Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Nov 1908, p. 1

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YEAR 76-NO. 265. SUNKEN PINE Taken From Rideau Lakes to Ogdensburg. SODA PULP PLAN < all T PLASNED TO WORIX UP SUB- MERGED TIMBER. Great Rollbank: of Pine, Abdbau- rot:> In Early Canadian Lumbering Days When Over- flowed By Raising of Lake Levels, to Be Dredged Out. Ogdensburg, N.Y., Nov. 11. -- The Ogdensburg Soda Pulp company, a concern recently organized in this gity is preparing to erect, a large plant next spring. A site in the eastern part of the eity has been secured and on it a brick structure 400 feet long is to be erected. The company has obtained an op- tion on 500,000 cords of sunken pine piling in the Ridedu lake region, and it is proposed to dig it up with dredges ana bring it by boat down the river. The product of the mili bleached soda pulp, made by a secret chemical process for use in the manu- facture of high grade staticnery. The is LAMP UPSET ON BABY. Ogdensburg Child May Die of Its Burns. ' Ogdensburg, N.Y., Nov. | six-months-old son of James Larock, fof Albany avenue, was badly dis- figured and painfully, ii not fatally, burned. Mrs. Larock had wheeled the baby into the house in a go-cart and, lighting the lamp, left the child in the lcart near the table while she went upstairs. The infant got hold of the table cloth and, pulling it, upset the lamp into" the cart. Norman Cardinal, who was driving by, saw the Hames and, running in, wrapped the child in his coat and smothered the fire. Dr. Benton was called and says there is a possibility that the child may survive. The doctor also had to at- tend the mother, who had fainted. APPEAL DISMISSED. } The Verdict For Methodist Church Sustained. Toronto, Nov. 11.---The appeal of the town of Welland against the ver- dict awarded the Methodist church there was heard yesterday. The town, it will be remembered, was for damages for the loss by fire of the Methodist church, caused by a heavy street roller bursting a gas main. Suit followed and Justic Teet- zel gave a verdict in favor of the church, which is now upheld by the court of appeals In the King's bench division the at- tempt to quash the local option by- law of the village of Heusall, a technicality failed, the Lalding that the grounds were hivolous. assessed on court 11.---The | IS WOR to Persia. i DANGER SITUATION Earnest. St. Teheran, abolish the Pe Russia, Gréxt, Britain, te shah of getic represent The situation sian foreign of Negotiations gary and Tu proposed earnest this we Ml. Iswolcky"s MUCH ANXIETY, Advises Shah Not to Abolish the New Parliament--The Negotiations Have Begun Petersburg, confirmation has been received of a reactionary which in conjunction the dang course, has decided to templated coup d'etat. Balkan conference began in OF REAGTION 1S A SOURCE OF Balkan in Nov. 11.--Official from plot to rian parliament. with umored Lemieux Will Propose a Scheme. Ottawa, Nov. ll.=--Much interest | manifested here in the outcome of the able conference which has opened in Russia Has a Word to Say | under onial the auspices of Cc loyal fword cable system is somewhat may secure material reductions rates from the cable companies. It is said that Hon. { played, will up and think. I proposition Great Dritain. The exceed $2,000,000, to pay working ada and would not could be made cents a word for press despatches. A NEW STAGE has repeatedly warned rs of sach a | «new her ener ations against the con- | 1 in Northern Persia a source of great anxiety to the Rus- | hice. to bring rkey into Austria-Hun- line for the Anstria's reply to with refer- sek. suggestions mill will have a daily output of twen- ty-five tons. DEAKIN DEFEATED. ence to the conference programme al lows a wide latitude to the discussion the Institutes Sir 'John Henniker-1leaton's idea of a penny-a- regarded as Utopian, but a bold front by the home and colonial governments Nr. Lemieux has a card up his sleeve which, when make the companies sit § is no other than a for'The' laying of a new Atlantic cable at the expense of Can- cost and ex- peuses, besides interest, sinking fund, and renewal charges at a rate of five In the Development of the Human PROMISED SUPPORT To Yrance Ii.Germaay Should Be- gin War. Paria, Nov.-11.--At a meeting of the cabinet, at the Palace of Elysee, For- eign Minister Pichon stated that the | governments at Paris and Berhn bad | regulated the Casablanest affair, | agreeing to express simul ly, on ia footing of equality, regret that vio- | lence had occurred and to submit all | matters concerning the incident to ar- | bitration under mutual Arrsufements {and that regrets be expressed for the | actions of such subordinate agents as | the arbitration committee should find o have been in the wrong. The settlement is considered a ve. | verse fer Chancellor Von Buelow. The | Patrie declares that, last ay, the { situation was so serious that Prime Matters That Interest Everybody | Minister Clemenceau summoned Gen. --Notes From All Over--Little | De La Croix, generalissmo of the of Everything FBasily Read French army, Gen, Brunn, chief of the and Remembered. | general staff, and Gen. Jequart, min- 3 ister of war, and arfan with him Nathan Cohen was arrested in To- | the details of an immediate mobiliza- ronto, on the charge of stealing jew- | tion of the army on the eastern fron- ellery vaiued at $1,500. | tier. Moreover the paper adds the An express train was derailed near | British and Russian governments Grisolles, France. Ten persons were! promised armed support to France if killed and many injured. | Germany began war. The returns from Prince Albert, de- - ferred election, indicate a victory for Mr. Ruttan, the liberal candidate. i The Newfoundland returns show | Real eighteen members elected on each side with every riding heard from. D. Cameron McCallum, the default- | ing teller of the Farmers' bank, To- ronto, has been taken into custody | on a charge of theft. hint The late Casa Blanca incident, and the case of the German deserters from the French army, in Morocco, is clos- ed. An encounter between LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. -------- > GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. ---------- is in EMPEROR OF CHINA. and Nominal Rulers Are Both Ill. two warring ~ . , colder, with light snow. The Correct factions of students attending the University of Vienna resulted in in- jury to about 100 of the young men, R. A. Jamieson, Renfrew, had his barns on his farm in Horten township burned on Thanksgiving day, entailing a loss of $7,500. His crops were all | destroyed. Rev. Charles A. Eaton, seven years | pastor of the Euclid Avenue Baptist | church, Cleveland, resigned to accept | a call to the Madison Avenue Baptist church, New York. ! The London Express asserts the wedding of the Duke of Abruzzi and Miss Katherine will take place in Rome or some time in 1909, The promoters of 4he enterprise are confident of success and say that the project has now arrived at a stage from which there will be no turning back. They say the pine can be brought down to the mill at trifling expense as compared with the market of soda pulp. The piling in question was sunk eighty years ago, when the lumbering operations in the Rideau were just beginning and the logs are declared to be in perfectly sound con dition. In order industry the Rutland railroad is lay 2,000 feet of sidings for shipping purposes, of arrangements, which probably will He Sustained a Reverse in Parlia-|be continued for some time. that Zeppe- incor- his Vou The of the (Count Nov 11.--The the kaiser ascended in lin's airship, yesterday, was rect. I'he mistake arose from majesty's resemblance to Prince Fuerstenbe who made a trip. kaiser conferred the decoration Order of the Black Eagle Zeppelin, whom he effusively called a son of the greatest German of the twentieth century whose invention, he said, has brought us to a new stage in development of the human race. ATE RATTLESNAKE ONLY FRESH MEAT AT NEW MEXICO HOTEL. report Count ee ---- GANANOQUE COUPLE WED. Berlin, 17he Ceremony Was Performed in Brockville. Gananoque, Nov. 1l.--In on Saturday last Miss Lily daughter of Mrs. Richard Wells, united in marriage to Charles ton, ir., son of the late Charles ton, of this town. The affair quiet one. Miss Cromack was number of years stenographer in the offices the Ontario Wheel com- pany, and later with her brother-in- law, W. R. Acton, in the offices of the Gananoque Harness company. Mr. and Mrs. Acton returned to town Monday and will reside here. The Gananoque canoe club held an- other of their popular assemblies in Turner's hall Thanksgiving evening. There was a large attendance, quite a contingent from the Limestone city enjoying the affair. : Quite, a fine specimen of a wild goose was shot a few miles from here on Monday morning by David Johnston, Garden street. The species is not mvety plentiful in this locality, it being the first one shot hereabouts for several years. Thomas having an extensive to his residence and proving his property. William Hazel, Sydenham street, with a party of friends, enjoyed a hunting expedition near Cranberry Lake the fore part of the week. With three stop logs removed at Lake Opinicon the best the Water Power company can furnish to the factories is nine-horse power in: the first three days of the week. The out- none too bright, although conditions seem considerably Brockville Cromack, was Ac- Ac- was a for a on correct Fabric There is known that such style, prominence and popu- larity as the Breadeloth. Evea Grandmothers 50 to 756 70 years ago considered Broadcloth the choice of Fabrics, Broadeloth for other is the Dressy Suits no that | the Elkins | Turin | to accommodate the new to cloth enjoys -~ . pA EMPEROR OF CHINA. It is reported that the management| Pekin, Nov. 11.--The Emperor of of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway | China, who has been suffering for is negotiating for the purchase of | nearly two weeks from an intestinal the fleet of the Union Steamship com- | disorder, is worse. He showed some pany, of Vancouver. { improvement but it did not last. President Castro has been advised | His majesty refuses foreign medical hy his physicians to go to Kurope{aid, or to take foreign medicine. for the purpose of getting medical | The death of the emperor would treatment for the malady from which | bring into existence a situation in he has been suffering. | the empire both serions and com- Rosetta, the four-year-olds v f The emperor is « Manchu, of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Young, Ham- | which means that he is regarded prac- mond, N.Y., died suddenly. A bean | tically as a foreigner by his sub- had become lodged in the child's jects, and his demise would he fol windpipe, causing strangulation. lowed by a strong efiort by the an- The battleship North Dakota, the | ti-Manchu party to suppress the pre. first Alerican war vessel of the | sent dynasty, and effect the installa Dreadnaught class, has been launched | tion of a Chinese ruler. 'There is to- at the yard of the Fore River Ship- | day no designated heir to the throne, building company at Quincy, Mass. Near East Quogue, IL.lI., Ethelyn Phillips, tho twelve-year-old daughter of Thomas Phillips, was mistaken for | on goo 11 Mys. C a raccoon and was shot by Edward NT: F {. Ritchie E. H. Johannot Phillips, a boatman. She will recovs | (+ i Ryan, J. xX Anderson A. J Rr cel i the: boiler 'on dhe Pranklin, C. FE. Woodley, Montreal; w explosion o e bole r sw c ns . ™" , steamer Hemiskaming, near Temiska- * ely, oil Tix. 2 ee Hoey, mine Landing, resulted in the death moe Gebrue ( 'D. Lee of three men, the probable fatal in- dison Pegg. R o Wright H c. jury of two others and the bad i lor, D. W. Metcalfe, J. Ww. Barrington, burning of six, Jak . | H. C. Burlingham, Arthur Grist, To- The criminal libel suit instituted by! onto; C'. N. Bibbins, Watertown; G. Frederick Borden against L. | King, Cornwell; Edwin C. Raby, New Carruthers for circulating copies of | york. Charles "Thorn, Woodstock: G. the Calgary Eye-Opener began in | yo 1jiffe Charles Templeton Rome, Canning, N.S., and the defendant was N.Y. : ¥ Ludi Ee se EER Three Canadian insurance companies | are starting in Jamaica on a new | THE REICHSTAG MEMBERS WERE VERY CRITICAL. policy. It contains no earthquake | clause. and in ahy litigation it will | thirty- | old as final the decision of the su Freedom of Speech That Astonish-| ed Those Who ,Xnew of the] Traditional Caution in Deal- 10k preme court of Jamaica. Victor Grayson, the socialistic M.P., ing With Sovereign. Berlin, Nov. 11 {is making arrangements to tour Can- never heen so of our TO-DAY is more fashionable and more than ever, it used A Canadian Order. Ottawa, Nov. 11.--A at the headquarters of the Canadian Federation of Labor states that the International Brotherhood of Railway Employees, embracing the whole of the Intercolonial railway system have severed connection with the Interna- tional Union. They have organized, in Halifax, as the Canadian Brotherhood of yo with A. R. Mosser, as president, Eight thousand men are affected, wire received This Store is showing the fittest qualities and the full color range of this popular Fabric. None of the desired shades are lacking in our . display. Here. the New CHASSIER HLUE and MUSKE- TEER; r ni also the IA SMOKE. TAUPE and FLRPHANT HIDE. The new shades of CLEMATIS, AMY THINT OCEAN BLUE. BISCUIT, BOR- DEAUX, etc. All fine tekture and light weight and rslerling Prices Run From 75c to $2.25 invite Boniface Whose Boarders Rebelled at Scanty Fare Secured 78 Snakes For Half a Dollar Each and Supplied Demands For Meat. New York, Nov. 11.--The Tribune has received the following despatch from Sylvanite, N.M.: Sylvanite, the newest gold eamp of New Mexico, now considers itself strictly up to date in the matter dishes, for the piece de resistance at one hotel to- night was rattlesnake. The supply of fresh meat in town ran out yesterday, and guests, who are paying $16 a day board, kicked for ment. The ~ | prietor hived everybody he could get to go after rattlers. three hours the hunters secured seventy-eight snakes, for which they got 50¢. each. The snakes were greatly by the hungry guests. : DEAKIN. 11.---A Melbourne PREMIER Nov says Refused To Do It. London Lisbon, Nov. 10.--Alberto Costa, a | cablegram the' fadeval Ticino Tot former member of the Chamber of Des | oo eentatives net, ¢uesday, and: on puties, and one of the most prominent " vision the government: was defeat- of the republican leaders, committed | I forty-nine: to. - thirteen The suicide on Tuesday. His act has crea- | 0 odiourned until Thursday. ted a tremendous sensation. It ' lieved the Black Cross Society select ed Costa by lot to kill the present King Manuel and Costa pre ferred to kill himself to committing this deed 3 i every ote Stone street, 15 ery piece addition made otherwise im- eggs, t value. 18 1S : by ol B. A. Hotel Arrivals. Mrs. H. B is be Ce Fermoy Tidings. Nov. 10.--Father and sister, Mrs M have returned to their Oates after spending a week at o A little daughter has ar- the home of Mr. and Mrs Truelove. Mrs. 8S. McAllister friends in Kingston, and | look Miss J. Botting is at | business Mrs J. Steele' Fish | improved during the past month. Barrett and Miss | Messrs. Henry and Thomas Hawke, and Miss Mamie Walsh, are | John street, have returned from To Mrs. B. Ferguson is | ronto, where they were in attendance at the funeral of their niece, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. F, Hawke, of that city. The following : Sherwood, Napanee; A. the M. O'Neil, Orange, the for pro- |e HIAIIIIIIIIIOH HII MeDon- Sullivan home in ~ RK Fermoy, We your inspection. Id vid To Use Electricity. New York, Nov. 11.--The official statement made that the Pennsyl vania railway, from Manhattan and Jersey City Philadelphia will be electrified and that the rumning time between New York and Philadelphia Creek. TT will be reduced to one hour. The | ret Westinghouse company is already at] . B. work on new machines capable of 120 | miles an hour. ---------- There will be a of "The Ancient St. John's Lodge," on Thurs day, 12th inst., at o'clock, for the Jurpose of conferring All Masons welcome, H Griffith, Toromto, friends in the city. DAILY MEMORANDA, he When iy Campbell Biro You buv the Cheese B Longboat * In ivan's d at William Sul rive is 2 is visiting 15 relished Howe Island her sister's, FAH 4 sister i ister, Sir NEWS OF DISTRICT. SIE HH Golden's, The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario. John Orr, Picton, suffered the f his residence on Thanksgiving Day Dr. Joseph Campbell, Rochester, N. Y., son of Rev. Amos Campbell, Belle ville, died Friday, aged nine years. The remains er, who passed away N.Y., the result of dent, arrived in Belleville, Quarterly ¢ Ready, Journal Now Home still quite ll Book, 4 Style loss spent the holiday here : Robert Hinton, Queen's, with his parents; David Moore and si SSUE ON ISLAND ec Mi ] PRINCE EDWARD PEOPLE | J. J. Moore, Charles street; Mr. and | Mes. Smith, Brockville, with the lat WILL VOTEON NOV. 18TH. | ter's mother, Mrs. Nuttall, Charles | | street; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pennock, | if | Ottawa, with relatives: Miss Bertha | | meeting DIED. HAGERTY At Brewer's 20th, 1908, Bdward, on Hagerty Township of aged forty-Lhree years MCDONALD <n Coliins Bay on 10th, 1908, Danie! McDonald, forty-six years fhursday ulternoon, Cataragui ( cquamiances attend on degrees. Mills, son Oct, ly of Miss Palm Cortland, runaway Sunday of the late ig visitin in Nav aged a acer | (irayson, having been expelled | from the commons, is prohibited from evening for burial |sitting in the house at the present Rev. 8. E. Grigg, the popular pas | session, but can sit in the next house | tor of the First Baptist church, Brock- | A gub-contract for the construction ville, has unanimous call | of 4 section of the Transcontinental to become pastor of the Western Bap- | iiway, has been awarded to Fortin, | tist church, Parkdale, Toronto. { Gravelle & Co.. at an estimated cost The following = Gananoqueans arve| Saturday afternoon at Brockville, | i $500,000. This section is ten miles spending some time of town :| Rev. 1). Strachan united in marriage BR, Tength and situated above Fort l Orser, King street, in Trenton; M. | joseph Wooding, Camntown, and Miss | william. when the government | Carpenter, Wellington street with| Lucy Apps, a former resident of a | De. David Decamp Thompson, Chi- a { Kingston friends; Miss I. . Delong, small town near Norwich, England. | re or of the North-Western liber: King street, with Kingston friends, | The death occurred in the township Hr iatian Advocate, died at St. Louis, When | over the holiday. Miss Muriel Church- of Yonge, on of Erastus |; the result of an automobile acci- fort f ill, of the local postal staff, in | Brown, after an illness extending over last night, in which he suffered seats | Kingston; Mrs. 0. V. Goulette King | a period of fourteen years The de- |." Lroken ann several cuts and bruis- namely, | street, in Montreal, the guest of | ceased was a native Spencerville a pe sternal injuries. Death was the late Premier | box goughtes, Mes. Jesmer; Nis _ B.{and was eighty-two sears of sge. | due principally to nervous shock. in January last), Moore, Garden street, in Smith's At Prescott, a little boy named By Aan Beckford, -of Alton, Ill, Hon. George God-| Falls, the guest of Mrs. Wadsworth; | Easter, four years of age, a son of | i back from the Klondyke with a to take a federal ap- Miss Cornett, Garden street, in Lon: | Curtis Easter, got hold of a revolver | lion dollars in gold. * After a sil- and the second district m, at the bedside of her sister, | and whilst playing with his sister, a | ence of ten years had led his rela (where the late Dr. Doug-| Mrs. Richardson, matron of London| yirl of fourteen years, the weapon | {iva to believe that he was dead he las, speaker; died shortly after the | city hospital, who is seriously ill. was exploded. "The bullet passed | (uddenly reappeared in Alton and an- of the Of the remain- | through a quilt and the girl's | nounced that he was a wealthy man. ing twenty-seven seats nine were held | side, She will recover. Lester A. Rollins, second son of {by the eighteen {p. C. Rollins, St. Apdrew's, N.B, by the liberals at the time dis- | was killet in the woods at Elms- solution So far nominations have { 'ville. Sunday, by a rifle in the hands been made in all but three constitu- | of his father. In a re igh piece of 'The conservatives . have not 10c. toilet paper. 5 for Zi | woods he stumbled and jell. The rifle selected their men in the fifth 25¢. tooth brushes, 15c. | was discharged, the bullet penetrat- of Queen's, viz. Charlojte- 25¢. shaving sticks, 2 for 25c ling the boy's side, causing instant town and Royalty, and the liberals Wich Hazel cream, 15c. | death. | have still to nominate in the 2% toilet talcum, 15¢ { cond district of Prince a successor "Short Stop" equal Hon. James W. Richards, feated A. A. Lefurgey at election, ada. on Liberals Only Want a Tunnel Found to Be Practicable With- Cos'--Conse Anyway. ( harlottetowr Nov. 11 the heel f the federal elec Prine I ard Island will | provincial election on No- | This was the order in|R | Pugh, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. | BE. X. Belnois. King street; Charles | Cornell, Harrowsmith, with friends |W. T. Heaslip. Toronto, Pp J | Heaslip, Peterboro, with their mother, | | Mrs. P. Heaslip, King street | s'. Furs in Reasonable hes lv mvited to McWATERS --In Por 1 11th, 1908 Margaret Waters, beloved. wile Waters. Funeral will take plage Friday from her son-in-law's resid Carr, to Sand Hill Ceme Bury Friends and weqnai spectiully invited to attend i n------------------------------ ROBERT J. REID, The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone, 577. 227 Princess street. Our own blend of Java and Mocha Coffee still retains its high place in the esteem of all lovers of good Coffee. Guaranteed Pure. Price 40 cents. Jas. Redden & Co.. Importers Of Fina Groceties. COFFEE COFFEE EVERYBODY COME. mn 8 for A Suprise. The ladies are surprised how ly we sell fur lined oats; and being cheap, they aré not surpassed. in Canada for quality, style, fit or workmanship, come in examine and compare at Campbell Bros.', the maks ers of fine furs 8 ia gt vatives Want it and received wih, on Spence Thomas Ihursday toller Rink William | jndged ard, : dé Emperor has severely by hig parliament during the debate in the reichstag on the interpellations concerning the con- versations published, with the permis- sion of the emperor, in the london Daily Telegraph on October 25th. The | eriticisms of his majesty's court, his ministers and his majesty's treatment of the constitution ax well as his freedom of speech went to lengths that astonished observers acquainted with the traditional eaution of the chamber in dealing with the personality of the sovereign. The emperor seemed to have no defenders. Chancellor Von Buelow made an ad diess, lasting fifteen minutes, but he lacked his usual spirit and a person, high in his confidence, is authority for the statement that he had told the emperor that neither himself nor his suceéssors could remain in office un- less his majesty was more reserved. The house received Von Buclow's ex- planation in icy sildnee. The conser vatives, vepresenting largely the land- ed nobility, were almost as relentless as the socialists, the radicals and the national liberals and yesterday's pro- ceadings are regarded by the extreme | liberals asc the beginning of a long contest between thé crown and parlia- ment that may end in Germany hav- {or bleeding corns in twenty-four | ing a ministry responsible to parlia- | hours without pain. Take only Put-| ment and not to the crownwalone, i ------ | nam's; it's the best. The auditor «of the Hareiman sys Died In Toreato. | tem of railways has forbidden the! Mrs. F. Anderson, Ottawa, died sud- five hundred men under his control to] denly, on Monday, from administra visit saloons for any pufpose what-! tion of chloroform to petiorm opera- ever, : | tion. Deceased was a daughter of An "Indian" case was for | the late Sheriff Sweetland and an the police court to-day ac-| aunt of J. |. James and L. L. Hen- cused left the city: and not | derson, of this city. be secured Another case ba! Miss Emma Woodcock ha¥. been heard to-morrow granted a degree of divorce at Wa- Miss Blanche Griffith, who was dan-{tertown, N.Y. The parties were mar- gevously ill in the isolation hospital | ried in Deseronto and lived together ljor ning "yearss fom nig Cameron House, 8.13 A borne noon. ol Mee Close on tion come Opera , Grand Opera as he was, yesterday, pm Sale of in the 18th 1904 was morning, Was. sane out Te House No Murray, 149 « ction rhursda street vember vind each « ances yee 1900 returned by majority, a which the freely predicting lo 1908 at noon | in ase eased in Oso wart House d tenements at ( ands an Auction Sale Thursday, of 1 Township Bijou Theatre--' Rag Pi "Hattling With Big Fights of Two Funny od Song by Will West. Limestone Lodge No ol, meets Thursday evening, a Bro. Chayter, Toronto, be present result I'uesday as | dent are the house might there Peter's Peters, Summerside kin resigned pointmentj, of of Paris Fierce Hiustrat about the thirty vacancies, dissolved a out ot three (held by died {where Cooks Lo . were 8 ot A.O.U. YW XN o'clock anizer, will St to who ol sg -- History. defeated Nov? 11th, In Canadian 18183--The Americans were Chrysler's Farm. 1885--8ir 8S. L Lieutenant-Governor 1808--~Lord and Lady hed. A oB-Oliver Simmons Member Parliament for East Lambton, died. ; 1907--The British battleship Superb was launched at Elswick at Queen s was appointed hu New Brunswick Minto reached Tilley close session) - Deer - Scarce At Arden. Arden, Nov. 10. ~The fine | weather and the late rains have {of great benefit to this part of | country, freshened up the fall pas- | tures and given a moderate supply | of water in the wells, which were very low. Frank Wheeler has moved off the place he lately occupied and he land family are staying at Ryerson Kellar's. William Wormworth odcupies the place vacated by Frank Wheeler. A party of two or three | went hunting last week and shot a {fine young de This is the only one heard of being killed in this neighbor Deer are scarce around here, W: R. Kellar intends to visit ughter, Mrs. Benson Lee, weeks, in the states. She pects to go this week. It }that the Rev. W. Cox this mission at the end of the month and become rector of the English { church on Wolie Island. The rever- end gentleman "is well liked: around] here and his g-away is regretted Drug Store Bargains At Best's. $1 and $2 purses for 33c, 28¢. boxes iron tonic pill conservatives and . i mild been the of ol 2 for 25e. encies yet district se 10 who de- thé recent now to any For Thanksgiving -| A Guaranteed Corn Cure For 25 i Years. Painless Corn Extractor remove hard, solt cough' eure, only loc. Putnam's For Your Health's Sake. is guaranteed to Use more fresh fruite. We have per- simmons, pomegranates, pineapples, pears, pomelo, etc., at Carnov sky's. A Re-Hearing. Nov 11.-The United } court of appeals rnment s petition lor before that court of the 0 BLUE AND DERBY | £20 .240,000 Standard Oil ease. "The | court sustained its original ruling re | versing WILLOW PATTERNS. | Creu the decision of United States Denied cago, States circuit COV We are showing some very of 13-piece in hood: Mrs. her few quaint sets odd sshapes. has for a | ex is reported will leave the d | { { { { 1 | denied next | Rav. Dr. A. C. Cotirtice, formerly ones, editor of the Christian Guardian, is dead in Toronto. Deceased was a man of scholarly attainment. was stor of Sydenham street Methodist church in this city some fwelve years ago. He left here to accept the editorship of the Methodist church or- gan. { a rehearing hooked but the could will Judge Landis, and remanded { the case to him for rre-trial. Golden Keiffer Pears. to 100 baskets them go at '4k in perfect condition with | ibn Large | atl toceived ay A local doctor vaccinated 100 peo- ple on Tugsdays oker will leave Ireland for a visit to the United Richard ( on Saturday States, orders to let fruit, all dL Carnovsky'sy Robertson Bros, a en J -- ------ i --------. at the fort, is much better; A

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