EE -- Fashionable i THERE 15 NO TRUTH IN STATEMENT OF MODERN | TEACHING. urs isit Us Before Decid- ing on Your Furs It will pay you to examine them thoroughly and see for yourselves what exceptional values we are offering. Something to suit cveryone--old, middle aged, young and the kiddies. All kinds--Stoles, Storm Cellars, Throws, Mulfls, Ties, etc., at prices that cannot be beaten. Fur Coats for Men and Women Neck Pieces in Sable, Isabella Fox, Squirrel, Mink, Fox, Per- sian Lamb, etc. Muffs'to 'Match Neck Pieces, all Sizes and Shapes. Your Winter Coat Is Here Just what you have been looking for, and at the prices you expected to give. We guarantee you entire satisfaction in quali- ty, styla and price. $5, $7.50, $9, $10, $13.25, $15 Crumley Bros. 1p win train this year's caste in 'Much Ado About Nothing." W| A number of students have been vac- . cinated since the posters were put up { requiring this to be done A great NOMINATIONS OF THE ARTS | number of students, however, have I | done so from a fear of the small-pox | rather than through fear of force The { appearance of the posters apparently . | has not been regarded very seriously The Elections on Saturday Next --A Turkish Student Com- pletes His Course in Faculty of Theology. At an adjourned meeting of the Arts Society, Tuesday afternoon, the following were nominated for the various offices of the Arts Society and Concursus Iniquitatis et Virtutis: Hon. president, Prof. Morrison (ac- clamation); president, A. Donnedl (ac- elamation); vice-president, A. G. Dor- land and W. R. Dorland; secretary, P. L. Jull and J. Dawson; treasurer, W. J. Lambe and H. J. Black; audi tor, A. D. McDonnell and D. A. Mac- Arthur; critic, D. C. Caverley and M. W. Omond: committeemen--'09, J. Crearer and W. F. Burgess; *10, G. N. Uric and W. G. Nei "11," A. D. Prin gle and C. Harper;""12, Messrs. Ross and Hendry. Concursus--Chief justice, H. W. Mac Donnell (acclamation); junior justice, C. H. Elliott and A. B. Klugh: senior prosecuting attorney, M. J. Patton and R. E. MacLachlan; sheriff, W. W Kennedy and A. B. Turner; clerk, C K. Wallace apd 8. S. Cormack; chief of police, G. B. Kendrick and G. A Brunet; junior prosecuting attorney, E. B. Wylie and A. W. Gordon; crier, P. T. Pilkey and G. E. McKinnon ; constables, '09, J. McCrae, B. Eyre, J. H. MacDonald, W. Dobson; '10, G E. Machonald, M." Otto, J. E. Kin sella, C. W. Mullen; '11 E. H. Boom er, J. 'L. Turner, 'H. D. MacCulloch, J. Macintosh; 712, R. McKinnon, E Atkinson, RR' Bruce, W. Kirkpatrick ; Scrutineers, '09,. A. P. Menzies, 10, W. A. Sutherland; '11, C. M. Scott; '12, W. Scott. The election will be held on Satur- | day morning next from 9 am. to 12 | poon. The retiring, president, W. A. | Dobson will: be returning officer and the retiring secretary, Hugh McKin- non, will 'be poll clerk. The following scholarship awards have bean made in this fall's theologi- cal examinations: David Strathern, donation, $75--~A. ID. Cornett, B.A, Kingston; Dominion, 870, W. A. Dob son, Picton; Buchan, Noi 1, $65, A Lang, B.A., Baltimore; Leitch monial, $50 (tenable three years), R. | H. Liggett, B.A., Garden ill. Testa- ment, R. Brydon, B.A,; B. 1, Sarkis B. Manougian, B.A. { Sarkis . Manougian, B.A., B.D, | will leave in a few days for his home in Turkey, Asia Minor, to take up the work of ministry. The students wish Mr. Madougian every success in his work. Queen's welcomes to her halls Rev. W. H. Maclnnes, B.A., B.D., of Port Perry, who was for seven years secre- tary of Queen's Athletic Committee. Mr. Maclones is attending the Alummi conference. . Sinclair Hamilton, who became well | known in Kingston last fall in con- | nection with the decided success of "Twelfth Night,"" arrived to-day. He as yet. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Expresses Thanks. Kingston, Nov {.--(To the tor): 1 desire to say through paper that the credit for the compulsory Vaccination victory of last night is due to the influe ol the press, the aid of the practicing physicians of the city and the atti- tude of the Board of Education on the question We are also indebtec to the the spirit of fairness and cour age shown by the aldermen of ow city who us the fullest oppor tunity to heard and then decided the case of compulsory vaccination on its merits, His worship the ma yor should not forgotten in gratitude for a hearing and a show.--J. G. EVANS, M.D. Edi your anti- gave be be our tan The Tennis Tournament. I'he finals the singles of the Queen's tenpis tournament, in which there were originally about forty entries, were played, on Monday, be tween W. A. Dobson and Arthur Mills, the former winning alter an exciting contest by 75, 68, 62 and 64 Both played stellar tennis and got in wonderful shots, Mills being the more sensatiopal but Dobson the steadier player. Mills and Dyde won the doubles championship from Black and MeKiel by 75, 64, 62 mn some "It's the best cough syrup I used," said a Jady in Gibson's Red Cross drug Stored oh Tuesday, speak- ing about Red Cross Cough Syrup 25¢. bottles "for - 20. : Dr. C. A. Publow, Cornell Universi ty, and son of €. E. Publow, King: ston, passed his final Ontario medical council. St. George's &thedral parish gath- ering will held on™ Thursday, No- vember 12th Buy yhtia tablets and fumiga- tors at Ohbson's Red Cross drug Phone 230. | store Prod. Butler, of the RM.C., went to-day, on hunting has to Bedford, trip. a Remark: able for Walch" pleasing flavor. The big black plug chewing tobacco. ever | That There is in Man Something Good, a Divine Spark--Man is Dead in Trespasses and Sins-- Bethel Church Service. i The service in Bethel church last | evening was much more largely attended | ithan that of Monday night. The open- | ing exercises were ti~ducted by the | pastor, Rev. Geor A. MacKenzie, after which Mr, Gaebelein continued his discourse on "God's Great Masterpiece; Redemption," dwelling more particularly on the material out of which it was being produced. The first three verses of tue second chapter of Ephesions shows that dark and vile indeed was the material God chose out of which to form His masterpiece. "Dead inres- passes and 'sins," aptly describes the condition of fallen humanity. Man un- saved, away from God and without Christ is in a state of corruption. There is no truth in that modern day teaching | that tells us that there is in man some- | | thing good, a divine spark that only | | needs developmmg. If that were 'so, | there would "have been no need of Christ's atoning sacrifice, the speaker { said. Not only has the natural man no | spiritual life, put he is also an enemy ot Géd and subject to the wrath of God. Well' might the guestion be asked: What cant 'God do with such material? In the fourth verse of the chapter al- ready referred to we get the answer: "But God who is rich m mercy . . . - hath quickened us together with Christ, by grace are ye saved." We hear a good deal about the merty of Ged, people tell us God is too merciful to | | punish the sinner, forgetting that mercy | 1s fonndéd on righteousness and that | God in consistency with His own nature | can be rich in mercy only because of Christ's atoning work. Those who do | not believe in God's love and Christ's | atonement are building mn a foundation | of sinking sand. HAD FINE GATHERING. i ol Celebrated 20th Anniversary Organization of Society. { A fine gathering was held at Cooke's church, on Tuesday evening, to mark | the twentieth anniversary of the forma- | tion of the Woman's Foreign Mission- | ary Society. The chair was occupied | by Rev. Dr. MacTavish, who conducted | the devotional exercises. A beautiful | duet. entitled, "Peace," was rendered | by Mrs. J. Evans and Mrs. Wm. Jack son, and afterwards, a series of views | f Jerusalem and the Holy Land were given by Wm. Kennedy, who has spent | | the past two years in missionary work | | at Bardizag, in Armenia, under the auspices of the American board of commissioners: for foreign missions. The lantern slides were put on by Dr. Lake, and a full explanation of all the interesting points were given by Mr. Kennedy. At the close, refreshments were served. The offering amounted to $30.80. ------ THE LIGHT COMMITTEE Will Have Another to Engage Lineman. The Light, Heat and Power commit- tee didn't have a quorum yesterday ai- ternoon, but some routine business was transacted, with Alderman Givens (chairman), Chown and Couper in at tendance. A quantity of supplies were ordered to be purchased from the Can THE DAILY BRITISH Amusements. ---- : : ' y ¢ GRAND | OPERALNOUSE - THURSDAY, NOVEMEER . 5TH. "RAH "RAR" "RAR" CHARLES DILLINGHAM'S PRODUC- TION, George Ade's Latest Novelty, ELSIE JANIS And Her Little Army 'of College Boys nd Hor Li ie Bt «THE FAIR CO-ED" A College Play With Music--By Ade OH ee Sustar Luders--The Thingiest the Day--Company 85 , 75¢., $1, $1.50. Seats now on sale. SATURDAY, NOV. 7TH. Bargain Matinee 2.30--Evening 8.15. The Lyric Theatre, New York, success "The Wolf" v the . author of "Paid Ia Full" SUGENE WALTER' a play of Love and Passion told amid scenes "of Forest Beautv with novel, light and incidental effects. Matinee, 25c., to any seat. Evening, 23¢., 35c., §0c., 75e. and $1. Seats on sale Thursday. 35¢., 50e. Children, 25¢. 5c WONDERLAND Ge Miller & Egan Musical and: Comedy. This is the Vaudeville Hit gon. 1,000 people saw their uct last might, Extra 1--"ON THE BATTLEFIELD." 2 ""MAGISTRATE'S CONSCI ENCE." 3. "STRONG GALE," Comedy 4-_MISS N. ELINE TILLING, Soprano, in Illustrated Songs. Continuous Show, Vaudeville after noons and evenings. Children One Cen PO-MORROW AFTERNOON, BIJOU Great Big Drama 18-ACTS, "CURSE OF JEALOUSY." The Marriage--The Conspiracy-- A Vill ain's Deed--The Kidnapper--The Pursuit-- The Rescue--Punishment. Big Bull Fight Rec great Pictures-- Hest shown. event Bull-Fight Pictures eve WILL WEST SINGS. of the Sea- in Spain--Thrilling WHIG, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1908. { ? CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion 1c. 3 word insertion thereafter half A GOOD SMART BOY, AT ONCE. AP- ply to Jas. J. Lackie's, Princess St. AN ASSISTANT PHYSICIAN natorium. Give and references. Apply Dr. Dobbie, Weston, Ont. FoR age, experience w J. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 167 King stregt. DINING ROOM GIRL. APPLY BRI tish-American Hotel Office. MAID, FOR GENERAL work. Apply at 55 Clergy i IX HOUSE- street. i ENERAL AN EXPERIENCED G vant, references King street. SECONDHAND" HoT AIR FURNACR, Shoal In good condition. Apply GOOD GENERAL washing. Apply 162 Earl street. erVANE. XO mn, Nee Macphersol | S00D_ERGIX Ba XD 2 CILER WITH ences to 3 Seam er Robert MeDons Vong nora: ; John ad tion. Appl to NO 52 | A COOK. ALSO A HOUSEMAID. i washing. Apply to Mrs. Garrett, Johnson street. Few - weeks complete course. jogue free. Write Moler Barber , Teronto. WANTED---GENERAL. TO LEARN BARBER to Livingston Avenue. {A MAID, FOR GENERAL work. No Ilaun work wages. Apply 179 BEnrl St. HOUSE- . Good . § BAND SAWING MACHINE, XEVER used, cost $100. $50 «© "will buy it. Also 28 spring counter' chairs, aorew onto floor, at Tuwrk's, "Phone, - 705. A Rn GENERAL family of three. McFaul, 106 SERVANT, FOR Apply to Mrs. Barrie St. . DW Ws electric SOLID BRICK TWO-8TO ling bouse; 9 rooms, bath separate, hot water heated, ted for cooking. {A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, ONE { who can cook. Apply to Mrs. John SOUTH = AFRICAN stating price and terms, Spence street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. apd SCRIP. PRPLY. | to 511! i McKay, Corner Sydénbam and Wills { jam streets. A ay Insurance VETERANS' LAND WARRANTS. HIGE price paid. John Cairns, Bagot St. call after 7 p.m. FIRE INSURANCE RISKS, companies, lowest rates, ments. J, R. C. Brock St. Telephone, 480. | i BGs Lower | Goon | fair settle- | Dobbs' & Co., 109 SINGLE FRAME DWELLING, NO. 13 St. Cathagine St., aimost new, 7 rooms, good cellar, stone foundation and cellar, outbuilding, ete, For a quick sale $900. Apply to McCann 8 &1 Broek stoeel. i i i i | TOLET. i APPLY TQ THE OPPORTUNITY TO FURNISE of work promptly done. F. J. Birch Electrician, 206 Wellington street. estimates on electric work. All Kinds | BROCK STREET. John McKay. 1 1 OFFICE, 8. Kirk- PART OF GROUND FLOOR 42 Clarence St, Apply C. patrick, on premises. t JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT yards ur cellars, or carted. Prices right. Lytle, General Carter, A Apply to 85 Main St. OF other baggage ! | WITH OR FURNISHED ROOMS, 2 convenience. without board. Modern Apply 214 William street. HAVING or furniture, ANY PERSONS second-hand stoves 1 will pay good prices. son, Second-Hand Dealer, cess street. GOOD | { be- fore disposing, drop a posteard and | John Thomp- 333 Prin- EQUIPPED, HEAT. ed fiveeroom flat; furnished or un- furnished. Immediate possession, Ape ply on premises, 288 King street. | MODERN, FULLY | i | GENTLEMEN i er overcoats made now, years' turned and made Your own cloth made into date suits. Price and workmanshi guaranteed to please. way, The Tailor 131 next to Bibby's Livery. also las | Brock St PERSONAL. r HAIR, MOLES, warts, etc, without scar. ence. Dr.. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Nose, Throat and Skin Blemis QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS AT 2.30 P.M. grand Uglow's stand unti Prices : west side and 50c. (Reservable = at Saturday noon). East side, 835¢c. 25¢. ; bleechers, QUEEN'S vs. OTTAWA SATURDAY, NOV. 7th Specialist, 258 Bagot street. LOST. GOLD PAIR glasses, oF with chain attached. and McKelvey & Birch's. for return to this Office. ROOMS AND BOARD. TO GET THEIR WINT- like new. | up-to- | Thomas Gallo- BIRTHMARKS removed permanently Twenty years' experi Ear, RIMMED EYE Satur | day afternoon, between 176 King St. | Reward | FURNISHED, A FINE BRICK RESI. dence, centrally situated, twelve rooms, all modern improvements, for particulars. Apply at the Whig office. t Pp | FROM OCT. 1.-- BRICK RESIDENCE, 181 Division swreet, with twelve rooms, including extension kitchen, hot water heating, bath, ete. Ene quire at 179 Division Sti | | "li | | | ARCHITECTS, MONEY AND BUSINESS. ELLIS, ARCHITECT, 5 | ARTHUR . | residence, 181 University office an LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Ave. 1 ire Insurance Company, Avatiable assets $61,187,215. n addition to which the policyholders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders, F and city property insured at lowest possible rates. fore renewing old or givieg new business get rates from & Strange, Agents. "Phone, 568. | | | i P. SMITH, ARCHITEC Anchor Building, Market Square 345. | HENRY ete. 'Phone, | POWER & SONS, ARCHITECTS, MER- | chant's Bank Building, corner Brock MISCELLANEOUS. 1 FEW GENTLEMEN CAN FIN ed, at 144 Barrie conveniences, street. adian General Electric Company. The balance due Alexander Tait for extras in connection with the concrete founda- tion of the gas tank, amounting to $188.80, was ordered paid. { The new lineman from Montreal has | been relieved of duty at the light plant | for a good reason, and the committee decided to advertise for another. Superintendent Folger reported that the new gas tank was not yet in opera tion, but would be before the end of the week. Cases Of Barber's Itch. The attention of members of the Board of Health and the Medical Health Officer has been directed to the fact that there are quite a number of cases of barber's itch in the city. This disease is not reportable to the health officer, although the local board about a year ago asked the provincial authorities to make it a reportable disease. The health officer says he has no authority in connection with the matter. As there are more cases of it in the city than smallpox, the Board of Health could well consider the matter. The greatest gare should be exercised in the barber shops | | -- No Smallpox There. The Whig takes pleasure in denying the story that a case of smallpox has been discovered at the Bijou theatre There has been no sickness among the | i employees of that theatre worse than {an ordinary cold, and the report that one of the audience was taken ill and was found to be affected is untrue [ Sree malicious intent to injure that theatre. The Bijop is all right, and has { been so all along. | Several reports have been circulated - | The Nurses' Alumnae. The regular monthly meeting of the Nurses' Alumnae Association was held on Tuesday. The chief topic of dis | ussion was the opening of the regis- try for nurses at the YW.C.A. The | plan has now been in operation about | | three weeks, and so far has been very | successful. Tt will be given a three months' trial. There was also some talk of devising a scheme for raising {money in aid of the nurses' home. Fall Importations Of 1908. Prevost, Brock street, has received all fall importations for order work lin his tailoring department. His rea- | dy-made clothing and gents' furnish- ing departments were never better as- sorted. Canadian policyholders of the funct Mutual Reserve Fund Life, New York, are informed that it Ibe a year before they need look fany return from the liquidators. { ey. Charles L. Stuart, Hamilton, | thas accepted a call from Calvary { church, Watertown, N.Y. to become | its pastor, and will enter upon { duties October 25th. i Pembroke asked assistance of ot- | 'fawa's fire department, this morning, | fand again later, but the city was in {disposed to risk sending any appar- 'atus out. - of will for his Annual Meeting Kingston Horticultural Society be held in the Committee Room Buildings, To-night AT 8 P.M. For the election of officers and A. W. McLEAN, Sec.-Treas. will City gener | al business. : pleasant rooms, comfortably furmish- | Modern | NEWLANDS, second floor ARCHITECT, , over Mahood's store, corner Princess and streets. Entrance on Bagot 'Phone, 608. bis: WM. office Drug Bagot street. and Wellington streets. 'Phone, 213. ol | ACCIDENTS WILL HAPPEN. FOR the most liberal and up-to-date Ac- cident Insurance Policy, consujt T. J. Boon, 159 Wellington street. HE PARAG Unitarian. REV. CO. W. CASSON. Straightforwardness. There is no virtue greater than sim ple straightiorwardness, It does no matter so much what if he is only honest in its assertion It is not by what we say, but wha we conceal that we do injury to th cause of truth and religion. QUEEN'S CONFERENCE. THIS EVENING, Prof. Shortt speak in Convocation Hall on "Settlement of Labor Disputes." THURSDAY EVENING, will he Rev. E. F. Scott, Church History. Ticket good for the course, 25 Merchants, Notice STEAMER BTRANGER LEAVY for Gananoque, at 1 am, THURS DAY, Nov. bth, at" Crawford's Dock foot of Queen St. Freight and Pass engers. wil the Professor speake 0 the man would only flatly and fully de clare himself, not hiding his opinion not concealing his convictions or hi doubts, but bravely dragging timid thought into the light of and the sight of other men, what boon it would be! If all men wet honest in expression, they would find that after all there was practical unit of thought and life. i r literature. TRADE 15 REVIVING RETURN OF CUSTOM REV. ENUE FOR OCTOBER. Falling Of is Smaller Than in Previous Months--For the Decrease Was Over Million Dollars. Nov. 4.~The customs re- venue of the dominion for October shows a considerably smaller falling off, as compared with last year, than has been the ease for siX or seven months past, indicating that the ex- Ottawa, pected revival in trade is beginning to be felt in the increasing orders for im- ported goods. F the month customs revenue was $4316473. as compared with $4,930,031 for October of last year, a decrease of $613,558. For the first seven months of the pre- sent fiscal vear has totalled $27,179,191, a decrease of $9,163,575. For the balance of the fiscal year it is expected that there will be a steady betterment in the monthly statements oi the customs re- venue. : Will Discuss Missions. Instead of the regular prayer meet- ing at Cooke's church, to-night, it was decided to take up the important question of missions, and there will be a conference on the action taken at the laymen's banquet. The church has always been' doing good work along the line- of missions, but fol- lowing up the laymen's movement it is the intention to set down a prin- ciple to work upon. city Many Vaccination kept some of the doctors very busy last might. | citizens have been vaccinated. First Seven Months of Fiscal Year Nine the the customs revenue THE VALUE OF COD LIVER OlL would dispute the value VER OIL grr Ae and of OOD Li RAPH PULPIT If every his day a Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, at 25 Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the COAL ano WOOD For the kind that has quality, pro- ducing most heat. a man believes, e Fine Tailoring 1 ¥ Melton Overcoatings. :nd Beaver TICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in pursuance of the Public Health Act { LS.0., 1897, Cap. 248) and of the By- aw and Rules in force thereunder, and ih pursuance also of the express direc- tion of the Local Board of Health, that whenever any householder knows that hy person within his family or houses old has smallpox, chickenpox, scarlet diphtheria, or any other disease | { | Newest Shades in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Tweddell 131 Princess street. Telephone84o For Purest and Best Ice Cream In City. Delivered any fever, dangerous, to the publie health, he sh il Xithin 24 pours give notice thereof No loca oard of Health or to Medical Health Officer, and that A 0 do so he will subject himself to th penalties which be imposed upon conviction in ce with Tia Statute and further by direction of the local Board of Hesith the attention of each medical practitioner practisin within this manicipality is called oy provisions of the law and to the ur ot head for prompt reports in every Bs of nallpox, c i : Sua pox, ickenpox or' other contag- may nee JOHN '1. RENT Medical Health Officer; hour up to 6 p.m. ~ PRICE'S, 288 Princess St., Kingston. illed labor essential to the pradustion' 'of "a good S80 expensive; that séme manufacturers do not use much of it. REGINA Watches are made EG. ARMSTRONG. WILLIAM BURNS purchas McCAMMON'S BAKERY. Orders solicited for Cakes, Pies, etc. 96 VICTORIA ST. Among the latest to arrive at the penitentiary are Patrick McHugh and Allan Staply, G.T.R. employees, ro- cently sentenced to two years each, at Belleville, for theft of grain and to- bacco from cars. NEW BAKERY Formerly Foretwan for R. H, Toye has the most skilled me- chanics in the world. That's why the man with a REGINA is so sure of his time. Sole Agents, Kinnear & d'Esterre The Watch Hapge, 100 Princess St., Kingston. Artist and' Photographer 334 King Street, LADIES AND GENTS' TAILORING We {fully guarantee _superior correct style, attistic 'worl 3 B. Ouellette, 238 Princess St. Kingston. lity, kmanship and §