Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1908, p. 12

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£37 PAGE TWELVE. TAOINTTAG IEW HeiTinY Yiria THE DAILY BRITISF. WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1908. No End To Eczema Except By Active and Persistent Treatment With the Great Eczema Cure, Dr. A. W. Chase' Ointment When left to itself indefinitely, causing itching and that refuse Even with careful t obstinate vielding but use of Dr cozemn hoe COVering o rans on from with n distre the heal, body ROFPS to reatment, in to curative the regular and per Chase's Ointment is certain known of this tortufing disease. Robert Clendenning, Welland Ont., writes : three vears my Fanny, was afflicted with eczema in an intense and persistent form, 'and for nine days she was totally blind. The burning, itelsag and disfigurement were horrible, her entire face being | completely raw for months, -and the | distress so great, that she could not | i measures, sistent the most overcoming Mrs, means sleep, | 'The best efforts of two eminent | physicians failed to even mitigate her | awful suffering. One day when I was | low-spirited over my daughter's con- | dition, Dr.. Chase's Ointment was re- | commended to 'me and to our surprise | Fanny was helped with the first | and she has since been entirely cured | by this treatment. : | "Her face js now as smooth as a | baby's, and she is in splendid health, The credit for this cure is entirely due | to Dr. Chase's Ointment, and I cheer- | fully give you permission to state my | daughter hoping that it will | lead many to secure the same | good results." There are a ways in which | Dr. Ointment, with its extra- | ordinary soothing, healing properties, is useful in every home; 60e. a box, at all dealer Edmanson, Bates & | Co., Toronto. | box case, others score of Chase's Free-Teddy Bear--Free This is a genuine, Imported, woolly brown, Teddy Bear, His head, his arms and legs are jointed on to the body so that they can be \ turned in | any direc tion, and you should hear him Fun when you hit im in the stomach. "Teddy " is all the rage in the cities, The children carry Yim to school and even the grown up ladies carry him with Lhey go cut for a walk or ride Qor to Lhe theatre, The more contd "Teddy well as high as $206.00 ' | each. Wo . | have picked ) | out the one for you on account of his good size, his | Jointed head, arms and legs, his cute grunt and his | live cinnamon co or, Every Girl and Boy wants a Teddy Dear and you | can gel one very easy. Just send u ur name | and address and we wiil send you by mail 15 pack- | azes of our fast selling delicious perfumes, in six | odors (rose, pink, violet, hellotrope, lilac and lily ot the valley) to sell at 102. per package, You can sll the perfume very quickly, as each person who buys a package of perfume is entitled to receive a beautiful colored picture, 18 x 20 inches, which are reproduc. tions from some of the greatest paiotings and are suitable for framing, As soon as you have sold the | perfume and ent vs the money ($1.60), we will promptly send you the Teddy Bear sented, Write to-day, Address The Rose Perfume Co. 26 TORONTO, ONT, Just 'as repre | Dept, 2 MANY DON'T KNOW HEART AFFECTED: More People than Aware of It Have Heart Disease. | "If examinations were made of every. one, ple would be ised at the num- ber ope rsons walking about suffering from heart disease." This startling statement was made by a doctor at a recent inquest. *'I should not like to say that heart disease is as common | as this would imply," said the expert, | "'but 1 am sure that the number of going about with weak hearts must be very large." . { Hundreds of Jeople go about their daily work on the verge of death, and yet do not know it, Itis only when the shock comes that kills them that the unsuspected weak- ness of the heart is made apparent." 'But undoubtedly heart weakness, not disease, is more prevalent nowadays. I should think that the stress of living, the wear and rush of modern business life, have a lot to do with heart trouble." There is no doubt but that this is correct, and we would strongly advise any one suffering in any way from heart trouble to try a course of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Price 50 cts. per box or 3 boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. Mrs. G. M. White, Williamstown, N.B. writes : * [ was troubled with weak spelis an fluttering of the heart. 1 was so 1 could scarcely lie down in bed, I procured a box of Milburn « Heart and Nerve Pills and they hélped me so much I got another box and id has made a final cure. 1 cannot speak too highly of them. I think they are worth their weight in ge'd." IT IS A PARASITE That Cause Itching Scalp, Dan- druff, and Finally Falling Hair. The Ip, th the that work parasite h sealp must to dandruff the pavation that will do that bro's Herpicide. Destroy vou remove the ect ". H. Reed, of Victor, Idaho. "Myself and wife had dandrfi falling hair several v thes of Newbro's Herpici cured us after sever tions had failed to do hair glossy Hundreds other strony Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in two soc. and $1. G. W. Mahood, special "agent. hai the iden in the be killed only itching fallir dandrufi of a That annoys are parasite cure and is the cause, says and Two bot other prepara- " Makes and soft silk testimonials grow ol as sizes, eczema | 1 daughter, | | It I 1t | N A | And le completely | ust | ! via | | Poetical | | | | Selections. | } We've Got A Telephone. Farm oournal. "We've gof a telephooe at last, | And wife is quite content She says the news comes in so fast | She hasn't spent a cent For literature of any kind-- She hears the neigbors tell » much of things that 're going on She listens for that bell, | Sc -- amount to be devoted to the keep of a single ammal "1 know of one spaniel." said a wo- man dog fancier, "who has a special cutlet . cooked for him in a hotel and brought to the awner's house in a silver dish. The dog's collars match his coat and are of the softest kid. His clothes are marked with his monogram in sil- ver. The other day I had a griffon brought to me whose collar was $tudded with turquoises, and diamond bracelets are quite the thing for smart dogs. One woman | know has a silver bath for her pet. who never washed except in scented water "The special nurses who look after these dogs are well paid, and the pro- icsston offers congenial and remunera- { And, when some one begins to talk She takes receiver down, And then she knows how everything Is going on in town. I'd like to use the phone sometimes And call the weather bureau up, | Aad call the weather bureau up, { And learn when it will rain But all the women on our line | Have got so much to say, wait and wait, while other men Are drawing in their hay. nd then 1 say a word or two And wish that telephone Was anywhere but in my house Or I'd a line alone. A Haven't You Felt That Way ? Maurice Siley, in Collier's Weekly. Haven't you often worn goggles of blue, And, séeing Life's sham ana its shame, Felt it was all a big scramble, and you Might as well get into the game ? That nothing much mattered but a bunch of cash, And the man who was good was a jay. And the whole blooming country was going to smash ; Haven't you, haven't way ? big you felt tHat Haven't you felt it was hardly worth while To try to live up to your best ? And haven't you smiled a cynical smile-- And something breast vered Life had a higher than gold And sweeter than fame or display ? And the faith that had slipped took brand new hold Haven't you, haven't way ? way down in your Whisg prize that was you. felt that And didn't a peace come near that was ar, And urge you to strive toward is still? | mals, And didn't you .turn your face to a star, And didn't you say: 'I will! And weren't you stronger, and you find world didn't | it] The was better, and didn't Puy To be brave and patient kind ? Haven't you way ? and cherry and | haven't you felt that] It Changes Things. laltimore, American lie used to go in sockless praise the workingman ; weep about poor Labor's woes for their riddance plan ; vow the country soon would awful ruin piled, | that the prospect { simply drove him now he laughs at all those fears | has silk hose for his feet-- | | | | | guise ; and | He'd and | He'd he was bad it wild ; SO And in But You see, he saw the way to turn a little deal in wheat used to go the country round, and] shout predictions dire, | Jonah did at Nineveh, he warned of | coming fire ; | swore the land was heading in a| most destructive path, | sprained his epiglottis warning cry of wrath, . now no' more his prophecies trouble, seethe and boil- world running better turned trick in oil He As He And with But I'he since he is a the way with all of us. The sky/| is very dark someone else has found the to strike the cheering spark When someone else is riding, where simply have to walk causes quite a lot of destruction talk, all the world is rosy with honey drip, some insider shows profit by a tip is When match wel this woe-and- But and the combs us bow to When The Bright Side. Kidder here is many a rest in the road of life, | If we only would stop to take it, And many a time from the better land, If the querulous heart would wake it I'o the sunny soul that is full of hope And whose beautiful trust ne'er faileth I'he grass is green and the flowers are brig Though the wind wintry prevaileth Better though the clouds hang low And to keep IF'or the sweet through When the ominous clouds are rifted ! There was never a night without a day On an evening without a m And the darkest hour the goes Is the hour before the dawning to hope lifted ; soon still will the blue eyes sky p wrung as proverb | { Better to weave in the web of life A bright and golden filling to do God's will with a ready And hands that are swift and Than to snap the , delicate] threads our curious lives asunder then blame heaven for the sled ends, | And and grieve, and wonder | { | heart, | willing, | slender { { Of And sit Silent Growth. { wnnette la The trees grow Can hear the shoot hear night, brown root J Flamboy silently alone | budding | and God rise to the And how in the daytime and the | The earth nourishes the hidden Our senses are dull, else could hear young grass dampened mold hear the dew. fall on barren | fields, | And white frosts gather when the! nights are cold | so I'he breaking through the the And little streak of dawn haze of All ntly the Grows into some faint gray, turns to pearl until, white, gloriously day. sil softest | | Gray in garments { All forth the periect comes The bud flower ; the flower, a fruit ; I'he silken I'he dainty sheath And noiselessly gold becomes a ur fold shoulder all slips silently it leaves bud, it its dress of puts oh our ears etern- silent to some great, is out All h And al uman growth but brings lan perfected, ed years | The stage } man | That runs through the round- f youth, the high estate of | - : | Within its narrow bounds, expands and grows of » soul shut in by common walls are the confines, and at its unseen wings and flies | 0 power of God! it in these dumb ways | Great moving force, still That in mysterious, | down | To work, { will speaks unseen and never hidden ways comes in silence, ITeaven's eternal i Fortunes Spent On Pets. London Tit-Bils. | Extraordinary sums are spent by some | women on their ~of dogs, mostly Pekin | how to remove t | looks tive work to a girl who is fond of ani- A trained nurse would easily ob- tain a salary of £1 a week, with uniform and full board and lodging." REPORTED ENCAGED TO J. H Mile. Provost, leading woman I'heatre Francais, is the toast of and is prominently in the public eye this time because "of the reported gagement existing between her James Hazen Hyde, the American ionaire and late head of the Equitable Insurance Company, who has joined America's colony of expatriates, Hyde now regarded the Brummel of Paris. HYDE of at en and mill- ife Not Much Else. Standard and 7 1 said the cub reporter, "the \ to Correspondent§' editor is his vacation, and I'm holding down his desk." Huh!" snorted know al ' Oh, time; Riter, "much yon ut Jit." the job's a cinch in the summer all you've got to do is to tell girls an and freckles." BRO Wun Lung on the stairs nye how to fit cle Answer Tuesday tripped how Answer To U into H in the t 1s produced the | Paris, KEN-PLA wen TEACHING FORESTRY. { Two Universities Now Training! Forest Engineers. ! There are few subjects of greater im- portance to-day in Canada than the! preservation of the country's forest wealth. Never, probably, has the ques- | tion been brought home tothe people at large more emphatically than during the present season, marked as it unfor- tunately has been by a series of most destructive forest fires which have | wrought so many millions: of dollars worth of damage. How to prevent such | devastation in futire, how to preserve this great asset to the country and im- j'prove it for future generations are ques- tions of paramount ynportance. it is | timely, therefore,.that the study of the | science and art of forestry should be | encouraged and developed. i { To this end a school of forestry was | | inaugurated a-year ago in the Univer- | | sity of Toronto under the principalship | of Dr. B. E. Fernow; who is now as- sisted by a staff of two lecturers and one | assistant. Dr. Fernow is well equipped for his | { work, being a graduate of the Forest | Academy at Muenden and having re- | ceived additional! training at the Univer- | { sity of Koenigsberg, Germany, of which | | country he is a mative. For twelve | | years (1886-1898) he held the position | of <hief of the Division of Forestry in | | the United States Department of Agri | culture, which he left to become head | { of the College of Forestry connected with Cornell University. Later, after | several vears passed as consulting forest engineer, he organized the forestry de- | partment of the Pennsylvania State College, leaving there last year to un- dertake the organization of the Faculty of Forestry at Toronto. The Umversity of Toronto confers | the degree of Bachelor of Science 'in Fofestry' (B.S.F.), obtainable after a | four years' course, and. there is a post graduate degree of Forest Engineer (F.E:), to obtain which a graduate of { the forestry course must have two years' practical experience and submit an ap? proved thesis to the faculty. This fall the University of New Brunswick has inaugurated a four years course in forestry, leading to the de gree of Bachelor of Science in Forestry | (BSF). The department has at its head Prof. R. B. Miller, M.A, M.F,, a graduate of the Yale Forest School one of the foremost schools of fogestry in the United States. é | \ third school is about to be.estab lished in the province of Quebec, and in forestry or preparatory thereto are offered in other universities | md agricultural colleges. MIrses | Piles Cured In 6 To 14 Days. | Pazo Ointment is guaranteed {0 | | cure any case of itching, blind, bleed ling or protruding piies in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. | -- - TE PUZZLE broke a together round again fine farm plate into to and them SO as Substitution Puzzle. ' itle of the young lady's song SHRIEK Kidney Disease Nearly as Fatal as Consumption! When it kidney disease withority Dr. Hamiltor His test ascertaining the condi tion of the kidneys is as follows : At night of urire in wide-mouthed jar Allow for comes to givit vdviee on there can be no higher than for put a sample vour glass to a or it twenty-four IN t at stand east hours then string colored your Knowing sediment, dark diseased." of kidney prepared a rem contains a milky. cloudy, kidneys the prevalence Hamilton or are trouble Pills complete trouble his famous of Butternut, of Kidney hat remedy Mandrake and lv cures all forms Never known to fail Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake and But only kidn eloping, but cure its Pills not from « ternut prevent rouble nost acule stages From every quarter ofthe omes proof of the ms ir. Hamilton makes with rake and Butternut Pills. No other kidney medicine + splendid record; no other treat nent is so loudly indorsed the hysicians, hospitals and the public i unquali Ih com 20 tountry cures Man velous his has sucl hy relief, lasting cures, ied satisfaction, have Tamilton's Pills ahead etitors Sold by all Quick placed of all dealers Avoid N.C. and in substitu ~- Polsor Hartford wxes, five for from Ont., tes By mail ee, 'd & Co., Kingston, U.S.A. onn., LONDON, TORONTO, M FOR "BECAUSE -- It's a uniform baker and cooker. Is the only Range with a burnished top surface. Has a reliable thermometer. Durable, sure-working grates. Emery rod for knife sharpening of towel drying. Is solid, sirong, handsome and easily regulated. McClarys ONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUV ER, ST. JOHN, N.B., HA SALE Our Hats to 'Pandora' Range!" "In 'Pandora' We Trust." ae oi ILTON, CALGARY, BY LEMMON & SONS. and His STORY OF SAUCER. in Domestic Novelist's Father. Dundee Advertiser. Incident Life of Among the treasures which adorned "den" of paucer Sir Walter Scott was the memorial, according wr of "Edinburgh Under Sir ott, of a striking incident in life of Scott's father and Sti mother One it who came regularly every even a certain hour to the house, and emained in his private room usually family had gone to bed t mystery of the unknown visi excited Mrs. Scott's curiosity, and husband's vague statements One night, therefore, it was against she entered the room her hand, and offered gentleman "a dish of tea," it be called in eighteenth century Mr. Scott very coldly re , but the stranger bowed and ac Presently he took his he ased it Ww as Mr. S 1t Then cott seized the empty cup 1 th out the pavement wife astonished at first, but 1g when she heard the explanation. "I adm to my house, on business, lly unworthy to be treated my wife Neither lip of of mine comes after Mry Brgughton's.' who had 1 ad called r, Secr onto was none retary Murray, and fortune for t his gallant Jaco- trait trate h Going Up! P sce where one went up x distance ns ff 20,000 anger oi collid with anything hat high? Mr, Stubbs night have ru teak ng up Maria Ih price of beef Oh, ves n th autumn Mr. Scott, sr, had a! | i { high ideals he is I suppose there was no | things--a great financial success who want | way i When a Company can make such gains as these during "hard times," what may be expected now that confidence has been restored and "good times" are returning ? . $7,081,402. . $1,577,855. $1,271,255. $ 906,221, $ 171,147, $ 300,341. WATERLOO, Ont. New Insurance in 1907 Gain over 1906. Gain in Assets Gain in Reserve Gain in Income . Gain in Surplus . HEAD OFFICE 8S. ROUGHTON, City General Agent, Kingston. } When he talks much and long about William Watcher, jr., Dorchester, either one of two [accused of attempted bribery in Bast Middlesex, at the recent general elec tions, will stand trial at the general AsSSizes, There probably is a smartest man in the world, but it is a safe bet that he is afraid to come out and prove it. 8 to forget how he came that or a great failure who ditto. [i you stick to a job. in hope that will reciprocate your action and ithfulness, vou are due to get a jolt. i . s ese or Blenheim spaniels, and £100 a year is given quite an ordinary as 'A Pointer For You You can save yourself a lot of "underwear annoyance" by simply remembering to ask for the Pen- Angle trade-mark before handing the clerk the purchase price." Pen-Angle garments couldn't fit better if they were mads to order. your whole family. Any weight you want from light to heavy. Every garment guaranteed. Sizes to clothe NGLE UNDERWE.

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