Daily British Whig (1850), 12 Nov 1908, p. 5

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Rupt Cur SENT ON TRIAL TO PROVE IT. An Election Act That is Really a' Longboat left last night Monstrosity--Must Do Things Wrooks" Apgliance. The wonderful new WUNEry Lue above illustration plain- shows # a few week's wearing of ie naw app; co will dp. No obnox- 1ohs Chrings or pads. Hes Automatic Cushions. BINDS. AND DRAWS | BROKEN PARTS TOGETHER AS wWouin BROKEN LIMB, No | No Durable, cheap Pat 10 ENT ON TRIAL TO FOYE py A lies ul, Fr Ss FREE INFORMATION COUPON COE. BROOKS, 8129 Brooks Bldg. Marshall. Mich Please seit we by mail in plain wrapper your Book on Rupture measuring blank and price list free of char t is understood that in Cane 1 ordeal Iwter you will send on trial. 3 i | Nui of | Address { City ~Slate Take Notice! Highest prices pid for House | Furniture. Will buy all you | effects, or a part of them. If you | intend moving away, see me about selling your goods. Special price paid for | Antique | Furniture. L. Lesses, St., Cor. Chatham St. | 507 Princess | -- | ront OnlyaGommon Cold, iE ----., , tL BUT IT BECOMES A SERIOUS MATTER IF NEGLECTED. | be ., Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh or Consumption is the result. Get rid of it.at. once 4 taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Obstinate coughs yield to its grateful soothing action, and in the racking, persis- tent cough, often Sac in Consiptive cases, it gives and sure refel. Asthma and a Ba remedy, rendering breathing eay and natural, enabling the sufferer Jo enjoy refreshing sleep and often affecting a per- manent cure. Mrs. Henry Smallpiece, Brudenell, Ont., writes: --** | was always subject. to a co! h and could get nothing to relieve me until 1 saw an atlvertisement of Br. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup and thought I would deny a bottle, and when I had taken a few dose: 1 found I was getting relief, and when I hac finished it I. was cured. I jrosured a bot. tle for my baby, who bad a cough, and » fow doses eured him. I would ad vise any- one having a cough, to give Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup a trial and I am sure they will never be without it.' Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 25 cts. per bottle at all dealers. Put up in yellow per, and three pine .trees the trade ah Ratu substitutes. There is only one Norway Pine Syrup and that one » "Pr. WwW 's." ECZEMA Cases Treated With ere | | | "essor counted cred from the SO. active upon dny disease _ ™ Sores Spark' Steak intel. When once. applied to a case of Fezema, | will take 'away al redness and kill all divvused skin tissue and put the skin in- te a healthy smooth condition Sold By. W. Ma GUD and all First. Class Driggists. Accey no substitute Pivis Végatahle Comooring is GREEN IN {Lo OR, « Large bo skin Aro Sir Henty Milt 'Pellatt, Norman McCrae Reginald Pellatt PELLATT & PELLATT (Menlwrs of Toronto Stock Exchange) STOCK BROKERS AND FINAN. CIAL AGENTS. COBALT Aud, other stpeks bought and sold wmigsion. Correspondence invit on dors may be wired at our expense. 401 Traders Bank Building. Toronto "Phoie Nain 394 Main 3963. Qe od 'E. STRACHAN COX. MEMBER OF THE STANDARD STOCK AND MINING FACHANGE, Send for Pamphlet on GOBALT DISTRICT Tong Distance Telephone Main 2,446. 43 Scott St Toronto | week | does | im another a voter across the | wa river, is allowed to come {1 ware | need than four | wiek, Fat his wife, Fhe "tain ure WIKDWING P PROCESS . 'NEEDSTOBE RUN Er THROUGH THRESEING MACHINE. That Are Not Defined. Ottawa, Nov. 12.=The clection act comes in for some pointed criticism ih the formal report of P. J. Coffey, returning officer in the federal elec- tion dog Ottawa city. Mr. Coffey advocates for amd officials. and oft told tions," he writes. monstrosity, and the has been for"many years, to me elections have "There was the usual trouble with the elee- "It is, simply a marvel is, and | how { with so few blunders and as satisiac- tory ji the past with such a tortur- | ous act to, be interpreted by the men placed in their hands a ore polling day. It is a jum- ble, of pateh-work, anomalies and con- | tradictions and iu vain may one | soarcl¥in it for guidance on import- aml only | ant p a. However, it is ox rflowing | With dire penalties, if a returning of- | ficer fails: to carry out something it not 'define. In one place Sakat aud Alberta are exmpt- jo id 'snothér" Prince Edward Island 'Jectign stands beaugifully isolated and Otta- to Ot- awa 05 prolonged stay in | seniten td "The elec fion umblgy threat | by kd a wet needs, in men who are bitter experi committee of of its defects by ee. ka . PITH OF THE NEWS. i The Very .Latest Culled From All Over The World. I'oronto in the this morning, inued to present a Rollert Young died gt Pelleville, Thursday metning, frovi injuries eived in the rear-end collision lowmanville week ago, making hird vietim the week, Every = train that goes at greater miles an hour over at Yonge, Bay and oth- streets intersecting the = water int Toronto, the offending rail shall be fined $500, N.Y., Edward years old, of strangling him- scarf. Insanity guild con re delence At ane, gron the good vase on re- near a the 0 the ww crossing way At Syracuse, sixty-eight former state senator sommitted suicide by selt with silk brought on by worry over the illness f his wile caused the act Ae Winnipeg Ludwig Chodera, lorman, while crazed with drink, Wednesday night, the woman in the the thigh He ther shoot other members f the family He was arrested Hans Holmer, Halifax, who won he" Hamilton road race on Thanks- | he day, is in Montreal sand will} sperid a few days in Quebee L.fore re turning to Halifax. Holmer Bost and a a an shot the yullet striking fleshy part of attempted - to {pretty well pleased over his Hamilton | | vietory he met the in that race as _he considers choicest of the country 'SHOT A FARM DOG. John Redden Will Prosecute Offenders. Nov. 1l.---Lately has been blessed many baby visitors, come to make a | long stay. The latest to arrive daughters at J. Mooney's and E. hans. A shot was fired from a buggy the other night, at 7-30 o'clock, Jobn Redden"s dog. a valuable one The dag, an "inoffensive animal, stood within twelve feet of the house Mr Retdden has ascertained that the buggy ontained two men. After some detec tive work he has found out their names. He has a warrant out for their arrest Some attended the Monday night. Crosby nor s Kingston orchestra cellent | music, Some find much fault with the town ship council for the way they allow ond ditches to be d The milk ng to the factory comparatively mall. The splendid weather has en ibled farmers to get their fall plough ing pretty well Water the swamps is quite low for this timé of year." C. Doyle. city butcher, has pure hased a great deal of stoek through during the the the with Sharpton, neighborhood Mo ball in Odessa, & OCon furnished ex ug 1s 0 done in season RESIGNS PRINCIPALSHIP. Steps Qut From Office in Halifax College. Rafiiax, Nov. 12.--Dr. Robert Ma- All, who for six years has been pro- ji. the Halifax Presbyterian 'ollege the remaenl of President | Coronto, hes resigned his chair {the prineipatsip, to effect June, \ Principal Magall declined the Prdsbypterian College board' ceason for his action Svond that he Ssais considering another gintment. alt is believed (ie inteRtion of the governors Dalhondi® university to appoint to they presidency shecession be Forrest, who will and take next to} yive saying ap- to be of him to likely in swoon réfin To Attend Prison Congress. I. DB. Phelan, physician of - the penitentiary, has gone to Richmond, wMirginia, "10 attend the Prison Con- cress in session there next week. He repesents the justice department of of amada. # . roe f Want Sir Hibbert Tupper. Ottawa, Nos 12.---A petition cirtulated in Carleton county to have Sie Hibbert Tupper run when R. 1. Borden resigns seat is bein Hunt, while driving { near got off the road and rolled Jolly The Robert Hamilton, down the "steep" entbankment of Cut, AVING Serious injuries horse and buggy caught in part of the way down. Have vom a sore n shields at* Gibson's Cross drugstore. s=Phone 230 I'o be voted verv entertaining must either be a good spender or gond lieteger rece a Bay | Red | arm * vaccimatiol also | more pay for depities |'? been carried through | my \ggovigtonli, be put through a | Machine: to be dealt with Michigan, are | --- kiting | and' has been principal since; Falconer to! any | . new-horn you | al JHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908. INCIDENTS oF THE DAY. Reporters On Their Ro William Swaine, piano tuner. a} j received at McAuley's. "Phone 778 } resh infants' foods' at Gibson's! Red Cross drug stgre. Phone 230. for ronto im company with his manager, Thomas Flanagan. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, Chickering's. Leave orders at Auley's Book Store. Wade's white camphorated oil not become rancid or sticky. bottles, 13¢. and 25¢ Wade's drug store, The C.P.R. will run a special train {from Ottawa to Kingston, on Satur- {day. for the football match, arriving | at noon. 'hamois vests and chest protectors. | from will uy store. Phone 230, i Dr. Alexander Carmichael, Ottawa, ix visiting friends in the city. The | | doctor is recovering from a serious attack of typhoid fever. The latch string at the police sta- {tion is always open for uniortunates. Last night a poor knight of the road | was given shelter there, *"Vacoination shields." The kind | the doctor uses are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 230, Br. Edward Faber, of Duluth, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Fahoy, Bagot street, ior a few days. | | ¥roin here he goes to New York. Matheson and ed for vagrancy, that they had a son | in the Royal Military College. | The board of health met yesterday {afternoon te pass contagious hospital | fa rounts. Another meeting will be held this afternoon. The sum of $1.- "%) a month will be expended Mrs A. Howard, and her little son, Waldron, who came froi Hamil- ton to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Foden, Princess street, has peturned home. All disorders caused by a bilious state of the system can be cured by using Carter's Little Liver Pills. No pain, griping discomfort attending their use. Try them William Murray, auctioneer, offered the frame house, 149 Colborne street, for sale at his rooms thi= morning. The highest offer was S970. thirty dol lars below the reserve hid "Don't - experiment' with vemodies. Just buy Red Cross cough syrup. It cures any and prescribed by physicians. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug The Toronto man, who wrote wanting to place a bunch of money on Varsity, did - not have long to wait to have his bet called. It was placed | this morning, and Hity to it if ! wants to take it or cough is only cough store, down more he BIG ORDERS From Wormith Fiano Company. Wormwith Piano company, old and reliable local concern, just arranged contracts with | treal and Winnipeg piano houses which will involve a busy time for | the next few months. The Montreal | order calls for 300 instruments: that | ! of Winnipeg for 130 and the desire] {of both firms is to have the bulk | { of the contracts | Christmas. As these contracts are in addition to the regular work it| will require an extra push to in any | measure came up, to the demands on | the firm. Night work will be at { once begun. The Wormworth com- | pany. is one of the city's most sue- | cessful influstries, paying from £30. 000 to R260.000 a year in wages. For Pianos the has Mon- The Queen's Line Up. Queen's IT will against "Varsity ironto : Wiliams, full-back; nell, Crawford, Turner, halves; { quarter; Bruce, Brewster, | scrimmage; Gallgher, Lawson, wings; Buck, Thomspon, middle Elliott, Murphy. outside wings sity has been working hard the tcouple of weeks. Practice | with Uhper Canada Colleg {and other teams have | larly follows in To- Macdon- Moran, Gibson, inside wings "Var line up on Saturday as Ladies' I'he Kingston Ladies' elected these officers ©: Honorary presi- Mrs. R. WW. Garrett; Ww H. Macnee; vice-president, Dalton; secretarv-treasurer, Miss Tandy. The club has forty-five members, with thirty The skips chosen are Mrs Dawson, Miss Dalton, Miss ( sham, Miss Miss B. Tandy, Curling Club Curling dent, Mrs Miss IL active eintes. Hooper, Miss L Cunning | Tandy. asso- Mrs. R Dalton, Redden, Miss L Miss Betts You Need These. At Once. 15¢. a cake a box and Se Vaccine shields, Je. Pure gum camphor, Pure cream tartar, Pure acid, Disinfectants' of all kinds The and freshest Cobalt Stocks. Messrs. Ri H: Temple & oi the oldest and most reliable 'oronto, announce to the great demand for securities, "they have facilities to give service possible xn ecarbolie purest at Best's Son that, Co- Peial firms in owing balt special ofhice clients the best To Be Healthy. to the This one thing Carnovsky at 30c. a Ae. and coroner's jury found that babe picked up on Cherry street, dump, Toronto, been choked to death. Wealthy, save that we all prize. advise, eat grapes. faney black Rogers ket. Other kinds at wise, has 10 A had tree , wsy Paragraphs aphs Picked Jp By Me- | In| them at Gibson's Red Cross drug | Toronto police have found out that | | president. his wife were hum- | that one bugging when thev said, when arrest. | Your ealibre is' worth more to mation than ten thousand presidents, iness for the great work named fulfilled before | past games | », McMaster | been held regu- | Club president, | Waldron, Miss | arranged | their | : . | Answer To Crackers And Cheese Puzzle. life | 1 bas- | the | the | BRYAN. 0 PREACH SAYS HE COULD EQUAL. | APOSTLE PAUL. To- | A Minister of Bryan's. Calibre; De- men were clares Rev. F. E. Oliver, Would Be Worth More to the! United States Than T Thousand Presidents. <i Burlington, Kansas, Nov. 12.--Rev. | French E. Oliver, who is holding a| an | reyival meeting here, has issued open letter to W, J. Bryan, weging i | the Nebraskan to become an evange- list, and predicting that Mr. Bryan | f would become the equal of the apos- {tle Pavl. "Twelve i®ars ago," writes Mr. © | Oliver, 'I wrote you a letter in which 'T stated my convictions that you | should preach the gospel, and added the statement that if you would con |seerate your wonderful talents to | God, as an evangelist, the Bryan ol [the twentieth century would equal | ithe Paul of the first century, the | champion of the cause of Christ. Personally your three defeats have Been three sources of sorrow to me. as | have hoped to see you elected t« I i the presidency. Who kdows? Per | haps God has withheld the presidency from yon in order that vou may | come more to your country thar 1 am firmly convinced ambassador of Christ of thi: | "This impression regarding your fit has twelv maz soul." { been strong in my heart for vears, and I pray God that it become a fire in your great EYE OPENER IN COURT. Conclusion of Famous Calgary. Calgary, Nov, inal libel =uit Trial at 12.--The famous erim of Edwards agdinst MeGillicuddy is ended. Last night af ter four hours' comsideration the jury found Mr. McGillieuddy's plea of justi fication not proven, but added a rid er, disapproving as citizens of the ob scene and. suggestive articles and il lystrations which appear, in The Ey Opener, and desiring the judge tc caution the prosecutor against a re petition of these articles. Mr. MeGilli cuddy was sentenced to "pay S100 fine or two months' hard labor. Executior of the judgment was stayed pending the sitting of the court en bane on December 15th. BUOY CHANNEL. Petition to 'Government is Circu- lated. Brockville, Nov. 12.--A - petition being circulated in Broekvilie alopy the river front asking the mihion government to buov the Cana dian channel of the river St. Law rence between Brockville and Rock port, a distance of about thirty miles: I is pointed out that several dangeg ous shoals require lights to aid thos anv igntipg.. Abe. « channel after dark: | Several gas launches came tp | grief on thése® 8 the past summer is and do Gift To Dr. Herridge. Ottawa, Nov. 41-"The congregation of St. Andrew's church gathered, last | night 'to honor Rev. br. W. T. Her | who has just completed a quar {ter of a century as pastor of the | church. Dr. Herridge - was presented with a purse containing £1,700 in gold and a gown and eassock | ridge, | The boot and shoe manufacturing firin of Sehryburt & Co., Quebee, has | assigned on demand of the Anglo. ! | Canadian Leather company; their as- [sets amount to about $15,100, while | their labilities amount' to $12.397 ] ' guessing the to { small, | ehvde HAD A NARROW ESCAPE. | A Barriefield Man Was Knocked | Unconscious. Barriefield, Nov. 1L =0n. 8 i morning, while working mili- | {miraculous escape from death. Two lifting a heavy beam and | called to Smith to help them. He did | so 80 far as he could reach, then turn- od 10 Mis work when one of the meu | turday i | slipped and the log fell, striking Mr. | Smith sense (of his head. : A heavily wadded cap, | - | tary college trench, Nr. Smith had a L. A dector was called ! {and found a terrible gash on the top | and very thick head of hair, the doc i i | tor sald, saved his life. An English emigrant family, {in one of Mr. Allen's houses, left the night, owing all the rent. {Allen did not know they were The season is open for parties. On Thursday the and the men the music. has put up a fine barn and Thieves broke into Mr. and stole a lot of things. Miss Nor- James Esford | man is visiting - her sister. Mrs. Hun- | ter. Miss Maggie Byrnes has returned | to Rochester after visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Byrnes. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Cobalt and "Leading Canadian Stocks Listed. The following quotations died by the City Brokerage (J. 0. Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- | wee street. Telephone, 480 A : November 12th. Open. Open. Northern Pacific... ... ... 150} Union Pacific... . 178 Reading... ... ... .. 137§ PRL we ri Detroit United ... Dom. Chal Com... ... ... Jom. Steel Com. [llinois a Adi Lake of Woods ... Mackay Com.... ... Mackay Pia. . N, 8. Steel ... "i tio Jan. Tram. ... ... & 0. Nav... Paulo Tram. or. Railway Light 'win City 1513 1798 is ". Sao Cobalt Stocks. 8.11 08 . 1.07 2.65 2.66 57 21 5.75 AN 5.00 . 6.90 Amalgamated... Beaver 'hambers - ity of Cobalt. ou 'rown "Reserve .., 'obalt Central {'obalt Lake... Conigas... ... Faster ... ... Green. Meehan... Kerr Lake... .. . fa Rose. ... wo. i Little Nipissing McKin. Dar. Savage... Nipissing... Utesse "La Peterson Lake Rochester... Nova Scotia .. Silver Teaf.. Silver Queen Femischming... Treth Watts Guessing Contest. An interesting contest man's Ideal Fountain pen, X4.2 taking place at Best's. A fountain pen is placed in the aiid vou are asked to guess weight of the pen. The person exact weight, or nearest the exact weight, gets the Water man's pen" Any purchase, large or entitles you to a guess. for a Water valued at is large window the "Disinfect your house." Formald and sulphur torches will it Sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Phone 200. SUBSTITUTION PUZZLE one | finan- | Te changing one which it is termed by Answer Satarday all of the tena said the gheese pounds. Four-fifths the board. was on side of the balance poin five feet in' length. Then at the point age distance} woyld be a weight pres lent to a two-pound pressure at the the four-foot shortrggm. The chpese pound pressure on the short arm, ma fLouis of one | long arm to effect a balance | five-cighths of a pound. To Deport Canadians. | Detroit, Nov 12 -- Edith Tackson |aged eighteen, from near Kingston, | {Ont.. and Mary Jane McKay, nineteen. whose home was in county, Ont., will be deported | Canada. The MeRay woman's hand is serving a term in the of Correction fgr thiedt i ------ Rudolph Nusser, who had his { broken m Fort William; fugo by a Howse | a few days lin a dying condition "Vaceination shields." = Buy nt Gibson's Red Ceniss drug store, weighed ten and therefore four pounds of its weight, beam was | arm of a five-foot lever weighed ten pounds, pounds, which wouid require two and five -eighths pounds \ Therefore the crackers must have weighed back | piano falling on him, was | | taken to his former bom¢ in St. Paul, | i them | an BEANE -- Bind letter in this Greek ballad you will know: the name by nts in an uptown apurtit hous | pounds and the balance board Let us assume that the two feet from the fulerum (the aver- sure of four pounds, this being bquiva- extreme end. A two-pound weight at would raise. eight pounds on the and there was already a hali- a total of ten and one-hali pressure on the t. king five | are, sup- | Close. | Close. | 138% | | do | living | in 3 Nr. | gone. |' dancing and | evening next | ladies provide the refreshments. | stable. | Wells' cottage | Now Store-New Goods The James Johnston Shoe Store opens its door on Saturday Morning at 9 a.m, 2s our first in- troduction. We shall open with a Spot ial Price Sale. Our stock is now complete with high art in fine Footwear and prices that defy competition. You have but to see the goods to appreciate their superiority, and will be astonished at low- ness of prices. We invite all our old customers who used to patronize us in the dry goods business, and we expect many new customers tc come and sce the bargains we offer in all grades of Boots and Shoes. Our stock has been selected with a great deal of care, and we can say there is no higher class of Shoes to be had in any store, We also have a full line of Trunks and Valises of the best quality to choose from, and with the confidence that our goods and prices are equal, we ask a share of your patronage. Remember Our Opening Day, SATURDAY, November the 14th. THE JAMES JOHNSTON SHOE STORE Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts. =~ Anyone who ever sleeps on a "Gold Medal Felt Mat- "tress" is sure to speak about it to others. They have a reputation all over Canada as the cleanest and most comfertable of mattresses, and these together : Hercules Bed Springs, Gold Medal Felt Mattresses make a combination fit for a king. Youmay pay more for something inferior, but for ® all-round comfort and satis- faction, we guarantee these makes to be "Second to None." David M. Spence 119 Princess Street Ladies' and Girls' Coats and Costumes The more you acquaint your- self with this branch of the busi- ness the better you will like it. If you want a good fitting gar- ment you don't make a mistake in buying here. Styles are the latest, prices the lowest. Ladies' Coats tumes, Girls' and Children's Coats, Skirts, Underwear and Corsets, all on second floor. High Class Miinery Stock always well assorted. Prices the most reasonable. ames Reid, The Leading Undertaker. Phonel4 ] i Leading Millinery & Mantle Store They Are Winners SELL AT SIGHT See Our Window Displav of Brushed Brass Beds-- The Newest Ranging from $20 to $75 The best values ever offered in the city. Dressers land Washstands to match, in Mahogany and Oak, from | $25 to $150, solid Mahogany ; alse in Turned Oak, Mis- |sion design. Chiffioniers from $12 to $75, Oak and | Solid Mahogany. |ROBT. J. REID 230 Princess St. "Telephone 577 ~ "s -

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