Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Nov 1908, p. 13

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If You Want To Know What "An Shave " Feels Like, Use the *New Process" Blades N° doubt you thought perfection had been reached when you shaved with the Gillette Safety Razor and the usual Gillette Blade. We thought so, tdo--at fist. But four years ago, we started out to mfake a better blade. That.was a big undertaking. First of all, we were then using the hardest steel that the greatest steel makers in the world could produce. We set experts at work to create a new steel, that would take a keener shaving edge than had yet been possible and still be rolled as thin as a sheet of paper. It took nearly three years before our steel experts perfected the formula for this super- fine steel. Then the tem regulated to give steel. And finally machines had to All this was acco in four years. To-day, we offer "New Process™ Blades, the keenest, most durable razor edge that the world has ever known. a real easy shave to the full, the ooth, comfort- lades on ring process had to be creased hardneg® to the atically regulated At leading Jewelry, Drug, Cutlery, Hardware, Sporting Goods and Department Stores, or from ¥ GILLETTE SAFETY (Gillette NO STROPPING NO HONING RAZOR CO. OF CANADA LIMITED. MONTREAL. Nearly All Have Survived Brook Althe ex-pres women of fort I'h are land Case t outnun athe nation mcuml nas wo «¢ time, Mrs husban most Dine her sor adv the nat come met least a the A« 1d White Garfiel VIEW « Ohio place execul Mi thre hom 0H INen her «i memos Mrs Jamin If hat the widow 1d son phi tow? WIVES OF PRESIDENTS Their Husbands n Ek Migh ident « vile Al vah fs sta) 1 6 3 Digunicl Her three widow James A. Garfield, m and Mrs, Groy nearly alway of pr qd 1 hold It ha they fair wnt Fe 1 pr Gart | \ ) his deat! 1, Jame Ace of 101 uid p t member of tne pr I 1 In view of In 1 R girthood.s At ! wiy mn mn. pitt Rudolph G toa pl 5 cotingtl right tel lams family of House Part da night to 1 § the fact which ha f Virginia ve Char J Awful surse of Drink +3, and mothers, of drunkards your solemn duty to try to If they € more reason strong. Yom v pleading in aria.' Give t is both » wavward « Jamaria Made Him Hate Liquor-- Costs Nothing to try. SEL) te Jor | yet. Now sry iSem Wives and mothers, sist . a s daughters your ones go down in disgrace to the drunkard'sgrave. Many men have not the will-powes strength to overcome th for alcohol. They n "Samana" T is the savior of tt destroys the taste the time strengthens the system so th lon't see ip Lo or coffee. Try it at our "Samaria'" will quickly n loathe liquor--Ilose all drink--and make a ¢ your bor or i 1 strong --clear { rosy-cheeked--a steady n, whom all Surely riving for. It costs othing to try. free Trial Packagé phlet givin sted came worth s reformed drunkard requir stimulants and happines cted as | was ta give your remedy ana wives m this Montreal Lady Ta REET RR ALE AT HENRY WADE'S DRUG STORE, KINGSTON." less and odorless, and no one ever suspect its presence even THE SPORT REVI le anaDIAY CHAMPIONSHIP | »o vor Frees RUGBY MATCHES. Longboat's Dictum to All-Profes- 5 : sional Runne Hockey League. Baseball players weleome the threat- ened war, as it will mean a harvest to them in salaries, If Varsity wins from Queens to- lay, the Canacian championship rug- final will not be about December Ist. The annual meeting of the Ontario Rugby Footbali Union will be held on Saturday, December 12th, in Toronto. Harvard defeated Yale in the second annual cross-country meet between the two universities over a six-mile course by a score of 23 to 30. Hamilton Spectator: Queen's will take 300 rooters to Toronto for the Varsity game and the Tigers will take a like pumber to the Ottawa game. Tit for tat. The proposed secession of the Que- bee Hockey Club from the ranks of the E£.7C. H. L. to a new amateur league is meeting with a good deal of opposition in the Ancient Capital. "It means a big loss," said Clancy on hearing that Ottawas and Tigers must pl championship we want. Money is easi- Iv made when Hamilton men are in sight," A London, Eng., despatch Francis Nelson, the veteran sporting editor of The Toronto Globe, who is spending a month in England, Tre land and France, in a letter to The Sporting Life, warmly supports its movement for the standardization teurism. itreal featherweigh South Af Star : "Kid" champion Batten, the wrestler the now litte mn city ing his permanent residence here i to meet wrestlers and will be prepared to meet Batten has wrestled jin all most anxious of class comets Encland, always improving his repu tation as he went Manager Tom Funagan is out with his dictum on behalf of Longboat to professional runners. The terms them all, he insists on a distance race for the E ot less than twenty mile m. The the same Wado the Jap; w Deerfoot, and any v them from one mile to fifty with Shrubb the exhibi- © Woodbine, Toronto, other the san Lo rub, and lish for money is for Dorando, old dis- over or at k is not improbable. Ottawa beat Tigers, Dominion championship at the Varsity oval, Ottawa, following Saturday with the new o Athietic Club tam. The Can will order T. A. A. C4 champions, and either Ottawa, whichever is Saturday, to play on the Interprovincial 21st The final akan Union the © KF. Hamilton or i ful next grounds SHCee of November the the champions uh on ton on game played collegiate Saturday. the Inter- following of the grounds Man In The House. was midnight im the home Ramscatters. family con of Mr. and Ramscatter vouny almost the age of maturity tired, when The I'he hour the I'he sisted Mrs. George, All som, had re- FT man in the arm awakened ney jumped ap Where ¥"' elrated the 1} There's a house mot her and creanuny voce Ramseatter hall mn cautiously agro the room with a revolver He was foll are you injured ? houted t he house prepared to five a hie door any ma lashed on vou mean, George that it's o'cloch I'm In Fo-day is my now minutes twenty-one years A New Use For Cheese Mag ne recently went in in Liverpool and called read and cheese t kind would you t i "Cheshir ural IC waiter the ki Next morning in from before-breakiast 1 asked her if she had foun she replied. "I saw it , and very good mottled . doubt, when to use it. But I couldn't make it very well when 1 washed the wd after I'd dong they smelled that P've turned em out for a of fresh air, just to sweeten 'cm re they go to school" no Origin Of Phraze. owoman nson has long been a favor- ym for rapidity of speech or wt possibly few people who use phrase are aware that Jack Robin- was a real, live person. "As a politician," says Lady Dorathy Nevill in her "Remimiscences," "John binson was a great favorite with His political career was he was a member Yor Har- ing the twenty-six years, being occasion bitterly ' attacked by n, who, denouncing bribery and ts instigators, replied to the cries of Name! Name! by pomting to Robin- m on the treasury ¥=ach, exclaiming t the same time. 'Yes, I could name im as soon as I could say Jack Rob- id thus origihated the saying nt at_the present dav." orge 11 11 W CLEANEST PLACE IN bec May | Withdraw From Professional! ap ! played until Kingston for | in Kingston. "But it's the | says : | of | of | and a lad who has been | in the game only about four years, is | Batten has a dandy | record of victories, and he comes | to Canada with the intgntion of mak- | He | parts of Arica, and in many places in | except | real | there | championship will be | suddenly a loud yell pen-| vou know | WORLD. Its Gates ceives Sandals. On Entering | ~The housecleaning tools, hung upon | the wall in neat lines, were as numer- yous, as diverse and as handsome.as . the tools of a carpenter or a chaui- i feur. « There were fivor brushes, wall brush- es, picture brushes--all sizes and | shapes. There were rakes and scrapers for corners. There were polishing in- sicuments of every kind--fogrglass, for metal, for Hoors, for furniture. There were sponges, chamois skins, soaps { and powders of all descriptions. "His a tools, isn't it *" said the owner. "It should be complete. 1 brought it from Holland with me last month--from Brogk--from Spotless Town. , "Broek is the cleanest town in the world. When you enter its gates they give you a pair of new straw sandals, yellow as gold, to put on so that you will not track up the snowy streets. In the bright sunshine you | seem to be walking in a town made | of sugar candy. The tree trunks are painted yellow, the garden fences are { a bright blue, the tables and chairs before the little inns are as white as though carved out of snow. "Enter a Broek stable. The walls are scarlet, the mangers are green, the floors are yellow. The cows' tails are fastened to a ring in the ceiling that they may -not 'soil or be soiled." sO Sleepless Babies. When babies are restless and sloep- less it is the surest possible sign of illness. Well babies sleep soundly and wake up brightly. Sleeplessness is generally due to some ment of the stomach or bowels or to teething troubles. A few, doses of Baby's Own Tablets will' put the little one right, and make it sleep naturally and soundly. Mothers need inot be afraid of this medicine as it is guaranteed by a government an- alyst to contain no opiate or narco- tic. Mrs. Louis Reville, Gawas, Ont., says: "I am never without Baby's Own Tablets in the House. I have used this medicine for my children as | occasion required for the last five and have found it superior to medicines in curing the ills Sold by medicine dealers or by mail box yirom the Dr. Williams' Co., Brockville, Unt { | ! } | i 1s year Sy { all other {of childhood." at 25¢c. a Medicine Shown Some Consideration. Leader Alabama," said John D a deputy marshal such trifles as Term of court one time and out on bail be enjoying himself over in Georgia. Deputy Jim went | after him Next day he telegraphed the judge : 'I have persuaded him to leome." A days later he rode in | to mule, leading his pri soner ted up snugly with a clothes- eveland i "Down in { Fearhake, "there's {who doesn't let any | extradition stop him. { was about to begin at {a gentleman who was was reported to few town on a line Fhe he had heaven's looked as if 'Why, for said the judge, int him walk all the Georgia, did y 'Na, f Jim 'I hoped not,' said the { 'No, saad Jim, 'part of the {drug him, and when we came to the { Tallapoosa river he swum.' "' prisoner seen hard service sake, Jim.' 'vou did way from sir, said make you judge. way |} From Chaps To Erysipelas. The best remedy for all injuries or of the skin is Wade's Oint It not only cures wounds and but many, skir its germ-des properties Eczema, Eruptions of the Dandrufi. et at Wade's { diseases | ment, skin diseases, troubles troying Cures Itching {| Pimples, Blo boxes, prey ents by antiseptic, Salt Rheum, Sealy Skin In drug or es, ng store. That Famous Swim. l thing 1 stories to the pre It 15s a very have found, to te generation, a JErous nt vounger Sunday school teacher Now, I illustrating the gospel le which helped favorite sntly remarked fond ssons with to point with me athlete three always been little stories the oral of used to ry hit Sundav a and a Roman swim the Tiber morning This generally with the boys in my class lad with Irish appeared, and at the conclusion snickered audibly think that Patrick," 1 tell us was one young who . times ey made a but one new eve of this story he to thi re in fou seem rather funny, 'Will tor is marked severely you what respect Seems might have made one more his clothes. Mis plied th a cheerful the barn let the for locking stolen is to noticed it Ih reason after the thief kr horse is ow that vou ALMOST SENSATIONAL. There is General Surprise at the Great Number of Persons in Kingston Who Praise Booth's Kidney Pills. It's but a short time box of Booth's Kidney Kingston What a | complished the came first to Pills has ts stran Dozens of resis (fited and cured of lame, weak and aghing backs, urinary and kidpey { troubles. It is remarkable, the reason {for it is Booth's Kidney Pills are a 'new blend of vegetable ingredients, [having a peculiar action on the kid- ney tissue that brings quick help. Mrs. A. McBride, of 399 Barrie St., Kingston, Ont., says: "I have found Booth's Kidney Pills an excellent re- medy for heacaches and dizziness, re sulting from inactivity on the part of the kidneys. I had suffered frequently with these miserable symptoms and very often I would have paine of a dull, bearing-down nature, across the (back and extending into my shoul {ders, Although I had tried several | prescriptions I had found little or no relief. 1 learned of Booth's Kidney Pills through an advertisement and procuring a box at Mr. Mahood's harmacy, I used them. I soon found yoth's Kidney Pills to benefit me. The pains left my back, the head- laches and spells of dizziness ceased {and I have not been troubled since."I {can thank only Booth's Kidney Pills. |Sold by dealers. Price, 50c. The R. iT. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie. Ont. sole Canadian agents, . ac- bene- work this One Re- | ! complete set of cleaning | derange- |) Poetical Selections ©0000 There Is No Failure. Speed Mosby, ia t i Thomas Magazine. There is no failure. Ge d's mnmortal plan Accounts no loss a lesson learned for Success wan. Defeat is. oft the discipline we peed To save us frolu the wrong, or teaching 50 HIGHEST AWARDS IN EUROPE To errors which would else more dearly piv in ne'er a battle lost. t A lesson learned is right, be not When'er the cause alraid ; Defeat is then but victory delayed 3 And e'en the greatest vict'ries of the world Are often won when battle furled. A Plea To Time. John Kendrick Bangs in N.Y. Times. Now, Father Time, I prithee pause, And stop your awful speeding, Put on the brakes, and mind the laws Your fracture so un ing. You're up to sundry sorts of tricks, Skylarking like the linnet-- You know the laws provide for six- Ty seconds to the minute. flags are And yet you fly along as though You thought "twas only twenty. 1 would not care how fast you go If 1 had time a-plenty, 'But 'tisn't so, I've scarcely time To say good e'en to Polly When your old bells begin to chime And bid me take the trolley. couraged, and it is the consensus of opinion among medical men as well as laboratory workers that the break- fast cocoa manufactured by Walter Baker & Co. Lid. not only mects the indications, but ac i even more than oR ssonplshe: Walter Baker & Co., Ltd. Established 1750. DORCHESTER, MASS. BRANCH MOUSE: 86 St. Peter Street, Montreal I need quite ali the time there is To gather up my powers Too old to seek a waiden who And coming happy hours ; But you-"tis mighty mean, i vow-- With all your rapid fying Scarce give me time enough for How- Dydoing and Goodbying. "Tis well enou, for chaps like you Who do not Yare for spooning-- Too old to seek a maiden who Would go a-honeymooning. You've had your ding. but think of me, I'm only beg iu ! So put the brakes on, And let me have wy jus oe] Father T., inning. Battle With The Buttons. "Bronchitis " Fiaeline Cord. { "Now Dorothy must dress herself,' i Ls generally the result of a cold caused by Said m e de | i "ld aid imams on Say ada | exposure to wet and inclement weather, . aod is a very dangerous inflammatory affes- tion of the bronchial tubes. Than just to run and play And Dorothy was very prowl Io hear 25 mamma deciary She thought her eve old enough tom: 3 To trech an Sea er ge | ally Symp S are Yohute across i chest, sharp pains and a difficulty in breathing, and a secretion of thick phlegm, at first white, but later of a greenish or yellowish cnlor, Neglected Bronchitis is one of the | most general causes of Consumption. Cure it at ance by the use of Dr. Wood's: Norway Pine Syrup. | Mra. D. D. Miller, Allandale, Ont My arms are far too short whites: x My husband gota bottle of Dr. o catch the buttons in the back Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for my little As nursey says I ought gic who had 'Bronchitis. She wheezed so vadly you could hear her from one room to the other, -but it was not-long until we could see the effect your medicine had on her. That was last winter when we lived in | Toronto. *" She had a bad eold this winter, bat in. | stead of getting another bottle of Dr. Wands Norway Pine Syrup, I tried a home | made receipt which I got neighbor bat found that her Tasted about twice as long. My husband hg ly i 'Dr. Wood's," and says he will see Sata bottle of it is always kept in the house." It is put up in a yellow wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark, the price 25 cte. Bo sure and accept none of the many sub. stitntea, So joyfully she sat to work One morning bright i Forgetting that with it Ww ! Was fastened everywhen right--to left--hefore- stood in grim array seemed with a Was hard the other way Poor Dorothy ' She was distressed "What shall I de?" she cried "My buttons won't go through their} holes : Athough I've tried and tried My thumbs are sore, my fingers ache If I were only Martha Jane, How easy it would be ! But then, of course. one can't stick pins In flesh and blood like we, I think, mamma"--here Dorothy Quite slowly shook her head-- "If nurse can't put those through, rather buttons bed I'd stay in Scotch Golf Wagers. Westminster | I'he Scottish golfer who we read has | undertaken for a wager to drive a ball | a mile in a dozen consecutive shots has | probably set himself an easier task than | some of his predecessors north of the | Twee d. Among the most interesting wagers | of this kind was one taken in the Bur- | gess Golfing S as long ago '708. that no two members fcould drive | a ball over a Giles' steenl The feat was by a Mi Sceales of Leith and Mr. Smellie. a printer, cach being allowed six balls, and both competitors succeeded in send their balls well the weather height more than 100 1 from the grount x Gazette Society AS 1 nnn spire of St attempted ng over COCK, a of by driving monument in St. An Scotchmen h Square, while | several difficult feat of dri Burntsfield Inks to the t 1 r steeplechase stammna 3 » performed the | the Seat, a species ot which requires considerable well as skill Hunting Seals In England. London Express Seal huhting 1 he Wasi be added the list of English sports. | colony of which established If there a ago has in 1 rapilly, numbers eral hundred 1 conditions have rable for their rapid increase. stretches of sand, exposed afford them excellent sanc water teen for and the shallow rtuous hamsels make approach 1 boats difficult Parties of h in boats, but it 1s only hw who manag enough for a shot The settled mm the Wash a bearing. 1 . thei and They yield an however, which is much In demand the fishermen a preservative | ir sca boots KEEP THE BEEF EXTRACT IN THE ROAST Keep in the meat all the juices--the real nutriment of the roast. Use the SOUVENIR Range with its Aerated (forced-air) Oven. It provides for pure air currents all round the roast, and prevents the burning out or the frying out of the whole meat strength. may soon | to i sCal few and years creas HOW been enti fay long only at low water tuary, the 1s with fish wholesome and te them foqd asionally go out very expert to Hers oc ne near which | » useless as | fur 1s oil, | can get have fur rough among as for the That's the i SOUVENIR RANGE THE GURNEY-TILDEN Co. LIMITED, HAMILTON, ONT, BRANCHES AT MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, FOR SALE BY J. S. HORSEY, KINGSTON, ONT. One Thing Sure. Everybody's Magazine . i A young lady whose beauty is equal | lo bluntness m conversation was | visiting a house where other guests were | assembled, among them the eldest son | of a rich manufacturer. The talk turned on matrimonial squabbles. Said the eligible parti: "I hold that the cor- rect thing for the husband is to begin as he intends to go on. Say that the question was one of smoking. Almost | immediately 1 would show my intentions | by lighting a cigar and settling the ques- tion forever." ! "And I would knock the thing out of your mouth!" cried the imperious | beauty. i "Do you know," rejoined the young man, "1 don't think you would be there!" her Motoring In Palestine, New York Times. : Apropos of the trip American tourists who were the to enter : Palestine, with a motor car, the consul Anvil, at Jerusalgm, Thomas R Wallace, re- o | ports that the tour was made with ease, | 5.0 Fees fi 4 , WANTON BURLY ' " even roads that had been pronounced wn ORIEL LO Windsor, Out i impracticable for motor cars being tra- Ag : % versed without difficulty. He says that great interest has been aroused through- out the district, and that a number of people are talking of investing in cars. He recommends a light, strong car, with good clearance, a good hill climber, and of medium price, «and. suggests that a ot first pes ta nl gives rortien'srs and directicas ine repair and supply shop would aid great- ly to the chance of sales At present permisgion from the Tark- ish imperial goverdment 'must be ob- tained to travel through the country in MOOT cars, :

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