"- Bd fob yon health and your digestion ation sabe™ Shakespeare (Othello) PROTECTION! Frakeet your health by asking SANDY MACDONALD SPECIAL LIQUEUR SCOTCH WHISKY (10 years old) as many of the concoctions Rid sold on this market under the label of Scotch Whisky are rough, coarse, insipid common spirits, which are positively harmful. ------ INVESTIGATE --Quality will d® the rest] Alexander & Macdonald, Distillers, + LEITH -Scotland. CURE "ek Waadacho and relieve all the troubles fuel ne to A blicus site of | the S73tsm, Sach 44 24 news, AuseA, Wiig, iin Pain in in the Sid =~ iil thes eed ~ SICK Carter's Little A hi Mualiy Bosdacta, yet Cu ~ Punting thisAnmoyin poe pope bey Even f thay only es a planrisrsof Shautomach At gver and uv] hey would be almost priceless to those whe » Beant from this distressing complaint; but fortus Bnialy t er goaduen. does notend here and those 1 find these litle them will value Rc wa, that Say wil Nb Bot bo i 'odo without them. But after ACHE $4 fhe bane of so many I lives that here ix where S>makhous grout boss t. Our pillacureit while 0 not. Taree Little Liver Pills ave very small and easy to take. One or two pills makea dose. They ara strictly vegetable and do not §rive oe Pp butby their geatle action please all wi B30 them. In vialsat 25 cents ; five for $1. A Gxuggists everywhere, or sent by malls ~ CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yo ' WH. Sl Do foal Bi A 4 { amounting 16 Some 8 This is the flour we pood cooks know Will make the Bread that's white as snow Ii's just as good for Pies and Cake And all my skill stake Om Reaver Flonr's fepntation ; "The popular flour of the nation," bo] Beaver Flour the original Blended Flour as Chef I'll ONLY THING THAT HELPED HIS KIDNEYS British Columbia Likes Gin Pills. \ { hilli wack, B.C. aT abou t equally work- logging sntly entirely ds ss for a living. ed like 'many m backache and 1 divide the ing 1 cl on this rar rious bh h ma Sing conse prudent on AL times wthews in {1 weak Kidneys being aid Having tried Ir r n stating that I» ily filne f have su 5 countr times for , som weeks together remedies 1 your Gin Pills ich I have de- benefit. I had sm only a short time when and has not returned EDWARD JAMES, our expense. Write for if you mention this n you see that Gin Pills you ean get them at a box of up bien Asis the trouble ie sipee, Try sample paper, are helping y¢ vour dealer or from us direet, 59%. --b for $2.50. Doge. B Rational Drug & Chemical me, J. them box, then al i to the extent | have _THE oarLy sxrrisa Witla ---- THE VILLAGE OF NEWBORO. A Dechkand Fell Into Lock But, Was Rescued. Newboro,| Nov. 12. --William Gore {was the vidtim of what might have | | been a fatal accident. One night re cently he tripped over a rope of J. Very |p. Tett & Bros.' barge Columbia, of! Slow--FEven Asked Him to] which he is a deckband, and fell into Secure Bank Accommodation. { the water of Chaffey's Locks. He was | stunned by the fall and was unable | Quebec, Nov, { to make any outery. Fortunately his | formerly agent of the marine depart, precarious candition was noticed by ment at Quebee, washes his hands of dne of the crew, who gave the alarm | the department and sarcastioally wish- | and he was soon es Mr. Brodeur luck in his efforts to | with nothing worse than a few modeérnize- the system of purchasing | bruises and a bad shaking up. He! supplies. He says, moredver, that he | has been confined to the house since | lied get the thousands upon thousands but: his friends hope to se¢ him | of dollars shown to have been paid to | around in a few days. | him a% @ngtrest on advances, but re G. J. Leonard, of the Union Bank garded the transaction as perfectly | staff, is in Portland this week on re- legitimate. He \ gave evidence, yester- | lief duty. {day afternoon, \before the commission | Mes. Bridget Monahan is again of imduicy,' but there was not a note | seriously ill with an attack of rheu- of apology' in the whole statement. | matism. Dr. and Mrs. Lillie, West- | Mr. Gregory regards himself, not as|port, and Mrs. { nifgraiter, but as a benefactor, a man | spent Thanksgiving here, whe, when a dilatory government de- | of Mrs. E. Chamberlain. {pertment failed to pay wages or con- | Richards, of this place, | tragtors' bills forked over the money | Simpson, B.C., to take charge = of! ~far a consideration. The only flaw | a hospital; successfully passed the; in the ease is that the agency delay- | British" Columbia medical council od in many cases the forwarding of the | last week, taking third place in a accounts to Ottawa, and as elairvoy- | very large class. Thomas McCle- | and® © is po - part of the civil service ment, who has ,worked Martin' eqliipment, "Ottawa often did not know | Knapp's farm for the past few! thist the money was due. years, is moving into Mrs. C. Vie! Senator Ch tte, for Mr. Gregory, | kery's house on Simcoe street, where! { culled from the books of the depart- | he will in future reside. Mrs. Kos-! | opt some eases where accounts had | well, Clear Lake, is moving into the| | been delayed at Ottawa sik months | residence on Carleton street, which | or move, and Mr. Gregory swears that | she recently purchased from Miss *M. ! he did no wrong, and never held back | E. Simmons. accoubte: Me refuses to again appear| William Topping, of in court, and leaves himself in the | has recently moved into J. T. Gal hands of the judge. lagher's house = Drummond street, | In the meantime the Quebec agency, | vacated by Grennon, A | ugeder its new manager, I. H. Beland, | large number i here ah tended | the is progressing, and the service is in no | play, "The Village Skule of Fifty | way impaired notwithstanding, the re- | Years Ago," in Elgin on ports of correspondents to western | evening. "Boru, on 'Sunday [ewspagers, and their fairy. tules [to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray, { about the Canadian navy lying help son. G. E. Foster's staf are in {less at anchor in the River St. Law- | Portland putting a tin roof on ohn rence opposite Quebec for want . of | Leggett's house. ~~ Mrs. R. 0. Leg- navigators. Equally absurd is = the | gett and Miss Mae Pinkerton report that Mr. Perron, K.C., . the | Thanksgiving with friends in Brock- French-Canadian lawyer representing | Ville. Mrs. Anthony Conners, the government at the investigation, | Rideau Ferry, is the guest of was pestered from early morning till { daughter, Mrs. M. Murray. night by the suspended employees | William Bryan, who has been seeking his favor. with typhoid fever for the last three | week, recovering. Miss Jean John- | ston, principal of the public school, | 1 < 3 i Ghinbec. 'Nav. LAT the o-aening | SPER the holidays at her home in of heb EN Ee th Oe in Athens Miss Mary Bolton. Delta, £ [is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. stration of the marine and fisheries R @ 3 : obert Bolton, sr., who is seriously department Senator Choquette said to |. Nair > . . iously ill. George Foster, travelling sales- I 3 . | the court that his client, Mr. Gre-{ the J. Hanson Tilley Co { gory, was sick. It was without doubt Moitredl spent Thanksgiving at i 2 $ " . 3 KS 5 the eftect of the reaction of this hard home. here I Miss BER ng. a . . A Ss Pp w | experience of yesterday, but that he | : SP mma ould: be: atthe dino sok of the Sour trained nurse, of Cleveland, is here re eat Lhe disposal of the court sn professional business. The Ladies or : : . : | a an. Delous i. Aid oi the M. E. church will | arcisse Dufour was the first heir re 3 | their annual sale and concert ness examined. He said that he was |. ne : : ; ; ! Bow IFhursday and Friday of this week. | foreman of 'the blacksmith shop, and The herring fishing season tart SPAS starts { he had been in the service of the de- : § Tae Ne t te iv 3 v of i ad this week but already the loss of arty- e vears. e ad- ; ,e : . couple of nets are reported. With | partment for mitted having received from time to ¥ aving received f } three inspectors watching the upper Rideau illegal fis hermen and | time from Audibert little sums others watching a chance to 30 in four years, serv rendered to : or 43 i nets a very exciting season 1s mised. R. Kerr & Co. Drolet, outside of department work. He bad to certify large stafi of men rushing struction of the cottage and verify amounts from the firm for certain' materials supplied, but he feing built "at the i i bad always found that the work done Newhoto Lake for erican tourists. Miss Sarah Me~ [and materials furnished 5 first class. v | o Mr. Gre-! ; i . , lass. He never reported t 3 Cann, of the Kingston Business Col: wory or 'any other officals the bonus- , > . ege, spent the week end at her home here. A load of young people es which he was receiving. Germain Belanger, the : 2 5 from Portland came to town on Sa- turday evening. = |lAS BENEFACTOR. | ADVANCED Wi, WAGES, PAID| | BILLS, KEPT THINGS GOING | Ottawa, He Says, Was 3 Lregory the guests Dr. G.- E. went to Port | Philiperilie, her ill is Gregory Taken Ill. wits on ror s but it 'was for the firm of ¥. X. pro- have a the con- which Doctor's Cut a party of Am- is mn next wit- said that he had been on the service of the department for forty- eight years, and that he had received | twenty-six dollars from M. Audibert,| in the last four years. He considered { the sums which had been given to him were gifts and. never reported them to Mr. Gregory or anybody else. | Paul Joldue, eng gineer in charge of strong, memher-elect for Portage la the mnchinery sof the Druid admitted py je, will be taken into the provin- timc {fom Mo Audibert: various sams. cial cabinet to fill the vacancy caused {The largest amount was $130. These by the death of Hon. J. H. Agnew, 8 Le Nis provincial treasurer, sums given him generally on = board When he recetved the first account, M. Audibert, the latter told him it was customary for his firm to give the engineers in charge of the government's steamers some bonuses from time to time for | - services they might be in a position | The Season For Oranges. to render to the firm in future. He re- | Now commencing. 5 We ltave new crop gifts of that nature every | Mexie an oranges at I loz., at Car- three months. He k | novs y or any them to Mr. Gregory, wr officials. He admitted to am given back some money to Audibert| Mr on ydtrious circumétances from 85 to | the city, 510 at a time. | everything ready for the big game Capt. O'Farrell, inspector of light | to-morrow He looked over the hips, denied absolutely having receiv- | grounds this afternoon, and arranged ed any money from Audibert, on an | other small matters. answer to Judge he said, When Mrs. John that he would not deny having re- | gara street, Toronto, ceived some money from Mr. Cote : | morning, «he found her tinsmith and plumber, who had stated | ing dead in bed beside paid him £100. | employed in the sewer M. Holliday, of Holliday | tory, at Swansea, had proprietor the 8.5. King Fdward, | failure . {hired or chartered boats to the de-| The Sheflield choir, which had such a partment at $300 a day sometimes. sucessful tour in Canada. boarded the He admitted having paid money to | Allan liner Grampian at Montreal, this Mr. Gregory in various circumstances, sailing early for but he. did not remember the total final concert will be given amourtf. "here are no entries in his for the amounts that he paid Gregory. ness Cabinet Of Manitoba. Winnipeg, Nov 3.--It is rumored here that either Hon. T. Mayne who was defeated by Hon. Clifford Sifton, in Brandon, or Hugh Arm were hip from that Correct Shape. The Burtt and Packard 26 teed patent shoes for $1 at kett shoe stores cheap sale. guaran- the Loc- ceived some two or never . 's. portal Montreal, arrived noon, to-day, to Davidson, al Nia- this hv- Brown, B59 aw oke husband her. Brown, pipe manufac- died of heart Cassils, having Bros. ol morning, where the {to-night Robert Gimlet, a transfer was committed for trial at the police court on a charge robbing the mails, He took a and tore the small pieces Mayor Ross has been advised of the tleath of his father at Cobden, Ont. | aged over seventy-five years. a native of Scotland and settled at Cobden when a lad driver, Ham. books to Mr, ilton Nose Sliced Of. Chatham, Nov. 13.--While playing with a companion ase Bert Hastings had his nose practically) sliced from his face In man- ner the axe was plunged against Hastings' face, inflicting the injury bag and an some Ct ala Grace C Corsets Extra Long Back, Dip Hip Models for that stylish smooth figure effec? A physician summoned, who,| | after great effort, staunched the bleeding and dressed the injury. Confling From Ireland. Dublin, £ ov. ett, was will stay at the Otta- Tigers will The Hamilton Tigers { the British-American, and | was at the Randolph. The arrive here this evening. There ave thirty patients en- joving isolation at the fort hospital. | They have a fine view of the city, ! harbor and the river. Fresh oysters. Edwards and now 13.-m3ir Horace Plunk formdrly of the agricultural de- partment {in Ireland, will leave here he United States next week on invitation] to confer with the commis- | sion on epuntry life appointed by Ree sident Ropsevelt! Sir Horace has for | several vars been investigating prob- lems similar to those which the com mission will enquire into See The Kumquats. | I'he latest addition to Carnovsky's | list of fine fruits. ty Jenkin. The Name of DR. A. W, CHASE'S CATARRH CURE... passages, stops droppin Cataich and Hay Few Maditin~: C. Tore 20. is sent direct to the disedsed parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air gs in the threat and prrmanan ly cures! Blower free. AD dealers, or > a W. Chase nto and Buffalo, Black Watch On a Tag on a Plug oi Black Chewing Tobacco Stands for Qualily. 22773 BR Home-Made Bread And Lowers Edwards and Jenkin G.T.R. brake- was killed at his train His Lindsay for, Chocolates John Campbell, a man from Lindsay, I Orillia Friday by body taken to burial on will be rescued, €scaping | Lillie, of Algonquin, | Monday | Sth inst.,! a spent | of! hold | a steal | Daly, | Quebec, | letters it contained into | He was | the | Co ae Yitbax NO THE BALKAN CRISIS WAR STILL RI RECOGNIZED AS A POSSIBILITY. | | Russia, France and Britain Striv- | ing to Limit Servia's Belliger-, ent Activity--Austria's Note Regarding Possible Compen- sation For Annexation, of Bosnia and Herzegovina Ex- pected To-Day. St. Petersburg, Nov, 13.--Although an air of outward calm is maintained at the Russian foreign office, the Bal- 'kan situation has now reached an |acute stage, where everything depends | upon the nature of the note which is {expected from Vienna to-morrow and {the outcome of the mediation which | Russia, France and Great Britain have undertaken at Belgrade, at Austria- Hungary's request, with a view to] A "Kingston spectator at the game | limiting the belligerent activity of {Says: During the Srst half and the Servia. If mediation is not success. | first part of the second half, the ful war is recognized as a possibility | Yacht Club team, complained about in authoritative circles. rulings of the referee, and with twelve The Austrian note will definitely | minutes to play, Russell Britton was {outline the attitude of that govern- [put on, and made the game a far {ment regarding the discussion of the | different one. The telegram states that | annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina | Mr. Knight is a most respectable and the possible compensations to | Sporting gentleman. The locals did Servia-and Montenegro, and the na- | not say one word about him not be- 'ture of the note will determine whether ing respectable, not one word about or hot on international congress can! { him not being a good sport, nor one JVEMBER 13, 1908. Two Versions of the Rugby Game "at Gananoque. | The following telegram from Gana- | noque, appeared in the Toronto pa- | pers on Thursday : "Great indigna- ition is felt in Gananoque sporting { circles over the report of the King: {ston protest of Monday's game mn | Gananoque. Referee Knight is = most respectable sporting gentleman, and fully competent. He played on the Gananoque team until his knee was badly disabled recently. Gananoque had the better of the play, and out- | classed their opponents in every way. In no part: of the game were the spectators a hindrance to the players. Spectators did not strike players as reported. Gananogue had a weak team at the game in Kingston owing to a number of the players being away { from home and some ill, After Brit- ton was taken on as referee Gana- poque gained more points than when Kmght was in charge." TELEPHONE 838. J.P. BICKELL & CO. * BANKERS AND BROKERS Members of Chicago Board of Trade LAWLOR BUILDING, - - TORONTO. Correspondents of FINLEY BARRELL & CO. MEMBERS OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. AND ALL THE LEADING EXCHANGES. CONTINUOUS ==COBAL T= QUOTATIONS ------RATES OF COMMISSION Shares selling under 10c. per share, eo. Shares selling at 10¢. and undér 50e,, ju Shares selling at 50c. and under $1, Je. Shares. selling at $1 and under §2, 2c. Clar ence ct arnbers, Kir 2 ston, : W. Hector H. Hume, Manager, { be held. | word about him not being a gentle | The Austrian-Servian relations are mau, but the team did protest about too strained, it is believed, to permit , ! him not understanding thesgame, and present conditions to continue inde- | not being competent to referee. He finitely. | may be a good player, and may have | aided Gananoque to win many a vie tory, but vet that would not make PITH OF THE NEWS. him a competent referee, and move- over, should a player on a team re- | The Very Latest Sulled From All} ore a game when his own team is | : playing * Many of his decisions were a The Erie canal will be closed on De- | little out and at half time, Frank | cember lst. Strachan, manager of the K. . The proposal to elect a new city team, filed a notice of protest, "ad-| engineer was defeated in the Hamil- | dressed to William Gladdish, secre- | ton council. {tary of the 0. R. F. U, with Nir. William Miles, a laborer, | Knight, and the latter deliberately | ed on the railway crossing tore up a letter addressed to some Port Stanley and Union. one else. Many times he over-ruled | In the year ending June 30th last! the decisions of his umpire. This ac 3,764 persons were killed in railroad! cording to the rules, he has a right | 3 i in the United States. 16 do. if he saw the occurrence, but as | The Grand Trunk company has or- | another Gananoque man, one who is dered 3,000 steel cars from the Press- lone of the best authorities on the | ed Steel company of New York. game in Ontario, and chosen to han- Hon. George E. Foster has issued a dle some of the biggest games stated, writ against the Windsor Record, ('A referee who knows his business | claiming damages for alleged libel. {will not do it."" Any one who says The recount in Brandon election is | the Gananoque crowd did not rush on concluded. Hon. Clifford Sifton was | to the fiela could not have been at confirmed in his seat by a majority of | the game. In one instance a cab was sixty-nine. driven across the field while the game young man named Foerster was was going on. The telegram also says | Vv mangled by a vicious bulldog, that no -Kingstonians were hit by | on his father's farm, about four miles spectators. One Kingstonian was hit | from Wellesley. over the head with a club, another | Anybody brimful of facts and fig- | was assaulted by the same man, and | jue can nihke a good talk, but it re- | before the train pulled out a King- | | quires an expert to make, one with- ! ston player was set upon by a Gana- | | out the same. noque man. The Richelieu & Ontario Navigation --- {company has decided to build a new STOCK QUOTATIONS. steamer, but the plans have not yet | been completed. I It is reported that Prof. | Locke, of McGill university, appointed librarian of the | plblic library. | he Emperor 8 China was reported | da on Friday afternoon. It has | been impossible, however, to secure of- | ficial confirmation: i Miss A.: Falken Hagen, years, Saimmittll suicide, Ont., during a of despondency, drinking carbolic acid. burning: coal mine is being flooded, and it is hoped to have the flames ex- tinguished before night. The list will go considerably over the three | hundred mark. | A notice has been posted all oer | Coniagas ee the department of the interior, Ot-| Foster ... --n tawa, threatening instant dismissal Green- Mochan ea to any civil servant speculating in| Kerr Lake... veterans' land grants. { La Rose The Ottawa city council, at a spe-| Little Nipissing cial meeting, elected Controller Na-| MeKin. Mar. | poleon Champagne mayor of Ottawa | Nipissing . | and chairman of the board of con-! Otesse...... ax hin ine joud for the balance oi the municipal | Petérson Lake | year. | Rochester.. | At Hamm, Westphelia, Germany, the | Nova Scotia ... ... | Two killed and two fatally hurt and | Silver Leaf... ... ... ... .. {two engines almost completely de- | Silver Queen | molished the result of a wreck | Tomickasin {which occurred on the Wabash, near { Tretheweyv.. | Spring field, Ill, on Friday. Ihe consecration of Mgr. Latulippe jas vice-apostle of Temiskaming dis-| General trict will take place on November! ipern Pacific... .. 30th. The new bishop will be con- { Union Pacific... secrated, at Pembroke, probably by! | Reading Archbishop Duhamel, of Ottawa. lc. P. R It is quite probable that when par- | Detroit United... liament meets Senator Dandurand. |p Coal Com... will become a minister of Dom. Steel Com Duluth Com the | Ilinois... . : Lake of Woods. Mackay Com. | Mackay Pref. IN S. Steel . Jan. Tram, Saturday Our First Receiving Day New Store--New The James Johnston Shoe Store opens its door on Saturday Megning at 9 a.m. as our first in- troduction. : We shall open with a Special Price Sale. Our stock is now-complete with high art in fine Footwear and prices that defy competition. { You have but to see the goods to appre Cobalt and Leading Sanntin their superiority, and will be astonished atlow- Stocks Listed. . following quotations are sup- ness of prices. plied by the City Brokerage (J. O. t Hutton and J. R. C. Dobbs), 41 Clar- ence street. T elephone, 480 A: was kill between / %... RH. will be Toronto| The We invite all our old customers who used to patronize us in the dry goods business, and we expect many new customers te come and see the bargains we offer in all grades of Boots and Shoes. Our stock bas been selected with a great deal of care, and we can say there is no higher class of Shoes to be had in any store. We also have a full line of Trunks and Valises of the best quality to choose from, and with the confidence that our goods and prices are equal, we ask a share of your patronage. Remember Our Opening Day, SATURDAY, November the 11th. THE JAMES JOHNSTON SHOE STORE Cor. Princess and Wellington Sts. Cobalt Stocks. November Open. $ .12} 63 13¢h. | aged fifteen | Close. | at Welland, by | Amalgamated... | Beaver... .. | Chambers Ferland . { City of Cobalt .. death | Crown Reserve ... Cobalt Central ... | Cobalt Lake... . Savage.. |: 1 | | Montreal, | the crown without portfolio, and lead- er of the government forces in fs mate. | Four children were burned to death | | on Friday morning neay Alliance, {in a fire that destroy¢d the a home of John Wampfiet, a milk driv- | pe The father was badly burned in | p- 8 0. Nav. attempting to reseue his children, of | Sao Paulo Tram. {| whom there were seven Toronto Railway | On bebali of Edith Gibson, widow | rin City... : lof the late George Gibson, Ridge- | : | town, killed while driving from Chatham to Ridgetown, "on Sept 26th, by a Michigan train, Attorney i (i. Reveroft has issyed a writ Re 00 damages agains{ the | { railway company H. Beckett, of the W. H. Gil {lard Co., Hamilton, was on the stand Lior the defence in the grocers' | bine this morning. His was of more tnan usual note hé was one of the most ac- [ tive the members of the whole- 'THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TOR ONTO ESTABLISHED 1887 | Paid- -up Capital, $10,000,000 Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000 Letters | | Branches throughout Canada, ar and in the United States and England BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT THE FOLLOWING RATES: $5 and under ¢ Over §3 and not excerding $10 Ae - 410 $30 -.. 10 cenwm i i ; secti -H 15pcents fore quite large section have boy- x {sale grocers' guild. lecotted him They mail their letters | These Orders are' Payable at par at every oftice of a Chartered Bank in Canada | The annddncement is made the! there but buy their stamps and do | (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in She Xihed Sunes. They formation of a gigantic consolidated | their postioffice business in Ottawa. | are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britai company, comprising the various iron - The dispute reaches an added dig- They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and industrial concerns. owned and nity, to-day, w hen the post office des | at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. us | teolled by the Messrs. Drummond. | partment tries to break the boyeott. | Mont®al," with a capital of $3.000.-| A. Boldue, post office inspector, has! KINGSTON BRANCH, CORNER OF KING AND PRINCESS STS. {000, and will be known as the Can- written a series of let to various { ada Iron Corporation. {people in Chelsea stating ihat® they | their stathps where they | P.JC. STEVEY iON, Mans ger. An action which had been taken must buy 1 lagainst the Anglo-American Cable mail letters and that the salary of lcompany, for failure to register, ac- the postmaster is based on the le | lecording to the provincial requirements, | gitimate revenue of his office. The |" was dismissed by Judge Mathieu in | department's letter distinctly says to the practice court, Montreal, on the ! Rev James Taylor, of Chelsea :!| ground that it was not taken within! "You shall buy your stamps for | one year of the omission on the part! every letter mailed at the Chelse; a | of the company. post office." To this Mr. Taylor has! Berlin Anzeiger says Chancellor sent a spirited reply on behalf of all Buelow intends to proceed to Donaues- | the objectors. chingen, where the emperor hunt- ling, to make a report of the reich- | Proi. Nanthorst and Capt. Sop Lo stag debate on the other plans. It is {the best known Arctic authorities hat | reported afat the chancellor, however, | Sweden, do not think it possible t i waiting to learn whether or oe ! Andree"s balloon could have reached | his speech is satisfactory to his ma- | Labrador J iesty. intimating that he xill remain No man has a in office if the emperor orders good resolutions. B. E. WALKER, President MORE COMPULSION. ALEX. LAIRD, Genera: Manager | Must Buy Stamps Where Are Posted. Ottawa, Nov. 13.--=There is trouble the village of Chelsea, practically | | the summer resort of Ottawa, on the com- | Gatineau river. The postmaster's | appointment ix.the cause of it. The present man fis unpopular with one section of the community, there | in 3 cents 6 cents case evi | denee "hecause " of a of con- Policies Issued by the Impenal Guarantee nd Accident Insurance Company of Can- 5 wing Identity for ga Dissages, nclu mallpox and Quarantine. ly now for your Policy at the office, FR monopoly on matin arket St., Kingston. J. O. Hutton, Agent Von 1s | | <