WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1908. -- TEMPERANCE UNION. The Report of the Regular Meet- _ing of Thursday. The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held Thursday afternoon in the Y.W.CA. rooms and was fairly well attended. The president conducted devotional exercises, drawing some , helpful lessons from Christ's miraculous feeding of the five thousand. The minutes were read by the record- ing-secretary, followed by several im- portant items of business resulting there- from. The Mothers' meeti held once a fortnight in the Y.W.CA, are pro- gressing very faverably under the lead- ership of Mrs. James Gardiner and Mrs. Briden. Several interestitig discussions in re- gard to special work taken up by the Meili ry took up a past of the time, notably one of getting pledges signed. | Pledge cards had been distributed at a | previous meeting, ove lady succeeded in | getting five to sign. The provincial convention now being | held in Barrie came. in for its sharé™of THE DAILY BRITISH : ee NENS OF THE WORLD 1m | An extremely happy wedding was OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED celebrated on Wednesday last, at the i | house of d IN BRIEF FORM. | Montreal. Mrs. Alexander Horn, in! The contracting parties! 4 Operate | were her only daughter, Katie, and! Matters That Interest Everybody in the Capital--Sir Wiltrid | Carl Olaf Swanson, who has been for| © motes From All Over--Little Laurier W i4 | SOme years associated with the firm i - in a Not Likely Bit} George, Yale & Sons, of Water. of Everything Easily Read v ville, Que: . The young people ve | and Remembered. Ottawa, Nov. 6.--The Ottawa police beep on terms of great friendship Joseph Mickus, Waterloo, dropped 'Made a clever capture, yesterday ao] | dead in Berlin. Father J. P. BICKELL & CO. Members of Chicago Board of Trade LAWLOR BUILDING, - TORONTO. Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. MEMBERS OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. AND ALL THE LEADING EXCHANGES. CONTINUOUS =COBAL T= QUOTATIONS ~-- «RATES OF COMMISSION Shares selling under 10c. per share, je. Shares selling at 10c. and under 50c., do. Shares selling at 50c. and under $i, le. Shares selling at $1 and under $2, 2e. EEE ---- p-- -- - pr a -- - EE ---- . MARRIED IN MONTREAL. HURGLIS GID ¢ bg i @ ww ne . A Former Kingston Lady Be- + BROCKVILLE. The Men Intended to pradtically from childhood and have tetnoon, when they landed the two | each had ample, time to learn to ap-| S'S (Canadian, inward. at guilty of the burglaries in | Preciate the many sterling qualities of | Point, from Liverpool. ockville, and doubtless spoiled the | the other. The ceremony was per-| The Bond government is Sustained plans "of the men who intended to | formed, "in the presence of a numer | in Newfoundland by 17 to 10. Operate on Ottawa stores, last night. | ous circle of friends, by Rev. A. J.| In Carleton county, J. E. Caldwell The men are : Stewart Gray, former Mowatt, D.D., pastor of Erskine liberal, lost his deposit by thirteen Iy of Ottawa, twenty-two years of chureh : Montreal, who gave a brief Edward Johnston Mimico was age, ond E. W. Dorrington, who was | but pithy address at the close. The |gtruck and killed by a C.P.R. train. Wiffistornd at a Joeal hotel under the |W Bg presents, which were very! Hon. J. H. Agnew, Winnipeg, has eof William: Wilson, 'nged twenty- | Pumiegous, * and of a very handsome | made a wonderful rally and may re- five. A number of revolvers and other wi ! " : natufe, 'Were on view after the close | cover, Huds stolen in Brockville were found | Of the eeremony. During the early McGill students will substantiate on the pri fensad. isoners, and then Gray con- [Dirt of the evening refreshments were | charges o ity ins - KL thought that Dorington | WIVGE'ahd A' closure was Drought' to | oo or Of Prutality against the po: attention. Miss Sproule, the W.C.T.U. is the leader and that he may have | ® Very happy event by the depariure| Returns compiled, to-day, give a | Missionary, who is attending, in ler ad- heen connected with the recent Toron- ouri burglaries. He had a star of the not use much of it. REGINA Watches are made by the most me- chanits in the world. ats why the man with a is so sure of his time. Sole Agents; Kinnear & d'Bsterre 0 ae 51, Tipton af oung couple, who left' for|ninrality for Taft 'in Missouri of 4, [dress said "the Canadian Pacific Rail- Boston, Mass. A large and eathus- 933 : ' "| way were forcing their men to give up 'otonto | police constable: They wil] | Justic crowd of the youn guests, whiskey, not because. they were tem- ba taken to Brockville by Chief Burke, | Peed the parting couple in all the who ertived this morning. approved 'old-time wedding fashion. ingston friends f&] an i in- terest owing to the esteem in which the late futher of the bride was for Ringe years held when he lived in In Jt ie generally accepted here that Sir Wilfrid + Laurier will not sit for Ottawa, thus Emmanuel Tasse, br. Oheévrier and Auguste Lemieux arc spoken of for liberal candidates in Japuary. Dy.' Chevrier was the choice ol the original convention and made wily for the premier. The ¢onserva- tives await the liberal choice ére they kof contesting the bye-election. In Carleton county there will be an elee- Rion, too, for the seat held by R. L. | 1 rden and it is doubtful if the con- fative choice will return to E. Kidd, who resigned originally to let in Mr. Porden, when he wis defeated in Halifax. Other names are talked of, but that of J. G. H. Bergeron, | which was bruited, is almost impos- | sible. Ih the supreme court, to-day, Dan- sfteuu ve. ;Damsereau was concluded nd judgment reserved. Laramee . vs. 'srron-Ferroh, from the superior court bf Richelieu, was opened. It is re ported that the hearing oi Quebec ap- peals may be concluded next Tuesday, 1 "The preliminary tremors of a severe earthquake were marked at the obser: yatory at 2:31 a.ra., ant lasted nearly A scheme is under way to connect Ottawa with Morrisburg by electric railway. ! The end of the great cotton strike in' Lanéaster is'in sight, and the mills will probably open on Monday. The 'oficial count bf the votes cast tons (We wish them the Dest| of health, wealth and happiness in! their [uture edreer, NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in the Nipissing elections give Gor- perance cranks, but because it meant more to them in dollars and cents. They were closing up their own bars, and forcing others to do likewise: In one case Sir Thomas Shaughnessy had ordered a bar to be closed. license holder asked when he would have to close. Sir Thomas said: "Now," and don, consérvative twenty-three major- ity. At Paris the death is announced ' of Antoine Auguste Ernest Herbert, the Prénch portrait painter... He was born in 1817. . in Eastern Oatario. | ~-lra_ Miller, Mallorytown, fined | and costs for assaulting John Mal | lory.: Ald. Pahter announces himself as a, candidate for the mayoralty of Belle-| vile for: next year. ! On Friday last Mrs. George Chen tham departed this life at Athens, af-' ter a lingering illness. [ Jahn died at his home. near Athens, on Tuesday, after an illness of several months. A. J. McDonnell, Belleville, has been appointéd 'inspector over the Trent! Valley - canal = construction between Trenton and Frankford. Mits Hazel Robinson, Brockville, re ceivid. word, on Wednesday, of the three hours. The distance is estima- ted to be about 3,700 miles awdy. | STRUCK SOUTH PIER i I On Making Entrance to the (Can: | adian' Canal. | Sault * Ste. Marie, Ont', Nov. 6.-- The steamer, Wexfordy down hoyntl, | and louded with grain, struck . the uth pier on making' ghe entrained ito the Canadian canal, néur the y place as 'the Lyman G. Smith did | somo time ago. She has a bole in| Het starboard' side abouts foot wide aod six feet long above the water line, Temporary repairs are being and the "bost may gel away day. Captain; Sinclair, underwyit- #N' representative, leit Detroit' last mpht for here. The Wexford sume is. a pew boat ih the trade and is man- aad by J. Bassett, Collingwood. art of her. cargo is being lighteved. ARRESTED IN WINVIPEG. Theit Money. Brockville, Ont., Nov. 6.--last Au- gust a farm hand named Roy Pember- ton, in the employ of Albert KE: Fos. ter, a Kitley towuship farmer, de- parted suddeuly, taking, it is charged, soe $140, the contents of a cash drawer. Foiiter was "treasurer of one of [the local churches, and it was the churéh money that was missing. Pem- | berton has just been located at Win: | nipeg and placed under arrest. In-| strdotions have Deen sent back tof hold hint until an officer arrives from | Brockville to bring the prisoner east | fob trial. . | DEPUTIES IN FIGHT. Riotous | Seales Marked Coneclu- sion 'of Ecuador's Congress. Quito, Keuador, Nov. 6.--The ex- trordinary session of the Ecuadorean | 4 has just been concluded with | riotous scenes that ended ir a serious f4ht. A number of the ministers, but' particulatly the ministér of -fin- ands, 'were warmly attacked by thé mihority in the house, who accused them of being participants in exten- sige frauds. he supporters of the government retaliated by assaulting the' minority deputies while they were Jeaving the congress, many of whom wire wounded in the encounter, WON TO HONESTY. Fo cf Chueh v Wanted An Operation on Lad With Bad Impulses. Milwaukee, Wis. --=Nov. Betyg. fourteen years old, on whom au opergition was performed in the hope of removing an irresistible im pulse 10 steal, was discharged from the Trinity Hospital, and returned to Kis home. He said an aversion to theft oy arime of any dther nature hat! come to him, and the physicians intersted in his case. believe he has 6.--At one | bolens De: Coulter will have death of her father at Dana, Sask. He formerly lived in Brockville. Frank N23 Potter, Cape Vincent, N, Y., has heen engaged as travelling sylesman * for Ross W. Weir &< Cos, Now York, : importers, and jobbers of | toas and coffees. 5 aw c---- s CITY BROKERAGE. | Telephone, 480--41 Clarence St., |: vi day evening and gave the sport-loviag part of the town a godd pight's fun. By Direct Wire. November 6th. n. Close. $1 AT 1.09 Amalgamated... .. [== ~~ E2SRARESR lo Rois... i." ....... .« ... Little Nipissing ... ... ... Nipissing ®...- ..."... . Nova Scotia ..e ... ... ... Stlver Lat... ... ... . Silver « Queen Temiskaming Tretheway Watts. -- -- Xo a -- a 228: AUSTRALIA AND "ALL RED." Canada's Envoy Will Commence vw ou aNegotiations. Ottawa, Nov. 6.--Dr. R. M. Coul- ter, 'the ""deputy postmaster-general, has. arvived at Sydney, NS.W., and to-morrow will commence his nege- tiatiang sith the Commonwealth gov- ernmént at Melbourne, in regard to thé, position 'whith' Ausffalia is likely ta, aspum®" towards the "All-Red" line project, «After his conference at Mol to go to Wallington, New Zealand, and will likely t67 be back in Ottawa until and Great Britain, so that he is not afterwards proceed to South Africa Marchi ut the earligs.. { Sad News At Selby. "Selby, Nov. 5.--The sad news 'of | William Sexsmith's death was a great shook {0 the community. He was off a week on & hunting trip and ws brought homie a corpse. The family Lage the sympathy of the neighbor- hood in their sad bereavement. Mrs. Hugs, spent a few days with friends at Hans Corners. C. Pero returned to his home at Moscow, after =pend- {ing the summer in the village. Miss S. | Bitepataiek spent a few days at Odes- sn, Migs Williams is visiting friends wt Croydon. Visitors : Mrs. MeMas- ték whe niece; at D. W. McKim's; Miss Thompson at L. Fitzpatriek's; J. Pomeroy and sister, and Miss Church- ill, at ¥. kh, Amey's; Mrs. Robinson | at' F. Wood's; J. Boyd and family, at i E. "Drjdge's. i "i Brief Bethel Budget. Bethel, Nov. B5.~The ground is fegren dnd farmers are not through ploughibg around here. There seems to be considerable sickness. Mr. and Pn bétn won to honesty. £6¢. 1b. Choice Butter 26¢. 1b. Edwards and Jenkin. "Phone 775 Thanksgiving Day. Chickens and turkey. Crawford. "1%My Fumigators" at Gibson's Red Cross Drug' Store. Any person can use. them. - See Bibby's elegant $15 overcoats. «De. Frederick Nichol went to Flow ot Station, on the CPR, to-day, on a hunting. trip, Mes. W. McWilliams, are victims of | typhoid fever. Carman Ashley is home {from Yasker, where he spent the sum- ner with Mr. Allen. Visitors: Miss Nettie Galbraith, and Mrs. Rindall at JUYW, Carl's; Miss Maud Salsbury a# | her uncle's, Levi Salsbury; Mr. and { Mrs. J. A. Salsbury and Mr. and { Mrs. J. M,, Jayne spent Wednesday at | Hiy Bay! and attended tha W. H. Cadman sale. Thomas Hamilton and |Mige Aleda Files were martied on the {11th October, 'and will move from | morning. {1imily Kve net' Lopdon; Ont. statiofs. ' Rose ~ Ouimet, « Hamilton, shot times by her lover, Chester A. John- son, died in the City Hospital, this James Godfrey was accidentally shot and fatally injured at Vinon, Vancouver Island, on Thursday morn- ing. Charles W, Morse, New York, was sentenced to fifteen years' imprison- ment by the United States court, to- day. The Toronto Temperance Federa-| tion appointed a committee of 100 to take charge of the campaign for] license reduction. At Powassan, Ont., James Cham- bers, who mysteriously disappeared from 'his farm, early last July, ding mystériously returned. Important ' changes in the posi- tion of buoys in the St. Clair river were made, to-day, to make available | two separate channels. | George' Lévy, who 'was trampled hy pu eow on Bissett's dairy farm,' Godl- crich died Wednesday evening. Levy's A company of Syracuse and Toronto xers visited Tweed, Ont., on" Thues- C. 'W. Morge, * the ice trust promo- ter, 'and A. H: Curtis, were 'found guilty at New York of misapplying bank funds wid falsifying bank books. The store'df 'V. Heri¢, genoral mer- | chant, at 'St. Clemens, Ont., was én- { tered by burglars. No hooty was se cured other than a small collection 'of old coins. : The - Montreal postal department 'is negotiating with the street railway for the cairiage of:mails between the dif- ferent city-post offices and the railway The city of Toronto, this afternoon, tendered. a very hearty reeeption to the Sheffield choir, and afterwards took the visiting singers for a drive around the city. The most violent earthquake ever rified the inhabitants of the city on experienced - at. Plauen, Germany ter- Friday morning. Houses were shak- en and people fled panic stricken to the streets. The large and specially designed me- morial altar crdss of St. Margaret's church, Spainda avenue,' Toronto, has heen stolen, and 'peligious spite is said to 'have been responsible for the de sécration. The police arfested, at Ottawa, two men, 'giving the names . of Stewart | Gray' and Charles Kimball, having in their possession some of the booty of the half-dozen 'robbéries perpetrated nt Brockville on Tuesday night. The crisis hetwéen Germany = and France has seemingly been dispelled over night. ' It. is now apparent 'that | Germany is ready to abandon her re- for the release of the arrested by French | cent demand German deserters officinls, There was a spectacular pitch-in be- tween a switcher and an incoming freight in the west yards, Winnipeg, last night. - Several cars were turned over and - the wreckage caught fire. Fireman Kludeé, of the switcher, was hadly scalded and bruised. { Arthur Newman, serving the last veur, of a five year term for bur: glary, was found in his cell, at Van- couver, B.C., bléeding from the mouth: . He died of heart failure and loss of blood. Newman caused his own death by chewing his tongue. That President Roosevelt may be the suctéssor of Senator Platt in the denate, © is 'considered By many in $dhington as not at all improbable. The president is said 'to have intima- ted he would not be. entirely averse to the acceptance to the senatorial office. Eire in the Bliss' electrical school at Takoma park, a suburb north of Washington, - compelled neatly two Lunlired students to' flee for their lives in their night clothing. The building wag completely destroyed. All of the students are believed to have escaped, but lost all of their efiects. Loss, £50,000. As a result of a rear-end car coMis- jont_ between two Grand Trunk engides, at Bowmanville, Ont., on Thursday, twa men are dead and two others are badly injured. The dead are: Robert lowe, engineer, and J. Ganthier, {Néwbutgh oi his farm here. B. Lee | hat rented the farm Murray Wilson is leaving. od Small . "At doon, today, the fire depart- ment was called to the home of Jos- oph' Smith, Adelaide streot, where [small fire ptarted in one of the rooms in 'rather a mysterious manner. . The firemen made quick work with the hiaze, and the «damage was very islight. 2 {Cheap Sale Of Fruit. Baskots - of grapes from l0c. up; pears, 40c. pedk: bananas, 10c. dozen Carnovsky's on Saturday. | Canadians have a good many things to be thankiul 'for. Blaze. al pump repairier, riding on the engine, iwith his foreman, Robert Young. The |injured are: William Rushworth, fire- | man, legs and back badly bruised, and Robert Young, right arm broken, and {head badly cut. All the men belong {to Belleville. Looking For Position. {| The police commissioners as yet | have made no appointment to @ll the | vacaney on the police force. There is | quite a batth of applicants. "For coughs and colds," horehound jeandy in twisted sticks, the strong {kind sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. * H. Bate, student at Queen's, left, to-day, to spend Thanksgiving Lat Ottawa. five | Dav it was out of bugifiess in ten minutes." A STORY ABOUT FIDO. How He Came to Receive a New 'Name. ] When Robbie found him, he was just a pup, a poor, thin little pup. Kind- hearted Robbie took him home and after much coaxing his mother con- sented to keep the dog. The next thing was to name him. Robbie wanted a name that meant something. He could- n't think of one and so he decided to wait until the dog should do some thing | to suggest it. In the meantime he was | just called "doggie." One day, a long time after, when "doggie," was fall grown, Robbie took his little baby sister Helen to the lily pond near his home. As usual, the dog | ollowed, When baby Helen saw the | flowers she wanted some. So Robbie | took off . his shoes amd stockings and vaded in after them. He was busy picking the pretty flowers when a baby voice called, "Helen tome too." "No, no," shouted Robbie, and started hack to Helen. " But he was too late. tielen had already started. Suddenly | lier foot slipped and with a cry she! disappeared under, the water. Robbie hurried to. the pp, But not before the og, who took "Helen up in Is teeth, by her dress, and put her safely on | thore. * Robbie quickly carried his little sister home: "Helen had regained con- sciousness and was none the worse for ber fall in the Water, for which evety- | one was thankful' As for the faithful dog he receivedmuch praise and also 4 New name--Fijds, which means "faith- | inl"--gnd "if Vera deserved that | uame," said' Robbie's father, stoopitig to" pat 'the dog's head, "he does. And Robbie, we 'shall "never cease to bless tiie day you Found Fido." THE TOWN'S BAD MEN. -, | They Do Not Mind Joking About v Dese of 'Lead. Saturday Evening Pest. Maclyn Arbuckle, first of "County Chairman" fame and now the wild western sheriff in "The Round Up," | was once,a real: lawyer in a really wild jection of Texas. where, he says, the | customary morning salutation among | {riends was not "Fine weather, isn't 1?" but, "Wonder who's goin' ter git t to-day," the "it" being an ounce or | more of lead.-- Nevertheless; says Mac- tyn {and don't spell it with a "k" unless you want to offér him his pet insult), the average "Bad Man" of the oldwest was far more careful than he is roman- tically painted. J "When 1 first struck that country," the actor pecently. declared, "I had a natural curiosity. about the town's Bad | Ment; and, one levening, I got to asking questions of the worst of the lot. He was 'a hefty fellow with a soft hat, ten | nicks in his gun handle and a 'reputa- tioh :as long as his hair. ' "What would you do, Mr. Simmons,' | inguired, 'if somebody called you a | bar 24 12 " 'By word of meuth? he demanded. " 'Yes,' said 1 'by ward of mouth.' "The desperado took out his Colt and regarded it lovingly. Then he looked | up at me with the most terrifying ex- préssion 1 have ever seen on a human | countenance, " How big a man?" he asked." Birthrate In Scotland. | In reviewing the report of births, deaths and marriages in Scotland dur- ing the year 1907, it is shown that the éstimated population of Scotland. is given as 4,776,068, of whom 2,331,907 were male and 2,444,156 female. This 1; 49.993 more than' the population, of Scotland in 1906, the increase of males being estimated at 26,057, and that of females 23,936. The estimated popula- | tion of the principal town districts is | 34,084 more than the previous year, that of the large town districts 6,606 niore, and that of the small' town districts 10019 more; but that of the mainland rural distriéts is 984 less, and that of the | insular rural districts 632 less. [un 1006 the birthrate was the lowest | évér recorded in Scotland. The birth- | rate for 1007 was even less, as the total number. of births of living children registered in Scotland during last year was 138789, or 3131 fewer than the births, registered m the previous year, | and 858 more than the average number | of deaths registered during the previous five years. Thé decathrate of the year | was 10.18 per thousand of the estimated | population, a rate of .19 more than that | of the previous year. i Took Soldier To Do It. At a garden party held recently in Rochfort Gardens, Kingston, Jamaica, in aid of the re-building of St. George's | and St. Michael's churches, destroyed | featiire was a pig-singing competifion. A sifall pig was held under the afm } without laughing. A soldier won the prize. | Thanksgiving Day. | Chickens and turkey. Crawford. Last vear the first snow storm was on November 14th. KONO MEOH OK OKQKOKOK OKO KOHKOKO in the earthquake, a very interesting | while the holder 'tried to sing to the | | accompaniment of the pig's squealing, | OR ONOWONOHKOHO# HOKOKOKOKO I# Ete, ete, ete. Clarence Chambers, W. Hector H. Hume, Manager, - Kingston, Ont. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE BEAD OFFICE, TORONTO 8. BE. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager 4 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS ESTABLISUED 1887 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 | Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 TRANSACTED AT ALL BRANCHES telegraph or letter. COLLECTIONS made in all parts | DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and modey transferred by | of Canada and in foreign countries. Oils (Coal OF, Labricaing 0, Gasoline. | Wo make a specialty of handling Labrie cating Oils of all kinds. Prices on application. 'W.F.KELLY & CO | Bouth Cor. Ontario and Olarence Sts. "Phone, 486. L. LESSES, 507 Princess St., Cor. Chatham St. | Invites all old customers and the public | in general to inspect his large stock of | new and second-hand goods in FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States, | HIS NEW STORE Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113 KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS ATS. P. C.ATEVENSON, Manager. ssi ' ' Granulated Sugar Is the acme of Sugar Refining. satisfaction. Ask for.it. All grocers Its use guarantees eep it J. A. HENDRY, Wholesale Agent for Kingston. {OUR ROOSTER BRAND OF TOBACCO. Smoking and chewing, at forty-five uts a pound, is a good tobacco. Why »ay eighty-five gents. Andrew Maclean, Tntario street. Owing to Sanitary conditions at present existing in the city, the appear- ance of "Mr. Raffles," on behalf of the Postp "Mysterious Mr. Raffles" F. 6. ARMSTRONG, ! Artist and Photographer | 334 King Street, Kingston. | SOK OKOHOKOKOMO KO KOKORO BIOKOKOKONO NOK OK ONO KOKO MOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKO¥KOKO Nw oned | Special Antique Furniture and Furni- ture of all kinds: also a large range of 3 | New and Second-Hand Stoves. |All Kinds of Goods Bought and Sold or Exchanged. Telephone845 For Purest and Best Ice Cream In City. Delivered any {hour up to 6 p.m. ogy THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. D issued on City and Farm Pro- perties. Municipal an County Debens tures. Moruga, purchased. Deposits received and interest allowed. 8. C. McGill, Managing Director. 87 Clarence street. Money ¢ HOON OH OHOM OR ORCHONOKOKORONOKOHOM OWORONON OHO Whig, has been postponed for a few weeks. { OH F EOMOHOHOHOKOKOKO HOKOKOROKOKOKOKOK Exact Date Will Be Announced Later pr