 Rengo te roit, Mich. The company wil fiee by ki "For a i ibae ed in Kingston HIVE SENT. SIGH The People of That City Not Choice in Their Election-- "Joe" Martin Fought Against His Own Party. Special Correspondence. | Vancouver, B.C., Oct. 181i jou will accept on behalf of the citizens of Kingston the hand of one so unworthy, a citizen of Varcotiver, 1 extend it to you in hearty congratulation upon your success and good judgment. In no part of the country to-day is the sting telt more keenly than right here in Van- conver, and in no part was it more justly deserved. In a recent editorial in the Whig the "Coasters" were branded as a of "kickers" who wire in their elements when being led by "Joe" Martin. At the time that you made that statement, 1 looked upon it as rather sweeping. 1 was inclined to given Vancouver credit with what her action has shown to be more than her due, and 1 am now free to admit that by whatever. means the Whig's editor his hands upon the pulse of British lumbia, he had read it correctly, and branded it properly. A Yes, this province is made up largely of issenters-- "kickers" if you like--and they do not know why they kick. As -our distin- guished member stated in his address after elected :--"We are as driftwood here in Vancouver, floated here from all .| parts of the world" So taking him upon his own assertion, we have sent nathing but a stick of driftwood down to Ottawa to represent us, and in the opinion of many we were not very choice in the selection. We trust that they will trim it up properly down there, and make the most of it. There are too many pieces of this "driftwood" here of which he so proudly spoke that is like the Irishman who when he land- ed in America asked: "Is there a gov- ernment here?" Upon being informed that there was he said: "Well, bejapers, t n by Henry Wade, Druggist. GOOD SALARIES $ Go Only to the Well Trained High-Grade Courses never bi success to our gradu- y and Evening Classes, orate Rates: FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE Kingston. I'm opposed to it." Joseph Martin tells us that he was a liberal in 1803, and is a liberal to-dav, and that he has stood true to the prn- ciples of true liberalism _ all through those intervening years. He is oppostd to the government to-day because they have turned aside from all liberal prin- ciples, and have left him, poor modest oer standing alone. "Joe," as a suc- cessful lawyer, and a ready fighter can generally gathet together a following. He is in his elements when he is lead- ing some little party to defeat, if by that act he can injure some other party. In his campaign he stated frequently that it made no difference to him whether he was elected or not: that he Increase Your Hfficienoy 4 Kingston Business College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. a's Leading Business School ¥ and in L hand PRs . §rePins: 1 deficient tates 'Phone, CATFE, Pridcipal. was satisfied either way. His policy, if he had one would be a destryctive one, rather than a constructive. He built himself a very large platform, con- sisting of thirty-two planks, and it is from what he knows of this platform that we are enabled to judge concern- ing the policy which he would liked to have framed and set upon it. "Joe" has climbed the ladder of his. aspia- tions part way in days gone by, and for some reason or other came down again. It is alleged that one of his principles of liberalism when he was member for Manitoba was that he should be called as cabinet minister. - Another was cailed instead, and it is for this and other similar reasons that he has climbed seRsLma UR; The an Rese. | On The Market rm Tug en 8t. Rogls Lumbago Cure ord, Ont., 26th, 1908 Bed! Aug, The W. A. Singleton Co., Crosby, Ont. 1 think it my duty to tell you of the od St. Regis Lumbago Cure has . 1 waa troubled with Lum 0 could I tried every kind goons tor a tei 8 t or about six years. ometimes a raise up from a chair. several Doctors and took near! of Patent Medicines, and woul bitter while the medicines lasted, short time afterwards. in a, 3, firat of June I was advised to try St Regis Lumbago Cure and am happy to shy I had not taken hall a bottie til the backache was felt it since. And in recommending it to others who be troubled with ®#Lumbago or Trou for 'I have fouad it to ho al it ' fs. recommended for and a trial ation. Yours very sincere! JAMES McNEIL. Clerk of Bedford Township Sold by all Druggists in Kingston. be a little and when {8 was dode 1 was not fit to work About one and I have not take great pleasure may Kidney will be 'hetter for anyone than a recommend. down, and is ever ready to do some- thing--lead some little: faction to in- jure the government that has so rar departed from his conception of the principles of liberalism. With "Joe" out of the field the liberal victory would have been assured, as he did rot try to cut into the conservative vole, and did not cut mto it to any extent. Had he not been in the fight though, there would only have been one suc- cessful 'candidate, namely, Hon. W. W. B. McInnes, whereas now there are two. Cowan, the self-styled piece of driftwood, brought out by the conserva- tives, and "Joe" Martin. The latter was successful in getting even with the liberal guvernmént for having departed irom "his" principles of liberalism. At the beginning of this campaign our attorney-general, f Bowser, made a tour of the eastern provinces, and, of course, told them how to vote. When he came back to British Cel- umbia he tried hard to infect us with a disease, which for the want of a bet- ter term we shall call Bowseritis. He told us that the east was solid conserva- tive, with the. possible exception of a few constituencies in Quebec. That the government. was sure to be defeated, and that British Columbia must send members down there on: the right side to help form a new government. The germ took root amongst the unthinking "driftwood," and a great many who had no previous symptoms of disease be- came affected with this dreaded disease, Bowseritis. It-may be said that it was a complication of Bowseritis and Mar- tinitis that killed the chance of the 'ib- . 4 \ oy oman The new 4 the ¥Y 00.. Windsor, Out. Ageuts for Canada. eral candidate. True, there was veiy little honor shown in newspaperdom, and this faét was pot without its effect. Here in the city we had no paper which may be called conservative. We also have two "floppers" and one other whose policy had not been clearly defined. This last named. paper, during its year and a half of existence has frequently climbed upon the fence and announced that it was free and independent, « 'd would never become the follower of any clique or party. It was noticed, however, that when it jumped down it always jumped on the same side of the TO CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Ihe Perfect Brixk & Tie Co, Wash burn, Ooty P AISLEY'& CHISHOLM, Lessees hnmdiate ty Setivacy Hox Rat re nspes ne tion at ek vate, Ca @ ite and tr A a rh i not satisfied. 0c, At . Barks & Co., Toronto. OR. OHASE'S OINTMENT. of . bleeding fence. This is the paper that claimed the honor of first proposing the name of Cowan as conservative candidate. Time went on, and soon one of the floppers which had been leaning heavily to one side suddenly began to see strange, and marvelous things--gicat black spots upon the government. It was at once apparent that "oil" had been applied to the machimery. Just about that time the other began to act strangely, and there was whisperings in the air of a $35,000 proposal." Wheth- er this sum was asked and not con- sidered, I am not going to, say, but you can draw vour conclusion. . This paper had favored the liberals right along for some time, but just now when its sup- port would have been of some use it suddenly flopped, and the liberals were left without a paper. 2 At this turn of affairs. a .commiliee: went to the paper which had se ire- quently barked. its independence, and | jumped down invariably on the one ade of the fence, and made arrangements with its managers for the publicacon of another paper. It entered into this contract, and the new paper was pub- lished in the interests of the liberal party, but 2 the came momept:that Utis new arrival its other paper published in he same office, and which had not passed the of babyhood developed an air of v, and was soon found playing in the con- servative back yard. Time went «n, and evidently no one came out either to feed it crumbs, or shoo it away, and so it climbed over the fence and into "Joe" Martin's yard, and there it played up to the day of election. Just about the time that it climbed over mto "Joe's" yard the paper that had flopped over from the liberal to the conservative side surprised everybody by suddenly, but in a becomingly mild tone flopping back. 1t did not carry the weight with it that it would have had if it had not flopped at all. I miention these things to show you that we did not lose in an even fight, but the odds were very much against As a ¢ w the loyalty to this province which «ny honest man should possess, I say open- ly that I glory in the rebuke which this province keenly feels has been admins istered by the older provinces in the east. Let our conservative members sit down there in the cold shades of opposition and wait for the "becer terms" that they have tried to make so much of, and over which Premier Mc- Bride created a scene in the House at Ottawa a year or so ago. If you people in the east are going to consent to give British Columbia three: quarters oi a million a year in perpetuity you aie easier than 1 think you are. This is one of the things that the conservatives are asking for, and that must be in cash. ( A great many who now claim British Columbia as their home, are only just recently from the east, and I would ike to ask who sent them aut here, and how many o r They will all admit that they came out here of 'their own freg will and accord in order to better their conditions, aud few, if any would pare to gO This being so, what claim have we upon the other. provinces, or W the Dom- inion government to three quarters of a million dollars in perpetuity? Sucy a demand should be beneath the diguity of a man holding the position of pre- mier of British Colum ia, and yet we find him in London, England, makng this demand for what he seems pleased to call better "terms. Yes, Howser thought that he had infected the east with Bowseritis sufficiently that they would defeat the Laurier government, and then in the general distribution of good things British Columbia would have seized her "better terms." Instead of this general upheavel, the Bow:er- McBride faction has been shown that there are other parts of Canada besides this province, and that they do not n+ed any dictation from here as to how chey shall vote. These provinces have sud to British Columbia in something strong- er than words: "Send your conserva: tive representatives to Ottawa if you like, and we will seat them where they belong, and where they will remain as long as you continue to send them. We are able to . appreciate the good work done by the Laurier government if 'you are not, and you may take the result of the present contest throughout the east as an unmistakablé indication that we are able to repeat it 'again and again. he rebuke is 4 good one, and well deserved by this province. She deserves all the punishment she will get, and I have no doubt, considering the repre- sentation we have sent, she will get all she deserves.~E. H. NEWTON. Headache And Neuralgia From Colds. Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world- wide cold and grippe remedy, removes cause. Call for full name. Look for signature, E. W. Grove, 25c. Evening Frock For Young Girl. Pale blue crepe de chine was used for the charming little gown here pic- tured, but the model could be very successfully carried out in other col- orings or materials. The skirt was short and was untrimmed, and stitch- ed in flat plaits to' below the hip line. The bodice' was simple but very effective in- design, 'and was trim- med with narrow fold scarfs of bias pale blue: satin, which were slipped through buttonholes slashed in the crepe. These scarfs were finished with tassel ornaments in silver. The yoke was of white tulle, with a lace de- sign in honiton braid. us. : . British Columbian, and with all, f them want tq go back agan' | find this gentleman at Ottawa, and we] THE TAFT CHILDREN. 3 ROBERT A, TAFT. CHARLIE TAFT. WOLRE ISLAND NEWS. Death of ; Stafford Hogen at skegon, Mich. Wolfe Island, Nov. 2.--The islanders wee sorry, to! hear the sad news which reached here on ' Monday morning of the death' of {Stafiord Hogan, second eldest son of 'the late Thomas Hogan, whose demise occurred at the family home 'in Muskegon, 'Mich. The deceas- ed young man was twenty-three years of age and of a bright and cherry dis- position. John Ryan, of Rosiere,, N.Y., is visiting friends on the island. Herbert Spankie is home from the west. Fred- erick Whitmarsh was home for a couple of days from. Arden. .Joseph McDonald has moved into 'Mrs. Grant's house at the foot of the seventh concession. John' O'Neil, of Cape Vincent, spent Sunday with Pat- rick Hawkins. The last rain was a welcome visi- tor to the country. Plowing is going on at a rapid rate. Quite a number of children reeeived holy communion in the Catholic church on Sunday. Next Friday Archbishop Gauthier is coming to the island and will give confirmation to a large number next Sunday. Mrs. Haggarty has. moved into the Misses Coyle's house. Harry Davis and Henry Brown have moved into Mrs. Crawford's house. C. Halliday is leaving the island as he has bought a farm nine miles back of Clayton. . The cheese factories have all closed for this season. Slaves Of The Needle. Eleanor Millner. + Needles and thread ! Needles and thread! Women and children toiling! half-dead, Slaves to necessity's daily bread, 'Mid hunger and "thirst 'and dirt, hall- Slaves of the needle, slaves of the thread, Moaning, groaning, better :dead ! Needles and thread ! Needles and thread ! "Work or you starve," the "sweater" said. "Think of ithe brides all longing to wed In the ghrijents made of «the blood you shed. Slaves of "the : needle, slaves ' of the thread, Straining,' complaining, "better "dead. Needles and 'thread ! Needles and thread ! The devil clutched at the souls who fled, Honor and virtue to 'scape the dread Of sewing the seams for their . daily bread, Slaves of the needle, : thread, Nameless, Iameless, 'better dead. slaves of the Are you one of the many women that gets little refreshment from sleep? Have you a bad taste and no appe- tite in the morning ? Do you suffer from headache, irritability: and weari- ness ? Your case is much like that of Mrs. George A. Smith, wife of a farmer liv- ig near Kingston, Ont. For long enough, Mrs. Smith didn't know what her trouble was, but at last she discovered it' was constipa- tion. Your poor health may have the same cause, too. "Through long suffering from con- stipation, 1 almost ruined my health,' The Experience of a Farmer's Wife Her Account of a Long Weakening Sickness That Almost Ruined Her Health. How She Got Well. | she writes. "It caused: severe .head- {aches ard brought on protruding piles. | My stomach got out of order and so did my digestion. I used Dr.. Hamil- ton's Pills and felt better in a few days. +1 used in all six boxes and was | restored to robust health." Only remember that irregularity of | the bowels causes more sickness than {anything else, and . your life will be {longer and happier. | Dr. Hamilton's Pills © will cure you; | they prevent bowel troubles and sos- { tiveness. Nothing better for any man or woman, 2c. per box; or five boxes for $1, at druggists, or N. €. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont, and Hart. ford, Conn.; U.S.A Fn THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1008. $6.00 a Pair. The greatest relief for broken down or instep, Relieves tired feet, joints of the feet. = strengthens week % Special Values in Gun Metal and Ve- lour Calf "Barry Shoes." Sold only at RNARNGA Iai P aS, Bigger Profits to Policy-iolders It is easy to see why a policy én this Company is an excellent investment as well as a protection. Lag year, the new business amounted to $7,084,402 --a gain over 1906 of $1,677,855. Yet the operating expenses were about the same as lat year. For the last five years, the actual mortality was only 47% of the amount expected. And the Interest Income | exceeded the mortality by $198,103. With an expense ratio to Income smaller than its tors, with a yearly expanding Interest Income, and a ayanble death rate, it is but natural that The Mutzal Life o la is eaming more profits, which go to the policy- holders in reduction of their premiums. HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, Ont. 8. ROUGHTON, City General Agent, Kingston. co 103 is the perfect food drink for children. Highly = nutritious -- easily digested --delicious and economical. The Cowan Co, Limited, Toronto. 74 + Surgical Aids Established Toronto, Canada : * fo the Afflicted Authors & Cox Artificial Whether you have had the Limbs «+ nusfortune to lose one. or | S _ Loth legs--either above orf below. the knees -- our Artificial Limbs will: prove perfect substitutes. | We can create artificial Jimbs to suit the require- ments of each individual case, . So perfect is the fit, and so exact is our ; knowledge of what these helps. should be, that hundreds of le stand upright, walk.and run with whe help of our Arti cial Limbs. CITY BROKERAGE, 41 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON. Continuous 'Direct Wire. Cobalt Stocks Bought and Sold. Call or write. J. R. C. Dobbs, J. O. Hutton, Telephone, 480A or 703. SOLDER! HE i bar' uih largest sales from "anada Metal Co., Ltd - $1WILLIAM ST. «9 TORONTO ONT. For 48 years, we have applied brains, iagenmity, and a natural talént to per- fecting helps for thea We make not only #.tifi. cial Limbs-but also $ Ane] : Al ] Stock] ines, ete, If younredeform. ed in any way, write us fully about your case, Wn we will fit you with the proper eT appliances. 4 Try our Strictly BAR SOLDER" Chinese 1st--November 30th Quebec September lst--December 31st October MONCTON, N.B copies of 'Moose in the Micmac Country j "Fishing and Hunting." Toronto Ticket Office, 51 King St. Bast. Prt Ty SAY ant yee, Bosit Office, 141 St. James CRAND TP Thank MONDAY, November Round trip tickets will be issued at INGLE FI TA as Bandas and' Monday Frida; aturday, Suni and XN November 6th, 7th, 8th und Oth, good returning on or before Tuesday, Novems ber 10th. Looal Branch Tima Table. Trains will leave and arrive at City Depot, Foot of Johnson Streety GOING WEST. Lve. City rh 9th, 1908, - - sesennses 5.10 B10. Ltd., 12.35 noon . 8.19 pm . 7,08 p.m Local 1 Inter. 7 Mai 3 © Bee Sev 3 a FY ERxERE aslo Jann atx ¢ NaN BR ~a 3k 8 wTysse ? » L-4 BEER 12 Local ee Nos. 1, & 3, All other frains daily Direct route to oronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, it Chicago, Bay City. Saginaw, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation' Tickets, and all other infofmation. apply to J. P. HANLEY, Cor. Johnson and Ontario ston, Ong. un daily, except Sunday. ent, 8. Kings STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER LEAVES WOLFE ISLAND :-- MON, 7.80--9.15 a.m: 1.00~8.00. p.my TUES. 7.80-9.15 am. 1.00~3.00 p.mJ 7.80~9.15 a.m. 1.00--3.00 p.m Rd 00 p.m p.mi i E i 400 : : I : ve wvevy ER PB i i : CHANGE IN SAILINGS: MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. 3 ictorian, puny oY a jun, 10 a.m ramp An Vv. ® Cormbia™ Fri Nov: 2300. °0 ami Tunisiat, from St. John, Nov 28th Directs Victorian, from ot Sot, Dec. 4th, wis BOSTON & PORTLAND TO GLAS: fiprinny fom, itn fo ort saiitags ahi rane plication to P. HANLEY. x . . . & d B Agents, King Tr from y Addit IRKPATRICE, Local Please your se q

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