Always Leaders Hand tailored garments, ready to try on, yet 'so con structed that alterations can be made quickly -and accurately, wereoriginated withFit-Reform. The system of training tailors tq become perfect in making an individual part of a garment, was introduced into Canada by Fit-Reform. yotyles which easily supplant the efforts of the best custom tailors are created by Fit-Reform, § The protection to purchasers 'of guaranteeing satisfaction or money back, was original with Fit- Reform. 83 = Reform | CRAWFORD & WALSH Sole Agents for Kinggton DEWAR'S "Special Liqueur" Stands in a class by itself ! ge are >, | Picton, "Ladies, for Apple Custard Pie:- here's my recipe The Recipe 'Two eggs, nutmeg; sweetened to taste; one-half pint of new milk or cream; four or five apples, grated, a little y : a i 1 pour into pas stry'--then ~The Oven « PANDORA' OF COURSE." Result "Four-- pies-- that -- don't --last-- long" Four pies and pans of bread can be baked'in a "Pandora" oven at one time. [ MC Cla rys. FOR SALE BY LEMMON & SONS SLAGE e B FOR PURITY. BRILLIANCY AND? : UNIFORMITY FOR SALE BY J. S. HENDERSON. Policies Issued by the Imperial Guarantee and Accident Insurance Company of Can- ada Pay Indemnity for Thirty, Diseases, Including Smallpox and Quarantine. "Ap- ly now for. your Policy at the office, 18 Mecket St., Kingston. J. O. Hutton, Agent R | ing put DATLY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908. ~ NEWS OF NEIGHBORS | WHAT WHIG G CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points in Eastern Ontario--What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Centreville Fotwings. Centreville, Nov. 1M." Edward Loch: head has moved into Thomas-0'Con- por's house for the winter. George McFarlane gave about sixty syeung p people a dance in his new building be- fore completing it for a store. John Cavanogh, Newburgh, has commenced ploughing on © harles Whalen's farm, lately worked by John' Dunn. Mrs. Joseph Perry is wisiting friends at Myers' Cave. Michael Ingoldsby. Watertown, spent a week" with friends here. Wedding At Maberly, Maberly, ' Nov, 10.--The cheese fac- [tory closed down on Friday after a very successful season. Weading bells will ring, fo-day, ot _ noon when Wil- | liam Mahom will take Miss Christina Gorris as his bride. The wedding party will*drive to Perth, where a re ception will be held at the home of Mr. Barriel The groom is a prosper- ous young farmer of Maberly. Recent | visitors, were : Misses Annie Charlton { and Lulu Wesley at home; Misses Per- {well and Mary Samwell at Ottawa; {Mrs. John Armstrong, Kingston, at John Acheson's; Miss Emma Morrison son's; Miss Josephine Lewis at Perth; Miss Lizzie Castle at home. i Westbrook Walts. | Westbrook, Nov. 10.--The friends | of Daniel; MeDonald, who is seriously ill in thé general hospital, Kingston, anxious for his recovery, cheese factory is making. every { day now. A little daughter {come to stay ' at the home of Molney. Ex-Warden Sproule is col lecting the taxes for 1908. Mr. Rev- ells, of Blginburg, has moved into the hotel. © A number from the village .ttended the tea-meeting at Collins Bay on Monday night. spent Thanksgivi at her home in hihgston. Miss Maggie McGuinn, of | Kingston, is:yisiting her sister, Mrs. {G. W. Smiths - W. L. Grass has pur- {chased a fing. team of horses. The i stock and implements of the late H. 7. Smith was sold on Tuesday. other has J. The Town Of Picton. Nov. 10.--The cheese board was beld on Friday after- noon. The principal subject for dis cussion was the big dairy meeting { which will be held here on Dec. 15th. {~1. A. Ruddick, chief dairy comnliss- ioner, will be ope of the speakers. | Messrs. Whitely and Barr are also ex- pected to speak. The | busy yesterday shingling the roof | the new ward school, which is near- completion. M Ww. Howard Walmsley, Dorland | Misses L. Church and { Queen's university, spent the giving holidays at hame. Miss Rab- lertson, teacher of No. 2, left on Sa- turday to spend her Thanksgiving va cation. A. Dunkley, Hamilton | legiate Institute, spent the lin town. Miss Cassie Fox, B.A. ( { secon school, and Miss M. | school, spent the 1 hanksgiving with | their parents. Mrs. Edward | Gle brook, was in town over { day. meeting SSIS, The News Of Lapum. Lapum, Nov. 10.--Mrs. Albert Lu- | cas is moving to Wilton on the farm | lately purchased from Korah Storms. { Albert Williamson, {is here ploughing on his farm, lately purchased from Jedire Irish. He will move his family here in the spring. Sandford . Vandewater, Echo a few days here with his moth- er, Mrs. R. D. Brown, Mrs. Boulton will give a birthday party on Thursday evening, \for her | Clarence. AB Rose \ and | spent a few . days Yecently 'at West- brooke. William Brown is spending a few weeks-yith L drown. Mrs. Wil spent liam Pringle"Fave a thanksgiving din- ner to a few infimate friends. Wil- liam Lapum, Ww iff ana daughter, Eno, spent a few dayy, last week at Gret- na. Edwin Bell shot a fine large fox on Saturday. Miss Annie Fie Id has re- turned to her home in Gretna, after a week's visit here with her sister, Mrs W. Lapum. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A Snider, Odessa, with Mrs. Emily Simpkins; Mrs. Peters, with Miss Sa- rah Simpkins; Mr. and Mrs. William Huff and son Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. James Huff; Walter Bush with his brother Cyrus Bush, Camden East. Mrs. Albert Lucas with Mrs. B. Rose, on Tuesday. Married At Keelerville. Keelerville, Nov. 10.--On Wednes- | fay, Nov. sth, | sonage, Elgin, iss Mary | second daughter "of Chester Caird, { was united 1h marriage to Ezra Bax- | ter, son of Robert Baxter, California. | Afterwards a reception was held at | the residence of the bride's father, | where about sixty guests were pre | Sent and a sumptuous wedding. s per awaited them. | recipient of many jiaresente. | up residence on the groom's The mail carrier, Sampson Lake, {is away on a deer hunt. James Hughes carries the mail in his ab- sence, The fall ploughing is in full swing at present. The cheese factory is closed after a successful ) [ee is talk. of some farm property changing hands in this vicinity. Rev. | Mr. Stewart, the Pr esbyterian minis ter at Sunbury, preached here | Wednesday evening last. Miss Mami | Sleeth is on the sick list. Charles Anglin is making preparations | erect a large. wind mill on his { Visitors : Miss Jennie Robb, Sunbury, at ns hatles Clark's; Mrs. Thurne and E. Fraser, of King- | ston, spent A ms day at J. |E. Anglin's;, Miss Darling, teacher, spent Thanksgiving at her home Inverary., costly and useful farm. barn. Ernesttown - Station Budget. Lrnesttown Station, Nov, '11'--Farii- lers are improving their time at' the | plough, Earmers' Friend | tory is still rupning, much to the re-. I Hef of the housewife. The flow of milk is much better than this time last year. Fodder in this locality {quite plentiful. F, {and David MiMikin at William Patter- | The | Miss Sevals | carpenters were af Earl, and S. Ruttan,! of Thanks- ('ol- holidays on: Fox, Salem McCaw, Sun- of Adolphustown, Lake, William grandson; Edwin Bell at the Methodist par- Caird, su] The bride was the The happy couple will take season. or¥ to of | 5 in cheese fac: |! is Amey has drawn ae five tons, of hay to Kingston | market, realizing a good figure for it. F. Laidley and son shipped a lakge carload of catfle and hogs, Friday: last, to Momireal Mr. Hofiard. of | Queen's, filled the pulpit at the Union, Sunday last. J. Coglan was the guest ol James ayle last week, having just returned from - the Saskatchewan dis- trict, where he secured a large tract of Jand. He is very enthusiastic over the possibilities of that great coun- try and purposes. returning shortly. Mrs. W. Gillerlain and Master "Jack" returned to Ottawa last week after a two weeks' visit at her father's, F. Jaidley. Mrs. D. Link was the guest Loi Mrs. Alfred Amey for two weeks re- feently. Mrs, Coleott and daughter, Uhicago, spent = last week at. W. Amey"s. Mr. and Mrs. W. Summings spent Monday and Tuesday of this week with her sister; Mrs. Henderson, at Harrowsmith. Mrs. George For: ward has been confined fo Rao house for a few' dave, Me and M Laidley and little daughter, were at his father's, 'last week. Mrs. Jonas Amey returned from a two weeks' | visit with her daughter, Mrs. Somer ville. Mrs. J. Fratiklin and daughter were gusts tweek: The Ero ato Thanksgiving turkey with their respective friends : Miss Spankie and Master Ernest Gill, Kingston, and Mr, and Mrs. C. For; ward, Milbaven, at Alfred Amey's; Oscar Amey and family and Misses Amey's: Mrs. Franklin, Collins Bay, at 'her father's J. Kilgannon. r. and Mrs. Stewart Pail atténded the funeral of Mrs. Damon Amey at { Odessa, Sunday last. t Joe Is A Congressman. Ottawa Journal. Speaker Cannon, of the house of representatives, was re-elected in his district in Mhiois* in Spite of the fact that the W.C.T.U. and other moral agencies were after him hot foot for | swearing and other things. Some of our own political. eelebrities might send him a telegram of congratula- tion. Evidence Of Growth. Hamilton Times. An idea of the progress of Saskat chewan in the last ten years may be | gathered from the increase of Ms cereal + growth, In i898 it produced 1,780,440 bushels of wheat; this year its crop of wheat is estimated at 43.- 339,608 bushels. Jn ¥898 it produced 559,412 bushels of oats; this year its | oat erop is estimated 'at 41,663,065. Weak Nervous Women Their sad story would fill a hook of countless pages. ne -- Ever since the :world began woman has borne more than her share of suf faving. Secret troubles' undermine her stremgth,' yet she seldom com: plains. But because . she has. suffered in the past is $e. YRS why she should forever he rng, down by misery and sleoplésdiivds: There are periods in the Nile of every woman whe she sh ale exproisé great wre in gle protetuion of Her health Ti wre are times when the slightest cold will bring on troubles. that "shock the nervous sy AOI, weaken the frame and invite disease. Thousands, Have Been Cured. There is a remedy, one that will lift that awful burde n Gnd remove the ills from whith®women sdfier." The name of this reaedy is Ferrozone, which to- day is a household word throughout the length and breadth of the American sontinent. 'New hope has been brought iuto the life of many a downcast wo man, and a new era of health has dawned for thousands who have tried and proved the merit of Ferrozone. Get Back Strength And Vigor. Ferrozone is a remedy that acts di- rectly onrall the organs and insures fungtional activity so largely depends Among the troubles that are ed and cured hy Ferrozone, pressed, painful or irregular menstrua- tion, leucorrhea (whites), bearing down pains, womb and ovarian wes nr and uteripe displacements. Ferrozone Makes Strong Women. Your dave of weakness and head- ache, vour hours of nervousness 'and {espondenc v will all depart. Life will hold for you many new i does for everyone that uses Ferrozone rezularly * Your whole 1 upon which health reliev are. sup nesses WE as it § will feel the quick- ening influence of Ferrozone: The blood will be purified and enriched." Yon will holy W. Doyle last }, Estella and Edna Amey, Napanee, at | no longer siffer from the suppression and interference with the 'menstrual | functions. Ferrozone etres all "suc ht ailments and prevents their return Don't listed fo: the driiggist who urges something just as good. No substitute compares with Ferrozone, which does all that is claimed of it. Price B0c. per hox or six boxes for $2.50, at druggists and dealers. Of courte, there'sa lot in making coffee right. But do your part right, and you need have no fear of the results" as long as you use Chase & Senbordte, Coffee, Wherever you go you. see the Oriental: Rug dis placing the earpet. For centuries no floor cover ing has equalled the antiques of the East for Béan- ty, color, usefulness or durability. Half the vihie of an Oriental Rug depends on its being genuine and on the harmony and blending of the cblorS.* Nowhere in Canada is such a complete, varied and genuine assortment of Antique Rugs and Oriental Art Goods as are shown at our large showrooms. We want you to come and see our collection, 'We can show you just the Rag you want in zize and shape and in the color effect to harmonize with the furninvhings of any room. COURIAN, BABAYAN & CO, Importers of Oriental Art Rugs, 40 Kimg St. E., Toronto, Opp. King Edward Hotel REIN ov SE ASIOEIRISIIR CIR IGIISIISIOK Women's Tan Boots: The New Tan Boot be; the most popular boot of the sea~% son for the modern woman's street wear or stormy day Ser-" vice. The correct model! is the wave top, or Napoleon: it in different heights---all very ; smart. Perforated or plain toes and vamps. Choice Russia Calf leathers. Button, Blucher style, all sizes. $3, $4 and $5 Provide yourself with a pair of Winter Tans, *% KASHI AIO WW I a? = RA QD Lace or § Sasve vi 2 Madam. and you"il be surprised when you learn HOH how much comfort you'll get out of them. HOKE H. SUTHERLAND & BRO. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES J. REISS HAH ~ SHOICICIOIISICIGICICICRIIAGIS 'No Bread [ike Toye's Bread": That's what they all say. order to HNC "Phone 467, or send 'your 195 Ontario Street. "Wet VWanthor Shoes heavy For Men, we have Heavy Box Calf, Leather Lined | Shoes, Heavy Oil Calf, Heavy Tan Leathers, with extra, For Women, we offer Heavy Soles in Box Calf, Gun | Metal and Viéi Kid. All kinds of Waterproof Polishes i in Black and Tan. soles." Some at 3, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 and 6. 00. $3.50, 4.00 and 4.50. 4.0 | For wa 4.50 La 5 201 pom. arrive 45 am. sepive Kings | YES CP 0 a one, 50, F. Js 3 New Brunswick September 15th--November 30th | Nova Scotia Qctober 1st--November 30th Quebec September 1st--December 3lst Write Genera Psheinfer. Dept... REI ONIAL RAILWA MONCTON, oy copies of INGbse i in the Micmac Country "Fishing and Huntisg." } & J Faronto Ticket Office, BL King : Passenger oncton, N.B., or apply cltet Office, 141 St. James Sh. Trains will 'ledge and «arrive at City Depot, Foptgol Jobuson Street. GOING WEST, = Lye, "Qity Mail woorisien 3, 38.8 tu " 16 8 Mail conn - 4 Fast Ex. 12 dacal os. 1, 3,4, 5.6, 7 and'8 run daily: AR other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Petroit, Chicago, Bay City. Saginaw, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Portland, St. ' John, Halifak, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accomumodation' and all other information J. P. HANLEY, Cor. Johnson and Ontario § ston, Ont. TYEE Po TY uETeeS pEbpEs Tickets, Bap ly Lo ing. STEAMER WOLFE ISLANDER FAVES NOLPE 18LANY 5 SUN. 9.15 and 12.80 a.m MON: IBAVES KINGST 11.80 TUES, s 11. WED. 8.30---11. THURS. 8.301. ALA fo LINE as o SAILINGS. SE. 5, fy MONTREAL TO GLASGOW. Pretorian, Set., Nov. 14th, Daylight. Numidian, Sat., 0% 218f, apayght Bt. Re nt CHRISTMAS SAILINGS. Tunisian, from St. John, Nov 28th Directs Victorian, from St. John, Dec. 4th, via 3 BOSTON & PORTLAND TO GLAS. Sow. Dec. front. Bast 12th Yrom ort ad Dec. 19th. ings and rates on a wior 0. 8. Agents, Kiog: 10 am. aan. a.m. xem th, Additional plication to Pp. + (MK PATRICK, Local ston: fo covttactos « mua {40 Parts "Beal 1 Seis Poy Seal PAISLEY A GSHOLN, Loss A »