THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, W EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1908. PAGE TIVE. Ly, 8 : . rem reg - a : § ; Beessettasrseasave a Jitte te yesterday, og Mrs. Re ge. on all - afternoon. There will also | friends . at. the Convent de Notre | Mattawa, to Mr. Errol McDo ot sores a Hale. ay 3 was very informal; Miss be the annual meeting '{ Dame, Montreal. The marriage Te Hora _ superiutending the tea el Captain and Mrs. Alan Palmer are | place in December. Gold i in i t E ABong ro Kuete ee Mrs. | Some of her friends dropped into staying at "Souilly House." Miss "Elsie Campbell,, only da he TELEPHONE 838. "W. D. Gordo, M:s. T. R. Hem Mrs. W. St. Piecre Hughes', King Tandy of | ter of the late Surgeon Lieut.-Col. ming, Mis. H. R. V. Fe a Mrs. | street, last night, and made up a | Parry Sound, the bride and stop © of |W. Campbell, Royal Regiment Cana- "PP. BICKELL ¢ CO. $3. +Nermman Stuart Leshie, Mrs. Fllcouple of tables of beige: | last 'week, are now with Dr. and Mrs. | dian Infantry, to Mr. Frank Windsor {]} Seiion § Strange, Mrs. Arthur Flower March, |A. R. B. Williamson, Brock street. Forster, son of Mr. W. A. Forster, of BANKERS AND BROKERS Brg. © hu Mace, Mrs. D. Norton-{* Mes. I. Ww. Gill, 239 lind street, | They will be in town until Monday. | New Brighton, Cheshire, England. a Miss Lily Norton-Taylor, Mrs. | will receive on the first and third | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tr Noonan, Miss Paulihe LaRoeque, demghter of ; tin, Mrs. J. B. Carruthers and | Thursdays of the month. the latter before her marriage, Miss | Mrs. Armand LaRocque, Ottawa, to Members of Chicago. Board of Trade - > oo» isgdundérs. ! > > - Pearl Harty, of Ottawa, are the | Baron S. d'Halewyn, vice-consul for One of the most enjoyable entertain > - - Mrs, Arthur Cunningham, Beverly | guests of Mrs. J. J. Behan, **Syden- | France. i ments for the delegates of the Wo- surprise party which waited on street. Wwili give a bridge party to- | ham Place," on their way up from | i } men's. National Council was Lad nie Garett, Johason-street, | morrow afternoon. , | Quebec, where they went on their | On Moiday, Novenber 16th, the Laurier's reCeption on Saturday a wee lowe'eti: had the jolliest time - = wedding trip. marriage will take place quietly in ternoon. Lady Laurier wore a beau- cone ble. x Fhete were twelve bovs | There will be a Thanksgiving dance Ce ee St. George's church, Ottawa, of Miss tifal gown of black chifion embroid- and Is, Har a dozen of each, and [at tic Royal Military College, ou Mrs. John Mudie is in town from | Bessie Dowsfey, to Mr, Kenneth Mc NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. ered in a floral design in pink, over the surprisers all took with them | Monday. Ottawa. : Laren, also 'of Ottawa, two o'clock CHICAGO OF black tafieta. Lady Edgar, who re sometMing "detectdBly edible. There - >= - Mrs. James Richardson, Stuart | being the hour set for the event. . BOARD OF TRADE. ceived with Lady Laurier, was in |was the usual ducking for apples.| Tonight there will be a dinner at |street, and Miss Eva Richardson have EE ; AND ALL THE LEADING EXCHANGES. black crepe de chine trimmed with roasting of chestnuts, consulting of [the Country Club, with subsequent | gone to California. The javiagy of Mr. Alan McGill to lace. The table was decorated with |various weird mysticisms, not to | bridge. Her friends will be very pleased to | Miss Muriel Jordon will take place C 0 NTI NU ou S American Beauties and pink carna- me ntion a pun round the block, and it - 2 = hear that Miss Elsie Taylor has been | very quictly in Boston on Tueslay, tions). Miss Jean Fielding and Miss | was'al¥ pb merry as possible. Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, Alice street, | out for a drive in a wheeled chair. November 17th. CO B A L T Marjorie Edgar, . of ong an poured > > - | will give a young people's dance this | Miss Macaulay, King street, is ex- SSE EERIE i the tea and coffee, assisted by Miss Invitations will be issued this week evening. pected home on Friday. | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Aoutu, Mrs. W. W. Edgar and Miss for the wedding of Miss Marion Cal- - oe - Mrs. Thomas Mills, University ave- Svea . Q U 0 TA TI 0 NS +t Beatrice Edgar. Among those pre- | vim, eldést daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | One or two theatre parties have beeu | nue, and little Miss May, came home Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Sent were Mrs. Adam Shortt, Mrs. Hiram A. Calvin; of this city, and | organized for to-morrow evening. on Monday, from Toronto. Reporters On Their Rounds. ---- RATES OF COMMISSION Henry Skinner, Mrs. Oberndorfler, | Mr, Walter Halcro Boyd, of Ottawa, --- dn = Mrs. J. J. Robertson has returned i i i t =) under 10¢! share, Miss Machar and Miss Mollie Cart- | son of the Hon. Sir John Boyd, chan-| There will be a dance at the Yacht to Tweed. : Si Bre peeling 10c'and oe . the wright. lcellor of 'Ontario, and of Lady Boyd, | Club, this evening. ee Wy - > | Toronto. Phe 'wedding will take place A - = ow Mr, Alexander Mackie, of Ottawa, is Fon d bl ity hall N Shares selling at 50c. and under $1, + Je. There was a delightiul Hallowe'en | on November 24th, at the home of the Mrs. W. B. Dalton, Johnson street, | here for She mattis 3 hje soo, Mr. oe and assembly, city , Nov, Shares welling at $1 and under $2, p » gs mstertaining p is or . » \ & Ah. y A y dinner at the Country Club, on Sat le ide's parents; King street. is entertaining at I a Wi afternoon Usorg JA. Mackie io Earl et. | | There was no session of the police ' : urday evening. Jack o'lanterns and -- - - -y : ni other of the day's distinguishing |* To-day a new aspirant for journalis-| Mrs. C. J. Claxton, of Montreal, is returned home after a three months' | jourt, chin, Magistrate Clarence Chambers, - marks were to the fore, and the even- tic honors steps into the arena and, |the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. ' B.| visit with her son, Dr. George Moore, | H. Cunningham, piano tuner from ; ing was one of great jollity. Captain |, mix the metaphor, will begin to | Jalton, Johnson street. = of Ingersoll. ki { Chickeri Leave orders at Mo Ww. Hector H. Hume, Manager, and Mrs. De. M. Bell chaperoned the pluck the roses and encounter the Captain and Mrs. D. Noonan, Wil Miss Jean Gaskin is the guest of Aulev's Be Store. affair, at which thirteen sat down ow- thorng which she will find in her path. liam street, went down to Montreal | Mrs. W. A. Alla, Belleville. Lieut. Harris, of the Army Service ing to the absence of one of the Par: { The young 'lady, Miss Madelon Carter, for a short visit, after being al Ot- Mes. J Barclay, Montreal, enter- ie s, at the. Ro al Military College, : tawa at the Noonan-Harty wedding. | tained informally at tea on Friday | OTP yi y 3 ty indisposed as to his arm. However ' I f some » had newspape 3 ws for gome time ad 1 paper A : \ rh | leabes' Thursday for Quebec on holi-'| all danger was obliterated by two of eng. and at last she has attained Mile. de St. Rony is staying, at aftetsoon J hes guest, Mrs. John | ] days. y . Q z a . gay i he BV, ). Mackie, o ingston. the party taking dinner at a side the honor of being welcomed as one of | present, with the Rev. ; C | and ny RV. Rr: and Miss Minnie Sulphur candles, sulphur torches | table. Those present were Miss Nora | ihe craft, - Mrs. Crisp, St. John's rectory, Ports- Rogers have been spending a few days | and Formaldehyde with sulphur can- Gordon, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss - - mouth. | > o Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Jessie - : : Mr. Clive Betts will be home from | in Montreal, en route from New York | dls, for yeiuiecting and fumigating. | Swith, Miss Phyllis Short. Miss Marie Mrs. John Walton will receive tos gui, "on Saturday, for Thanksgiv- | to Kingston. Sold Wi Kingston ai Gibsons, liad 0 : he i iy P ort. ay Hun a Higa and' also on Thursday of next in is y at ¥ > ew. Cross drug store. Phone 230. arruthers, Mr. Ag | ampbell, week, Jy With, Mrs. 2d. C. Farthing. ! § . 4 Miss Queenie| Miss Morison, sister of Profess 4. A Collingwood street resident was ABLISHED Mr. W.. Kingsford, Mr. H. Cobbitt, Jol M2 Walton who was Mrs, Cockrill and Miss Queenie Miss J son, § cof Professor". | to- day ordered by the police, to keep HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO EST. 1909 Mr.. P. 'Russell. and 'Mr. Van Lesslie ohuson stireet T a Mi e Baith Cockrill, who spent some time in L. Morison, of Queen's University, ar- dour ied Th I 1 . is before . her' marriage Miss . Eaith Kinpston, are now at Brighton Beach, | rived, to-day. from Scotland. She his doy up. © animal recently On Yalloweren. quaint mediaeval. | S¥eatman, daughter of the Arcly England. ® ' | will reside with: her brother on Mon | attacked Wolan on the Steeet. B. E. WALKER, President Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 looking: 'group ' might have been seen bishop=of "Peronto, is one © e wow ow treal street, for the winter. arly last evening, a drunken man ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager Reserve Fund, 0 5,000,000 hw ; ides i 3 a : . fr Fr > in © | cause listurbance k fin going from door to door, ono a tall, DRdes dn town. Miss Adine Faulkner, who did not| Mr. W. O. Walker, lecturer in chemis- goused a distu of a home _-- slim Witch in a red cloak and sugar AG -' Ww i leave town when she intended, being 0 hg Hieen's, has Brought back: a f pearance of a couple of police Sp -- loaf hat, a wee fairy in yellow, and After the cross-country run at the persuaded to remain longer, left for [bride to help him tarough the irk . i i others garbed in Robin Hood vesture. Royal™Miitary College on Saturday. | the west to-day. { someness of the college term, and stables wus the means of bringing im | Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England And fortunate were the people who | there was tea in the mess-room, when Miss Gina Fairlie, Brock street, left, | they have taken Mrs. 3. Crawiord's | For fumigating your house sulphur opened: their doors to admit the merry | Mrs. E. T. Taylor received those who | (, for Toronto. house on Alfred street. { Torches, nL with s bk > company, for once within the members | had gone aver, : There were about | Miss Jean Fraser, of Toronto, will Mrs. Cornelius Hermingham. Barrie Heer Poona deny wil su P hur SAY JINGS BANK DEPARTMENT acted a little play, their sweet, well- | twenty gine from town. After tea | spend Thanksgiving with Mrs. John | street, has been in New York for the | | pe: an fs as Sas Sun . ! mptu dance airlie stree 3 st week. 3 . 3ib- . : : modulated voices making their recita- there was &n impromptu dane Fairlie, Broek street, and Mr. past we | son's Red Cross drug store. Phone Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current tion of their lines doubly pleasant eo up We Fairlie will also' be here; from Ot- Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, Jr. 290 . : : Indeed those who met the maskers oa Mr. J.D. Craig has returned to |tawa, for the holiday. | are expected home at the end of the | = At ithe regular niceting of LOL. rates, and is paid four times a year. Accounts may be opened the street were struck by the silvery Ottawa and his wife went down to "we - week. At y L.0.1 : Reis pad : n tones as they spoke to one another. the capital on Saturday to join him Mrs. George Mackenzie and her! -loa ae Na, 316 held : uesday night, routine in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be And ow who were they. ? Well, that | Both Mr. and Mrs. Craig will be here | hah," Margaret, came up yesterday,| The engagement is announced of : [business was disposed of and most | made by any vne of the number or by the survivor, m is for you to guess y from Ottawa this week, to spend | t froin Ottawa. aud have gone into Miss Mary Wynifred Rankin, daugh- favorable reports were received . con- : . - Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. W. | Mrs: James Bennett's house on Clergy | ter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Colin Rankin, of | cerning the arrangements for the con | KINGSTON BRANCH ; rr ; G. Craig, West street. street. Mr. Mackenzie will be here in | jecert and assembly to be held on | ' Mrs. Henry Merrick, Bagot street, '4 nd r i ve i a thi o er resterday, yo - -- ; Bb some of Mim Margery friends, | Mrs; Morhert Tandy. the bride. will The girls brought their work, having receive with * Mrs A. R. B. William- an eye on Christmas. Those present on and Mrs. William Tandy, to- 2 fave Thursday night. | oT: Carson, Brogk:strodt, is] | Playfair, Martens & Co. | BR vil CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS. | | } { { | | going down to Ottawa, the end of | Members Toronte Stock Exchange i Lord Milner, who has been touring | | P. C.ATEVENSON, Manager. this week or the beginning of next. | Canadian Northern Ry. Bldg., Toronto, Cancda | Canada, for some weeks, in the Cil- | e-- k : ; si SOW 255 Brock street. She will be Miss Bessie Dowsley's | yacity of an empire student, is sail were Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Elsie | mowow, at 255 Diu : pi attention given I F , i Peas Miss Letiore Hamilton, Miss ys _p- | bridesmaid. Spevinl gen. ing on his return to England, on Murdered by an unknown man was | making an arrest and that Yenlousy Mildred Cooke, Miss Mildred Jones, s. Lindsay Malcolm will receive Mr. Harvey Harvey is in town. | Thursday, and expresses himself high- the verdict rendered by the coroner's | will be alleged for the crime. Miss Jessie Smith Miss Gwendoline on Friday, November 6th, at her It is thought that Mrs. Beard and ly gratified with the result 'of his visit jury, Montreal, to- day, in the case of | Servia, following a meeting of the Hall Miss. Christine Cochrane, Miss Ia ., 333 Farl street, and aiter- | Miss Carrie Beagd, with Master and the reception accorded him in Harold Patterson, the Longueuil boy, 'cabinet, announces that she does not rene Swift, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss wards on the first and second Fridays James St. Remy, have sailed from Canada. who was shot down a few weeks ago {intend to go to war or to provoke Phyllis Short, Miss Vera Carson and | of .the month, Italy for Kingston. We have just Tok pew map of the Co- A cabinet meeting will be held at on Sunday while out shooting with a | Austria, but has, on the contrary, Miss Hilda Kent. f - - w» ue bait Mining Distriet. giving om Sabie: | { | the residence of the premier, this after. companion named West. Althou, th an 'repressed anti-Austrian demonstrations - The dminton season opens, to Miss Tessie Amos, Cardinal, re- isation, acreage. shipmenis and dividends. noon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is recover open. verdict was rendered, it is he- | and done her best to protect Austrian 5 os + Gad opies mailed to anvialddress on receipt of Miss Mary Hora, King street, gave day, at the armouries, and play wili | twmed home to-day, after visiting |g poonths maLed anes for $1 60. | ing from his attack of lumbago. i lieved the police are on the point of interests. Fa he a, Ame Sb - Owing to the exceedingly warm weather throughout September and October we find our stock of Ready-to-Wear Garments altogether too large. In order to clear them out we now offer onr magnificent stock of New Fall Coats at !3 Off Regular Prices 13 Off Winter Fur-Lined Coats There are over 1,000 different Coats in our show rooms, comprising the grandest and most fashionab!e designs from Paris and New York. Regular $7.50 Coats Now $5.00 Regular $17.50 Coats Now $11.67 Regular 10.00 Coats Now 6.67 Regular 20.00 Coats Now 13.34 Regular 12.50 Coats Now 8.34 | Regular 25.00 Coats Now 16.84 Regular 15.00 Coats Now 10.00 : $40.00 Coats for 26.67 $30 Coats for 20.00 $50.00 'Coats for 33.34 Our regular selling price is marked in plaia figures on each garment from which we now take Exactly One-Third Special Reductions on Fall and Winter Skirts. Extra Values in Winter Underwear. White Muslin ard Flannelette Underwear at Reduced Prices. These goods will be on sale at our two establishments. R WALDRON, 168 Princess Street 'Brock and Wellington ) treats