THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THUR SDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1908. Canada's Grealest Success in Hand-Tailored Garments Fit-Reform has won its big success under the most direct comparison with [oiiens made by the eading merchant tailors. Men, who wanted the best garments that could be made, tried both, and are now wearing Fit-Reform Suits and Overcoats exclusively. Any man, who wishes the greatest possible value for his money, should make the same comparison. 82 - JitFelorm CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kingston. amma DZ J.Collis Browne's - HE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. T The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remedy for CouGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Te tualiy cals rt all attacks of SPASMS. Checks and arrests those too often fatal diseases--~FEVER, CROUP and AGUE. paliiat ve in NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. duated according to the malady. creates a calm refreshing sleep all other remedies fail; leaves cr medicine can be tolerated. wid pain of the ner od can be ken in drops. ¢ whatever Ri us system taken when no "hloradyno is a lig CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemists "Prices in England: UK, 2/9, 4/6 HAVING CLLI3 BROWNE'S Th: immense success of this Remads has given rise to many imitatioas, N.3.~ Every bottle of 3a Sole Manufacturers: J. T. DAVENPORT Lid LONDON, S.E. Wholesale Agents, Lyman Bros 4 Co. Limited, Toronto. rer 2000000000000 000000000 OOOO O0A oO 000000000000 | «COAL. OIL." We carry in stock three grades of Ameri- can Oil, tho best ol ther respective kinds manufactured. "Brilliant Safety," 'Pratt's Astral" and "Family Favorite." 2 Try our "Brilliant Safety' and you will r 3 use no other. ¢ 0 2 Q Q Delivered to any part of the city. Telephone 35. 77 PRINCESS ELLIOTT BROS., "2 0 O00 0000000000000 00L000 3 Q 2 g O@000000000 000 00DDDINODDONDDOO ON OOO OOOO OOVOOOO0OO0O00LC | | counts of D | with THEENEWS OF WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. nn, Matters That Interest Everybody --~Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. Prince Edward Island elections are to take place fifteen days hence. China has granted the Delai Lama a salary and ordered him to return home. New Brunswick is to consider the question of provincial prohibition at the next session of the legislature. The historic old Agnes street Meth- odist church, Toronto, has been sold for a Jewish synagogue for $21,000. The conference of cotton workers, at Manchester, ended without a set-| tlement of great strike being reached. | Oslow Allen was killed in a Ken- tucky feud incited by eight barrels of election whiskey shipped into Compan Junction, The Ontario Women's Christian Tem- | perance Union meeting, at Barrie, passed a strong resolution in favor | of woman suffrage. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson is declared - to have declined the presi- dency of Colorado Agricultural Col- lege at Fort Collins, Daniel Carter, a Guelph township farmer, was struck on the head while driving through an archway and partially paralyzed. The Prince of Wales has sent a dona- tion of $250 to Aberdeen Infirmary in | recognition of the treatment of ~ his servant, the late Finlay Cameron. It is expected that five ~difierent German parties will demand that the power of the emperor be limited somewhat after the British fashion. Practically complete returns indi- cate that Taft will have three hun- dred and nine votes in the electoral college to Bryan's one hundred and seventy-four. Return of traflic earnings of the Ca- nadian Pacific railway company from October 21st to 3lst are: 1908, $2, 446,000; 1907, $2,494,000; decrease S4K,000 I'he Grand Trunk Railway System's traffic earnings from Oct. 22nd to Oct. 3lst compare : 1997, $1,367, 883; 1908, ¥1,294,962; decrease, 372, Oo, It is expected that through trains will be running from St. Paul to Vancouver over the Victoria, Vancou- ver & Pastern railroad before the end of 1909. R. FE. Noble, working out a sen- tence of ten days on the rock pile at Spokane, Wash., will be sent to Ot- tawa, Ont., where is wanted for for- gery. A Pittsburg man travelled this week n a railway ticket issued thirty-nine vears ago. The conductor hesitated at first and telegraphed for instructions, hut was ordered to honor it. I'he Farmers' Bank management, ronto, have discovered a shortage $12,000 to 817,000 in the ac- Cameron McCallum, the teller, who admits having speculated the money. : Persian nationalists exiled in Paris are appealing to the powers to allow the Persian parliament to work out its own salvation, and not to lend the country any .money, as it would only be squandered on the passions and pleasures of the court is To of from a EE ---- ~ - . ------ & S6IViG a 4 pS Aways Prompt +44 doe i Quality Always a BREAD (Whose but Toye's ?) rb bbb rd * "Phone 467 + ; NE RE han 302 King or 195 Ontario St. Fert E tt Soe HOGI CICS HIG ICKISICISISITISIORIOR Florida Grape Fruit, Sweet Mexican Oranges, Seedless Lemons, Malaga Grapes. A.J.REES, 166 Princess St : Phone 58. ENCHCIAIRICRNIORACRI 4¥ | HHA + HAAN AAHHC HOH AAAS oH [3 HAH HA HEHE AES Em ow * Bd | bank, | the clerks was wounded in the | | Mrs. | Spokane, { beautiful | | Clerks in the Eastern Townships at Marieville, had a live lv fight with robbers, whom they sur- prised at work on the bank. One of head, but they drove the desperadoes away May Arkwright Hutton, wife of a millionaire mining will pick ten girls in the of ington to canvass the city after national the interest Que. , operator the most Wash the of of state election in equal suffrage Doss Your Heart Futter? Short Breath. Easily Fatigued Rush of Blood. I's mn this contin that sudden and unexpected death comes. index of and a strong The hea is an unfailing strength Bodily heart go hand- in hand. \ slight fluttering and shortness of breath is strength, arising from weakened digestive pow nervous rt vigor a sign of failing r, or from weakness of the svstem I'he organic and tions of the heart themselves until the climax ed, when death usually supervenes Even a small variation in strength renders the heart susceptible on the emotional side, and a little fright, anxiety haste will set it going at a frightful rate. You ought to know that when your heart flutters easily, when your breath comes in gasps, when you tire quickly upon exertion, and rest does not recuperate, you have allowed yourself to run down. It is under these conditions Ferrozone acts like magic its strength-giving power. of thousands of Canadians can testify to the marvelous curative power Ferrozone When it's remembered that Ferro- zone has the power of making rich, red blood, of giving tone to the sys- tem, of vitalizing all the functional powers of the body, it will be easily seen in cases such as yours, in which these fluttering sensations are pre- sent, Ferrozone will speedily restore vou to heaith. Ferrozone makes you strong because it enables you to digest your food, because it makes rich, red blood-- hecause it tones, strengthens, rein- forces the whole system. "I was 80 overcome with heart flut tering and - acute indigestion 1 could scarcely walk upstairs withoat pant- ing and catching for my breath," writes EE. K. Young, a well-known merchant in Augusta. 'After box of Ferrozone 1 improved, and after two months 1 was cured and am sound and healthy as ever to-day The best prooi of Ferrozope's merit is the enormous good it will do you in try it, Ble per dangerous afiec seldom manifest is reach or that in Tens ot using one VvOur own: ease; hox, or six boxes dor $2.50 at all dealers. ' a brief biographical sketch of Gilbert ! White, saying : , Seiborne, Hampshire county, England, except when at school and at Oxford. of Selborne, from 1755 till his death in 1793. we know him chiefly through Selborne," letters to Thomas Pennant, who was the "British works, and who is commemorated our Canadian fauna by the name the fisher, one guage is morning," 1 > passages illustrating his quaint style. | Virgil and other | flight of birds and remarked that this in i ~ i posed. NATURALISTS' CLUB Of Queen's Hears An Address By A. B. Klugh. At the meeting of the Queen's Uni- versity Naturahsts' Club, which was held on Tuesday evening, ten new members were elected, and action was taken to got in touch with natura- list clubs, if such exist, at McGill and 'Varsity. The address of the evening was de- livered by the president, A. B. Klugh, on 'One of Our Earliest Naturalists-- Gilbert White." The speaker first gave that he was born at in 1730, and lived all hie life there He was a curate in the neighborhood his book "The Natural History of which was published in 1789, amd which consisted largely of author of "Arctic Zoology," Zoology" and many other in of of the weasel family, pennanti."" White's lan- to our ears quaint, with him "a fine morning" was "a delicate and the speaker read some "Mustela lis book abounds in quotations from Latin poets, from Greek authors and from the 'Serip- tures, thereby differing greatly from modern writers on natura! history. Many of his descriptions were very appropriate as his reference to the golden-crowned kinglet as "that sha- dow of a bird" and to its note being "as minute ag its person.' The speaker read a passage on the well as many other passages show- remarkably keen as ed White to be a observer, White wns never dogmatic, but adhered to his idea which is the same held by all good naturalists that candour and openness are the very life of natural history. Mr. Klugh remarked that Gilbert White was a type of the old general naturalist--he studied birds, mam- mals, insects, fishes, reptiles, amphi- hians, plants, rocks. and meteoroloyy. This was possible in White's day when | natural science was not far advanced, | and when a man could soon become | | | conversant with all the books upon the subject, but was quite impossible, to-day, when to accomplish anything a man must spotialize and that not only in one subject, as for instance, botany, but in onc braneh of that subject, as plant - physiology, or plant anatomy, or systematic botany. That White was not a mere recorder, but a philosophical naturalist was shown by several passages particular ly one in which he:.gave reasons why the domestic pigéon must have heen descended from* $he rock pigeon, and this was exactlypithe same conclusion to which Darwinieame after thorough- ly investigating *"this subject. The speaker said that the older natural ists were generally thought to believe | that animals were guided entirely hy instinet, and had no reasoning power, but White, while he laid great stress on instinct held that animals reason- od. The speaker took up many of White's views on various other topics and compared. them with the views held to-day, and in each case-showed that they were fm the main point the same. : The next meeting of the elub will be held in the honour botanical library, old arts building, on November 17th, at 8 p.m. and the club desires its friends in the city to feel that they welcomed at this and all its will be meetings Blouse Of Black Net And Satin. | The drawing shows a blouse deign- ed for wear with a black tailored cos- tume. Square mesh black silk net was | the blouse being made over a lining of black mousseline--which was | in turn-over a thin lining of white | silk mull. The net was tucked across the front, and was trimmed with bands of black satin and "lacings" of nar- row bias folds of black satin liberty. used, Where Wade's Ointment Differs. This is a combination of healing re- medies that cures everything that or- dinary ointments can and many skin | troubles that few remedies can reach, | such as the parasitic skin diseases like salt rheum, dandruff, ete | Wade's Ointment heals everything and cures eczema, salt rheum, scald | head, cold sores, chapped hands, erysi- | pelas, piles, ete, In big boxes, 25¢., at Wade's drug stere. commission has that people, in future, who want] crossings, need not have land on | both sides of the railway property and need not use the crossing for farm purposes. These two conditions were contained in the old section hut the new section sweeps these ob- structions away. Harsh, purgative remedies are fast giving way to the gentle action and mild effects of Carter's Little Liver, Pills. If you try them, they will cer- tainly please you. Toronto preshytery authorized the removal of St. Mark's church to the corner of Queen street and Bellwoods avenue, Toronto. The basis of an agreement under which the Toronto golf link grounds may be annexed to the city is pro- decided | Railway BESSISISIISICISIIOICOISICIGEIINGE The the most son for street w vice. smart. Perforated or Choice Russia Calf Blucher style, all sizes. 2 how much comfort you'll wave top, or Napoleon. it in different heights---all very plain toes and vamps.$| leathers. $3, $4 and $5 Provide yourself with a pair of Winter Tans, Madam. and you'll bo surprised when you learn ~ Women's - Tan Boots New: Tan Boot will be popular boot of the sea-- the modern woman's 'ear or stormy day ser- The correct model is the We have Button, Lace or eet out of them. J. H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. S #0 3 5 [500000000.0000000000000) DIO 0000000 = % 2 v ve sylvania Oil, nothing arrived. 8) 2.8K 2) THE HOME. OF HCGIICIICICISISICISICICIIISIBICISICKANCK 2 f COAL OIL! Another car of that wonderfully fine Penn- If you want the best Coal Oil TRY GOOD SHOES. SIHIISIICISIINIS PRY aE. batter made, has just IT. PRATT SE Delivered in any quantity to any part of the eity. McKelvey & B 69 AND 71 BR i ames Reid, T he Leading Undertaker.' Birch OCK STREET. Anyone who ever sleeps on a' "Gold Medal Felt Mat- tress" is sure to speak about | it to others. They have a reputation all over Canadas as the cleanest and most comfortable of mattresses, and these together : Hercules Bed Springs Gold Medal Felt Mattresser make a combination fit for a king. Youmay pay more fo something inferior, but foi all-round comfort and satis faction, we guarantee thes: makes to be "Second to None." Phone 14% TED FOR PURITY, BRILLIANCY AN ; UNIFORMITY ga ARS ; FOR SALE BY ov J. S. HENDERSON. They' Are Winners SELL AT SIGHT See Our Window Display The best values ever offered in the city. of Brushed Brass Beds--The Newest Ranging from $20 to $75 Dressers and Washstands to match, in Mahogany and Oak, from $25 to $150, solid Mahogany ; also in Turned Oak, Mis- sion design. Solid Mahogany. Chiflioniers from $12 to $75, Oak and ROBT. J. REID, 230 Princess St. 'Telephone 577 pa Samant. re ---- enmsemmms SOLDER Try our Strictly BAR SOLDER Coast to Coast. it has the largest sales from 31 WILLIAM ST. Canada Metal Co.. Ltd., TORONTO ONT. . | Men's Box Kip Blucher Bool. Solid insole. Good counter. for $2.00 H. JENNINGS, ~~ Look! 'Would Any of These Suit You? 1-~New Brick Dwelling, 9 B & C. and tio" ova Slane and drive-house, lot, L600. | 2--First<class Nearly New Frame Dwel- |ling, 4 bedrooms, B. & C. $1,850. | _8--New Frame Dwell 4 bedrooms, B. & C., large lot, $1,850. | 4--Good Stone Dwelling in excellent repair, stable, garden and orchard of the | choicest varieties of fruit, $1,650 | B--Stome Dwelling, stable and one acre | of good garden land, $1, | i T. J. Lockhart, | 159 Wellington Street. MONUMENTS | Imepect our stock and work before placing your order, | INSCRIPTION WORK | SOLICITED. The Kingston Granite and Marble Works WELCH"S OLD STAND. Cor Princess and Clergy Sta. Go Only to the Well Trained Our Hig~drads Courses never fail to bring success to our gradu- ates. Day and Evening Classes, and Moderate Rates. FRONTENAC BUSINESS COLLEGE * Clergy street, Kingston. 'Phone 680. N. STOCKDALE, Principal. Increase Your Efficiency Kingston Busivess College, Limited, Head of Queen Street. Canada's Leading Business School Day and Evening Classes. | Shorthand, Typewriting, Books | keeping, Telegraphy. Special ine dividual instruction for pupils { deficient in English branches. Rates moderate. Enter at amy H. F. - time. Phone, 440, 00000G CALFE, Principal. L. LESSES, 507 Princess St., Cor. Chatham St. Invites all old customers and the public in general to inspect his large stock dew and second-hand goods in HIS NEW STORE Special Antique Furniture and Furni- ture of all kinds ; also a large range of New and Second-Hand Stoves. All Kinds of Goods Bought and Sold or Exchanged. NEW MACHINE SHOP. A call is invited for all kinds of general manufacturing and machine repairing. Special work such as machine sharpening lawn mowers (we have the only machine in the city for his e)--~repairing sewing mac ind males guns, phonographs, scales, razors, tools, dies; brazing, model and pattern ing. Best of attention given all work. Re Rh Tel dei pron ork guarant et; pte ly attended to. Charges erate. y or J. W. HUNTER, Machinist, 30 Montreal St., (near Princess) Kingston. Orders taken at Simmons Bros. and A. Vanluven's Parcel Delivery. "HONEY! Now Caan Cla In Comb A. CLOVER, Cor. Bagot & Ea THE FRONTENAC | LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard C h M issued on Cit a Cartwrieh Eb Debens Deposits L oney , perties, Municipal an County tures. Mo es purchased. received and interest allowed. S. C. McGill, Ma Director. 87 Clarence street. A HINT TO SHAVERS Ruel Butety Rags FOR 25 CENTS. Gel ons and try is i-- A. STRACHAN. : : | Good wide back strap down to . | heel. : x 5 TRG SIENA LR RSE SE sm se ve a wl EE