YEAR 76-NO. 262. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, "FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ., UST DECIDE Independence of Canada Is to Be Issue. o0 SAYS MILNER IN. BIS LAST » SPEECH IN MONTREAL. The Question Will Rest With Can- adians Themselves--It Will Be a Big Issue--There Will Be No Compulsion--Each Colony Must Say Whether it Can Gov- ern Alone. Montreal, Que., Nov. 6.--Lord Milner made the last speech he will make in Canada during his present stay in the dominion to the members of the Cana- dian Club at the Sailors' Institute. It was, 'as he himself said, a resume of his (message, an appeal to imperialism of /the higher type. He said, in part: "There is one remark 1 have often heard from Canadians, not from Eng- lishmen, and that is that the public life in Canada is unattractive because there are no big issues. SThat seems to me to be an extraordinary point of view. No big issues ! 'The next years are going to deter- mine whether Canada will remain a part of the British empire. The de cision of that question rests with Canadians alone. No external ¢om- pulsion gould be, certainly mome ever would be exercised to influegme it. 1t redta with them alone~the decision of that question, and with that question perhaps the decision uf the fate of the empire as a whole. Even in its badly organized condition, the empire was the greatest palitical entity in the world; properly organized, it would be the greatest power. : "It lies," his lordship added, "with all parts of the empire, and especially with the people of the younger domin jons, to decide whether it shall be ca pable ol' discharging its great mission in the world.' Another Keng Sleep. Lowell, Mass., Nov. 6.--Miss Louisa Pietta, who has ne various times as tonished physicians by her long slum- bers, is again asleep. She has not beh awake for five days. Her last from June 3th to June ek Reva other Aton she has slept from one is three weeks without wakening. Physicians are at a loss to explain the cause of the peculiar malady. Dean Reeve Resigns. Toronto, Nov. 6.--Dr. R. A. Reeve has resigned the position of dean of the medical faculty of Toronto Uni versity. He has held the office for twelve years, and' it calls for too much time and money on his part, say his friends. Dr. Charles K Clarke, superintendent of the Toron to Asylum, wi will probably succeed him When And How Will It Come. opportunity to-night to hea: A. C. Gaebelein, of New York, ir Bethel Congregational church. Col lectiop towards expenses. Last ------ Before Going Away. For the holiday, invest in one Campbell Bros' new hats. They all the leading makes of have { in Europe in m------ WILL ARBITRATE on Basis That Both Countries Regret Episode. ae Nov. 6.--The intimation is made that France and Germany are | both prepared to declare it regret- table that their accredited agents should be subject to violence in neu- tral territory. France says she regrets that her soldiers should have attacked a German consular agent, and Ger many exufesses regret that her agent | should have exch his powers. On regoing basis both powers agree te arhitate all questions of fact and «aw arising from the seizure of the deserters from the foreign legation at Casablanca. The dispute arose from the arrest on September 25th, of six soldiers of the French foreign legion, in the act of desertion. Two of the men were German subjects, and an agent of the German consul, at Tan- gier, was conveying the party on board a German vessel, when the party was seized by Gen. D"Amade, the French commander. Are Disgusted. London, Nov. 6.--Disgust and exas- peration are the oniy terms with which to describe the universal feling regard to Germany's course in the Casablanca incident. She has played Bismarck's old game of creating a foreign crisis to distract attention from her domestic embar rassment. The device was so palpable as 10 be an insult to German public intelligence. Tt has been suddenly abandoned, doubtless, because it was wident the country refused to be de seived by so puerile a manoeuvre. The German government also had sense snough to perceive it was maling it- self ridiculous in the eyes of the out- side world in attempting to raise a trifling incident into a casus belli. The flurry of the past three days is but another evidence of the feverish spirit which prevails in European in ternational councils. It this ab- sence of calm when great issues are at stake which makes the world ap- »rehensive is Dead On Friend's Grave. Watertown, N.Y., Nov. 4.--Stretched cold in death upon a grave in the North Watertown cemetery, Warren {entfield, aged fifty years, a Brown ville papermaker, was found. Friends of the dead man say that he probably ttarted to walk home and becoming exhausted, lay down and died from exposure. Kentfield went to the ceme- tery and plated a vase of flowers up- on a friend's grave. He talked with Superintendent Phelps and said that some day he would be found dead in -he sume place Mexican Rebels To Be Shot. Mexico City, Nov. 6.--Joseph E. Lugo and Lorenso Robledo, the men vho led the band of revolutionists in their attack upon the town of Viesca, itate of Coahulla, some months ago, ave been sentenced to be shot I'welve of their followers have each wen sentenced to fifteen years impri- sonment and thirty others to lighter sentences Died In Hamilton Jail. Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 6.--John At kins, arrested for insanity, died in the jail, after eating his breakfast. Atkins was born in Kingston about fifty years ago and for years played a cornet i: a Toronto band PEAT BEDS IN WEST MR. MACOUN | WILL HAVE SAMPLES TESTED. Fresh Oysters Direct From Coast. & Jenkin. Phone 775. Water rates in Winnipeg will be re duced twenty-five per cent., it is an nounced. Sweet 'id Edwards oranges. FKdwards & Jenkin DAILY MEMORANDA, A New Hat For the holiday, Civic Finance Committee, 2.80 p.m, Saturday a College Grand Qpura House ' The Wolf C. Gaebeléin, Bethel Church, to-sight Auction Sale of Brows Murray, 11 a.m., Saturday Special Sale Ooats and Suits, at Wal dron"s two Stores, one-third off regular prices, For finest Furs The place to 1s the Famous Of George Mills & at Campbell Bros'. 8 pm 1tughy Queen's { ve aw Matinee, Saturday, Hear A. 2.30 pm New York by Mare, go Fur Store Co Nov. 6th, In Canadian History. 1887--The first armed collision of the rebellion took place in the streets of Montreal. 1838--The insurgents at Napierville, under Nelson, wers routed with great loss. 1841 ~The Most Reverend Thomas Duhamel, first Roman archbishop of Ottawa, was born Province of Quebec. 1860--0il was struck at Petrolia 1901--~The Canadian Manufacturers Association met at Montreal Joseph Catholic in the For Thanksgiving We are showing some very quaint sets of 13-piece in odd shapes, OLD BLUE AND DERBY WILLOW PATTERNS. Robertson Bros, very { be | by | raw | labotatory | wit! be distributed as widely "the firearm and Expert of the Geological Survey Thinks They May Help tc Solve the Fuel Problem-- Country Between Edmonton and Pas Explored Winnipeg, Nov. 6.--That peat in large 'quantities will eventually used as fuel in western Canada, as as in the parts of the jorainion, was the opinion expressed J. A. Macoun, expert of the geo logical survey. Mr. Macoun has just returnea with his assistant, A. Sim merman, from: a trip over the line of the Canadian Northern from Edmon- ton to the Pas. In the course of this trip a number of great peat beds were carefully examined, and samples material secured. These sampies be scientifically 'examined in the at Ottawa, where all the facilities for testing have'been provid: ed'by the government. Information as pls sible, with the expectation that pri- vate capitalists will develop a supply of this fuel well eastern of will Shot, Wife In The Knee. Thomas, Nov. 6. --Fugene So- per, of Vienna village has been sent for trial on a charge of firing a shot: gun at his wife and brother-in-law Soper quarrelled with his wife, and her brother, J. H. Berdan, interfer- red, thrashing Soper, who picked up shot at them. Mrs. Soper was struck in the knee by the shot hol Is There To Be Millenium ? [ast address of A. C. Gaebelein lethel Congregational church evening. Collection towards at expenses At Amsterdam the cutting Cullinan diamond, which fifty thousand dollars is com plete. The stone has béen divided into seven parts, exclusive of the big one, will go by the name of Culli- The six small stones with the large one as a pendant are being made into a necklace. which will presented to the king and Queen Alex- andra With dred able of the now which nan three has non-tax an assessment of millions Montreal property valued at sixty-three millions, which over twenty cent. of the total assessment. ! Bibby's $1 wnderwear for comfort, 1s per this | | work cost | be | hun- A SUDDEN - 'Came to William M., Sex smith, h, Selby. HUNTING le. And Died at Marlbank While on His Way Home--F. S. Lapum | Married in St. Louis and Now in Napanee--An Operation in Montreal. Napanee, Nov. 6.--Frederick 8. La pum and bride arrived, yesterday. "Fred." was married io St. Louis, Mo., on November 2nd, to Miss Alice Bohan. They will remain in town about a week, renewing mcqueintances. "Fred's" many friends will cxtend heartiest congratulations. They will make their home in Mexico City, where the groom has a prosperbus business The remains of the late Maurice As selstine, killed in an elevator accident at Minneapolis, on Monday last, rived, 'yesterday. The funeral will held at Hawley, to-day Another sudden death was that Willidm M. Sexsmith, of Selby, which occurred, Wednesday, at Marlbank Deceased, with Leslie and Egerton Peters, went north Lingham Flats, near Madoc. to hl Then Mr. Sex smith was taken ill and after day or two stay in the north, they ed for home and got as far bank and consulted Dr. Burrows, who pronounced the trouble pneumonia. Deceased only lived a couple of hours. He was aged fifty-seven years and leaves a wile and two children, a son and a daughter, both arown up. The funeral takes place this afternoon. Frederick Laplante, at one time an employee of Boyle & Son, died, yes terday, at Bimcoe, Ont., of inflamma tion. J. J. Minchinton is still in Kingston hospital, and not making very rapid recoverv. He is afflictea with a nervous trouble The Napanee band serenaded F. Lapum and bride at the residence of his father, John street, last night. "Fred received a right royal wel come back alter three years spent in Mexico City, Stephen Gibson went to Montreal, Sunday, where he underwent an oper- ation for an internal trouble. The operation has been successiully per- formed and Mr. Gibson is as well as could be expected. Mrs. Hamilton Armstrong, of Carman, Man., is visit- ing friends in and around Napanee. She leit this week to visit her sister near Montreal Mrs. A. W. Grange is visiting her mother in London. W. II. Barker, of the Merchants' BanR, left this week for Galt. Miss Rowse, Bath, visit ing her sister in Regina, Sask ar be of It a Marl Ss 18 IN GANANOQUE TOWN. A Lansdowne Hotel Deal Fallen Through. Gananoque, Nov. 6.--J. E say, manufacturer of marine engine has opened up business in his new | at the foot of Charles stree great improvement over his quarters, being up-to-date in detail I'he is obtained a large electric Fawkes day here but a 5th of Has 1 ind Ac It former every from Guy quietly attended the supper under the auspices downe lodge, L.O.L Gananoque Council, No al Templars of Temperance, annual rally night ing There a of a musical followed by The on horse out at Wednesday of their supply of oysters was produced Alired Rogers, Garden steeet, made arrangements to take Goodall House, in Lansdowne he was to as a boarding and temperance hotel, and to which he .sent some considerable amount of supplies, bréught them back to town yesterday, the deal with Mr. Goodail! having fallen through Freeman Moore, Garden street, purchased the Burridge probes the north side of Garden street and will take possession at once. Daniel Dargan, of Berrytown, has purchased a lot on the south side of Garden street east from Freeman Moore and expects to erect a new residence there in the near future. Neil McCarney, the Provincial hotel, who left here a week ago a deer hunt, was compelled, ness, to * abandon the sport after arriving in the big game try, and has returned home The following are spending time in town: Royal Lee, of North | Bay, with his father, John Tee, Brock street Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan, residents of this town some vears ago, and for several years past | in charge' of an hotel in Veet port have, with their family, bet and located on Charles treet The following ave visiting ol town: Miss Alice DeWitta, accom panied bv Mrs Jacob DeWitta, for the holiday season in Kingston. guests of Mrs. B. A. Shaw and Mrs. Frederick Reid Mrs. C. E. Britton, King street east, in Brockville, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Bediord-Jones, Mrs. Gordon Meggs, Garden street, with relatives in Lyud- hurst Miss spending Vv power motor. passed off very number from here November oyster of Lans 234, Roy held their last even programme tor service short and literar) refreshments local union of leatherworkers goods had a bit of a their ro King evening After the session a plenteou was chara "blow oms on treet close business ho the W over which ho use use hg as ol for by ill shortly coun some out has been past of has Pearl Latimer, who several months Vancouver, RB.C., the guest | sister, Mrs. W. Beattie, turned home, in 3 her HE WAS ATTACKED : WITH PNEUMONIA WHILE ovT| | back start: water all OWES ; LIFE TO WIFE. Woman Saved Husband From "Jaws of Death.' Detroit, Nov. 6.--"1f it hadn't been ! for the efforts 'of my wile to revive me] wouldn't be alive to-day to dis- | cuss how near F came to death." Such was the expression made Frank Parchem, Garfield 0 | Parchem, who was voting inspector of | the ninth ward, eighth resanet, was on his way home from the Aubin and Forest avenues, ed noon, when he féll to the sidewalk un- Semscious Two of his iriends happen- along soon after and earried him |to his home, where physicians | summoned. After working over Parchem for {some time, the tors ceased their |efforts to resuseitate him and pro | nounced him dead. For a time Mrs. Parchem did appear to comprehend [ words. Bowed down in her suffering, she wept for several minutes. Then as her mind cleared she stopped cry ling. 'It's | band die." The frantic kitchen and LATEST NEWS S Se | Dispatches From Near And Distant Places THE WORLDS 5 TIDINGS GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little of Everything Easily Read and Remembered. ryan, a not the doctor's Nv hus- | 2g&In him dency. I'he voleano of Villarica, in Valdivia the province, Southern Chili, is in violent eruption {ss drunken from her The Pp t will 'not the presi- his friends say, be candidate for not s0, * She cried, : my is not deadi 1 won't let woman rushed into retutiied witn a pail of cool water. This She dashed in the face of her uncogseious husband, re- her remedy, and rubbing his til he recovered con by a is dead Polson, man at injuries, Fort William branch of the G. to the main line will be ready for lic in two weeks. At Evansville, Ind., any clothing is scented with barred irom the public St. Thomas council will not lease the St. Thomas Packing company's | plant for & municipal abattoir. and then hurriedly departed .Thomas Morse was sentenced, at "1 was walking: home." «xnlained | Vancouver, to fourteen years for the Parchem later. "'whea I suddenly fell | attempted murder of Edith Lamonde. faint: and 'started 1Q walk up an alice Dr. Wilson, assistant super intendent That was all 1 ¢ab remember up of Toronto asylum, has been appoint- tbe time when I felt someone pouring ed superintendent of the Cobourg asy- over aie. Yes, I give my lum. 11 the eredit for my recovery.' Michael ¥ - . | of manslaughter fc killing run over Winnipeg, pealing hands and fave sciousness . ih "What's the matter? wet!" he exclaimed. When the man wip had been brought irom what Be terms were Ho death by av loving wile as | details of the affair, = lingered only for a lew ? Why, I'm all boy whose tobacco schools. Jaws of told the physicians he inute to Ponzi was found guilty at the Woodstock as- Constantine in In- | wile a | sizes, { gersoll. | The tug Gladstone and a large scow | broke from their moorings near Lion's | Head and were dashed to pieces on the rocks Norman Matheson, for twelve years | foreman of the Vancouver water | works, was drowned at the intake in | Capilano river During 'the deer-hunting season in Adirondacks, which has just clos ad, uot even one hunter was killed in] mistake for game. | Mrs. Delie Thibodeau suing. ir | Chatham, her father-in-law for $6,000 | damages for making alleged reflec tions on her character. Another dynamite accident is report. od on the National Transcontinental | | Fiiway in New Ontario, im which | { three men were killed. | A Philadelpaia man who inheritéc | $250 000 ten years ago, hus died pen- {le removed to New York af | the mone) A. T. Sowerby, of the Col | lege Street Baptist church, Toronto, has declined a call to the First Bap | tist church at Woodstock THEODORE ROOSEVELT, JR At Brandon, Man., Cyril Rodgerson, is | niless | ter getting Rev. Ik the as are of is now to post-graduate course Kirkland, Watértown, N.Y. decree of divorce from | who unceremoniously now living with he ty in London, Canada. le testing the range of a powerful field glasses on ao California Al. Watts, a saw a mining man Shoot fatally wound two oth- she secured a wife, Eliza him and is values | he his leit al AS Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., eldest son of ja seven-year-old boy, was ipstantly the President has buckled down tof killed by falling off a waggon, the y i 3 rut arpes ctory | a pe A ra | wheels passing over his head. tion to master every detail of the work.| Rev. Dr. W. W. Bellinger, rector of I'his photograph was taken on the day | Grace Episcopal churéh, in Utica he started in on his new duties I N.Y., has been extended a call to St Agnes' chapel in New York city. | Miss Alma Miles, aged eightéen, and | M LING CHANGES her lover, Earl Crandall, twc years older, were struck and Killed. A. | passenger traifi" at Lacona, Returning Officer Ingram, NX dos; | MILLIONS IN IN LAND ONCE has secured an injunction to prevent | WASTE BEACH. Magistrate James and the constable from seizing one of his ballot boxes. | Alexander McCready, a resident of Lambert Wardell, Nonogenarian| yj. riston, Ont., for hity years, anc Has Seen Wonderful Increases postmaster for forty-eight years, | in Values Near Long Branch, | passed away Wednesday, at ripe | NY ape of seventy-five. ~~ Sarah P. Morrison has entered the | New York, Nov. 6.--Amazing University Indiana at the age of | the changes in real estate prices which | seventy-five A member of the clas Lambert Wardell, ninety-three wears | of 1869, returning rake of has witnessed in New Y¢ wk, | a special they are almost equalled in many in- Richard stances by the augmented along New Jersey cqast Mr. Wardell, who has returned from one ol Sem md spoke ess snthly vest just visits of wastes whicl dollars country his to New Jersey, erday new and worth held at miilions of My little home in the aid he, at Shrewshury, from the great estate which was own the John A. MeCall, When I used t bare- | ing that the long stretch sand | vote if they and swamp and the sedge covered | National Woman's dunes which extended from North [tion are planning a monster Long Branch to Atlantic Highlands. |to ask him for it My. uncle Benjamin owned a narrow | Because the young strip three miles long, which was not objected to their: marriage. Chestér vorsiderad good for much and, well, | Johnston, Hamilton, fired: five shots there. wasn't any value placed om it. [into Miss "Rose Ouimeét's body © and I suppose it worth millions now, | then shot himself He is dead, but the although a mill ion is a good deal of | young woman is still living. money | The manager and managing editor "Part this region the right of and other editors of the Remucimien wav of the Central railroad of New {t6. the leading Filipino daily 'news Jersey and part of it has been filled {paper of Manila, were placed under in and the of residences of [arrest on charges viminal libel, wealthy men. The cows: were turned |preferrad hy Commiss + x Dean ( out there, that they might get a |Worcester, the Phili' ine commis tittle salt hay in Uncle Ben's day. | sion mee wild pair ot { hilltop in contractor, and probably are now is not far | ers Mr has often said he was will women should have the full wanted it, and now the Sufirage Associa petition wd by late 'Taft I toot was a boy wander over ot woman's parents of is is site of « i SO ol | made | turday { quitted for want of evidence but this | | here, | sided in Picton, REV. W, LOCAL OPTION BY-LAW. Disputing Over the Signatures of | a Petition. Picton, Nov. 5.~The town fathers | will not make a holiday of Thanks giving night, for last night. for the | second time, tliey put off passing the | local option by-law. When the petition came before the bi on on Monday of this week, E. oun barrister, on behalf of the | ed nor ntirests, To Sbisetad lo a6 alli 5 I as he sa) oul accuracied®in it. Rev. William Shearer with rom the same | romptly arpse to his feet. and fuer. o-day and Saturday lig t loca the remark that oye] petition had been in ne + | sleet or snow. did he a of po - hands or how thing about it. Young called for a retraction of the insult, but Mayor Clapp hastily closed what promised to (be a wordy warfare. I" Again last night, the council sat on the matter, having purposely adjourn- ed to look into the genuineness of the petition. Solicitor Wright reported that he had found less than 200 names {that corresponded to those on the voters' list, and 198 that did not cox {respond at all. More than that, he found signatures which had been tam- pered with; for instance, Wallace com- any had been, signed and someone ater to make it «dit the voters' list had inserted "D.' Mr. Young point- ed out very many such instances. The temperance people were present {in full force, and all those who had |ciroulatéd the petition were will- ing to make afhidavit that they had properly. obtained the signatures of | the voters of the town to the number of 429, whereas only 350 were needed by law "After a very late during which much was said that was quite out of order, Mavor Clapp adjourned the council till Monday to further look into the petition, and have affidavits by the circulators that the names that had been "tampered" with | were really corresponding to the per- | sons named in the voters' list. Police Magistrate Currie, Thursday afternoon, heard the case against Ar- néld Kearse, a licerised bartender, charged with giving Hquor to a "Yisted'* individual. E. MN. Young, | his lawyer, pleaded "guilty" to charge, and asked that leniency shown the offender as it was first case of the nature ever tried in| town. Crown prosecuting attor ney | did not press for the maximum fine, ($ 820, put asked that it be sufficient to teach a lesson. Kearse was fined | 13.10, which includes the costs, and | he paid forthwith rather than take a| month in jail Kearse gave the N-| quor, a glass and a bottle of - whis- key over "the 'Hotel Quinte bar, during | licensed "hours Don. J. Mcl.ennan, and popular soloist ium, isin Brockville, to-day, to stand trial on the charge of perjury in sonnestion With his voting there on Oct. 26th. Me was there last Sa- | for: thal but it. was a second | time adjourned until to-day. A Ga- nanoque despatch in the Whig on | | Monday night said he had been ac- | re session, Selling at & NECK RUCHINGS, NECK FRILLINGS, FANCY BELTS, FANCY BELTINGS, LEATHER BELTS, FLORAL RIBBONS, LACE COLLARS, FANCY STOCKS, ® MOTOR SCARFS, § FEATHER RUPES; DRESSING SACQUES, KNITTED JACKETS, ETC. Be Sure and See The great range of Novelty the 'well-known at the Theator- The charge arises of how Jong he Brockville. H. was not of a question been absent from Sherriff, manager of the Royal Hotel | where Mr. McLennan boards, has | gone down to the Island city to give evidence as to how. long he has re: which is | about a : months { WORKED 10 DEATH PENHALL LIVED | LIFE OF APOSTLE. {| Fell Over Unconscious--Drove 45 | Miles on Sunday and Preach- ed Thrice--Helped With Wash- ing on Mondays. I.ondon, Ont., Nov, stances of the death Penhall, the Methodist lied at his home on cuit, near Stratford, are unusual, have . caused no little comment in| church circles in weston Ontario. Mr. | DAVIS Penhall literally died in harness. vi Archovatan - Maemorine, : Ross While his life was slipping away at | M. Davis. only son of W. R. Dav two o'clock 'on Monday afternoon his of Murvale, Kingston Township quarterly board was waiting for him Margure ing Jd daughter at the other end of the circuit, and : Sa just as they dispersed the news of | = his death came Sunday Mr ing, afternoon, and evening, at his thrée appointments, driving completely around the, circuit, a dis tance of lorty-five 'miles. He 'adminis tered 'sacrament twice, and held quar- terly 'meeting three times. returning to his home about ten o'clock. Retir- ing $0 reét, he shept as peacefully as a child. Monday worning he wife with the washing, horse, drove three miles, and back, to ray with a sick parishioner, arriving ack home at noon. While his wife was preparing the mid-day meal, he went down cellar to fix the furnace, and fell 'dver unconscious just as he "Phone, hg La reachéd the bottom of the stairs. He died an hour later, without regaining SO out | has : Ww. | Striped Suitings we are off- ering. Special at 7 5c. per yard § oeriod of two 6.--The circum of Rev, William minister; who the Moncton cit BORN. and Williamsville, 1908, to Mr a son, LAMBERT In Nov. Oth, Mark Lambert, Kingeion and Mrs MARRIED. EVANS «In Kingston, en 19008, in St. James' Churci Nav oy DIED. Williamsville Nov. th, 1008, infant and Mrs Mark Lambert ELLIOTT --In Montreal, Ne Mrs. W. GG. Elliott Funeral from Jal. Reid's Undertaking Rooms, Saturday, 2.30 p.m. DOXNEI n Kingston, on Novy 5th Mary (Mapiie). eldest daug the late Felix Donnelley Funeral her uncle's residence, Francis E. Baker, Wolfe Island, on Saturday, at 820 am. to the Sacred Yisar Church for a solema requiem mass. Friends kindly at cept thik intimation Kingston, of Mr Penhall preached morn: | LAMBERT --In once cach, aon 5ih, 1908, HOR hter of from assisted his hitched up his ROBERT J. REID, Thé Leading Undertaker. 227 Princess street. "He had soma pretty fair farming | land back a little from the shore, | where he had his horse, and he con- | sidered that valuable enough. Still ne one could have had any idea that there would be such an increase. | do | believe that it ever to! The court af revision on Tuesday set any value on that | fiornoon made thess changes in as wast. As to Long Brash |, ight some land there pret- 18340. 1 had been sav then ana hought two an acre and after awhile ta get acres more to protect It whe on | ASSESSMENT CHANGES Revision. not occurred my stretch of tself, 1 bo ele to sessments Cataraqui Ward--W. J. Crothers re | duced to $1,200 and $1,000; Davis Dry Dock Co., $500 off land; Joseph Don ald<on reduced to $400; Light Heat & Power Uo. $20.000 off. John MWozier, dog tax struck' off; Isadora 0. OI | drieve, busintss tax struck off ; W. t a house for my | Rohinvon reduced to $700 and $1,800; It cast me $400, | Sillivan, $200 off lot; Richard st {1 : | Whittey, statute labor off: "XxX : off. carrying 600 pas- | Woodrow, dog tax to Tungan, aller Frontenac Ward--H. R Daf, redie- Wednesday fod to $200; Pl of th labor of ¢ c -- re | 3800; John King $150 off: J. C. Lan- | deryou fixed at $1,000: Edward Lo- hor off; William Ward ap. y Pp. anout np money a I was obliged the same price, access to the "hig land that I mothe > Six in order hay a my that father 2 ed « steam gers, from Amoy 2 . he | miles distant, sank evening. Two hundred gers were drowned. Chinese junks cuing the others R. L. Borden will make a short siay | shaw, statute la "in England before parliament opens dog tax of: A small on That Were Made By the Court of! Farrell, statute | W. Kellar reduced to | COFFEE Our own blend ei Java and Mocha Coffee still | retains its high place in the esteem eof all lovers of good Coffee. Guaranteed Pure. Price "40 cetits. Jas. Redden &. Gi. Taportets Of Fine Groceries. COFFEE COFFEE EVERYBODY COME. for next gould one, copschoutn . GOFFEE | The cause of death ix a mystery, | his heart wha not known to be weal GIVEN THREE MONTHS. Pleaded Guilty to Vigrancy. I'm guilty, your worship,' said | Cornalius Monaghan, when arraigned | in the police tourt, on a charge of ! vagrancy. He had nothing further to | say, apd the magistrate imposed a senterfoe of three "months in jail. The | seritente appeared io please Honag- hain, He was no doubt thinking that the three months would carry him over the worst part of the winter. , member of the "Indian" list was ¢l with having attempted to procurs liquor, but e evidence was | not strong enough for a conviction, i and the tors was dismissed. | t your Stoves | See Bibby's great $13 overcoats, | And pick ou.» but Oysters, "The Bed Star __ _. "8 Thome Charge of