NESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1908. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WED Dress Goods Fine All Wool Venetian Broadcloth Full 54 inches wide, nice, bright finish, extra good value at $1.25,in a 11 the leading shades. Our Special Pfice $1 Yard. A ------ p------, COATS What about your Coat ? We are ready with the biggest and best range we have ever had. It's up to you to come i we can give youat n and se the values $7, 10.00, 12.50 and 15.00. Millinery. Great values in Millinery at $3, 4.00 and 5.00. Come and see. Pra, mm e-- rumley Bros. CASH COUPONS. Synopsis of Canadian Northwest Land Regulations. ANY PERSON WHO IS THE SOLE head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may bomestead a quarter- section (160 acres, more or less) of available Dominion laud in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the _district.. Entry, by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. DUTIES. --Six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A homesteader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely owned | and occupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or] sister. In certain districts a homesteader in good standing may pre-empt a quarters section along-side his homestead, Price $3. per acre. Duties. --Must reside six mont. in each of six years date of homestead entry (inclading the time required to earn homestgfid patent) and cultivate fift- acres exire. A homesteader who has exhausted his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain _districts. Price $8.00 per acre, Purchased homesteads may be acquired on any available lands on either odd or even numbered Sections South of township 45, East of the Cal- fory and Edmonton Railway and the est line of range 26, and West of the third Meridian and the Sault Railway line. Duties.--Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate fifty acres and erect a house worth $300. { SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-| WEST MINING REGULATIONS. | COAL.~Coal mining rights may be] leased for twenty-one years at an annual from rental of $1.00 an acre. Not more thao | 2,660 acres can be leased to one appli-| cant. Royalty, five cents per ton. { QUARTZ. --A person eighteen years of | age and over having made a discovery | may locate a claim 1,500 feet by 1,500 | feot. Fee, $5.00. At least $100 must be expended on the oljim each year, or| vaid to the Mining Recorder. When $500 has been expended or paid and other requirements complied with maY bs purchased at $1.00 an acre. | PLAC MINING CLAIMS generally, | 100 feet S.. Entry fee; 00. I DREDGING --Two 1 five each of a river may = jssued to ® Nant gE term of 20 years. tal, | emi r annum. Royalty, 2 ¥ cent after the output aie $10, ye WwW. CORY, Ww. Reputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B. Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be d for. miles | one Melton and Beaver Overcoatings. Newest Shad es in Ulsterings and Suit- ings. John Twedell. J81 Princess street, it, THE OVEN DOOR It's insulated in a SOU- VENIR Range--built like a refrigerator door. : The oven door has double walls, with 13{ inches air space between. No oven heat is wasted. Results--1less fucl,'eventem- perature. That's the SOUVENIR RANGE THE GURNEY, TILDEN CO., LIMITED. HAMILTON, ONT. BRANCHES AT MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER. the claim | 4 For Sale by J S. J. Horsey, Kingston. and should kocv ost lent, It cleanses n y., i INDIAN STUDENTS | ARE TAKING COURSES AT TORONTO UNIVERSITY. | ¥oung Man and Young Woman! Came From Burmah--They Are Teachers in a Rangoon School. ' In Toronto University circles thie | year the most interesting freshman | and freshette are Daniel Solomon and | | Miss Isaae, both of whom hail from ! | Rangoon, Burmah, India. They are | said to be the first students from In- ia at any Canadian university, al- | ough Indian students have come as | at a4 England previously for an edu- ca Thege dark-skinned students came to Toronto when term and have started at McMaster University both taking the full first year's arts | course, and, although they have not | as yet decided how long they will re- | main in Toronto, both are likely to go on for second year work next year. Mr. Solomon and Miss Isaac came from fdr-dway India with Wiss Arm- strong, who has been a missionary in Rangoon for several years, Miss Armstrong and her father and mother are the Baptist missionaries for the Indian population of all Bur mah, which numbers 750,000, but they do not work among the Burmans. Miss Armstrong's father is Rev. W. F. Armstrong, her mother is known to hosts of people in Canada as Miss Maria Norris, founder of the Mission- ary Aid Society. These Indian students whom Miss Armst: has brought to Toronto are teachers in a Rangoon school in which 400 Indian boys and girls are getting an education which can qualify them for Government positions. Both Mr. Solomon and Miss Isaac obtained their first-class certificate of the College: of Preceptors, London, Eng., about a year ago. They passed this examination at Rangoon, after traiming in Norris College, an instita- tion established in Rangoon by Miss jnastipag about three years ago for Indi students. After their course at McMaster Mr. Solomon and Miss Isaac will be-qualified for positions in this college. Both of these Indian students are hard, conscientious workers, which has already been indicated by-the-ex- aminations they have passed. Mr. Solomon dresses like men of this country or England, but Miss Isaac wears her Indian costume, in- cluding the saree. LAWYERS LEAD LIST. Have Largest Representation In New Members From Ontario. As usual, the lawyers are moet nu merous in the Ontario delegation that has been elected to sit in the new Dominion Parliament. The elect re- present the following avocations: Lawyers, Boyce, Borden, Crothers, Middleboro, Barker, Northrup, Por- ter, Lancaster, Lennox, Bristol, Mac- donell, Sharpe, Sutherland, Clarke, Pardee, McColl, MoGiverim, Laurier, McIntyre, Proulx, Murphy, Smith (Stormont), German, Guthrie, Ayles- worth. { Physicians: Barr, Sproule, Chis- holm, Rankin, €urrie, Edwards. Lumbermen: Donnelly, Arthurs, White, Low, Chew McColl. Farmers: Broder, Thornton, Elson, Armstrong, Maclean (South York), Schell, Sexsmith. Agents: Sealey, McCoig, McMillan, Wright. Manufacturers: Armstrong, Tho burn, Taylor, Owen (retired), Russell, Clare, Paterson, Harris, Tolmie, Gor- don (Kent), Harty, Calvert, Marshall Promoters: Currie, Hughes. Newspaper men: Graham, Maclean (South York), Mclean (S. Huron), Btratton. Real estate: Nesbitt, Miller. Contractor : Conmee. Administrator: King. Broker: Osler. Shoemaker: Wilon. Merchants: Reid, Henderson (retir- ed),- Blain, Wallace, Fowke, Martin. Stonecutier: Stewart. Ex-college professor: Foster, Notary: Lewis. Hog buyer: Lalor Steamboat owner: Haggart (retired). Cat Deserted Ship. For a long time a cat had been a member of the unfortunate ship City | of Kingston. When that vessel arriv- ed at Seattle from Victoria, B.C, on her last trip the cat, contrary t&@its | habits, went ashore, and could not be | soaxed back. Finally one of the crew grabbed the animal and carried it aboard. Just as the lines were cast off the cat sprang from the Kingston to the wharf and disappeared in a pile of rags. Now people are asking: "Did the yellow cat know that the King- ston would meet with a disaster and do cats, a well as rats, desert a sink- ing ship?" Three Bears on the Rowd. An Omemee man, while returning home from Bobcaygeon recently with a horse and buggy, was surprised to find three bears in the road about jection to their presemce and they had to be "shooed" to one side of the . where they sat on their haunches looking disgustedly at the vehicle that had 'troubled them to move out of the way. A Delicate Point. At a cert#in committee room on Dominion election day, a politician was at thé telephone answering the numerdus enquiries of serutineers. Somebody rang in. "Say," said the voice, "here's a fel- low who wants to vote, the residence qualifications. insist that he be sworn?" "How will he vote?" "Don't know for sure We'll vote our way." im. nad, and vote the other way.' Opposite Grand Central Station GRAND NEW YORK CITY, UNION] ==ebia Baggage to and from eta tion free. Yond 2-cent stamp for New York City Guide and Map. ------------------ pen It is reported in Caleuntts; that rifled and revolvers are being imported into Bengal in cases labelled "sewing ma- chines' or "cotton." After lightering the steamer Rose | mount was veleased, apparently un- injured, from Sault Ste shoal pear Marie, et Au HOTEL | of the model colonies. and he hasn't | Shall I | but I think | "Then for heaven's sake don't swear | If you do, he'll probably get | HAmusements. (Rak, GPERAYHOUSE TO-NIGHT The Cameron Opera Co. PRESENTING "THE HINDOO" 20 Big Musical Numbers Chorus of 40 People. The Singing, Ring: ing, Jingling Event of the Season. Prices, 23¢., 35¢c., 50e., The, Seats mow on sale. BlJOU Wednesday and Thursday. Rag Pickers of Paris Scenes In the Life of & People--A Wedding. AT ON 2.~"Battling Big Fish" A day in the life Rugged Fisher-folk of Sieilyd ATTRACTION 3.--""The Fierce Fights of Two Funny Ceoks," a Comedy. ATTRACTION 4.--Nustrated Song, 'Pown On The Old St. Joe," sung by Vill West. Roller Rink 5 Mile Race against five of Kingston's best runners, WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 11th. Prices, General Admission, 25c¢, Skates, 10c. extra. Reserved seats in Balcony, 25¢. extra. Skating before and after race. Excursion to Toronto Under Auspices of Queen's Athletic Com- mittee. Friday, Nov. 'l13th Per G.T.R. Jeaving: City Station, at 12.50 pan. Good to return up to and including MONDAY, Nov. 16th except on trains Nos. 2 and 4, Return Fare, $3.35 Tickets for game in Toronto will sold on train. Queer Strange With ol the Special, be e SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the undersigned, wi endorsed "Tender for Residence Chies Astronomer, Royal Observatory, Ottawa, Ont." will be re- ceived at this office until 4.00 P.M., on Saturday, November 28, 1908. for Resi- dence Chief Astromomer, Royal Obserya- tory, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont, Plans and specifications can be seen and forms of tender obtained at this De- partment, Persons tendering are notified that ten- ders will not Be ¢ousidered unless 'made on the printed forms supplied, and sign od with their astual signatures. Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, made payable to the order of the Hon= ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent (10 p.c.) of the umount of the tender, which will be for- feited if the person tendering decline to wnter into a contract when called upon o do so, or fail to completed the work contracted for. If the tender be not ac- cepted the cheque will be returned, The Department does not bind itself to woept the lowest or any teader. By order, IFESSIER, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, November, 6, 1908 Newspapers will not be paid for wdvertisement if they insert it withorit~ from the Department. NAPOLEON this without MUST AWAIT TURNOVER Will Return. When Conservatives Obtain Rule. There is living in the city of Phila- delphia a gentleman named Adair, who wants to come back to Canada. But he won't come back for four more years at least, till the Conserva- tives are restored to power. He has his ear to the ground far away in Pennsylvania, listening for the noise that will call him home, and he hop- ad to hear the noise on the Monday evening of the tecent election. Mr. Adair left Canada when the Tories were defeated in (1896, and won't return till they come into their own again. His son-in-law, a Mr. Boyd, was in Toronto before the polling. He stop- ped at the Elliott House, and every day or so he sent his father-in-law the latest news of the battle then in progress. The last bulletins were go cheering that the old gentleman is said to have begun packing his trunk. Io Jail For His Religion. Ispac Robinson, a Hebrew, undér arvest at Hamilton on a charge of ob- taining goods valued at $90 from H. Levitt, spent all of one Saturday 're- cently because he would not desecrate the Jewish Sabbath by bail bonds that would give him his freedom. "I would rather go to jail," he de- clared, and he remained in the cells until sundown, when he signed the papers and was allowed out. A German Colony. A party of German settlers from Da- kota, numbering in all 173 souls, have purchased an area covering thirty.five sections of land north of Calgary. They have brought everything with them necessary to found a flourishing colony, even to their own minister. Theig effects include nearly 1,200 head of stdck. The body is regarded as one § Men should look fdr this Tag on Chewin Tobacco. guaranteesthe high quality of Black Watch The Big Black Plug. 227, 2 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion lc. a word Each i insertion eafter half cemt a 'word Minimum charge for insertion, 20¢.; ree insertions, S0c.; six, $1; one month WANTED-MALE, NE umn a Atay. 13 rade. TO positions. Will Con- stant practice. Ca Few weeks complete logue free. Write Moler Barber Col lege, Toronto. mes Be SHE AMEE 'Phone, FAR 0S i HINE, gtrew onto floor, at Turk's, " NS, ARCHITECTS, M "urd Rh a ie "es NETRA CREE BS Be Eta oe MEN, AT ONCE ON SALARY "AND tion 0 Manufacturing Co., london, WANTED---FEMALE. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, once. Apply to 128 yohnson St, AT AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant, references required. Apply 232 King street. SERVANT. AP- A GOOD GENERAL 105 Albert ply to Mrs. Ettinger, street, below Union. WANTED--CENERAL. EXPERIENCED Apply John McKay, CLOTH Brock THREE workers. street. WHIG OF twenty-five Whig Busi- TO BUY TWO COPIES OF May 29th last. Will pay 'cents for each. Apply at ness Office. INSURANCE RISKS, GOOD lowest rates, fair settle- R. C. Dobbs & Co: 109 Telephone, 480. FIRE I companies, ments. J. Brock St. THE OPPORTUNI?Y TO FURNISH estimates on electric work. All kinds of work promptly done. F. J. Birch, Electrician, 206 Wellington street. A JOB CLEANING ASHES OUT OF yards ur cellars, or other baggage carted. Prices right. APP to 8. 5 Main St. Lytle, General Carter, ANY PERSONS HAVING GOOD second-hand stoves or furniture, bes fore disposing, drop a postcard and I will pay good prices. John Thomp- son, Second-Hand Dealer, 338 Prin- cess street. GENTLEMEN TO GET TEEIR WINT- er overcoats now, also last ears' turned and made like new. Your own cloth made into wup-to- date suits. Price and workmanship guaranteed to please. Thomas Gallo- way, The Tailor, 131 Brock St. next to Bibby"s Livery. SITUATION WANTED. COOK, OR WORKING, HOUSE- Keeper; can also do plain sewing. Call at 97 Wellington Street. io HE AS REV. C. W. CASSON. Just Common Honesty. What the world needs more anything else is just common honesty. There is enough truth in the world, hut not enough people who dare tell it. Most of us content oursel- ves with boring tiny holes in the bushel that covers our candle. What need to do is to abolish bushel altogether... A man is to Jess blamed for the error he honestly expresses than for the truth he cow- {ardly .conceals. 1 plead for honesty of thought and expression as the only means by which all can come to a sympathetic understanding and {a common basis in religions Hie | Whatever others are, be honest yow self. They will sometimes follow your example. Lo we Sn" Address, Rev. C. W. Casson, Beacon street, Boston, Mass., for the literature. Problem For a Builder. end of the city of Toronto, north and west of what is called Brockton, who owns a piece of property on a street which runs over to the northern track, and upon which he has erected house. To the east, a carpenter owns the land, and he has built a rougheast dwelling. than necessary, so to make the "house as large as possible, he built right up to the line between him and his neighbor. All went well till it was time to lathe and plaster the western wall. To do so, the workmen would have to use the side entrance of the neigh- bor, and this he absolutely refused to house allow. 7 complete but the wail. ' plastering without trespassing on the neighbor' land is a que the per- plexed builder would like some one to solve. An Intelligent Dog. A very wise and intelligent fox ter- ed the Toronto Street Railway out of a fare a few days ago. In the place, he was traveling which under the existing code capital offence for a dog, and the usual. the first stop east of Yonge, cour- teously waiting until everyone had climbed into the car, then f inch step =n on the Canadian Railways. The Canadian railways had 4 total léngth of 22,452 miles on June 30, 19¢7, 27.611 miles, including double tracks, sidings and spars, "Vaccination shields," Buy them at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. PARAGRAPH PULPIT than | Take Notice at 25 | There lives a man in the northwest | a| The land was no bigger | rief not only broke a bylaw but cheat | PO YOU 'WANT A NEW TORR n a We 'have thefil, also A * - wt ATIRACTISE FRAME Barrel ? that's all Salt for NG, ON ie ig S61 Noor, od out ; a iE packing purposes, at A Ontario street. 10! Well sour BRICK TWO-STORY ted, elect: uare. A WARM ROOM, 'WITH D. AP- A RO a hee. GR FLOOR OFFICE ROOMS, WITH OR Modern convenience. street, FURNISHED without A 0 Apply 214 William RRISHED. A FINE BRICK REST. , centrall LN situated, twelve rooms, all mode Improveianta, Jot particulars. Apply at the office. "ROSELAWN" + THAT TWANDSOME residence on Union street, good stab- ling, at a normal rental for the wint- er. Apply Ji 8S. R. McCann, O61 Broek street. LOST. $10 Gib PIECE, AMERICAN $10 GOLD Ww. Ww. reward for its return to son, bruggist. 1. BRICK RESIDENCE, with twelve hot water SABLE COLORED COLLIE PUP, quire at 179 Division St: answers to the name of "Hen."" Any- one returning same to 34 Rideau St, will be rewarded. MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company, Available assets $61,187,215. 'addition to which the olders have for security the unlimited liability of all the stockholders. Farm and cf STRAYED. YEARLING HREIFER, ABOUT OCT. 10th, onto premises of R. H. Snider, T.ot 1, Concession 7. Loughboro Township. Qwuer may have same by proving and paying expenses, FOUND. HAIR, MOLES, BIRTHMARKS, etc, removed permanently, w y without scar. Twent ¥ Dr. Elmer J. TO ME. proving adver- Hawley, COCKER SPANIEL, CAME Owner may have same 'hy property and paying for this tisement. Apply to H. M, 109 Princess street. Nott vests An, COAL! COAL! Bright and well screened, The _ kind that lasts longest. SWIFT'S. _ THE FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY ESTABLISHED, 1863. President--Sir Richard Cartwright. Money sued, on Lity and ET TO. ies. Jount, bens big Mortanges chased Deposits received and interest allowed. §. C. McGill, Managing Director. 87 Clarence street. NEW BAKERY WILLIAM BURNS Formerly Foreman for R. H. Toye has purchased Highest prices paid for House Furniture. Will buy all your | effects, or a part of them. If you intend moving away, see me-about selling your goods. Special price paid for | Furniture. L. Lesses, | 50% ines [597 Princess Bi, filer, Chimtham McCAMMON'S BAKERY, : Orders solicited for Cukes, Pies, ete. | 96 VICTORIA ST. ELOCUTION. LADIES AND GENTS' TAILORING | Pysical Culture and Dramatic Arts | under direction of Miss EvaGrifiith oy > . We fully guarantes superior Sty, (Graduate of Emerson College of | correct style, artistic workmanship and perfect fit. Oratory) in former Collegiate Building, d. B. Ouellette, 238 Princess St... Clergy St. Call between 1-3 Thursdays F. 6. ARMSTRONG, or Fridays. Permanent address, Syden- ham, Ont. Artist and Photographer 334 King Street, Kingston. Antique i WASHING WITHOUT WATER Is Like Trying to Get Rid of Dandruff Without Herpicide. Did you ever see anyone trying | wash themselves without soap water ? . H vou did what would you say him ? It is every bit as foolish to try te get rid of dandruff, and to prevent baldness by feeding the germs which cause it with canthrarides, vaseline, glycerine and similar substances which form the prineipal ingredients j of most so-called hair growers. 1 Newbro's Herpicide is successful be to or of RQ. Pants eases A HINT TO SHAVERS Ae chin PMY Mas FOR 25 CENTS. Odi ons and try its A. STRACHAN. {cause it attacks and kills the parasi- tie germ which feeds on the hair roots. . It is the original and only genuine scalp germicide: manufaetuyied. Sold by leading druggists. Send { 10c. in stamps for sample to the Her- picide Co., Detroit, Mich. Two sizes, S0c. and $1. G, W. Mahood, special agent. Both the dominion and provincial governments . have instituted an in quiry into the quality of coal oil be- ing sold in Manitoba, in view of re- cent accidents. "Pure cream of tartar." It pays to | gte., for sale 3 .0 . .y . buy, at at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Sale of Horses every Saturday. | John Henniker Heaton, speaking in Se | London, urged cheap cable and tele- ; | graph rates as the surest method of maintaining the world's peace. Mr Lemieux advocated an all-red 'cable. The annual eonvention of the Cana- dian Street Railway Association, whose members includes all the lead- ing street railways of Canada, is on in Ottawa, 2 Wm. Murray Auctioneer 27 BROCK ST. New Carriages, Cutters, Harness