'How Thin People ~~ Gan Cet Fat, Free Startling Effect of New Discovery Which Puts Flesh on Thin People, Increases Weight and Perfects The Figure. Prove It By Sending Coupon Be- low for A 50c. Package, Free. A remarkable, scientific treatient een found which inereases the ol werawny or thin on those who have been whether irom disease 'or tendency ; on those Who by heavy ing, dieting or other methods, in vain tried to get fat; feel well but can't get fat, who don't feel well and stay thin. people, puts eat Protone, the Remarkable Builder, Builds Up This In Like Quick Cases Remarkably Time. 'rolone, is usw treatment called powerful inducer of nutrition cell-growth, makes perfect Lhe ation of food, increases the of red blood-corpuscles, and as essary result builds up mus solid, healthy flesh, aud rounds Sure 'or stylish with cause of their able discovery afldition even flesh, together works wonders in As oa beauty maker probably . cannot be surpassed. It wil cost you pothing to prove the remark ahle effects of this treatment. No diet ing or eating of particular kinds of fwd are necessary. The treatment 1» absolutely noninjurious to the mos! delicate system: The Protone Com pany, 748 Protone Bidg., Detroit, Mich. will send to anyome who sends name and address,' a free J30c. package « Protone (with full instructions) te prove that it does the work, They wil albo 'send. you their book on "Why You Are Thin, free of charge, giving fact: whieh will probably astonish you. Send coupon helow to-day, with your name and address, assimil number a nec le anc cut; the navy they this v protilem of 10 20 pounds of with winddy necks personal appeafance for rhe figure, t who can anything thinness the - or women er solves FREE PROTONE COUPON. 748 Protone Mich. flesh on, ®o The Jadutone. Company, Bldg., betroit, J: want to put more please send me a free 30c. package of pour remarkable scientific discovery, Protone, all charges prepaid to- gother with your free book telling me why [am thin As: an evidence of good faith I enclose tén cents to help cover postage and packing Name Street State City Was Troubled With Weak Back For Years. Oould Not Perform Household Duties. Doctors Attended N\ Without Avail. Mrs. Arch. Schoare, Black Point, N.B., writes: '""For years I was troubled with weak back. Oftentimes I have lain in bed for days, beiog scarcely able to turn my- self, and I have aleo been a great sufferer while trying to perform my household duties. Y had doctors attending me with. vat Avail and tried liniments and plasters, but iothing seemed to do me any good. was about to give up in despair when my husband induced me to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and after using two boxes I am now well and able to do my work. I am posi- tive Doan's Kidney Pills are all that you claim for them, and I would advise all kidney safferers to give them a fair trial." Doan's Kidney Pills are a purely vege- table medicine, realizing quick, permanent relief, without any after ill effects. A medicine that will absolutely cure Back- ache aud all formgof Kidvey and Bladder Disease. A medicine that strengthens the kidneys #0 that they are ensbled to extract the isonous uric acid from the blood and pre- vent the chief cause of Rheumatism. Price 50 cents per box, or 3 for $1.25, at all dealers or The T. Milburn Cos, Limited, Toronto, Ont. In ordering specify ** Doan's." Sir Henry Mill Pellatit. Norman McCrae Reginald Dellatt. PELLATT & PELLATT (Members of Toronto Stock Exchange) STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN CIAL AGENTS. COBALT And other g3peks bought and sold on commission, Correspondence invited Orders may be wired at our expense. 401 Traders Bank Building. Toronto 'Phone Main 3963. E. STRAGHAN COX. MEMBER OF THE STANDARD STOCK AND MINING PNCHANGE, Send for Pamphlet on COBALT DISTRICT Long Distance Telephone Main 2,446. 43 Scott St Toronto has weight flesh | thin for years, from natural Tissue a increases BADE 10 RENN And ' He of Banize the Department ! --Hugh Allan ngratulates | Mr. Brodeur 'For Improving] St. Lawrence Route. 3 } i | | | | i i 1 i have | on those who | and on those The | | Hon. L-P. Brodeur Montreal, Nov. 10.--Hon. L. P.| Brodeur, minister of marine and fish- ries,' like his. illustrious leader, in- tends to stay and finish his work as head of the department. This was) intimated | pois group of business men on hoard the government steam- + Lady Grey during a tour of 'in-} spection of the St. Lawrence chan-| uel from which the party returned] vesterday. Irom time te time dur- ng the past few months there have beem rumors that Mr. Brodeur would] votire to the hench, more particularly since the opening of the investigation | by Judge Cassels. During the course | of the trip a speech was made hy] { Hugh Allan congratulating the min. ister on what had been accomplished | by the department for the improve. | ment of the St. Lawrence route. "In the course of his reply Mr. Brodeur | made the remarks referred to above, intimating * his « intention {as minister and rehabilitate partment i J el to remain the de-} To Shi Mr. Gregory. Quebee, Nov. 10.--The investigation | into the department of marine and] fisheries re-opened this the criminal ;caurt. The aallefl was Mr. Holliday, Bros. He stated that the firm's busi ness with the department since the | last four years was about £45,000, | and' he promised to produce all the | books this. aitersoon. W. G. Davied of Davie & Son., was examinea, Mr. Da- vies stated that the firm of Davie Sons had ° business with the depart- | ment of marine and fisheries for about | $136,000, 'sinee 1907, and that he had | aid during these'eleven yéars an average of 500 a year to Mr. Gregory | to secure his good will. Thesg pay- | ments were made by cheques to cash, and hes had special marks of his own | written on the stubs of these cheques | because he wanted to shield Mr. Gre gary. These "anual payments B00 made (6 Mr. Gregory, were not on account of interest loans on discount of drafts or on account of | | hire, joxments, Jey avere simply gifts made to Mr. Gregory, in certain eir- cumstances, when he was hard pressea | for money 'on account of large dis bursement® he had to make according | to the statement. But he declared | that he did not charge the depart ment, mor¢ than he would a private soneern, Some of his accounts were oroduced. He.eonfessed that large ac | scounte of over $30,000 had been certi fied by My without any dis wussion. They were granted as correct without = discussion. Cheques of the same nature but for smaller amounts appear to have been paid by the wit-| ness A. Beauchmin, Sorel, by a man named McConkey, superintendent of Hull. Pettit, engineer of the Mont alm. Captain - O'Farrell, Lemieux, Nolet, Gagne and Duffiour. who have been suspended, will appear to explain their case to-morrow morning 0- Farrell has taken Mr as counsel, and the other A. Lemieux morning, first witness of Holliday | & of about on Gregory to Brodie four M NEWS OF DISTRICT. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. On Wednesday morning Mrs Bradley, Lansdowne, ill for | time with a lingering disease, passed | quietly to he She was always | an active member the Methodist chi@ch. On Friday, at Brockville, James Sutherland, youngest son of Mr. and Mra William Sutherland, of Winni peg, formerly of Brockville, was mar- ried Ethel, daughter of | Mrs. John Mrs. James J. A some rest of to second Jacobs Moore, a highly res yeetod resident of New Dublin, died; | sn Friday night, after _a lingering ill- ness. The deceased "Wak seventy-two ears. of age, her maiden name being Miss Avery, Caintown A little' daughter of George Sprac-| kett, of Gilmour, was so badly burn-! ed, on Thursday, that she died. Some | brush heaps were being burned and | the child approached one of them too closely and her clothing caught fire. When assistance reached her she was so, badly burned" that death re- | sulted. Stopping Genteel Smuggling. Sault Ste. Marie, Nov. 10 --Smug-| glers are having their own troubles | juy now, and some gentlemen have had to undress in the customs sheds when they arrived: from the Michigan! Soo. Dressed in new clothes that looked suspiciously like American] made On a couple of ocea- sions the police have been called in | when suspects showed an inclination | to refuse to remove clothing or boots | that the officers wished to examine gdods. Desertion Prevents Divorce. New York, Nov. 10.--Under a rul-| ing of supreme court Justice Aspin-| all, of Brooklyn, a wife who becomes tired of wedlock and leaves her hus-| band simply for" that breaks the marriage contract and obtain a divorce on the infidelity, her desertion being to or connivance with the hushand's} subsequent errors i ® reason, may rnd consent At Folger's wharf: Steamer Re! | liance, up, Sunday; steambarge Water- | lily, up, Monday; steamer Alexandria, | Lup, Saturday night i #Toronto Railway... .. | Amalgamated... ... .. i Wolle STOCK - QUOTATIONS. Cobalt and Leading . Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations plied by the City Brokerage (J. are sup- 0. Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- : ence street. Telephone, 480 A : November 10th. Open. Close. .. 1.503 ° L&51} w IY 1.814 . 1.39% Northern Pacific... ... Union Pacific... Detroit United... ... ... Dom. Coal Com.... ... ... Com. Steel Com... ... ... linhois = at Lake of Woods ... ... Mack:.s Com... .. we oe Mackay Pid. . N.S. S 95 " a 1.56 i a7 UE] 937 Sao Paulo Tram. Tri-City... ... Twin Civy a3 60 1.10 2.65 240 613 22 Beaver... : Chambers...... .. City of Cobalt... Crown Reserve. Cobalt Centrad ... ... . Cobalt Lake ... ... ... ... Congas... Foster, Green Meehan Kerr Lake... LA" Rosé cs. ..o. Little Nipissing... ... . McKin. Dar. Savage ... Nipissing... ... ... wo 6.60 52 341 4.50 7.00 584 1.15 10.50 60 16 13 Peterson Lake... ... ... ... Rochester... Ts Nova Scotia ... ... .. Silver Leal... .. Silver Queen ... Temiskaming... Trethewey... ... Watts... ...... THE DAILY BRITI & [gave on Monday for the 703 | NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED | IN BRIEF FORM. | Matters That Interest Everybody | --Notes From All Over--Little t of Everything Easily . Read | Argonauts and TAAL: jissed a tie oronto city i rughy championship. Score was 13 to W. H. Short, a London, Ont., com- {mercial traveller, had his jaw blown {offi by the accidental discharge of his { gun while out shooting near Ailsa Craig. | William J. Bryan may become chan- {cellor of the University of Nebraska, lin connection with 'the resignation | irom that position of E. Benjamin An- | drews, | With the killing of John Henry | Adams, a uegro, by Politercan (imith {twelve men have met death in Bir mingham, Ala., by pistols, within the past eight days. Whiskey valued at 8125000 and {buildings worth $15,000 were destroy- ed by five at Dealsville, Ky., on Sun- day night. The = government loses {®450,000 in taxes on the whiskey. At Leeds, Eng., Samuel Charles Joseph Woodward, who said he was a Canadian doctor, was senten ced to 'ten vears' imprisonment for marrying six women and defrauding them. h Mrs. Comelle, Hamilton, at whose {home Chester Johnston shot Rost {Ouimet and then himeseli, appearec | before the magistrate on a charge of {keeping a disorderly house and was | remanded. | Lying mn bed with his toe through lone end of a shawlstrap and the other end fastened to the trigger of a shot- gun, Joseph Hardy, Aylmer, put the {muzzle to his temple and blew his head off. Fred. Kimble, formerly of "who, last week, pleaded guilty te | higamy, appeared hefore i Sni ut Hamilton, and was sentences to three vears with hard labor i the penitentiary. The steamer RosemonY, down-hound and grain laden, stranded while mak- ing the entrance to the new channel at West Nechish. Tugs were unable to release her, The work of lightering Galt, i has commenced. [§ DOWAGER EMPRESS TSU HSI She' is dangerously ill-at Pekin. MARINE NEWS. What Found About Wharves. The schooner Ford River cleared, Tuesday morning, for Oswego The . schooner Jamieson, from Os wego, is unloading coal at Anglin's The schooner Bertha Kalkins arrived is the ! from Oswego with coal for Sowards. The steamer Rosedale passed on her way from Montreal, west, yesterday, The steamer Regina passed Sunday, on her way to Montreal I'he steambarge Mary Louise, loaded | a general cargo here, for Rideau canal ort The schooner Winnie Wing; from O: wego, is unloading coal at Allinson's, Island Swift's : Steamer Aletha, from bay points; schooner Cornelia, from (x wego, with coal; steamer Belleville up, Saturday; steamer Pellatt, up, on Monday. At Richardsons' elevator : Steamer Lloyd Porter, loaded 22,000 bushels of wheat for Montreal: sloop Maggie L.. loaded wheat for Glenora: steambarg: John Randall loaded wheat for Ri deau canal ports At M. T. Co's elevator : er Morley arrived from Duluth with 63,000 bushels of wheat; the steamer Neebing, from Fort Wiliam, with 67, 000 bushels of wheat: steamer Nee- pawa, from Fort William, lightezed cargo of 12,000 bushels of wheat, and cleared for Montreal, steamer John Duncan, from Duluth, with 47,000 bushels of wheat; the tug Mary | Halll cleared for Montreal, three light barges; tugs Emerson and Thomson, cleared for Montreal, with three grain barges each The steam- Tug Hackett Ashore. The tug Hackett went ashore on Monday morning at Weaver's Point, near Aultsville, while on her way to Kingston, with two light barges. She followed the point too closely, with tthe result that she went on Florence worked at her but successful and last night of the Calvin to the scene. was the company, Frontenac, was, sent Here With The Plans. D. R. Dupuis of Boston, and Graves, the Chicago architect, br Mer. | ave 'here with plans ana model of the proposed summer hoted, which will be exhibited to-morrow and following days in the store next to the Whig office. The projectors have spent sev- eral thousand dollars already in con- nection with the matter. They cer- tainly mean business. The Chewing Tobacco of Quality. The tug! tug | | Enough definite returns ave at "hand from the vote on the divorce law referendum to show that the siate has put the seal of disapproval upon the old statute, . which has made South | Dakota notorious as a "divorce mill." Charles W. Morse, New York, who {two years ago: was rated as being {worth upwards of $20,000,000, to-day, swore under oath that he hed not enough money or securities left from his vast fortune to pay his dobs. Sir J. J. Duveen, head of the art firm of Duveen Bros., London. Eng.. died Monday, Knighthood was con fprred on Mr. Duveen on June 25th for his presentation to the nation- last vear of a new wing to the Tate Art Gallery. F. W. Thompson, vice-president and managing director of the Ogilvie Flour Mills company, limited, estimates that the money value of the various agri- caltural products of the thrée western provinces of the dominipn will each this year. the large Sum ol $125,000, 000. A temporary writ was issued, this morning, to unseat members of the finance committee of Montreal. The ground on which the writ is issued is that they paid expenses. of the mayor and secretary on - a recent trip to Paris, without sufficient authority. Thomas Elliott, Brantford, is seek- ine $100,000 damages from the Wind- sor, Essex & Lake Shore Electric rail- way. Elliott claims he got the con- tract for the construction of the road three years ago, and later it was awarded to another firm. |" Lord. Sholto Douglas, youngest son | of the eighth Marquis of Queensberry, lis under arrest at Creston, charged {with attempted murder. Lord Sholt- {to owns a fruit ranch near there, and, upon returning unexpectedly, {found a man therein, who refused to go when told. The stabbing afiray between Italians lon Chaudiere dam was up at Hull {police court, but little progress was { made. The affair is alleged to be a {Black Hand outrage and all the Ita- {lian witnesses have skipped in fear. Severin Deésjardines, son of Ald. Des- |jardines, is a hard case for * Ottawa {police. He has served two terms for | thefts and his mental capacity has { been examined. He was reported men {tally responsible, and goes to jail fot {other thefts for one year. | DESPERATE WOMAN TIS. i * [Tried to Make Another Give Her $10,000. Denver, Col, Nov. 1mo--A woman giving her name as Mrs. H. C. Cones, yesterday ' compelled Mrs. Genevieve Chandler Phipps, divorced wife of Law- refice Phipps, a Pittsburg millionaire, to take her in an automobile to a bank and get $10,000, that she demanded of Mrs. Phipps, whom she threatened to blow to pieces with dynamite. At the bank Mrs. Cones was overpowered hy special officers. Appointed To Colborne. Colborne, Nov. 10~~Rev. J. Russej} McLean, of Shanty Bay, has been ap- pointed by Archbishop Sweatman, to the parish of Trinity church, Lakeport, of which Rev. A. J. Fidler, now of Toronto, was formerly the rector. Mr. McLean has accepted and will commence his new duties about January 1st, 1900. Six Burned To Death. Deadwood, S. D., Nov. 10.--Six sleep- ing inmates of a resort here were burn- ed to a crisp, while a dozen others were perhaps fatally injured in attempting to escape from the building yesterday. The building was consumed before half of the town knew there was a fire, A Lively Bout. Quite an exciting encounter ' took place in the lower section of the city on Monday evening, when a local as- pitant to pugilistic honors had. i§ jyut all o6%er him by a voung unknéwn from the west. The bout was wit. nessed by a large number of men. i : "Buy vaccination shields" at Gih- son's Red Cross Drug Store. 'Phond 200. . Both the C.P.R. and G.T.R. a brisk holiday trade. ' report SH witic, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1908. DANCE LAST NIGHT. Enjoyable Event at Royal Mili- The Thanksgiving dance at the Royal Military College, was the usual success, for, as always, everything possible was to make guests enjoy them- selves. Colonel and Mrs. ET Taylor received, the latter carrying a: beautiful bouquet of scarlet and white carnations, tied with streamers of the college solors, the gift of the staff and cadets. The Gananoque orchestra played de- lightful music, and when the hour of iwelve came, and the ball ended as bruptly as Cinderella's night of gaiety, there was an audible si and many regrets that clocks hadnt more con- sideration than to tick off only the asual sixty minutes to the hour for such an occasion. | There was a large attendance, among 'hose present being Mr. and Mrs. Iva Martin, Major and Mrs. E. N. Mozley, Miss Mozley, Major and Mrs. H. x Kaulback, -Major and Mrs. H. E. Bur- stall, Major and Mrs. Norman Stuart Leslie, Mrs. Arthur Flower March, Mr. and Mrs. William Harty, Mrs. Earle Curry, Miss Mary Ferris, Miss Bessie and Miss Nora Gordon, Miss Grace Hemming, Miss Elsie and Miss Marjorie Pense, Miss Mabel and Miss Dorothy Brownfield, Miss Mildred Cooke, Miss Mildred Jones, Miss Jessie Smith, Miss Billian Kent, Miss Gwendoline Hall, Miss Leta and Miss Vera Carson, Miss Phyllis Shortt, Miss Marie and Miss Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Maripn Less- lie, Miss Frances Sullivan, Miss Irene Swift, Miss Lenore Hamilton, Miss Blanche Kent, Miss Madge Tay- lor, Miss Mamie Garrett, Miss Mar- jory Merrick, Miss Madeline Higgi Miss Phyllis Knight, Miss ollie Saunders, Miss anson, and Mr. Gerald Hanson, of Montreal, an ex- -adet, Prof. P. G. C. Campbell, Major Bennett, J. J. Harty, James Swift, Jr. Van Lesslie, Karl Tandy, Magcdougal Kirkpatrick, and a number of the course sfficers and other men from town. BURIAL OFFICE SAID . Over the Late Miss Merrick, Monday. The burial office for the late Miss Florence Merrick + was said, in St Jeorge's cathedral, on Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock, by Dean Farthing and Canon Starr. ! Her long illness which was accompanied sy great suffering, ended at one o'clock m Saturday morning at the home of rer sister, Mrs John Cochrane. Miss Merrick was the youngest daughter of he late Aaron Merrick, of Merrick ville, and for some years has been. the much-loved partner of Miss M. Scott as ne of the head mistresses of "Brank- some Hall," a girls' school in Toronto. The girls who came under her care were deeply attached to her, for she was always bright, sympathetic and helpful - ir all matters. Miss Merrick leaves two sisters, Mrs. fohn Muckleston, of Calgary, Mrs. John Cochrane, Kingston and one brother, Herbert Merrick, Prescott. She lived for' some years in this city, with her mother, and many were the lasting friendships she formed then. Deep sympathy and sorrow pervades her own particular world at this time. on St. Andrew's Recital. The 'annual Thanksgiving recital by St. Andrew's church choir was held on Monday evening in the church, when the contata, Penitence, Pardon, Peace, by J. H. Maunder, was rendered. The church was fairly packed with people, who were delighted with the programme. Besides the cantata Miss Ellida Perley, of Montreal, formerly soloist. in St Andrew's , rendered two solos in fiine voice. Her rendering of "Tell Me the Old Old Story," was greatly enjoyed Miss Mona Knight, Miss Beatrice Tandy, Lieut.-Col. Strange, and Arthur Craig were choir soloists. The thoir of twenty-five voices assisted the soloists. Miss Louise Singleton was solo organ- ist, her two numbers being well ren- dered. Consul VanSant After Ducks. U. S. Consul Howard D. VanSant, of Kingston, Canada, reached here on Fri- day last for a short stay, part of which he put in at Toms river and part at Island Heights. He enjoyed a trip on the bay after ducks while at the Heights. He reports Mrs, VanSant, who was formerly Miss Arvilla Harper, of Sant as both well and happy. The "Squire" was warmly greeted by his old friends and had many nice things to say about the hospitality and kind- heartedness of his Canadian friends at Kingston The City Council. The city council meets this evening, not having had a regular session for nearly 2a month. There is not much business to transact. The question of compulsory vaccination may come up, and it may not. Island Heights, and little Gretchen Van- | CONT ---- RATES OF Shares ~ Shares selling at $1 and Ete., etc., ete. Clarence Chambers, ==COBAL T= QUOTATION S nn. selling under 10e. share, jc. Shares selling at 10c. 2nd' antler othe at 50c. and under $1, le. under $2, 2e. Kingst cn, David M. ° Spence, Present large assortments make choosing easier and much more satisfactory than it possibly can be as the season advances and lines become more or less de- pleted. Stylish Hundreds of ' trimmed ' and . and an unusually extensive dis of trimming materi- als all at moderate prices. The Leading Mantle avd Millinery Store new hats, un Brown's Butter Scotch Finest in the city, 20c. per pound. Try Waln::" Alakuma 30c. per pound, A.J.REES, 166 Princess St Phone 58. | Try our Strictly BAR SOLDER it has the largest Coast to Coast. FATHER MACRON His Congregation Commands of t At Poftsmouth on™ Father McDonald preach Sermon on the text: --* Caesar the things shat are Caesar's." This was a command to all to observe and to be obedient to constituted author- ity. How necessary was this injunction at the present time. The presence of smallpox, the speaker said, is a grave danger to the well-being of the com- munity. For the prevention and exterm- ination of this foul disease the patient labor of science; divinely guided, has A most useful and yet would be this lnk Pencil. It is guaranteed not to leak, blur, or blot--and will write smoothly on any kind of paper. IT is made from fine bacd red rubber-- and has a plat- inum point which will not wear dull. COMPLETE with cleaner and filler in suitable box, the pice is $1.00 OUR hudson datalogue sent free upon request. (CLLCOCKKe KK ---- TT \ ! found a remedy as if | opinion against firmly established as any scientific fact. In the year 1874 the German government issued a command that all citizens of Germany should be vaccinated, and smallpox has ceased to exist in the fatherland. And yet, said Father McDonald, there are scoffers, i and Pharisees to-day, who set up their constituted authority, who flaunt their ignorance against the light gleaned through the centuries of faithful research. They may gain, it is true, a little momentary popularity, but fvhat is it but the notoriety of a' cox- comb. In earnest language the reverend Father extorted his hearers to be sub- missive to the command of the state. Vaccination was a duty incumbent on all for the well-being or society, and he felt satisfied that all his hearers would cheerfully perform their obligation in this respect. "Render unto Caesar the 3." things that are Caesar's. PORTSMOUTH MARATHON Was Won on Monday By William Nicholson. Some weeks ago a committee was formed to organizea foot race and raise a purse for the boys of the village I RYRIE BROS. 134-136-138 Yonge St. -- TORONTO Er ------------_ Quite a mumber took an interest in the race on Thanksgiving day. The course was from the Asylum gate, in King street to Barrie street, then to Union street, and out Union street to Portsmouth, then around the village four times, finishing at Samuel Low's affair, and it was decided to run the} SOLDER! sales from 31 WILLIAM ST. (anada Metal Co.. Ltd., Toronto ont. Coffee Direct from Boston. Never ground till sold. Get pulvarized or granulated. We grind 1 Ib. in 15 seconds by the most modern mill in America. A. GLOVER, Cor. Bagot & Earl the first five being winners in the order named, the two last named did not finish: -- William _ Nicholson, Michael Kennedy, Kehoe Kennedy, John Ford, Arthur Davidson, Edward McCammon, Thomas Morgan; Alexander Holland. The best time was 33 minutes. After the race, prizes were presented by Councillor Kennedy. : Great credit is due to William Fen- wick, who is always interested in clean sport for the boys, and to the following committee, who assisted :--Frederick Hartrick, Edward Hartrick, George Sullivan, Corpiey Baiden, John Kennedy, W. B. Westlake, Melville Porter, John Marks and M. J. Kennedy, and to Fred Hinds, who as road judge followed the race in a to pick any who might fall by the wayside. Fred Hart- rick acted as starter and fired the gun at 10.20 am. * Bash, Havelock, a four- year-old boy, choked to death while eating a piece of turnip. corner. The distance was nearly five miles. The following: were the entries,